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We investigated the effect of flowering time, display size, and local floral density on fruit set in Tolumnia variegata, a pollination-limited orchid that offers no reward to its pollinator(s). During 1990, natural variation in flowering time, display size, and fruit set were monitored in 508 plants at one locality in Puerto Rico. The following season, orchid floral abundance per host tree (Randia aculeata) was manipulated to investigate its effect on fruit set. Four floral abundance treatments were established (700, 500, 300, and 100), each replicated four times. Flowering time was the most important trait affecting fruit set. The proportion of plants setting at least one fruit was significantly high early and late in the season, but low during the flowering peak. Thus, strong disruptive selection differential on flowering phenology was found. Display size had little effect on fruit set. A weak, but significant disruptive selection differential on display size was found. Orchid floral abundance per host tree had a significant effect on fruit set. Early in the season, T. variegata flowers with intermediate number of conspecific flowers exhibited a greater probability of setting fruit than those in host trees with fewer or more flowers. Our results show that flowering phenology may be evolutionarily unstable, possibly a consequence of the deception pollination system. Furthermore, a deception strategy would be relatively unsuccessful in populations where plants are found in either very dense or sparse patches. 相似文献
Fabiana Latorre 《Aerobiologia》1999,15(2):131-141
Annual totals of daily arboreal pollen concentrations were analysed in Mar del Plata (Argentina) during 1993 and 1994. Flowering patterns were associated with timing and intensity of pollen appearing in the air. Seasonal climatic parameters before the start of flowering and current weather conditions during dispersion were considered.Flowering showed a regular pattern between years and it could be defined by cumulated pollen percentages. Arboreal pollen counts were higher in the first year and is probably due to 1) better climatic conditions connected with pollen productivity and 2) lower precipitation after pollen emission. Betula and Q. ilex showed an opposite behaviour that appears to be caused by a biennial fluctuating rhythm of pollen production. 相似文献
Flowers of Primula elatior exhibit all the dimorphic traits typical of distyly. The difference in pollen production between pin and thrum flowers is not thought to be caused by the pollen size dimorphism. The percentage of pin pollen which is probably viable exceeds that of thrum pollen. In the population studied the morph ratio is 1:1, and plants are randomly dispersed with regard to morph type. Bumblebees are the main pollinators, and analysis of the stigmatic pollen load in naturally |xjllinated flowers shows that pin stigmas receive many more pollen grains than thrum stigmas. Intramorph pollination is considerable in pins, while thrums are subject to some differential pollination. Emasculation experiments have shown that intraflower pollination in the thrum morph is negligible. Aging of pin flowers has a reducing effect on their total pollen loads, while in thrums there is no change in total pollen load after the first days of anthesis. 相似文献
In nursery pollination systems, pollinator offspring usually feed on pollinated fruits or seeds. Costs and benefits of the interaction for plant and pollinator, and hence its local outcome (antagonism-mutualism), can be affected by the presence of 'third-party' species. Infection of Silene latifolia plants by the fungus Microbotryum violaceum halts the development of fruits that provide shelter and food for larvae of the pollinating moth Hadena bicruris. We investigated whether the moth secures its benefit by selective oviposition on uninfected flowers. Oviposition was recorded in eight natural populations as a function of plant infection status, local neighbourhood, plant and flower characteristics. Oviposition was six times lower on flowers from infected than on those from uninfected plants. Oviposition decreased with decreasing flower and ovary size. Moths could use the latter to discriminate against diseased flowers. Although moths show an adaptive oviposition response, they reduce the future potential of healthy hosts because they still visit infected plants for nectar, vectoring the disease, and they reduce any fitness advantage gained by disease-resistant plants through selective predation of those plants. 相似文献
Intrinsic and extrinsic factors acting on the reproductive process in alpine‐snowbed plants: roles of phenology,biological interaction,and breeding system

