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Plants frequently engage in simultaneous interactions with diverse classes of biotic antagonists. Differential induction of plant defence pathways by these antagonists, and interactions between pathways, can have important ecological implications; however, these effects are currently not well understood. We explored how Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) influenced the performance of its vector (Bemisia tabaci) and a non‐vector herbivore (Tetranychus urticae) occurring separately or together on tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). TYLCV enhanced the performance of B. tabaci, although this effect was statistically significant only in the absence of T. urticae, which adversely affected B. tabaci performance regardless of infection status. In contrast, the performance of T. urticae was enhanced (only) by the combined presence of TYLCV and B. tabaci. Analyses of phytohormone levels and defence gene expression in wild‐type tomatoes and various plant‐defence mutants indicate that the enhancement of herbivore performance (for each species) entails the disruption of downstream defences in the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway. For T. urticae, this disruption appears to involve antagonistic effects of salicylic acid (SA), which is cumulatively induced to high levels by B. tabaci and TYLCV. In contrast, TYLCV was found to suppress JA‐mediated responses to B. tabaci via mechanisms independent of SA.  相似文献   

1. Plant responses to herbivory are often specific to the feeding guild of the attacking herbivore. These phytochemical responses to herbivore damage can affect herbivore performance and activity. Comprehensive studies on the ecological consequences of multi‐herbivore plant interactions are key to understanding plant–herbivore community dynamics. 2. This study examined how feeding damage by co‐occurring herbivores from separate feeding guilds, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), a sucking herbivore, and Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), a chewing herbivore, alter plant chemistry and indirectly affect herbivore performance. Performance was measured when each insect fed on plants individually, sequentially, or simultaneously in laboratory and field experiments. Phytohormone and glycoalkaloid content were measured for each feeding sequence to evaluate plant responses to herbivory by each guild. Mid‐season and end‐of‐season tuber yield were evaluated in the field study. 3. Damage by L. decemlineata negatively impacted M. persicae performance in both laboratory and field settings. Damage by M. persicae did not affect L. decemlineata performance in laboratory assays. However, L. decemlineata performance was positively affected by M. persicae herbivory in the field, but this effect was temporary. Although phytohormones and plant defences varied across treatments, they provide little resolution on interaction outcomes. 4. These results confirm that the presence of multiple feeding guilds on a single plant can affect these chewing and sucking herbivores differentially, but given the variability in our phytochemical analyses compared with other studies, the mechanism remains unclear. The study's findings show that aphids are negatively affected by chewing herbivores across systems, while aphids temporarily affected beetles positively.  相似文献   

Plant phenotypic plasticity in response to antagonists can affect other community members such as mutualists, conferring potential ecological costs associated with inducible plant defence. For flowering plants, induction of defences to deal with herbivores can lead to disruption of plant–pollinator interactions. Current knowledge on the full extent of herbivore‐induced changes in flower traits is limited, and we know little about specificity of induction of flower traits and specificity of effect on flower visitors. We exposed flowering Brassica nigra plants to six insect herbivore species and recorded changes in flower traits (flower abundance, morphology, colour, volatile emission, nectar quantity, and pollen quantity and size) and the behaviour of two pollinating insects. Our results show that herbivory can affect multiple flower traits and pollinator behaviour. Most plastic floral traits were flower morphology, colour, the composition of the volatile blend, and nectar production. Herbivore‐induced changes in flower traits resulted in positive, negative, or neutral effects on pollinator behaviour. Effects on flower traits and pollinator behaviour were herbivore species‐specific. Flowers show extensive plasticity in response to antagonist herbivores, with contrasting effects on mutualist pollinators. Antagonists can potentially act as agents of selection on flower traits and plant reproduction via plant‐mediated interactions with mutualists.  相似文献   

Plant responses to dual herbivore attack are increasingly studied, but effects on the metabolome have largely been restricted to volatile metabolites and defence‐related non‐volatile metabolites. However, plants subjected to stress, such as herbivory, undergo major changes in both primary and secondary metabolism. Using a naturally occurring system, we investigated metabolome‐wide effects of single or dual herbivory on Brassica nigra plants by Brevicoryne brassicae aphids and Pieris brassicae caterpillars, while also considering the effect of aphid density. Metabolomic analysis of leaf material showed that single and dual herbivory had strong effects on the plant metabolome, with caterpillar feeding having the strongest influence. Additionally, aphid‐density‐dependent effects were found in both the single and dual infestation scenarios. Multivariate analysis revealed treatment‐specific metabolomic profiles, and effects were largely driven by alterations in the glucosinolate and sugar pools. Our work shows that analysing the plant metabolome as a single entity rather than as individual metabolites provides new insights into the subcellular processes underlying plant defence against multiple herbivore attackers. These processes appear to be importantly influenced by insect density.  相似文献   

