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Earwigs are usually considered pest predators in orchards. Because of its worldwide distribution, most research on earwigs focuses on the European earwig Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Insecta: Dermaptera: Forficulidae). However, very little is known of this species in Mediterranean citrus orchards. Earwigs and aphids were collected monthly during 5 years (2006–2010) from citrus canopies. Two species of earwigs were found: F. auricularia and Forficula pubescens Gené (=Guanchia pubescens), with the latter seldom cited in the literature. The goals of this study were (i) to document the abundance of these two earwig species in Mediterranean citrus canopies; (ii) to determine whether they are positively or negatively associated with each other, or randomly distributed; (iii) to measure the interannual variation of the abundance of both species during a 5‐year period and (iv) to evaluate the potential role of earwigs as pest predators in citrus canopies. As compared to colder regions, F. auricularia active period in citrus canopies in our study site lasted longer. Both species co‐occurred randomly in canopies. In 2006, both species showed approximately the same abundance, but in 2010, F. pubescens abundance in canopies was 28 times greater than that of F. auricularia. The potential role of earwigs as pest predators is higher in the Mediterranean than in other colder regions, because of the longer active period. F. auricularia is a sedentary generalist predator, already present in citrus canopies at the onset of most pest outbreaks, while F. pubescens arrived later to the canopies, but most likely was abundant enough to contribute in the control of citrus pests. 相似文献
本文记述陕西秦岭山区蟹蛛科Thondsidae蜘蛛三新种:高寒花蟹蛛,新种Xysticusalsussp.nov,太白峭腹蛛,新种Tmarustaibaiensissp.nov.,秦岭峭腹蛛,新种Tmarusqinlingensissp.nov.. 相似文献
中国蟹蛛科(蜘蛛目)新种记述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
记述我国蟹蛛科花蟹蛛属6新种和蟹蛛属2新种,共计8新种,金林花蟹蛛Xysticusjinlin,玛纳斯花蟹蛛X.manas,林芝花蟹蛛X.nyingchiensis,拟斑花蟹蛛X.parapunctatus,似旋花蟹蛛X.torsivoides,吴氏花蟹蛛X.wuae,广西蟹蛛Thomisusguangxicus和胡氏蟹蛛T.hui。 相似文献
《Animal cells and systems.》2012,16(3):263-265
A new species, Xysticus jiangi n. sp. is described based on the specimens collected in Hunan province, China. X. jiangi is similar to X. chui, but distinguished by smaller spermathecae, distinct copulatory canals, and Y‐shaped median apophysis. In addition, basal apophysis of tegulum is well developed, compared to that of the latter. 相似文献
Joseph L. Tomkins 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1999,53(1):157-163
Fluctuating asymmetry may play an important role in the evolution of naturally selected and secondary sexual traits. However, very little is known about how asymmetries arise or how organisms maintain symmetry during development. Here I propose three mutually exclusive patterns for the development of asymmetries through consecutive growth stages: (1) compensatory growth, in which growth of the shorter side is greatest at the following growth stage; (2) persistent growth, in which growth of the longer side is greatest at the following growth stage; and (3) uncorrelated growth in which growth of the following stage is unrelated to the asymmetry at the previous one. I followed the growth in the forceps of male earwigs through four successive instars. Dyar's rule was used as a null model of insect growth. In the molt from the second to third instar, asymmetries increased through uncorrelated growth and with the magnitude but not the sign expected from Dyar's rule. However, following this, at the molts between instars 3–4 and 4–5, compensatory growth maintained asymmetries at a lower level than expected from Dyar's rule. Although there was no reduction in the absolute magnitude of asymmetry, relative asymmetry did decline. The net growth of forceps length did not follow Dyar's rule. The interpretation of patterns of growth were more sensitive and informative than the interpretation of the relations between asymmetries at consecutive instars. 相似文献
欧洲蛷螋的雌性通过护卵活动可以有效地抑制卵表面霉菌的生长,以保证胚胎的正常发育。但是抚幼行为,特别是接触活动的生物学功能至今尚不明确。本实验表明:幼虫可通过雌虫间接地获取营养物质,从而明显地提高其发育速率和存活率;而单纯的抚幼活动对幼虫的生长和存活并无影响。 相似文献
Rob Moerkens Bruno Gobin Gertie Peusens Herman Helsen Richard Hilton Hazem Dib David Max Suckling Herwig Leirs 《Agricultural and Forest Entomology》2011,13(3):301-312
- 1 Phenological day degree models are often used as warning systems for the emergence of arthropod pests in agricultural crops or the occurrence of natural enemies of the pest species. In the present study, we report on a case study of the European earwig Forficula auricularia L., which is an important natural enemy in pipfruit orchards, and describe how such a day degree model can be used to avoid negative effects of crucial orchard management, such as spray applications and soil tillage. A precise timing of these interventions in relation to the phenology of natural enemies will enhance biocontrol.
