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Abstract A discontinuous record of vegetation over the past 7500 years was obtained through pollen analysis of pond sediments from an extensive treeless plain on the relatively dry Central Plateau of Tasmania. The results demonstrate continuity of treeless conditions, which probably persisted from the Pleistocene throughout the Holocene, up to the present day. Some changes to the structure of the grassland were observed, especially over the past 200 years. Analysis of carbonized particles showed that fires had been infrequent over the period examined. It seems that this area, close to the altitudinal tree limit, has remained a natural grassland, and the hypothesis of Jackson (1973), that unreliable summer conditions may be a major factor in maintaining open conditions, is supported. Parts of the Central Plateau may thus preserve plant communities with some of the floristic elements and structure of widespread Bassian grasslands of the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

不同植被被覆下温性草原土壤养分分异特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以青海湖区4种不同植被被覆下温性草原为对象,研究在自然及放牧因素影响下土壤异质性分布格局.结果表明:速效养分(速效氮、速效磷、速效钾)具有明显的分层特征,表层土壤含量最高,随土层加深含量逐渐降低.紫花针茅退化样地各层土壤速效养分含量普遍低于其他3个样地,恢复时间较长的样地(早熟禾样地)和有外来物质输入的样地(赖草样地)含量较高.全量养分表现不同,全氮含量表现出分层现象,退化和恢复时间短样地(紫花针茅退化样地、垂穗披碱草样地)表层(0~10 cm)和第二层(10~20 cm)全氮含量高,下层含量迅速降低;早熟禾样地和赖草样地各层全氮含量都较高;全磷含量随土层降低没有出现显著差异(P>0.05),紫花针茅退化样地0~40 cm土层全磷含量都显著低于其他样地(P<0.05),其全钾和有机质含量也普遍低于其他样地;有机质与全量养分、速效养分均呈现极显著相关(P<0.01).随土层加深土壤容重增高,退化使土壤pH值升高.退化温性草原在恢复6a后土壤基本得到恢复,人类扰动和自然因素都影响到土壤养分状况.  相似文献   

Litho-, chrono- and biostratigraphical methods were applied in the examination of a 9.9 m thick sequence of laminated sediments in Verijärv, a lake in southeast Estonia. The vegetation history, which covers at least the time from 10300 cal b.p. to the present, was inferred from the core, which was taken from the deepest part of the lake and correlated with the studied and dated pollen diagrams nearby. Reconstruction of the past vegetation dynamics is based on pollen percentage, accumulation rate and human impact diagrams. During the Holocene two main shifts in vegetation dynamics occurred, the first one at about 7700 cal b.p. when the pine-birch forest was replaced by deciduous mixed forest, and the second at about 3200 cal b.p. marked by the regeneration of pine-birch-spruce forest. A catastrophic forest fire at about 3450 cal b.p. opened up the landscape and gave rise to erosion and the sedimentation of a thick clayey layer. The steep decline in the Alnus curve between 1500–1650 cal b.p. coincides with the start of the continuous Secale curve and evidence of extensive land-use.  相似文献   

 依据河北省卢龙县闫深港4.6m厚的冲积物剖面,揭示了较高时间分辨率的孢粉分析,参照现代冲积物孢粉与植被的对应关系,探讨了距今11000年以来饮马河流域植被的时空变化。11000~9000aBP的森林覆盖率约10%,9000~7000aBP约30%~40%,7000~4000aBP约20%~40%,3000~2500aBP约10%~20%。在9000aBP左右出现了云杉、冷杉花粉的高峰值,表明饮马河流域曾出现垂直植被带的变化。  相似文献   

