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Rapid and adequate identification of anaerobic bacterial species still presents a challenge for most diagnostic laboratories, hindering the selection of appropriate therapy. In this study, the identification capacity of 16S rRNA sequence analysis, VITEK 2 (BioMérieux, Lyon, France) compact analysis and VITEK MS‐mediated identification for anaerobic bacterial species was compared. Eighty‐five anaerobic bacterial isolates from 11 provinces in China belonging to 14 genera were identified by these three methods. Differences in identification between these three methods were compared. Consistent identification results were obtained for 54 (54/85, 63.5%) isolates by all three methods, the most discordant results being concentrated in Clostridium XI (n = 8) and Bacteroides fragilis (n = 9) clusters. Using the VITEK MS system, 74 (74/90, 82.2%) isolates were identified as single species consistent with 16S rRNA sequence analysis, which was significantly better than the results obtained with VITEK 2 Compact (P < 0.01). Misidentifications by the Vitek 2 Compact and Vitek MS systems were mainly observed in the Clostridium XI (n = 8)and B. fragilis clusters (n = 9). VITEK MS identified anaerobic bacteria even after they had been exposed to oxygen for a week. Identification by the Vitek MS system was more consistent with 16S rRNA sequence analysis than identification by Vitek 2 Compact. Continuous expansion of the VITEK MS database with rare described anaerobic species is warranted to improve both the efficiency and accuracy of VITEK MS identification in routine diagnostic microbiology.  相似文献   

Flea identification is a significant issue because some species are considered as important vectors of several human pathogens that have emerged or re‐emerged recently, such as Bartonella henselae (Rhizobiales: Bartonellaceae) and Rickettsia felis (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae). Matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF MS) has been evaluated in recent years for the identification of multicellular organisms, including arthropods. A preliminary study corroborated the usefulness of this technique for the rapid identification of fleas, creating a preliminary database containing the spectra of five species of flea. However, longterm flea preservation in ethanol did not appear to be an adequate method of storage in the context of specimen identification by MALDI‐TOF MS profiling. The goal of the present work was to assess the performance of MALDI‐TOF MS in the identification of seven flea species [Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), Ctenocephalides canis, Pulex irritans (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), Archaeopsylla erinacei (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae), Leptopsylla taschenbergi (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae), Stenoponia tripectinata (Siphonaptera: Stenoponiidae) and Nosopsyllus fasciatus (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae)] collected in the field and stored in ethanol for different periods of time. The results confirmed that MALDI‐TOF MS can be used for the identification of wild fleas stored in ethanol. Furthermore, this technique was able to discriminate not only different flea genera, but also the two congeneric species C. felis and C. canis.  相似文献   

Matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF MS) has emerged as a promising tool to rapidly characterize Staphylococcus aureus. Different protocols have been employed, but effects of experimental factors, such as culture condition and sample preparation, on spectrum quality and reproducibility have not been rigorously examined. We applied MALDI‐TOF MS to characterize a model system consisting of five methicillin‐sensitive (MSSA) and five methicillin‐resistant S. aureus isolates (MRSA) under two culture conditions (agar and broth) and using two sample preparation methods [intact cell method and protein extraction method (PEM)]. The effects of these treatments on spectrum quality and reproducibility were quantified. PEM facilitated increases in the number of peaks and mass range width. Broth cultures further improved spectrum quality in terms of increasing the number of peaks. In addition, PEM increased reproducibility in samples prepared using identical culture conditions. MALDI imaging data suggested that the improvement in reproducibility may result from a more homogeneous distribution of sample associated with the broth/PEM treatment. Broth/PEM treatment also yielded the highest rate (96%) of correct classification for MRSA. Taken together, these results suggest that broth/PEM maximizes the performance of MALDI‐TOF MS to characterize S. aureus.

