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Brantley ST  Young DR 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):337-345
Woody encroachment into herbaceous ecosystems is emerging as an important ecological response to global change. A primary concern is alterations in C and N cycling and associated variations across a variety of ecosystems. We quantified seasonal variation in litterfall and litter N concentration in Morella cerifera shrub thickets to assess changes in litterfall and associated N input after shrub expansion on an Atlantic coast barrier island. We also used the natural abundance of 15N to estimate the proportion of litterfall N originating from symbiotic N fixation. Litterfall for shrub thickets ranged from 8,991 ± 247 to 3,810 ± 399 kg ha−1 year−1 and generally declined with increasing thicket age. Litterfall in three of the four thickets exceeded previous estimates of aboveground annual net primary production in adjacent grasslands by 300–400%. Leaf N concentration was also higher after shrub expansion and, coupled with low N resorption efficiency and high litterfall, resulted in a return of as much as 169 kg N ha−1 year−1 to the soil. We estimated that ∼70% of N returned to the soil was from symbiotic N fixation resulting in an ecosystem input of between 37 and 118 kg ha−1 year−1 of atmospheric N depending on site. Considering the extensive cover of shrub thickets on Virginia barrier islands, N fixation by shrubs is likely the largest single source of N to the system. The shift from grassland to shrub thicket on barrier islands results in a substantial increase in litterfall and foliar N concentration that will likely have a major impact on the size and cycling of ecosystem C and N pools. Increasing C and N availability in these nutrient-poor soils is likely to permanently reduce cover of native grasses and alter community structure by favoring species with greater N requirements.  相似文献   

Changes in land management and reductions in fire frequency have contributed to increased cover of woody species in grasslands worldwide. These shifts in plant community composition have the potential to alter ecosystem function, particularly through changes in soil processes and properties. In semi-arid grasslands, the invasion of shrubs and trees is often accompanied by increases in soil resources and more rapid N and C cycling. We assessed the effects of shrub encroachment in a mesic grassland in Kansas (USA) on soil CO2 flux, extractable inorganic N, and N mineralization beneath shrub communities (Cornus drummondii) and surrounding undisturbed grassland sites. In this study, a shift in plant community composition from grassland to shrubland resulted in a 16% decrease in annual soil CO2 flux(4.78 kg CO2 m–2 year–1 for shrub dominated sites versus 5.84 kg CO2 m–2 year–1 for grassland sites) with no differences in total soil C or N or inorganic N. There was considerable variability in N mineralization rates within sites, which resulted in no overall difference in cumulative N mineralized during this study (4.09 g N m–2 for grassland sites and 3.03 g N m–2 for shrub islands). These results indicate that shrub encroachment into mesic grasslands does not significantly alter N availability (at least initially), but does alter C cycling by decreasing soil CO2 flux.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment into grasslands is ubiquitous but its impact on soil organic C (SOC) remains unclear. In previous work we had observed that shrub encroachment into mesic mountain grasslands increased SOC content. Here we sought the mechanisms of this increase. To this end, we assessed aboveground and belowground production for a conifer shrub (Juniperus communis L), a legume shrub (Cytisus balansae ssp. europaeus (G. López & Jarvis) Muñoz Garmendia) and grass (Festuca eskia Ramond ex DC), together with decomposition rates for both aboveground litter and roots. Belowground C net inputs do not clearly explain SOC increase: grass root production was higher than that of either shrub and the decomposition rate of grass roots was the lowest. Aboveground C net inputs were only slightly greater in shrubs than in grass, but the decomposition rate of litter of both shrubs was much lower than that of grass. The decomposition of conifer litter was N-limited, whereas that of legume shrub litter was P-limited. Thus we conclude that the SOC increases after shrub encroachment into mesic grasslands probably as a result of higher recalcitrance of shrub aboveground litter relative to grass litter.  相似文献   

