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Of the many mechanisms by which global climate change may alter ecosystem processes perhaps the least known and insidious is altered disturbance regimes. We used a field-based experiment to examine the climate change scenario of more frequent fires with altered invertebrate assemblages on the decomposition of Eucalyptus leaves. Our design comprised three fire regimes [long-term fire exclusion (FE), long-term frequent burning (FB) and FE altered to FB (FEFB)] and two litter bag mesh sizes (8.0 and 0.2 mm) that either permitted or denied access to the leaf litter by most invertebrates. We found a significant interaction effect between fire regime and mesh size in losses of litter mass and net carbon (C). Compared with the regime of FE, with more frequent burning (FB and FEFB) the pace of decomposition was slowed by 41% (when access to litter by most invertebrates is not impeded). For the regime of FE, denying access to leaf litter by most invertebrates did not alter the pace of decomposition. Conversely, under regimes of frequently burning, restricting access to the litter by most invertebrates altered the pace of decomposition by 46%. Similar results were found for net C. For net losses of nitrogen (N), no interaction effects between fire regime and mesh size were detected, although both main effects were significant. Our results show that by modifying disturbance regimes such as fire frequency, global climate change has the potential to modify the mechanism by which ecosystems function. With more FB, decomposition is driven not only by fire regime induced changes in substrate quality and/or physiochemical conditions but through the interaction of disturbance regime with animal assemblages mediating ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Decomposition of plant litter is a fundamental ecosystem process that can act as a feedback to climate change by simultaneously influencing both the productivity of ecosystems and the flux of carbon dioxide from the soil. The influence of climate on decomposition from a postsenescence perspective is relatively well known; in particular, climate is known to regulate the rate of litter decomposition via its direct influence on the reaction kinetics and microbial physiology on processes downstream of tissue senescence. Climate can alter plant metabolism during the formative stage of tissues and could shape the final chemical composition of plant litter that is available for decomposition, and thus indirectly influence decomposition; however, these indirect effects are relatively poorly understood. Climatic stress disrupts cellular homeostasis in plants and results in the reprogramming of primary and secondary metabolic pathways, which leads to changes in the quantity, composition, and organization of small molecules and recalcitrant heteropolymers, including lignins, tannins, suberins, and cuticle within the plant tissue matrix. Furthermore, by regulating metabolism during tissue senescence, climate influences the resorption of nutrients from senescing tissues. Thus, the final chemical composition of plant litter that forms the substrate of decomposition is a combined product of presenescence physiological processes through the production and resorption of metabolites. The changes in quantity, composition, and localization of the molecular construct of the litter could enhance or hinder tissue decomposition and soil nutrient cycling by altering the recalcitrance of the lignocellulose matrix, the composition of microbial communities, and the activity of microbial exo‐enzymes via various complexation reactions. Also, the climate‐induced changes in the molecular composition of litter could differentially influence litter decomposition and soil nutrient cycling. Compared with temperate ecosystems, the indirect effects of climate on litter decomposition in the tropics are not well understood, which underscores the need to conduct additional studies in tropical biomes. We also emphasize the need to focus on how climatic stress affects the root chemistry as roots contribute significantly to biogeochemical cycling, and on utilizing more robust analytical approaches to capture the molecular composition of tissue matrix that fuel microbial metabolism.  相似文献   


Isotope and elemental composition of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) as well as its mass loss were measured for Sphagnum fuscum litter after one and two years of incubation in three different soil zones defined by the position of water table in a pristine Sphagnum-dominated peatland on the coast of western Canada. Mass losses were greater for the first year than for the second year, and the greatest loss was found in the oxic zone closest to the peatland surface. Early stage of decomposition clearly affected isotope signatures in Sphagnum litter. Litter δ13C values significantly decreased after the first year of incubation. The depletion of 13C content during the first year might be related to the loss of more isotopically enriched soluble constituents coupled with the large mass loss. Litter δ15N values significantly increased after the first year of incubation in spite of the large mass loss. Litters incubated in the oxic zone had the greatest mass loss and 15N enrichment, suggesting that the enrichment was the result of interactions with soil microbes and preferential loss of lighter N. Conversely, litters incubated in the anoxic zone had smaller mass loss and the amount of N significantly increased, suggesting that the incorporation of bacterial biomass might also contribute to the 15N enrichment. The 15N enrichment trend continued in the second year, but the change was not significant as the first year. Increases in the δ15N values with depth in the near surface Sphagnum peat core suggests that the enrichment trend of litter 15N abundance with age is likely to continue for much longer periods than observed over the two-year period of this study.  相似文献   

