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Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans. The ability of the fungus to grow as both yeast and filamentous forms is essential for its pathogenicity. Morphogenesis of C. albicans is largely regulated through the secondary messenger cAMP, produced by the soluble adenylyl cyclase, Cyr1p. Recent evidence suggests that Cyr1p can be directly stimulated by environmental cues to increase cytoplasmic cAMP levels and thus promote hyphal development. In this issue of Molecular Microbiology, Zou et al. demonstrate that, in response to some environmental cues, Cyr1p functions as part of a tripartite complex additionally involving Cap1p and G‐actin. All three proteins in the complex are required to raise cytosolic cAMP levels after stimulation with serum and bacterial peptidoglycan. The formation of such a complex highlights the importance of precise regulation of Cyr1p activity in response to host environmental cues.  相似文献   

Khalaf RA  Zitomer RS 《Genetics》2001,157(4):1503-1512
We have identified a repressor of hyphal growth in the pathogenic yeast Candida albicans. The gene was originally cloned in an attempt to characterize the homologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rox1, a repressor of hypoxic genes. Rox1 is an HMG-domain, DNA binding protein with a repression domain that recruits the Tup1/Ssn6 general repression complex to achieve repression. The C. albicans clone also encoded an HMG protein that was capable of repression of a hypoxic gene in a S. cerevisiae rox1 deletion strain. Gel retardation experiments using the purified HMG domain of this protein demonstrated that it was capable of binding specifically to a S. cerevisiae hypoxic operator DNA sequence. These data seemed to indicate that this gene encoded a hypoxic repressor. However, surprisingly, when a homozygous deletion was generated in C. albicans, the cells became constitutive for hyphal growth. This phenotype was rescued by the reintroduction of the wild-type gene on a plasmid, proving that the hyphal growth phenotype was due to the deletion and not a secondary mutation. Furthermore, oxygen repression of the hypoxic HEM13 gene was not affected by the deletion nor was this putative ROX1 gene regulated positively by oxygen as is the case for the S. cerevisiae gene. All these data indicate that this gene, now designated RFG1 for Repressor of Filamentous Growth, is a repressor of genes required for hyphal growth and not a hypoxic repressor.  相似文献   

For 50 years, physiologic studies in Candida albicans have associated fermentation with filamentation and respiration with yeast morphology. Analysis of the mitochondrial proteome of a C. albicans NDH51 mutant, known to be defective in filamentation, identified increased expression of several proteins in the respiratory pathway. Most notable was a 15-fold increase in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex protein X (Pdx1), an essential component of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. In basal salts medium with < or = 100 mM glucose as carbon source, two independent pdx1 mutants displayed a filamentation defect identical to ndh51; reintegration of one PDX1 allele restored filamentation. Concentrations of glucose < or = 100 mM did not correct the filamentation defect. Expanding on previous work, these studies suggest that increased expression of proteins extraneous to the electron transport chain compensates for defects in the respiratory pathway to maintain yeast morphology. Mitochondrial proteomics can aid in the identification of C. albicans genes not previously implicated in filamentation.  相似文献   

A new, relatively simple and inexpensive liquid medium was devised to produce all structural forms ofC. albicans. Optimum conditions to induce the yeast cells, germ tubes, pseudohyphae and chlamydospores along with the methods to obtain them are described.Supported in part by Grant CA 20917, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health and ALSAC.  相似文献   

杜浛  朱利泉 《微生物学报》2015,55(5):579-586
摘要:【目的】通过分析FTR1、FTR2基因缺失株在不同培养条件下的生长情况以及菌丝生长能力,明确高亲和性铁离子渗透酶在白念珠菌生长和形态发生中的功能。【方法】将不同基因型的菌株分别置于不同的培养基和培养温度下进行培养,对其生长速度以及菌丝的生长状态进行观察,获取相应的实验结果。【结果】FTR1或FTR2单基因缺失对于白念珠菌的生长没有显著的影响,但是FTR1、FTR2双基因缺失使白念珠菌在Spider培养基中不能生长,铁离子的增加能够恢复该双基因缺失株的生长能力。FTR1、FTR2双基因缺失株在营养贫瘠的合成培养基上生长速度也较慢。此外,ftr1/frt1菌株的菌丝生长能力增强,而ftr2/ftr2菌株的菌丝生长能力减弱。双突变株ftr1/ftr1 ftr2/ftr2的菌丝生长能力能够恢复到野生对照株的水平。【结论】Ftr1与Ftr2对白念珠菌在微量铁元素环境中的生存有着重要的作用,还参与了白念珠菌对碳源N-乙酰葡萄糖胺、乙醇和甘油等的利用。此外,Ftr1对白念珠菌菌丝生长起负调控作用,Ftr2对菌丝生长起正调控作用。因此,ftr1/ftr1 ftr2/ftr2双基因突变株的菌丝生长能力能够恢复到野生对照株的水平。  相似文献   

