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Root pressure and plasma membrane intrinsic protein (PIP) availability in the xylem have been recognized to participate in the refilling of embolized conduits, yet integration of the two mechanisms has not been reported in the same plant. In this study, 4‐month‐old seedlings of a hybrid poplar (Populus alba × Populus glandulosa) clone 84K were subjected to two contrasting soil‐water treatments, with the drought treatment involving withholding of water for 17 days to reduce the soil‐water content to 10% of the saturated field capacity, followed by a re‐watering cycle. The percentage loss of stem hydraulic conductance (PLC) sharply increased, and stomatal conductance and photosynthesis declined in response to drought stress; these processes were gradually restored following the subsequent re‐watering. Embolism was most severe in the middle portions of the stem, followed by the basal and top portions of the stems of seedlings subjected to drought stress and subsequent re‐watering. Although drought stress eliminated root pressure, re‐watering partially restored it in a short period of time. The expression of PIP genes in the xylem was activated by drought stress, and some PIP genes were further stimulated in the top portion after re‐watering. The dynamics of root pressure and differential expression of PIP genes along the stem coincided with changes in PLC, suggesting that root pressure and PIPs work together to refill the embolized vessels. On the basis of the recovery dynamics in PLC and gsmax (maximum stomatal conductance) after re‐watering, the stomatal closure and xylem cavitation exhibited fatigue due to drought stress.  相似文献   

Xylem recovery from embolism was studied in Laurus nobilis L. stems that were induced to cavitate by combining negative xylem pressure potentials (PX = ?1.1 MPa) with positive air pressures (PC) applied using a pressure collar. Xylem refilling was measured by recording the percentage loss of hydraulic conductance (PLC) with respect to the maximum 2 min, 20 min and 15 h after pressure release. Sodium orthovanadate (an inhibitor of many ATP‐ases) strongly inhibited xylem refilling while fusicoccin (a stimulator of the plasma membrane H+‐ATPase) promoted complete embolism reversal. So, the refilling process was interpreted to result from energy‐dependent mechanisms. Stem girdling induced progressively larger inhibition to refilling the nearer to the embolized stem segment phloem was removed. The starch content of wood parenchyma was estimated as percentages of ray and vasicentric cells with high starch content with respect to the total, before and after stem embolism was induced. A closely linear positive relationship was found to exist between recovery from PLC and starch hydrolysis. This, was especially evident in vasicentric cells. A mechanism for xylem refilling based upon starch to sugar conversion and transport into embolized conduits, assisted by phloem pressure‐driven radial mass flow is proposed.  相似文献   

In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of xylem vessel contents in woody lianas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous reports suggest that in some plant species the refilling of embolized xylem vessels can occur while negative pressure exists in the xylem. The aim of this experiment was to use non‐destructive nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study the dynamics of xylem cavitation and embolism repair in‐vivo. Serial 1H‐MRI was used to monitor the contents of xylem vessels in stems of two dicotyledonous (Actinidia deliciosa and Actinidia chinensis, kiwifruit) and one monocotyledonous (Ripogonum scandens, supplejack) species of woody liana. The configuration of the horizontal wide bore magnet and probe allowed the imaging of woody stems up to 20 mm in diameter. Tests using excised stems confirmed that the image resolution of 78 µm and digital image subtraction could be used to detect the emptying and refilling of individual vessels. Imaging was conducted on both intact plants and excised shoots connected to a water supply. In the case of Ripogonum the excised shoots were long enough to allow the distal end of the shoot, including all leaves, to be exposed to ambient conditions outside the building while the proximal end was inside the MRI magnet. In total, six stems were monitored for 240 h while the shoots were subjected to treatments that included light and dark periods, water stress followed by re‐watering, and the covering of all leaves to prevent transpiration. The sudden emptying of water‐filled vessels occurred frequently while xylem water potential was low (below ?0.5 MPa for Actinidia, ?1.0 MPa for Ripogonum), and less frequently after xylem water potential approached zero at the end of water‐stress treatments. No refilling of empty vessels was observed at any time in any of the species examined. It is concluded that embolism repair under negative pressure does not occur in the species examined here. Embolism repair may be more likely in species with narrower xylem vessels, but further experiments are required with other species before it can be concluded that repair during transpiration is a widespread phenomenon.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC), with recorded values being higher at midday than on the following morning, have been interpreted as evidence for the occurrence of cycles of xylem conduits' embolism and repair. Recent reports have suggested that diurnal PLC changes might arise as a consequence of an experimental artefact, that is, air entry into xylem conduits upon cutting stems, even if under water, while under substantial tension generated by transpiration. Rehydration procedures prior to hydraulic measurements have been recommended to avoid this artefact. In the present study, we show that xylem rehydration prior to hydraulic measurements might favour xylem refilling and embolism repair, thus leading to PLC values erroneously lower than those actually experienced by transpiring plants. When xylem tension relaxation procedures were performed on stems where refilling mechanisms had been previously inhibited by mechanical (girdling) or chemical (orthovanadate) treatment, PLC values measured in stems cut under native tension were the same as those measured after sample rehydration/relaxation. Our data call for renewed attention to the procedures of sample collection in the field and transport to the laboratory, and suggest that girdling might be a recommendable treatment prior to sample collection for PLC measurements.  相似文献   

