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Legionella pneumophila is an adaptive pathogen that replicates in the intracellular environment of fundamentally divergent hosts (freshwater protozoa and mammalian cells) and is capable of surviving long periods of starvation in water when between hosts. Physiological adaptation to these quite diverse environments seems to be accompanied by morphological changes (Gardu?o et al., p. 82-85, in Marre et al., ed., Legionella, 2001) and conceivably involves developmental differentiation. In following the fine-structural pathway of L. pneumophila through both in vitro and in vivo growth cycles, we have now discovered that this bacterium displays an unprecedented number of morphological forms, as revealed in ultrathin sections and freeze-fracture replicas for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the forms were identified by the obvious ultrastructural properties of their cell envelope, which included changes in the relative opaqueness of membrane leaflets, vesiculation, and/or profuse invagination of the inner membrane. These changes were best documented with image analysis software to obtain intensity tracings of the envelope in cross sections. Also prominent were changes in the distribution of intramembranous particles (clearly revealed in replicas of freeze-fractured specimens) and the formation of cytoplasmic inclusions. Our results confirm that L. pneumophila is a highly pleomorphic bacterium and clarify some early observations suggesting sporogenic differentiation in L. pneumophila. Since morphological changes occurred in a conserved sequence within the growth cycle, our results also provide strong evidence for the existence of a developmental cycle in L. pneumophila that is likely accompanied by profound physiological alterations and stage-specific patterns of gene expression.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila survives in aquatic environments, but replicates within amoebae or the alveolar macrophages of immunocompromised individuals. Here, the signal transduction pathway that co-ordinates L. pneumophila virulence expression in response to amino acid depletion was investigated. To facilitate kinetic and genetic studies, a phenotypic reporter of virulence was engineered by fusing flaA promoter sequences to a gene encoding green fluorescent protein. When subjected to amino acid depletion, L. pneumophila accumulated ppGpp and converted from a replicative to a virulent state, as judged by motility and sodium sensitivity. ppGpp appeared to initiate this response, as L. pneumophila induced to express the Escherichia coli RelA ppGpp synthetase independently of nutrient depletion accumulated ppGpp, exited the exponential growth phase and expressed flaAgfp, motility, sodium sensitivity, cytotoxicity and infectivity, five traits correlated with virulence. Although coincident with the stationary phase, L. pneumophila virulence expression appeared to require an additional factor: mutant Lp120 accumulated ppGpp and acquired two stationary phase traits but none of six virulence phenotypes analysed. We propose that, when nutrients are limiting, ppGpp acts as an alarmone, triggering the expression of multiple traits that enable L. pneumophila to escape its spent host, to survive and disperse in the environment and to re-establish a protected intracellular replication niche.  相似文献   

During its life cycle, Legionella pneumophila alternates between a replicative and a transmissive state. To determine their contributions to L. pneumophila differentiation, the two ppGpp synthetases, RelA and SpoT, were disrupted. Synthesis of ppGpp was required for transmission, as relA spoT mutants were killed during entry to and exit from macrophages. RelA, which senses amino acid starvation induced by serine hydroxamate, is dispensable in macrophages, as relA mutants spread efficiently. SpoT monitors fatty acid biosynthesis (FAB), since following cerulenin treatment, wild-type and relA strains expressed the flaA transmissive gene, but relA spoT mutants did not. As in Escherichia coli , the SpoT response to FAB perturbation likely required an interaction with acyl-carrier protein (ACP), as judged by the failure of the spoT-A413E allele to rescue transmissive trait expression of relA spoT bacteria. Furthermore, SpoT was essential for transmission between macrophages, since secondary infections by relA spoT mutants were restored by induction of spoT , but not relA . To resume replication, ppGpp must be degraded, as mutants lacking spoT hydrolase activity failed to convert from the transmissive to the replicative phase in either bacteriological medium or macrophages. Thus, L. pneumophila requires SpoT to monitor FAB and to alternate between replication and transmission in macrophages.  相似文献   

