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The dynamics of infestation and losses of stored maize due to the larger grain borer (Prostephanus truncatus Horn) and maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky) were investigated in Tanzania. In single species populations, significantly higher maize damage (P ≤ 0.05) was caused by P. truncatus (23.3%) compared to S. zeamais (6.4%). Weight losses caused by P. truncatus were higher (12.7%) than for S. zeamais (6.7%) under similar conditions. A higher proportion of P. truncatus in the initial infestation population led to significantly higher (≤0.05) maize damage compared to equal or higher proportions of S. zeamais. Irrespective of the initial number of S. zeamais, population size increased to levels higher than for P. truncatus. Maize losses in unimproved storage structures were >80% compared to <2.5% in improved structures under natural infestation. Inter-specific competition appeared to influence the dynamics of infestation, damage levels and weight losses. The first two months of storage were critical for damaging insect populations to build up.  相似文献   

巴豆提取物对玉米象的生物活性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了巴豆(Croton tigliumL.)4种溶剂提取物对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky)成虫的驱避作用和触杀作用。结果表明:巴豆的4种溶剂提取物对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Mostchulsky)成虫均有很好的触杀作用,7.86 mg/cm2的浓度处理后,4 d后的校正死亡率均达到100%。巴豆的4种溶剂提取物对玉米象成虫没有明显的驱避作用。  相似文献   

Delta traps baited with maize cobs, which were infested each with one male Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Col.: Bostrichidae), were distributed in southern Benin and collected after one, two, three and four weeks. The numbers of P. truncatus caught during the different trapping periods were not significantly different. Sixty-four percent of the trapped P. truncatus were females. Females attracted during the one-week trapping period produced a mean of 6.9 progeny during the seven days. The sex ratio of the progeny was 1:1. Trap catches with the infested cobs were on average 13 times lower than catches with 2 mg of the artificial pheromone. Estimation of P. truncatus densities in a maize store at the beginning of the storage period (based on laboratory data) revealed that small initial numbers of P. truncatus, possibly attracted by a single male, sufficed to initiate high infestation rates later in the storage season.  相似文献   

土荆芥提取物对玉米象的触杀与熏蒸活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
测定了土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioidesL.)4种溶剂(100%乙醇、丙酮、乙酸乙酯和石油醚)提取物对玉米象Sitophilusz eamais Motschulsky的触杀和,蒸活性。4种溶剂提取物在6.494mg/cm2浓度下对玉米象的触杀效果:48h后100%乙醇提取物和石油醚提取物的校正死亡率均达100%;丙酮提取物次之,为92.31%;乙酸乙酯提取物最低,为64.10%,但72h后达94.17%。4种溶剂提取物对玉米象的,蒸活性:72h后0.50mg/mL浓度处理下校正死亡率为98.73%~100%。  相似文献   

蛇床子素粉剂对玉米象成虫的杀虫活性及酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究1.0%蛇床子素(osthole)粉剂对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais Motschusky成虫的杀虫活性及其对玉米象成虫羧酸酯酶、乙酰胆碱酯酶、谷胱甘肽S-转移酶及蛋白质活性的影响。结果表明,1.0%蛇床子素粉剂对玉米象成虫有很好的杀虫活性,处理玉米象成虫3d后,0.8mg/kg以上剂量的蛇床子素粉剂对玉米象成虫的校正死亡率达100%;用0.19mg/kg蛇床子素粉剂处理玉米象成虫2d后,试虫体内乙酰胆碱酯酶、羧酸酯酶和蛋白质活性均表现出受抑制,而谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性随处理时间的延长整体趋势表现出被诱导。  相似文献   

The influence of population density and aggregation pheromone were investigated as possible flight initiating factors for Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Col.: Bostrichidae). Maize grains (175 g in glass jars) were infested with 20, 50, 150 or 300 beetles, all of which were removed after 2 weeks. Flight initiation of the progeny was observed over a period of 4 weeks, with and without the synthetic aggregation pheromone of P. truncatus. Addition of the synthetic pheromone had no influence on the number of beetles taking off. The number of beetles dispersing increased with growing initial and progeny densities. Dispersal rates (% of total progeny dispersing) rose with declining rate till they reached a maximum at ca. 33%. Of the beetles dispersing, 74% left the cultures between 18.00 and 20.00 hours. Surviving progeny per female decreased with increasing initial density. Sex ratios in the initial cultures and in the F1 were ca. 1:1, whereas a higher proportion of females (67%) was found among the dispersing beetles.  相似文献   

