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Effects of NaOH treatment on the crude protein (CP), condensed tannin (CT) and in vitro gas production kinetics of leaves of Arbutus andrachne, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and wheat straw were determined. Wheat straw, which is tannin-free, was used as the standard. The NaOH treatment was completed by pulverization of samples with 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 g/L of NaOH solution in the proportion of 1 L of solution to 1 kg of sample. Gas production was determined at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation. NaOH treatment linearly decreased (P<0.001) the CT contents of leaves of Arbutus andrachne and Glycyrrhiza glabra L. whereas NaOH treatment had no effect on the CP contents of Arbutus andrachne, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. and wheat straw. The 80 g/L NaOH treatment reduced the CT content of leaves of Arbutus andrachne and Glycyrrhiza glabra L. by 59.6% and 86.7%, respectively. NaOH treatment linearly decreased (P<0.01) gas production rate of Arbutus andrachne although it linearly increased (P<0.01) gas production rate of wheat straw. In contrast, NaOH treatment had no effect on gas production rate of leaves of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. NaOH treatment linearly decreased (P<0.001) potential gas production of leaves of Arbutus andrachne and Glycyrrhiza glabra L. whereas NaOH treatment linearly increased (P<0.001) potential gas production of wheat straw. Treatment with NaOH can be used to improve the nutritive value of tannin-free forages such as straw, but not for tannin-containing leaves.  相似文献   

Advances in feed processing technology applied to diet systems for ruminant livestock have been used extensively in the equine feed industry. The translation of these technologies is an important area of interest for the feed processing industry servicing the various sectors of the equine industry such as feeds for the racing, meat, milk and urine production, as well as supplements for leisure horse use. However, there are few reviews examining impacts of feed processing technologies on the processes controlling voluntary intake or utilisation of processed feeds by horses. In this paper, some of the specific features of feeds and impacts of feed processing on factors controlling meal pattern, frequency and size, and digestive physiology will be addressed. Three main areas are examined in this review, being impacts of feed processing on processes of “information gathering” (sensory and nutritional knowledge) by the horse, eating behaviour of the horse offered processed feeds (notably issues of preference and control of short-term ingestion rate), and implications of constraints of digestive physiology, process and function on voluntary intake and digestibility of processed feeds. The review highlights areas of future research and development for nutritional technology to increase knowledge of interactions between equine physiology and feed processing to enhance efficiency of capture of nutrients and maintain the welfare of horses managed in the housed environment.  相似文献   

This study measured the effects of replacing corn silage and vetch hay by soy hulls in total mixed rations (TMRs) fed to 25 pairs of cows through 90 d in milk, on dry matter (DM) intake, in vivo digestibility, milk yield and composition, onset of normal estrous activity, body condition score (BCS), health and the energy balance of lactating cows. The partitioning of metabolizable energy (ME) intake between heat production (HP) and retained energy (RE) in milk and body change of each cow was measured. The two TMRs differed in the content of forage and forage aNDFom [235 g/kg versus 350 g/kg; and 128 g/kg versus 187 g/kg DM, in the experimental (EXP) and control (CON) diets, respectively]. This was reflected by an increase in voluntary DM intake by 7.2% (P=0.02) in the EXP group as compared with the CON. In vivo DM and aNDFom digestibility were 4.9% (P=0.03) and 22.7% higher (P=0.01), respectively, in the EXP group than in the CON. The higher DM intake and digestibility of the EXP TMR were reflected by a concomitant increase of 7.4% in milk yield and 10.8% in RE (P=0.01) of the EXP cows as compared with the CON. The two dietary groups expressed similar somatic cell counts, and metabolic disorders (i.e., ketosis and/or lameness), as well as pedometer activity (steps/h) suggesting similar udder health, behavior and animal welfare. A trend to an earlier return to normal ovarian activity occurred in the EXP cows as reflected by fewer days to 1st ovulation and advanced outset of estrous cycle. Despite the higher RE of the EXP cows, the HP of both groups was maintained at an upper level of 141–136 MJ/cow/d during the 90 d of the experiment.  相似文献   

