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In September 1987 the shallow, eutrophic, Lake Mosvatn was treated with rotenone to eliminate planktivorous fish (mainly whitefish,Coregonus lavaretus, L.), and the effects were studied. The first summer after treatment the zooplankton community changed markedly from rotifer dominance and few grazers, to a community with few rotifers and many grazers. Accordingly there was a fivefold increase in the biomass ofDaphnia galeata. Adult females ofD. galeata approximately doubled in weight. The decrease in rotifer biomass was probably mainly due to a loss of food by competition with the daphnids. The phytoplankton community was also markedly affected. Prior to treatment Secchi depth was 1.7 m and Chl-a 23μg l−1 in the summer. After treatment there was an increase in the proportion of small and gelatinous algae and the mean chlorophyll concentration fell to 7μg Chl-a l−1. Secchi depth increased to>2.3 m (bottom-sight most of the season). After the treatment there were also fewer cyanobacterial blooms. This seems to be related to oligotrophication caused indirectly by increased grazing by the zooplankton. Total nutrient concentrations were affected. Prior to treatment the mean summer concentration of total phosphate was 44μg P l−1. This decreased to 29μg P l−1 in the first summer and 23μg P l−1 the second summer after the treatment. Total nitrogen decreased from 0.68 mg N l−1 before treatment to 0.32 mg N l−1 the first summer after the treatment. The phosphate loading was not reduced, therefor it can be concluded that the fish removal provided a biomanipulation which caused the more oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

A discrete warming event (December 21, 2001–January 12, 2002) in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, enhanced glacier melt, stream flow, and melting of permafrost. Effects of this warming included a rapid rise in lake levels and widespread increases in soil water availability resulting from melting of subsurface ice. These increases in liquid water offset hydrologic responses to a cooling trend experienced over the previous decade and altered ecosystem properties in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we present hydrological and meteorological data from the McMurdo Dry Valleys Long Term Ecological Research project to examine the influence of a discrete climate event (warming of >2 °C) on terrestrial environments and soil biotic communities. Increases in soil moisture following this event stimulated populations of a subordinate soil invertebrate species (Eudorylaimus antarcticus, Nematoda). The pulse of melt-water had significant influences on Taylor Valley ecosystems that persisted for several years, and illustrates that the importance of discrete climate events, long recognized in hot deserts, are also significant drivers of soil and aquatic ecosystems in polar deserts. Thus, predictions of Antarctic ecosystem responses to climate change which focus on linear temperature trends may miss the potentially significant influence of infrequent climate events on hydrology and linked ecological processes.  相似文献   

Migrations of Daphnia longispina were studied in a small humic lake with an exceptionally shallow oxic epilimnion. Horizontal distributions showed clear avoidance of the shoreline, which might be explained by the lower density of predators (Chaoborus sp. and Notonecta sp.) in the central parts of the lake. In early summer all size classes of D. longispina exhibited upward nocturnal vertical migration, descending to the upper hypolimnion in daytime. Later in summer, when the nocturnally migrating Chaoborus sp. had grown large enough to graze on small Daphnia, the latter seemed to shift towards twilight migration. However, large Daphnia individuals showed no synchronized migration; rather their bimodal vertical distributions suggested asynchronous vertical migration. Large individuals showed a particular tendency to concentrate near to the oxycline, close to the dense phytoplankton and bacteria populations in the upper part of the anoxic hypolimnion. According to vertical trap experiments, large D. longispina visited the anoxic hypolimnion and might harvest its abundant food resources. The high haemoglobin content of large individuals seems a specific adaptation to allow access to low oxygen water and hence to maximize grazing potential, in both epi- and hypolimnion, and minimize predation pressure. By staying predominantly in cooler water near the oxycline, Daphnia might also minimize its energy consumption to adjust to low food availability while sustaining a sufficiently high population density to exploit those unpredictable short periods with abundant food which are common in small headwater lakes. It is suggested that migrations of zooplankton are a complex behavioural adaptation which may not be explained by any single factor. In humic lakes with shallow stratification, vertical migrations seem to offer particularly high potential advantages, because of the short distances between dramatically different environments in the water column. In further studies more emphasis should be placed on migrations of individuals rather than populations, and migrations should be considered as a dynamic part of the structure and function of the whole planktonic ecosystem.  相似文献   