Induction of plant defences, specifically in response to herbivore attack, can save costs that would otherwise be needed to maintain defences even in the absence of herbivores. However, plants may suffer considerable damage during the time required to mount these defences against an attacker. This could be resolved if plants could respond to early cues, such as egg deposition, that reliably indicate future herbivory. We tested this hypothesis in a field experiment and found that egg deposition by the butterfly Pieris brassicae on black mustard (Brassica nigra) induced a plant response that negatively affected feeding caterpillars. The effect cascaded up to the third and fourth trophic levels (larval parasitoids and hyperparasitoids) by affecting the parasitisation rate and parasitoid performance. Overall, the defences induced by egg deposition had a positive effect on plant seed production and may therefore play an important role in the evolution of plant resistance to herbivores.  相似文献   

Plants can use induced volatiles to detect herbivore‐ and pathogen‐attacked neighbors and prime their defenses. Several individual volatile priming cues have been identified, but whether plants are able to integrate multiple cues from stress‐related volatile blends remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated how maize plants respond to two herbivore‐induced volatile priming cues with complementary information content, the green leaf volatile (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate (HAC) and the aromatic volatile indole. In the absence of herbivory, HAC directly induced defence gene expression, whereas indole had no effect. Upon induction by simulated herbivory, both volatiles increased jasmonate signalling, defence gene expression, and defensive secondary metabolite production and increased plant resistance. Plant resistance to caterpillars was more strongly induced in dual volatile‐exposed plants than plants exposed to single volatiles.. Induced defence levels in dual volatile‐exposed plants were significantly higher than predicted from the added effects of the individual volatiles, with the exception of induced plant volatile production, which showed no increase upon dual‐exposure relative to single exposure. Thus, plants can integrate different volatile cues into strong and specific responses that promote herbivore defence induction and resistance. Integrating multiple volatiles may be beneficial, as volatile blends are more reliable indicators of future stress than single cues.  相似文献   

Trophic cascades – the indirect effect of predators on non‐adjacent lower trophic levels – are important drivers of the structure and dynamics of ecological communities. However, the influence of intraspecific trait variation on the strength of trophic cascade remains largely unexplored, which limits our understanding of the mechanisms underlying ecological networks. Here we experimentally investigated how intraspecific difference among herbivore lineages specialized on different host plants influences trophic cascade strength in a terrestrial tri‐trophic system. We found that the occurrence and strength of the trophic cascade are strongly influenced by herbivores’ lineage and host‐plant specialization but are not associated with density‐dependent effects mediated by the growth rate of herbivore populations. Our findings stress the importance of intraspecific heterogeneities and evolutionary specialization as drivers of trophic cascade strength and underline that intraspecific variation should not be overlooked to decipher the joint influence of evolutionary and ecological factors on the functioning of multi‐trophic interactions.  相似文献   

1. Understanding the degree to which populations and communities are limited by both bottom‐up and top‐down effects is still a major challenge for ecologists, and manipulation of plant quality, for example, can alter herbivory rates in plants. In addition, biotic defence by ants can directly influence the populations of herbivores, as demonstrated by increased rates of herbivory or increased herbivore density after ant exclusion. The aim of this study was to evaluate bottom‐up and top‐down effects on herbivory rates in a mutualistic ant‐plant. 2. In this study, the role of Azteca alfari ants as biotic defence in individuals of Cecropia pachystachya was investigated experimentally with a simultaneous manipulation of both bottom‐up (fertilisation) and top‐down (ant exclusion) factors. Four treatments were used in a fully factorial design, with 15 replicates for each treatment: (i) control plants, without manipulation; (ii) fertilised plants, ants not manipulated; (iii) unfertilised plants and excluded ants and (iv) fertilised plants and ants excluded. 3. Fertilisation increased the availability of foliar nitrogen in C. pachystachya, and herbivory rates by chewing insects were significantly higher in fertilised plants with ants excluded. 4. Herbivory, however, was more influenced by bottom‐up effects – such as the quality of the host plant – than by top‐down effects caused by ants as biotic defences, reinforcing the crucial role of leaf nutritional quality for herbivory levels experienced by plants. Conditionality in ant defence under increased nutritional quality of leaves through fertilisation might explain increased levels of herbivory in plants with higher leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   

