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1. How organisms locate their hosts is of fundamental importance in a variety of basic and applied ecological fields, including population dynamics, invasive species management and biological control. However, tracking movement of small organisms, such as insects, poses significant logistical challenges. 2. Mass‐release and individual–mark–recapture techniques were combined in an individually mark–mass release–resight (IMMRR) approach to track the movement of over 2000 adult insects in an economically important plant–herbivore system. Despite its widespread use for the biological control of the invasive thistle Carduus nutans, the host‐finding behaviour of the thistle head weevil Rhinocyllus conicus has not previously been studied. Insects were released at different distances from a mosaic of artificially created host patches with different areas and number of plants to assess the ecological determinants of patch finding. 3. The study was able to characterize the within‐season dispersal abilities and between‐patch movement patterns of R. conicus. Weevils found host plant patches over 900 m away. Large patches, with tall plants, situated close to the nearest release point had the highest first R. conicus resights. Patch area and plant density had no effect on the number of weevils resighted per plant; however, R. conicus individuals were more likely to disperse out of small patches and into large patches. 4. By understanding how R. conicus locates host patches of C. nutans, management activities for the control of this invasive thistle can be better informed. A deeper mechanistic understanding of host location will also improve prediction of coupled plant–herbivore spatial dynamics in general.  相似文献   

The attraction of wild tephritids to semiochemical‐based lures is the ideal basis for trap network design in detection programmes, but in practice, mass‐reared colony insects are usually used to determine trap efficiency. For Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett, a lower response by wild males compared with colony‐derived individuals, usually used to estimate attraction parameters, could mean that the sensitivity of detection networks targeting this pest is reduced. We describe the results of mark–release–recapture experiments with wild‐ and colony‐derived B. cucurbitae males in a grid of cuelure‐baited traps within a macadamia nut orchard in Hawaii Island designed to quantify the attraction of cuelure to each fly type. For colony males, we estimate a 65% probability of capture at 27 m, intermediate with previous estimates on the attraction of methyl eugenol to Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel (36 m) and trimedlure to Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (14 m) at the same site. Results suggest similar response over distance by wild‐derived B. cucurbitae compared with colony in the field, but there may be qualitative differences in response between wild and colony based on very low response of wild males in a standard bioassay of attraction. For both fly types, the estimates of attraction in the smaller of two grid sizes tested were lower than for the larger spacing, suggesting trap competition was a factor at an intertrap distance of 75 m. Dispersal patterns within the grid were generally to the south for the colony‐derived males and more variable for the wild‐derived males. In neither case was the direction of recapture correlated with the prevailing direction of the wind.  相似文献   

Relationships between avian diversity and habitat area are assumed to be positive; however, often little attention has given to how these relationships can be influenced by the habitat structure or quality. In addition, other components of biodiversity, such as functional diversity, are often overlooked in assessing habitat patch value. In the Sandhills Ecoregion of Georgia, USA, we investigated the relationship between avian species richness and functional diversity, forest basal area, and patch size in pine forests using basal area as a surrogate for overstory structure which in turn impacts vegetation structure and determines habitat quality within a patch. We conducted bird surveys in planted mature pine stands, during breeding season of 2011. We used three classes of stand basal area (BA): OS, overstocked (BA ≥ 23 m2/ha); FS, fully/densely stocked (13.8 m2/ha ≤ BA < 23 m2/ha); and MS, moderately stocked (2.3 m2/ha ≤ BA < 13.8 m2/ha). MS patches showed more structural diversity due to higher herbaceous vegetation cover than other two pine stocking classes of patches. Total species richness and functional richness increased with the size of MS patches, whereas functional divergence decreased with the size of OS patches (< 0.05). Functional richness tended to be lower than expected as the size of OS patches increased. Greater richness of pine–grassland species was also found at MS patches. Percent cover of MS patches within a landscape influenced positively the richness of pine–grassland species (< 0.05). Our results suggest that (a) avian species–habitat area relationship can be affected by habitat quality (structural diversity) and varies depending on diversity indices considered, and (b) it is important to maintain moderate or low levels of pine basal area and to preserve large‐sized patches of the level of basal area to enhance both taxonomic and functional diversity in managed pine forests.  相似文献   