Abstract Intensive pastoralism with goats transforms semiarid thicket in the Eastern Cape, South Africa from a dense vegetation of tall shrubs to an open landscape dominated by ephemeral grasses and forbs. Approx. 800 000 ha of thicket (which prior to the introduction of goats had a closed canopy and a Portulacaria afra Jacq. component) have been transformed in this manner. Ecosystem C storage in intact thicket and loss of C due to transformation were quantified. Carbon storage in intact thicket was surprisingly high for a semiarid region, with an average of 76 t C ha?1 in living biomass and surface litter and 133 t C ha?1 in soils to a depth of 30 cm. Exceptional C accumulation in thicket may be a result of P. afra dominance. This succulent shrub switches between C3 and CAM photosynthesis, produces large quantities of leaf litter (approx. 450 g m?2 year?1) and shades the soil densely. Transformed thicket had approx. 35% less soil C to a depth of 10 cm and approx. 75% less biomass C than intact thicket. Restoration of transformed thicket landscapes could consequently recoup more than 80 t C ha?1.  相似文献   

Soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles are strongly interlinked and controlled through biological processes, and the phosphorus cycle is further controlled through geochemical processes. In dryland ecosystems, woody encroachment often modifies soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stores, although it remains unknown if these three elements change proportionally in response to this vegetation change. We evaluated proportional changes and spatial patterns of soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations following woody encroachment by taking spatially explicit soil cores to a depth of 1.2 m across a subtropical savanna landscape which has undergone encroachment by Prosopis glandulosa (an N2 fixer) and other woody species during the past century in southern Texas, USA. SOC and TN were coupled with respect to increasing magnitudes and spatial patterns throughout the soil profile following woody encroachment, while TP increased slower than SOC and TN in topmost surface soils (0–5 cm) but faster in subsurface soils (15–120 cm). Spatial patterns of TP strongly resembled those of vegetation cover throughout the soil profile, but differed from those of SOC and TN, especially in subsurface soils. The encroachment of woody species dominated by N2‐fixing trees into this P‐limited ecosystem resulted in the accumulation of proportionally less soil P compared to C and N in surface soils; however, proportionally more P accrued in deeper portions of the soil profile beneath woody patches where alkaline soil pH and high carbonate concentrations would favor precipitation of P as relatively insoluble calcium phosphates. This imbalanced relationship highlights that the relative importance of biotic vs. abiotic mechanisms controlling C and N vs. P accumulation following vegetation change may vary with depth. Our findings suggest that efforts to incorporate effects of land cover changes into coupled climate–biogeochemical models should attempt to represent C‐N‐P imbalances that may arise following vegetation change.  相似文献   

Global changes such as variations in plant net primary production are likely to drive shifts in leaf litterfall inputs to forest soils, but the effects of such changes on soil carbon (C) cycling and storage remain largely unknown, especially in C‐rich tropical forest ecosystems. We initiated a leaf litterfall manipulation experiment in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica to test the sensitivity of surface soil C pools and fluxes to different litter inputs. After only 2 years of treatment, doubling litterfall inputs increased surface soil C concentrations by 31%, removing litter from the forest floor drove a 26% reduction over the same time period, and these changes in soil C concentrations were associated with variations in dissolved organic matter fluxes, fine root biomass, microbial biomass, soil moisture, and nutrient fluxes. However, the litter manipulations had only small effects on soil organic C (SOC) chemistry, suggesting that changes in C cycling, nutrient cycling, and microbial processes in response to litter manipulation reflect shifts in the quantity rather than quality of SOC. The manipulation also affected soil CO 2 fluxes; the relative decline in CO 2 production was greater in the litter removal plots (?22%) than the increase in the litter addition plots (+15%). Our analysis showed that variations in CO 2 fluxes were strongly correlated with microbial biomass pools, soil C and nitrogen (N) pools, soil inorganic P fluxes, dissolved organic C fluxes, and fine root biomass. Together, our data suggest that shifts in leaf litter inputs in response to localized human disturbances and global environmental change could have rapid and important consequences for belowground C storage and fluxes in tropical rain forests, and highlight differences between tropical and temperate ecosystems, where belowground C cycling responses to changes in litterfall are generally slower and more subtle.  相似文献   

