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Nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15N) of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NH4+ and NO3), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were measured in Smith Lake, Alaska to assess their usefulness as proxies for the biological nitrogen cycling processes, nutrient concentration, and lake productivity. Large seasonal variations in δ15NH4+, δ15NO3 and δ15NPON occurred in response to different processes of nitrogen transformation that dominated a specific time period of the annual production cycle. In spring, 15N depletion in all three pools was closely related to the occurrences of a N2‐fixing cyanobacterial bloom (Anabaena flos‐aquae). In summer, δ15NPON increased as phytoplankton community shifted to use NH4+ and decreased as a brief N2‐fixing bloom (Aphanizomenon flos‐aquae) occurred in August. In early and mid‐winter, microbial nitrogen processes were dominated by nitrification that resulted in the largest isotope fractionation between NO3 and NH4+ in the annual cycle. This was followed by denitrification that led to the highest 15N enrichment in NO3. A peak of NH4+ assimilation by phytoplankton along with the elevated δ15NPON and Chl a concentration occurred just before the ice break due to increased light penetration. The δ15NDON displayed little temporal and spatial variations. This suggests that the DON pool was not altered by biological transformations of nitrogen as the results of its large size and possibly refractory nature. There was a positive correlation between Chl a concentration and δ15NPON, and a negative correlation between NH4+ and δ15NPON, suggesting that δ15NPON is a useful proxy for nitrogen productivity and ammonium concentration. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Global change affects terrestrial loadings of colored dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nutrients to northern lakes. Still, little is known about how phytoplankton respond to changes in light and nutrient availability across gradients in lake DOC. In this study, we used results from whole‐lake studies in northern Sweden to show that annual mean phytoplankton biomass expressed unimodal curved relationships across lake DOC gradients, peaking at threshold DOC levels of around 11 mg/L. Whole‐lake single nutrient enrichment in selected lakes caused elevated biomass, with most pronounced effect at the threshold DOC level. These patterns give support to the suggested dual control by DOC on phytoplankton via nutrient (positively) and light (negatively) availability and imply that the lakes' location along the DOC axis is critical in determining to what extent phytoplankton respond to changes in DOC and/or nutrient loadings. By using data from the large Swedish Lake Monitoring Survey, we further estimated that 80% of northern Swedish lakes are below the DOC threshold, potentially experiencing increased phytoplankton biomass with browning alone, and/or combined with nutrient enrichment. The results support the previous model results on effects of browning and eutrophication on lake phytoplankton, and provide important understanding of how northern lakes may respond to future global changes.  相似文献   

氮、磷对热带浅水湖泊惠州西湖蓝藻的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周敏  刘正文 《生态科学》2012,31(2):115-120
湖泊富营养化常导致蓝藻生物量的增加,水质恶化.于2011年2月至12月对热带浅水湖泊惠州西湖六个湖区的蓝藻群落结构进行研究,以了解其时空变化特征及主要影响因素.结果表明,以沉水植物为优势的元妙观湖区与南南湖蓝藻无明显的优势种;平湖蓝藻优势种为银灰平裂藻(Merismopedia glauca)和湖丝藻(Limnothrix sp.),南丰湖、北丰湖和北南湖的主要优势种均为银灰平裂藻(Merismopedia glauca).平湖、南丰湖、北丰湖和北南湖蓝藻丰度及生物量存在显著的季节变化.相关分析显示惠州西湖夏季蓝藻生物量受氮、磷盐控制.冬季温度的影响,蓝藻生物量与氮、磷的相关性不显著.  相似文献   