To maintain long-distance water transport in woody plants is critical for their survival, growth and development. Water under tension is in a metastable state and prone to cavitation and embolism, which leads to loss of hydraulic conductance, reduced productivity, and eventually plant death. In face to water stress-induced cavitation, plants either reduce frequency of embolism occurrence through cavitation resistance with specialized anatomical struc- ture, or/and form a metabolically active embolism repair mechanism. For the xylem embolism and repair, however, there are controversies regarding the occurring frequency, conditions and underlying mechanisms. In this review paper, we first examined the process, temporal dynamics and frequency of xylem embolism and repair. Then, we summarized hypotheses for the mechanisms of the novel refilling in xylem embolism repair, including the osmotic hypothesis, the reverse osmotic hypothesis, the phloem-driven refilling hypothesis, and the phloem unloading hypothesis. We further compared differences in xylem embolism and repair between conifers and angiosperms tree species, and examined the trade-offs between cavitation resistance and xylem recovery performance. Finally, we proposed four priorities in future research in this field: (1) to improve measuring technology of xylem embolism; (2) to test hypotheses for the mechanisms of the novel refilling in xylem embolism repair and the signal triggering xylem refilling; (3) to explore species-specific trait differences related to xylem embolism and repair and their underlying trade-off relationships; and (4) to enhance studies on the relationship between the involvement of carbon metabolism and aquaporins expression in xylem embolism and repair.  相似文献   

In woody plants, photosynthetic capacity is closely linked to rates at which the plant hydraulic system can supply water to the leaf surface. Drought‐induced embolism can cause sharp declines in xylem hydraulic conductivity that coincide with stomatal closure and reduced photosynthesis. Recovery of photosynthetic capacity after drought is dependent on restored xylem function, although few data exist to elucidate this coordination. We examined the dynamics of leaf gas exchange and xylem function in Eucalyptus pauciflora seedlings exposed to a cycle of severe water stress and recovery after re‐watering. Stomatal closure and leaf turgor loss occurred at water potentials that delayed the extensive spread of embolism through the stem xylem. Stem hydraulic conductance recovered to control levels within 6 h after re‐watering despite a severe drought treatment, suggesting an active mechanism embolism repair. However, stomatal conductance did not recover after 10 d of re‐watering, effecting tighter control of transpiration post drought. The dynamics of recovery suggest that a combination of hydraulic and non‐hydraulic factors influenced stomatal behaviour post drought.  相似文献   

