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Assessment of forest responses to climate change is severely hampered by the limited information on tree death on short temporal and broad spatial scales, particularly in tropical forests. We used 1‐m resolution panchromatic IKONOS and 0.7‐m resolution QuickBird satellite data, acquired in 2000 and 2002, respectively, to evaluate tree death rates at the La Selva Biological Station in old‐growth Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica, Central America. Using a calibration factor derived from ground inspection of tree deaths predicted from the images, we calculated a landscape‐scale annual exponential death rate of 2.8%. This corresponds closely to data for all canopy‐level trees in 18 forest inventory plots, each of 0.5 ha, for a mostly‐overlapping 2‐year period (2.8% per year). This study shows that high‐spatial‐resolution satellite data can now be used to measure old‐growth tropical rain forest tree death rates, suggesting many new avenues for tropical forest ecology and global change research.  相似文献   

Currently, it is unknown what role tropical forest soils will play in the future global carbon cycle under higher temperatures. Many tropical forests grow on deeply weathered soils and although it is generally accepted that soil carbon decomposition increases with higher temperatures, it is not known whether subsurface carbon pools are particularly responsive to increasing soil temperatures. Carbon dioxide (CO2) diffusing out of soils is an important flux in the global carbon. Although soil CO2 efflux has been the subject of many studies in recent years, it remains difficult to deduct controls of this flux because of the different sources that produce CO2 and because potential environmental controls like soil temperature and soil moisture often covary. Here, we report results of a 5‐year study in which we measured soil CO2 production on two deeply weathered soil types at different depths in an old‐growth tropical wet forest in Costa Rica. Three sites were developed on old river terraces (old alluvium) and the other three were developed on old lava flows (residual). Annual soil CO2 efflux varied between 2.8–3.6 μmol CO2‐C m?2 s?1 (old alluvium) and 3.4–3.9 μmol CO2‐C m?2 s?1 (residual). More than 75% of the CO2 was produced in the upper 0.5 m (including litter layer) and less than 7% originated from the soil below 1 m depth. This low contribution was explained by the lack of water stress in this tropical wet forest which has resulted in very low root biomass below 2 m depth. In the top 0.5 m CO2 production was positively correlated with both temperature and soil moisture; between 0.6 and 2 m depth CO2 production correlated negatively with soil moisture in one soil and positively with photosynthetically active radiation in the other soil type. Below 2 m soil CO2 production strongly increased with increasing temperature. In combination with reduced tree growth that has been shown for this ecosystem, this would be a strong positive feedback to ecosystem warming.  相似文献   

1. The distribution patterns of sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) upon tree buttresses were studied in tropical rain forest at Finca la Selva in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. 2. Four species of sandfly, Lutzomyia shannoni Dyar, L. trapidoi F. & H., L. ylephiletor F. & H. and L. vespertilionis F. & H. comprising 97% of those caught, used tree buttresses as diurnal resting sites. Their distribution on the buttresses was aggregated. 3. During the dry season tree species had no significant effect upon the distribution of the sandflies. However, during the wet season the distributions of two of the species, L. trapidoi and L. ylephiletor, were significantly affected by the species of tree; it is suggested that some species of tree may provide greater protection from rainfall than others. 4. L. vespertilionis was restricted to a single buttress on each positive tree. Distribution of this species is evidently determined by the distribution of its host animal, the bat (Emballonuridae). Female flies feed upon the bat's blood and male flies may be attracted to the bat as it provides a source of female sandflies. It is suggested, therefore, that tree buttresses serve as sandfly swarming sites. 5. Within a large buttress the sandflies are not randomly distributed but are aggregated in particular areas. Within these aggregations, the sandflies are vertically zoned upon the buttress with a shift in species composition with height. Two hypothesis were suggested to account for this distribution pattern: a response to an environmental gradient or an interaction between the four species of fly.  相似文献   

