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In eusocial Hymenoptera, information on the presence of a queen is considered to play an important role in regulating worker reproduction. We examined the mode of transmission of this putative queen information to workers. Previous studies have reported that, in Diacamma sp. from Japan, unmated helper workers perceive the presence of a gamergate (functional queen) only through direct physical contact with her. In contrary to this conclusion, we showed, by an experiment that exposed workers either to the gamergate or to the eggs laid by the gamergate, that the presence of eggs laid by the gamergate to some extent suppressed the workers’ dominance interaction, a behavior that is associated with self-reproduction by unmated workers. We discuss the relative importance of direct and indirect transmission of gamergate-presence information under natural conditions in this ant.  相似文献   

Workers of social Hymenoptera can usually produce male offspring, but rarely do so in the presence of a queen despite the potential individual fitness benefit. Various mechanisms have been hypothesized to regulate worker reproduction, including avoiding the colony-level cost of worker reproduction. However, firm quantitative evidence is lacking to support that hypothesis. Here, we accurately quantified this cost by studying an ant species (Diacamma sp.) in which worker reproduction is rare in the presence of the gamergate (the functional queen). A series of experiments to manipulate worker-gamergate contact revealed that short-term brood-production efficiency is not changed by the presence of worker reproduction. However, when workers reproduce, their average life span is reduced to between 74% and 88% of that in the absence of reproduction, indicating a long-term cost to the colony. In theory, this cost can explain the policing of worker reproduction under a queen-single mating system, but the cost does not appear to be high enough to stop worker reproduction. When contact with the gamergate is lost, it is only the nonreproductive workers whose life span was reduced; the reproductive workers lived as long as nonorphaned workers. We suggest that an increased workload can account for the reduction in life span better than a trade-off between reproduction and longevity.  相似文献   

In monogynous ants, the death of the queen generally implies the death of the colony. However, queen replacement by either unrelated or related queen has been described in few species. In queenless ants from the genus Diacamma, the single reproductive worker (gamergate) is replaced by one of her daughters (or occasionally by a sister). From a long-term genetic survey of nests of D. cyaneiventre, we estimated the rate of gamergate turnover as well as the lifespan of workers and gamergate tenure using a maximum likelihood model developed for this purpose. We specifically compared the genotypes of two cohorts of workers sampled at 2 and 16 months interval from the same nests, using five microsatellite markers. To improve the accuracy of the estimates, we also used in the model the nests from the same population sampled only once and analysed by André et al. (2001). The model indicates that the possibility of the same nest not sheltering the same colony at two different sampling dates (colony turnover) was not significantly different from zero in our sample. The likelihood of the model was maximal for a probability of gamergate change pγ = 0.005 per day (i.e. a gamergate tenure of 200 days) and a worker lifespan w=60 days, indicating that the gamergate ‘s tenure is about 3 times longer than workers’ expected lifespan in the population studied. Moreover, the genetic analysis of the gamergate and brood in three colonies excavated completely, reveals that colony fission can occur just after a gamergate replacement with the sister of the new gamergate reproducing in the new propagule. Received 12 October 2005; revised 7 December 2005; accepted 5 January 2006.  相似文献   

We test two hypotheses about regulation of the reproductive division of labour in the permanently queenless ponerine ant, Diacamma sp., from Japan. All workers emerge with gemmae (tiny innervated thoracic appendages), but only one individual keeps them in each colony, and she is the only mated reproductive worker (gamergate). The gemmae of all other workers are mutilated by the gamergate soon after their emergence, and they can never mate. In the presence of gamergate, mutilated workers have inactive ovaries and do not behave aggressively. Two possible consequences of mutilation are: 1. olfactory signal — a pheromone inhibiting the oogenesis of mutilated workers is no longer released by the gemmae; and 2. endocrine degeneration of its afferent neuronal connections interferes reproductive physiology of a gamergate. Gemmae of gamergates were coated with shellac (to prevent pheromone emission) or removed, and over three weeks we studied any changes in ovarian activity of the gamergates as well as nestmate workers. Coating of gemmae did not elicit worker oviposition, suggesting that gemmae pheromones do not have a regulatory function. Experimental mutilation of gamergates resulted in a slight increase in both the frequency of dominance interactions and the ovarian activity of mutilated workers, but this effect was much lower than in colonies where the gamergate was removed. This contrasts with the immediate change in the behaviour (aggressive to timid) of newly emerged workers following mutilation.  相似文献   