Given the importance of soil organic carbon (SOC) as a pool in the global carbon cycle and an indicator for soil quality, there exits an urgent need to monitor this dynamic soil property. Here, we present a modelling approach to analyze the spatial patterns and temporal evolution of organic carbon in mineral soils under agricultural land use in Belgium. An empirical model, predicting the SOC concentration in the top 0.3 m, as a function of precipitation, land use, soil type and management has been constructed and applied within a spatial context using data from different time slices. The results show that SOC content is strongly correlated with precipitation and temperature under cropland and with texture and drainage under grassland. Total SOC stock increased with 1.3% from 6.18 ± 0.03 kg C m?2 in 1960 to 6.26 ± 0.07 kg C m?2 in 2006. Although this increase was not significant (P>0.05), a significant discrepancy between cropland (?8%) and grassland (+10%) was observed. Foremost, the grasslands in the hilly southern part of the country, under relatively wet climate conditions, acted as important sinks of CO2. Under cropland, all soil types were characterized by a decrease in SOC, except for the clay soils in the north‐west. Currently, croplands in the central loam region have SOC concentrations close to 10 g C kg?1 indicating that these soils are at risk of a decline in aggregate stability. An overall strong SOC decline in poorly drained soils is probably caused by artificial drainage. Further research is needed to gain more insight into the processes driving the observed SOC trends. Moreover, the use of updated drainage class information and land management history would improve the empirical models.  相似文献   

Increase of belowground C allocation by plants under global warming or elevated CO2 may promote decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) by priming and strongly affects SOC dynamics. The specific effects by priming of SOC depend on the amount and frequency of C inputs. Most previous priming studies have investigated single C additions, but they are not very representative for litterfall and root exudation in many terrestrial ecosystems. We evaluated effects of 13C‐labeled glucose added to soil in three temporal patterns: single, repeated, and continuous on dynamics of CO2 and priming of SOC decomposition over 6 months. Total and 13C labeled CO2 were monitored to analyze priming dynamics and net C balance between SOC loss caused by priming and the retention of added glucose‐C. Cumulative priming ranged from 1.3 to 5.5 mg C g?1 SOC in the subtropical, and from ?0.6 to 5.5 mg C g?1 SOC in the tropical soils. Single addition induced more priming than repeated and continuous inputs. Therefore, single additions of high substrate amounts may overestimate priming effects over the short term. The amount of added glucose C remaining in soil after 6 months (subtropical: 8.1–11.2 mg C g?1 SOC or 41‐56% of added glucose; tropical: 8.7–15.0 mg C g?1 SOC or 43–75% of glucose) was substantially higher than the net C loss due to SOC decomposition including priming effect. This overcompensation of C losses was highest with continuous inputs and lowest with single inputs. Therefore, raised labile organic C input to soils by higher plant productivity will increase SOC content even though priming accelerates decomposition of native SOC. Consequently, higher continuous input of C belowground by plants under warming or elevated CO2 can increase C stocks in soil despite accelerated C cycling by priming in soils.  相似文献   

Chronic N additions to forest ecosystems can enhance soil N availability, potentially leading to reduced C allocation to root systems. This in turn could decrease soil CO2 efflux. We measured soil respiration during the first, fifth, sixth and eighth years of simulated atmospheric NO3? deposition (3 g N m?2 yr?1) to four sugar maple‐dominated northern hardwood forests in Michigan to assess these possibilities. During the first year, soil respiration rates were slightly, but not significantly, higher in the NO3?‐amended plots. In all subsequent measurement years, soil respiration rates from NO3?‐amended soils were significantly depressed. Soil temperature and soil matric potential were measured concurrently with soil respiration and used to develop regression relationships for predicting soil respiration rates. Estimates of growing season and annual soil CO2 efflux made using these relationships indicate that these C fluxes were depressed by 15% in the eighth year of chronic NO3? additions. The decrease in soil respiration was not due to reduced C allocation to roots, as root respiration rates, root biomass, and root turnover were not significantly affected by N additions. Aboveground litter also was unchanged by the 8 years of treatment. Of the remaining potential causes for the decline in soil CO2 efflux, reduced microbial respiration appears to be the most likely possibility. Documented reductions in microbial biomass and the activities of extracellular enzymes used for litter degradation on the NO3?‐amended plots are consistent with this explanation.  相似文献   