Plant functional trait variation in tropical forests results from taxonomic differences in phylogeny and associated genetic differences, as well as, phenotypic plastic responses to the environment. Accounting for the underlying mechanisms driving plant functional trait variation is important for understanding the potential rate of change of ecosystems since trait acclimation via phenotypic plasticity is very fast compared to shifts in community composition and genetic adaptation. We here applied a statistical technique to decompose the relative roles of phenotypic plasticity, genetic adaptation, and phylogenetic constraints. We examined typically obtained plant functional traits, such as wood density, plant height, specific leaf area, leaf area, leaf thickness, leaf dry mass content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf phosphorus content. We assumed that genetic differences in plant functional traits between species and genotypes increase with environmental heterogeneity and geographic distance, whereas trait variation due to plastic acclimation to the local environment is independent of spatial distance between sampling sites. Results suggest that most of the observed trait variation could not be explained by the measured environmental variables, thus indicating a limited potential to predict individual plant traits from commonly assessed parameters. However, we found a difference in the response of plant functional traits, such that leaf traits varied in response to canopy‐light regime and nutrient availability, whereas wood traits were related to topoedaphic factors and water availability. Our analysis furthermore revealed differences in the functional response of coexisting neotropical tree species, which suggests that endemic species with conservative ecological strategies might be especially prone to competitive exclusion under projected climate change.  相似文献   

1. In tropical rain forest, phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae), such as Lutzomyia vespertilionis and L.ylephiletor, have an aggregated distribution on their tree buttress diurnal resting sites, as studied during 1987-88 at Finca la Selva in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. 2. Experimental transfer of flies to trees not used as resting sites indicated that many apparently suitable sites remain unoccupied. 3. Observations of sandflies on the buttresses revealed that males and females are juxtaposed more frequently than expected by chance alone. Courtship behaviour by three of the four species of sandfly studied was observed on the buttresses. 4. It is suggested that the use of buttresses as swarming sites for mating behaviour is more likely to account for the observed distribution patterns of sandflies than their use of buttresses simply as diurnal resting sites.  相似文献   

海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林土壤和凋落物呼吸研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
采用 CI-30 1 PS红外 CO2 测定系统对海南岛尖峰岭热带山地雨林土壤和凋落物的呼吸进行测定结果表明 ,原始林土壤呼吸速率昼夜变化表现为多峰曲线 ,最高峰在 2 0 :0 0 ,在 1 2 :0 0和 4 :0 0~ 6 :0 0出现 2个次高峰 ,平均呼吸速率为1 0 .6 85 3μmol· m- 2· s- 1;更新林土壤呼吸速率变化大 ,平均为 1 4 .75 36 μmol· m- 2· s- 1,高峰主要在 1 3:0 0和 2 :0 0 ;凋落物分解过程在林地 CO2 排放总量中贡献很少 ,仅占 1 .74 1 %~ 2 .831 % ;原始林凋落物 CO2 排放量明显比更新林大 ,而各层的排放比例不一样 ,原始林是 b层 (半分解凋落物及腐殖质层 ) >a层 (未分解凋落物层 ) ,更新林是 b层相似文献   