A reproductive division of labor between subordinates and established reproductives is a hallmark of eusociality. In most groups, however, workers retain some reproductive capabilities. Across insect societies, measures of successful worker reproduction in the presence of a queen, with few exceptions, indicate that worker reproduction is kept at very low levels. There are, however, certain colony-level characteristics that may influence the degree to which worker reproduction is promoted, such as queen number, queen mating frequency, and physical presence of a queen in species with multiple nesting sites (polydomy). In this study, the level of worker reproduction in field colonies of the ant species Aphaenogaster cockerelli was measured. A. cockerelli is a monogynous and polydomous species, so worker reproduction across nesting sites was investigated. None of the 297 males sampled provided any evidence of worker reproduction. Worker reproduction would have been detectable if it was present at or above a level of 1.5 % of the total males per colony. An effective mating frequency for queens of this species was found to be 1.03. Although A. cockerelli colonies have many colony-level factors potentially promoting worker reproduction (workers with active, trophic egg-producing ovaries, a single singly-mated queen, workers who are physically separated from the queen), it is evident that worker reproduction is highly regulated. Synthesizing the extensive amount of policing and fertility signaling data previously reported on this species, A. cockerelli is presented as case study for how worker reproduction is repressed and cooperation is maintained in insect societies.  相似文献   

In social insects, the caste systems are based on reproductive division of labor; queens specialize in reproduction and workers primarily maintain the colony. Recently, a volatile pheromone containing n-butyl-n-butyrate and 2-methyl-1-butanol was identified as a termite queen pheromone that inhibits the differentiation of female neotenic reproductives (secondary queens). Although this volatile inhibitory pheromone regulates caste differentiation directly, the method by which it reaches members without direct contact with the queen in large colonies is not well understood. Therefore, additional mechanisms of indirect communication must exist, such as worker-mediated queen signal transport. We found that workers exposed to female reproductives did not mediate queens’ inhibitory signal in a termite Reticulitermes speratus. The experiment assessed worker transfer from direct to indirect contact groups and determined that the differentiation of new female reproductives in the indirect contact groups was not influenced by the direct contact groups, whereas direct contact with functional female reproductives and artificial queen pheromone did suppress neotenic differentiation. This suggests that worker transfer of the queen signal is unlikely and that for colony-wide inhibition direct contact by the majority of infertile members with reproductives or eggs, which emit the same volatiles as female reproductives, is necessary within a certain time interval.  相似文献   

Queens of primitively eusocial wasps generally have active and behaviourally dominant queens who use physical aggression to suppress worker reproduction. Although a Ropalidia marginata queen is strikingly docile and behaviourally non-dominant, she is completely successful in maintaining reproductive monopoly. R. marginata queens must achieve such reproductive monopoly by some means other than overt physical aggression. Upon loss or removal of the queen, one of the workers (referred to as the potential queen) becomes extremely aggressive and will eventually go on to become the next queen of the colony, if the original queen is not returned. The fact that potential queens are not discernible in the presence of the queen but become obvious within minutes after removal of the queen raises the question of how workers in general and the potential queens in particular, perceive the presence or absence of their queens. Here, we have conducted experiments in which we separate half of the workers from their queen by a wire mesh screen and study their behavioural response to such separation. We demonstrate that the presence of the queen is not perceived across the wire mesh screen, which suggests that if the queen uses a pheromone to signal her presence, then that pheromone is not very volatile.  相似文献   

Functional worker sterility is the defining feature of insect societies. Yet, workers are sometimes found reproducing in their own or foreign colonies. The proximate mechanisms underlying these alternative reproductive phenotypes are keys to understanding how reproductive altruism and selfishness are balanced in eusocial insects. In this study, we show that in honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies, the social environment of a worker, that is, the presence and relatedness of the queens in a worker's natal colony and in surrounding colonies, significantly influences her fertility and drifting behaviour. Furthermore, subfamilies vary in the frequency of worker ovarian activation, propensity to drift and the kind of host colony that is targeted for reproductive parasitism. Our results show that there is an interplay between a worker's subfamily, reproductive state and social environment that substantially affects her reproductive phenotype. Our study further indicates that honeybee populations show substantial genetic variance for worker reproductive strategies, suggesting that no one strategy is optimal under all the circumstances that a typical worker may encounter.  相似文献   

