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1. Rapid environmental change occurring in high‐latitude regions has the potential to cause extensive thawing of permafrost. Retrogressive thaw slumps are a particularly spectacular form of permafrost degradation that can significantly impact lake–water chemistry; however, to date, the effects on aquatic biota have received little attention. 2. We used a diatom‐based palaeolimnological approach featuring a paired lake study design to examine the impact of thaw slumping on freshwater ecosystems in the low Arctic of western Canada. We compared biological responses in six lakes affected by permafrost degradation with six undisturbed, reference lakes. 3. Slump‐affected lakes exhibited greater biological change than the paired reference systems, although all systems have undergone ecologically significant changes over the last 200 years. Four of the six reference systems showed an increase in the relative abundance of planktonic algal taxa (diatoms and scaled chrysophytes), the earliest beginning about 1900, consistent with increased temperature trends in this region. 4. The response of sedimentary diatoms to thaw slumping was understandably variable, but primarily related to the intensity of disturbance and associated changes in aquatic habitat. Five of the slump‐affected lakes recorded increases in the abundance and diversity of periphytic diatoms at the presumed time of slump initiation, consistent with increased water clarity and subsequent development of aquatic macrophyte communities. Slump‐affected lakes generally displayed lower nutrient levels; however, in one system, thaw slumping, induced by an intense fire at the site in 1968, ostensibly led to pronounced nutrient enrichment that persists today. 5. Our results demonstrate that retrogressive thaw slumping represents an important stressor to the biological communities of lakes in the western Canadian Arctic and can result in a number of limnological changes. We also show that palaeolimnological methods are effective for inferring the timing and response of aquatic ecosystems to permafrost degradation. These findings provide the first long‐term perspective on the biological response to permafrost thaw, a stressor that will become increasingly important as northern landscapes respond to climate change.  相似文献   

Permafrost thaw causes the seasonally thawed active layer to deepen, causing the Arctic to shift toward carbon release as soil organic matter becomes susceptible to decomposition. Ground subsidence initiated by ice loss can cause these soils to collapse abruptly, rapidly shifting soil moisture as microtopography changes and also accelerating carbon and nutrient mobilization. The uncertainty of soil moisture trajectories during thaw makes it difficult to predict the role of abrupt thaw in suppressing or exacerbating carbon losses. In this study, we investigated the role of shifting soil moisture conditions on carbon dioxide fluxes during a 13-year permafrost warming experiment that exhibited abrupt thaw. Warming deepened the active layer differentially across treatments, leading to variable rates of subsidence and formation of thermokarst depressions. In turn, differential subsidence caused a gradient of moisture conditions, with some plots becoming consistently inundated with water within thermokarst depressions and others exhibiting generally dry, but more variable soil moisture conditions outside of thermokarst depressions. Experimentally induced permafrost thaw initially drove increasing rates of growing season gross primary productivity (GPP), ecosystem respiration (Reco), and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) (higher carbon uptake), but the formation of thermokarst depressions began to reverse this trend with a high level of spatial heterogeneity. Plots that subsided at the slowest rate stayed relatively dry and supported higher CO2 fluxes throughout the 13-year experiment, while plots that subsided very rapidly into the center of a thermokarst feature became consistently wet and experienced a rapid decline in growing season GPP, Reco, and NEE (lower carbon uptake or carbon release). These findings indicate that Earth system models, which do not simulate subsidence and often predict drier active layer conditions, likely overestimate net growing season carbon uptake in abruptly thawing landscapes.  相似文献   

The carbon (C) storage capacity of northern latitude ecosystems may diminish as warming air temperatures increase permafrost thaw and stimulate decomposition of previously frozen soil organic C. However, warming may also enhance plant growth so that photosynthetic carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake may, in part, offset respiratory losses. To determine the effects of air and soil warming on CO2 exchange in tundra, we established an ecosystem warming experiment – the Carbon in Permafrost Experimental Heating Research (CiPEHR) project – in the northern foothills of the Alaska Range in Interior Alaska. We used snow fences coupled with spring snow removal to increase deep soil temperatures and thaw depth (winter warming) and open‐top chambers to increase growing season air temperatures (summer warming). Winter warming increased soil temperature (integrated 5–40 cm depth) by 1.5 °C, which resulted in a 10% increase in growing season thaw depth. Surprisingly, the additional 2 kg of thawed soil C m?2 in the winter warming plots did not result in significant changes in cumulative growing season respiration, which may have been inhibited by soil saturation at the base of the active layer. In contrast to the limited effects on growing‐season C dynamics, winter warming caused drastic changes in winter respiration and altered the annual C balance of this ecosystem by doubling the net loss of CO2 to the atmosphere. While most changes to the abiotic environment at CiPEHR were driven by winter warming, summer warming effects on plant and soil processes resulted in 20% increases in both gross primary productivity and growing season ecosystem respiration and significantly altered the age and sources of CO2 respired from this ecosystem. These results demonstrate the vulnerability of organic C stored in near surface permafrost to increasing temperatures and the strong potential for warming tundra to serve as a positive feedback to global climate change.  相似文献   