Daily integrals of photosynthesis by a cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea, during the summer of 1993, were calculated from the vertical distributions of light, temperature and the organisms in the water column and from photosynthesis/irradiance curves of picoplanktonic and diazotrophic cyanobacteria isolated from the community. The distribution of chlorophyll a in size-classes <20?µm and >20?µm was monitored over 9 days that included a deep mixing event followed by calm. Picocyanobacteria formed 70% of the cyanobacterial biomass and contributed 56% of the total primary production. Of the filamentous diazotrophs that formed the other 30%, Aphanizomenon contributed 28% and a Nodularia-containing fraction 16% of the primary production. For the whole population there was little change in standardized photosynthetic O2 production, which remained at about 31?mmol?m?2 before and after the mixing event. There were differences, however, between the classes of cyanobacteria: in picocyanobacteria primary production hardly changed, while in Aphanizomenon it increased by 2.6 and in Nodularia it fell below zero. Total phytoplankton photosynthesis was strongly dependent on total daily insolation with the compensation point at a photon insolation of 22.7?mol?m?2?d?1. Similar analyses of N2 fixation showed much less dependence on depth distribution of light and biomass: Aphanizomenon fixed about twice as much N2 as Nodularia their; their fixation exceeded their own N demand by about 12%. Together, these species contributed 49% of the total N demand of the phytoplankton population. Computer models based on the measured light attenuation and photosynthetic coefficients indicate that growth of the cyanobacterial population could occur only in the summer months when the critical depth of the cyanobacteria exceeds the depth of mixing.  相似文献   

应用环境微生物治理淡水湖泊微囊藻毒素污染的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着水体富营养化程度的加剧,蓝藻水华现象时有发生,蓝藻及其释放的藻毒素对生态环境和人类健康构成严重威胁。在各种藻毒素中,以微囊藻毒素(Microcystins,MCs)毒性最强,对人类危害也最大,微囊藻毒素的化学性质相对稳定且难以通过常规水处理方法消除,因此如何有效去除环境中的MCs是国内外普遍关注的难题。研究发现自然界中的微生物能够有效降解和消除MCs污染,由此产生的环保技术极具应用价值。本文主要概述了微囊藻毒素的产生机理、化学结构以及毒性危害,总结了微囊藻毒素的自然分解过程以及微生物群落对微囊藻毒素的响应机制,重点分析了微生物群落在微囊藻毒素污染控制技术中的潜在应用,并对应用微生物技术治理微囊藻毒素污染的技术瓶颈提出了建议,以期加速微囊藻毒素微生物降解技术的完善和应用。  相似文献   

1. Phosphate uptake kinetics and uptake rates were calculated for planktonic (phytoplankton and bacterioplankton) and benthic (epiphyton and epipelon) assemblages in a large, shallow, subtropical lake. Samples were taken bimonthly over the period of 1 year at three different sites to examine spatial and temporal variability in these processes. 2. Two of the sites, located at the edge of the littoral zone next to the open water (ecotone sites), had low irradiance at the sediment surface and high total phosphorus (TP) concentration (annual mean TP = 112 μg L–1). The third site, located in the littoral marsh zone, had high irradiance at the sediment surface and low TP concentration (annual mean TP = 7 μg L–1). 3. Based on 32P-PO4 turnover time, P availability varied temporally and spatially. At the two high TP ecotone sites, P concentration was lowest in July and August. At the low TP marsh site, P limited algal production throughout the year. 4. The quotient of maximum uptake rate to half saturation constant (Vm/Ks) in the plankton increased by over two orders of magnitude during the P-limited (summer) period at the two ecotone sites, suggesting that plankton used the scarce phosphorus more efficiently. The specific uptake rate of plankton was significantly greater than that of periphyton at all sites, suggesting that the plankton were more efficient than periphyton at taking up phosphate. 5. Periphyton biomass, as well as absolute and percentage P uptake rate, was greater at the marsh site than at the ecotone sites, despite the lower P concentrations in the marsh. This was probably a result of rapid nutrient cycling, combined with high light availability in the marsh.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation through one year in total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton species composition and other environmental factors were examined in Lake Sonachi, a tropical meromictic soda lake. Mean concentrations of TN and TP were 11 000 µg N l-1 and 100 µg P l-1, respectively. Maximum concentrations of TN and TP occurred in the monimolimnion. Phytoplankton biomass ranged from 350 to 1260 mg m-3. Synechococcus bacillaris, a small coccoid cyanophyte, dominated the phytoplankton. The mean chlorophyll a concentration of 37 mg · m-3 was a modest value when compared with those of other tropical soda lakes. High TN:TP ratios indicated phosphorus limitation in the lake.  相似文献   