Pollinator activity and competition for pollinators lead to quantitative and qualitative pollen limitations on seed production and affect the reproductive success of plant species, depending on their breeding system (e.g., self‐compatibility and heterospecific compatibility) and genetic load (e.g., inbreeding depression and hybrid inviability). In alpine ecosystems, snowmelt regimes determine the distribution and phenology of plant communities. Plant species growing widely along a snowmelt gradient often grow with different species among local populations. Their pollinators also vary in their abundance, activity, and behavior during the season. These variations may modify plant–pollinator and plant–plant interactions. We integrated a series of our studies on the alpine dwarf shrub, Phyllodoce aleutica (Ericaceae), to elucidate the full set of intrinsic (species‐specific breeding system) and extrinsic factors (snow condition, pollinator activity, and interspecific competition) acting on their reproductive process. Seasonality of pollinator activity led to quantitative pollen limitation in the early‐blooming populations, whereas in the late‐blooming populations, high pollinator activity ensured pollination service, but interspecific competition for pollinators led to qualitative and quantitative pollen limitation in less competitive species. However, negative effects of illegitimate pollen receipt on seed‐set success might be reduced when cryptic incompatibility systems (i.e., outcross pollen grains took priority over self‐ and heterospecific pollen grains) could effectively prevent ovule and seed discounting. Our studies highlight the importance of species‐specific responses of plant reproduction to changing pollinator availability along environmental gradients to understand the general features of pollination networks in alpine ecosystems. 相似文献
尽管草地管理研究较多,但从物候学进行的研究很少.目前尚未见到关于开花期和结实期如何影响科尔沁草原植物地位的报道.报道了科尔沁草甸草原34种多年生植物的始花期和果实始成熟期与其在割草和放牧利用下的消长关系.结果表明:(1)3种植物在4月、13种在5月、10种在6月、7种在7月、1种在8月开始开花.3种在5月、14种在6月、11种在7月、5种在8月、1种在9月开始出现成熟果实.(2)与割草草地相比,始花期晚的植物在自由放牧草地中频度和多度趋于减少,果实始成熟期晚的植物也表现同样的趋势.(3)当将具有营养繁殖能力的植物排除后,与割草草地相比,始花期和果实始成熟期晚的植物在自由放牧草地中频度和多度减少的趋势更强.(4)为了使植物完成生活史,割草应在秋季大多数植物结实期结束时实施.(5)为保证大多数禾本科植物顺利完成生活史,应在大多数植物开始分蘖时开始放牧,进入花蕾期停止放牧,至结实期晚期又开始放牧. 相似文献
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Eryngium alpinum (Apiaceae) is an endangered perennial, characteristic of the Alpine flora. Because the breeding system influences both demographic (reproductive success) and genetic (inbreeding depression, evolutionary potential) parameters that are crucial for population maintenance, the reproductive ecology of E. alpinum was investigated. Specifically, the aims of the study were (1) to determine the factors (resources and/or pollen) limiting plant fitness; and (2) to assess the potential for gene flow within a plant, within a patch of plants, and across a whole valley where the species is abundant. METHODS: Field experiments were performed at two sites in the Fournel valley, France, over three consecutive years. Studies included a phenological survey, observations of pollinators (visitation rates and flight distances), dispersal of a fluorescent powder used as a pollen analogue, the use of seed traps, determination of the pollen/ovule ratio, and an experiment to test whether seed production is limited by pollen and/or by resources. KEY RESULTS: E. alpinum is pollinated by generalist pollinators, visitation rates are very high and seed set is resource- rather than pollen-limited. The short flights of honeybees indicate a high potential for geitonogamy, and low pollen and seed dispersals suggest strong genetic structure over short distances. These results are interpreted in the light of previous molecular markers studies, which, in contrast, showed complete outcrossing and high genetic homogeneity. CONCLUSION:S. The study highlights the usefulness of adopting several complementary approaches to understanding the dynamic processes at work in natural populations, and the conservation implications for E. alpinum are emphasized. Although the studied populations do not seem threatened in the near future, long-term monitoring appears necessary to assess the impact of habitat fragmentation. Moreover, this study provides useful baseline data for future investigations in smaller and more isolated populations. 相似文献
R. Sanz 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(5):818-826
Populations of rare tree species such as the dioecious and anemophilous yew (Taxus baccata) are especially prone to extinction if they occupy marginal habitats. This is the case of yew populations growing in Mediterranean mountains under dry climate and a severe anthropogenic disturbance regime, which show insufficient regeneration. We examined two of the likely mechanisms driving this population decline. The study was conducted in a central Spanish yew population in 2005 and 2006. On one hand, we tested for the effect of the amount of pollen received by female flowers by means of a pollen addition experiment. On the other hand, we tested for the effect of initial fruit set on abortion and mature fruit production. Finally, we evaluated the effect of the spatial arrangement of male and female yew trees on realized fecundity. The success of fertilization and fruiting in the experimental population was pollen-limited. Female trees aborted ca. 70% of the fruit set in both years and treatments. Fruit set was significantly influenced by the females' neighbourhood, with fecundity decreasing exponentially with distance to the nearest male in both years. Overall, our results indicate that factors associated with ecological marginality have a strong influence on yew performance. 相似文献