1. Abrasive material in the diet of herbivorous organisms comes from a variety of sources, including crystalline silica or calcium in plant tissues, accidentally ingested soil while digging or grazing, and entrapped substrate on the surfaces of plants. A wide variety of plants entrap substrate, usually with glandular trichomes. 2. A previous study demonstrated that entrapped sand provided resistance to herbivory in the field. In this study, the following questions were addressed: how does entrapped sand on Abronia latifolia (Nyctaginaceae) leaves and stems affect preference and performance of a common herbivore, the large‐bodied caterpillar Hyles lineata (Sphingidae); does this effect differ from those experienced by an internally feeding leaf miner? 3. Using a combination of experimental and observational approaches, it was found that sand comprised ~4–5% of ingested weight during normal feeding of H. lineata caterpillars. This entrapped sand caused extensive wear to their mandibles, they avoided sand‐covered plants when given the choice, and the sand negatively impacted performance metrics, including pupal weight, development time, and growth rate. In contrast, a leaf‐mining caterpillar did not have a preference for or against feeding on sandy plants. 4. These results are similar to studies on mandibular wear due to grasses, and herbivorous insects that feed on these two plant groups may have similar morphologies. It is hypothesised that increased wear potential may be a convergent solution to abrasive plants in both mammals (hypsodonty) and insects.  相似文献   

1. Plants are frequently under attack by multiple insect herbivores, which may interact indirectly through herbivore‐induced changes in the plant's phenotype. The identity, order, and timing of herbivore arrivals may influence the outcome of interactions between two herbivores. How these aspects affect, in turn, subsequently arriving herbivores that feed on double herbivore‐induced plants has not been widely investigated. 2. This study tested whether the order and timing of arrival of two inducing herbivores from different feeding guilds affected the preference and performance of a subsequently arriving third herbivore, caterpillars of Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Aphids [Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] and caterpillars [Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae)] were introduced onto wild Brassica oleracea L. (Brassicaceae) plants in different sequences and with different arrival times. The effects of these plant treatments on M. brassicae caterpillars were assessed in pairwise preference tests and no‐choice performance tests. 3. The caterpillars of M. brassicae preferred to feed from undamaged plants rather than double herbivore‐induced plants. Compared with undamaged plants, they preferred plant material on which aphids had arrived first followed by caterpillars, whereas they avoided plant material with the reverse order of herbivore arrival. Performance of the caterpillars increased with increasing arrival time between herbivore infestations in double herbivore‐induced plants. Although M. brassicae grew faster on plants induced by aphids than on those induced by caterpillars alone, its performance was not affected by the order of previous herbivore arrival. 4. These results imply that the timing of colonisation by multiple herbivores determines the outcome of plant‐mediated herbivore–herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Jasmonate-mediated induced plant resistance affects a community of herbivores   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
1. The negative effect of induced plant resistance on the preference and performance of herbivores is a well‐documented ecological phenomenon that is thought to be important for both plants and herbivores. This study links the well‐developed mechanistic understanding of the biochemistry of induced plant resistance in the tomato system with an examination of how these mechanisms affect the community of herbivores in the field. 2. Several proteins that are induced in tomato foliage following herbivore damage have been linked causally to reductions in herbivore performance under laboratory conditions. Application of jasmonic acid, a natural elicitor of these defensive proteins, to tomato foliage stimulates induced responses to herbivory. 3. Jasmonic acid was sprayed on plants in three doses to generate plants with varying levels of induced responses, which were measured as increases in the activities of proteinase inhibitors and polyphenol oxidase. 4. Field experiments conducted over 3 years indicated that induction of these defensive proteins is associated with decreases in the abundance of all four naturally abundant herbivores, including insects in three feeding guilds, caterpillars, flea beetles, aphids, and thrips. Induced resistance killed early instars of noctuid caterpillars. Adult flea beetles strongly preferred control plants over induced plants, and this effect on host plant preference probably contributed to differences in the natural abundance of flea beetles. 5. The general nature of the effects observed in this study suggests that induced resistance will suppress many members of the herbivore community. By linking plant biochemistry, insect preference, performance, and abundance, tools can be developed to manipulate plant resistance sensibly and to predict its outcome under field conditions.  相似文献   

The co‐occurrence of different antagonists on a plant can greatly affect infochemicals with ecological consequences for higher trophic levels. Here we investigated how the presence of a plant pathogen, the powdery mildew Erysiphe cruciferarum, on Brassica rapa affects (1) plant volatiles emitted in response to damage by a specialist herbivore, Pieris brassicae; (2) the attraction of the parasitic wasp Cotesia glomerata and (3) the performance of P. brassicae and C. glomerata. Plant volatiles were significantly induced by herbivory in both healthy and mildew‐infected plants, but were quantitatively 41% lower for mildew‐infected plants compared to healthy plants. Parasitoids strongly preferred Pieris‐infested plants to dually‐infested (Pieris + mildew) plants, and preferred dually infested plants over only mildew‐infected plants. The performance of P. brassicae was unaffected by powdery mildew, but C. glomerata cocoon mass was reduced when parasitized caterpillars developed on mildew‐infected plants. Thus, avoidance of mildew‐infested plants may be adaptive for C. glomerata parasitoids, whereas P. brassicae caterpillars may suffer less parasitism on mildew‐infected plants in nature. From a pest management standpoint, the concurrent presence of multiple plant antagonists can affect the efficiency of specific natural enemies, which may in turn have a negative impact on the regulation of pest populations.  相似文献   