As the influence of climate change on tropical forests becomes apparent, more studies are needed to understand how changes in climatic variables such as rainfall are likely to affect tree phenology. Using a twelve‐year dataset (2005–2016), we studied the impact of seasonal rainfall patterns on the fruiting phenology of 69 tree species in the rain forest of southeastern Madagascar. We found that average annual rainfall in this region has increased by >800 mm (23%) during this period relative to that recorded for the previous 40 years and was highly variable both within and between years. Higher monthly measures of fruiting richness and the intensity of fruiting in our sample community were associated with significantly higher levels of rainfall. We also found that less rainfall during the dry season, but not the wet season, was associated with a significant shift toward later timing of peak richness and peak intensity of fruiting in the subsequent 12 months; however, this pattern was driven primarily by an extreme drought event that occurred during the study period. Longer time scales of phenology data are needed to see whether this pattern is consistent. Madagascar is expected to experience more extremes in rainfall and drought with increasing climate change. Thus, the linkages between variable precipitation and the fruiting phenology of forest trees will have important consequences for understanding plant reproduction and the ability of Madagascar's wildlife to cope with a changing climate.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to quantify and compare soil CO2 efflux of two dominant soil types in an old-growth neotropical rain forest in the Atlantic zone of Costa Rica, and to evaluate the control of environmental factors on CO2 release. We measured soil CO2 efflux from eight permanent soil chambers on six Oxisol sites. Three sites were developed on old river terraces (old alluvium) and the other three were developed on old lava flows (residual). At the same time we measured soil CO2 concentrations, soil water content and soil temperature at various depths in 6 soil shafts (3 m deep). Between old alluvium sites, the two-year average CO2 flux rates ranged from 117.3 to 128.9 mg C m–2 h–1. Significantly higher soil CO2 flux occurred on the residual sites (141.1 to 184.2 mg C m–2 h–1). Spatial differences in CO2 efflux were related to fine root biomass, soil carbon and phosphorus concentration but also to soil water content. Spatial variability in CO2 storage was high and the amount of CO2 stored in the upper and lower soil profile was different between old alluvial and residual sites. The major factor identified for explaining temporal variations in soil CO2 efflux was soil water content. During periods of high soil water content CO2 emission decreased, probably due to lower diffusion and CO2 production rates. During the 2-year study period inter-annual variation in soil CO2 efflux was not detected.  相似文献   

几种热带雨林与荒漠植物暗呼吸作用对高CO_2浓度的响应   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
使用 L I6400 便携式光合作用测定系统测定了美国生物圈二号内长期生长在高 C O2 浓度(> 1500μm ol/m ol)下 5种热带雨林植物与 5 种荒漠植物暗呼吸强度的变化。结果表明:在 350~400μm ol/m ol下 5 种雨林植物的平均暗呼吸强度为(056±019)μm ol C O2/m 2·s;荒漠植物平均为(098±072)μm ol C O2/m 2·s。在 C O2 浓度升高时大部分 C3 植物暗呼吸作用升高,并呈一定的线形关系。当 C O2 浓度加倍时,雨林植物暗呼吸强度升高61% ;荒漠 C3 植物升高134% ,而 C4 植物变化不明显或略有下降。因而认为,长期高 C O2 浓度可促进 C3 植物的暗呼吸作用。  相似文献   

Tropical forests are a significant global source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Predicted environmental changes for this biome highlight the need to understand how simultaneous changes in precipitation and labile carbon (C) availability may affect soil N2O production. We conducted a small‐scale throughfall and leaf litter manipulation in a lowland tropical forest in southwestern Costa Rica to test how potential changes in both water and litter derived labile C inputs to soils may alter N2O emissions. Experimentally reducing throughfall in this wet tropical forest significantly increased soil emissions of N2O, and our data suggest that at least part of this response was driven by an increase in the concentration of dissolved organic carbon [DOC] inputs delivered from litter to soil under the drier conditions. Furthermore, [DOC] was significantly correlated with N2O emissions across both throughfall and litterfall manipulation plots, despite the fact that native NO3? pools in this site were generally small. Our results highlight the importance of understanding not only the potential direct effects of changing precipitation on soil biogeochemistry, but also the indirect effects resulting from interactions between the hydrologic, C and N cycles. Finally, over all sampling events we observed lower mean N2O emissions (<1 ng N2O‐N cm?2 h?1) than reported for many other lowland tropical forests, perhaps reflecting a more general pattern of increasing relative N constraints to biological activity as one moves from drier to wetter portions of the lowland tropical forest biome.  相似文献   