1. Theory predicts that the stability of a community should increase with diversity. However, despite increasing interest in the topic, most studies have focused on aggregate community properties (e.g. biomass, productivity) in small‐scale experiments, while studies using observational field data on realistic scales to examine the relationship between diversity and compositional stability are surprisingly rare. 2. We examined the diversity–stability relationship of stream invertebrate communities based on a 4‐year data set from boreal headwater streams, using among‐year similarity in community composition (Bray–Curtis coefficient) as our measure of compositional stability. We related stability to species richness and key environmental factors that may affect the diversity–stability relationship (stream size, habitat complexity, productivity and flow variability) using simple and partial regressions. 3. In simple regressions, compositional stability was positively related to species richness, stream size, productivity and habitat complexity, but only species richness and habitat complexity were significantly related to stability in partial regressions. There was, however, a strong relationship between species richness and abundance. When abundance was controlled for through re‐sampling, stability was unrelated to species richness, indicating that sampling effects were the predominant mechanism producing the positive stability–diversity relationship. By contrast, the relationship between stability and habitat complexity (macrophyte cover) became even stronger when the influence of community abundance was controlled for. Habitat complexity is thus a key factor enhancing community stability in headwater streams.  相似文献   

Expansion of oil palm agriculture is currently one of the main drivers of habitat modification in Southeast Asia. Habitat modification can have significant effects on biodiversity, ecosystem function, and interactions between species by altering species abundances or the available resources in an ecosystem. Increasing complexity within modified habitats has the potential to maintain biodiversity and preserve species interactions. We investigated trophic interactions between Argyrodes miniaceus, a cleptoparasitic spider, and its Nephila spp. spider hosts in mature oil palm plantations in Sumatra, Indonesia. A. miniaceus co‐occupy the webs of Nephila spp. females and survive by stealing prey items caught in the web. We examined the effects of experimentally manipulated understory vegetation complexity on the density and abundance of A. miniaceus in Nephila spp. webs. Experimental understory treatments included enhanced complexity, standard complexity, and reduced complexity understory vegetation, which had been established as part of the ongoing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project. A. miniaceus density ranged from 14.4 to 31.4 spiders per square meter of web, with significantly lower densities found in reduced vegetation complexity treatments compared with both enhanced and standard treatment plots. A. miniaceus abundance per plot was also significantly lower in reduced complexity than in standard and enhanced complexity plots. Synthesis and applications: Maintenance of understory vegetation complexity contributes to the preservation of spider host–cleptoparasite relationships in oil palm plantations. Understory structural complexity in these simplified agroecosystems therefore helps to support abundant spider populations, a functionally important taxon in agricultural landscapes. In addition, management for more structurally complex agricultural habitats can support more complex trophic interactions in tropical agroecosystems.  相似文献   

The species pool hypothesis is applied here to the interpretation of ‘hump-shaped’ (unimodal) species richness patterns along gradients of both habitat fertility and disturbance level (the habitat templet). A ‘left-wall’ effect analogous to that proposed for the evolution of organismal complexity predicts a right-skewed unimodal distribution of historical habitat commonness on both gradients. According to the species pool hypothesis, therefore, the distribution of opportunity for net species accumulation (speciation minus extinction) should also have a corresponding unimodal central tendency on both habitat gradients. Two assumptions of this hypothesis are illustrated with particular reference to highly fertile, relatively undisturbed habitats: (i) such habitats have been relatively uncommon in space and time, thus providing relatively little historical opportunity for the origination of species with the traits necessary for effective competitive ability under these habitat conditions; and (ii) species that have evolved adaptation to these habitats are relatively large, thus imposing fundamental ‘packing’ limitations on the number of species that can ‘fit’ within such habitats. Based on these assumptions, the species pool hypothesis defines two associated predictions that are both supported by available data: (a) resident species richness will be relatively low in highly fertile, relatively undisturbed contemporary habitats; and (b) species sizes within regional floras should display as a right-skewed unimodal (log-normal) distribution. The latter is supported here by an analysis of data for 2,715 species in the vascular flora of northeastern North America.  相似文献   