Shrub expansion may reduce summer permafrost thaw in Siberian tundra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Climate change is expected to cause extensive vegetation changes in the Arctic: deciduous shrubs are already expanding, in response to climate warming. The results from transect studies suggest that increasing shrub cover will impact significantly on the surface energy balance. However, little is known about the direct effects of shrub cover on permafrost thaw during summer. We experimentally quantified the influence of Betula nana cover on permafrost thaw in a moist tundra site in northeast Siberia with continuous permafrost. We measured the thaw depth of the soil, also called the active layer thickness (ALT), ground heat flux and net radiation in 10 m diameter plots with natural B. nana cover (control plots) and in plots in which B. nana was removed (removal plots). Removal of B. nana increased ALT by 9% on average late in the growing season, compared with control plots. Differences in ALT correlated well with differences in ground heat flux between the control plots and B. nana removal plots. In the undisturbed control plots, we found an inverse correlation between B. nana cover and late growing season ALT. These results suggest that the expected expansion of deciduous shrubs in the Arctic region, triggered by climate warming, may reduce summer permafrost thaw. Increased shrub growth may thus partially offset further permafrost degradation by future temperature increases. Permafrost models need to include a dynamic vegetation component to accurately predict future permafrost thaw.  相似文献   

1. Shallow lakes may switch from a state dominated by submerged macrophytes to a phytoplankton‐dominated state when a critical nutrient concentration is exceeded. We explore how climate change may affect this critical nutrient concentration by linking a graphical model to data from 83 lakes along a large climate gradient in South America. 2. The data indicate that in warmer climates, submerged macrophytes may tolerate more underwater shade than in cooler lakes. By contrast, the relationship between phytoplankton biomass [approximated by chlorophyll‐a (chl‐a) or biovolume] and nutrient concentrations did not change consistently along the climate gradient. In warmer climates, the correlation between phytoplankton biomass and nutrient concentrations was overall weak, especially at low total phosphorus (TP) concentrations where the chl‐a/ TP ratio could be either low or high. 3. Although the enhanced shade tolerance of submerged plants in warmer lakes might promote the stability of their dominance, the potentially high phytoplankton biomass at low nutrient concentrations suggests an overall low predictability of climate effects. 4. We found that near‐bottom oxygen concentrations are lower in warm lakes than in cooler lakes, implying that anoxic P release from eutrophic sediment in warm lakes likely causes higher TP concentrations in the water column. Subsequently, this may lead to a higher phytoplankton biomass in warmer lakes than in cooler lakes with similar external nutrient loadings. 5. Our results indicate that climate effects on the competitive balance between submerged macrophytes and phytoplankton are not straightforward.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that shallow lakes in warm climates have a higher probability of being turbid, rather than macrophyte dominated, compared with lakes in cooler climates, but little field evidence exists to evaluate this hypothesis. We analyzed data from 782 lake years in different climate zones in North America, South America, and Europe. We tested if systematic differences exist in the relationship between the abundance of submerged macrophytes and environmental factors such as lake depth and nutrient levels. In the pooled dataset the proportion of lakes with substantial submerged macrophyte coverage (> 30% of the lake area) decreased in a sigmoidal way with increasing total phosphorus (TP) concentration, falling most steeply between 0.05 and 0.2 mg L−1. Substantial submerged macrophyte coverage was also rare in lakes with total nitrogen (TN) concentrations above 1–2 mg L−1, except for lakes with very low TP concentrations where macrophytes remain abundant until higher TN concentrations. The deviance reduction of logistic regression models predicting macrophyte coverage from nutrients and water depth was generally low, and notably lowest in tropical and subtropical regions (Brazil, Uruguay, and Florida), suggesting that macrophyte coverage was strongly influenced by other factors. The maximum TP concentration allowing substantial submerged macrophyte coverage was clearly higher in cold regions with more frost days. This is in agreement with other studies which found a large influence of ice cover duration on shallow lakes' ecology through partial fish kills that may improve light conditions for submerged macrophytes by cascading effects on periphyton and phytoplankton. Our findings suggest that, in regions where climatic warming is projected to lead to fewer frost days, macrophyte cover will decrease unless the nutrient levels are lowered.  相似文献   