Similar to guinea pig macrophages and human monocytes, macrophages from the peritoneal cavity of thioglycolate pretreated A/J mice are permissive for growth of Legionella pneumophila. In contrast, macrophages from BDF1 mice are not permissive for L. pneumophila. Lymphocytes from A/J and BDF1 mice proliferated in response to Legionella Ag but guinea pig lymphocytes did not. Also, splenocyte cultures from A/J mice treated with either Con A or Legionella vaccine produced supernatants which induced A/J macrophages to restrict Legionella growth, but guinea pig splenocyte culture supernatants obtained after stimulation with L. pneumophila vaccine did not induce Legionella growth restriction activity by guinea pig macrophages. Murine rIFN-gamma but not rIFN-alpha markedly inhibited growth of Legionella in A/J mouse macrophages and monoclonal anti-IFN-gamma antibody neutralized the anti-Legionella activity of culture supernatants from A/J mouse splenocytes responding to Legionella Ag. From these data, IFN-gamma appears to be an important factor in anti-Legionella activity of Ag-activated mouse splenocyte culture supernatants. Cyclosporin A, when given to either A/J or BDF1 mice, reduced the proliferation responses of splenocytes to T cell mitogens and also decreased the IFN production of A/J spleen cells to Legionella Ag. In addition, drug treatment decreased the resistance of A/J mice to Legionella infection as shown by an increase in the number of viable bacteria in the liver. However, injection of drug treated mice with lymphokine-rich splenocyte culture supernatant reconstituted the resistance of these animals. These results suggest an important role for lymphocyte activation and lymphokine production in the resistance of A/J mice to Legionella infection. The greater resistance of BDF1 mice, however, may result from nonpermissive macrophages and responsive lymphocytes. In the case of guinea pigs, susceptibility to Legionella infections may result from both the permissive nature of the macrophages and the relatively unresponsive nature of the lymphocytes in these animals.  相似文献   

During its life cycle, Legionella pneumophila alternates between at least two phenotypes: a resilient, infectious form equipped for transmission and a replicative cell type that grows in amoebae and macrophages. Considering its versatility, we postulated that multiple cues regulate L. pneumophila differentiation. Beginning with a Biolog Phenotype MicroArray screen, we demonstrate that excess short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) trigger replicative cells to cease growth and activate their panel of transmissive traits. To co-ordinate their response to SCFAs, L. pneumophila utilizes the LetA/LetS two-component system, but not phosphotransacetylase or acetyl kinase, two enzymes that generate high-energy phosphate intermediates. Instead, the stringent response enzyme SpoT appears to monitor fatty acid biosynthesis to govern transmission trait expression, as an altered distribution of acylated acyl carrier proteins correlated with the SpoT-dependent differentiation of cells treated with either excess SCFAs or the fatty acid biosynthesis inhibitors cerulenin and 5-(tetradecyloxy)-2-furoic acid. We postulate that, by exploiting the stringent response pathway to couple cellular differentiation to its metabolic state, L. pneumophila swiftly acclimates to stresses encountered in its host or the environment, thereby enhancing its overall fitness.  相似文献   

Twitching motility is a form of bacterial translocation over solid or semi-solid surfaces mediated by the extension, tethering, and subsequent retraction of type IV pili. These pili are also known to be involved in virulence, biofilm formation, formation of fruiting bodies, horizontal gene transfer, and protein secretion. We have characterized the presence of twitching motility on agar plates in Legionella pneumophila , the etiological agent of Legionnaires' disease. By examining twitching motility zones, we have demonstrated that twitching motility was dependent on agar thickness/concentration, the chemical composition of the media, the presence of charcoal and cysteine, proximity to other bacteria, and temperature. A knockout mutant of the pilus subunit, pilE , exhibited a total loss of twitching motility at 37 °C, but not at 27 °C, suggesting either the existence of a compensating pilus subunit or of another twitching motility system in this organism.  相似文献   

The intracellular bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila follows a developmental cycle in which replicative forms (RFs) differentiate into infectious stationary-phase forms (SPFs) in vitro and in vivo into highly infectious mature intracellular forms (MIFs). The potential relationships between SPFs and MIFs remain uncharacterized. Previously we determined that L. pneumophila survives, but does not replicate, while it transiently resides (for 1 to 2 h) in food vacuoles of the freshwater ciliate Tetrahymena tropicalis before being expelled as legionellae-laden pellets. We report here that SPFs have the ability to rapidly (<1 h) and directly (in the absence of bacterial replication) differentiate into MIFs while in transit through T. tropicalis, indicating that SPFs and MIFs constitute a differentiation continuum. Mutant RFs lacking the sigma factor gene rpoS, or the response regulator gene letA, were unable to produce normal SPFs in vitro and did not fully differentiate into MIFs in vivo, further supporting the existence of a common mechanism of differentiation shared by SPFs and MIFs. Mutants with a defective Dot/Icm system morphologically differentiated into MIFs while in transit through T. tropicalis. Therefore, T. tropicalis has allowed us to unequivocally conclude that SPFs can directly differentiate into MIFs and that the Dot/Icm system is not required for differentiation, two events that could not be experimentally addressed before. The Tetrahymena model can now be exploited to study the signals that trigger MIF development in vivo and is the only replication-independent model reported to date that allows the differentiation of Dot/Icm mutants into MIFs.  相似文献   

Shortwave UV light was assessed as a feasible modality for the control of Legionnaires disease bacterium in water. The results of this study show that Legionella pneumophila and six other Legionella species are very sensitive to low doses of UV. However, all Legionella species tested effectively countered the germicidal effect of UV when subsequently exposed to photoreactiving light.  相似文献   