In order to quantify and characterize the variance in rainforest tree physiology, whole tree sap flow responses to local environmental conditions were investigated in 10 species of trees with diverse traits at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. A simple model was developed to predict tree sap flow responses to a synthetic environmental variable generated by a principle components analysis. The best fit was obtained with a sigmoid function which explained between 74 and 93% of the variation in sap flux of individual trees. Sap flow reached an asymptote where higher light and evaporative demand did not cause sap flux to increase further. Soil moisture had little influence on sap flux. The morphological characteristics of the trees significantly affected sap flow; taller trees responded to changes in environmental variables sooner than shorter trees and high liana cover buffered tree sap flow responses to weather. The effect of species‐specific differences on the model was small; the mean effectiveness of the model was reduced by 6% when parameters were estimated from a single pool of measurements taken from all individuals. The results indicate that sap flow response could be effectively estimated using a simple general model and composite environmental index for these 10 diverse tree species.  相似文献   

Nitrate reduction and denitrification were measured in swamp forest streams draining lowland rain forest on Costa Rica's Atlantic slope foothills using the C2H2-block assay and sediment-water nutrient fluxes. Denitrification assays using the C2H2-block technique indicated that the full suite of denitrifying enzymes were present in the sediment but that only a small fraction of the functional activity could be expressed without adding NO3 . Under optimal conditions, denitrification enzyme activity averaged 15 nmoles cm–3 sediment h–1. Areal NO3 reduction rates measured from NO3 loss in the overlying water of sediment-water flux chambers ranged from 65 to 470 umoles m–2 h–1. Oxygen loss rates accompanying NO3 depletion averaged 750 umoles m–2 h–1. Corrected for denitrification of NO3 oxidized from NH4 + in the sediment, gross NO3 reduction rates increase by 130 umoles m–2 h–1, indicating nitrification may be the predominant source of NO3 for NO3 reduction in swamp forest stream sediments. Under field conditions approximately 80% of the increase in inorganic N mass along a 1250-m reach of the Salto River was in the form of NO3 with the balance NH4 + . Scrutiny of potential inorganic N sources suggested that mineralized N released from the streambed was a major source of the inorganic N increase. Despite significant NO3 reduction potential, swamp forest stream sediments appear to be a source of inorganic N to downstream communities.  相似文献   

Contrary to large areas in Amazonia of tropical moist forests with a pronounced dry season, tropical wet forests in Costa Rica do not depend on deep roots to maintain an evergreen forest canopy through the year. At our Costa Rican tropical wet forest sites, we found a large carbon stock in the subsoil of deeply weathered Oxisols, even though only 0.04–0.2% of the measured root biomass (>2 mm diameter) to 3 m depth was below 2 m. In addition, we demonstrate that 20% or more of this deep soil carbon (depending on soil type) can be mobilized after forest clearing for pasture establishment. Microbial activity between 0.3 and 3 m depth contributed about 50% to the microbial activity in these soils, confirming the importance of the subsoil in C cycling. Depending on soil type, forest clearing for pasture establishment led from no change to a slight addition of carbon in the topsoil (0–0.3 m depth). However, this effect was countered by a substantial loss of C stocks in the subsoil (1–3 m depth). Our results show that large stocks of relatively labile carbon are not limited to areas with a prolonged dry season, but can also be found in deeply weathered soils below tropical wet forests. Forest clearing in such areas may produce unexpectedly high C losses from the subsoil.  相似文献   

Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) transport/retention was determined in two rain forest streams (Salto, Pantano) draining La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. There, SRP levels can be naturally high due to groundwater enriched by geothermal activity within the surfically dormant volcanic landscape, and subsequently discharged at ambient temperature. Combined field and laboratory approaches simulated high but natural geothermal SRP input with the objective of estimating the magnitude of amended SRP retention within high and low SRP settings and determining the underlying mechanisms of SRP retention. First, we examined short-term SRP retention/transport using combined SRP-conservative tracer additions at high natural in situ concentrations. Second, we attempted to observe a DIN response during SRP amendment as an indicator of biological uptake. Third, we determined SRP release/retention using laboratory sediment assays under control and biologically inhibited conditions. Short-term in situ tracer-SRP additions indicated retention in both naturally high and low SRP reaches. Retention of added SRP mass in Upper Salto (low SRP) was 17% (7.5 mg-P m−2 h−1), and 20% (10.9 mg-P m−2 h−1) in Lower Salto (high SRP). No DIN response in either nitrate or ammonium was observed. Laboratory assays using fresh Lower Salto sediments indicated SRP release (15.4 ± 5.9 μg-P g dry wt.−1 h−1), when incubated in filter sterilized Salto water at ambient P concentration, but retention when incubated in filter sterilized river water amended to 2.0 mg SRP l−1 (233.2 ± 5.8 μg-P g dry wt.−1 h−1). SRP uptake/release was similar in both control- and biocide-treated sediments indicating predominantly abiotic retention. High SRP retention even under biologically saturated conditions, absence of a DIN response to amendment, patterns of desorption following amendment, and similar patterns of retention and release under control and biologically inhibited conditions all indicated predominantly abiotic P flux.  相似文献   