Blue carbon ecosystems (BCEs) are important nature-based solutions for climate change-mitigation. However, current debates question the reliability and contribution of BCEs under future climatic-scenarios. The answer to this question depends on ecosystem processes driving carbon-sequestration and -storage, such as primary production and decomposition, and their future rates. We performed a global meta-analysis on litter decomposition rate constants (k) in BCEs and predicted changes in carbon release from 309 studies. The relationships between k and climatic factors were examined by extracting remote-sensing data on air temperature, sea-surface temperature, and precipitation aligning to the decomposition time of each experiment. We constructed global numerical models of litter decomposition to forecast k and carbon release under different scenarios. The current k averages at 27 ± 3 × 10−2 day−1 for macroalgae were higher than for seagrasses (1.7 ± 0.2 × 10−2 day−1), mangroves (1.6 ± 0.1 × 10−2 day−1) and tidal marshes (5.9 ± 0.5 × 10−3 day−1). Macrophyte k increased with both air temperature and precipitation in intertidal BCEs and with sea surface temperature for subtidal seagrasses. Above a temperature threshold for vascular plant litter at ~25°C and ~20°C for macroalgae, k drastically increased with increasing temperature. However, the direct effect of high temperatures on k are obscured by other factors in field experiments compared with laboratory experiments. We defined “fundamental” and “realized” temperature response to explain this effect. Based on relationships for realized temperature response, we predict that proportions of decomposed litter will increase by 0.9%–5% and 4.7%–28.8% by 2100 under low- (2°C) and high-warming conditions (4°C) compared to 2020, respectively. Net litter carbon sinks in BCEs will increase due to higher increase in litter C production than in decomposition by 2100 compared to 2020 under RCP 8.5. We highlight that BCEs will play an increasingly important role in future climate change-mitigation. Our findings can be leveraged for blue carbon accounting under future climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that nitrogen in most tropical forests is relatively more available than N in most temperate forests, and even that it may function as an excess nutrient in many tropical forests. If this is correct, tropical forests should have more open N cycles than temperate forests, with both inputs and outputs of N large relative to N cycling within systems. Consequent differences in both the magnitude and the pathways of N loss imply that tropical forests should in general be more15N enriched than are most temperate forests. In order to test this hypothesis, we compared the nitrogen stable isotopic composition of tree leaves and soils from a variety of tropical and temperate forests. Foliar 15N values from tropical forests averaged 6.5 higher than from temperate forests. Within the tropics, ecosystems with relatively low N availability (montane forests, forests on sandy soils) were significantly more depleted in15N than other tropical forests. The average 15N values for tropical forest soils, either for surface or for depth samples, were almost 8 higher than temperate forest soils. These results provide another line of evidence that N is relatively abundant in many tropical forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to relate regional variation in litter mass-loss rates (first year) in pine forests to climate across a large, continental-scale area. The variation in mass-loss rate was analyzed using 39 experimental sites spanning climatic regions from the subarctic to subtropical and Mediterranean: the latitudinal gradient ranged from 31 °N to 70 °N and may represent the the largest geographical area that has ever been sampled and observed for the purpose of studying biogeochemical processes. Because of unified site design and uniform laboratory procedures, data from all sites were directly comparable and permitted a determination of the relative influence of climateversus substrate quality viewed from the perspective of broad regional scales. Simple correlation applied to the entire data set indicated that annual actual evapotranspiration (AET) should be the leading climatic constraint on mass-loss rates (Radj 2 = 0.496). The combination of AET, average July temp. and average annual temp. could explain about 70% of the sites' variability on litter mass-loss. In an analysis of 23 Scots pine sites north of the Alps and Carpatians AET alone could account for about 65% of the variation and the addition of a substrate-quality variable was sufficiently significant to be used in a model. The influence of litter quality was introduced into a model, using data from 11 sites at which litter of different quality had been incubated. These sites are found in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland. At any one site most ( ≫ 90%) of the variation in mass-loss rates could be explained by one of the litter-quality variables giving concentration of nitrogen, phosphorus or water solubles. However, even when these models included nitrogen or phosphorus even small changes in potential evapotranspiration resulted in large changes in early-phase decay rates. Further regional subdivision of the data set, resulted in a range of strength in the relationship between loss rate and climatic variables, from very weak in Central Europe to strong for the Scandinavian and Atlantic coast sites (Radj 2 = 0.912; AETversus litter mass loss). Much of the variation in observed loss rates could be related to continentalversus marine/Atlantic influences. Inland locations had mass-loss rates lower than should be expected on the basis of for example AET alone. Attempts to include seasonality variables were not successful. It is clear that either unknown errors and biases, or, unknown variables are causing these regional differences in response to climatic variables. Nevertheless these results show the powerful influence of climate as a control of the broad-scale geography of mass-loss rates and substrate quality at the stand level. Some of these relationships between mass-loss rate and climatic variables are among the highest ever reported, probably because of the care taken to select uniform sites and experimental methods. This suggest that superior, base line maps of predicted mass-loss rates could be produced using climatic data. These models should be useful to predict the changing equilibrium litter dynamics resulting from climatic change.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳和氮分解对温度变化的响应趋势与研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴建国 《应用生态学报》2007,18(12):2896-2904
总结了土壤中碳和氮贮量与温度的关系、土壤碳和氮分解对温度时空差异和直接加热升温的响应,以及土壤碳和氮分解对低温冻结及冻融循环的响应趋势,讨论了其研究方法的误差和不确定性,并对今后的研究提出了一些建议.气候变暖在短期内将使土壤碳和氮分解加速并引起CO2释放量增加,而长期过程中却并不一定会引起土壤碳和氮分解加速.合理解释不同研究结果的差异,除了需要系统分析土壤碳和氮分解对温度变化响应的机制外,还需要充分认识土壤碳和氮分解对温度变化响应的长期过程和短期过程的差异,以及研究方法、植被、土壤和气候等因素的影响.  相似文献   