The present study was conduced at two sites (Tembien and Wukro) in the semi-arid region of Tigray in northern Ethiopia to investigate the seasonal dynamics in the chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of grass and browse species of exclosures. The browse species studied in Tembien and Wukro had a mean crude protein (CP) value of 166 and 117 g/kg dry matter (DM), respectively. The mean in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) coefficient and predicted metabolizable energy (ME) density of the browse species were 0.72 and 9.83 MJ/kg DM, respectively at Tembien, 0.62 and 8.38 MJ/kg DM, respectively, at Wukro. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) values of the browse species varied from 192 to 437 and 127 to 391 g/kg DM, respectively. Acid detergent lignin (ADL) values ranged from 36 to 190 g/kg DM. The mean CP of the grass species in Tembien and Wukro during the long rainy season was 76 and 73 g/kg DM, respectively and values declined below a critical maintenance level during the dry and short rain seasons. Mean IVDMD and ME values for the two sites were 0.41 and 0.47, and 5.38 and 6.11 MJ/kg DM, respectively. The NDF, ADF, and lignin values of the grass species were generally above 700, 400, and 70 g/kg DM, respectively. The CP, IVDMD and ME values of the mixed grass samples differed (P<0.05) among harvesting months and values ranged from 20 to 103 g/kg DM, 0.47 to 0.72 MJ/kg DM, and 6.16 to 9.91 MJ/kg DM, respectively. The browse species could be used as useful dry season protein supplements to the N deficient native grass species. Especial emphasis should be given to propagate Maerua angolensis and Cadaba farinosa at community nursery sites. Harvesting in September, rather than the current extended harvest period that took place in October and November, can considerably improve the feeding value of native grass hay for smallholder ruminant production systems.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess effects of harvest date (i.e., 40 and 60 d after planting) and N fertilization rate (i.e., 120, 180, 240 kg N/ha) on the nutritive value of amaranth forage (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) using a factorial experiment with a randomized complete block design. The content of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), true protein (TP), ether extract (EE), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC), ash-free neutral detergent fiber (NDFom), ash-free acid detergent fiber (ADFom), lignin(sa), ash, Ca, P, Na, K, oxalic acid and nitrate were determined. Soluble CP (SP) and protein fractions non-protein N (A), true protein rapidly degraded in the rumen (B1), true protein degraded in the rumen at a moderate rate (B2), true protein associated with the cell wall and slowly degraded in the rumen (B3) and acid detergent insoluble CP (C) were measured according to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System. In vitro gas production (IVGP), OM disappearance (OMD) and NDFom disappearance (NDFD) were determined using a gas production technique. Results showed that the later harvest date increased (P<0.05) DM, EE, WSC, NDFom, ADFom, lignin(sa), B3 and C; while CP, TP, ash, Ca, P, K, SP, A, B1, B2, nitrate, total and soluble oxalic acid, IVGP, b (i.e., gas production from the insoluble fermentable fractions at 120 h), c (i.e., rate of gas production during incubation), OMD and NDFD decreased (P<0.05). With increasing N fertilization rate, CP, TP, EE, P, nitrate, oxalic acid, SP, A, b, OMD and NDFD increased (P<0.05), however B2 declined (P<0.05). Increasing N fertilization increased yield, CP concentration and nutrient digestibility. At 40 d after planting use of amaranth forage as a ruminant feed is limited due to its high nitrate content. However, at 60 d, although a depression in digestibility and CP content occurred, this forage has the potential as a ruminant feed due to the much lower nitrate levels.  相似文献   

Whole crop third cut alfalfa, brown mid-rib (bmr) corn, and corn were chopped and inoculated with one of four microbial inoculants used. Uninoculated silage was the control treatment. Each crop was ensiled in four mini-silos (1 L glass jars) per treatment. All silos were fermented for 60 days at room temperature (22 °C), and then they were opened and analyzed for fermentation products, fiber constituents and N fractions. A fraction of wet silage was ground with a blender for 30 s. In vitro gas production was measured in 160 ml sealed serum vials at 3, 6, 9, 24, and 48 h using the wet ground silage. At 9 and 48 h, rumen fluid was analyzed for volatile fatty acids (VFA) and microbial biomass yield (MBY). In all the three crops, the four inoculants produced only minor changes in pH and fermentation products during ensiling. Of the variables measured, soluble nonprotein N fractions were the characteristics most often affected by some inoculants. At 9 h incubation, in vitro gas production and VFA did not differ between control and inoculated silages, but MBY did. Among crops, alfalfa and corn silages had higher MBY than did bmr corn silage. Among inoculants, three of the four inoculated silages produced more MBY than did control. At 48 h, alfalfa silage produced higher MBY than did corn or bmr silage, and two of the inoculated silages had more MBY than did the control. There was no inoculant by crop interaction. Results suggest that some silage inoculants are capable of altering rumen fermentation, even in cases where effects on silage fermentation are small, and that this effect may be linked to better preservation of crop protein during ensiling.  相似文献   