Soil CO2 concentrations and emissions from tropical forests are modulated seasonally by precipitation. However, subseasonal responses to meteorological events (e.g., storms, drought) are less well known. Here, we present the effects of meteorological variability on short‐term (hours to months) dynamics of soil CO2 concentrations and emissions in a Neotropical wet forest. We continuously monitored soil temperature, moisture, and CO2 for a three‐year period (2015–2017), encompassing normal conditions, floods, a dry El Niño period, and a hurricane. We used a coupled model (Hydrus‐1D) for soil water propagation, heat transfer, and diffusive gas transport to explain observed soil moisture, soil temperature, and soil CO2 concentration responses to meteorology, and we estimated soil CO2 efflux with a gradient‐flux model. Then, we predicted changes in soil CO2 concentrations and emissions under different warming climate change scenarios. Observed short‐term (hourly to daily) soil CO2 concentration responded more to precipitation than to other meteorological variables (including lower pressure during the hurricane). Observed soil CO2 failed to exhibit diel patterns (associated with diel temperature fluctuations in drier climates), except during the drier El Niño period. Climate change scenarios showed enhanced soil CO2 due to warmer conditions, while precipitation played a critical role in moderating the balance between concentrations and emissions. The scenario with increased precipitation (based on a regional model projection) led to increases of +11% in soil CO2 concentrations and +4% in soil CO2 emissions. The scenario with decreased precipitation (based on global circulation model projections) resulted in increases of +4% in soil CO2 concentrations and +18% in soil CO2 emissions, and presented more prominent hot moments in soil CO2 outgassing. These findings suggest that soil CO2 will increase under warmer climate in tropical wet forests, and precipitation patterns will define the intensity of CO2 outgassing hot moments.  相似文献   

热带山地雨林CO2浓度环境的时空梯度特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
基于2000年旱、雨季梯度观测结果叠加分析晴及晴间少云天气,山地雨林垂直CO2浓度雨季在333~350ml/m3的时间空间特征显著即800~1800林内1 6m至冠顶28m,较旱季浓度分别小10~21、7~20.2ml/n3,夜间呼吸影响空间的最大浓度均在近林地上5m、出现时段有季节性差别.800~1800林冠上CO 2浓度梯度、气温梯度表明,大气至林冠的CO2通量和冠层指向大气的热通量特征显著,夜间则梯度值减小、方向相反,且雨季晴天的△Ct/△Z大于旱季,旱季气温梯度大于雨季;林内二氧化碳垂直梯度(△Ct/△Z<0)昼夜均小于零,即林地指向上层的CO2通量特征显著,且两类天气均表现出雨季的浓度梯度大于相应的旱季.从而,科学地揭示出在28m的山地雨林垂直高度上,植物光合固定CO2最多而导致空间浓度最低的季节、天气、时间和空间,同时证实冠上两个高度实时气温与相应CO2浓度成CCO2.=a10b/T.而山地雨林水汽压时空则较为直观地解释了蒸发、扩散和乱流机制影响的效果以及雨林"雨"形成的特征.  相似文献   

