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The production of OH radicals in the gamma radiolysis of water has been examined with radical scavenger techniques employing formic acid. OH radical yields were found to vary from 2.4 radicals/100 eV at the low scavenger concentration limit to 4.2 at a formic acid concentration of 3 M. An inverse Laplace transform technique was applied to the scavenger concentration dependence to obtain the temporal dependence of OH radicals in pure water. It was found that the relative decrease in OH radical yields from 200 ps to 3 ns was virtually the same for the transform of the scavenger data and the directly measured time-resolved results. The absolute yields for the time-resolved experiments are about 10% higher than expected from the present results with scavengers. The agreement can be considered to be good, and reasons for the observed difference are given. Approximately 40% of the OH radicals produced lead to the formation of hydrogen peroxide, which is the only other major oxidizing species in the gamma radiolysis of water. The net water decomposition for gamma rays was found to vary from an initial value of 5.6 +/- 0.3 molecules/100 eV to 3.8 +/- 0.2 molecules/100 eV at 1 micros.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation-induced bystander effects, commonly observed in cell populations exposed to high-linear energy transfer (LET) radiations, are initiated by damage to a cellular molecule which then gives rise to a toxic signal exported to neighboring cells not directly hit by radiation. A major goal in studies of this phenomenon is the identification of this initial radiation-induced lesion. Liquid water being the main constituent of biological matter, reactive species produced by water radiolysis in the cellular environment are likely to be major contributors to the induction of this lesion. In this context, the radiation track structure is of crucial importance in specifying the precise location and identity of all the radiolytic species and their subsequent signaling or damaging effects. We report here Monte Carlo track structure simulations of the radiolysis of liquid water by four different impacting ions 1H+, 4He2+, 12C6+ and 20Ne10+, with the same LET ( approximately 70 keV/ microm). The initial radial distribution profiles of the various water decomposition products (eaq(-), *OH, H*, H2 and H2O2) for the different ions considered are presented and discussed briefly in the context of track structure theory. As an example, the formation and temporal evolution of simulated 24 MeV 4He2+ ion tracks (LET approximately 26 keV/microm) are reported for each radiolytic species from 1 ps to 10 micros. The calculations reveal that the ion track structure is completely lost by approximately 1 micros.  相似文献   

The effect of glutamine on radiation-induced organ damage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Radiation enteritis is a significant clinical problem in patients receiving ionizing radiation directed to the abdomen or pelvis. Although radiation is aimed to be directed against the malignant tissue, adjacent healthy tissues are also affected. The small intestine is the most sensitive organ to radiation. The present study was undertaken to investigate the possible protective effect of glutamine against radiation-induced intestinal, hepatic and pancreatic toxicity. Rats received 1 g/kg/day glutamine for seven days before irradiation and continued for three days after irradiation until sacrifice. Then intestinal, pancreatic and hepatic myeloperoxidase (MPO) activities, malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and caspase-3 activities of the sacrificed rats were measured. Irradiation significantly increased the intestinal and pancreatic MPO and caspase-3 activities and MDA levels in comparison to sham group. Glutamine treatment significantly decreased this elevation. Histopathological examination revealed that the intestinal mucosal structure was preserved and pancreatic inflammation decreased in the glutamine treated group. In irradiation group, NF-kappaB over expression was detected. There was no significant difference in histopathological and biochemical examinations of the liver between the groups. In conclusion, glutamine has beneficial effects on intestinal and pancreatic damage in abdominal irradiation through the inflammatory process and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Bacterial plasmids and the chromosomal DNA of many organisms adopt naturally the negatively supercoiled conformation. Therefore, the irradiation of such plasmids could be used to model conformational changes of chromosomal DNA associated with externally-induced damage. We have applied dynamic size-sieving capillary electrophoresis (CE) to monitor the damage of three DNA plasmids, over an unprecedented base pair (bp) size range (2870–27 500 bp), upon exposure to γ-radiation (20–400 Gy). Predominantly, CE with UV absorbance detection in the absence of DNA intercalating dyes was employed to preclude undesirable, induced plasmid conformational changes. Plasmid samples and their enzymatic digestion products were analyzed using both CE and slab gel electrophoresis (SGE) in order to verify the conformation of sample components. Relative to SGE, CE analyses revealed more fine structural features of plasmid degradation.  相似文献   

