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The Gram-positive pathogen Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax, a fulminant and lethal infection of mammals. Two large virulence plasmids, pXO1 and pXO2, harbour genes required for anthrax pathogenesis and encode secreted toxins or provide for the poly γ- d -glutamic acid capsule. In addition to capsule, B. anthracis harbours additional cell wall envelope structures, including the surface layer (S-layer), which is composed of crystalline protein arrays. We sought to identify the B. anthracis envelope factor that mediates adherence of vegetative forms to human cells and isolated BslA ( B . anthracis S - l ayer protein A ). Its structural gene, bslA , is located on the pXO1 pathogenicity island (pXO1-90) and bslA expression is both necessary and sufficient for adherence of vegetative forms to host cells. BslA assembly into S-layers and surface exposure is presumably mediated by three N-terminal SLH domains. Twenty-three B. anthracis genes, whose products harbour similar SLH domains, may provide additional surface molecules that allow bacilli to engage cells or tissues of specific hosts during anthrax pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Adhesion to host tissue is one of the key steps of the bacterial pathogenic process. Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri possesses a non‐fimbrial adhesin protein, XacFhaB, required for bacterial attachment, which we have previously demonstrated to be an important virulence factor for the development of citrus canker. XacFhaB is a 4753‐residue‐long protein with a predicted β‐helical fold structure, involved in bacterial aggregation, biofilm formation and adhesion to the host. In this work, to further characterize this protein and considering its large size, XacFhaB was dissected into three regions based on bioinformatic and structural analyses for functional studies. First, the capacity of these protein regions to aggregate bacterial cells was analysed. Two of these regions were able to form bacterial aggregates, with the most amino‐terminal region being dispensable for this activity. Moreover, XacFhaB shows features resembling pathogen‐associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which are recognized by plants. As PAMPs activate plant basal immune responses, the role of the three XacFhaB regions as elicitors of these responses was investigated. All adhesin regions were able to induce basal immune responses in host and non‐host plants, with a stronger activation by the carboxyl‐terminal region. Furthermore, pre‐infiltration of citrus leaves with XacFhaB regions impaired X. citri ssp. citri growth, confirming the induction of defence responses and restraint of citrus canker. This work reveals that adhesins from plant pathogens trigger plant defence responses, opening up new pathways for the development of protective strategies for disease control.  相似文献   

The role of fibronectin binding protein A (FbpA) in Listeria monocytogenes infection and its pathogenesis were studied in vivo and in vitro by constructing a fbpA‐deficient mutant of L. monocytogenes (ΔfbpA). In vivo, ΔfbpA was less pathogenic in mutant mice than was wild‐type L. monocytogenes. FbpA did not affect the amounts of various virulence‐determining factors, including internalin B and listeriolysin O. However, adherence to, and invasion of, mouse hepatocytes by the ΔfbpA mutant were reduced. In contrast, adherence to, but not invasion of, the ΔfbpA mutant to macrophages was attenuated. Fibronectin contributed to the efficient adherence and invasion of wild‐type L. monocytogenes, but not to those of the ΔfbpA mutant. Attenuation of adhesion and uptake of the ΔfbpA mutant were reversed by overexpression of FbpA in it. FbpA was not involved in intracellular growth, autophagy induction or actin tail formation. Thus, the present findings clearly show that FbpA acts as an important adhesion molecule of L. monocytogenes, especially regarding hepatocytes, without modulating the expression of other virulence factors that have been implicated in the pathogenesis of L. monocytogenes infection.  相似文献   

Cell surfaces are decorated by a variety of proteins that facilitate interactions with their environments and support cell stability. These secreted proteins are anchored to the cell by mechanisms that are diverse, and, in archaea, poorly understood. Recently published in silico data suggest that in some species a subset of secreted euryarchaeal proteins, which includes the S‐layer glycoprotein, is processed and covalently linked to the cell membrane by enzymes referred to as archaeosortases. In silico work led to the proposal that an independent, sortase‐like system for proteolysis‐coupled, carboxy‐terminal lipid modification exists in bacteria (exosortase) and archaea (archaeosortase). Here, we provide the first in vivo characterization of an archaeosortase in the haloarchaeal model organism Haloferax volcanii. Deletion of the artA gene (HVO_0915) resulted in multiple biological phenotypes: (a) poor growth, especially under low‐salt conditions, (b) alterations in cell shape and the S‐layer, (c) impaired motility, suppressors of which still exhibit poor growth, and (d) impaired conjugation. We studied one of the ArtA substrates, the S‐layer glycoprotein, using detailed proteomic analysis. While the carboxy‐terminal region of S‐layer glycoproteins, consisting of a putative threonine‐rich O‐glycosylated region followed by a hydrophobic transmembrane helix, has been notoriously resistant to any proteomic peptide identification, we were able to identify two overlapping peptides from the transmembrane domain present in the ΔartA strain but not in the wild‐type strain. This clearly shows that ArtA is involved in carboxy‐terminal post‐translational processing of the S‐layer glycoprotein. As it is known from previous studies that a lipid is covalently attached to the carboxy‐terminal region of the S‐layer glycoprotein, our data strongly support the conclusion that archaeosortase functions analogously to sortase, mediating proteolysis‐coupled, covalent cell surface attachment.  相似文献   