Global change is affecting primary productivity in forests worldwide, and this, in turn, will alter long‐term carbon (C) sequestration in wooded ecosystems. On one hand, increased primary productivity, for example, in response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), can result in greater inputs of organic matter to the soil, which could increase C sequestration belowground. On other hand, many of the interactions between plants and microorganisms that determine soil C dynamics are poorly characterized, and additional inputs of plant material, such as leaf litter, can result in the mineralization of soil organic matter, and the release of soil C as CO2 during so‐called “priming effects”. Until now, very few studies made direct comparison of changes in soil C dynamics in response to altered plant inputs in different wooded ecosystems. We addressed this with a cross‐continental study with litter removal and addition treatments in a temperate woodland (Wytham Woods) and lowland tropical forest (Gigante forest) to compare the consequences of increased litterfall on soil respiration in two distinct wooded ecosystems. Mean soil respiration was almost twice as high at Gigante (5.0 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1) than at Wytham (2.7 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1) but surprisingly, litter manipulation treatments had a greater and more immediate effect on soil respiration at Wytham. We measured a 30% increase in soil respiration in response to litter addition treatments at Wytham, compared to a 10% increase at Gigante. Importantly, despite higher soil respiration rates at Gigante, priming effects were stronger and more consistent at Wytham. Our results suggest that in situ priming effects in wooded ecosystems track seasonality in litterfall and soil respiration but the amount of soil C released by priming is not proportional to rates of soil respiration. Instead, priming effects may be promoted by larger inputs of organic matter combined with slower turnover rates.  相似文献   

Abstract. Woody plants are increasing in many grassland and savanna ecosystems around the world. As a case in point, the Edwards Plateau of Texas, USA, is a vast region (93 000 km2) in which rapid woody encroachment appears to be occurring. The native vegetation (prior to the Anglo‐European settlement 150–200 yr ago) and the biogeochemical consequences of woody encroachment in this region, however, are poorly understood. To assess these matters we measured plant and soil δ13C, soil organic C and soil N content from grasslands and two important woody patch types (mature Quercus virginiana clusters and Juniperus ashei woodlands) in this region. Soil δ13C values showed that relative productivity of C3 species has increased in grassland and both woody habitats in recent times. δ13C of SOC in grasslands and Q. virginiana clusters increased with depth from the litter layer to 30 cm (grasslands =?21 to ?13‰Q. virginiana clusters =?27 to ?17‰) and were significantly different between habitats at all depths, indicating that Q. virginiana has been a long‐term component of the landscape. In J. ashei woodlands, soil δ13C values (at 20–30 cm depth) near the woodland edge (‐13‰) converged with those of an adjacent grassland (‐13‰) while those from the woodland interior (‐15‰) remained distinct, indicating that the woodland has been present for many years but has recently expanded. Concentrations and densities of SOC and total N were generally greater in woody patches than in grasslands. However, differences in the amount of SOC and N stored beneath the two woody patch types indicates that C and N sequestration potentials are species dependent.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment frequently occurs in arid and semi-arid grasslands worldwide and affects the regional carbon balance. Many previous studies have revealed the effects of shrub encroachment on bulk carbon content of grasslands, but molecular evidence is surprisingly lacking. In this study, we examined the chemical composition of plant tissues and soil organic carbon (SOC), and soil microbial communities to identify the effects of shrub (Caragana microphylla) encroachment on SOC storage in the top layer (0–10 cm) along a gradient of natural shrub cover in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. We found that SOC in the shrub patches was derived mainly from leaves, whereas SOC in the grassy matrix was composed of a mixture of fresh root- and leaf-derived compounds. Compared with pure grassland, the SOC decreased by 29% in the shrub-encroached grasslands (SEGs), and this decrease was enhanced by increasing shrub cover. We also found that free lipids and lignin-derived phenols increased while the ratios of ω-C18/∑C18 and suberin/cutin decreased with increasing shrub cover. In addition, the ratios of fungal to bacterial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and gram-negative to gram-positive bacterial PLFAs decreased with increasing shrub cover. These results indicate that the encroachment of nitrogen-rich legume shrubs can lead to carbon loss by altering the chemical composition of plant inputs as well as the soil microbial community in grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies indicate that increasing atmospheric CO2 or temperature stimulate soil CO2 efflux, few data are available on the responses of three major components of soil respiration [i.e. rhizosphere respiration (root and root exudates), litter decomposition, and oxidation of soil organic matter] to different CO2 and temperature conditions. In this study, we applied a dual stable isotope approach to investigate the impact of elevated CO2 and elevated temperature on these components of soil CO2 efflux in Douglas-fir terracosms. We measured both soil CO2 efflux rates and the 13C and 18O isotopic compositions of soil CO2 efflux in 12 sun-lit and environmentally controlled terracosms with 4-year-old Douglas fir seedlings and reconstructed forest soils under two CO2 concentrations (ambient and 200 ppmv above ambient) and two air temperature regimes (ambient and 4 °C above ambient). The stable isotope data were used to estimate the relative contributions of different components to the overall soil CO2 efflux. In most cases, litter decomposition was the dominant component of soil CO2 efflux in this system, followed by rhizosphere respiration and soil organic matter oxidation. Both elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and elevated temperature stimulated rhizosphere respiration and litter decomposition. The oxidation of soil organic matter was stimulated only by increasing temperature. Release of newly fixed carbon as root respiration was the most responsive to elevated CO2, while soil organic matter decomposition was most responsive to increasing temperature. Although some assumptions associated with this new method need to be further validated, application of this dual-isotope approach can provide new insights into the responses of soil carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems to future climate changes.  相似文献   