In the Low Arctic, a warming climate is increasing rates of permafrost degradation and altering vegetation. Disturbance associated with warming permafrost can change microclimate and expose areas of ion-rich mineral substrate for colonization by plants. Consequently, the response of vegetation to warming air temperatures may differ significantly from disturbed to undisturbed tundra. Across a latitudinal air temperature gradient, we tested the hypothesis that the microenvironment in thaw slumps would be warmer and more nutrient rich than undisturbed tundra, resulting in altered plant community composition and increased green alder ( Alnus viridis subsp. fruticosa ) growth and reproduction. Our results show increased nutrient availability, soil pH, snow pack, ground temperatures, and active layer thickness in disturbed terrain and suggest that these variables are important drivers of plant community structure. We also found increased productivity, catkin production, and seed viability of green alder at disturbed sites. Altered community composition and enhancement of alder growth and reproduction show that disturbances exert a strong influence on deciduous shrubs that make slumps potential seed sources for undisturbed tundra. Overall, these results indicate that accelerated disturbance regimes have the potential to magnify the effects of warming temperature on vegetation. Consequently, understanding the relative effects of temperature and disturbance on Arctic plant communities is critical to predicting feedbacks between northern ecosystems and global climate change.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes in saline lakes of the Canadian prairies   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
Vascular macrophyte species richness decreases with increasing salinity. Only three species of submerged plants (Potamogeton pectinatus, Ruppia maritima, R. occidentalis) tolerate hypersaline waters (>50 g l-1, total of ionic constituents). Eight emergent species occur in more saline habitats but only five (Scirpus maritimus var. paludosus, Distichlisstricta, Puccinellia nuttalliana, Scirpus americanus, Triglochin maritima) occur commonly over a range of saline lakes into the hypersaline category. Usually, species tolerant of high salinities are found over the entire saline spectrum and even extend into subsaline waters (<3 g l-1) and thrive there. A major increase in the number of species occurs below 5 g l-1. As the water recedes plants such as Salicornia rubra, Suaeda calceoliformes, Hordeum jubatum and Sonchus arvensis invade.Submerged angiosperm distribution is controlled by total ion concentration and substrate texture plays no apparent role. Although angiosperms normally grow in all kinds of substrates, they occupy coarse substrates in Wakaw lake because suitable fine substrates are densely colonized by charophytes. In this lake light limited growth occurs to a depth of 5% of surface light. Light was not limiting in Redberry Lake but angiosperm growth was limited to the upper 8 m (10% or more of surface light). Thermal stratification and depth (pressure) were probably limiting istead. In meromictic Waldsea Lake the depth of the chemocline (6 m, 5% surface light) delimits angiosperm growth.  相似文献   

北极苔原土壤中可培养细菌的分离及其抗菌活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】北极地区具有高纬度、低温、高辐射等独特的环境条件。北冰洋及周围大面积的陆地区域鲜有人类踪迹,其中微生物数量不可低估。本研究旨在了解北极土壤中的可培养微生物的多样性及其抗菌活性。【方法】对来源于北极黄河站附近的7份不同植物根下苔原土壤进行直接涂布和富集培养后涂布。【结果】共获得细菌菌株721株,对其中608株进行细菌16S rRNA基因序列测定,归属于86个属,229个种,主要分布于变形菌门(Proteobacteria,54.3%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,21.2%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,12.8%)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,10.0%)和奇异球菌门(Deinococcus-Thermus,1.6%)。其中从16S rRNA基因序列同源性推测有22株细菌菌株为潜在新种/属。从分离菌株中筛选出16株可抑制金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus)或鲍氏不动杆菌(Acinetobacterbaumannii)生长的拮抗菌。【结论】获得了北极土壤地区特有的微生物菌株资源,为进一步筛选拮抗菌的活性物质提供了菌株基础。  相似文献   