Workers of the Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius), the only North American Pogonomyrmex with a polymorphic worker caste, produce males when colonies are orphaned. In this study,we assessed the reproductive potential of workers of each caste group, minors and majors, in the presence and absence of the queen, and tested whether males produced in natural queen-right colonies are derived from workers. Worker size was positively correlated with ovariole number such that major workers had approximately double the number of ovarioles as minor workers. The number of vitellogenic oocytes, a measure of reproductive potential, was greater in major compared to minor workers and increased in both worker castes when queens were removed. Major workers have greater reproductive potential than minors although they represent a minority within the colony (~5% of workers are majors). Worker produced eggs were visible in colonies 28 – 35 days after queen removal. This time lag, from queen removal to egg production, is similar to other ants and bees. Though workers are capable of producing viable eggs, we found no evidence that they do so in queen-right colonies, suggesting that worker reproduction is controlled via some social mechanism (self restraint, policing, or inhibition). This result supports predictions of kin selection theory – that due to multiple mating by the queen workers are more related to queen-produced males than most worker-produced males and should thus favor reproduction by the queen and inhibit reproduction by other workers. Received 25 January 2007; revised 1 May 2007; accepted 21 May 2007.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of reproductive skew (the partitioning of reproduction among co‐breeding individuals) is one of the major questions in social evolution. In ants, multiple‐queen nests are common and reproductive skew among queens has been shown to vary tremendously both within and between species. Proximate determinants of skew may be related to both queen and worker behaviour. Queens may attempt to change their reproductive share through dominance interactions, egg eating and by changing individual fecundity. Conversely, workers are in a position to regulate the reproductive output of queens when rearing the brood. This paper investigates queen behaviour at the onset of egg laying and the effect of queen fecundity and worker behaviour on brood development and reproductive shares of multiple queens in the ant Formica fusca. The study was conducted in two‐queen laboratory colonies where the queens produced only worker offspring. The results show that in this species reproductive apportionment among queens is not based on dominance behaviour and aggression, but rather on differences in queen fecundity. We also show that, although the queen fecundity at the onset of brood rearing is a good indicator of her final reproductive output, changes in brood composition occur during brood development. Our results highlight the importance of queen fecundity as a major determinant of her reproductive success. They furthermore suggest that in highly derived polygyne species, such as the Formica ants, direct interactions as a means for gaining reproductive dominance have lost their importance.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of the queen on worker behaviour in ants and their queen recognition behaviour. Queenless and queenright homo- and hetero-specific groups were created using three Myr-micinae species (Manica rubida, Myrmica rubra and Myrmica ruginodis). In homospecific groups, the presence of a queen contributed to an increase in the brood care, which had an effect on all other tasks of the group. In heterospecific groups, the presence of a queen led workers to care more for the conspecific brood. The queen appears to be a factor in the maintenance of both behavioural characteristics of the workers and the organization of the colony. The absence of the queen revealed some behavioural differences between species compared and populations that did not occur in queenright groups. Attractiveness tests were also conducted on these colonies. In homospecific queenright groups, workers were attracted both by unfamiliar conspecific and allospecific queens, but they were attracted more by the former. Therefore, queens appear to emit volatile pheromones which have a non-species-specific and a species-specific attractant effect. In heterospecific groups, workers were attracted more by an unfamiliar queen of the familiar species (even if allospecific) than by an unfamiliar conspecific queen, suggesting the importance of early social experience for the discrimination behaviour of adults.  相似文献   

Polyandry in honeybee queens (Apis) causes many patrilines (subfamilies) within a colony, which may lead to a potential conflict of interest among workers. This may be most apparent during queen rearing when nepotistic worker behavior could influence the genetics of future generations. Several studies have searched for such conflict in European honeybees (A. mellifera), but studies on other Apis species remain lacking. We investigated the presence of reproductive conflict in A. cerana japonica by comparing the patriline proportion of queen larvae to that of adult workers. We determined the patrilines of 272 workers and 57 queen larvae using four polymorphic microsatellite markers that were sampled from queenless colonies originally derived from four naturally mated queen-right colonies. The number of patrilines in each colony was 9, 12, 8, and 7, respectively, which is lower than that observed in continental Asia. We found no difference in patriline proportion between adult workers and queen larvae. Our data support neither genetic variance for royalty or existence of worker nepotism in A. cerana japonica.  相似文献   