Significance and Impact of the Study

Two culture conditions (agar or broth) and two sample preparation methods (intact cell or protein extraction) were evaluated for their effects on profiling of Staphylococcus aureus using matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF MS). Results indicated that MALDI‐enabled profiling of S. aureus is most effective when cultures are grown in broth and processed using a protein extraction‐based approach. These findings should enhance future efforts to maximize the performance of this approach to characterize strains of S. aureus.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has shown promise in species identification of insect species. We evaluated its potential to consistently characterize laboratory-reared biting midges of the species Culicoides nubeculosus (Meigen) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Twenty-one reproducible potential biomarker masses for C. nubeculosus were identified under different experimental treatments. These treatments included the homogenization of insects in either water or known concentrations of formic acid. The biomarker masses were present independent of age, gender and different periods of storage of individuals in 70% ethanol (a standard preservation method). It was found that the presence of blood in females reduced the intensity of the MALDI-TOF pattern, necessitating the removal of the abdomen before analysis. The protein profiles of a related non-biting midge, Forcipomyia sp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), and of Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes were also examined and were distinctly different. These findings provide preliminary data to optimize future studies in differentiation of species within the Culicoides genus using MALDI-TOF MS which is a rapid, simple, reliable and cost-effective technique.  相似文献   

Park SJ  Yoon WG  Song JS  Jung HS  Kim CJ  Oh SY  Yoon BH  Jung G  Kim HJ  Nirasawa T 《Proteomics》2006,6(1):349-363
Proteome analysis by 2-DE and PMF by MALDI-TOF MS was performed on human amnion and amniotic fluid at term. Ninety-two soluble and nineteen membrane proteins were identified from amnion. Thirty-five proteins were identified from amniotic fluid. Calgranulin A and B were found in all patients infected with Ureaplasma urealyticum, but not in any of the patients without infection, indicating that they are potential markers of intrauterine infection. Identity of calgranulin A and B was confirmed by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. This study represents the first extensive analysis of the human amnion and amniotic fluid proteome at term and demonstrates that 2-DE and MALDI-TOF MS is a useful tool for identifying clinically significant biomarkers of problematic pregnancies.  相似文献   

Crowley TA  Hayes MA 《Proteomics》2005,5(14):3798-3804
Off-line coupling of capillary IEF (CIEF) with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry was utilized for the analysis of human blood serum. Serum proteins were initially separated by CIEF, and fractions of the isoelectric separation were eluted sequentially to a MALDI-TOF MS sample target. During pressure elution of the CIEF sample, voltage was maintained across the capillary system utilizing a sheath flow arrangement to minimize band broadening induced by the laminar flow field. Both pI and mass information were obtained from the complex biological sample, similar to traditional 2-DE techniques, and the platform was faster (hours versus days), more automatable, and simpler than 2-DE. The volume of raw sample present in the actual analysis was approximately 100 nL, making this technique well suited for very rare specimens. Additionally, the speed and simplicity of the technology make it an attractive technique for performing initial comparative analyses of complex samples.  相似文献   

A protocol has been developed that allows protein identifications using available DNA-based or protein sequences from a reference strain of a bacterial species to be extended to bacterial strains for which no prior DNA-based or protein sequence information exists. The protocol is predicated on careful isolation of a specific sub-cellular group of proteins. In this study, ribosomal proteins were chosen due to their high relative abundance and similarity in copy number per cell. After isolation of ribosomal proteins, MALDI-MS is used to acquire accurate protein molecular weights. An iterative comparison of reference protein molecular weights and identities is made to the resulting data, allowing for the straightforward identification of ribosomal proteins from any non-reference strains. This approach can reveal differences between proteins at the amino acid or post-translational level. The protocol was developed, validated and applied to ribosomal proteins from three strains of the extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus. This approach revealed that nearly 60% of the ribosomal proteins from all three strains are identical. The extension of protein identification to additional bacterial strains can be useful in phylogenetic studies as well as in biomarker identification.  相似文献   

