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1. Plant stress and association with mycorrhizal fungi have been shown to significantly influence plant quality, yet their roles in influencing plant–insect interactions remain unclear. Even less is known about how these factors might interact with or be modified by within‐trophic level interactions. 2. In the present study, the results of a factorial field experiment are reported in which the effects of within‐trophic‐level interactions, plant stress, and mycorrhizae on three herbivores of Baccharis halimifolia were examined. 3. Plant stress was increased by adding salt to the soil, and availability of mycorrhizal fungi was increased by inoculating plant roots. These treatments were applied to plants with either low or high densities of a competitor (Trirhabda baccharidis). 4. For the two leaf miners, Amauromyza maculosa and Liriomyza trifolii, increased soil salinity and high densities of the competitor Trirhabdabaccharidis resulted in significant decreases in density. Neither of these treatments affected the gall maker Neolasioptera lathami. 5. Mycorrhizal fungi increased the densities of all three herbivores, possibly by increasing foliar nitrogen levels. For the two leaf miners, there was also evidence that mycorrhizae ameliorated the negative effects of salt stress. There was also evidence that high levels of competition dampened the positive effects of mycorrhizae on the two leaf miners.  相似文献   

Primary consumers are under strong selection from resource (‘bottom‐up’) and consumer (‘top‐down’) controls, but the relative importance of these selective forces is unknown. We performed a meta‐analysis to compare the strength of top‐down and bottom‐up forces on consumer fitness, considering multiple predictors that can modulate these effects: diet breadth, feeding guild, habitat/environment, type of bottom‐up effects, type of top‐down effects and how consumer fitness effects are measured. We focused our analyses on the most diverse group of primary consumers, herbivorous insects, and found that in general top‐down forces were stronger than bottom‐up forces. Notably, chewing, sucking and gall‐making herbivores were more affected by top‐down than bottom‐up forces, top‐down forces were stronger than bottom‐up in both natural and controlled (cultivated) environments, and parasitoids and predators had equally strong top‐down effects on insect herbivores. Future studies should broaden the scope of focal consumers, particularly in understudied terrestrial systems, guilds, taxonomic groups and top‐down controls (e.g. pathogens), and test for more complex indirect community interactions. Our results demonstrate the surprising strength of forces exerted by natural enemies on herbivorous insects, and thus the necessity of using a tri‐trophic approach when studying insect‐plant interactions.  相似文献   

The influence of large predators on lower trophic levels in oligotrophic, structurally complex, and frequently disturbed aquatic environments is generally thought to be limited. We looked for effects of large predators in two semi-permanent, spikerush-dominated marshes by excluding large fish (>12 mm body depth) and similarly sized herpetofauna from 1 m2 cages (exclosures) for 2 weeks. The exclosures allowed for colonization by intermediate (in size and trophic position) consumers, such as small fish, shrimp, and crayfish. Exclosures were compared to control cages that allowed large fish to move freely in and out. At the end of the experiment, intermediate-consumer densities were higher in exclosures than in controls at both sites. Decapod crustaceans, especially the riverine grass shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus), accounted for the majority of the response. Effects of large fish on shrimp were generally consistent across sites, but per capita effects were sensitive to estimates of predator density. Densities of intermediate consumers in our exclosures were similar to marsh densities, while the open controls had lower densities. This suggests that these animals avoided our experimental controls because they were risky relative to the surrounding environment, while the exclosures were neither avoided nor preferred. Although illuminating about the dynamics of open-cage experiments, this finding does not influence the main results of the study. Small primary consumers (mostly small snails, amphipods, and midges) living on floating periphyton mats and in flocculent detritus (“floc”) were less abundant in the exclosures, indicative of a trophic cascade. Periphyton mat characteristics (i.e., biomass, chlorophyll a, TP) were not clearly or consistently affected by the exclosure, but TP in the floc was lower in exclosures. The collective cascading effects of large predators were consistent at both sites despite differences in drought frequency, stem density, and productivity.  相似文献   