随着全球气候变化加剧及水利工程的快速发展,湖泊水动力状况发生了显著变化。通过影响湖泊水体和沉积物理化性质,水动力变化可以作用于沉水植物生存、生长与分布等方面。在长期适应进化过程中,沉水植物演化出了一系列有效的适应策略,能一定程度上克服水动力变化的负面影响。但当前湖泊水动力变化程度远超沉水植物适应上限,湖泊沉水植物消退已成为全球普遍现象。了解沉水植物适应水动力条件的过程有助于揭示湖泊沉水植被退化机制,为未来沉水植物的保护和恢复提供借鉴。因此,本文系统综述当前湖泊水动力变化成因,水动力变化对沉水植物的不利影响及沉水植物适应策略,包括:繁殖对策、形态学对策、生理对策等。同时,综述当前研究进展,今后还需大力加强沉水植物解剖学及物种忍耐力差异方面的研究。  相似文献   

Boreal permafrost soils store large amounts of organic carbon (OC). Parts of this carbon (C) might be black carbon (BC) generated during vegetation fires. Rising temperature and permafrost degradation is expected to have different consequences for OC and BC, because BC is considered to be a refractory subfraction of soil organic matter. To get some insight into stocks, variability, and characteristics of BC in permafrost soils, we estimated the benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) method‐specific composition and storage of BC, i.e. BPCA‐BC, in a 0.44 km2‐sized catchment at the forest tundra ecotone in northern Siberia. Furthermore, we assessed the BPCA‐BC export with the stream draining the catchment. The catchment is composed of various landscape units with south‐southwest (SSW) exposed mineral soils characterized by thick active layer or lacking permafrost, north‐northeast (NNE) faced mineral soils with thin active layer, and permafrost‐affected raised bogs in plateau positions showing in part thermokarst formation. There were indications of vegetation fires at all landscape units. BC was ubiquitous in the catchment soils and BPCA‐BC amounted to 0.6–3.0% of OC. This corresponded to a BC storage of 22–3440 g m?2. The relative contribution of BPCA‐BC to OC, as well as the absolute stocks of BPCA‐BC were largest in the intact bogs with a shallow active layer followed by mineral soils of the NNE aspects. In both landscape units, a large proportion of BPCA‐BC was stored within the permafrost. In contrast, mineral soils with thick active layer or lacking permafrost and organic soils subjected to thermokarst formation stored less BPCA‐BC. Permafrost is, hence, not only a crucial factor in the storage of OC but also of BC. In the stream water BPCA‐BC amounted on an average to 3.9% of OC, and a yearly export of 0.10 g BPCA‐BC m?2 was calculated, most of it occurring during the period of snow melt with dominance of surface flow. This suggests that BC mobility in dissolved and colloidal phase is an important pathway of BC export from the catchment. Such a transport mechanism may explain the high BC concentrations found in sediments of the Arctic Ocean.  相似文献   

Rapid Arctic warming is expected to increase global greenhouse gas concentrations as permafrost thaw exposes immense stores of frozen carbon (C) to microbial decomposition. Permafrost thaw also stimulates plant growth, which could offset C loss. Using data from 7 years of experimental Air and Soil warming in moist acidic tundra, we show that Soil warming had a much stronger effect on CO2 flux than Air warming. Soil warming caused rapid permafrost thaw and increased ecosystem respiration (Reco), gross primary productivity (GPP), and net summer CO2 storage (NEE). Over 7 years Reco, GPP, and NEE also increased in Control (i.e., ambient plots), but this change could be explained by slow thaw in Control areas. In the initial stages of thaw, Reco, GPP, and NEE increased linearly with thaw across all treatments, despite different rates of thaw. As thaw in Soil warming continued to increase linearly, ground surface subsidence created saturated microsites and suppressed Reco, GPP, and NEE. However Reco and GPP remained high in areas with large Eriophorum vaginatum biomass. In general NEE increased with thaw, but was more strongly correlated with plant biomass than thaw, indicating that higher Reco in deeply thawed areas during summer months was balanced by GPP. Summer CO2 flux across treatments fit a single quadratic relationship that captured the functional response of CO2 flux to thaw, water table depth, and plant biomass. These results demonstrate the importance of indirect thaw effects on CO2 flux: plant growth and water table dynamics. Nonsummer Reco models estimated that the area was an annual CO2 source during all years of observation. Nonsummer CO2 loss in warmer, more deeply thawed soils exceeded the increases in summer GPP, and thawed tundra was a net annual CO2 source.  相似文献   