Male–male contest behavior can contribute to spatial distributions of male pinnipeds during breeding seasons. To maximize breeding opportunities, the most competitive males would be expected to be surrounded by the highest numbers of reproductive-age females. As information regarding fine-scale spatial ecology of Weddell seals is lacking, we performed an exploratory study using kernel density analyses to evaluate age-specific habitat use of male Weddell seals in Erebus Bay, Antarctica. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between age and number of surrounding reproductive-age females using a competing set of regression models in a Bayesian framework that considered different functional forms of age while incorporating individual heterogeneity. As male adult Weddell seals aged, to at least 20 years, they were more likely to be found in areas associated with the greatest densities of reproductive-age females, but individual heterogeneity also influenced the number of reproductive-age female neighbors. The youngest males tended to haul out in offshore areas associated with better hunting, and older males tended to settle in more nearshore areas associated with more pup production. Our findings from this preliminary investigation indicate that male Weddell seal spatial behavior during the breeding season varies with age and individual and might be related to reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Amphibians display wide variations in life‐history traits and life cycles that should prove useful to explore the evolution of sex‐biased dispersal, but quantitative data on sex‐specific dispersal patterns are scarce. Here, we focused on Salamandra atra, an endemic alpine species showing peculiar life‐history traits. Strictly terrestrial and viviparous, the species has a promiscuous mating system, and females reproduce only every 3 to 4 years. In the present study, we provide quantitative estimates of asymmetries in male vs. female dispersal using both field‐based (mark–recapture) and genetic approaches (detection of sex‐biased dispersal and estimates of migration rates based on the contrast in genetic structure across sexes and age classes). Our results revealed a high level of gene flow among populations, which stems exclusively from male dispersal. We hypothesize that philopatric females benefit from being familiar with their natal area for the acquisition and defence of an appropriate shelter, while male dispersal has been secondarily favoured by inbreeding avoidance. Together with other studies on amphibians, our results indicate that a species' mating system alone is a poor predictor of sex‐linked differences in dispersal, in particular for promiscuous species. Further studies should focus more directly on the proximate forces that favour or limit dispersal to refine our understanding of the evolution of sex‐biased dispersal in animals.  相似文献   

By studying a hilltopping population of the satyrine Lasiommata megera in southern Sweden, the effects of density and meteorological conditions on mate-searching behaviour were investigated. Lasiommata megera males switched between stationary and vagrant behaviour, and the behaviour adopted was correlated to meteorological conditions; more males were stationary at low temperatures, low irradiation levels and high wind speeds than vice versa. Body temperature measurements indicated that these factors were important in deciding the body temperature and thereby the flight activity of males. Male density did not significantly influence mate-locating behaviour. The tendency of males to hilltop and their distribution around the hill were strongly influenced by weather. The hilltopping behaviour of this species did not adhere to an all-or-none pattern, but instead males, as well as the stations they used, were found at increasingly higher elevations on the hill with increasing temperatures and decreasing wind speeds. Moreover, males tended to use the lee side and sun-exposed side of the hill. Females, of which the majority were already mated, also showed this distribution around the hill, but preferred lower elevations than males. Release experiments did not reveal any propensity of mated females to fly uphill. Such a propensity was shown by released virgin females.  相似文献   