The importance of intraspecific variation has emerged as a key question in community ecology, helping to bridge the gap between ecology and evolution. Although much of this work has focused on plant species, recent syntheses have highlighted the prevalence and potential importance of morphological, behavioral, and life history variation within animals for ecological and evolutionary processes. Many small‐bodied consumers live on the plant that they consume, often resulting in host plant‐associated trait variation within and across consumer species. Given the central position of consumer species within tritrophic food webs, such consumer trait variation may play a particularly important role in mediating trophic dynamics, including trophic cascades. In this study, we used a series of field surveys and laboratory experiments to document intraspecific trait variation in a key consumer species, the marsh periwinkle Littoraria irrorata, based on its host plant species (Spartina alterniflora or Juncus roemerianus) in a mixed species assemblage. We then conducted a 12‐week mesocosm experiment to examine the effects of Littoraria trait variation on plant community structure and dynamics in a tritrophic salt marsh food web. Littoraria from different host plant species varied across a suite of morphological and behavioral traits. These consumer trait differences interacted with plant community composition and predator presence to affect overall plant stem height, as well as differentially alter the density and biomass of the two key plant species in this system. Whether due to genetic differences or phenotypic plasticity, trait differences between consumer types had significant ecological consequences for the tritrophic marsh food web over seasonal time scales. By altering the cascading effects of the top predator on plant community structure and dynamics, consumer differences may generate a feedback over longer time scales, which in turn influences the degree of trait divergence in subsequent consumer populations.  相似文献   

1. Stressful abiotic conditions and mycorrhizal fungi have both been shown to influence plant quality significantly, yet the interactive effects of these factors on relationships among plants, herbivores, and natural enemies remain unclear. 2. In this study, the results of a factorial field experiment are reported in which the effects of plant stress and mycorrhizae on density and parasitism of three herbivores of Baccharis halimifolia L. were examined. 3. Plant stress was increased by adding salt to the soil, and association with mycorrhizal fungi was increased by inoculating plant roots. 4. Inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi resulted in increased density of all three herbivore species, but the effects of mycorrhizae on parasitism varied by species and with soil salinity levels. For the gall maker Neolasioptera lathami Gagne, mycorrhizae decreased parasitism regardless of soil salinity levels. For the leaf miners Amauromyza maculosa Malloch and Liriomyza trifolii Burgess, mycorrhizae effectively negated the decrease in parasitism resulting from increased salinity. 5. The results of this study show that the effects of mycorrhizae on parasitism may be context dependent, and can be positive or negative depending upon species and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

  • 1 We tested the hypothesis that biased sex ratios in the aphidiid parasitoid, Aphidius ervi, are the result of sex-specific mortality of immatures due to hyperparasitism. The solitary hyperparasitoid, Dendrocerus carpenteri, deposits its eggs on the prepupa or pupa of the primary parasitoid after its pea-aphid host is mummified.
  • 2 In dichotomous choice tests, females of D.carpenteri accepted immatures of both sexes of A.ervi with equal frequency. Independent of the sex of the primary parasitoid, the probability of a mummified pea aphid being hyperparasitized did not differ between large (adult at the time of death) and small (fourth nymphal instar) mummies.
  • 3 As predicted by‘host quality’models of offspring sex allocation, D.carpenteri produced a higher proportion of female than male offspring in large mummies. These laboratory results were supported by field data.
  • 4 Because hyperparasitism by D.carpenteri is random with regard to host sex, it should have no influence on optimal sex allocation by the primary parasitoid.

An enclosure experiment was carried out to test trophic cascade effect of filter-feeding fish on the ecosystem: growth of crustacean zooplankton, and possible mechanism of changes of crustacean community structure. Four fish biomass levels were set as follows: 0, 116, 176 and 316 g m-2, and lake water (containing ca. 190 g m-2 of filter-feeding fishes) was comparatively monitored. Nutrient levels were high in all treatments during the experiment. Lowest algal biomass were measured in fishless treatment. Algal biomass decreased during days 21–56 as a function of fish biomass in treatments of low (LF), medium (MF) and high (HF) fish biomass. Crustaceans biomass decreased with increasing fish biomass. Small-bodied cladocerans, Moina micrura, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Scapholeberis kingii survived when fish biomass was high whilst, large-bodied cladocerans Daphnia spp. and the cyclopoids Theromcyclops taihokuensis, T. brevifuratus, Mescyclops notius and Cyclops vicinus were abundant only in NF enclosures. Evasive calanoid Sinodiaptomus sarsi was significantly enhanced in LF, but decreased significantly with further increase of fish biomass. Demographic data indicated that M. micrura was well developed in all treatments. Our study indicates that algal biomass might be controlled by silver carp biomass in eutrophic environment. Changes of crustacean community are probably affected by the age of the first generation of species. Species with short generation time were dominant and species with long generation time survived less with high fish biomass. Evasive calanoids hardly developed in treatments with high fish biomass because of the (bottle neck) effect of nauplii. Species abundance were positively related to fish predation avoidance. Other than direct predation, zooplankton might also be suppressed by filter-feeding fish via competition.  相似文献   