The recently discovered hyperthermophilic and radioresistant archaeon Thermococcus gammatolerans is of great interest to compare and contrast the impact of its physiology on radioresistance and its ability to repair damaged chromosomes after exposure to gamma irradiation with radioresistant bacteria. We showed that, in contrast to other organisms, cell survival was not modified by the cellular growth phase under optimal growth conditions but nutrient-limited conditions did affect the T. gammatolerans radioresistance. We determined the first kinetics of damaged DNA recovery in an archaeon after exposure to massive doses of gamma irradiation and compared the efficiency of chromosomal DNA repair according to the cellular growth phase, nutrient availability and culture conditions. Chromosomal DNA repair kinetics showed that stationary phase cells reconstitute disrupted chromosomes more rapidly than exponential phase cells. Our data also revealed that this radioresistant archaeon was proficient to reconstitute shattered chromosomes either slowly or rapidly without any loss of viability. These results suggest that rapid DNA repair is not required for the extreme radioresistance of T. gammatolerans. Angels Tapias and Christophe Leplat contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Adler, Howard I. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn.), William D. Fisher, Alice A. Hardigree, and George E. Stapleton. Repair of radiation-induced damage to the cell division mechanism of Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 91:737-742. 1966.-Microscopic observations of irradiated populations of filamentous Escherichia coli cells indicated that filaments can be induced to divide by a substance donated by neighboring cells. We have made this observation the basis for a quantitative technique in which filaments are incubated in the presence of nongrowing donor cells. The presence of "donor" organisms promotes division and subsequent colony formation in filaments. "Donor" bacteria do not affect nonfilamentous cells. An extract of "donor" cells retains the division-promoting activity. The extract has been partially fractionated, and consists of a heat-stable and a heat-labile component. The heat-stable component is inactive in promoting cell division, but enhances the activity of the heat-labile component. The division-promoting system is discussed as a radiation repair mechanism and as a normal component of the cell division system in E. coli.  相似文献   

Irradiating the aqueous solution of SOD with 60Co γ-rays at 77 K and recording the ESR spectra during thermal annealing one observes, beside the signal of Cu++, the paramagnetic intermediate with g = 2.008 and g = 2.039. Because of its thermal stability, up to about 250 K, the formation of the complex ECu++…HO2 is suggested.  相似文献   

The effect of the radiosensitizer misonidazole (Ro-07-0582) on the formation of thymine base damage of the 5,6-dihydroxydihydrothymine-type by gamma rays was measured under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. HeLa cells, prelabeled with [methyl-3H]thymidine, were suspended in phosphate-buffered saline in the presence and absence of misonidazole. Concentrations of misonidazole up to 15 mM were used. The cell suspensions were irradiated at ice temperature with 60Co gamma rays. Dose-response curves under aerobic and hypoxic conditions showed a much depressed base damage formation under hypoxia, which was created by blowing a stream of nitrogen across the cell suspensions for 30 min on ice. The presence of misonidazole had little or no detectable effect under hypoxia. It is concluded that an effect on the level of formation of thymine base damage is not primarily responsible for the radiosensitization by misonidazole under hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   

The potential use of flavonoids as a radioprotector is of increasing interest because of their high antioxidant activity and abundance in the diet. The aim of this study is to examine genotoxic and radioprotective effects of one of the most common flavonoids, apigenin, on radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes. The cytokinesis-block micronucleus (CBMN) assay was used to evaluate such effects of apigenin. Blood samples were collected from two non-smoking healthy male volunteers who had no history of previous exposure to other clastogenic agents. Isolated lymphocytes were cultured. There were two tubes per concentration for all treatments. To evaluate the genotoxicity of apigenin, cells were first treated with different concentrations of apigenin (0, 2.5, 5, 10 and 25 microg/mL) at 24 h after culture initiation, followed by cytochalasin-B (Cyt-B) treatment (3 microg/mL) and cell harvest at 44 and 72 h, respectively. Secondly, to investigate the radioprotective effect, cell cultures were exposed to different concentrations of apigenin as described above for 30 min before being irradiated to 2 Gy of 137Cs gamma rays (at a dose rate of 0.75 Gy/min). In all instances, the frequency of MN was scored in binucleated (BN) cells. The nuclear proliferation index also was calculated. We did not detect an increase in the frequency of MN in non-irradiated human lymphocyte cultures treated with 2.5, 5.0 or 10 microg/mL apigenin; although, we did observe an increase in cultures treated with 25 microg/mL apigenin (the highest concentration of apigenin used in our study). We also observed a significant increase in the frequency of MN in irradiated cells overall; however, the frequency was decreased as the concentration of apigenin increased, suggesting a radioprotective effect. These findings provide a basis for additional studies to help clarify the potential use and benefit of apigenin as a radioprotector.  相似文献   