Effects of total irradiance on growth and flowering were studied in cineraria cv. Cindy Blue grown under warm (mean 21°C) glasshouse conditions. Efficiency of light conversion for leaf and shoot dry weight increase were reduced from 0.08 to 0.02 as the mean daily light integral increased from 0.9 to 4.4 MJ m-2 day-1 but no significant difference in leaf area were associated with this. Specific leaf area decreased exponentially from 0.07 to 0.02 m2g1 over the cumulative irradiance range 23 to 127 MJ m-2 after the start of treatments and thereafter remained stable. A light integral of 19.2 MJ m-2 were required for initiation of one leaf in plants grown under a daily integral of 4.4 MJ m-2 day-1, as compared with only 5.1 MJ m-2day-1 required per leaf in plants grown at less than 0.9 MJ m-2day-1. Neither chronological duration of juvenile development nor leaf number below the flower was affected by irradiance. However, as the rate of leaf initiation increased with irradiance up to 2.4 MJ m-2day-1 so the rate of progress to flower visibility increased linearly with irradiance over the same range. This rate then remained constant from 2.4 to 4.4 MJ m-2day-1. Length of the main flowering shoot decreased and the number of flowering shoots increased as irradiance increased from 0.9 to 2.4 MJ m-2 day-1 and then remained unchanged by further increases in irradiance. 相似文献
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Flowering phenology is described and the effect of flowering time on pollination success is evaluated in the deceit-pollinated tropical orchid, Myrmecophila christinae. It was expected that, due to this species' deceit pollination strategy and low observed pollinator visit rate, there would be a higher probability of natural selection events favouring individuals flowering away from the population flowering peak. METHODS: The study covers two consecutive years and four populations of M. christinae located along the north coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. For phenological and pollination success data, a total of 110 individuals were monitored weekly in 1998, and 83 individuals in 1999, during all the flowering and fruiting season. KEY RESULTS: The results showed significant differences in the probability of donating and receiving pollen throughout the flowering season. The probability of receiving or donating pollen increased the further an individual flowering was from the flowering peak. Regression analysis showed directional and disruptive phenotypic natural selection gradients, suggesting the presence of selection events unfavourable to flowering during flowering peak, for both male success (pollen removal) and female success (fruit production). However, the intensity and significance of the natural selection events varied between populations from year to year. The variation between seasons and populations was apparently due to variations in the density of reproductive individuals in each population and each season. CONCLUSIONS: As in other deceit-pollinated orchids, natural selection in M. christinae favours individuals flowering early or late in relation to population peak flowering. However, results also suggested a fluctuating regime of selective events act on flowering time of M. christinae. 相似文献
The pollination of Aristolochia involves the temporary confinement of visitors inside the flower. A literature review has shown that some species are visited by one or a few dipteran families, while others are visited by a wider variety of dipterans, but only some of these are effective pollinators. We observed flowering phenology and temporal patterns of pollinator attendance in diverse populations of Aristolochia baetica and A. paucinervis, two species that grow in SW Spain, frequently in mixed populations. The two species had overlapping floral phenologies, extended flowering periods and long-lived flowers. A. baetica attracted a higher number of visitors than A. paucinervis . Drosophilids and, to a lesser extent, phorids, were the main pollinators of A. baetica, whereas in A. paucinervis , phorids were the only pollinators. Attendance to A. paucinervis flowers by phorids in mixed populations was markedly lower than in pure populations. This effect was more evident in years with lower pollinator density. Our results suggest that A. baetica and A. paucinervis may compete for pollinators in mixed populations. 相似文献