Effects of grazing on grassland soil carbon: a global review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soils of grasslands represent a large potential reservoir for storing CO2, but this potential likely depends on how grasslands are managed for large mammal grazing. Previous studies found both strong positive and negative grazing effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) but explanations for this variation are poorly developed. Expanding on previous reviews, we performed a multifactorial meta‐analysis of grazer effects on SOC density on 47 independent experimental contrasts from 17 studies. We explicitly tested hypotheses that grazer effects would shift from negative to positive with decreasing precipitation, increasing fineness of soil texture, transition from dominant grass species with C3 to C4 photosynthesis, and decreasing grazing intensity, after controlling for study duration and sampling depth. The six variables of soil texture, precipitation, grass type, grazing intensity, study duration, and sampling depth explained 85% of a large variation (±150 g m?2 yr?1) in grazing effects, and the best model included significant interactions between precipitation and soil texture (P = 0.002), grass type, and grazing intensity (P = 0.012), and study duration and soil sampling depth (P = 0.020). Specifically, an increase in mean annual precipitation of 600 mm resulted in a 24% decrease in grazer effect size on finer textured soils, while on sandy soils the same increase in precipitation produced a 22% increase in grazer effect on SOC. Increasing grazing intensity increased SOC by 6–7% on C4‐dominated and C4–C3 mixed grasslands, but decreased SOC by an average 18% in C3‐dominated grasslands. We discovered these patterns despite a lack of studies in natural, wildlife‐dominated ecosystems, and tropical grasslands. Our results, which suggest a future focus on why C3 vs. C4‐dominated grasslands differ so strongly in their response of SOC to grazing, show that grazer effects on SOC are highly context‐specific and imply that grazers in different regions might be managed differently to help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