In the tropics of South China, climate change induced more rainfall events in the wet season in the last decades. Moreover, there will be more frequently spring drought in the future. However, knowledge on how litter decomposition rate would respond to these seasonal precipitation changes is still limited. In the present study, we conducted a precipitation manipulation experiment in a tropical forest. First, we applied a 60% rainfall exclusion in April and May to defer the onset of wet season and added the same amount of water in October and November to mimic a deferred wet season (DW); second, we increased as much as 25% mean annual precipitation into plots in July and August to simulate a wetter wet season (WW). Five single‐species litters, with their carbon to nitrogen ratio ranged from 27 to 49, and a mixed litter were used to explore how the precipitation change treatments would affect litter decomposition rate. The interaction between precipitation changes and litter species was not significant. The DW treatment marginally accelerated litter decomposition across six litter types. Detailed analysis showed that DW increased litter decomposition rate in the periods of January to March and October to December, when soil moisture was increased by the water addition in the dry season. In contrast, WW did not significantly affect litter decomposition rate, which was consistent with the unchanged soil moisture pattern. In conclusion, the study indicated that regardless of litter types or litter quality, the projected deferred wet season would increase litter decomposition rate, whereas the wetter wet season would not affect litter decomposition rate in the tropical forests. This study improves our knowledge of how tropical forest carbon cycling in response to precipitation change.  相似文献   

Fire at the dry southern margin of the Amazon rainforest could have major consequences for regional soil carbon (C) storage and ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but relatively little information exists about impacts of fire on soil C cycling within this sensitive ecotone. We measured CO2 effluxes from different soil components (ground surface litter, roots, mycorrhizae, soil organic matter) at a large‐scale burn experiment designed to simulate a severe but realistic potential future scenario for the region (Fire plot) in Mato Grosso, Brazil, over 1 year, and compared these measurements to replicated data from a nearby, unmodified Control plot. After four burns over 5 years, soil CO2 efflux (Rs) was ~5.5 t C ha?1 year?1 lower on the Fire plot compared to the Control. Most of the Fire plot Rs reduction was specifically due to lower ground surface litter and root respiration. Mycorrhizal respiration on both plots was around ~20% of Rs. Soil surface temperature appeared to be more important than moisture as a driver of seasonal patterns in Rs at the site. Regular fire events decreased the seasonality of Rs at the study site, due to apparent differences in environmental sensitivities among biotic and abiotic soil components. These findings may contribute toward improved predictions of the amount and temporal pattern of C emissions across the large areas of tropical forest facing increasing fire disturbances associated with climate change and human activities.  相似文献   

The climate has important influences on the distribution and structure of forest ecosystems, which may lead to vital feedback to climate change. However, much of the existing work focuses on the changes in carbon fluxes or water cycles due to climate change and/or atmospheric CO2, and few studies have considered how and to what extent climate change and CO2 influence the ecosystem structure (e.g., fractional coverage change) and the changes in the responses of ecosystems with different characteristics. In this work, two dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs): IAP‐DGVM coupled with CLM3 and CLM4‐CNDV, were used to investigate the response of the forest ecosystem structure to changes in climate (temperature and precipitation) and CO2 concentration. In the temperature sensitivity tests, warming reduced the global area‐averaged ecosystem gross primary production in the two models, which decreased global forest area. Furthermore, the changes in tree fractional coverage (ΔFtree; %) from the two models were sensitive to the regional temperature and ecosystem structure, i.e., the mean annual temperature (MAT; °C) largely determined whether ΔFtree was positive or negative, while the tree fractional coverage (Ftree; %) played a decisive role in the amplitude of ΔFtree around the globe, and the dependence was more remarkable in IAP‐DGVM. In cases with precipitation change, Ftree had a uniformly positive relationship with precipitation, especially in the transition zones of forests (30% < Ftree < 60%) for IAP‐DGVM and in semiarid and arid regions for CLM4‐CNDV. Moreover, ΔFtree had a stronger dependence on Ftree than on the mean annual precipitation (MAP; mm/year). It was also demonstrated that both models captured the fertilization effects of the CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

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