在东北长白山、张广才岭、小兴安岭、大兴安岭的主要森林类型中设置26块样地,进行为期3a(2004—2006年)凋落叶分解实验,以研究气候、林型、林冠透光率对凋落叶分解速率的相对影响大小。结果表明,不同林型凋落叶分解速率依次为:落叶阔叶林针阔叶混交林落叶针叶林常绿针叶林岳桦林。对分解速率影响因素的分析表明,气候因子(热量和水分)对分解速率有较强的解释力,分别解释了分解常数k和分解95%所需时间(t95%)的55.5%和65.0%的变异。但是,气候对分解速率的影响在很大程度上是通过与林型、林冠透光率的协同作用而实现的,其独立解释力并不大(9%)。气候的变化导致林型(物种组成)的变化、进而影响分解速率,这一因素解释了分解参数变异的46.8%(k)和56.8%(t95%)。与此同时,气候和林型的变化还导致林冠透光率的变化,随着热量水平的上升林冠透光率下降、间接提高分解速率。这一因素分别解释了k值和t95%变异的23.9%和22.3%。研究结果表明,气候对凋落叶分解的影响主要是通过对物种组成、林冠结构(影响透光率)等生物因素的间接作用实现的。忽视这些生物因素、简单研究气候和分解速率的关系可能难以正确预测未来气候变化对凋落物分解的影响。  相似文献   

In situ nitrogen (N) transformations and N availability were examined over a four‐year period in two soil microclimates (xeric and mesic) under a climate‐warming treatment in a subalpine meadow/sagebrush scrub ecotone. Experimental plots that spanned the two soil microclimates were exposed to an in situ infrared (IR) climate change manipulation at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, near Crested Butte, Colorado. Although the two microclimates did not differ significantly in their rates of N transformations in the absence of heating, they differed significantly in their response to increased IR. Under a simulated warming in the sagebrush‐dominated xeric microclimate, gross N mineralization rates doubled and immobilization rates increased by up to 60% over the first 2 years of the study but declined to predisturbance rates by the fourth year. This temporal pattern of gross mineralization rates correlated with a decline in SOM. Concurrently, rates of net mineralization rates in the heated plots were 60% higher than the controls after the first year. There were no differences in gross or net nitrification rates with heating in the xeric soils. In contrast to the xeric microclimate, there were no significant effects of heating on any N transformation rates in the mesic microclimate. The differing responses in N cycling rates of the two microclimate to the increased IR is most certainly the result of differences in initial soil moisture conditions and vegetation type and cover.  相似文献   