Amaranthus cannabinus was studied to investigate some of the ecological factors thought to be involved in the evolution of dioecy and to investigate the effects of salinity on sex expression and sex-specific selection. In the field portion of this study, sex ratios, stability of sex expression, spatial distribution, allocation strategies, and phenologies of the sexes were investigated in New Jersey freshwater and salt marsh populations of water hemp. To examine the effects of salinity on vegetative and reproductive development of males and females, plants were grown in the greenhouse at three salinity levels. Adult sex ratios were found to be 1:1. Temporal deviations from a 1:1 sex ratio varied by population and were due to differences in flowering phenology and mortality between the sexes. No plants were observed to change sex expression, and there was no evidence of spatial segregation of the sexes in the field. In both the field and the greenhouse, females allocated more resources to vegetative tissues and had a longer growing period than males. The results of this study suggest that increased reproductive efficiency through sex-specific growth patterns may have been an important selective factor involved in the evolution of dioecy in A. cannabinus. 相似文献
Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang,a plant species that only occurs in a few counties in Hunan,Jiangxi and Zhejiang Provinces and with a relatively small number of individuals,is ranked as a second Class endangered species for conservation in China.We have studied the effect of pollen and resources available to female reproduction,and the reproductive mechanism of "excess flowers with low fruit set" in Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang was discussed.Results are as follows:Pollen from different sources has significant effects on fruit set and seed set of Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang.The pollen source rather than pollen numbers significantly affected reproduction of this species.In wild populations,producing one fruit needs about 54.8 flowers,and one satiation seed needs about 6.60 flowers or 83.19 ovules.After fertilizing,which was propitious to flower development,the abortion rate of flower buds was decreasing,but the flowering rate was increasing.The fruit set and seed set was also significantly increasing,while abortion rate of fruit was significantly decreasing.With the increasing percentages of cutting leaves,the fruit set decreased,but the abortion rate of fruit shows no significant differentiation among treatments.After cutting branches that were puny,broken and insectinfested branches,the flower number seemed to be decreasing,but the fruit set and seed set all increased significantly.After removing some flowers,the fruit set was calculated with respect to the number of flowers remaining after the treatment increased with increasing of percentages of flower removal,whereas fruit set calculated with respect to the initial number of flowers remained constant,and the mean weights of per fi'uit and per seed all decreased significantly.Sufficient spatial or temporal heterogeneities in nutrient levels might allow limitation of seed set by resources and pollen in a natural population,while supplying resources may indirectly affect pollination by increasing attraction of the flowers to pollinators.There were very low fruit and seed sets in natural populations ofDisanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang.Different factors may have interacted to effect a low fruit set.A joint adoption of the "selection abortion hypothesis","ovary reserve hypothesis" and "male function hypothesis" seems to be the most likely explanation for the reproductive strategy of"excess flowers with few fruit sets" in Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang. 相似文献
Cstor Guisande Nelson Aranguren Camilo Andrade-Sossa Narcis Prat Carlos Granado-Lorencio María Lila Barrios Angela Bolivar Marcela Núez-Avellaneda Santiago R. Duque 《Aquatic Botany》2004,80(4):271-282
Investment by bladderwort (Utricularia foliosa) in carnivory, in terms of total C and N of bladders per leaf, was estimated in places with different nutrient concentrations from the Yahuarcaca Creek in the Colombian Amazon. The aims were to determine whether nutrient limiting conditions stimulate the investment in carnivory, and the relative balance between C and N invested in carnivory versus C and N obtained from prey. There were no significant differences either for phosphate (PO43−) concentration or for ammonia (NH4+) concentration among five sampling areas, along approximately 5 km long stretch of the creek, with a pooled mean ± S.D. of 0.19 ± 0.06 and 8.6 ± 3.0 μM, respectively. However, there were significant differences in the nitrate (NO3−) concentration ranging from 0.6 to 2.5 μM. Total C and N of bladders per leaf increased with decreasing NO3−. This corroborates the hypotheses that the carnivorous plant U. foliosa optimises its investment in carnivory according to nutrient availability in the water, and that N is a limiting factor that stimulates the investment in carnivory. The numbers of prey per bladder were also higher under NO3− limitation, thus enhancing the input of nutrients toward the plant through the bladders. The ratio of total C of prey captured/total C invested in bladders was always lower than 1. However, the efficiency of N was higher since when NO3− concentration was lower than 1 μM, the ratio of total N of prey captured/total N invested in bladders ranged between 0.97 and 1.67. 相似文献