The (Lower) Lake of Zurich provides an ideal system for studying the long‐term impact of environmental change on deep‐water hypoxia because of its sensitivity to climatic forcing, its history of eutrophication and subsequent oligotrophication, and the quality and length of its data set. Based on 39 years (1972–2010) of measured profiles of temperature, oxygen concentration and phosphorus (P) concentration, the potentially confounding effects of oligotrophication and climatic forcing on the occurrence and extent of deep‐water hypoxia in the lake were investigated. The time‐series of Nürnberg's hypoxic factor (HF) for the lake can be divided into three distinct segments: (i) a segment of consistently low HF from 1972 to the late‐1980s climate regime shift (CRS); (ii) a transitional segment between the late‐1980s CRS and approximately 2000 within which the HF was highly variable; and (iii) a segment of consistently high HF thereafter. The increase in hypoxia during the study period was not a consequence of a change in trophic status, as the lake underwent oligotrophication as a result of reduced external P loading during this time. Instead, wavelet analysis suggests that changes in the lake's mixing regime, initiated by the late‐1980s CRS, ultimately led to a delayed but abrupt decrease in the deep‐water oxygen concentration, resulting in a general expansion of the hypoxic zone in autumn. Even after detrending to remove long‐term effects, the concentration of soluble reactive P in the bottom water of the lake was highly correlated with various measures of hypoxia, providing quantitative evidence supporting the probable effect of hypoxia on internal P loading. Such climate‐induced, ecosystem‐scale changes, which may result in undesirable effects such as a decline in water quality and a reduction in coldwater fish habitats, provide further evidence for the vulnerability of large temperate lakes to predicted increases in global air temperature.  相似文献   

Succession of phytoplankton in a deep stratifying lake: Mondsee,Austria   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Phytoplankton numbers, biovolume, chlorophyll-a and various physico-chemical characteristics were followed at weekly intervals in Mondsee, Austria during the year 1982. Secchi-disk transparency varied from 10 m in winter to 2 m in September. Prior to the onset of stratification phosphate-phosphorus concentration was 4 µg 1–1 decreasing to undetectable values thereafter. Nitrate-nitrogen dropped from 590 µg 1–1 to about 100 µg 1–1 during the same time. The vernal bloom was dominated by Asterionella formosa Hass. which abruptly declined after silicon depletion. Spring growth ceased in early June, when Tabellaria flocculosa (Lyngb.) Kütz var. asterionelloides Grun. dominated. Oscillatoria rubescens D.C. and Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. dominated summer and early autumn followed by the chrysophyte Dinobryon divergens Imh. and D. sociale Ehr. which formed up to 69% of total biovolume in October. Thereafter diatoms and Cryptophyceae (Rhodomonas lacustris Pascher and Ruttner, Cryptomonas pusilla Bach.) became abundant again.Maximum chlorophyll-a concentration in the epilimnion (16 µg 1–1) was reached during spring growth of the diatoms. During summer higher chlorophyll-a levels were always associated with the metalimnetic layer of Oscillatoria.Compared with earlier studies, both the total biovolume and the share of Oscillatoria rubescens significantly decreased because of reduced nutrient loading of the lake and wash-out of Oscillatoria (theor. renewal time of the lake: 1.7 years).  相似文献   