To investigate effects of Zn supplementation on performance, mineral balance and immune response, 15 male crossbred cattle (Bos indicus×Bos taurus) bulls of about 14 ± 0.4 months of age and weighing 226.0 ± 9.1 kg were divided in to three groups of five. Bulls in the control group were fed wheat straw and a concentrate mixture (basal diet with 32.5 mg Zn/kg dry matter (DM)), and in ZnSO4 and ZnProp groups 35 mg Zn/kg DM was added through Zn sulphate and Zn propionate, respectively. All bulls were fed their respective treatment diets for 180 days. Daily feed intake was recorded and bulls were weighed at every 15 days to determine change in body weight (BW). After 120 days of feeding, bulls were vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain 19, and cell mediated and humoral immune responses were assessed between 120 and 148 days of experimental feeding. After 150 days of feeding, a metabolism study of 6 days duration was completed to determine nutrient digestibility and mineral balances (i.e., Ca, P, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn). Intake of total DM, digestibility of DM, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre, N balance, average daily gain, feed: gain did not differ between the groups. Intake, excretion and balance of Ca, P, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn also did not differ between the groups. However, retention of Zn was higher (P<0.001) in the ZnProp group. Bulls supplemented with Zn propionate had higher cell mediated (P<0.01) and humoral (P<0.05) immune response, while there was no alteration in immune response due to Zn sulphate supplementation. Results indicate that a diet containing about 32.5 mg Zn/kg DM was adequate to support normal growth and digestibility, but a better immune response occurred when Zn propionate was added to the diet at 35 mg/kg DM versus Zn sulphate.  相似文献   

In order to determine if maturity stage, and wilting or acid treatment, change the crude protein (CP) fraction distribution (determined according to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System) of whole crop pea silages, a pea with variegated flowers (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L., cv Timo) was compared to a white-flowered, semi-leafless pea (P. sativum ssp. hortense L, cv Capella). Herbage was harvested at three maturity stages being: pod set, pod swell and full pod, and either acid-treated or wilted. Timo was acid-treated using 4 (acid4), 6 (acid6) or 8 (acid8) L/tonne fresh matter (FM) with a 2:1 mixture of formic and propionic acid, or wilted to a dry matter (DM) content of about 400 g/kg. Capella was treated with acid6 or wilted. Herbage was ensiled for 103 days in 10 kg laboratory silos. Despite differences in wilting conditions, all wilted herbages had similar protein fraction distributions. In the Capella silages the soluble CP content was lower in the later maturity stages, but this was not the case in the Timo silages. The amount of acid added only affected the B1 CP fraction content, which decreased with increasing acid. At pod set and pod swell for Timo, and at pod set for Capella, the direct-harvested herbages were difficult to ensile because of the high buffering capacity and low level of water soluble carbohydrates. Wilting improved ensilability. Acid treatment reduced proteolysis, but crops with DM contents below 150 g/kg must be acid treated with at least 6 L/tonne FM to ensure stable fermentation. Timo silages were more prone to malfermentation, probably caused by lodging, which made Capella the preferred cultivar for producing pea silages harvested at the pod swell stage or later. Proteolysis and the amount of soluble CP in the silage were lower in later maturity stages in the Capella, but not the Timo, cultivar.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of different feeding regimes from 11 weeks of age to first parturition on feed intake, leptin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total protein serum levels, as well as productive performance in young rabbit does. In addition, body composition was estimated by bioimpedance analysis. Thirty-six 11-week-old does were randomly distributed in three groups. The AL-C group was fed ad libitum a control diet containing 350 g neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom)/kg, 11.6 MJ digestible energy (DE)/kg and 173 g crude protein (CP)/kg, and the does were inseminated at 16 weeks of age. The R-C group was fed 150 g/d of the same diet until 16 weeks of age, one week before artificial insemination (AI) at 17 weeks of age, and then fed ad libitum. The AL-F group was fed a diet containing 475 g aNDFom/kg, 9.4 MJ DE/kg and 174 g CP/kg ad libitum, and was inseminated at 17 weeks of age. During rearing (11-16 weeks), does in the R-C group had the lowest DE (1.54 MJ/d; P<0.003) and digestible protein (DP, 17.9 g/d; P<0.001) intake, as well as the lowest protein (172 g/kg; P<0.05) and energy (5.9 MJ/kg) body contents, leptin concentration at 16 weeks of age (2.48 ng/ml; P<0.001) and fertility (P<0.02) at first AI. Daily feed intake during pregnancy and lactation, as well as prolificacy and litter weight, were similar among groups. The highest percentage of body fat was observed for all the does when were inseminated for the first time (135 g/kg; P<0.001), consistent with the highest leptin (4.48 ng/ml; P<0.001) and total protein serum levels (6.87 g/dl; P<0.001) at this time. Serum NEFA level around parturition was higher (P<0.05) in groups AL-C and R-C (1.11 and 0.85 mmol/l) than in group AL-F (0.71 mmol/l), suggesting a lower lipid mobilization that tended to improve fertility rate for AL-F does on day 11 post-parturition (P<0.09). In conclusion, feed restriction during the rearing period delays reproductive development in young rabbits. In nulliparous does, ad libitum feeding during rearing with a high-fibre diet allows a similar productive performance to that of feeding with a less fibrous diet. Nevertheless, the use of high fibre diets during rearing does not affect feed intake throughout the first pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

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