Rhizopus oryzae is the most common cause of mucormycosis, an angioinvasive fungal infection that causes more then 50% mortality rate despite first‐line therapy. Clinical and animal model data clearly demonstrate that the presence of elevated available serum iron predisposes the host to mucormycosis. The high affinity iron permease gene (FTR1) is required for R. oryzae iron transport in iron‐depleted environments. Here we demonstrate that FTR1 is required for full virulence of R. oryzae in mice. We show that FTR1 is expressed during infection in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) mice. In addition, we disrupted FTR1 by double cross‐over homologous recombination, but multinucleated R. oryzae could not be forced to segregate to a homokaryotic null allele. Nevertheless, a reduction of the relative copy number of FTR1 and inhibition of FTR1 expression by RNAi compromised the ability of R. oryzae to acquire iron in vitro and reduced its virulence in DKA mice. Importantly, passive immunization with anti‐Ftr1p immune sera protected DKA mice from infection with R. oryzae. Thus, FTR1 is a virulence factor for R. oryzae, and anti‐Ftr1p passive immunotherapy deserves further evaluation as a strategy to improve outcomes of deadly mucormycosis.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris causes black rot, a serious disease of crucifers. Xanthomonads encode a siderophore biosynthesis and uptake gene cluster xss (Xanthomonas siderophore synthesis) involved in the production of a vibrioferrin‐type siderophore. However, little is known about the role of the siderophore in the iron uptake and virulence of X. campestris pv. campestris. In this study, we show that X. campestris pv. campestris produces an α‐hydroxycarboxylate‐type siderophore (named xanthoferrin), which is required for growth under low‐iron conditions and for optimum virulence. A mutation in the siderophore synthesis xssA gene causes deficiency in siderophore production and growth under low‐iron conditions. In contrast, the siderophore utilization ΔxsuA mutant is able to produce siderophore, but exhibits a defect in the utilization of the siderophore–iron complex. Our radiolabelled iron uptake studies confirm that the ΔxssA and ΔxsuA mutants exhibit defects in ferric iron (Fe3+) uptake. The ΔxssA mutant is able to utilize and transport the exogenous xanthoferrin–Fe3+ complex; in contrast, the siderophore utilization or uptake mutant ΔxsuA exhibits defects in siderophore uptake. Expression analysis of the xss operon using a chromosomal gusA fusion indicates that the xss operon is expressed during in planta growth and under low‐iron conditions. Furthermore, exogenous iron supplementation in cabbage leaves rescues the in planta growth deficiency of ΔxssA and ΔxsuA mutants. Our study reveals that the siderophore xanthoferrin is an important virulence factor of X. campestris pv. campestris which promotes in planta growth by the sequestration of Fe3+.  相似文献   

Plasmodesmata (PD), unique to the plant kingdom, are structurally complex microchannels that cross the cell wall to establish symplastic communication between neighbouring cells. Viral intercellular movement occurs through PD. To better understand the involvement of PD in viral infection, we conducted a quantitative proteomic study on the PD‐enriched fraction from Nicotiana benthamiana leaves in response to infection by Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV). We report the identification of a total of 1070 PD protein candidates, of which 100 (≥2‐fold increase) and 48 (≥2‐fold reduction) are significantly differentially accumulated in the PD‐enriched fraction, when compared with protein levels in the corresponding healthy control. Among the differentially accumulated PD protein candidates, we show that an α‐expansin designated NbEXPA1, a cell wall loosening protein, is PD‐specific. TuMV infection downregulates NbEXPA1 mRNA expression and protein accumulation. We further demonstrate that NbEXPA1 is recruited to the viral replication complex via the interaction with NIb, the only RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase of TuMV. Silencing of NbEXPA1 inhibits plant growth and TuMV infection, whereas overexpression of NbEXPA1 promotes viral replication and intercellular movement. These data suggest that NbEXPA1 is a host factor for potyviral infection. This study not only generates a PD‐proteome dataset that is useful in future studies to expound PD biology and PD‐mediated virus–host interactions but also characterizes NbEXPA1 as the first PD‐specific cell wall loosening protein and its essential role in potyviral infection.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a devastating necrotrophic plant pathogen with a worldwide distribution. Cell wall‐degrading enzymes and oxalic acid are important to the virulence of this pathogen. Here, we report a novel secretory protein, Ss‐Rhs1, which is essential for the virulence of S. sclerotiorum. Ss‐Rhs1 is believed to contain a typical signal peptide at the N‐terminal and eight rearrangement hotspot (Rhs) repeats. Ss‐Rhs1 exhibited a high level of expression at the initial stage of sclerotial development, as well as during the hyphal infection process. Targeted silencing of Ss‐Rhs1 resulted in abnormal colony morphology and reduced virulence on host plants. Microscopic observations indicated that Ss‐Rhs1‐silenced strains exhibited reduced efficiency in compound appressoria formation.  相似文献   