There are two peat fields, the Maohebei peat field and Daziying peat field, both situated in the delta of the lower reaches of the Liao River in the Eastern Hebei Plain, North China. The peat bogs were deposited at 10000–3500 years ago. From the point view of vegetational history, the pollen assemblage zones correlated with the radiocarbon dating materials are established. On this basis the profile may be divided into three zonation systems. Zone M-l, 10000–9000 14C yr. BP. The temperate needle leaf and deciduous woodlots scattered among herbs, with a mild and cool climate. It can be correlated to the Boreal or the Anathermal interval. Zone M-2, 9000–5000 BP. Pinus and Quercum mixtumum ( Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Corylus) woodland and Vermuth steppes, with warm and semihumid climate. And about 7500 BP a maximum warm took place. It can be correlated to the Atlantic. Zone M-3, 5000–3500 BP. Pinus-Quercus woodland and Vermuth steppes with warm and semihumid, correlated to Subboreal. Both M-2 and M-3 can corrspond to the Hypsithermal interval of the Holocene subdivisions, i.e. the Optimum. In this interval some subtropical elements sppeare in the assemblage, such as Myrica, Antidesma, and Fagara which reflect that the weather might be warmer than that of the present in the same region. Some ecological dynamics of the vegetation are expressed in the assemblages. When climate became warm from Boreal to Atlantic, Corylus increased a little earlier than other deciduous but soon decreased. Ulmus declined at 5000 BP. This reflects situation is just the same as in North Europe. The woodland destroyed by human activities in culture and agiculture might be an important factor of vegetational and environmental changes. However the great increase of Pinus and Artemisia following the decrease of Ulmus and Tilia gives effective support to the tendency of climatic change, becaming cooler and drier in the Sub- boreal of Hypsithermal interval. This is an attempt to establish the pollen percentage diagram and pollen influx diagram by mean of exotic pollen. The pollen influx record shows similarities to that of the pollen percentages. However, the pollen influx is more obvious in representing the vegetation and environment changes.  相似文献   

Pollen profiles, based cores taken in Lake Kahala and from the adjoining mire, were used to establish general vegetation history and to reconstruct the extent and types of land-use over most of the Holocene. Modern pollen deposition was studied using moss polsters and the results were used in the interpretation of the fossil pollen data in terms of former land-use practices. The modern-day samples are from settlements, hay meadow and pasture, and overgrown pasture. Indications of human activity can be traced back to the Stone Age. At ca. 6400 cal. B.C., the first indications of possible woodland utilisation by humans are recorded. This may have involved grazing within the forests. From 4200 cal. B.C. onwards, animal husbandry with changing intensity was practised. Arable farming, involving cereals, was introduced to the area at ca. 1800 cal. B.C., but it was only at ca. 500 cal. B.C. that it assumed an important role in the farming economy.Secale cereale (rye) was introduced during the Roman Iron Age, intensive rye cultivation started at the end of the Iron Age, at ca. cal. A.D. 800. Ever increasing farming pressures triggered the formation of openalvars. Open landscape similar to that of today has persisted, with minor forest regeneration phases, since at least 500 cal. B.C.  相似文献   

The forest–steppe ecotone in southern Siberia is highly sensitive to climate change; global warming is expected to push the ecotone northwards, at the same time resulting in degradation of the underlying permafrost. To gain a deeper understanding of long‐term forest–steppe carbon dynamics, we use a highly resolved, multiproxy, palaeolimnological approach, based on sediment records from Lake Baikal. We reconstruct proxies that are relevant to understanding carbon dynamics including carbon mass accumulation rates (CMAR; g C m?2 yr?1) and isotope composition of organic matter (δ13CTOC). Forest–steppe dynamics were reconstructed using pollen, and diatom records provided measures of primary production from near‐ and off‐shore communities. We used a generalized additive model (GAM) to identify significant change points in temporal series, and by applying generalized linear least‐squares regression modelling to components of the multiproxy data, we address (1) What factors influence carbon dynamics during early Holocene warming and late Holocene cooling? (2) How did carbon dynamics respond to abrupt sub‐Milankovitch scale events? and (3) What is the Holocene carbon storage budget for Lake Baikal. CMAR values range between 2.8 and 12.5 g C m?2 yr?1. Peak burial rates (and greatest variability) occurred during the early Holocene, associated with melting permafrost and retreating glaciers, while lowest burial rates occurred during the neoglacial. Significant shifts in carbon dynamics at 10.3, 4.1 and 2.8 kyr bp provide compelling evidence for the sensitivity of the region to sub‐Milankovitch drivers of climate change. We estimate that 1.03 Pg C was buried in Lake Baikal sediments during the Holocene, almost one‐quarter of which was buried during the early Holocene alone. Combined, our results highlight the importance of understanding the close linkages between carbon cycling and hydrological processes, not just temperatures, in southern Siberian environments.  相似文献   