Embolism reversal in rice plants was studied by testing the plant's ability to refill embolized conduits while xylem pressures were substantially negative. Intact, potted plants were water-stressed to a xylem pressure of -1.88 ± 0.1 MPa and a 66.3 ± 3.8% loss of xylem conductivity (PLC) by cavitation. Stressed plants were carefully rewatered, allowing xylem pressure to rise, but not above the theoretical threshold of c. -0.15 MPa for embolism collapse. Despite xylem pressures being more negative than this threshold, the PLC fell significantly (28.5 ± 5.6%), indicating the refilling of vessels. Above c. -1.0 MPa, almost all plants regained their maximum hydraulic conductivity. Dye uptake experiments showed the same pattern of embolism refilling despite negative pressure. Refilling was prevented in plants that were light-starved for 5 d, suggesting the unknown mechanism is dependent on metabolic energy. Results are among the first showing that herbaceous plants can reverse embolism without bulk xylem pressures rising near or above atmospheric.  相似文献   

 在两种水分供给(干旱胁迫和适宜水分,土壤含水量分别为田间持水量的30%~40%和70%~80%)下,研究了耐旱树种元宝枫(Acer truncatum)和 中生树种女贞(Ligustrum lucidum )木质部栓塞(以导水率(Percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity, PLC)损失程度衡量)对P素添加的 响应。结果发现,两个树种PLC的日变化均呈现出先上升后降低的规律,表明木质部栓塞的形成与恢复是植物体的一种平常事件;除适宜水分条 件的女贞外,P素可以显著提高元宝枫和遭受干旱胁迫时女贞的PLC;两种水分条件下,干旱胁迫时元宝枫木质部栓塞明显高于适宜水分供给时 。女贞的PLC在两种水分状况下无显著差异;树种间,干旱胁迫促进了元宝枫木质部的栓塞形成,明显高于同等水分条件下的女贞。该研究结果 证实了“木质部限流耐旱假设”。  相似文献   

The ability of juvenile Laurus nobilis and Acer negundo plants to refill embolized xylem vessels was tested under conditions of soil drought when xylem sap pressure was substantially negative, thus violating the expected condition that pressure must rise to near atmospheric for refilling. Intact potted plants were dried to a stem water potential (ΣW) corresponding with approximately 80% loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC) in shoots. Then plants were re‐watered and kept at a less negative target ΨW for 1–48 h. The ΨW was measured continuously with stem psychrometers. Rewatered L. nobilis held at the target ΨW for 1 h showed no evidence for refilling unless ΨW was within a few tenths of a MPa of zero. In contrast, re‐watered L. nobilis held for 24 and 48 h at water potentials well below zero showed a significant reduction in PLC. The recovery was highly variable, being complete in some stem segments, and scarcely evident in others. Embolism repair was accompanied by a significant but moderate decrease in the osmotic potential (Ψ) of the bulk xylem sap (Ψ = ?67 kPa in recovering plants versus ?31 kPa in controls). In contrast, embolized and re‐watered A. negundo plants held for 24 h at target ΨW of ?0·9 and ?0·3 MPa showed no embolism reversal. The mechanism allowing L. nobilis plants to refill under negative pressure is unknown, but does not appear to operate in A. negundo, and is slower to act for drought‐induced embolism than when embolism was artificially induced by air injection as previously shown for L. nobilis.  相似文献   

Among woody plants, grapevines are often described as highly vulnerable to water‐stress induced cavitation with emboli forming at slight tensions. However, we found native embolism never exceeded 30% despite low xylem water potentials (Ψx) for stems of field grown vines. The discrepancy between native embolism measurements and those of previous reports led us to assess vulnerability curve generation using four separate methods and alterations (i.e. segment length and with/without flushing to remove embolism prior to measurement) of each. Centrifuge, dehydration and air‐injection methods, which rely on measurement of percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity (PLC) in detached stems, were compared against non‐invasive monitoring of xylem cavitation with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging. Short segment air‐injection and flushed centrifuge stems reached >90 PLC at Ψx of‐0.5 and ?1.5 MPa, respectively, whereas dehydration and long‐segment air‐injection measurements indicated no significant embolism at Ψx > ?2.0 MPa. Observations from NMR agreed with the dehydration and long segment air‐injection methods, showing the majority of vessels were still water‐filled at Ψx > ?1.5 MPa. Our findings show V. vinifera stems are far less vulnerable to water stress‐induced cavitation than previously reported, and dehydration and long segment air‐injection techniques are more appropriate for long‐vesseled species and organs.  相似文献   

