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The function of calcium as a signaling molecule is conserved in eukaryotes from fungi to humans. Previous studies have identified the calcium-activated phosphatase calcineurin as a critical factor in governing growth of the human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans at mammalian body temperature. Here, we employed insertional mutagenesis to identify new genes required for growth at 37 degrees C. One insertion mutant, cam1-ts, that displayed a growth defect at 37 degrees C and hypersensitivity to the calcineurin inhibitor FK506 at 25 degrees C was isolated. Both phenotypes were linked to the dominant marker in genetic crosses, and molecular analysis revealed that the insertion occurred in the 3' untranslated region of the gene encoding the calcineurin activator calmodulin (CAM1) and impairs growth at 37 degrees C by significantly reducing calmodulin mRNA abundance. The CAM1 gene was demonstrated to be essential using genetic analysis of a CAM1/cam1Delta diploid strain. In the absence of calcineurin function, the cam1-ts mutant displayed a severe morphological defect with impaired bud formation. Expression of a calmodulin-independent calcineurin mutant did not suppress the growth defect of the cam1-ts mutant at 37 degrees C, indicating that calmodulin promotes growth at high temperature via calcineurin-dependent and -independent pathways. In addition, a Ca2+-binding-defective allele of CAM1 complemented the 37 degrees C growth defect, FK506 hypersensitivity, and morphogenesis defect of the cam1-ts mutant. Our findings reveal that calmodulin performs Ca2+- and calcineurin-independent and -dependent roles in controlling C. neoformans morphogenesis and high-temperature growth.  相似文献   

Protein O mannosylation is initiated in the endoplasmic reticulum by protein O-mannosyltransferases (Pmt proteins) and plays an important role in the secretion, localization, and function of many proteins, as well as in cell wall integrity and morphogenesis in fungi. Three Pmt proteins, each belonging to one of the three respective Pmt subfamilies, are encoded in the genome of the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. Disruption of the C. neoformans PMT4 gene resulted in abnormal growth morphology and defective cell separation. Transmission electron microscopy revealed defective cell wall septum degradation during mother-daughter cell separation in the pmt4 mutant compared to wild-type cells. The pmt4 mutant also demonstrated sensitivity to elevated temperature, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and amphotericin B, suggesting cell wall defects. Further analysis of cell wall protein composition revealed a cell wall proteome defect in the pmt4 mutant, as well as a global decrease in protein mannosylation. Heterologous expression of C. neoformans PMT4 in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae pmt1pmt4 mutant strain functionally complemented the deficient Pmt activity. Furthermore, Pmt4 activity in C. neoformans was required for full virulence in two murine models of disseminated cryptococcal infection. Taken together, these results indicate a central role for Pmt4-mediated protein O mannosylation in growth, cell wall integrity, and virulence of C. neoformans.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an environmental fungal pathogen that requires atmospheric levels of oxygen for optimal growth. For the fungus to be able to establish an infection, it must adapt to the low oxygen concentrations in the host environment compared to its natural habitat. In order to investigate the oxygen sensing mechanism in C. neoformans, we screened T-DNA insertional mutants for hypoxia-mimetic cobalt chloride (CoCl(2))-sensitive mutants. All the CoCl(2)-sensitive mutants had a growth defect under low oxygen conditions at 37 degrees C. The majority of mutants are compromised in their mitochondrial function, which is reflected by their reduced rate of respiration. Some of the mutants are also defective in mitochondrial membrane permeability, suggesting the importance of an intact respiratory system for survival under both high concentrations of CoCl(2) as well as low oxygen conditions. In addition, the mutants tend to accumulate intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), and all mutants show sensitivity to various ROS generating chemicals. Gene expression analysis revealed the involvement of several pathways in response to cobalt chloride. Our findings indicate cobalt chloride sensitivity and/or sensitivity to low oxygen conditions are linked to mitochondrial function, sterol and iron homeostasis, ubiquitination, and the ability of cells to respond to ROS. These findings imply that multiple pathways are involved in oxygen sensing in C. neoformans.  相似文献   