1. We studied male yearly reproductive success (YRS) and its determinants (phenotypic characteristics, age, population density) in two Scandinavian brown bear populations, using molecular techniques to determine paternity. 2. We found a significant difference in male YRS between the study areas, with lower YRS in the south than in the north. 3. In general, older and larger males had higher YRS. Older males may be more experienced in competition for reproduction (male dominance). Large body size is of direct benefit in male-male competition and of advantage in endurance competition for the access to females. 4. Age was relatively more important for YRS in the north and body size was more important in the south, due perhaps to differences in male age structure due to illegal killing. A single old male dominated the reproduction in the north during the study, which resulted most probably in the relatively higher importance of age in the north. In the south, with a more even male age structure, no single male was able to dominate, probably resulting in a more intense competition among males, with body size as the deciding factor. 5. Male YRS was correlated positively with population density. This may be related to the structure of the expanding bear population, with female densities declining towards the population edge. 6. Internal relatedness, a measure of genetic heterozygosity, was correlated negatively with YRS, suggesting that outbred individuals have a higher YRS. Individual heterozygosity at key or many loci may reflect male physical qualities and condition-sensitive traits, which may benefit males directly in contest or in sperm competition.  相似文献   

Maternal reproductive success was examined in Styrax obassia (Styracaceae), a bumble-bee pollinated mass-flowering tree in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in northern Japan. The effects of flower number on the success of individual flowers at three levels (inflorescence, individual, and population) were considered. During 1995 and 1996, variations in size, light availability to branches, floral display size, and fruit set were monitored in 37 out of 211 individual S. obassia trees in a 4-ha forest plot. In addition, the locations of the 211 trees in this plot were mapped and the number of inflorescences in each tree was counted. A multiple regression analysis showed that flower number per inflorescence and inflorescence number per individual had negative effects on fruit set, and inflorescence number of aggregated clumps of flowering trees, tree size, and light resource had positive effects on fruit set although significant level were marginal. It is concluded that pollinator attraction may occur not at the individual tree level, but at the level of a clump of flowering trees. It is also suggested that geitonogamy increased with inflorescence number of tree and inflorescence size and that resource limitation was related to the light condition and variation of tree size.  相似文献   

The thistle‐feeding tortoise beetle Cassida vibex (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is widespread in the Palearctic region. In Japan, this species has been recorded only from the largest island, Honshu. Here we report the occurrence of this species on Hokkaido, the most northern main island of Japan, along with detailed distributional records from the southwestern part of the island (southern Oshima Peninsula) and information on host plants. We also present the results of laboratory experiments on adult feeding preference and larval developmental performance to determine the specificity of C. vibex for four thistle species (Cirsium grayanum, Cir. alpicola, Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense; Asteraceae) common in southwestern Hokkaido. Cassida vibex was detected at only four sites among 97 sites investigated on the Oshima Peninsula, in strong contrast to the common occurrence of the congeneric thistle feeder C. rubiginosa (74 of 97 sites). Cassida vibex was found mainly on Cir. alpicola in the wild, but adult beetles showed no feeding preference for this or three other thistle species when given a choice in the laboratory. Larval performance of C. vibex was similar on Cir. alpicola, Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense but significantly lower on Cir. grayanum. Since Cir. alpicola often forms large clumps of individual plants, whereas Cir. yezoense and Cir. aomorense are scattered in their habitats, and C. vibex was collected only at sites where there were dense patches of Cir. alpicola, we postulate that the persistence of C. vibex is possible only where a substantial amount of suitable host plants is available.  相似文献   

Large‐scale wildfires are expected to accelerate forest dieback in Amazônia, but the fire vulnerability of tree species remains uncertain, in part due to the lack of studies relating fire‐induced mortality to both fire behavior and plant traits. To address this gap, we established two sets of experiments in southern Amazonia. First, we tested which bark traits best predict heat transfer rates (R) through bark during experimental bole heating. Second, using data from a large‐scale fire experiment, we tested the effects of tree wood density (WD), size, and estimated R (inverse of cambium insulation) on tree mortality after one to five fires. In the first experiment, bark thickness explained 82% of the variance in R, while the presence of water in the bark reduced the difference in temperature between the heat source and the vascular cambium, perhaps because of high latent heat of vaporization. This novel finding provides an important insight for improving mechanistic models of fire‐induced cambium damage from tropical to temperate regions. In the second experiment, tree mortality increased with increasing fire intensity (i.e. as indicated by bark char height on tree boles), which was higher along the forest edge, during the 2007 drought, and when the fire return interval was 3 years instead of one. Contrary to other tropical studies, the relationship between mortality and fire intensity was strongest in the year following the fires, but continued for 3 years afterwards. Tree mortality was low (≤20%) for thick‐barked individuals (≥18 mm) subjected to medium‐intensity fires, and significantly decreased as a function of increasing tree diameter, height and wood density. Hence, fire‐induced tree mortality was influenced not only by cambium insulation but also by other traits that reduce the indirect effects of fire. These results can be used to improve assessments of fire vulnerability of tropical forests.  相似文献   