Xylem resistance to water stress‐induced cavitation is an important trait that is associated with drought tolerance of plants. The level of xylem cavitation experienced by a plant is often assessed as the percentage loss in conductivity (PLC) at different water potentials. Such measurements are constructed with samples that are excised underwater at native tensions. However, a recent study concluded that cutting conduits under significant tension induced cavitation, even when samples were held underwater during cutting. This resulted in artificially increased PLC because of what we have termed a ‘tension‐cutting artefact’. We tested the hypothesized tension‐cutting artefact on five species by measuring PLC at native tension compared with after xylem tensions had been relaxed. Our results did not support the tension‐cutting artefact hypothesis, as no differences were observed between native and relaxed samples in four of five species. In a fifth species (Laurus nobilis), differences between native and relaxed samples appear to be due to vessel refilling rather than a tension‐cutting effect. We avoided the tension‐cutting artefact by cutting samples to slightly longer than their measurement length and subsequent trimming of at least 0.5 cm of sample ends prior to measurement.  相似文献   

Plants close their stomata during drought to avoid excessive water loss, but species differ in respect to the drought severity at which stomata close. The stomatal closure point is related to xylem anatomy and vulnerability to embolism, but it also has implications for phloem transport and possibly phloem anatomy to allow sugar transport at low water potentials. Desiccation‐tolerant plants that close their stomata at severe drought should have smaller xylem conduits and/or fewer and smaller interconduit pits to reduce vulnerability to embolism but more phloem tissue and larger phloem conduits compared with plants that avoid desiccation. These anatomical differences could be expected to increase in response to long‐term reduction in precipitation. To test these hypotheses, we used tridimensional synchroton X‐ray microtomograph and light microscope imaging of combined xylem and phloem tissues of 2 coniferous species: one‐seed juniper (Juniperus monosperma) and piñon pine (Pinus edulis) subjected to precipitation manipulation treatments. These species show different xylem vulnerability to embolism, contrasting desiccation tolerance, and stomatal closure points. Our results support the hypothesis that desiccation tolerant plants require higher phloem transport capacity than desiccation avoiding plants, but this can be gained through various anatomical adaptations in addition to changing conduit or tissue size.  相似文献   

Severe water stress constrains, or even stops, water transport in the xylem due to embolism formation. Previously, the xylem of poplar trees was shown to respond to embolism formation by accumulating carbohydrates in the xylem apoplast and dropping xylem sap pH. We hypothesize that these two processes may be functionally linked as lower pH activates acidic invertases degrading sucrose and inducing accumulation of monosaccharides in xylem apoplast. Using a novel in vivo method to measure xylem apoplast pH, we show that pH drops from ~6.2 to ~5.6 in stems of severely stressed plants and rises following recovery of stem water status. We also show that in a lower pH environment, sugars are continuously accumulating in the xylem apoplast. Apoplastic carbohydrate accumulation was reduced significantly in the presence of a proton pump blocker (orthovanadate). These observations suggest that a balance in sugar concentrations exists between the xylem apoplast and symplast that can be controlled by xylem pH and sugar concentration. We conclude that lower pH is related to loss of xylem transport function, eventually resulting in accumulation of sugars that primes stems for recovery from embolism when water stress is relieved.  相似文献   

It is well known that xylem embolism can be repaired by bark water uptake and that the sugar required for embolism refilling can be provided by corticular photosynthesis. However, the relationship between corticular photosynthesis and embolism repair by bark water uptake is still poorly understood. In this study, the role of corticular photosynthesis in embolism repair was assessed using Salix matsudana branch segments dehydrated to ?1.9 MPa (P50, water potential at 50% loss of conductivity). The results indicated that corticular photosynthesis significantly promoted water uptake and nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) accumulation in the bark and xylem during soaking, thereby effectively enhancing the refilling of the embolized vessels and the recovery of hydraulic conductivity. Furthermore, the influence of the extent of dehydration on the embolism refilling enhanced by corticular photosynthesis was investigated. The enhanced refilling effects were much higher in the mildly dehydrated (?1.5 MPa) and moderately dehydrated (?1.9 MPa) branch segments than in the severely dehydrated (?2.2 MPa) branch segments. This study provides evidence that corticular photosynthesis plays a crucial role in xylem embolism repair by bark water uptake for mildly and moderately dehydrated branches.  相似文献   