Keith  H.  Jacobsen  K.L.  Raison  R.J. 《Plant and Soil》1997,190(1):127-141
Rates of soil respiration (CO2 efflux) were measured for a year in a mature Eucalyptus pauciflora forest in unfertilized and phosphorus-fertilized plots. Soil CO2 efflux showed a distinct seasonal trend, and average daily rates ranged from 124 to 574 mg CO2 m–2 hr–1. Temperature and moisture are the main variables that cause variation in soil CO2 efflux; hence their effects were investigated over a year so as to then differentiate the treatment effect of phosphorus (P) nutrition.Soil temperature had the greatest effect on CO2 efflux and exhibited a highly significant logarithmic relationship (r2 = 0.81). Periods of low soil and litter moisture occurred during summer when temperatures were greater than 10 °C, and this resulted in depression of soil CO2 efflux. During winter, when temperatures were less than 10 °C, soil and litter moisture were consistently high and thus their variation had little effect on soil CO2 efflux. A multiple regression model including soil temperature, and soil and litter moisture accounted for 97% of the variance in rates of CO2 efflux, and thus can be used to predict soil CO2 efflux at this site with high accuracy. Total annual efflux of carbon from soil was estimated to be 7.11 t C ha–1 yr–1. The model was used to predict changes in this annual flux if temperature and moisture conditions were altered. The extent to which coefficients of the model differ among sites and forest types requires testing.Increased soil P availability resulted in a large increase in stem growth of trees but a reduction in the rate of soil CO2 efflux by approximately 8%. This reduction is suggested to be due to lower root activity resulting from reduced allocation of assimilate belowground. Root activity changed when P was added to microsites within plots, and via the whole tree root system at the plot level. These relationships of belowground carbon fluxes with temperature, moisture and nutrient availability provide essential information for understanding and predicting potential changes in forest ecosystems in response to land use management or climate change.  相似文献   

When woody plant abundance increases in grasslands and savannas, a phenomenon widely observed worldwide, there is considerable uncertainty as to whether aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and ecosystem carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools increase, decrease, or remain the same. We estimated ANPP and C and N pools in aboveground vegetation and surface soils on shallow clay and clay loam soils undergoing encroachment by Prosopis glandulosa in the Southern Great Plains of the United States. Aboveground Prosopis C and N mass increased linearly, and ANPP increased logarithmically, with stand age on clay loam soils; on shallow clays, Prosopis C and N mass and ANPP all increased linearly with stand age. We found no evidence of an asymptote in trajectories of C and N accumulation or ANPP on either soil type even following 68 years of stand development. Production and accumulation rates were lower on shallow clay sites relative to clay loam sites, suggesting strong edaphic control of C and N accumulation associated with woody plant encroachment. Response of herbaceous C mass to Prosopis stand development also differed between soil types. Herbaceous C declined with increasing aboveground Prosopis C on clay loams, but increased with increasing Prosopis C on shallow clays. Total ANPP (Prosopis+herbaceous) of sites with the highest Prosopis basal area were 1.2 × and 4.0 × greater than those with the lowest Prosopis basal area on clay loam and shallow clay soils, respectively. Prosopis ANPP more than offset declines in herbaceous ANPP on clay loams and added to increased herbaceous ANPP on shallow clays. Although aboveground C and N pools increased substantially with Prosopis stand development, we found no corresponding change in surface soil C and N pools (0–10 cm). Overall, our findings indicate that Prosopis stand development significantly increases ecosystem C and N storage/cycling, and the magnitude of these impacts varied with stand age, soil type and functional plant traits  相似文献   

Temperate forest soil organic carbon (C) represents a significant pool of terrestrial C that may be released to the atmosphere as CO2 with predicted changes in climate. To address potential feedbacks between climate change and terrestrial C turnover, we quantified forest soil C response to litter type and temperature change as a function of soil parent material. We collected soils from three conifer forests dominated by ponderosa pine (PP; Pinus ponderosa Laws.); white fir [WF; Abies concolor (Gord. and Glend.) Lindl.]; and red fir (RF; Abies magnifica A. Murr.) from each of three parent materials, granite (GR), basalt (BS), and andesite (AN) in the Sierra Nevada of California. Field soils were incubated at their mean annual soil temperature (MAST), with addition of native 13C‐labeled litter to characterize soil C mineralization under native climate conditions. Further, we incubated WF soils at PP MAST with 13C‐labeled PP litter, and RF soils at WF MAST with 13C‐labeled WF litter to simulate a migration of MAST and litter type, and associated change in litter quality, up‐elevation in response to predicted climate warming. Results indicated that total CO2 and percent of CO2 derived from soil C varied significantly by parent material, following the pattern of GR>BS>AN. Regression analyses indicated interactive control of C mineralization by litter type and soil minerals. Soils with high short‐range‐order (SRO) mineral content exhibited little response to varying litter type, whereas PP litter enriched in acid‐soluble components promoted a substantial increase of extant soil C mineralization in soils of low SRO mineral content. Climate change conditions increased soil C mineralization greater than 200% in WF forest soils. In contrast, little to no change in soil C mineralization was noted for the RF forest soils, suggesting an ecosystem‐specific climate change response. The climate change response varied by parent material, where AN soils exhibited minimal change and GR and BS soils mineralized substantially greater soil C. This study corroborates the varied response in soil C mineralization by parent material and highlights how the soil mineral assemblage and litter type may interact to control conifer forest soil C response to climate change.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition effects on soil organic carbon (C) decomposition remain controversial, while the role of plant species composition in mediating effects of N deposition on soil organic C decomposition and long‐term soil C sequestration is virtually unknown. Here we provide evidence from a 5‐year grassland field experiment in Minnesota that under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (560 ppm), plant species determine whether N deposition inhibits the decomposition of soil organic matter via inter‐specific variation in root lignin concentration. Plant species producing lignin‐rich litter increased stabilization of soil C older than 5 years, but only in combination with elevated N inputs (4 g m?2 year?1). Our results suggest that N deposition will increase soil C sequestration in those ecosystems where vegetation composition and/or elevated atmospheric CO2 cause high litter lignin inputs to soils.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Due to the high spatial and temporal variation in soil CO2 efflux, terrestrial carbon budgets rely on a detailed understanding of the drivers of soil respiration from a diverse range of ecosystems and climate zones. In this study we aim to evaluate the independent influence of vegetation structure and climate on soil CO2 efflux within cerrado ecosystems.