Aim We test the prediction that beta diversity (species turnover) and the decay of community similarity with distance depend on spatial resolution (grain). We also study whether patterns of beta diversity are related to variability in climate, land cover or geographic distance and how the independent effects of these variables depend on the spatial grain of the data. Location Europe, Great Britain, Finland and Catalonia. Methods We used data on European birds, plants, butterflies, amphibians and reptiles, and data on British plants, Catalonian birds and Finnish butterflies. We fitted two or three nested grids of varying resolutions to each of these datasets. For each grid we calculated differences in climate, differences in land‐cover composition (CORINE) and beta diversity (βsim, βJaccard) between all pairs of grid cells. In a separate analysis we looked specifically at pairs of adjacent grid cells (the first distance class). We then used variation partitioning to identify the magnitude of independent statistical associations (i.e. independent effects in the statistical sense) of climate, land cover and geographic distance with spatial patterns of beta diversity. Results Beta diversity between grid cells at any given distance decreased with increasing grain. Geographic distance was always the most important predictor of beta diversity for all pairwise comparisons at the extent of Europe. Climate and land cover had weaker but distinct and grain‐dependent effects. Climate was more important at relatively coarse grains, whereas land‐cover effects were stronger at finer grains. In the country‐wide analyses, climate and land cover were more important than geographic distance. Climatic and land‐cover models performed poorly and showed no systematic grain dependence for beta diversity between adjacent grid cells. Main conclusions We found that relationships between geographic distance and beta diversity, as well as the environmental correlates of beta diversity, are systematically grain dependent. The strong independent effect of distance indicates that, contrary to the current belief, a substantial fraction of species are missing from areas with a suitable environment. Moreover, the effects of geographic distance (at continental extents) and land cover (at fine grains) indicate that any species distribution modelling should take both environment and dispersal limitation into account.  相似文献   

Tropical forests currently play a key role in regulating the terrestrial carbon cycle and abating climate change by storing carbon in wood. However, there remains considerable uncertainty as to whether tropical forests will continue to act as carbon sinks in the face of increased pressure from expanding human activities. Consequently, understanding what drives productivity in tropical forests is critical. We used permanent forest plot data from the Gola Rainforest National Park (Sierra Leone) – one of the largest tracts of intact tropical moist forest in West Africa – to explore how (1) stand basal area and tree diversity, (2) past disturbance associated with past logging, and (3) underlying soil nutrient gradients interact to determine rates of aboveground wood production (AWP). We started by statistically modeling the diameter growth of individual trees and used these models to estimate AWP for 142 permanent forest plots. We then used structural equation modeling to explore the direct and indirect pathways which shape rates of AWP. Across the plot network, stand basal area emerged as the strongest determinant of AWP, with densely packed stands exhibiting the fastest rates of AWP. In addition to stand packing density, both tree diversity and soil phosphorus content were also positively related to productivity. By contrast, historical logging activities negatively impacted AWP through the removal of large trees, which contributed disproportionately to productivity. Understanding what determines variation in wood production across tropical forest landscapes requires accounting for multiple interacting drivers – with stand structure, tree diversity, and soil nutrients all playing a key role. Importantly, our results also indicate that logging activities can have a long‐lasting impact on a forest's ability to sequester and store carbon, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding old‐growth tropical forests.  相似文献   

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