The army ant Eciton burchellii is one of the most conspicuous ant species in New World tropical forests, but studies of colony life histories have been hampered by the nomadic lifestyle of these ants, which alternate between a nomadic phase when the colony relocates frequently, and a statary phase when the colony remains at a fixed site. Here we report on a colony from Venezuela that we studied continuously for six weeks, from the time that the queen produced a reproductive brood until the adult reproductives emerged and the colony entered the next cycle. Our findings support the contention that reproductive larvae develop faster than worker larvae, and that the nomadic phases of colonies with reproductive broods are significantly shorter than those of colonies with worker broods. This strongly suggests that the onset of pupation is linked to the onset of the statary phase. We used microsatellite genotyping to accurately identify male and queen larvae and we describe how they can be distinguished morphologically. Using the same genetic markers, we determined the parentage of 81 males produced by this colony. Only one of the males had a genotype that could not be directly derived from the observed queen genotype, but this mismatch is most probably due to a single mutation at one of the microsatellite loci, rather than this male being a worker son. We therefore conclude that this colony provides no evidence that workers lay eggs that develop into adult males in the presence of the queen, confirming the results of an earlier study on male parentage in an Old World army ant. Received 16 November 2006; revised 15 January 2007; accepted 16 January 2007.  相似文献   

Social Hymenoptera are characterized by a reproductive division of labor, whereby queens perform most of the reproduction and workers help to raise her offspring. A long‐lasting debate is whether queens maintain this reproductive dominance by manipulating their daughter workers into remaining sterile (queen control), or if instead queens honestly signal their fertility and workers reproduce according to their own evolutionary incentives (queen signaling). Here, we test these competing hypotheses using data from Vespine wasps. We show that in natural colonies of the Saxon wasp, Dolichovespula saxonica, queens emit reliable chemical cues of their true fertility and that these putative queen signals decrease as the colony develops and worker reproduction increases. Moreover, these putative pheromones of D. saxonica show significant conservation with those of Vespula vulgaris and other Vespinae, thereby arguing against fast evolution of signals as a result of a queen–worker arms race ensuing from queen control. Lastly, levels of worker reproduction in these species correspond well with their average colony kin structures, as predicted by the queen signaling hypothesis but not the queen control hypothesis. Altogether, this correlative yet comprehensive analysis provides compelling evidence that honest signaling explains levels of reproductive division of labor in social wasps.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of weight and colony origin of the queen of Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on worker attraction is studied under laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, worker response to individual queens of different weight from the same colony is evaluated. Heavier queens are more attractive than smaller queens to their own workers. In subsequent experiments, the colony origin effect is investigated and worker response to a pair of queens of the same weight from the same or different colonies is compared. When queens are from the same colony, workers do not show a significant preference between queens. However, when queens are from a different colony, workers are significantly more attracted to their own queen than to the foreign queen. Finally, the response of workers to queens of different weight from the same or different colonies is investigated. In both cases, workers are significantly more attracted to a heavier queen than a lighter queen, even if the lighter queen is their own queen. A putative pheromonal component (E)‐6‐(1‐pentenyl)‐2H‐2‐pyranone, is not positively correlated with queen weight.  相似文献   

In eusocial Hymenoptera, workers usually cannot mate but can lay male-destined haploid eggs. In contrast, in many species, worker reproduction is regulated by means of worker policing, which consists of two behavioral categories: aggression towards workers that have developed ovaries, and the destruction of worker-laid eggs. We focused on the latter behavior in the ant Diacamma sp. from Japan, in which a mated worker (gamergate) serves as the functional queen in each colony. An experiment in which we introduced both worker-laid eggs and gamergate-laid eggs from foreign colonies showed that workers preferentially destroyed the worker-laid eggs. This indicates that workers can discriminate worker-laid eggs from gamergate-laid eggs. In contrast, gamergates destroyed all introduced eggs that they discovered. Our chemical analysis of egg surface substances revealed that the worker-laid eggs clearly differed from gamergate-laid eggs in their surface hydrocarbons (SHCs), with the former containing more long-chain components. However, a bioassay to test whether specific components of the SHCs trigger the observed discrimination behavior by workers remains to be done.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts potential conflict between queen and workers over male parentage in hymenopteran societies headed by one, singly mated queen, because each party is more closely related to its own male offspring. In ‘late-switching’ colonies of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, i.e. colonies whose queens lay haploid eggs relatively late in the colony cycle, workers start to lay male eggs shortly after the queen lays the female eggs that will develop into new queens. It has been hypothesized that this occurs because workers recognize, via a signal given by the queen instructing female larvae to commence development as queens, that egg laying is now in their kin-selected interest. This hypothesis assumes that aggressive behaviour in egg-laying workers does not substantially reduce the production of new queens, which would decrease the workers' fitness payoff from producing males. We tested the hypothesis that reproductive activity inB. terrestris workers does not reduce the production of new queens. We used microsatellite genotyping to sex eggs and hence to select eight size-matched pairs of ‘late-switching’ colonies from a set of commercial colonies. From one colony of each pair we removed every egg-laying or aggressive worker observed. From the other colony, we simultaneously removed a nonegg-laying, nonaggressive worker. Removed workers were replaced with young workers from separate colonies at equal frequencies within the pair. There was no significant difference in queen productivity between colonies with reduced or normal levels of egg-laying or aggressive workers. Therefore, as predicted, reproductive B. terrestris workers did not significantly reduce the production of new queens.  相似文献   