The 2-nitrobenzenesulfenyl (NBS) method, which is useful for quantitative proteome analysis, is based on stable isotope labeling of tryptophan residues with NBS chloride ((12)C(6)-NBSCl or (13)C(6)-NBSCl). We found that 3-hydroxy-4-nitrobenzoic acid (3H4NBA) is a more suitable matrix than 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) for detecting NBS-labeled peptides by MALDI-quadrupole IT (QIT)-TOF MS . Furthermore, NBS-labeled peptides were selectively ionized and detected in a mixture of NBS-labeled and unlabeled peptides. Labeled paired peaks were easily detected without enrichment, nonpaired labeled peaks were clearly distinguished from unlabeled contaminating peptides, and nitrotyrosine-containing peptides were also selectively detected on the 3H4NBA matrix, while by-product-peaks arising from nitrobenzene moieties were suppressed. The use of 3H4NBA as a comatrix with CHCA improved the sensitivity of detection while substantially retaining the selectivity of 3H4NBA. The 3H4NBA matrix offers great advantages in terms of simplicity, sensitivity, and usability when used for the NBS method and for MALDI-TOF MS analysis applied to compounds having a nitrobenzene ring.  相似文献   

The rhizome of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) was analyzed by high‐resolution mass spectrometry imaging and tandem mass spectrometry imaging. An atmospheric pressure matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging ion source was combined with an orbital trapping mass spectrometer in order to obtain high‐resolution imaging in mass and space. Sections of the rhizome were imaged with a spatial resolution of 10 μm in the positive ion mode, and a large number of secondary metabolites were localized and identified based on their accurate mass and MS/MS fragmentation patterns. Major tissue‐specific metabolites, including free flavonoids, flavonoid glycosides and saponins, were successfully detected and visualized in images, showing their distributions at the cellular level. The analytical power of the technique was tested in the imaging of two isobaric licorice saponins with a mass difference of only 0.02 Da. With a mass resolving power of 140 000 and a bin width of 5 ppm in the image processing, the two compounds were well resolved in full‐scan mode, and appeared with different distributions in the tissue sections. The identities of the compounds and their distributions were validated in a subsequent MS/MS imaging experiment, thereby confirming their identities and excluding possible analyte interference. The use of high spatial resolution, high mass resolution and tandem mass spectrometry in imaging experiments provides significant information about the biosynthetic pathway of flavonoids and saponins in legume species, combing the spatially resolved chemical information with morphological details at the microscopic level. Furthermore, the technique offers a scheme capable of high‐throughput profiling of metabolites in plant tissues.  相似文献   