Positive regulation of cell migration by chemotactic factors and downstream signaling pathways has been extensively investigated. In contrast, little is known about factors and mechanisms that induce migration arrest, a process important for retention of cells at inflammatory sites and homeostatic regulation of cell trafficking. In this study, we found that IFN-gamma directly inhibited monocyte migration by suppressing remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and cell polarization in response to the chemokine CCL2. Inhibition was dependent on STAT1 and downstream genes, whereas STAT3 promoted migration. IFN-gamma altered monocyte responses to CCL2 by modulating the activity of Pyk2, JNK, and the GTPases Rac and Cdc42, and inhibiting CCL2-induced activation of the downstream p21-activated kinase that regulates the cytoskeleton and cell polarization. These results identify a new role for IFN-gamma in arresting monocyte chemotaxis by a mechanism that involves modulation of cytoskeleton remodeling. Crosstalk between Jak-STAT and Rac/Cdc42 GTPase-mediated signaling pathways provides a molecular mechanism by which cytokines can regulate cell migration.  相似文献   

Using interleukin (IL)-18 deficient (IL-18(-/-)) mice, we examined the role of IL-18 in the host resistance and Th1 response against infection with Cryptococcus neoformans. Fungal clearance in the lung was reduced in IL-18(-/-) mice, although there was no significant change in the level of dissemination to the brain. The DTH response, as determined by footpad swelling, was also diminished in IL-18(-/-) mice compared to control wild-type (WT) mice. The levels of IL-12 and interferon (IFN)-gamma in the sera were significantly lower in IL-18(-/-) mice than in WT mice. Spleen cells from infected WT mice produced a high level of IFN-gamma upon stimulation with the microbe, while only a low level of IFN-gamma production was detected in spleen cells from infected IL-18(-/-) mice. Administration of IL-18 almost completely restored the reduced response in IL-18(-/-) mice, while IL-12 showed a marginal effect. These results demonstrated the important role of IL-18 in the resistance and Th1 response of mice to C. neoformans by potentiating the production of IFN-gamma.  相似文献   

Wang LI  Lin YS  Liu KH  Jong AY  Shen WC 《PloS one》2011,6(4):e19162
Cryptococcus neoformans is a ubiquitously distributed human pathogen. It is also a model system for studying fungal virulence, physiology and differentiation. Light is known to inhibit sexual development via the evolutionarily conserved white collar proteins in C. neoformans. To dissect molecular mechanisms regulating this process, we have identified the SSN8 gene whose mutation suppresses the light-dependent CWC1 overexpression phenotype. Characterization of sex-related phenotypes revealed that Ssn8 functions as a negative regulator in both heterothallic a-α mating and same-sex mating processes. In addition, Ssn8 is involved in the suppression of other physiological processes including invasive growth, and production of capsule and melanin. Interestingly, Ssn8 is also required for the maintenance of cell wall integrity and virulence. Our gene expression studies confirmed that deletion of SSN8 results in de-repression of genes involved in sexual development and melanization. Epistatic and yeast two hybrid studies suggest that C. neoformans Ssn8 plays critical roles downstream of the Cpk1 MAPK cascade and Ste12 and possibly resides at one of the major branches downstream of the Cwc complex in the light-mediated sexual development pathway. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that the conserved Mediator protein Ssn8 functions as a global regulator which negatively regulates diverse physiological and developmental processes and is required for virulence in C. neoformans.  相似文献   