The effects of increased salinity on plant growth were examined in a greenhouse experiment with four species common to oligohaline marshes of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Eleocharis palustris, Panicum hemitomon, Sagittaria lancifolia, and Scirpus americanus. Effects of final salinity reached (6 or 12 g/L), salinity influx rate (3 d or 3 wk), and duration of exposure (1, 2, or 3 mo) were investigated. Sagittaria lancifolia was the first species to show visible signs of stress, with browning and curling of older leaf edges. The salt effect was delayed for 6-8 wk in P. hemitomon, but this species had the highest aboveground tissue mortality rate at 12 g/L as exposure continued. Final salt concentration affected all species to a greater degree than did salinity influx rate. No aboveground mortality occurred at 6 g/L, but growth suppression was apparent and varied with species. The magnitude of growth suppression in response to salinity increased for all species as the duration of exposure increased. Overall, we ranked the species as follows, in order from least to most salt tolerant: Panicum hemitomon < Sagittaria lancifolia < Eleocharis palustris < Scirpus americanus. This ranking reflects the field occurrence of these species along a gradient of increasing salinity in northern Gulf of Mexico coastal habitats from freshwater wetlands through oligohaline areas to mesohaline wetlands.  相似文献   

Trophic generalists tolerate greater habitat change than specialists; however, few studies explore how generalist trophic ecology is affected. We established how the trophic ecology of an extreme generalist, Rhabdomys pumilio, changed in relation to a directionally changing woody‐encroached savannah in Eastern Cape, South Africa by investigating (a) foraging behaviour, (b) trophic niche and (c) feedback effects. (a) Giving‐up densities showed that R. pumilio preferred foraging in subcanopy microhabitat during the night as a result of lower thermoregulatory costs, but had similar preferences for sub‐ and intercanopy microhabitats during the day. (b) An isotope analysis revealed that the dietary composition and trophic niche occupied by R. pumilio differed among tree canopy cover levels (0%, 30% and 80%), which appeared to be related to changes in C4 grass material and invertebrate availability. (c) Artificial seed patches suggested that R. pumilio was a potentially important postdispersal seed predator of the woody‐encroaching species, Vachellia karroo. Thus, an increase in tree canopy cover altered the trophic niche of R. pumilio by reducing foraging costs at night and providing alternative food resources in terms of availability and source. These findings demonstrate how an extreme generalist adapted to human‐induced habitat change through changes in its trophic ecology.  相似文献   

We studied host selection and exploitation, two crucial aspects of parasite ecology, in Achrysocharoides parasitoid wasps, which show remarkable host specificity and unusual offspring sex allocation. We estimated a molecular phylogeny of 15 Achrysocharoides species and compared this with host (plant and insect) phylogenies. This tri-trophic phylogenetic comparison provides no evidence for cospeciation, but parasitoids do show phylogenetic conservation of the use of plant genera. Patterns of sequence divergence also suggest that the parasitoids radiated more recently (or evolved much faster) than their insect hosts. Three main categories of brood production occur in parasitoids: (1) solitary offspring, (2) mixed sex broods and (3) separate (split) sex broods. Split sex broods are very rare and virtually restricted to Achrysocharoides, while the other types occur very widely. Our phylogeny suggests that split sex broods have evolved twice and provides evidence for a transition from solitary to mixed sex broods, via split sex broods, as predicted by theory.  相似文献   