• Background and Aims Mixed reproductive strategies may have evolved as a response of plants to cope with environmental variation. One example of a mixed reproductive strategy is dimorphic cleistogamy, where a single plant produces closed, obligately self-pollinated (CL) flowers and open, potentially outcrossed (CH) flowers. Frequently, optimal environmental conditions favour production of more costly CH structures whilst economical and reliable CL structures are produced under less favourable conditions. In this study we explore (1) the effect of light and water on the reproductive phenology and (2) the effect of pollen supplementation on resource allocation to seeds in the cleistogamous weed Ruellia nudiflora.• Methods Split-plot field experiments were carried out to assess the effect of shade (two levels: ambient light vs. a reduction of 50 %) and watering (two levels: non-watered vs. watered) on the onset, end and duration of the production of three reproductive structures: CH flowers, CH fruit and CL fruit. We also looked at the effect of these environmental factors on biomass allocation to seeds (seed weight) from obligately self-pollinated flowers (CL), open-pollinated CH flowers and pollen-supplemented CH flowers.• Key Results CH structures were produced for a briefer period and ended earlier under shaded conditions. These conditions also resulted in an earlier production of CL fruit. Shaded conditions also produced greater biomass allocation to CH seeds receiving extra pollen.• Conclusions Sub-optimal (shaded) conditions resulted in a briefer production period of CH structures whilst these same conditions resulted in an earlier production of CL structures. However, under sub-optimal conditions, plants also allocated more resources to seeds sired from CH flowers receiving large pollen loads. Earlier production of reproductive structures and relatively larger seed might improve subsequent success of CL and pollen-supplemented CH seeds, respectively. 相似文献
After two weeks of moderate N restriction, growth of 3-week-old Zea mays L. plants was less than half that of the control and aspartate and malate levels in the leaves were severely suppressed (45 and 65% decrease, respectively). Since in NADP malic enzyme type C4 plants, such as maize, malate and aspartate are intermediates in the C4 photosynthetic pathway, the operation of the latter was investigated. Moderate nitrogen deficiency had only a small effect on the rate of photosynthesis (20% decrease) measured under 1000 umol m?2 s?1 irradiance. 14CO2 pulse-12CO2 chase experiments combined with measurements of in vitro photosynthetic enzyme activities demonstrated the operation of a typical C4 photosynthetic pathway in N-restricted plants. The turnover rates of malate and aspartate molecules involved in the C4 cycle were determined by the loss of label in the carbon 4 moiety of these molecules during the chase period. It is shown that N restriction did not alter the turnover of malate but greatly accelerated that of aspartate. The amounts of malate and aspartate moving through photosynthetically active pools were estimated using a kinetic model. For malate, the size of this pool appeared to be only slightly diminished whereas for aspartate the size of the corresponding pool decreased by a factor of 3. It is proposed that under moderate NO3? deficiency, despite deviations in malate metabolism leading to a pronounced decrease in the size of its cellular pool, a large amount of malate remained in the operation of the C4 pathway. By contrast, the participation of aspartate in the operation of the C4 pathway was greatly reduced. 相似文献
Balance trials were performed to investigate the effects of experimental Eimeria bovis coccidiosis on the metabolism of water, sodium and potassium in calves. Non-infected pair-fed controls and controls fed according to plan were included in the study to allow differentiation between the effects due to infection and due to changes in feed intake. Primary infection with 5 × 104 (group A) or 1 × 105 (group B) oocysts caused mild diarrhoea in three out of four group A calves and mild to severe haemorrhagic diarrhoea in all five group B calves. Losses of sodium and potassium via faeces tended to increase in the infected calves during patency and apparent digestibility (AD) of these minerals was comparably low. In the urine of the infected calves the Na/K-ratio decreased due to a reduced urinary excretion of sodium. The retention (RT) of sodium was particularly high in the calves that had received the higher oocyst dose. Potassium RT did not underlie significant changes during the course of coccidiosis. In the infected calves the plasma level of sodium was reduced transiently while the level of potassium remained fairly stable. Infections with the higher oocyst dose caused a distinct reduction of fluid excretion via urine which compensated for the increased faecal water losses during severe diarrhoea. Reinfection of the group A calves with 1 × 105 oocysts did not cause any significant metabolic impairment. The results of this study indicate that although acute sublethal bovine coccidiosis alters electrolyte and water metabolism the overall balance of electrolytes and water is largely maintained by physiologic adaptation. 相似文献