The response of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) to elevated CO(2) was examined in white clover (Trifolium repens)-dominated swards under both high and low phosphorus availability. Mixed swards of clover and buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) were grown for 15 months in 0.2 m2 sand-filled mesocosms under two CO2 treatments (ambient and twice ambient) and three nutrient treatments [no N, and either low or high P (5 or 134 kg P ha(-1)); the third nutrient treatment was supplied with high P and N (240 kg N ha(-1))]. Under ambient CO2, high P increased BNF from 410 to 900 kg ha(-1). Elevated CO2 further increased BNF to 1180 kg ha(-1) with high P, but there was no effect of CO2 on BNF with low P. Allocation of N belowground increased by approx. 50% under elevated CO2 irrespective of supplied P. The results suggest that where soil P availability is low, elevated CO2 will not increase BNF, and pasture quality could decrease because of a reduction in aboveground N.  相似文献   

The importance of detritus varies greatly among shore zones of lakes, but in a large majority of these regions detrital pathways prevail. Aside from a great spatial and seasonal variability, macrophytes and bottom sediments appear to be dominant stores of nutrients in these habitats. Macrophytes hold a central position in nutrient cycling in the shore-littoral lake zones. They are the main source of autochthonous detritus as they prevail in the total biomass of littoral organisms, and they are only rarely available as direct food of consumers. Various processes and interactions determine the role of macrophytes in nutrients dynamics. These are: the intensity of nutrient uptake and translocation, release of nutrients by healthy plants and from decomposing plants, exchange of elements between macrophytes and their periphyton, as well as interception of seston by macrophyte stands. Particular plant species differ in their time of dying and susceptibility to decomposition. The changes in decomposing material (size structure of particles and nutrient content) mean that detritus in various stages of decomposition differs in its role in trophic dynamics of shore-littoral lake zones. Several types of shore regions as regards detritus sources and retention level are discussed.  相似文献   

Olsson  Håkan  Blomqvist  Peter  Olofsson  Hans 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):147-155
Lake Hecklan, in central Sweden, was fertilized with phosphorus and nitrogen during thermal stratification (late May-early Oct) 1984–1987. The nutrient additions were relatively small and raised the total phosphorus concentrations from 6 to 10 µg l–1. The working hypothesis was that this moderate increase in the phosphorus concentration could increase the phytoplankton biomass without adverse changes in the planktonic community structure. The fertilization increased the phytoplankton biomass from 0.1 to a maximum of 2 mm3 l–1. Chrysophyceae and Cryptophyceae dominated throughout the experimental period. Thus, the phytoplankton composition remained typical for a Swedish forest lake and provided a potential for increased zooplankton growth. An increased growth of zooplankton was indicated by increased biomass of Cladocera and Copepoda in 1984 and 1985, and by increased fecundity of herbivorous zooplankton.  相似文献   

王衫允  祝贵兵  曲冬梅  尹澄清 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6591-6598
随着生物反应器和海洋生态系统中厌氧氨氧化反应的发现,自然生态系统的氮循环过程被重新认识,但是目前厌氧氨氧化过程是否也存在于富营养化湖泊湿地并发挥着重要作用,还未见报道。结合15N同位素示踪与分子生物学技术研究了白洋淀湖泊湿地沉积物中厌氧氨氧化菌的分布、菌群结构特性、生物多样性及其活性。结果表明,在藻类影响导致的高氨氮沉积物中,厌氧氨氧化菌具有广泛存在性。通过构建16S rRNA克隆文库发现,沉积物中厌氧氨氧化菌的生物多样性相对较低,在2%差异度的条件下,30个克隆序列只分为5个操作分类单元(OTUs),代表序列与Genebank数据库中已探明的厌氧氨氧化菌Candidatus Brocadia fulgida和Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans同源性最高,分别可达97%和96%。同位素示踪结果表明,白洋淀湖泊湿地沉积物中厌氧氨氧化活性为0.19—7.78 nmol N g-1h-1,空间差异较大,产生的氮气占此沉积物总氮气生成量的0.64%—20.65%,体现了湿地的异质性。通过得出的厌氧氨氧化反应速率推算每年由厌氧氨氧化反应损失的氮量为1.8—78gN m-2a-1,对白洋淀氮循环起到非常重要的作用。富营养化湖泊湿地沉积物中厌氧氨氧化反应的发现为研究厌氧氨氧化对氮循环的重要影响提供了新证据。  相似文献   