- 2 Earwig population dynamics are characterized by single‐ and double‐brood populations, each with specific biological characteristics.
- 3 A day degree model capable of predicting the phenology of local earwig populations of both population types was developed. The model was checked for accuracy by comparing the first field observation dates of various life stages with predicted values using temperature data from the nearest weather station. In addition, variation in development time was assessed using field data.
- 4 The model was able to make predictions on a global scale. Although single‐ and double‐brood populations differ in phenology, the predictions of first appearance dates were similar. Variation in development time showed that single‐brood populations were more synchronized.
- 5 Our phenological model provides an accurate tool for predicting and simulating earwig population dynamics, as well as for enhancing the biocontrol of pests in pipfruit orchards.
Norbert Maczey Steve Edgington Dave Moore Tim Haye 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2016,26(4):447-461
The European earwig (Forficula auricularia) is an invasive species in the Falkland Islands, causing considerable problems for local horticulture, as well threatening indigenous ecosystems. To assess the potential of a classical biological control introduction two parasitoid fly species, Triarthria setipennis and Ocytata pallipes (Diptera: Tachinidae), were collected from sites in southern and northern England and then tested for their suitability as earwig biological controls at Egham, UK. Both species had previously been introduced into North America for earwig control however little is known of their long-term efficacy and host specificity. Host range tests including both target and non-target species were done. As there are no native Dermaptera on the Falkland Islands, tests were restricted to the field cricket Gryllus assimilis and the Dubia cockroach Blaptica dubia, as representatives of insect orders phylogenetically closely related to earwigs. A second cricket species (Gryllus bimaculatus) was included in an egg-depositing experiment for O. pallipes. Both tachinid species successfully parasitised and emerged from earwigs under laboratory conditions but no signs of parasitisation and development were observed in either the cricket or cockroach. 相似文献
Natural and human causes of earwig mortality during winter: temperature,parasitoids and soil tillage
R. Moerkens H. Leirs G. Peusens T. Beliën B. Gobin 《Journal of Applied Entomology》2012,136(7):490-500
Beneficial arthropods are often used for suppressing specific pest outbreaks in agricultural crop systems. The European earwig, Forficula auricularia L., (Dermaptera: Forficulidae), is an important natural enemy in fruit orchards. Recently, ecological studies were published describing earwig dispersal and survival during summer, hereby revealing clear differences between populations with a single brood (SBP) and two broods a year (DBP). In this article, we will describe three potential mortality factors of earwigs during the underground winter period, namely cold temperatures, parasitoids and soil tillage. This knowledge is essential for making efficient management strategies for increasing earwig abundance in fruit orchards. The effect of cold temperatures was checked during a 3‐year semi‐field experiment. Parasitism rates of Triarthria spp. (Fallén) and Ocytata pallipes (Fallén) (Diptera: Tachinidae) were obtained in a rearing experiment. The negative effect of soil tillage on the survival of earwigs nests was checked in a field experiment covering a 4‐year time period. A strong, negative relation between temperature [cooling day degrees (CDD)] and survival of female and male earwigs during winter was found. Male earwigs of SBP died very quickly, mimicking natural conditions. Between 60% and 90% of females do not survive winter. Survival of females in DBP was higher than in SBP. Parasitism rates vary a lot between species, generation, year and location (0–20%). During winter, we found a maximum mortality of 13%. There is a clear trend that soil tillage can reduce the number of nymphs in spring and summer by 50%. Implications for biocontrol are the following: (i) mortality owing to temperature can be predicted using CDD and if necessary preventive management actions can be undertaken to control pests; (ii) parasitism rates are negligible compared to high impact of temperature; and (iii) soil tillage can be timed more accurately using a recently developed day degree model. 相似文献
Field observations were made on one Panamanian population of Anelosimus jucundus. Almost all webs were found in a relatively exposed area, on small shrubs and composites. This is in contrast to A. eximius , a colonial congeneric which in our study site built its large webs along moist, fern-covered banks. Web structure varied with different plant substrates; for example, only some of the webs incorporated a clearly defined lower sheet. Webs were built by penultimate instar females, and perhaps by adult females and males. In some cases, several adult females inhabited a web, but they remained under separate leaf canopies; during census observations co-operative efforts were not noted. Prey consisted mainly of winged insects. Juvenile sex ratio was about equal. The degree of sociality demonstrated by A. jucundus is discussed. 相似文献