用巴豆粉、提取物进行拌粮,研究对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky)的防效。试验结果表明:巴豆粉在8000mg/kg稻谷使用剂量下,玉米象成虫的校正死亡率为46.7%,对子代的种群抑制率为65.7%;巴豆4种溶剂提取物对玉米象成虫及子代均具有很明显的控制作用,其中以无水乙醇提取物的效果最明显;1000mg/kg稻谷处理剂量下,玉米象成虫的校正死亡率为88.7%,对子代的种群抑制率为87.5%。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The acute toxicity of essential oils from the whole fruit (EF) or from the fibres of the fruit (FF) of the local aromatic plants Xylopia aethiopica Dunal (Annonaceae) collected in north Cameroon was evaluated on Sitophilus zeamais adults. A concentration of 1 ml of essential oil per 100 g of maize seeds was tested to determine weevil mortality after 24 h of exposure. Under these conditions, the essential oil derived from both EF and FF of X. aethiopica led to 100% mortality. In a second step, proportions of active compounds present in the oil of both EF and FF of X. aethiopica were quantified. The toxicity of the four main compounds was tested against S. zeamais : α -pinene, β -pinene, Δ-3-carene and terpinen-4-ol according to their proportion in the essential oil of the concerned plant part. β -pinene and terpinen-4-ol were responsible for 50% of the mortality at the proportion found in EF and FF essential oils respectively. When mixed, a synergic effect of the compounds was observed that restored the mortality percentage observed for the crude oil. It appears that X. aethiopica essential oil could be a potential source of natural and low-cost insecticide to control storage pests.  相似文献   

21种植物提取物对玉米象的生物活性   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:31  
姚英娟  薛东  杨长举 《昆虫学报》2005,48(5):692-698
为了筛选对粮库安全的植物源杀虫剂,研究了21种植物的4种溶剂(无水乙醇、丙酮、乙酸乙酯和石油醚)提取物对玉米象Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky的驱避和触杀作用。结果表明,高良姜Alpinia officinarum石油醚提取物、黄姜Curcuma longa丙酮提取物和山鸡椒Litsea cubeba石油醚提取物对玉米象成虫的驱避作用显著,处理60 h平均驱避等级均达到Ⅴ级,平均驱避率分别为80.02%、80.60%和81.70%。在21种植物中,石菖蒲Acorus gramineus和巴豆Croton tiglium的4种溶剂提取物均对玉米象成虫的触杀作用明显,7.86 mg/cm2的剂量处理4天后的校正死亡率均达到90%以上。  相似文献   

The efficacy of 13 isolates of entomopathogenic fungi belonging to Beauveria , Metarhizium or Paecilomyces spp. was assessed against Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Prostephanus truncatus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) using a total immersion bioassay technique in the laboratory. Fungi were applied at concentrations of 1 ×10 7 and 1 ×10 8 conidia mL -1 for P. truncatus and S. zeamais , respectively. All isolates tested were virulent to P. truncatus (98-100% mortality, and median survival time (MST) ranged from 2.85-4.05 days). Metarhizium anisopliae and B. bassiana were also virulent to S. zeamais (92-100% mortality, MST ranged from 3.58-6.28 days). The isolate of Paecilomyces sp. was found to be the least virulent against S. zeamais , causing only 26.32 ±4.29% mortality with MST of 10.38 ±0.29 days. P. truncatus proved more susceptible to the entomopathogenic fungi tested than S. zeamais . One M. anisopliae (PPRC-EE) and three B. bassiana isolates (PPRC-HH, PPRC-9609 and PPRC-9614) were selected for further study and dose-mortality relationships were assessed on S. zeamais . The tested concentrations ranged from 1 ×10 4 -1 ×10 7 conidia mL -1 . M. anisopliae (PPRC-EE) showed the lowest LC 50 (3.39 ×10 5 conidia mL -1 ) followed by B. bassiana PPRC-HH (2.04 ×10 6 conidia mL -1 ). PPRC-9609 and PPRC-9614 showed slight differences in LC 50 but not at LC 90 . The results revealed the higher potency of M. anisopliae as compared with the B. bassiana isolates tested. The study suggests that the use of entomopathogenic fungi may hold promise as an alternative method to control pests of stored-products in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