The alpha beta T cell repertoire is primarily shaped in the thymus. However, extrathymic positive selection has been demonstrated for many gamma delta T cell clonotypes. This latter type of selection is the result of a peripheral clonal expansion which could be facilitated by special physiological properties of gamma delta T cells, distinguishing them from most alpha beta T cells. In studying the behavior of T cells under conditions of polyclonal activation, we noticed a differential sensitivity between alpha beta and gamma delta T cells to strong stimulatory signals. When induced with high doses of ionomycin, a large fraction of peripheral gamma delta T cells and a small fraction of alpha beta T cells are able to proliferate exponentially while most alpha beta T cells die. This phenomenon appears to be related to intracellular regulation of high concentrations of cytosolic Ca2+. The ability to proliferate under strong stimulatory conditions is a striking feature of many peripheral gamma delta T cells but not of gamma delta thymocytes. In general, T cells selected in the periphery by clonal expansion might be characterized by resistance to strong stimuli and typically, by their ability to "handle" higher concentrations of free cytoplasmic calcium.  相似文献   

There is a large body of evidence that stress-induced DNA damage may be responsible for cell lethality, cancer proneness and/or immune reaction. However, statistical features of their repair rate remain poorly documented. In order to interpret the shape of the radiation-induced DNA damage repair curves with a minimum of biological assumptions, we introduced the concept of repair probability, specific to any individual radiation-induced DNA damage, whatever its biochemical type. We strengthened the apparent paradox that the repair rate of a population of DNA damage is time-dependent even if the repair rate of the individual DNA damage is constant. Hence, the existing models, based on a dual approach of the DNA repair may be insufficient for describing the DNA repair rate over a large range of repair times. Since the repair probability of DNA damage cannot be assessed individually, the measurement of the DNA repair rate is assumed to consist in determining the instantaneous mean of all repair probabilities. The relevance of this model was examined with different endpoints: cell species, genotypes, radiation type and chromatin condensation. The Euler's Gamma function was shown to provide the distribution the most consistent with such hypotheses. Furthermore, formulas, deduced from the Gamma distribution, were found to be compatible with our previous model, empirically defined but based on a variable repair half-time.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds ofTrifolium andTrigonella were planted after exposure to different dose rates 61.0, 75.8, 116.6 and 265.0 r/day from a radium tube for a period of seven days. The general effect was a tendency towards increase in the number of nodules and of lateral roots per plant, especially at a total dose of about 816 r.Colchicine treatment was found to have a similar effect.  相似文献   

The majority of models of radiation action developed over the past half century hold that the curvilinear dose responses exhibited by eukaryotic cells to sparsely ionizing radiations result from the interaction of pairs of lesions produced in sensitive targets of the cell. Within this conceptual framework, chromosomal exchange aberrations (e.g., interchanges) are believed to occur through the interaction of damaged sites on both chromosomes participating in the exchange. In contrast, the model proposed by Chadwick and Leenhouts (as well as some other models) suggests that such exchanges arise from initial radiation damage to only one chromosome, which then becomes associated with an undamaged chromosome. A particular aspect of this theory is that asymmetrical exchanges, such as dicentrics, may be formed from the rejoining of a broken end of one chromosome to the telomere of another. By using a DNA probe that specifically hybridizes to the telomeric region of human chromosomes, we were able to test this assertion directly. After scanning more than 200 dicentrics produced in normal human fibroblasts by 6 Gy of 60Co gamma rays, virtually none were found that contained telomeres located between the centromeres of this aberration type. Therefore, since the proposed telomere-break rejoining process, per se, is not necessarily a central element of the Chadwick-Leenhouts model, we suggest the theory be modified to exclude this mechanism.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic effect of two radiolytic cytosine products, i.e. of isobarbituric acid and of dialuric acid has been studied on a system of resting meristem ofVicia faba L. on chromosomal level. Both compounds produced in a concentration 10-3 and 10-4 M chromosomal aberrations with a relatively low frequency, about 4 aberrations per 100 anaphases after 12 h of treatment. Among the aberration types chromosomal and chromatid breaks and minutes pre-dominated.  相似文献   