PTEN is a 3'-inositol lipid phosphatase that dephosphorylates products of PI 3-kinase. Since PI 3-kinase is required for many metabolic actions of insulin, we investigated the role of PTEN in insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4. In control rat adipose cells, we observed a approximately 2-fold increase in cell surface GLUT4 upon maximal insulin stimulation. Overexpression of wild-type PTEN abolished this response to insulin. Translocation of GLUT4 in cells overexpressing PTEN mutants without lipid phosphatase activity was similar to that observed in control cells. Overexpression of PTEN-CBR3 (mutant with disrupted membrane association domain) partially impaired translocation of GLUT4. In Cos-7 cells, overexpression of wild-type PTEN had no effect on ERK2 phosphorylation in response to acute insulin stimulation. However, Elk-1 phosphorylation in response to chronic insulin treatment was significantly decreased. Thus, when PTEN is overexpressed, both its lipid phosphatase activity and subcellular localization play a role in antagonizing metabolic actions of insulin that are dependent on PI 3-kinase but independent of MAP kinase. However, because translocation of GLUT4 in cells overexpressing a dominant inhibitory PTEN mutant (C124S) was similar to that of control cells, we conclude that endogenous PTEN may not modulate metabolic functions of insulin under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Maintenance of cation homeostasis is essential for survival of all living organisms in their biological niches. It is also important for the survival of human pathogenic fungi in the host, where cation concentrations and pH will vary depending on different anatomical sites. However, the exact role of diverse cation transporters and ion channels in virulence of fungal pathogens remains elusive. In this study we functionally characterized ENA1 and NHA1, encoding a putative Na(+)/ATPase and Na(+)/H(+) antiporter, respectively, in Cryptococcus neoformans, a basidiomycete fungal pathogen which causes fatal meningoencephalitis. Expression of NHA1 and ENA1 is induced in response to salt and osmotic shock mainly in a Hog1-dependent manner. Phenotypic analysis of the ena1Δ, nha1Δ, and ena1Δnha1Δ mutants revealed that Ena1 controls cellular levels of toxic cations, such as Na(+) and Li(+) whereas both Ena1 and Nha1 are important for controlling less toxic K(+) ions. Under alkaline conditions, Ena1 was highly induced and required for growth in the presence of low levels of Na(+) or K(+) salt and Nha1 played a role in survival under K(+) stress. In contrast, Nha1, but not Ena1, was essential for survival at acidic conditions (pH 4.5) under high K(+) stress. In addition, Ena1 and Nha1 were required for maintenance of plasma membrane potential and stability, which appeared to modulate antifungal drug susceptibility. Perturbation of ENA1 and NHA1 enhanced capsule production and melanin synthesis. However, Nha1 was dispensable for virulence of C. neoformans although Ena1 was essential. In conclusion, Ena1 and Nha1 play redundant and discrete roles in cation homeostasis, pH regulation, membrane potential, and virulence in C. neoformans, suggesting that these transporters could be novel antifungal drug targets for treatment of cryptococcosis.  相似文献   