Cotton plants contain suites of phytochemicals thought to be important in defense against herbivores, some of which are localized in pigment glands which contain gossypol and other terpenoid aldehydes. The simple genetic basis for the expression of these glands has led to the development of near-isogenic glanded and glandless genotypes. Glands may also be phenotypically induced by herbivory. We determined the consequences of constitutive and induced gland expression on two types of herbivores, spider mites (cell content feeders) and noctuid caterpillars (leaf chewers).Induction of glands was strongly dependent on the density of attackers. Spider mite herbivory on cotyledons (1) increased the density (but not total number) of glands on cotyledons linearly, (2) increased the density and total number of glands on the first true leaf linearly, and (3) affected the density and total number of glands on the second true leaf non-linearly, compared to controls. Neither constitutive nor induced expression of glands affected mite population growth. An equal reduction of mite population size on induced glanded and glandless plants (50%) relative to uninduced controls indicated that factors other than glands were associated with induced resistance to mites. Constitutive gland expression had a strong negative impact on caterpillar performance, reducing growth by 45%. Induced resistance to caterpillars was three times stronger in glanded genotypes than in glandless genotypes, indicating that factors associated with induced resistance to caterpillars are strongly associated with glands. Three cotton varieties were highly variable in their constitutive and induced resistance to mites and caterpillars.Thus, defense of cotton plants against herbivores can be roughly categorized as constitutive and inducible factors associated with terpenoid aldehyde containing pigment glands that are effective against caterpillars, and factors not associated with glands that are effective against mites.  相似文献   

1. In a tritrophic interaction system consisting of plants, herbivores, and their parasitoids, chemicals released from plants after herbivory are known to play important roles for many female parasitoids to find their hosts efficiently. On the plant side, chemical information associated with herbivory can act as an indirect defence by attracting the natural enemies of the host herbivores. 2. However, mated and virgin females of haplodiploid parasitoids might not necessarily respond to such chemical cues in the same way. Since virgin females can produce only sons, they might refrain from searching for hosts to invest eggs until copulation, in order to produce both sexes. 3. Here, we investigated differential host‐searching behaviours shown by mated and virgin females in the solitary parasitoid wasp, Cotesia vestalis, in response to herbivory‐associated chemical information from cruciferous plants infested by their host larvae, Plutella xylostella. 4. Mated females showed a significantly higher flight preference for host‐infested plants over intact plants, while no preference was observed with virgin females. Mated females also showed more intensive antennal searching and ovipositor probing behaviours to leaf squares with wounds caused by hosts than did virgin females. Furthermore, mated females stayed longer in host patches with higher parasitism rates than virgin females. 5. These results indicate that mating status of C. vestalis females clearly influences their host‐searching behaviour in response to herbivory‐associated chemical information and patch exploitation. Female parasitoids seem to forage for hosts depending on their own physiological condition in a tritrophic system.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Stereochemical variation is widely known to influence the bioactivity of compounds in the context of pharmacology and pesticide science, but our understanding of its importance in mediating plant–herbivore interactions is limited, particularly in field settings. Similarly, sesquiterpene lactones are a broadly distributed class of putative defensive compounds, but little is known about their activities in the field.


Natural variation in sesquiterpene lactones of the common cocklebur, Xanthium strumarium (Asteraceae), was used in conjunction with a series of common garden experiments to examine relationships between stereochemical variation, herbivore damage and plant fitness.

Key Results

The stereochemistry of sesquiterpene lactone ring junctions helped to explain variation in plant herbivore resistance. Plants producing cis-fused sesquiterpene lactones experienced significantly higher damage than plants producing trans-fused sesquiterpene lactones. Experiments manipulating herbivore damage above and below ambient levels found that herbivore damage was negatively correlated with plant fitness. This pattern translated into significant fitness differences between chemotypes under ambient levels of herbivore attack, but not when attack was experimentally reduced via pesticide.


To our knowledge, this work represents only the second study to examine sesquiterpene lactones as defensive compounds in the field, the first to document herbivore-mediated natural selection on sesquiterpene lactone variation and the first to investigate the ecological significance of the stereochemistry of the lactone ring junction. The results indicate that subtle differences in stereochemistry may be a major determinant of the protective role of secondary metabolites and thus of plant fitness. As stereochemical variation is widespread in many groups of secondary metabolites, these findings suggest the possibility of dynamic evolutionary histories within the Asteraceae and other plant families showing extensive stereochemical variation.  相似文献   

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