Short cyclic peptides have a great interest in therapeutic, diagnostic and affinity chromatography applications. The screening of ‘one‐bead‐one‐peptide’ combinatorial libraries combined with mass spectrometry (MS) is an excellent tool to find peptides with affinity for any target protein. The fragmentation patterns of cyclic peptides are quite more complex than those of their linear counterparts, and the elucidation of the resulting tandem mass spectra is rather more difficult. Here, we propose a simple protocol for combinatorial cyclic libraries synthesis and ring opening before MS analysis. In this strategy, 4‐hydroxymethylbenzoic acid, which forms a benzyl ester with the first amino acid, was used as the linker. A glycolamidic ester group was incorporated after the combinatorial positions by adding glycolic acid. The library synthesis protocol consisted in the following: (i) incorporation of Fmoc‐Asp[2‐phenylisopropyl (OPp)]‐OH to Ala‐Gly‐oxymethylbenzamide‐ChemMatrix, (ii) synthesis of the combinatorial library, (iii) assembly of a glycolic acid, (iv) couple of an Ala residue in the N‐terminal, (v) removal of OPp, (vi) peptide cyclisation through side chain Asp and N‐Ala amino terminus and (vii) removal of side chain protecting groups. In order to simultaneously open the ring and release each peptide, benzyl and glycolamidic esters were cleaved with ammonia. Peptide sequences could be deduced from the tandem mass spectra of each single bead evaluated. The strategy herein proposed is suitable for the preparation of one‐bead‐one‐cyclic depsipeptide libraries that can be easily open for its sequencing by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionisation MS. It employs techniques and reagents frequently used in a broad range of laboratories without special expertise in organic synthesis. Copyright © 2014 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Polymeric tannins, extracted from grape berries (Gamay variety), were fractionated according to their mean degree of polymerisation (mDP) on a styrene-divinylbenzene phase eluted with a gradient of methanol:chloroform. Increasing the percentage of methanol led to the solubilisation of higher molecular weight tannins. The mean mDP of each collected fraction was determined by acid-catalysed degradation in the presence of a nucleophilic reagent. The fractionation method produced a linear gradient of mDP varying between 1.84 and 19.34. The fractions were partially characterised by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS). The spectra showed a complex mixture of proanthocyanidins and galloylated proanthocyanidins up to 4000 amu.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometers equipped with matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI‐MS) require frequent multipoint calibration to obtain good mass accuracy over a wide mass range and across large numbers of samples. In this study, we introduce a new synthetic peptide mass calibration standard termed PAS‐cal tailored for MALDI‐MS based bottom‐up proteomics. This standard consists of 30 peptides between 8 and 37 amino acids long and each constructed to contain repetitive sequences of Pro, Ala and Ser as well as one C‐terminal arginine residue. MALDI spectra thus cover a mass range between 750 and 3200 m/z in MS mode and between 100 and 3200 m/z in MS/MS mode. Our results show that multipoint calibration of MS spectra using PAS‐cal peptides compares well to current commercial reagents for protein identification by PMF. Calibration of tandem mass spectra from LC‐MALDI experiments using the longest peptide, PAS‐cal37, resulted in smaller fragment ion mass errors, more matching fragment ions and more protein and peptide identifications compared to commercial standards, making the PAS‐cal standard generically useful for bottom‐up proteomics.  相似文献   

The localization of metabolites on plant surfaces has been problematic because of the limitations of current methodologies. Attempts to localize glucosinolates, the sulfur‐rich defense compounds of the order Brassicales, on leaf surfaces have given many contradictory results depending on the method employed. Here we developed a matrix‐assisted laser desorption–ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry protocol to detect surface glucosinolates on Arabidopsis thaliana leaves by applying the MALDI matrix through sublimation. Quantification was accomplished by spotting glucosinolate standards directly on the leaf surface. The A. thaliana leaf surface was found to contain approximately 15 nmol of total glucosinolate per leaf with about 50 pmol mm?2 on abaxial (bottom) surfaces and 15–30 times less on adaxial (top) surfaces. Of the major compounds detected, 4‐methylsulfinylbutylglucosinolate, indol‐3‐ylmethylglucosinolate, and 8‐methylsulfinyloctylglucosinolate were also major components of the leaf interior, but the second most abundant glucosinolate on the surface, 4‐methylthiobutylglucosinolate, was only a trace component of the interior. Distribution on the surface was relatively uniform in contrast to the interior, where glucosinolates were distributed more abundantly in the midrib and periphery than the rest of the leaf. These results were confirmed by two other mass spectrometry‐based techniques, laser ablation electrospray ionization and liquid extraction surface analysis. The concentrations of glucosinolates on A. thaliana leaf surfaces were found to be sufficient to attract the specialist feeding lepidopterans Plutella xylostella and Pieris rapae for oviposition. The methods employed here should be easily applied to other plant species and metabolites.  相似文献   