Infection by Cryptococcus neoformans begins with inhalation of infectious propagules. Fungi reach the lung tissue and interact with epithelial cells in a crucial but poorly understood process. In this study, the interaction of C. neoformans with the human alveolar epithelial cell lineage A549 was investigated, focusing on the relevance of the capsular polysaccharide in this process. The association of encapsulated strains with A549 cells was significantly inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to glucuronoxylomannan (GXM), a major component of the cryptococcal capsule. A purified preparation of GXM produced similar results, suggesting the occurrence of surface receptors for this polysaccharide on the surface of alveolar cells. A549 cells were in fact able to bind soluble GXM, as confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence analysis using the anti-polysaccharide antibody. C. neoformans is internalized after GXM-mediated interaction with A549 cells in a process that culminates with death of host cells. Our results suggest that C. neoformans can use GXM for attachment to alveolar epithelia, allowing the fungus to reach the intracellular environment and damage host cells through still uncharacterized mechanisms.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effect of soluble CD4 (sCD4) on host resistance and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to Cryptococcus neoformans using a novel mutant mouse that exhibits a defect in the expression of membrane-bound CD4 but secretes high levels of sCD4 in the serum. In these mice, host resistance to this pathogen was impaired as indicated by an increased number of live pathogens in the lung. To elucidate the mechanism of immunodeficiency, three different sets of experiments were conducted. First, administration of anti-CD4 mAb restored the attenuated host defense. Second, in CD4 gene-disrupted (CD4KO) mice, host resistance was not attenuated compared to control mice. Third, implantation of sCD4 gene-transfected myeloma cells rendered the CD4KO mice susceptible to this infection, while similar treatment with mock-transfected cells did not show such an effect. These results indicated that immunodeficiency in the mutant mice was attributed to the circulating sCD4 rather than to the lack of CD4+ T cells. In addition, DTH response to C. neoformans evaluated by footpad swelling was reduced in the mutant mice compared to that in the control, and the reduced response was restored by the administration of anti-CD4 mAb. Finally, serum levels of IFN-gamma, IL-12 and IL-18 in the mutant mice were significantly reduced, while there was no difference in Th2 cytokines, such as IL-4 and IL-10. Considered collectively, our results demonstrated that sCD4 could directly prevent host resistance and DTH response to C. neoformans through interference with the production of Th1-type cytokines.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin A is the target of the immunosuppressant cyclosporin A (CsA) and is encoded by a single unique gene conserved from yeast to humans. In the pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, two homologous linked genes, CPA1 and CPA2, were found to encode two conserved cyclophilin A proteins. In contrast to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which cyclophilin A mutations confer CsA resistance but few other phenotypes, cyclophilin A mutations conferred dramatic phenotypes in C. neoformans. The Cpa1 and Cpa2 cyclophilin A proteins play a shared role in cell growth, mating, virulence and CsA toxicity. The Cpa1 and Cpa2 proteins also have divergent functions. cpa1 mutants are inviable at 39°C and attenuated for virulence, whereas cpa2 mutants are viable at 39°C and fully virulent. cpa1 cpa2 double mutants exhibited synthetic defects in growth and virulence. Cyclophilin A active site mutants restored growth of cpa1 cpa2 mutants at ambient but not at higher temperatures, suggesting that the prolyl isomerase activity of cyclophilin A has an in vivo function.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to elucidate the role of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4 in the host response to Cryptococcus neoformans. Both TLR2 knockout (KO) and TLR4KO mice produced interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), IL-6, IL-12p40 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in sera and cleared this fungal pathogen from infected lungs at a comparable level to control littermate (LM) mice. Synthesis of these cytokines was not significantly different in the lungs of these KO mice and LM mice, although IL-1beta, IL-6 and IL-12p40 tended to be lower in TLR2KO, but not TLR4KO, mice than in controls. In addition, there was no significant reduction detected in the synthesis of IL-12 and TNF-alpha by bone marrow-derived dendritic cells from TLR2KO and TLR4KO mice upon stimulation with live yeast cells. Finally, HEK293 cells expressing either TLR2/dectin-1 or TLR4/MD2/CD14 did not respond to C. neoformans in the activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NFkappaB) detected by a luciferase assay. Our results suggest that TLR2 and TLR4 do not or only marginally contribute to the host and cellular response to this pathogen.  相似文献   