Sergio Pérez-Guerrero Asnake Gelan-Begna Rafael Tamajón Enrique Vargas-Osuna 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2013,23(3):335-347
The relative feeding rates and preferences of a hunting-spider assemblage inhabiting southern Spanish cotton fields for two major cotton pests, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) and Spodoptera littoralis (Boisdubal) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were analyzed under laboratory conditions. First, a no-choice feeding test was used to determine relative feeding rates for hunting-spider families and species, offering a fixed number of 10 neonate larvae of H. armigera or S. littoralis and observing predation after 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, and 24 h. In a second test, Drosophila melanogaster, a very palatable alternative prey, was used to determine the degree of preference for cotton pest larvae. The mean number of first-instar lepidoptera larvae consumed by hunting spiders after 24 h was 8.57±0.25. As expected, spiders showed no preference for either of the two cotton pest species H. armigera and S. littoralis over the other. Results also showed that cursorial spiders of the families Miturigidae (represented here by Cheiracanthium pelasgicum) and Philodromidae consumed significantly higher percentages of larvae than crab spiders belonging to the Thomisidae family after 2 h and 24 h, respectively. In the prey choice test, Cheiracantium pelasgicum displayed a strong preference for cotton pest larvae while Thomisidae and Oxyopidae showed no significant preference. In addition, as the attack sequence progressed, Ch. pelasgicum showed a clear tendency towards the alternation of prey while Thomisidae, and more irregularly Oxyopidae, maintained their preference for D. melanogaster. These findings confirmed both the considerable potential value of some cursorial spiders (e.g. Ch. pelasgicum) in the biological control of lepidopteran cotton pests and the relatively low impact of other hunting spiders, e.g. Thomisidae, on pests of this kind. 相似文献
Thierry Wirth Ren Le Guellec Michel Vancassel Michel Veuille 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1998,52(1):260-265
The European earwig (Forficula auricularia) was formerly thought to present a mosaic of populations differing in their reproductive biology. We show that it is comprised of two as yet unrecognized sibling species. The molecular divergence between the two species, for a 627-bp amplified fragment overlapping the COI and COII mitochondrial loci, is six times larger than intraspecific variation. A species with two clutches a year lives predominantly in lowland and oceanic European habitats. A species with one clutch a year—except in the Mediterranean area where it has two clutches—lives predominantly in highland and continental European habitats. They both invaded North America during the 20th century, respectively, from the west and the east coasts, with no apparent mixing of their populations. The two species can occur in sympatry in Europe and are reproductively isolated by nearly complete failure to produce F1 hybrids. 相似文献
Abstract. 1. Understanding the evolution of subsocial behaviour and parental care requires experimental tests of the functional significance of such behaviours and the role of tending parents in the maintenance of family groups. Studies in subsocial insects addressing these issues experimentally and in the field are still relatively rare.
2. In such a field experiment, it is demonstrated here that the presence of tending females enhances the maintenance of family groups in common earwigs, Forficula auricularia (Dermaptera; Forficulidae). Experimental removal of tending mothers resulted in substantially decreased recovery of occupied nest burrows and larvae. This effect may have been because of decreased survival among experimental larvae, although a possible role for enhanced larval dispersal could not be fully ruled out.
3. Experimental (motherless) larvae were partly observed in family groups with a tending female, in both experimental and control nest burrows, suggesting that these larvae had been adopted by family groups moving to new nest burrows, and/or that experimental larvae may have actively joined other family groups.
4. This study demonstrates under field conditions the functional importance of maternal attendance for the maintenance of family groups in common earwigs, and suggests that adoption and clutch-joining are factors affecting the social structure of this species. 相似文献
2. In such a field experiment, it is demonstrated here that the presence of tending females enhances the maintenance of family groups in common earwigs, Forficula auricularia (Dermaptera; Forficulidae). Experimental removal of tending mothers resulted in substantially decreased recovery of occupied nest burrows and larvae. This effect may have been because of decreased survival among experimental larvae, although a possible role for enhanced larval dispersal could not be fully ruled out.
3. Experimental (motherless) larvae were partly observed in family groups with a tending female, in both experimental and control nest burrows, suggesting that these larvae had been adopted by family groups moving to new nest burrows, and/or that experimental larvae may have actively joined other family groups.