不同基质对四种沉水植物生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
通过模拟试验,研究了太湖五里湖主要3种基质类型(沙石、生土、湖泥)对4种沉水植物(苦草、马来眼子菜、金鱼藻、轮叶黑藻)生长的影响. 结果表明,生长于沙石、生土、湖泥上的苦草和马来眼子菜平均生物量分别为72.37、126.25、134.10 g和40.0、72.10、90.70 g,而金鱼藻和轮叶黑藻平均生物量分别为0.27、6.58、73.64 g和0.17、3.26、84.42 g,说明湖泥较适合这四种沉水植物生长. 苦草和马来眼子菜对相对贫瘠的生土有较强的适应性,而金鱼藻和轮叶黑藻不适宜在生土中生长. 生长在沙石上的4种沉水植物的生物量和株高最低,其中金鱼藻和轮叶黑藻于试验期间死亡.苦草的根系活力(TTC)低于马来眼子菜,生长在沙石、生土、湖泥中苦草的根系活力分别为0、(0.16±0.05) mg·g-1·h-1和(0.36±0.33) mg·g-1·h-1,而马来眼子菜则分别为(2.68±0.34) mg·g-1·h-1、(2.30±0.77) mg·g-1·h-1、(5.24±0.67) mg·g-1·h-1. 叶绿素、质膜透性和丙二醛(MDA)的测定结果进一步证明了以上结论.此外,苦草、马来眼子菜和轮叶黑藻对基质有较强的沁氧能力,其大小顺序为苦草>马来眼子菜>轮叶黑藻.  相似文献   

Understanding the response of permafrost microbial communities to climate warming is crucial for evaluating ecosystem feedbacks to global change. This study investigated soil bacterial and archaeal communities by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons across a permafrost thaw gradient at different depths in Alaska with thaw progression for over three decades. Over 4.6 million passing 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained from a total of 97 samples, corresponding to 61 known classes and 470 genera. Soil depth and the associated soil physical–chemical properties had predominant impacts on the diversity and composition of the microbial communities. Both richness and evenness of the microbial communities decreased with soil depth. Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Alpha‐ and Gamma‐Proteobacteria dominated the microbial communities in the upper horizon, whereas abundances of Bacteroidetes, Delta‐Proteobacteria and Firmicutes increased towards deeper soils. Effects of thaw progression were absent in microbial communities in the near‐surface organic soil, probably due to greater temperature variation. Thaw progression decreased the abundances of the majority of the associated taxa in the lower organic soil, but increased the abundances of those in the mineral soil, including groups potentially involved in recalcitrant C degradation (Actinomycetales, Chitinophaga, etc.). The changes in microbial communities may be related to altered soil C sources by thaw progression. Collectively, this study revealed different impacts of thaw in the organic and mineral horizons and suggests the importance of studying both the upper and deeper soils while evaluating microbial responses to permafrost thaw.  相似文献   

The distribution of submerged macrophytes in eutrophic lakes has been found to be skewed towards sites with intermediate exposure to waves. Low submerged macrophyte biomass at exposed sites has been explained by, for instance, physical damage from waves. The aim of this study was to investigate if lower biomass at sheltered sites compared to sites with intermediate exposure to waves can be caused by competition from epiphyton.Investigations were performed in eutrophic lakes in southern Sweden. Samples of submerged macrophytes and epiphytic algae on the macrophytes were taken along a wave exposure gradient. The amount of epiphyton (AFDW) per macrophyte biomass decreased with increased exposure. Biomass of submerged macrophytes, on the other hand, increased with increased exposure until a relatively abrupt disappearance of submerged vegetation occurred at high exposures. Production of epiphytic algae was monitored on artificial substrates from June to September at a sheltered and an exposed site in three lakes. It was higher at sheltered sites compared with exposed sites.We suggest that epiphytic algae may be an important factor in limiting the distribution of submerged macrophytes at sheltered sites in eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

