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The role of historical events, such as disturbances, in producing alternative developmental outcomes in forest structure has long been debated. Diversity in the assemblages of coexisting species is one measure of alternative outcomes of succession. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis proposes that a moderate disturbance level produces the highest levels of species diversity. Here, we use an agent-based model of forest development under a gradient of lightning strike frequency to analyse long-term dynamics of species coexistence in a multi-species forest. The configurations of species that result from disturbance dynamics reflect the interactions between life-history characteristics of the species and disturbance characteristics. Model results suggest that low levels of disturbance lead to highly ordered landscapes which exclude fire and are captured by late successional species. High levels of disturbance lead to oscillation between domination by early successional species and large disturbances. At intermediate levels of disturbance, the forest displays the broadest array of developmental pathways, highest entropy as measured by Shannon's index of diversity, and critical slowing near steady states. Long transients at intermediate regimes may reflect the working out of closely balanced constraints of competition between species with varying strategic adaptations to disturbance. Intermediate disturbance levels also result in the greatest number of alternative diversity configurations as outcomes of succession, reflecting an unpredictable and nonequilibrium forest dynamic.  相似文献   

Episodic memory is defined as the recollection of specific events in one's past, accompanied by the experience of having been there personally. This definition presents high hurdles to the investigation of episodic memory in nonhumans. Recent studies operationalize episodic memory as memory for when and where an event occurred, for the order in which events occurred, or for an animal's own behavior. None of these approaches has yet generalized across species, and each fails to capture features of human episodic memory. Nonetheless, the study of episodic memory in nonhumans seems less daunting than it did five years ago. To demonstrate a correspondence between human episodic memory and nonhuman memory, progress is needed in three areas. Putative episodic memories in nonhumans should be shown to be; first, represented in long-term memory, rather than short-term or working memory; second, explicit, or accessible to introspection; and third, distinct from semantic memory, or general knowledge about the world.  相似文献   

Girls and boys who enter puberty before 8 and 9 years of age, respectively (corresponding to about -3 SDS), are arbitrarily considered to need referral for endocrine investigation. A recent report from the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrine Society suggested that the limit for investigation of girls and boys should be lowered to 7 and 8 years, respectively. For African-American girls, 6 years is the suggested age. This recommendation has been criticized. Although short stature is a common end result of precocious puberty, short- and long-term psychological symptoms may be more important, since several studies have indicated psychopathology in this patient group. Whether this can be prevented by gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist treatment remains to be shown. This review will highlight the psychological aspects of early puberty. In short, aspects other than height should also be evaluated when considering treatment of the early maturing child.  相似文献   

1. The strength of the trophic link between any given pair of species in a food web is likely to depend on the presence and/or densities of other species in the community. How these trophic interaction modifications (TIMs) interact with one another to produce a net modifying effect is an important but under-explored issue. 2. We review several specific types of TIMs that are well understood to address whether the magnitude of the net modification changes with the number of modifiers, and whether modifiers usually increase or decrease each other's effects. 3. Modifications of interactions are generally not independent. It is likely that TIMs interact antagonistically in the majority of cases; the magnitudes of TIMs decrease as more modifiers are added, or new TIMs reduce the magnitudes of modifications that are already present. 4. Individual modifications are likely to have a smaller effect in many-species systems than expected from independent combination of modifications measured in systems with relatively few species. Thus, models that lack explicit TIMs may in some cases yield adequate predictions for species-level perturbations, provided that the net effects of TIMs are implicitly included in measured interaction strengths. 5. Many types of TIMs share structural similarities. Nevertheless, a complete understanding of their effects may require theory that distinguishes different 'functional groups' of modifiers and addresses how these are structured according to trophic relationships.  相似文献   

The quality and extent of the ‘matrix’ in terrestrial fragmented landscapes may influence the persistence and behaviour of patch-associated fauna. Butterflies are a popular target group for fragmentation studies and represent an ideal assemblage to explore the impact and role of the matrix in patchy landscapes. To date, there has been no attempt to synthesise available research and assess the extent to which the matrix is included in studies of fragmented butterfly populations. Addressing this issue is important for improved understanding of habitat use in fragmented landscapes, and for the successful management and conservation of butterfly biodiversity. Our systematic review of 100 empirical research papers spans 50 years, and identifies how (and indeed if) the matrix is recognised in studies of butterfly populations in fragmented landscapes. We found that it was significantly more likely for studies not to include the matrix in their experimental design. This is of particular concern given 60 % of papers that excluded the matrix in their research did so in systems where the matrix was expected to contain resources of value for patch-associated species (as it was either a heterogeneous landscape or had similar structure to patches). Of the papers that did consider the matrix, 80 % (n = 24) reported a negative effect of the matrix on butterfly species and/or communities. Matrix effects may influence the survival and persistence of faunal groups in a world increasingly dominated by fragmented habitats. Our review suggests that future research should clearly define the matrix, and incorporate it in appropriate experimental designs.  相似文献   