1. An in situ experiment was performed in the littoral zone of a large, subtropical lake to quantify effects of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) on algal biomass, productivity, nutrient content and phosphate uptake kinetics. 2. We hypothesized that resident periphyton rapidly sequester added nutrients from the water column, but once a certain threshold is reached, nutrients remain in the water and permit a shift to a phytoplankton-dominated community. 3. Three duplicate sets of 1.2-m diameter mesocosms were treated with 10, 20 or 50 μg P L??1 in combination with 100, 200 or 500 μg N L??1, respectively. The nutrients were added thrice weekly for 14 days, after which the treatment doses were doubled for an additional 9 days. The cumulative amounts of P and N added over the course of the study were 700 and 7000 μg L??1, respectively. Two untreated mesocosms and two open reference sites were used as controls. 4. The total P concentration in the water column of nutrient-treated mesocosms remained low, even after prolonged high dosing. However, there was a two-fold increase in the P content of surface algal mats and epiphyton. This indicates that some of the added P was sequestered by those components of the community. In contrast, metaphyton and epipelon displayed little or no increase in their P content. Large quantities of added P could not be accounted for in the periphyton community, and may reflect unmeasured losses to the sediments or other pools. 5. Nitrogen also was depleted from the water column, but there were no significant increases in periphyton N content. Much of the added N could not be accounted for in mass balances, and may have been lost from the mesocosms through volatilization or other biochemical processes. 6. Chlorophyll-a in epiphyton increased significantly after 14 days in the highest nutrient treatment, where there also was a proliferation of Spirogyra on day 28. 7. On day 28, water column samples from the highest nutrient treatment also displayed a significantly higher rate of carbon uptake, and a significantly higher concentration of midday dissolved oxygen. 8. The hypothesis that phytoplankton become dominant at high nutrient loading rates was not supported. However, there were dramatic changes in community structure (increased dominance by epiphytic Spirogyra) and function (increased productivity and dissolved oxygen) in response to nutrient additions.  相似文献   

1. We estimated nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loading into wetlands by carnivorous waterbirds with alternative physiological models using a food‐intake and an excreta‐production approach. The models were applied for non‐breeding and breeding Dutch inland carnivorous waterbird populations to quantify their contribution to nutrient loading on a landscape scale. 2. Model predictions based on food intake exceeded those based on excretion by 59–62% for N and by 2–36% for P, depending on dietary assumptions. Uncertainty analysis indicated that the intake model was most affected by errors in energy requirement, while the excretion model was dependent on faecal nutrient composition. 3. Per capita loading rate of non‐breeders increased with body mass from 0.3–0.8 g N day?1 and 0.15 g P day?1 in little gulls Larus minutus to 4.5–11.5 g N day?1 and 2.1–3.2 g P day?1 in great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo. For breeding birds, the estimated nutrient loading by a family unit over the entire breeding period ranged between 17.6–443.0 g N and 8.6 g P for little tern Sterna albifrons to 619.6–1755.6 g N and 316.2–498.1 g P for great cormorants. 4. We distinguished between external (i.e. importing) and internal (i.e. recycling) nutrient loading by carnivorous waterbirds. For the Netherlands, average external‐loading estimates ranged between 38.1–91.5 tonnes N and 16.7–18.2 tonnes P per year, whilst internal‐loading estimates ranged between 53.1–140.5 tonnes N and 25.2–39.2 tonnes P and per year. The average contribution of breeding birds was estimated to be 17% and 32% for external and internal loading respectively. Most important species were black‐headed gull Larus ridibundus and mew gull Larus canus for external loading, and great cormorant and grey heron Ardea cinerea for internal loading. 5. On a landscape scale, loading by carnivorous waterbirds was of minor importance for freshwater habitats in the Netherlands with 0.26–0.65 kg N ha?1 a?1 and 0.12–0.16 kg P ha?1 a?1. However, on a local scale, breeding colonies may be responsible for significant P loading.  相似文献   