The genus Etiennea Matile‐Ferrero is synonymized with Hemilecanium Newstead (Hemiptera: Coccidae). We base this decision on a morphological comparative study of adult females, adult males and first‐instar nymphs (crawlers), including a phylogenetic analysis. We recovered a sister group relationship between the type species of the two genera, Etiennea villiersi Matile‐Ferrero and Hemilecanium theobromae Newstead; that is, each was more closely related to the other than either was to other species in their respective genera. All species hitherto included in Etiennea are transferred to Hemilecanium: H. bursera (Hodgson & Kondo) comb. nov., H. cacao (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. candelabra (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. capensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. carpenteri (Newstead) comb. nov., H. cephalomeatus (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. combreti (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. ferina (De Lotto) comb. nov., H. ferox (Newstead) comb. nov., H. gouligouli (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. halli (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. kellyi (Brain) comb. nov., H. madagascariensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. montrichardiae (Newstead) comb. nov., H. multituberculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. petasus (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. sinetuberculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. tafoensis (Hodgson) comb. nov., H. ulcusculum (Hodgson) comb. nov., and H. villiersi (Matile‐Ferrero) comb. nov. Keys to the adult females of all 26 species and known adult males and first‐instar nymphs are provided. The adult males and first‐instar nymphs of H. theobromae Newstead and E. villiersi Matile‐Ferrero are for the first time fully described and illustrated. One new potential pest species of Hemilecanium, H. uesatoi Kondo & Hardy sp. nov., which was collected on three islands of the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan, is described and illustrated based on the adult female, adult male and first‐instar nymph. We discuss evidence that H. uesatoi is a new introduction to the Ryukyu Archipelago. The first‐instar nymphs of Hemilecanium can be divided into two distinct morphological groups, the petasus group and the theobromae group. 相似文献
Caesalpinia echinata (brazilwood) is a threatened tree endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic forest with a global importance as it is worldwide used to manufacture the most desirable bows for violins, violas, and cellos. Although there is an international initiative for its conservation, there is a lack of studies on the reproductive biology of the species, as for the genus, a fundamental understanding for the conservation of any species. In this paper, we investigated the phenology, pollination, and breeding system of C. echinata, presenting some conservation guidelines for the species, together with a review of studies on the reproductive biology in Caesalpinia s.l. The genus has a complex taxonomic history with recent attempts to reassign its limits. Pending a final resolution of the placing of some species (including C. echinata) our revision covers the traditional Caesalpinia s.l. and includes annotations indicating to which segregate genus each species is now considered to belong, as well as the appropriate combination where this has already been published. Field work was undertaken from October/2004 to December/2006 at the Tapacurá Ecological Station, northeastern Brazil. Flowering occurred mainly in the dry season and the peak of seed dispersal was at the beginning of the wet season. Anthesis is diurnal, lasting 1 day. The flowers are zygomorphic, yellow, sweet-scented, and the effective pollinators were mainly medium-sized to large bees of the genera Centris and Xylocopa, together with the introduced Apis mellifera. Nectar volume and sugar concentration averaged 2.9±1.0 μL and 29.5±9.4%, respectively. The ovary has 1–4 ovules (2.35±0.58) and the pollen/ovule ratio was 5631.2; pollen viability was high (95.9±4.8%). Natural fruit set was low (9.2%) with mature fruits averaging 1.7±0.9 seeds. Results of the controlled pollinations and analysis of pollen tube growth revealed C. echinata presents late-acting self-incompatibility. The pollination biology and breeding system of C. echinata are discussed, together with available data on its genetics and physiology, in terms of best conservation practice for this endangered species. Data on the reproductive biology of the genus are scarce, revealing the predominance of bee pollination and SI system, with the occurrence of late-acting self-incompatibility mechanisms in some species. 相似文献