In studies of foraging behaviour in a multitrophic context, the fourth trophic level has generally been ignored. We used four aphid hyperparasitoid species: Dendrocerus carpenteri (Curtis) (Hymenoptera: Megaspilidae), Asaphes suspensus Walker (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), Alloxysta victrix (Westwood) (Hymenoptera: Alloxystidae) and Syrphophagus aphidivorus (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), to correlate their response to different cues with their ecological attributes such as host range and host stage. In addition, we compared our results with studies of primary parasitoids on the same plant–herbivore system. First, the olfactory response of females was tested in a Y‐tube olfactometer (single choice: plant, aphid, honeydew, parasitised aphid, aphid mummy, or virgin female parasitoid; dual choice: clean plant, plant with aphids, or plant–host complex). Second, their foraging behaviour was described on plants with different stimuli (honeydew, aphids, parasitised aphids, and aphid mummies). The results indicated that olfactory cues are probably not essential cues for hyperparasitoid females. In foraging behaviour on the plant, all species prolonged their total visit time and search time as compared to the control treatment (clean plant). Only A. victrix did not react to the honeydew. Oviposition in mummies prolonged the total visit time because of the long handling time, but the effect of this behaviour on search time could not be determined. No clear correlation between foraging behaviour and host stage or host range was found. In contrast to specialised primary aphid parasitoids that have strong fixed responses to specific kairomones and herbivore‐induced synomones, more generalist aphid hyperparasitoids seem to depend less on volatile olfactory stimuli, but show similarities with primary parasitoids in their use of contact cues while searching on a plant.  相似文献   

Disentangling biotic and abiotic drivers of wild mushroom fruiting is fraught with difficulties because mycelial growth is hidden belowground, symbiotic and saprotrophic supply strategies may interact, and myco‐ecological observations are often either discontinuous or too short. Here, we compiled and analyzed 115 417 weekly fungal fruit body counts from permanent Swiss inventories between 1975 and 2006. Mushroom fruiting exhibited an average autumnal delay of 12 days after 1991 compared with before, the annual number of fruit bodies increased from 1801 to 5414 and the mean species richness doubled from 10 to 20. Intra‐ and interannual coherency of symbiotic and saprotrophic mushroom fruiting, together with little agreement between mycorrhizal yield and tree growth suggests direct climate controls on fruit body formation of both nutritional modes. Our results contradict a previously reported declining of mushroom harvests and propose rethinking the conceptual role of symbiotic pathways in fungi‐host interaction. Moreover, this conceptual advancement may foster new cross‐disciplinary research avenues, and stimulate questions about possible amplifications of the global carbon cycle, as enhanced fungal production in moist mid‐latitude forests rises carbon cycling and thus increases greenhouse gas exchanges between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

1. An increasing number of studies have addressed the mechanisms by which plant inter‐specific variation influence interactions at higher trophic levels, but little is known about the underlying plant traits driving these dynamics. 2. Here we investigated the effects of host plant species on herbivore‐parasitoid interactions and the underlying traits driving such effects. For this, we measured the abundance of seed‐eating bruchids and their parasitoids across seven sympatric populations of the bean species Phaseolus coccineus and Phaseolus vulgaris in Central Mexico. To investigate the mechanisms underlying differences between bean species in bruchid‐parasitoid interactions, we carried out two laboratory experiments to test whether bruchid and parasitoid performance differed between plant species. We also measured seed size and phenolic compounds to investigate if seed traits mediate bruchid‐parasitoid interactions by influencing herbivore susceptibility or resistance to parasitoids. 3. Field surveys revealed that the rate of parasitoid recruitment to bruchids was significantly higher on P. vulgaris than on P. coccineus. Subsequent laboratory bioassays indicated that bruchids developed more slowly and exhibited lower fitness on P. vulgaris seeds than on P. coccineus seeds. Accordingly, we found that bean species differed in seed size, with P. vulgaris having smaller (less nutritious) seeds, which explains why bruchid development was slower on this plant species. 4. These results provide a mechanism for why bruchids exhibited higher parasitism rates on seeds of P. vulgaris in the field which could be due to Slow‐Growth/High‐Mortality effects, a smaller physical refuge provided by the seed, or both factors. The roles of these mechanisms remain inconclusive without further study.  相似文献   

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