Abstract Calamusenone [3,8‐dimethyl‐5‐(1‐methylethylidene)‐1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8‐octahydroazulene‐6‐one, C15H22O] from Acorus gramineus Soland rhizome was tested in the laboratory for its insecticidal activities against adults of Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. and Rhizopertha dominica (Fab.), using dry film contact and fumigation methods. Responses varied with insect species, dosage and exposure time. In the dry film contact experiment, the highest insecticidal effects of calamusenone against S. zeamais and R. dominica adults were produced at 170.32 μg/cm2 after treatment for 72 h, with 96.2% and 98.7% mortalities, respectively. The median lethal concentration (LC50) (72 h) values of calamusenone against S. zeamais and R. dominica adults were 67.00 μg/cm2 and 77.30 μg/cm2, respectively. As a potential fumigant, calamusenone showed moderate insecticidal effect on the adults of S. zeamais and R. dominica in fumigation experiment, with their LC50 (120 h) values of 125.71 μL/L and 93.64 μL/L respectively. Calamusenone isolated from A. gramineus rhizome showed promise as a novel pesticide candidate for stored‐product pest control.  相似文献   

研究甲酸乙酯和甲酸对离体玉米象Sitophilus zeamais(Motschulsky)酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)的抑制作用,结果表明甲酸乙酯对离体的玉米象酯酶和AChE没有抑制作用,并且甲酸对玉米象酯酶和AChE的抑制中浓度远远高于甲酸乙酯对玉米象的致死中浓度,说明甲酸对玉米象这两种酶的抑制作用不是甲酸乙酯杀虫的主要机理。  相似文献   

A study was carried out to evaluate the insecticidal activity of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides, Aristolochia ringens, Garcinia kola, Morinda lucida, Euphorbia hirta, Croton zambesicus, Colocasia esculenta, Ficus exasperata and Tetrapleura tetraptera on Sitophilus zeamais at ambient temperature of 28?±?2?°C and 70?±?5% relative humidity. The plants powder was applied at 5, 10 and 20% (wt/wt) of maize grain. Weevil mortality, adult emergence, percentage damage, percentage reduction and weevil perforation index were observed. The result obtained showed that only the powder of Z. zanthoxyloides and A. ringens effect mortality on the weevil as they both achieved more than 50% weevil mortality within 96?h of application. However, powder of Z. zanthoxyloides had the highest mortality effect on the weevil as it achieved 100% within 72?h at 5%(wt/wt) and its effect was significantly (p?<?0.05) different from other powders. Also, powder of Z. zanthoxyloides, A. ringens and M. lucida showed a reduction capacity on the emergence of the adult weevil at 20%(wt/wt). Moreover, Z. zanthoxyloides prevented the emergence of the adult weevil even at 5%(wt/wt) but effect was not significantly different from A. ringens and M. lucida at 20%(wt/wt) as they both achieved 0% and 0.67% adult emergence. The powders also reduced the damage of the treated seeds. Z. zanthoxyloides prevented the damage of the seeds at 5, 10 and 20%(wt/wt) while A. ringens prevented the seed damage at 20%(wt/wt). However, effect of all the powders increased with increase in the powder concentration.  相似文献   

In this study, lethal concentration (LC50) values of chlorpyrifos‐methyl (CPM) were determined for two Korean strains (CBNU and KNU) of Sitophilus zeamais. The two strains had similar susceptibilities (1.70 and 1.86 μg a.i./cm2, respectively) to CPM. Carboxylesterase (CE) activity was twice as high in the CBNU strain as in the KNU strain. Lower acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was also noted in the latter; however, the activity of glutathione S‐transferase (GST) was twice as high as in the CBNU strain. Gel electrophoresis of CE of crude extracts from adults of the two strains of S. zeamais showed clearly different band patterns, with molecular weights of 60 kDa and 71 kDa in the CBNU and KNU strains, respectively. MALDI‐TOF MS/MS was used to profile small proteins (less than 10 kDa), with results indicating that 206 proteins are expressed differently in the two strains. The peak of interest of 2247.7 m/z was applied to TOF‐TOF MS and its de novo peptide sequence was identified as a tyrosine phosphatase fragment. Phospholipids from the two strains were analyzed and 34 phospholipids were found to be significantly different between strains. Results suggest that the two strains collected from Korea showed different biochemical results, presumably differences in insecticide selection by different living locations.  相似文献   