4. This study demonstrates under field conditions the functional importance of maternal attendance for the maintenance of family groups in common earwigs, and suggests that adoption and clutch-joining are factors affecting the social structure of this species. 相似文献
U. Kuhlmann 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》1993,3(4):475-480
Two European species of the family Tachinidae (Diptera), Triarthria setipennis and Ocytata pallipes, whose larvae live as endoparasitoids of the European earwig (Forficula auricularia), were studied to develop experimental methods to improve laboratory production of the parasitoids. More than 84% parasitism was achieved by inoculating with larvae of T. setipennis when earwigs were immobilized. Lower rates of parasitism were obtained when earwigs were mobile and could fend off attacking parasitoid larvae before they could penetrate the host. For O. pallipes, where the microtype eggs have to be eaten by the host, incubation of starved earwigs with food items carrying 3–5 parasitoid eggs resulted in 60% parasitism. 相似文献
GerD. Gäde 《Physiological Entomology》1999,24(4):327-332
Corpora cardiaca of the earwigs Labidura riparia and Forficula auricularia contain a substance that causes hyperlipaemia in migratory locusts and hypertrehalosaemia in the American cockroaches. A conspecific bioassay in L. riparia revealed that this factor is lipid-mobilizing. Isolation of the neuropeptide was achieved by single-step RP-HPLC. The primary structure of the earwig adipokinetic peptide was elucidated by automated Edman degradation in combination with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. It is a blocked octapeptide, pGlu-Val-Asn-Phe-Ser-Thr-Gly-Trp-NH2, previously denoted as Grb-AKH and first identified in Gryllus bimaculatus ( Gäde & Rinehart 1987 ). The synthetic peptide co-chromatographed under various conditions with the native peptide and, in biological assays, resulted in lipid-mobilization in L. riparia when injected in low concentration. 相似文献
1. The patterns of multiple paternity among the progeny of females are key properties of genetic mating systems. Female multiple mating should evolve due to direct or indirect benefits, but it may also partly be driven by the encounter rate with different potential mates. 2. In this study this hypothesis was experimentally tested in the European earwig (Forficula auricularia L.) by establishing experimental mating groups that differed in the number of males and females (i.e. density). The number of sires and mean sibling relatedness in each clutch were estimated using microsatellite‐based paternity analysis. 3. As predicted, the mean number of sires per clutch was significantly increased, and sibling relatedness decreased, in the higher density treatment where more potential male mates were available. This change was less than proportional to the number of males in the mating groups, indicating that mechanisms limiting multiple paternity in large mating groups were involved. There were no significant relationships between female reproductive success or male siring success with morphology (body size, weight, and forceps size). 4. The present results show that multiple paternity in F. auricularia clutches is partly determined by the availability of male mates and suggest that this effect is modulated by mechanisms in males and/or females that limit multiple paternity. 相似文献
中国蟹蛛科蜘蛛4新种记述(蜘蛛目) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
记述蟹蛛科蜘蛛4新种:勐腊峭腹蛛Tmarus menglae sp.nov.、滇微蟹蛛Lysilelesdiamicus sp.nov.、昆明微蟹蛛Lysileles kunming ensis sp.nov.和湖北花蛛Misumenops hubeiensis sp.nov. 相似文献
1. Laboratory and field experiments showed that the hunting performance of two flower-dwelling crab spiders, Misumenops asperatus and Misumenoides formosipes, was thermally insensitive over a broad range of temperatures normally experienced by these spiders. 2. In the laboratory, HP, a behavioural metric of spider hunting performance, was similar for spiders of a given species over an ≈ 30 °C temperature range. 3. Spiders in the field captured predominantly hymenopterans and dipterans, and field hunting performance, measured as the number of prey captured per spider per day, also proved to be unaffected by temperature. 4. These findings counter the general rule that physiological/ecological performance in terrestrial arthropods is temperature dependent. 5. Freedom from temperature constraints on the capacity of crab spiders to capture prey may be due to the use of venom and/or to muscle physiological adaptations for anaerobic metabolism. 6. Wide thermal performance breadth increases the spectrum of prey available to M. asperatus and M. formosipes by allowing spiders to hunt prey active during cooler periods of the day as well as those active during warmer periods. 7. Wide thermal performance breadth also benefits M. asperatus and M. formosipes due to adult phenology; both species experience a seasonal temperature shift during the adult phase. 相似文献