This review describes the mechanisms of gene transfer in Legionella pneumophila. To date, conjugation and transformation have been reported for this organism. Recent reports indicate that an endogenous system of plasmid transfer appears to be required for the intracellular survival and multiplication of L. pneumophila in host cells.  相似文献   

Heat-shock response in Legionella pneumophila   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The heat-shock response of Legionella pneumophila was examined by radiolabelling bacterial cell proteins with [35S]methionine following a temperature shift from 30 to 42 degrees C. Five heat-shock proteins were identified as having molecular masses of 17, 60, 70, 78, and 85 kilodaltons (kDa). The 85- and 60-kDa proteins were equally distributed between supernatant and pellet fractions following ultracentrifugation at 100,000 x g, the 70- and 78-kDa proteins were found primarily in the supernatant, and the 17-kDa protein was found primarily in the pellet. Synthesis of subsets of the heat-shock proteins could be stimulated by novobiocin, patulin, or puromycin. Ethanol, an effector of the heat-shock response in other microorganisms, had little effect on L. pneumophila, even at the highest concentration tolerated by the bacterial cells (1.9%). Finally, the 60-kDa heat-shock protein of L. pneumophila was immunologically cross-reactive with a polyclonal antibody prepared to the Escherichia coli groEL protein. However, a mouse monoclonal antibody reactive with the 60-kDa protein of all legionellae tested did not cross-react with the E. coli groEL protein, suggesting that the Legionella 60-kDa protein contains common and unique epitopes.  相似文献   

Necrotrophic Growth of Legionella pneumophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This study examined whether Legionella pneumophila is able to thrive on heat-killed microbial cells (necrotrophy) present in biofilms or heat-treated water systems. Quantification by means of plate counting, real-time PCR, and flow cytometry demonstrated necrotrophic growth of L. pneumophila in water after 96 h, when at least 100 dead cells are available to one L. pneumophila cell. Compared to the starting concentration of L. pneumophila, the maximum observed necrotrophic growth was 1.89 log units for real-time PCR and 1.49 log units for plate counting. The average growth was 1.57 ± 0.32 log units (n = 5) for real-time PCR and 1.14 ± 0.35 log units (n = 5) for plate counting. Viability staining and flow cytometry showed that the fraction of living cells in the L. pneumophila population rose from the initial 54% to 82% after 96 h. Growth was measured on heat-killed Pseudomonas putida, Escherichia coli, Acanthamoeba castellanii, Saccharomyces boulardii, and a biofilm sample. Gram-positive organisms did not result in significant growth of L. pneumophila, probably due to their robust cell wall structure. Although necrotrophy showed lower growth yields compared to replication within protozoan hosts, these findings indicate that it may be of major importance in the environmental persistence of L. pneumophila. Techniques aimed at the elimination of protozoa or biofilm from water systems will not necessarily result in a subsequent removal of L. pneumophila unless the formation of dead microbial cells is minimized.  相似文献   

Cytolytic activity of Legionella pneumophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The properties of cytolysin and metalloproteinase purified by different methods have been studied. The physico-chemical properties of these proteins, including their molecular weight, immunodiffusion patterns, the degree of inhibition by EDTA and diethyl pyrocarbonate, amino acid composition, cytolytic and proteolytic activity, have proved to be similar. We have come to the conclusion that cytolysin and metalloproteinase have similar composition and metalloproteinase activity determines the cytolytic and necrotic activity of the above-mentioned cytolysin.  相似文献   

This study examined whether Legionella pneumophila is able to thrive on heat-killed microbial cells (necrotrophy) present in biofilms or heat-treated water systems. Quantification by means of plate counting, real-time PCR, and flow cytometry demonstrated necrotrophic growth of L. pneumophila in water after 96 h, when at least 100 dead cells are available to one L. pneumophila cell. Compared to the starting concentration of L. pneumophila, the maximum observed necrotrophic growth was 1.89 log units for real-time PCR and 1.49 log units for plate counting. The average growth was 1.57 +/- 0.32 log units (n = 5) for real-time PCR and 1.14 +/- 0.35 log units (n = 5) for plate counting. Viability staining and flow cytometry showed that the fraction of living cells in the L. pneumophila population rose from the initial 54% to 82% after 96 h. Growth was measured on heat-killed Pseudomonas putida, Escherichia coli, Acanthamoeba castellanii, Saccharomyces boulardii, and a biofilm sample. Gram-positive organisms did not result in significant growth of L. pneumophila, probably due to their robust cell wall structure. Although necrotrophy showed lower growth yields compared to replication within protozoan hosts, these findings indicate that it may be of major importance in the environmental persistence of L. pneumophila. Techniques aimed at the elimination of protozoa or biofilm from water systems will not necessarily result in a subsequent removal of L. pneumophila unless the formation of dead microbial cells is minimized.  相似文献   

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