During the process of speciation, diverging taxa often hybridize and produce offspring wherein the heterogametic sex (i.e., XY or ZW) is unfit (Haldane's rule). Dominance theory seeks to explain Haldane's rule in terms of the difference in X-linked dominance regimes experienced by the sexes. However, X inactivation in female mammals extends the effects of hemizygosity to both sexes. Here, we highlight where the assumptions of dominance theory are particularly problematic in marsupials, where X inactivation uniformly results in silencing the paternal X. We then present evidence of Haldane's rule for sterility but not for viability in marsupials, as well as the first violations of Haldane's rule for these traits among all mammals. Marsupials represent a large taxonomic group possessing heteromorphic sex chromosomes, where the dominance theory cannot explain Haldane's rule. In this light, we evaluate alternative explanations for the preponderance of male sterility in interspecific hybrids, including faster male evolution, X-Y interactions, and genomic conflict hypotheses.  相似文献   

Knoblauch A  Palm G 《Bio Systems》2005,79(1-3):83-90
The response of a cortical neuron to a stimulus can show a very large variability when repeatedly stimulated by exactly the same stimulus. This has been quantified in terms of inter-spike-interval (ISI) statistics by several researchers (e.g., [Softky, W., Koch, C., 1993. The highly irregular firing of cortical cells is inconsistent with temporal integration of random EPSPs. J. Neurosci. 13(1), 334-350.]). The common view is that this variability reflects noisy information processing based on redundant representation in large neuron populations. This view has been challenged by the idea that the apparent noise inherent in brain activity that is not strictly related or temporally coupled to the experiment could be functionally significant. In this work we examine the ISI statistics and discuss these views in a recently published model of interacting cortical areas [Knoblauch, A., Palm, G., 2002. Scene segmentation by spike synchronization in reciprocally connected visual areas. I. Local effects of cortical feedback. Biol. Cybernet. 87(3), 151-167.]. From the results of further single neuron simulations we can isolate temporally modulated synaptic input as a main contributor for high ISI variability in our model and possibly in real neurons. In contrast to alternative mechanisms, our model suggests a function of the temporal modulations for short-term binding and segmentation of figures from background. Moreover, we show that temporally modulated inputs lead to ISI statistics which fit better to the neurophysiological data than alternative mechanisms.  相似文献   

The therapeutic potential of autophagy for the treatment cancer and other diseases is beset by paradoxes stemming from the complexity of the interactions between the apoptotic and autophagic machinery. The simplest question of how autophagy acts as both a protector and executioner of cell death remains the subject of substantial controversy. Elucidating the molecular interactions between the processes will help us understand how autophagy can modulate cell death, whether autophagy is truly a cell death mechanism, and how these functions are regulated. We suggest that, despite many connections between autophagy and apoptosis, a strong causal relationship wherein one process controls the other, has not been demonstrated adequately. Knowing when and how to modulate autophagy therapeutically depends on understanding these connections.  相似文献   

Sex and death: what is the connection?   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Partridge L  Gems D  Withers DJ 《Cell》2005,120(4):461-472
A cost of reproduction, where lifespan and fecundity are negatively correlated, is of widespread occurrence. Mutations in insulin/IGF signaling (IIS) pathways and dietary restriction (DR) can extend lifespan in model organisms but do not always reduce fecundity, suggesting that the link between lifespan and fecundity is not inevitable. Understanding the molecular basis of the cost of reproduction will be informed by elucidation of the mechanisms by which DR and IIS affect these two traits.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in the heart: when and why?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Since mammalian cardiac myocytes essentially rely on aerobic energy metabolism, it has been assumed that cardiocytes die in a catastrophic breakdown of cellular homeostasis (i.e. necrosis), if oxygen supply remains below a critical limit. Recent observations, however, indicate that a process of gene-directed cellular suicide (i.e. apoptosis) is activated in terminally differentiated cardiocytes of the adult mammalian heart by ischemia and reperfusion, and by cardiac overload as well. Apoptosis or programmed cell death is an actively regulated process of cellular self destruction, which requires energy and de novo gene expression, and which is directed by an inborn genetic program. The final result of this program is the fragmentation of nuclear DNA into typical nucleosomal ladders, while the functional integrity of the cell membrane and of other cellular organelles is still maintained. The critical step in this regulated apoptotic DNA fragmentation is the proteolytic inactivation of poly-[ADPribose]-polymerase (PARP) by a group of cysteine proteases with some structural homologies to interleukin-1-converting enzyme (ICE-related proteases [IRPs] such as apopain, yama and others). PARP catalyzes the ADP-ribosylation of nuclear proteins at the sites of spontaneous DNA strand breaks and thereby facilitates the repair of this DNA damage. IRP-mediated destruction of PARP, the supervisor of the genome, can be induced by activation of membrane receptors (e.g. FAS or APOI) and other signals, and is inhibited by activation of anti-death genes (e.g. bcl-2). Overload-triggered myocyte apoptosis appears to contribute to the transition to cardiac failure, which can be prevented by therapeutic hemodynamic unloading. In myocardial ischemia, the activation of the apoptotic program in cardiocytes does not exclude their final destiny to catastrophic necrosis with release of cytosolic enzymes, but might be considered as an adaptive process in hypoperfused ventricular zones, sacrificing some jeopardized myocytes to regulated apoptosis, which may by less arrhythmogenic than necrosis with the primary disturbance of membrane function.  相似文献   