Mosses are the dominant plants in polar and boreal regions, areas which are experiencing rapid impacts of regional warming. Long‐term monitoring programmes provide some records of the rate of recent climate change, but moss peat banks contain an unrivalled temporal record of past climate change on terrestrial plant Antarctic systems. We summarise the current understanding of climatic proxies and determinants of moss growth for contrasting continental and maritime Antarctic regions, as informed by 13C and 18O signals in organic material. Rates of moss accumulation are more than three times higher in the maritime Antarctic than continental Antarctica with growing season length being a critical determinant of growth rate, and high carbon isotope discrimination values reflecting optimal hydration conditions. Correlation plots of 13C and 18O values show that species (Chorisodontium aciphyllum / Polytrichum strictum) and growth form (hummock / bank) are the major determinants of measured isotope ratios. The interplay between moss growth form, photosynthetic physiology, water status and isotope composition are compared with developments of secondary proxies, such as chlorophyll fluorescence. These approaches provide a framework to consider the potential impact of climate change on terrestrial Antarctic habitats as well as having implications for future studies of temperate, boreal and Arctic peatlands. There are many urgent ecological and environmental problems in the Arctic related to mosses in a changing climate, but the geographical ranges of species and life‐forms are difficult to track individually. Our goal was to translate what we have learned from the more simple systems in Antarctica, for application to Arctic habitats.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizas are ubiquitous plant–fungus mutualists in terrestrial ecosystems and play important roles in plant resource capture and nutrient cycling. Sporadic evidence suggests that anthropogenic nitrogen (N) input may impact the development and the functioning of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, potentially altering host plant growth and soil carbon (C) dynamics. In this study, we examined how mineral N inputs affected mycorrhizal mediation of plant N acquisition and residue decomposition in a microcosm system. Each microcosm unit was separated into HOST and TEST compartments by a replaceable mesh screen that either prevented or allowed AM fungal hyphae but not plant roots to grow into the TEST compartments. Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) was planted in the HOST compartments that had been inoculated with either a single species of AM fungus, Glomus etunicatum, or a mixture of AM fungi including G. etunicatum. Mycorrhizal contributions to plant N acquisition and residue decomposition were directly assessed by introducing a mineral 15N tracer and 13C‐rich residues of a C4 plant to the TEST compartments. Results from 15N tracer measurements showed that AM fungal hyphae directly transported N from the TEST soil to the host plant. Compared with the control with no penetration of AM fungal hyphae, AM hyphal penetration led to a 125% increase in biomass 15N of host plants and a 20% reduction in extractable inorganic N in the TEST soil. Mineral N inputs to the HOST compartments (equivalent to 5.0 g N m?2 yr?1) increased oat biomass and total root length colonized by mycorrhizal fungi by 189% and 285%, respectively, as compared with the no‐N control. Mineral N inputs to the HOST plants also reduced extractable inorganic N and particulate residue C proportion by 58% and 12%, respectively, in the corresponding TEST soils as compared to the no‐N control, by stimulating AM fungal growth and activities. The species mixture of mycorrhizal fungi was more effective in facilitating N transport and residue decomposition than the single AM species. These findings indicate that low‐level mineral N inputs may significantly enhance nutrient cycling and plant resource capture in terrestrial ecosystems via stimulation of root growth, mycorrhizal functioning, and residue decomposition. The long‐term effects of these observed alterations on soil C dynamics remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing measurable changes in rainfall patterns, and will likely cause increases in extreme rainfall events, with uncertain implications for key processes in ecosystem function and carbon cycling. We examined how variation in rainfall total quantity (Q), the interval between rainfall events (I), and individual event size (SE) affected soil water content (SWC) and three aspects of ecosystem function: leaf photosynthetic carbon gain (), aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), and soil respiration (). We utilized rainout shelter‐covered mesocosms (2.6 m3) containing assemblages of tallgrass prairie grasses and forbs. These were hand watered with 16 I×Q treatment combinations, using event sizes from 4 to 53 mm. Increasing Q by 250% (400–1000 mm yr?1) increased mean soil moisture and all three processes as expected, but only by 20–55% (P≤0.004), suggesting diminishing returns in ecosystem function as Q increased. Increasing I (from 3 to 15 days between rainfall inputs) caused both positive () and negative () changes in ecosystem processes (20–70%, P≤0.01), within and across levels of Q, indicating that I strongly influenced the effects of Q, and shifted the system towards increased net carbon uptake. Variation in SE at shorter I produced greater response in soil moisture and ecosystem processes than did variation in SE at longer I, suggesting greater stability in ecosystem function at longer I and a priming effect at shorter I. Significant differences in ANPP and between treatments differing in I and Q but sharing the same SE showed that the prevailing pattern of rainfall influenced the responses to a given event size. Grassland ecosystem responses to extreme rainfall patterns expected with climate change are, therefore, likely to be variable, depending on how I, Q, and SE combine, but will likely result in changes in ecosystem carbon cycling.  相似文献   