The self‐incompatibility (SI) response occurs widely in flowering plants as a means of preventing self‐fertilization. In these self/non‐self discrimination systems, plant pistils reject self or genetically related pollen. In the Solanaceae, Plantaginaceae and Rosaceae, pistil‐secreted S‐RNases enter the pollen tube and function as cytotoxins to specifically arrest self‐pollen tube growth. Recent studies have revealed that the S‐locus F‐box (SLF) protein controls the pollen expression of SI in these families. However, the precise role of SLF remains largely unknown. Here we report that PhSSK1 (Petunia hybrida SLF‐interacting Skp1‐like1), an equivalent of AhSSK1 of Antirrhinum hispanicum, is expressed specifically in pollen and acts as an adaptor in an SCF(Skp1‐Cullin1‐F‐box)SLF complex, indicating that this pollen‐specific SSK1‐SLF interaction occurs in both Petunia and Antirrhinum, two species from the Solanaceae and Plantaginaceae, respectively. Substantial reduction of PhSSK1 in pollen reduced cross‐pollen compatibility (CPC) in the S‐RNase‐based SI response, suggesting that the pollen S determinant contributes to inhibiting rather than protecting the S‐RNase activity, at least in solanaceous plants. Furthermore, our results provide an example that a specific Skp1‐like protein other than the known conserved ones can be recruited into a canonical SCF complex as an adaptor.  相似文献   

We report the first confirmed occurrence in Britain of Orchis × angusticruris Franch. ex Rouy, a hybrid between two closely related orchid species of anthropomorphic Orchis (O. purpurea Huds. × O. simia Lam.) that hybridize frequently in Continental Europe. Seven individual hybrids, most likely F1 plants representing a single interspecific pollination event, first flowered with both parents in May 2006 at a nature reserve in the Chiltern Hills near Goring, Oxfordshire. Univariate and multivariate morphometric analyses (43 characters plus 12 indices), internal transcribed spacer sequencing, plastid microsatellites and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses together readily separate the parents and confirm that O. purpurea was the ovule parent and O. simia the pollen parent, presumably reflecting the greater frequency and/or later flowering period of the latter at the site. This study reinforces a more general observation that, in most orchids, the ovule parent contributes substantially more to the hybrid phenotype than does the pollen parent, perhaps reflecting cytoplasmic inheritance. In contrast, the hybrids are placed closer to O. simia than to O. purpurea in the AFLP tree. Apparently recent arrivals, the few O. purpurea plants at Goring contrast genetically with the two other small populations of this species known in the Chilterns, but rather are consistent with relatively uncommon Continental populations. This suggests that the plants may have been deliberately introduced at Goring by man, although transport from the Continent in high‐level air currents cannot be ruled out. The Goring population of O. simia is likely to have become genetically impoverished through (1) preferential removal of many relatively fit plants to herbaria in the 19th century and/or (2) a catastrophic population crash in the first half of the 20th century. However, both our re‐examination of herbarium specimens and our population genetic data indicate past hybridization among anthropomorphic Orchis species occurring naturally in the Chilterns. Thus, we tentatively recommend retention of the hybrid plants at Goring, despite their likely anthropogenic origin from Continental material and the partial viability of their pollen and seeds, which offers opportunities for future introgression. Although the Goring hybrids broadly resemble morphologically O. militaris, another anthropomorphic Orchis still found at two Chiltern localities, sufficient morphological and molecular differences were observed to strongly refute our initial hypothesis that O. militaris could have originated through hybridization between ancestors that resembled O. purpurea and O. simia. The comparatively complex genetic properties evident in both O. simia and O. purpurea merit further study. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 687–711.  相似文献   

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