It is common in community ecology to use the species as the taxonomic category of interest, yet in rich tropical assemblages containing guilds of very similar species this may not be appropriate. Such assemblages may be organized at the level of guilds rather than at the finer species level. In a ten-year study of assemblages of fish at One Tree Reef, Great Barrier Reef, we found species composition and the number of fish on a given lagoonal patch reef vary greatly across time (Sale and Douglas 1984; Sale et al. in preparation). The mean average proportional similarity of a reef's assemblage to itself at different times (censuses) is usually low at a value of around 0.5. This apparent variability may be ecologically irrelevant noise if organization is at the higher guild level. We have recast our database at the guild level to test this possibility. Thirteen guilds were defined by the diets, foraging habitats and times of the individual species comprising them. Similarity of an assemblage to itself at successive censuses was re-calculated using the number of individuals in each guild instead of the numbers in each species. This analysis yielded significantly higher levels of similarity (P<0.01) among censuses. To test whether this increase in similarity was due solely to the smaller number of categories used to calculate the similarity indices, 5 sets of randomly generated guilds were constructed using a Monte Carlo approach. No significant difference (P>0.05) was found between the average similarity among censuses when assemblages were classified into these null guilds and when they were classified according to the real guilds. These results indicate that shifting to the larger taxonomic scale of guilds does not reveal a significantly more persistent assemblage structure than that revealed when analysis is at the smaller scale of species. There is no evidence of an underlying organization of these assemblages at the guild level.  相似文献   

Actin is an abundant protein in most nonmuscle cells. It has often been observed in isolated nuclei, yet cytoplasmic contamination was of course initially regarded as the most plausible origin. Numerous studies on nuclear actin appeared in the 1970s and 1980s, but the picture remained rather muddy. The viewpoint at that time was that actin-shown to move freely between cytoplasm and nucleus-was a mere "thermodynamic wanderer," transiently occupying the nucleus. More recently, evidence has been mounting that actin's presence in the nucleus is not simply governed by the laws of diffusion. The same holds true for the finding of various actin-related proteins in the nucleus, and the case for nuclear myosin, specifically myosin I, is now quite convincing. Moreover, the first intimations of functional roles of nuclear actin are now emerging. Here we examine the overall subject from cell biological and chemical perspectives. The major issue is no longer the presence of actin in the nucleus but rather its supramolecular organization, intranuclear locations, and, of course, functions. These issues interface with recent findings that reveal a surprisingly diverse repertoire of actin conformations and oligomer and polymer forms beyond monomeric G-actin and polymeric F-actin. We present ideas for advancing the nuclear actin field and call for a renewed attack on this major problem in cell biology.  相似文献   

We determined the stability diagram of a modified cytochrome c protein in a glycerol water mixture by measuring the first and the second moment of the fluorescence from the chromophore as a function of temperature and pressure. Temperature and pressure were varied between 273 and 363 K and 0.0001 and 1 GPa, respectively. The shift of the fluorescence maximum showed a characteristic sigmoid-like pattern from which information on the microscopic processes during unfolding is obtained: as the transformation regime is entered, the fluorescence shows a significant blue shift. The conclusion is that water molecules get into contact with the chromophore. They lead to strong electrostatic contributions in the solvent shift, which counteract the red shifting dispersion interactions. Assuming that there are just two relevant states that determine the stability diagram, the complete set of thermodynamic parameters can be determined from the data. However, under certain pressure-temperature conditions the fluorescence pattern is more complicated, pointing toward reentrant transitions and, possibly, to consecutive steps in the unfolding process.  相似文献   

Objective:  This review highlights the role of cytopathology in cancer management within UK Head and Neck Cancer Networks and informs on the issues raised by recent UK Department of Health documents and other UK professional guidance. UK guidance requires the formal involvement of cytopathologists within multidisciplinary cancer teams, with medical and non-medical cytopathology staff setting up and running rapid access lump clinics, and support for image-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) services. UK guidance also makes recommendations for training, resources and quality control. This review also highlights the resource gap between best practice evidence-based guidance for head and neck (HN) cancer services and existing UK provision for cytopathology, as evidenced by lack of availability of experienced staff and adequacy of training and quality control (QC). Finally, it stresses the importance in the UK of the Royal College of Pathologists' guidance, which defines the need for training, the experience needed for new consultants, the requirements for audit and QC. The implications for the additional resources required for HN cancer cytopathology services are discussed. Recent professional guidance specifying the provision of HN cancer services in the UK includes a cytopathology service for cancer networks, such as rapid access FNAC clinics. Although these clinics already operate in some institutions, there are many institutions where they do not and where the provision of cytopathology services would have to be restructured. This would need the support of local cancer networks and their acceptance of the detailed requirements for cytopathology, including resources, training and QC. The standards are not defined locally, as Strategic Health Authorities and Primary Care Trusts have been instructed by the Department of Health to support, invest and implement them.  相似文献   

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