Normally, worker honey bees (Apis mellifera) only lay eggs when their colony is queenless. When a queen is present, worker egg-laying is controlled by mutual “policing” behavior in which any rare worker-laid eggs are eaten by other workers. However, an extremely rare behavioral phenotype arises in which workers develop functional ovaries and lay large numbers of eggs despite the presence of the queen. In this study, microsatellite analysis was used to determine the maternity of drones produced in such a colony under various conditions. One subfamily was found to account for about 90% of drone progeny, with the remainder being laid by other subfamilies or the queen. No evidence of queen policing was found. After a one-month period of extreme worker oviposition in spring, the colony studied reverted to normal behavior and showed no signs of worker oviposition. However, upon removal of the queen, workers commenced oviposition very quickly. Significantly, the subfamily that laid eggs when the queen was present did not contribute to the drone production when the colony was queenless. However, another subfamily contributed a disproportionately large number of drones. The frequency of worker oviposition appears to be determined by opposing selective forces. Individual bees benefit from personal reproduction, whereas other bees and the colony are disadvantaged by it. Thus a behavioral polymorphism can be maintained in the population in which some workers can escape worker policing, with balancing selection at the colony level to detect and eliminate these mutations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The longevity of field colonies was investigated in the ponerine ant Harpegnathos saltator (Jerdon) in which either reproductive workers (gamergates) or a single queen reproduce.
2. Data from 3 years were used to calculate the ratio between queen-right ( n  = 50) and gamergate ( n  = 12) colonies that can be used to derive the colony mortality of gamergate colonies. Using the survival rates of queens in the laboratory, extrinsic and intrinsic mortality rates of queen-right colonies were calculated.
3. No significant differences in the sizes of queen-right and gamergate colonies above 14 workers was found, suggesting that mortality of established colonies is not size related.
4. The mortality of gamergate colonies is 4.17 times higher than the intrinsic mortality of queen-right colonies.
5. In the laboratory, mean survival time of queens in colonies of more than 14 workers was 1.79 years.
6. Estimated mean survival time of queen-right and gamergate colonies in the field varies between 0.78 and 0.43 years respectively, when no costs of conflict during the replacement of queens occur; however, when the latter costs increase colony mortality to a level similar to extrinsic mortality, the calculated longevity of queen-right colonies would increase to 1.02 years.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of a Diacamma species from Malaysia is described. Intact colonies have no queens. Instead one mated worker (gamergate) reproduces. Only a few workers (2%) have weakly developed ovaries. Newly emerged workers possess thoracic appendages, called gemmae, but only one worker retains them, mates and becomes a gamergate. All other individuals are mutilated mostly by already mutilated workers. After the gamergate has been removed this mutilation-behavior continues for at least 24 h. After three days no more mutilation occurs. Groups of workers without gamergate start to fight about one week after the gamergate was removed and one worker reaches the alpha-position and becomes the sole egg layer. When workers emerge in already established groups they are not mutilated. Workers, which were isolated one week earlier than the rest of the group, and thus already escaped inhibition by the gamergate, had a higher chance to obtain the alpha-position. To test factors that might influence worker-dominance, juvenile hormone titer was measured. Juvenile hormone was not detectable in gamergates and alpha-workers but the amounts of juvenile hormone in non-reproductive workers increased with age. This is discussed with regard to the situation found in honeybees.  相似文献   

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