During their lifecycles, trees encounter multiple events of water stress that often result in embolism formation and temporal decreases in xylem transport capacity. The restoration of xylem transport capacity requires changes in cell metabolic activity and gene expression. Specifically, in poplar (Populus spp.), the formation of xylem embolisms leads to a clear up-regulation of plasma membrane protein1 (PIP1) aquaporin genes. To determine their role in poplar response to water stress, transgenic Populus tremula × Populus alba plants characterized by the strong down-regulation of multiple isoforms belonging to the PIP1 subfamily were used. Transgenic lines showed that they are more vulnerable to embolism, with 50% percent loss of conductance occurring 0.3 MPa earlier than in wild-type plants, and that they also have a reduced capacity to restore xylem conductance during recovery. Transgenic plants also show symptoms of a reduced capacity to control percent loss of conductance through stomatal conductance in response to drought, because they have a much narrower vulnerability safety margin. Finally, a delay in stomatal conductance recovery during the period of stress relief was observed. The presented results suggest that PIP1 genes are involved in the maintenance of xylem transport system capacity, in the promotion of recovery from stress, and in contribution to a plant’s control of stomatal conductance under water stress.Long-distance water transport in vascular plants occurs in a conduit network of nonliving cells connecting roots to leaves (Sperry, 2003). Often under drought conditions, the water column within the lumen of xylem vessels or tracheids can be subjected to tensions that result in cavitation and the subsequent formation of embolisms (Holbrook and Zwieniecki, 2008). This hydraulic failure within the xylem network can cause tissue damage, loss of plant productivity, and ultimately, plant death (Tyree and Sperry, 1989; Sperry et al., 1998; Zwieniecki and Holbrook, 2009). Plants have evolved several strategies to prevent and/or mitigate the effects of hydraulic failure caused by embolism and restore xylem transport capacity after embolism occurs (Stiller and Sperry, 2002; Nardini et al., 2011; Secchi and Zwieniecki, 2012). These strategies include passive, often long-term responses, like the growth of new vessels/tracheids or dieback followed by the growth of new shoots (shrubs), or active, often fast responses that result in the restoration of hydraulic conductivity by (1) creating positive pressure through root or stem pressure in the complete transport system (xylem level; Cochard et al., 1994; Ewers et al., 1997; Yang et al., 2012) or (2) enabling positive pressures in specific, embolized conduits, despite negative pressure in the surrounding xylem (conduit level; Salleo et al., 2004; Nardini et al., 2011; Brodersen and McElrone, 2013).Although embolism formation is a purely physical process related to the degree of tension in the water column and a wood’s physicochemical properties (Brennen, 1995; Tyree and Zimmermann, 2002), embolism removal requires that empty vessels fill with water against existing energy gradients as the bulk of water in the xylem remains under tension caused by transpiration. Thus, recovery from embolism cannot happen spontaneously and necessitates some physiological activities that promote water flow into embolized vessels (Holbrook and Zwieniecki, 1999; Thomas Tyree et al., 1999; Salleo et al., 2004; Zwieniecki and Holbrook, 2009; Secchi et al., 2011). Visual evidence from cryo-scanning electron microscopy studies, magnetic resonance imaging observations, and computed tomography scans showed that water (xylem sap) can return to empty vessels, suggesting that plants do have the ability to restore functionality in the xylem (Holbrook et al., 2001; Clearwater and Goldstein, 2005; Scheenen et al., 2007). Brodersen et al. (2010) showed that water droplets preferentially form on the vessel walls adjacent to parenchyma cells and that these droplets grow until the lumen completely refills. In addition, scientific support for the existence of embolism/refilling cycles in intact stems of Acer rubrum are provided using magnetic resonance imaging (Zwieniecki et al., 2013). Droplet formation on the walls of empty vessels that are in contact with parenchyma cells support predictions that these living cells supply both water and energy to drive the restoration of xylem hydraulic function.Processes related to water transport across the cellular membrane involve plasma intrinsic protein (PIP; aquaporins) moderators, and thus, the role of PIPs must be considered when contemplating how plants recover from embolism formation. Plant aquaporins show a great diversity and are classified into five major homologous groups that reflect specific subcellular localizations (Prado and Maurel, 2013). Among different aquaporin gene families (26-like intrinsic proteins, tonoplast intrinsic proteins, X unrecognized intrinsic proteins, small basic intrinsic proteins, and PIPs; Danielson and Johanson, 2008), the PIPs represent the largest number of members and can be further divided into two subfamilies, PIP1 and PIP2. There is a large body of evidence that aquaporins from the PIP2 subfamily contribute to water transport. The generation of data has been multidisciplinary and involved the use of chemical blockers, the down-regulation and up-regulation of genes in plants, and the expression of these proteins in oocytes (Hukin et al., 2002; Postaire et al., 2010; Shatil-Cohen et al., 2011). Expression levels of several PIP and TIP members change after the dynamic of increasing water stress and recovery in many woody plants, including walnut (Juglans regia), poplar (Populus trichocarpa.), and grapevine Vitis vinifera; (Sakr et al., 2003; Secchi et al., 2011; Perrone et al., 2012a, 2012b; Laur and Hacke, 2013; Pou et al., 2013). Furthermore, an increase in the expression of PIP2.1 and PIP2.2 genes was observed in vessel-associated parenchyma cells in walnuts at the same time that recovery from embolism was taking place (Sakr et al., 2003). The role of genes from the PIP1 subfamily in tree responses to water stress is less well-understood. PIP1s were shown to have little to no water channel activity when expressed in oocytes on their own. However, coexpression of PIP1.1 proteins with an isoform from the PIP2 subfamily led to higher membrane permeability than that observed with the expression of a single PIP2 protein (Fetter et al., 2004; Secchi and Zwieniecki, 2010). With respect to their role in mediating water stress, it was shown that the expression level of several PIP1 genes in poplar changed significantly during the onset of stress, during recovery, during the formation of embolisms after water stress, and under no stress conditions but with induced embolism, whereas the expression of PIP2 genes remained mostly unresponsive (Secchi and Zwieniecki, 2010; Secchi et al., 2011; Secchi and Zwieniecki, 2011).Despite significant effort invested in elucidating the contribution of aquaporins to the regulation of xylem hydraulic capacity throughout the progression of drought and recovery from water stress, evidence of their active role in vivo is only partially confirmed. Genetic approaches provide a reliable and effective strategy for determining the physiological function of aquaporin genes in plant water relations. However, most studies thus far have been conducted on herbaceous plants (Kaldenhoff et al., 1998; Postaire et al., 2010). For example, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants expressing PIP antisense genes exhibit an impaired ability to recover from water stress (Martre et al., 2002), and knockout mutants exhibit reduced leaf hydraulic conductivity (Da Ines et al., 2010). The Nicotiana tabacum aquaporin1 (NtAQP1) down-regulated tobacco plants show reduced root hydraulic conductivity and lower water stress resistance (Siefritz et al., 2002). RNA technology, although not often used for woody plants, has been adapted for grapevine (Perrone et al., 2012a, 2012b) and Eucalyptus spp. trees (Tsuchihira et al., 2010); in both cases, analysis focused on overexpressing specific isoforms of aquaporin genes. The PIP2;4 root-specific aquaporin enhanced water transport in transformed Vitis spp. plants under well-watered conditions but not under water stress (Perrone et al., 2012a, 2012b), whereas Eucalyptus spp. hybrid clones overexpressing two Raphanus sativus genes (RsPIP1;1 and RsPIP2;1) did not display any increase in drought tolerance (Tsuchihira et al., 2010). To date, no research on the recovery from embolism formation in woody plants with impaired aquaporin expression has been conducted.In this study, we used poplar transgenic plants characterized by a strong down-regulation of PIP1 genes to test the role of this aquaporin subfamily in the plant response to water stress and subsequent recovery from stress. Although transformed poplars did not show morphologically different phenotypes compared with wild-type plants, they were found to be more sensitive to imposed water stress, resulting in increased vulnerability to embolism formation and the loss of stomatal conductance. We also noted a reduced capacity of transformed plants to restore xylem water transport.  相似文献   