The cell tumorigenic ability and the cell clonogenicity in semi-solid medium of highly radioresistant variant cell line, PIC-20 (the progeny of djungarian hamster fibroblast cell line DX-TK- surviving acute exposure to 20 Gy of gamma-irradiation), were examined. In the absence of additional radiation, no differences between tested features of non-irradiated PIC-20 cells and parental DX-TK- cells were observed. On the contrary, after gamma-irradiation with high doses the essential differences in the properties of the examined cell lines were revealed. After exposure to 10 Gy the surviving fraction of PIC-20 cells was 20 times higher than that of the parental cells. Both irradiated and non-irradiated PIC-20 cells produced colonies of similar size. It is revealed that even after irradiation with doses of 5, 10 or 15 Gy, the PIC-20 cells kept their tumorigenicity as high as non-irradiated ones. In all these cases the 90-100% of animals had the tumour, with the average latent period of tumour appearance after inoculation being the same both for irradiated and non-irradiated PIC-20 cells. After irradiation of parental DX-TK- cells with the highest dose of 15 Gy, the amount animals with tumour decreased by 70% and the average latent period of tumour appearance increased fivefold as compared with that for non-irradiated DX-TK- cells. The data obtained indicate that PIC-20 is highly radioresistant cells, which are able to proliferate both in semi-solid medium and in an animal organism even after radiation exposure to high doses.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to evaluate the modulatory role of beta-carotene on the radiation-induced changes in certain biochemical and cytogenetic parameters. beta-Carotene was given by gavage at a dose of 5 mg/kg body weight for 7 consecutive days before whole body gamma irradiation with 7 Gy (single dose). The levels of beta-carotene in plasma, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in plasma and liver, the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase in blood and liver were the selected parameters. Furthermore, the frequency of micronuclei (MN) of polychromatic erythrocytes (PCEs), normochromatic erythrocytes (NCEs), the ratio of PCEs/NCEs and the mitotic index (MI) of bone marrow cells were also evaluated. The biochemical and cytogenetic determinations were carried out 1, 24, and 72 h after radiation exposure.The results obtained revealed that administration of beta-carotene pre-irradiation significantly inhibited the decrease in plasma beta-carotene, significantly reduced the levels of TBARS in plasma and liver. Significant protection of the radiation-induced changes in the activities of SOD and catalase was also recorded in the blood and liver of beta-carotene-treated and -irradiated rats. beta-Carotene resulted in significant inhibition in the frequency of radiation-induced MN, as well as in the ratio of PCEs/NCEs and the MI of bone marrow cells. These results suggest that beta-carotene as a natural product with its antioxidant capacity and capability of quenching singlet oxygen, could play a modulatory role against the cellular damage affected by free radicals induced by whole body irradiation.  相似文献   

The DNA-protein cross-links (DPC) in mouse thymocytes and spleen lymphocytes, the number of abnormal sperm heads (ASH) and the number of micronuclei (MN) in normochromatic erythrocytes (NCE) of peripheral blood were studied in mice exposed to long-term low-intensity gamma radiation (0.072 cGy/days) and/or cadmium with drinking water (0.01 mg Cd2+/l) for 20, 40 and 80 days. The dependence of DPC level on the total dose (exposure time) of gamma radiation and/or cadmium is nonlinear. The maximal level of DPC in cells of lymphoid organs upon exposure to gamma radiation or cadmium was recorded on the 40-th day, and under combined exposure on the 20-th day of the experiment. The long-term exposure to cadmium or gamma radiation causes an increase in the ASH frequency. The increase in frequencies of MN in NCE and reciprocal translocations in spermatocytes was not found.  相似文献   

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