李宽意 《生态学杂志》2009,28(12):2624-2627
以外来种伊乐藻与土著种苦草为实验生物,通过室外受控实验研究了基质类型对2种水生植物种间关系的影响.结果表明:伊乐藻在2种不同营养水平的基质中均具有明显竞争优势.植物竞争(混栽伊乐藻)对低密度苦草的生长影响不明显,对密度高苦草抑制显著,然而基质类型对低密度苦草的生长影响显著,对高密度苦草无明显影响.同样,植物竞争(混栽苦草)对低密度伊乐藻的生长无明显影响,对密度高伊乐藻抑制显著,然而,无论种植密度高低,基质类型对伊乐藻的生长均有极大影响.本文还对伊乐藻与苦草的种间竞争关系机理进行了探讨,其研究结果对分析外来种入侵后水生植被的演变规律以及湖泊水生植被的管理有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

Circumpolar expansion of tall shrubs and trees into Arctic tundra is widely thought to be occurring as a result of recent climate warming, but little quantitative evidence exists for northern Siberia, which encompasses the world's largest forest‐tundra ecotonal belt. We quantified changes in tall shrub and tree canopy cover in 11, widely distributed Siberian ecotonal landscapes by comparing very high‐resolution photography from the Cold War‐era ‘Gambit’ and ‘Corona’ satellite surveillance systems (1965–1969) with modern imagery. We also analyzed within‐landscape patterns of vegetation change to evaluate the susceptibility of different landscape components to tall shrub and tree increase. The total cover of tall shrubs and trees increased in nine of 11 ecotones. In northwest Siberia, alder (Alnus) shrubland cover increased 5.3–25.9% in five ecotones. In Taymyr and Yakutia, larch (Larix) cover increased 3.0–6.7% within three ecotones, but declined 16.8% at a fourth ecotone due to thaw of ice‐rich permafrost. In Chukotka, the total cover of alder and dwarf pine (Pinus) increased 6.1% within one ecotone and was little changed at a second ecotone. Within most landscapes, shrub and tree increase was linked to specific geomorphic settings, especially those with active disturbance regimes such as permafrost patterned‐ground, floodplains, and colluvial hillslopes. Mean summer temperatures increased at most ecotones since the mid‐1960s, but rates of shrub and tree canopy cover expansion were not strongly correlated with temperature trends and were better correlated with mean annual precipitation. We conclude that shrub and tree cover is increasing in tundra ecotones across most of northern Siberia, but rates of increase vary widely regionally and at the landscape scale. Our results indicate that extensive changes can occur within decades in moist, shrub‐dominated ecotones, as in northwest Siberia, while changes are likely to occur much more slowly in the highly continental, larch‐dominated ecotones of central and eastern Siberia.  相似文献   

The effects of flow velocities on dark respiration and net photosynthesis of eight submerged stream macrophytes were examined in a laboratory oxygen chamber. The shoots/leaves were exposed to saturating free-CO2 concentrations and were attached basally so that they could move in the flowing water. Net photosynthesis declined by 34–61% as flow velocity increased from 1 to 8.6cm s?1, while dark respiration increased 2.4-fold over the same range. The increase in dark respiration could only account for between 19 and 67% of the decrease in net photosynthesis. The relationship between flow velocity (U) and net photosynthesis (P) was described by: P=b×Ua. The exponent, a, varied from -0.20 to –0.48 and showed a negative correlation to the surface: volume (SA: V) ratio of the plants, i.e. species with high SA: V ratio were more sensitive to flow. In contrast, net photosynthesis of plants firmly attached to a supporting frame was not significantly affected by increasing flow velocity. This result indicates that the physical stress imposed on the plants by agitation or stretching in the flowing water is a key factor for the observed response.  相似文献   

In July and August, 1974, measurements were made of the standing crops of Cladocera in the littoral zone of Par Pond (Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina, U.S.A.), which receives hyperthermal effluent from a nuclear reactor. Crops of Ceriodaphnia spp. and Diaphanosoma brachyurum were greater in the heated than in the ambient area, while Bosmina longirostris maintained higher standing crops in the ambient area than in the area receiving hyperthermal effluent. In August, 1974, exclosures were placed in the effluent-affected area to test the hypothesis that the high density of rooted aquatic macrophytes in the effluent-affected area influences the standing crop of these Cladocera. The effects of changes in reactor effluent temperature were also determined in the exclosure experiments. The results of the exclosure study support two generalizations: 1) the presence of dense rooted vegetation allows higher standing crops of Ceriodaphnia spp. and D. brachyurum; and 2) lower temperatures than those usually found at the heated station would favor B. longirostris standing crops, while the higher effluent temperatures favor Ceriodaphnia spp. and D. brachyurum.  相似文献   

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