Human endocytic protein ITSN1 regulates actin reorganization by activating Rho family GTPases, such as Cdc42. The process is enhanced by ITSN binding of WASP, an effector of Cdc42 and a potent activator of actin polymerization. In the human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans, endocytic protein Cin1 also interacts with Cdc42 and Wsp1, an uncharacterized WASP homolog, but the significance of these interactions remains unknown. Wsp1 contains several conserved domains, including a WASP homology 1 domain (WH1), a GTPase binding/Cdc42 and Rac interactive binding domain (GBD/CRIB), and a C-terminal domain composed of verprolin-like, central, and acidic motifs (VCA). Thus, Wsp1 exhibits domain compositions more similar to human WASP proteins than Saccharomyces cerevisiae Las17/Bee1, a WASP homolog lacking the GDB/CRIB domain. Wsp1 is not an essential protein; however, the wsp1 mutant exhibited defects in growth, cytokinesis, chitin distribution, and endocytosis and exocytosis. The wsp1 mutant was also unable to undergo genetic cross, produce the polysaccharide capsule, or secrete the enzyme urease. An in vitro phagocytosis assay showed a higher phagocytic index for the wsp1 mutant, whose ability to cause lethal infection in a murine model of cryptococcosis was also attenuated. Our studies reveal divergent evolution of WASP proteins in the fungal phylum and suggest that the conserved function of WASP proteins in the actin cytoskeleton may also impact fungal virulence.  相似文献   

Considering three layers of the skin and subcutaneous region, an attempt has been made to obtain the analytical and numerical solutions for temperature distribution of the bioheat equation. The problem is studied under variable physiological parameters and atmospheric conditions. The role of metabolic heat generation, blood mass flow and perspiration in different thicknesses have been noted. The numerical solutions for different parametric values are shown graphically.  相似文献   

Nonenzymic deamidation of amides in proteins (lysozyme and albumin) under conditions which imitate physiological ones has been experimentally established with subsequent asparagine-dependent autofragmentation of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is a crucial process for the maintenance of normal tissue physiology and it is involved in tissue remodeling and regeneration. This process is essential for adipose tissue maintenance. The adipose tissue is composed by different cell types including stromal vascular cells as well as adipose stem cells (ASCs). In particular, ASCs are multipotent somatic stem cells that are able to differentiate and secrete several growth factors; they are recently emerging as a new cell reservoir for novel therapies and strategies in many diseases. Several studies suggest that ASCs have peculiar properties and participate in different disease-related processes such as angiogenesis. Furthermore, pathological expansion of adipose tissue brings to hypoxia, a major condition of unhealthy angiogenesis.Recent evidences have shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) play a crucial role also on ASCs as they take part in stemness maintenance, proliferation, and differentiation. It has been suggested that some miRNAs (MIR126, MIR31, MIR221 MIR222, MIR17-92 cluster, MIR30, MIR100 and MIR486) are directly involved in the angiogenic process by controlling multiple genes involved in this pathway. With the present review, we aim at providing an updated summary of the importance of adipose tissue under physiological and pathological conditions and of its relationship with neovascularization process. In particular, we report an overview of the most important miRNAs involved in angiogenesis focusing on ASCs. Hopefully the data presented will bring benefit in developing new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Human Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) is a scaffold linking upstream signals to the actin cytoskeleton. In response to intersectin ITSN1 and Rho GTPase Cdc42, WASP activates the Arp2/3 complex to promote actin polymerization. The human pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans contains the ITSN1 homolog Cin1 and the WASP homolog Wsp1, which share more homology with human proteins than those of other fungi. Here we demonstrate that Cin1, Cdc42/Rac1, and Wsp1 function in an effector pathway similar to that of mammalian models. In the cin1 mutant, expression of the autoactivated Wsp1-B-GBD allele partially suppressed the mutant defect in endocytosis, and expression of the constitutively active CDC42(Q61L) allele restored normal actin cytoskeleton structures. Similar phenotypic suppression can be obtained by the expression of a Cdc42-green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Wsp1 fusion protein. In addition, Rac1, which was found to exhibit a role in early endocytosis, activates Wsp1 to regulate vacuole fusion. Rac1 interacted with Wsp1 and depended on Wsp1 for its vacuolar membrane localization. Expression of the Wsp1-B-GBD allele restored vacuolar membrane fusion in the rac1 mutant. Collectively, our studies suggest novel ways in which this pathogenic fungus has adapted conserved signaling pathways to control vesicle transport and actin organization, likely benefiting survival within infected hosts.  相似文献   

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