1. Stoichiometric theory predicts that the nitrogen : phosphorus (N : P) ratio of recycled nutrients should increase when P‐rich zooplankton such as Daphnia become dominant. We used an enclosure study to test the hypothesis that an increased biomass of Daphnia will increase the relative availability of N versus P sufficiently to decrease the abundance of filamentous cyanobacteria. The experiment was conducted in artificially enriched Lake 227 (L227) in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA), north‐western Ontario, Canada. Previous studies in L227 have shown that the dominance of filamentous, N‐fixing cyanobacteria is strongly affected by changes in the relative loading rates of N and P. 2. We used a 2 × 2 factorial design with the addition or absence of D. pulicaria and high or low relative loading rates of N and P (+NH4, –NH4) in small enclosures as treatment variables. If Daphnia can strongly affect filamentous cyanobacteria by altering N and P availability, these impacts should be greatest with low external N : P loading rates. The phytoplankton community of L227 was predominantly composed of filamentous Aphanizomenon spp. at the start of the experiment. 3. Daphnia strongly reduced filamentous cyanobacterial density in all enclosures to which they were added. The addition of NH4 had only a small impact on algal community composition. Hence, we conclude that Daphnia did not cause reductions in cyanobacteria by altering the N : P ratio of available nutrients. 4. Despite the lack of evidence that Daphnia affected filamentous cyanobacteria by altering the relative availability of N and P, we found changes in nutrient cycling consistent with other aspects of stoichiometric theory. In the presence of Daphnia, total P in the water column decreased because of an increase in P sedimentation. In contrast to P, a decrease in suspended particulate N was offset by an increase in dissolved N (especially NH4). Hence, dissolved and total N : P ratios in the water column increased with Daphnia as a result of differences in the fate of suspended particulate N versus P. There was minimal accumulation and storage of P in Daphnia biomass in the enclosures. 5. Our experiment demonstrated that Daphnia can strongly limit filamentous cyanobacterial abundance and affect the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients. In our study, changes in nutrient cycling were apparently insufficient to cause the changes in phytoplankton community composition that we observed. Daphnia therefore limited filamentous cyanobacteria by other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Climate warming is expected to have large effects on ecosystems in part due to the temperature dependence of metabolism. The responses of metabolic rates to climate warming may be greatest in the tropics and at low elevations because mean temperatures are warmer there and metabolic rates respond exponentially to temperature (with exponents >1). However, if warming rates are sufficiently fast in higher latitude/elevation lakes, metabolic rate responses to warming may still be greater there even though metabolic rates respond exponentially to temperature. Thus, a wide range of global patterns in the magnitude of metabolic rate responses to warming could emerge depending on global patterns of temperature and warming rates. Here we use the Boltzmann–Arrhenius equation, published estimates of activation energy, and time series of temperature from 271 lakes to estimate long‐term (1970–2010) changes in 64 metabolic processes in lakes. The estimated responses of metabolic processes to warming were usually greatest in tropical/low‐elevation lakes even though surface temperatures in higher latitude/elevation lakes are warming faster. However, when the thermal sensitivity of a metabolic process is especially weak, higher latitude/elevation lakes had larger responses to warming in parallel with warming rates. Our results show that the sensitivity of a given response to temperature (as described by its activation energy) provides a simple heuristic for predicting whether tropical/low‐elevation lakes will have larger or smaller metabolic responses to warming than higher latitude/elevation lakes. Overall, we conclude that the direct metabolic consequences of lake warming are likely to be felt most strongly at low latitudes and low elevations where metabolism‐linked ecosystem services may be most affected.  相似文献   

We used field data and three-dimensional numerical simulations to investigate the exchange processes between the lake boundaries (littoral) and lake interior (pelagic) due to wind-induced motions in Lake Kinneret, Israel. The field data showed large-scale metalimnion oscillations with amplitudes up to 10 m in response to westerly diurnal winds, the existence of a well-defined turbidity intrusion into the metalimnion of the lake and a benthic boundary layer (BBL). The observed vertical and horizontal movements of the turbidity were explained by the vertical and horizontal advection associated with basin-scale wave motions and a residual circulation set up by the basin-scale motions and the wind field. The horizontal advective transport in the metalimnion, associated with the velocities induced by the basin-scale mode-two Poincaré wave, provided the primary control for the exchange between the lake boundaries and lake interior on daily time scales. Detailed comparison of simulation results with both temperature and velocity profiles revealed excellent agreement for time scales from hours to days. The validated numerical model was used to extract the residual motions that provided the secondary exchange flows, in the various regions of the lake on time scales from days to weeks. The residual motion in the surface layer consisted of a combination of an anticlockwise gyre in the western half of the lake and a weak clockwise gyre along the eastern boundary that were forced by the curl of the wind field. In the metalimnion, residual motions were predominantly forced by the basin-scale internal wave motions and an anticlockwise gyre established itself throughout the whole basin. Lastly in the BBL, residual motions consisted of an anticlockwise gyre, but the geographic distribution was patchy. Together these results provide new insight into a proper characterization of the processes underlying the flux paths of water and particles between the lake boundaries and lake interior. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