Terrestrial organic matter can be assimilated by aquatic consumers but implications for biomass and production are unresolved. An ecosystem model was fit to estimate effects of phosphorus (P) load, planktivory, and supply rate of terrestrial particulate organic carbon (TPOC) on phytoplankton and zooplankton in five whole‐lake experiments. Phytoplankton biomass increased with P load and planktivory and decreased with TPOC supply rate. Zooplankton biomass increased with P load and responded weakly to planktivory and TPOC supply rate. Zooplankton allochthony (proportion of carbon from terrestrial sources) decreased with P load and planktivory and increased with TPOC supply rate. Lakes with low allochthony (< 0.3) had wide ranges of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and production, depending on P load and planktivory. Lakes with high allochthony (> 0.3) had low biomass and production of both phytoplankton and zooplankton. In summary, terrestrial OC inhibits primary production and is a relatively low‐quality food source for zooplankton.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton in Thale Sap Songkhla was investigated at 2–3 month intervals from August 1991 to October 1993. The abundance of phytoplankton ranged from 1.4×106 to 1.3×109 cells m–3. A total of 6 divisions with 103 genera were identified as Bacillariophyta: 49 genera, Chlorophyta: 21 genera, Pyrrhophyta: 15 genera, Cyanophyta: 12 genera, Chrysophyta: 3 genera and Euglenophyta: 3 genera. Although phytoplankton abundance was distinctly greater in the first year of study (August 1991–June 1992) than in the second year (August 1992–October 1993), their patterns are similar: 2 peaks yearly. The peaks of phytoplankton occurred in the heavy rainy season (northeast monsoon) and the light rainy season (southwest monsoon). The main bloom was found during December–January, with a predominance of blue-green algae (e.g. Aphanizomenon andPhormidium) and green algae (e.g. Eudorina). Their species composition also increased, an effect of the large amount of rainfall resulting in low salinity during the northeast monsoon. The minor bloom was produced by diatoms during June–July when water salinity was moderate to seawater. Both phytoplankton numbers and species composition were high. However, unpredictably heavy rainfall during the southwest monsoon period may reduce diatom production due to rapid immediate replacement by blue-green species. Besides salinity concentration, a low total nitrogen: total phosphorus (TN: TP) ratio tended to support the growth of blue-green algae. The diversity of phytoplankton was lowest in the heavy rainy period.  相似文献   

基于2003-2012年太湖竺山湖和西部沿岸区水体理化指标与浮游植物丰度的逐月监测数据,分析了两个湖区氮磷营养盐状态和浮游植物丰度以及浮游植物主要类群的年际变化趋势及季节变化特征,探讨了浮游植物群落变化与水温及营养盐指标间的关系。结果表明:10年间两个湖区氮磷营养盐浓度总体呈下降趋势,以竺山湖TN、NH3-N浓度和西部沿岸区NO3-N浓度下降最为显著;浮游植物丰度总体呈上升趋势,蓝藻在群落结构中日益占据绝对优势;季节变化上,氮营养盐浓度表现为春冬季节高于夏秋季节,TP浓度和浮游植物丰度呈相反的变化趋势。Pearson相关分析显示,水温、NH3-N浓度和TN/TP是影响蓝藻丰度及其在浮游植物群落中所占比例的主要因素。在温度和营养盐结构的共同作用下,10年间两个湖区蓝藻水华暴发时间逐渐提前,而消退时间逐渐滞后,水华持续时间逐年上升。在全球变暖背景下,太湖水华治理需执行更加严格的氮磷限制阈值,且在重污染的西北湖区控磷依然是关键。  相似文献   

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