"Cavitation fatigue" is the increased susceptibility of a xylem conduit to cavitation as a result of its prior cavitation. It was investigated whether cavitation fatigue induced in vivo could be repaired in intact plants. Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) were subjected to soil drought in the greenhouse. Native embolism and vulnerability to cavitation was measured in well-watered controls and after 5 d and 10 d of controlled drought. A dramatic cavitation fatigue was observed where droughted xylem that was refilled in the laboratory developed up to 60 PLC (percentage loss of hydraulic conductivity) at -1 MPa versus only 5.2 PLC in non-droughted controls. Rewatered plants showed the complete reversal of cavitation fatigue over 4 d. Reversal of fatigue was correlated with the refilling of embolized vessels in the intact plants (r(2)=0.91, P<0.01), suggesting that xylem transport to fatigued vessels was required for their repair. The in vivo reversal of fatigue was partially duplicated in excised stem segments by perfusing them with root exudates from droughted (DR) and well-watered (WW) plants. The DR exudate had a greater effect, and this was associated with a greater pH in the DR versus WW saps, but there was no difference in total cation concentration. Perfusions with 2 mM CaCl(2) and KCl solutions also partially reversed cavitation fatigue as opposed to no effect with deionized water, suggesting a role of ions in addition to a pH effect. It is suspected that fatigue is caused by stretching and partial disruption of linkages between cellulose microfibrils in inter-conduit pit membranes during air seeding, and that the reversal of fatigue involves restoring these linkages by ingredients in xylem sap.  相似文献   

