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In living matter, shape fluctuations induced by acto-myosin are usually studied in vitro via reconstituted gels, whose properties are controlled by changing the concentrations of actin, myosin, and cross-linkers. Such an approach deliberately avoids consideration of the complexity of biochemical signaling inherent to living systems. Acto-myosin activity inside living cells is mainly regulated by the Rho signaling pathway, which is composed of multiple layers of coupled activators and inhibitors. Here, we investigate how such a pathway controls the dynamics of confluent epithelial tissues by tracking the displacements of the junction points between cells. Using a phenomenological model to analyze the vertex fluctuations, we rationalize the effects of different Rho signaling targets on the emergent tissue activity by quantifying the effective diffusion coefficient, and the persistence time and length of the fluctuations. Our results reveal an unanticipated correlation between layers of activation/inhibition and spatial fluctuations within tissues. Overall, this work connects regulation via biochemical signaling with mesoscopic spatial fluctuations, with potential application to the study of structural rearrangements in epithelial tissues.  相似文献   

Cell shape is determined by a balance of intrinsic properties of the cell as well as its mechanochemical environment. Inhomogeneous shape changes underlie many morphogenetic events and involve spatial gradients in active cellular forces induced by complex chemical signaling. Here, we introduce a mechanochemical model based on the notion that cell shape changes may be induced by external diffusible biomolecules that influence cellular contractility (or equivalently, adhesions) in a concentration-dependent manner—and whose spatial profile in turn is affected by cell shape. We map out theoretically the possible interplay between chemical concentration and cellular structure. Besides providing a direct route to spatial gradients in cell shape profiles in tissues, we show that the dependence on cell shape helps create robust mechanochemical gradients.  相似文献   

In this article, we present PolNet, an open-source software tool for the study of blood flow and cell-level biological activity during vessel morphogenesis. We provide an image acquisition, segmentation, and analysis protocol to quantify endothelial cell polarity in entire in vivo vascular networks. In combination, we use computational fluid dynamics to characterize the hemodynamics of the vascular networks under study. The tool enables, to our knowledge for the first time, a network-level analysis of polarity and flow for individual endothelial cells. To date, PolNet has proven invaluable for the study of endothelial cell polarization and migration during vascular patterning, as demonstrated by two recent publications. Additionally, the tool can be easily extended to correlate blood flow with other experimental observations at the cellular/molecular level. We release the source code of our tool under the Lesser General Public License.  相似文献   

It has long been known that the complex cellular environment leads to anomalous motion of intracellular particles. At a gross level, this is characterized by mean-squared displacements that deviate from the standard linear profile. Statistical analysis of particle trajectories has helped further elucidate how different characteristics of the cellular environment can introduce different types of anomalousness. A significant majority of this literature has, however, focused on characterizing the properties of trajectories that do not interact with cell borders (e.g., cell membrane or nucleus). Numerous biological processes ranging from protein activation to exocytosis, however, require particles to be near a membrane. This study investigates the consequences of a canonical type of subdiffusive motion, fractional Brownian motion, and its physical analog, generalized Langevin equation dynamics, on the spatial localization of particles near reflecting boundaries. Results show that this type of subdiffusive motion leads to the formation of significant zones of depleted particle density near boundaries and that this effect is independent of the specific model details encoding those dynamics. Rather, these depletion layers are a natural and robust consequence of the anticorrelated nature of motion increments that is at the core of fractional Brownian motion (or alternatively generalized Langevin equation) dynamics. If such depletion zones are present, it would be of profound importance given the wide array of signaling and transport processes that occur near membranes. If not, that would suggest our understanding of this type of anomalous motion may be flawed. Either way, this result points to the need to further investigate the consequences of anomalous particle motions near cell borders from both theoretical and experimental perspectives.  相似文献   

The stimulator-of-interferon-genes (STING) protein is involved in innate immunity. It has recently been shown that modulation of STING can lead to an aggressive antitumor response. DMXAA is an antitumor agent that had shown great promise in murine models but failed in human clinical trials. The molecular target of DMXAA was subsequently shown to be murine STING (mSTING); however, human STING (hSTING) is insensitive to DMXAA. Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to investigate the differences between hSTING and mSTING that could influence DMXAA binding. An initial set of simulations was performed to investigate a single lid region mutation G230I in hSTING (corresponding residue in mSTING is an Ile), which rendered the protein sensitive to DMXAA. The simulations found that an Ile side chain was enough to form a steric barrier that prevents exit of DMXAA, whereas in WT hSTING, the Gly residue that lacks a side chain formed a porous lid region that allowed DMXAA to exit. A second set of molecular dynamics simulations compared the tendency of STING to be in an open-inactive conformation or a closed-active conformation. The results show that hSTING prefers to be in an open-inactive conformation even with cGAMP, the native ligand, bound. On the other hand, mSTING prefers a closed-active conformation even without a ligand bound. These results highlight the challenges in translating a mouse active STING compound into a human active compound, while also providing avenues to pursue for designing a small-molecule drug targeting human STING.  相似文献   

A single-cell assay of active and passive intracellular mechanical properties of mammalian cells could give significant insight into cellular processes. Force spectrum microscopy (FSM) is one such technique, which combines the spontaneous motion of probe particles and the mechanical properties of the cytoskeleton measured by active microrheology using optical tweezers to determine the force spectrum of the cytoskeleton. A simpler and noninvasive method to perform FSM would be very useful, enabling its widespread adoption. Here, we develop an alternative method of FSM using measurement of the fluctuating motion of mitochondria. Mitochondria of the C3H-10T1/2 cell line were labeled and tracked using confocal microscopy. Mitochondrial probes were selected based on morphological characteristics, and their mean-square displacement, creep compliance, and distributions of directional change were measured. We found that the creep compliance of mitochondria resembles that of particles in viscoelastic media. However, comparisons of creep compliance between controls and cells treated with pharmacological agents showed that perturbations to the actomysoin network had surprisingly small effects on mitochondrial fluctuations, whereas microtubule disruption and ATP depletion led to a significantly decreased creep compliance. We used properties of the distribution of directional change to identify a regime of thermally dominated fluctuations in ATP-depleted cells, allowing us to estimate the viscoelastic parameters for a range of timescales. We then determined the force spectrum by combining these viscoelastic properties with measurements of spontaneous fluctuations tracked in control cells. Comparisons with previous measurements made using FSM revealed an excellent match.  相似文献   

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