Aim This study aims to separate regional and local controls on Holocene vegetation development and examine how well pollen records reflect climate change in a semi‐arid region. The relative importance of climate and human activity as agents of vegetation change in the Sahel during the late Holocene is also considered. Location Jikariya Lake, an inter‐dune depression in the Manga Grasslands of north‐eastern Nigeria. Methods Pollen and charcoal were used to provide a record of Holocene vegetation history. Palaeoclimate and hydrological changes were reconstructed from sedimentary and geochemical data. Regional and local influences were separated by comparing the evidence obtained from Jikariya Lake with previously published data from the Manga Grasslands. Results The Manga Grasslands experienced a prolonged wet period during the early and mid‐Holocene, during which swamp forest vegetation with Guinean affinities (Alchornea, Syzygium, Uapaca) occupied the inter‐dune depressions. However, variation in the pollen records between sites suggests that their establishment was dependent on conditions being locally favourable, rather than being directly coupled to regional climate. The pollen records from the Manga Grasslands are more consistent in suggesting the colonization of the dunefields by trees associated with Sudanian savanna (Combretaceae, Detarium) c. 8700 cal. yr bp . The Jikariya Lake pollen data are in accordance with the sedimentological and geochemical data from the region in indicating that the onset of arid conditions occurred progressively during the late Holocene (from c. 4700 cal. yr bp ). Abrupt changes in pollen stratigraphy, recorded at other Manga Grasslands sites 3500 cal. yr bp , appear to be the product of the local passing of ecological thresholds. The dunefield vegetation (Sahelian savanna) appears to have been resilient to (or at least palynologically silent regarding) to the climatic variability of the late Holocene. Main conclusions While climate appears to have been the primary control on vegetation development in the Manga Grasslands during the Holocene, local conditions (particularly depression size and sand influx) had a strong influence on the timing of pollen stratigraphic changes. Anthropogenic influences are difficult to detect, even during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Holocene climatic changes along coastal regions from south-east France to south-east Spain were studied using pollen ratios. Comparing modern pollen rain, vegetation and climate along selected transects from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean, we obtained threshold values of two different ratios corresponding to the different climatic conditions along the transects. These pollen ratios and threshold values were employed to characterize the Holocene climatic changes from nine Mediterranean coastal sites. The results were compared with data from marine and continental pollen sequences distributed in the western Mediterranean basin, and with additional regional data independent of human activity: lake-level fluctuations, alpine glacier advance and retreat chronology, 14C anomaly and cooling phases in Eastern France and Central Europe. The role of anthropogenic activities and climate on the changes in vegetation is discussed. Six major changes in vegetation cover were identified. They correspond to aridification phases that occurred around 9500–9000 yr BP (10 900–9700 cal BP), 7500–7000 yr BP (8400–7600 cal BP), 4500–4000 yr BP (5300–4200 cal BP), 3700–3300 yr BP (4300–3400 cal BP), 2600–1900 yr BP (2850–1730 cal BP) and 1300–1000 yr BP (1300–750 cal BP). These arid episodes were regional responses to more global climatic changes and determined the changes in the vegetation cover. Humans undoubtedly enhanced the vegetation changes, but none the less had to adapt to these new climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Aim To contribute to the intense debate surrounding the relative influence of climate and humans on Mediterranean‐region land cover over the past 6000 years, we assess the Holocene biogeography and vegetation history of southern Europe by means of an extensive pollen record dataset. Location The Mediterranean biogeographical zone and neighbouring parts of Iberia, the Alps and Anatolia, between 30° N, 48° N, 10° W and 45° E. Methods We compiled a southern European pollen record dataset using available pollen databases (124 sites) and other sources (74 sites), with improved spatial coverage and dating control compared with earlier studies. We used only those sites that had pollen data for both 0 ka and 6 ka. We reconstructed mid‐Holocene and present‐day biomes, arboreal pollen percentages and distribution and relative abundance of 11 key woody taxa, with anomaly maps. Results Northern temperate forest biomes extended further south at the mid‐Holocene than at present, but not as far as earlier studies suggested. Sclerophyllous vegetation occurred along the Mediterranean coast throughout the region at 6 ka. Arboreal pollen percentages were up to 50% higher than at present. At 6 ka, Olea, Fagus and Juniperus had smaller distributions and/or abundances; Abies, Cedrus and both deciduous and evergreen Quercus had larger distributions and/or abundances; Phillyrea, Pistacia and Cistus showed minimal difference; and Pinus showed a cosmopolitan distribution with variable abundance. Main conclusions Temporal difference analysis is more meaningful when only sites containing samples for all time slices are analysed. During the mid‐Holocene, southern Europe was more heavily forested with temperate vegetation than it is at present, but drought‐tolerant xeric vegetation was still widespread along the southern margins of the region. Although human land use may have caused the degradation of land between the mid‐Holocene and the present, the mere presence of xeric vegetation in the Mediterranean region does not require human impact. This challenges the commonly held belief that modern Mediterranean vegetation represents a ‘degraded’ state.  相似文献   