吴楚  王政权 《植物学报》2002,19(5):575-583
在植物吸收水分以后,水分运输对于植物正常的生长发育是非常重要的。在干旱和冬季反复冻融循环以后,植物体内的管状细胞容易充满水蒸气和空气,形成腔 隙和栓塞。腔隙和栓塞的形成对水分在植物体内的运输造成了很大的障碍,从而影响了植物的生长与发育。当植物重新获得水分时,已形成腔隙和栓塞的管状细胞的重新充注能使一部分管状细胞的输水功能得到恢复,从而保证了一些器官的生理功能的正常进行。近些年来,人们对植物管状细胞的重新充注涉及到的许多植物组织和生理过程进行深入的研究,并提出了各种机理。鉴于植物管状细胞形成栓塞后重新充注对植物水分运输的重要生理作用,本文对重新充注的许多机理进行了综合评述。  相似文献   

吴楚  王政权 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):575-583
在植物吸收水分以后 ,水分运输对于植物正常的生长发育是非常重要的。在干旱和冬季反复冻融循环以后 ,植物体内的管状细胞容易充满水蒸气和空气 ,形成腔隙和栓塞。腔隙和栓塞的形成对水分在植物体内的运输造成了很大的障碍 ,从而影响了植物的生长与发育。当植物重新获得水分时 ,已形成腔隙和栓塞的管状细胞的重新充注能使一部分管状细胞的输水功能得到恢复 ,从而保证了一些器官的生理功能的正常进行。近些年来 ,人们对植物管状细胞的重新充注涉及到的许多植物组织和生理过程进行深入的研究 ,并提出了各种机理。鉴于植物管状细胞形成栓塞后重新充注对植物水分运输的重要生理作用 ,本文对重新充注的许多机理进行了综合评述  相似文献   

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