Protein glycosylation involves the addition of monosaccharides in a stepwise process requiring no glycan template. Therefore, identifying the numerous glycoforms, including isomers, can help elucidate the biological function(s) of particular glycans. A method to assess the diversity of the N‐linked oligosaccharides released from human serum without derivatization has been developed using on‐line nanoLC and high resolution TOF MS. The N‐linked oligosaccharides were analyzed with MALDI FT‐ICR MS and microchip LC MS (HPLC–Chip/TOF MS). Two microfluidic chips were employed, the glycan chip (40 nL enrichment column, 43×0.075 mm2 i.d. analytical column) and the high capacity chip (160 nL enrichment column, 140×0.075 mm2 i.d. analytical column), both with graphitized carbon as the stationary phase. Both chips offered good sensitivity and reproducibility in separating a heterogeneous mixture of neutral and anionic oligosaccharides between injections. Increasing the length and volume of the enrichment and the analytical columns improved resolution of the peaks. Complex type N‐linked oligosaccharides were the most abundant oligosaccharides in human serum accounting for ∼96% of the total glycans identified, while hybrid and high mannose type oligosaccharides comprise the remaining ∼4%.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts were analyzed using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Sample preparation proved to be a crucial step in the acquisition of acceptable mass spectra. Oocysts of C. parvum and the matrix were mixed and held for at least 45 min to produce reproducible, representative mass spectra. Sporozoites were also excysted from oocysts, purified, and analyzed using MALDI-TOF MS. The mass spectra of the intact oocysts contained many of the same peaks found in the mass spectra of the sporozoites, suggesting that during analysis, the internal constituents, not just the oocyst wall, are ablated by the laser.  相似文献   

The cutin polymers of different fruit cuticles (tomato, apple, nectarine) were examined using matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI) after in situ release of the lipid monomers by alkaline hydrolysis. The mass spectra were acquired from each coordinate with a lateral spatial resolution of approximately 100 μm. Specific monomers were released at their original location in the tissue, suggesting that post‐hydrolysis diffusion can be neglected. Relative quantification of the species was achieved by introducing an internal standard, and the collection of data was subjected to non‐supervised and supervised statistical treatments. The molecular images obtained showed a specific distribution of ions that could unambiguously be ascribed to cutinized and suberized regions observed at the surface of fruit cuticles, thus demonstrating that the method is able to probe some structural changes that affect hydrophobic cuticle polymers. Subsequent chemical assignment of the differentiating ions was performed, and all of these ions could be matched to cutin and suberin molecular markers. Therefore, this MALDI‐MSI procedure provides a powerful tool for probing the surface heterogeneity of plant lipid polymers. This method should facilitate rapid investigation of the relationships between cuticle phenotypes and the structure of cutin within a large population of mutants.  相似文献   

Aims: Vibrio identification by means of traditional microbiological methods is time consuming because of the many biochemical tests that have to be performed to distinguish closely related species. This work aimed at evaluating the use of MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometry for the rapid identification of Vibrio (V.) spp. as an advantageous application to rapidly discriminate the most important Vibrio spp. and distinguish Vibrio spp. from closely related bacterial species like Photobacterium damselae and Grimontia hollisae and other aquatic bacteria like Aeromonas spp. Methods and Results: Starting from sub‐colony amounts of pure cultures grown on agar plates, a very simple sample preparation procedure was established and combined with a rapid and automated measurement protocol that allowed species identification within minutes. Closely related species like Vibrio alginolyticus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus or Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio mimicus could thus be differentiated by defining signatures of species‐identifying biomarker ions (SIBIs). As a reference method for species designation and for determination of relationships between strains with molecular markers, partial rpoB gene sequencing was applied. Conclusions: The MALDI‐TOF MS‐based method as well as the rpoB sequence‐based approach for Vibrio identification described in this study produced comparable classification results. The construction of phylogenetic trees from MALDI‐TOF MS and rpoB sequences revealed a very good congruence of both methods. Significance and Impact of the Study: Our results suggest that whole‐cell MALDI‐TOF MS‐based proteometric characterization represents a powerful tool for rapid and accurate classification and identification of Vibrio spp. and related species.  相似文献   

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