An inventory of the current Balearic plants occurring in mesophyllous environments, with climatic conditions similar to those in the first half of the Holocene, was compiled. The presence of these floristic elements, extending mainly into the postglacial time, has been related to pollen records of different localities in the Balearic Islands. GIS techniques have been applied in order to map the past and the present-day vegetation suitability of some of these mesophyllous species using pollen surface samples, forest inventory data and Digital Climatic Models. We integrated the information provided by field survey, pollen records and suitability mapping in order to discuss the vegetation dynamics of different habitats. We focused on the nature and the possible causes of the vegetation landscape change that occurred approximately 5000 – 6000 uncal. years BP, when Fagus, Corylus and Buxus formations were replaced by xeric-type formations with Olea dominance.  相似文献   

Two sites from the East Asian steppe, the Mu Us Sandland as a regional case and the Anguli Nuur catchment as a local one, were chosen to detect roles of vegetation, climate, landform, and human disturbance on pollen dispersal. 1) Vegetation: The semi-arid steppe vegetation is characterized by Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae pollen under various vegetation conditions; however, no evident correlation between pollen percentages and corresponding plant species cover is found. 2) Climate: Samples under different Mean Annual Precipitations (MAPs) clearly distinguish themselves in the Mu Us Sandland, implying MAP-determined surface pollen spectra in regional scale. 3) Landform: Surface pollen assemblages in the azonal psammophytic vegetation and lowland meadow, show insignificant variance from the zonal steppe vegetation. The azonal halophilous vegetation, mostly distributed in the lowland or near the lake shore, leads to higher than average percentages of Chenopodiaceae pollen. Signal of exotic Pinus pollen is also strengthened in the lowland and lake sediment. 4) Human disturbance: The role of human disturbance on surface pollen assemblages is weak, as shown in the Mu Us Sandland.

This study also provides theoretical bases for quantitative reconstructions of palaeoclimate and palaeovegetation based on fossil pollen spectra from lake sediments and lowland soils in the semi-arid East Asian steppe. We suggest that calibration against locally dispersed pollen taxa is necessary to reliably reconstruct changes in vegetation pattern through time, for example, a factor of 1.75 for the widely used A/C (Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae) ratio is suggested according to the pollen assemblages in the surface layers of the lake sediment vs. slope soil in Anguli Nuur. However, uncertainties also exist for such calibration considering the dynamics of local-scale azonal vegetation.  相似文献   

Pollen records of Holocene sediment cores from the Costa Rican Cordillera de Talamanca (La Chonta bog, 2310 m and La Trinidad bog, 2700 m) show the postglacial development of the montane oak forest zone from ca. 9500 to 1500 yr BP. During the early Holocene (ca. 9500–700 yr BP), alder vegetation covered the La Chonta and La Trinidad bogs and their adjacent hills. The upper forest line is inferred to be at 2800–3000 m elevation. A Podocarpus-Quercus forest characterised the middle Holocene (ca. 7000–4500 yr BP). The upper forest line is located at >3000 m reaching the present-day altitudinal distribution. A Quercus forest characterised the late Holocene (ca. 4500–1500 yr BP). Compared to modern conditions, the early Holocene has similar average temperatures, but the moisture level was probably higher. Pollen evidence for the late Holocene indicates drier environmental conditions than today. In order to improve the paleoecological interpretation, we described the local vegetation and used moss samples as pollen traps at both montane bogs along strong soil moisture gradients.The Netherlands Centre for Geo-ecological Research, ICG  相似文献   

In spite of decades of intense research directed toward understanding the climates and ecology of the Great Basin (western United States) during the past 10,000 years, the responses of mammals to the extreme aridity of the Middle Holocene (c. 8000–5000 years ago) in this region have been poorly understood. Using a well‐dated small mammal sequence from Homestead Cave, north‐central Utah, I show that the Middle Holocene small mammal faunas of this area underwent a decrease in species richness and evenness, driven largely by a series of local extinctions and near‐extinctions coupled with a dramatic increase in the abundance of taxa well‐adapted to xeric conditions. At the end of this period, some taxa that require relatively mesic habitats began to increase in abundance immediately, others did not rebound in abundance until several thousand years later, while still others have not returned at all. This suite of responses has been difficult to detect because climatic change at the beginning of the Middle Holocene was so much more substantial than that which occurred toward its end.  相似文献   

The palynological record of the King's Pool, Stafford, England   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

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