A new minimal synthetic medium, with low amount of glucose, without aminoacids, vitamins and neutral pH, which induces germ-tubes production in Candida albicans, is reported in this work. The results indicate a perfect agreement between the germ-tube test performed with the standard method in human or animal serum and this test performed in minimal synthetic medium. In this medium the germ-tube test for the presumptive identification of Candida albicans can be performed with the same formality, time and reproducibility as those in human or animal serum. This constitutes an interesting finding because it is easy to prepare, to store and is highly reproducible.  相似文献   



Dispersal from Candida albicans biofilms that colonize catheters is implicated as a primary factor in the link between contaminated catheters and life threatening blood stream infections (BSI). Appropriate in vitro C. albicans biofilm models are needed to probe factors that induce detachment events.  相似文献   

A cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase which phosphorylates casein was purified to homogeneity from Candida albicans by affinity and ion-exchange chromatography. This protein kinase exhibits maximal activity with casein as substrate and is not stimulated by cyclic AMP or cyclic GMP. The Mr of the purified enzyme is 115,000, as determined by h.p.l.c. It migrates as a single band on gel electrophoresis and has three non-identical subunits, of Mr 44,000, 28,500 and 26,000, as determined by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. This enzyme is insensitive to heparin, but is inhibited by polyamines. Furthermore, it is sensitive to thermal denaturation and to thiol reagents.  相似文献   

We investigated the chemical structure of the specific determinant in the mannan of Candida albicans M-1012 (serotype A) strain. Acetolysis of the mannan, obtained by alkali extraction and purified as the copper complex, gave mannose and six oligosaccharides (from di- to hexasaccharide) and a small amount of a heptasaccharide. We examined the inhibition by these oligosaccharides up to hexaose of the precipitin reaction between anti-factor 6 serum specific for serotype A and homologous mannan, and found that the mannohexaose was the most effective inhibitor. These, and results obtained by proton magnetic resonance (PMR) spectroscopy, methylation analysis, and other structural studies, suggest that the main component of this hexaose consists of one terminal alpha (1-3) linkage in addition to four alpha (1-2) linkages, and that this alpha (1-3)-containing mannohexaose may be responsible for the specificity of antigenic factor 6. Further results obtained by analyses of polarimetry, PMR spectroscopy, and chromium trioxide oxidation-methylation of C. albicans M-1012 mannan has a beta-linkage in addition to alpha-linkages, and that the mode of the beta-linkage is mainly (1-6) linkage. Further evidence obtained by Smith degradation-methylation analysis and by quantitative precipitin reactions of intact and acid-degraded mannan suggests that the antigenic determinant of antigenic factor 6 may be bound, via the beta (1-6) linkage, to C-6 of mannose residues involved in oligosaccharide side chains of serotype A mannan.  相似文献   

Considering the importance of proteins in the structure and function of the cell wall of Candida albicans, we analyzed the cell wall subproteome of this important human pathogen by LC coupled to MS (LC-MS) using different protein extraction procedures. The analyzed samples included material extracted by hydrogen fluoride-pyridine (HF-pyridine), and whole SDS-extracted cell walls. The use of this latter innovative procedure gave similar data as compared to the analysis of HF-pyridine extracted proteins. A total of 21 cell wall proteins predicted to contain a signal peptide were identified, together with a high content of potentially glycosylated Ser/Thr residues, and the presence of a GPI motif in 19 of them. We also identified 66 "atypical" cell wall proteins that lack the above-mentioned characteristics. After tryptic removal of the most accessible proteins in the cell wall, several of the same expected GPI proteins and the most commonly found "atypical" wall proteins were identified. This result suggests that proteins are located not only at the cell wall surface, but are embedded within the cell wall itself. These results, which include new identified cell wall proteins, and comparison of proteins in blastospore and mycelial walls, will help to elucidate the C. albicans cell wall architecture.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hsl1p is a Ser/Thr protein kinase that regulates cell morphology. We identified Candida albicans CaHSL1 and analysed its function in C. albicans. Cells lacking CaHsl1p exhibited filamentous growth under yeast growth conditions with the filaments elongating more quickly than did those of the wild type under hyphal growth conditions, suggesting that it plays a role in the suppression of cell elongation. Green fluorescent protein-tagged CaHsl1p colocalized with a septin complex to the bud neck during yeast growth or to a potent septation site during hyphal growth, as expected from the localization in S. cerevisiae. However, the localization of the septin complex did not change in DeltaCahsl1, suggesting that CaHsl1p does not participate in septin organization. CaHsl1p was expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner and, except for the G1 phase, phosphorylated throughout the cell cycle. In DeltaCahsl1 cells, the phosphorylation of a possible CaHsl1p target CaSwe1p decreased, while that of CaCdc28p at tyrosine18 increased. Either an extra copy of the tyrosine18-mutated CaCdc28p or deletion of CaSWE1 suppressed the cell elongation phenotype caused by CaHSL1 deletion. Furthermore, DeltaCahsl1 exhibited reduced virulence in the mouse systemic candidiasis model. Thus, the CaHsl1p-CaSwe1p-CaCdc28p pathway appears important in the cell elongation of both the yeast and hyphal forms and to the virulence of C. albicans.  相似文献   

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