气候变化背景下黄淮冬麦区冬季长寒型冻害时空变化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
郑冬晓  杨晓光  赵锦  慕臣英  龚宇 《生态学报》2015,35(13):4338-4346
冻害是影响我国北方冬小麦生产主要的农业气象灾害之一,明确气候变化背景下冻害发生规律和演变特征,对防御冻害具有重要的意义。以黄淮冬麦区为研究区域,利用1960—2010年47个气象台站逐日气温资料,在分析越冬期负积温和越冬期长度变化特征基础上,以越冬期负积温为指标分析了黄淮冬麦区冬季长寒型冻害发生频率及站次比演变特征,并利用冻害实际灾情资料对研究结果进行验证。研究结果表明:(1)黄淮冬麦区越冬期负积温绝对值在过去50a平均为17.3—240.8℃·d,空间上呈南少北多的纬向分布特征,且近50a呈减少趋势,全区负积温绝对值每10年减少1.8—38.3℃·d,这种变化趋势表现为南低北高的空间分布特征;(2)研究时段内全区越冬期长度呈波动性缩短趋势,尤其是研究区域北部地区,南部地区越冬期长度年际间变化不显著,且个别站点有些年份没有稳定越冬期,多集中在1985年以后;(3)黄淮冬麦区较轻冻害发生频率较高,为40%以上,空间上由北向南逐渐增大,站次比年代际呈增加趋势;中度冻害和较重冻害发生频率较低,多数站点在10%以下,空间上由北向南逐渐减小,站次比呈减少趋势;全区无严重冻害和极严重冻害风险。气候变化背景下,黄淮冬麦区冬季长寒型冻害风险较小,各站点冻害程度随年代变化逐渐减轻,较轻冻害的站点逐渐增多。  相似文献   

Forest ecosystems with low soil nitrogen (N) availability are characterized by direct competition for this growth-limiting resource between several players, i.e. various components of vegetation, such as old-growth trees, natural regeneration and understorey species, mycorrhizal fungi, free-living fungi and bacteria. With the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme climate events predicted in current climate change scenarios, also competition for N between plants and/or soil microorganisms will be affected. In this review, we summarize the present understanding of ecosystem N cycling in N-limited forests and its interaction with extreme climate events, such as heat, drought and flooding. More specifically, the impacts of environmental stresses on microbial release and consumption of bioavailable N, N uptake and competition between plants, as well as plant and microbial uptake are presented. Furthermore, the consequences of drying–wetting cycles on N cycling are discussed. Additionally, we highlight the current methodological difficulties that limit present understanding of N cycling in forest ecosystems and the need for interdisciplinary studies.  相似文献   

Both climate change and habitat modification exert serious pressure on biodiversity. Although climate change mitigation has been identified as an important strategy for biodiversity conservation, bioenergy remains a controversial mitigation action due to its potential negative ecological and socio-economic impacts which arise through habitat modification by land use change. While the debate continues, the separate or simultaneous impacts of both climate change and bioenergy on biodiversity have not yet been compared. We assess projected range shifts of 156 European bird species by 2050 under two alternative climate change trajectories: a baseline scenario, where the global mean temperature increases by 4 °C by the end of the century, and a 2 degrees scenario, where global concerted effort limits the temperature increase to below 2 °C. For the latter scenario, we also quantify the pressure exerted by increased cultivation of energy biomass as modelled by IMAGE2.4, an integrated land use model. The global bioenergy use in this scenario is in the lower end of the range of previously estimated sustainable potential. Under the assumptions of these scenarios, we find that the magnitude of range shifts due to climate change is far greater than the impact of land conversion to woody bioenergy plantations within the European Union, and that mitigation of climate change reduces the exposure experienced by species. However, we identified potential for local conservation conflict between priority areas for conservation and bioenergy production. These conflicts must be addressed by strict bioenergy sustainability criteria that acknowledge biodiversity conservation needs beyond existing protected areas and apply also to biomass imported from outside the European Union.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in soil nitrogen (N) availability affects growth of grassland communities that differ in their use and reuse of N. In a 7‐year‐long climate change experiment in a semi‐arid grassland, the temporal stability of plant biomass production varied with plant N turnover (reliance on externally acquired N relative to internally recycled N). Species with high N turnover were less stable in time compared to species with low N turnover. In contrast, N turnover at the community level was positively associated with asynchrony in biomass production, which in turn increased community temporal stability. Elevated CO2 and summer irrigation, but not warming, enhanced community N turnover and stability, possibly because treatments promoted greater abundance of species with high N turnover. Our study highlights the importance of plant N turnover for determining the temporal stability of individual species and plant communities affected by climate change.  相似文献   

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