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Conifer forests of the western US are historically well adapted to wildfires, but current warming is creating novel disturbance regimes that may fundamentally change future forest dynamics. Stand‐replacing fires can catalyze forest reorganization by providing periodic opportunities for establishment of new tree cohorts that set the stage for stand development for centuries to come. Extensive research on modern and past fires in the Northern Rockies reveals how variations in climate and fire have led to large changes in forest distribution and composition. Unclear, however, is the importance of individual fire episodes in catalyzing change. We used high‐resolution paleoecologic and paleoclimatic data from Crevice Lake (Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA), to explore the role of fire in driving low‐elevation forest dynamics over the last 2820 yr. We addressed two questions: 1) did low‐elevation forests at Crevice Lake experience abrupt community‐level vegetation changes in response to past fire events? 2) Did the interaction of short‐term disturbance events (fire) and long‐term climate change catalyze past shifts in forest composition? Over the last 2820 yr, we found no evidence for abrupt community‐level vegetation transitions at Crevice Lake, and no evidence that an interaction of climate and fire produced changes in the relative abundance of dominant plant taxa. In part, this result reflects limitations of the datasets to detect past event‐specific responses and their causes. Nonetheless, the relative stability of the vegetation to fires over the last 2820 yr provides a local baseline for assessing current and future ecological change. Observations of climate–fire–vegetation dynamics in recent decades suggest that this multi‐millennial‐scale baseline may soon be exceeded.  相似文献   

The pollen and charcoal record of a 1,500-cm-long lake sediment core from Lagoa Nova allows a reconstruction of vegetation, climate and fire history in the Atlantic lowland of southeastern Brazil. Today the potential vegetation of the study region would be dense and tall semi-deciduous forest, related to a dry season of 4 months and 1,250 mm precipitation per year. The lowermost core section of Lagoa Nova is probably of late Glacial age and contains only few, poorly preserved pollen grains, indicating dry environmental conditions. Pollen preservation was good above 1,005-cm core depth. Extrapolating from four radiocarbon dates, this interval represents about the last 10,000 years. During the early Holocene (until about 8,500 b.p.), the landscape was dominated by savanna of the campo cerrado type (open shrub woodland), with frequent trees of Curatella americana and small areas of gallery forests along the drainage system. Savanna fires, probably natural, were frequent at that time. The palaeovegetation pattern is consistent with a long dry season of about 6 months and annual precipitation lower than today. Then, up to about 7,560 b.p., gallery forests expanded in the valleys, reflecting a shorter dry season of about 5 months and somewhat higher annual rainfall. Fire was less frequent during this wetter period. Between about 7,560 and 6,060 b.p., savanna expanded and gallery forests retreated, indicating a return to drier climatic conditions of probably between 5 and 6 months dry season and lower precipitation. Fire was again frequent, but not as frequent as during the early Holocene. During the mid to late Holocene period between about 6,060 and 2,180 b.p., the valleys were covered by semi-deciduous forest, but on the hills cerrado vegetation continued to grow. The dry season was probably around 5 months and rainfall was higher than in the preceding period. During the following period between about 2,810 and 600 b.p., the open cerrado on the hills changed to closed cerrado, reflecting wetter conditions with a shorter dry season than in the previous period. It was only after about 600 b.p. that dense semi-deciduous forests expanded throughout the study region, indicating the start of modern, wet climatic conditions with an annual dry season of about 4 months. Fire was nearly absent during this period. The reconstructed palaeoenvironment from the Lagoa Nova record is similar to that of Lago do Pires, indicating that changes in past vegetation, climate and fire frequency are regionally consistent in southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

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