We examine the seasonal and diel variation of soil CO2 efflux, including its autotrophic and heterotrophic components, within two adjacent and structurally contrasting woody savannas in central Brazil.

Principle results

We found no significant difference in the annual soil CO2 efflux between the two stands (p?=?0.53) despite a clear disparity in both LAI (p?<?0.01) and leaf litterfall (p?<?0.01). The mean annual loss of carbon from the soil was 17.32(±1.48) Mg C?ha?1 of which approximately 63% was accounted for by autotrophic respiration. The relative contribution of autotrophic respiration varied seasonally between 55% in the wet season to 79% of the total soil CO2 efflux in the dry season. Furthermore, seasonal fluctuations of all the soil respiration components were strongly correlated with soil moisture (R 2?=?0.79–0.90, p?<?0.01).


Across these two structurally distinct cerrado stands, seasonal variations in rainfall, was the main driver of soil CO2 efflux and its components. Consequently, soil respiration within these ecosystems is likely to be highly sensitive to any changes in seasonal precipitation patterns.  相似文献   

Currently, it is unknown what role tropical forest soils will play in the future global carbon cycle under higher temperatures. Many tropical forests grow on deeply weathered soils and although it is generally accepted that soil carbon decomposition increases with higher temperatures, it is not known whether subsurface carbon pools are particularly responsive to increasing soil temperatures. Carbon dioxide (CO2) diffusing out of soils is an important flux in the global carbon. Although soil CO2 efflux has been the subject of many studies in recent years, it remains difficult to deduct controls of this flux because of the different sources that produce CO2 and because potential environmental controls like soil temperature and soil moisture often covary. Here, we report results of a 5‐year study in which we measured soil CO2 production on two deeply weathered soil types at different depths in an old‐growth tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. Three sites were developed on old river terraces (old alluvium) and the other three were developed on old lava flows (residual). Annual soil CO2 efflux varied between 2.8–3.6 μmol CO2‐C m?2 s?1 (old alluvium) and 3.4–3.9 μmol CO2‐C m?2 s?1 (residual). More than 75% of the CO2 was produced in the upper 0.5 m (including litter layer) and less than 7% originated from the soil below 1 m depth. This low contribution was explained by the lack of water stress in this tropical wet forest which has resulted in very low root biomass below 2 m depth. In the top 0.5 m CO2 production was positively correlated with both temperature and soil moisture; between 0.6 and 2 m depth CO2 production correlated negatively with soil moisture in one soil and positively with photosynthetically active radiation in the other soil type. Below 2 m soil CO2 production strongly increased with increasing temperature. In combination with reduced tree growth that has been shown for this ecosystem, this would be a strong positive feedback to ecosystem warming.  相似文献   

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