Teretrius nigrescens is a predator of the larger grain borer (LGB) Prostephanus truncatus, an invasive post-harvest pest in Africa. We describe the isolation and characterization of 24 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers and their testing on a population from Honduras. Alleles per locus ranged between 2 and 12, and observed heterozygosity between 0.037 and 0.646. Six loci deviated significantly from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and showed evidence of null alleles. These markers will be useful for studies of the predator's population structure and characterizing populations for control of LGB.  相似文献   

Most management practices of Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, a field-to-post-harvest insect pest of cereals, have focused on post harvest control methods. This experiment was designed to investigate the potential of cropping system and modification of time of harvest to control S. zeamais. Intercropping and harvest time modification had significant (P < 0.05) effect on the number of S. zeamais emerging 42 days post-harvest. For the early harvest (15 weeks after planting (WAP)), the mean number of S. zeamais recorded from a maize monoculture (7.39) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than the mean numbers of weevils emerging from a maize–soybean intercrop (2.31), but not significantly higher than the number recorded in maize–groundnut (3.87) intercrop. For the late harvest (18 WAP), the mean number of emerged adult observed in the maize–soybean intercrop (6.13) was significantly lower than the mean number of adult emerging from the monocrop maize (13.24). Maize–groundnut intercrop did not significantly reduce field infestation of S. zeamais compared with monocrop maize. Percentage weight loss observed in early harvested maize was significantly (P < 0.0001) lower than what was observed in late-harvested maize. Percentage weight loss was highest in stored maize harvested from monocrop maize plots for the early harvest, whereas intercropping maize with soybean reduced percentage weight loss when harvest was delayed.  相似文献   

Abstract.Electroantennogram (EAG) and behavioural studies were conducted with Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Col.: Bostrichidae) and the predatory beetle, Teretriosoma nigrescens Lewis (Col: Histeridae) in regard to their responses to the components of the prey‐produced aggregation pheromone. There were hardly any differences between species or sexes regarding perception thresholds. In field and olfactometer experiments, female P. truncatus were more responsive to the pheromone than males, and both sexes reacted more strongly to the minor pheromone component, T2, than to T1. Sex ratios among trap catches of T. nigrescens were slightly male‐biased. The predator did not differentiate behaviourally between the pheromone components.  相似文献   

Abstract: Extensive collections of Teretrius nigrescens in Mexico, Honduras, and Benin, were electrophoretically analysed to elucidate the prey spectrum of the predator. Both polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and cellulose acetate electrophoresis were used. Beetles were sampled with pheromone traps, using the synthetic aggregation pheromone of Prostephanus truncatus , and directly from farmers' maize stores. The proportion of electrophoretically detected prey protein from adult T. nigrescens in pheromone traps was low: of the 1108 specimens analysed, only in 34 cases, prey protein could be clearly identified. More frequently, prey protein was detected in adult T. nigrescens sampled in maize stores in Mexico, Honduras, and Benin, with 87 samples showing distinct prey bands of the total 1214 predators analysed. Of the 241 T. nigrescens larvae sampled in maize stores in Benin, 136 showed distinct bands of prey protein. In all samples, P. truncatus was the most frequently detected prey species. The second most often identified prey species was Sitophilus zeamais . The results are discussed with regard to various methods for prey spectrum analysis and specifically the biology of T. nigrescens .  相似文献   

Abstract. . Adult Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) steering anemotactically upwind to a pheromone source in a wind tunnel, respond normally to, and alter their ground speed according to the direction and speed of, the movement of ground patterns beneath them. By manipulating this optomotor reaction component of their behaviour, studies were conducted on their flight duration. The results show a great deal of individual variation in flight duration, and the general data on single flights were skewed towards short flights. Pre-reproductive and inter-reproductive male and female beetles flew significantly longer than older beetles that had passed their peak of reproduction. There was no significant difference in the flight duration of male and female beetles at any age. The overall results suggest mat younger P. truncatus are capable of long-distance flights, and support the proposition that flight could be important in the spread of the beetle.  相似文献   

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