D. Straile 《Oecologia》2000,122(1):44-50
The timing of various plankton successional events in Lake Constance was tightly coupled to a large-scale meteorological phenomenon, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). A causal chain of meteorological, hydrological, and ecological processes connected the NAO as well as winter and early spring meteorological conditions to planktonic events in summer leading to a remarkable memory of climatic effects lasting over almost half a year. The response of Daphnia to meteorological forcing was most probably a direct effect of altered water temperatures on daphnid growth and was not mediated by changes in phytoplankton concentrations. High spring water temperatures during ”high-NAO years” enabled high population growth rates, resulting in a high daphnid biomass as early as May. Hence, a critical Daphnia biomass to suppress phytoplankton was reached earlier in high-NAO years yielding an early and longer-lasting clear-water phase. Finally, an earlier summer decline of Daphnia produced in a negative relationship between Daphnia biomass in July and the NAO. Meteorological forcing of the seasonal plankton dynamics in Lake Constance included simple temporal shifts of processes and successional events, but also complex changes in the relative importance of different mechanisms. Since Daphnia plays an important role in plankton succession, a thorough understanding of the regulation of its population dynamics provides the key for predictions of the response of freshwater planktonic food webs to global climate change. Received: 15 February 1999 / Accepted: 23 August 1999  相似文献   

1. Invasions of top predators may have strong cascading effects in ecosystems affecting both prey species abundance and lower trophic levels. A recently discussed factor that may enhance species invasion is climate change and in this context, we studied the effects of an invasion of northern pike into a subarctic lake ecosystem formerly inhabited by the native top predator Arctic char and its prey fish, ninespined stickleback. 2. Our study demonstrated a strong change in fish community composition from a system with Arctic char as top predator and high densities of sticklebacks to a system with northern pike as top predator and very low densities of sticklebacks. A combination of both predation and competition from pike is the likely cause of the extinction of char. 3. The change in top predator species also cascaded down to primary consumers as both zooplankton and predator‐sensitive macroinvertebrates increased in abundance. 4. Although the pike invasion coincided with increasing summer temperatures in the study area we have no conclusive evidence that the temperature increase is the causal mechanism behind the pike invasion. But still, our study provides possible effects of future pike invasions in mountain lakes related to climate change. We suggest that future pike invasions will have strong effects in lake ecosystems, both by replacing native top consumers and through cascading effects on lower trophic levels.  相似文献   

Aim In this study we use a modelling approach to identify: (1) the factors responsible for the differences in ape biogeography, (2) the effects that global warming might have on distribution patterns of African apes, (3) the underlying mechanisms for these effects, and (4) the implications that behavioural flexibility might be expected to have for ape survival. All African apes are highly endangered, and the need for efficient conservation methods is a top priority. The expected changes in world climate are likely to further exacerbate the difficulties they face. Our study aims to further understand the mechanisms that link climatic conditions to the behaviour and biogeography of ape species. Location Africa. Method We use an existing validated time budgets model, derived from data on 20 natural populations of gorillas (Gorilla beringei and Gorilla gorilla) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes and Pan paniscus), which specifies the relationship between climate, group size, body weight and time available for various activities, to predict ape distribution across Africa under a uniform worst‐case climate change scenario. Results We demonstrate that a worst‐case global warming scenario is likely to alter the delicate balance between different time budget components. Our model points to the importance of annual temperature variation, which was found to have the strongest impact on ape biogeography. Our simulation indicates that rising temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns are likely to have strong effects on ape survival and distribution, particularly for gorillas. Even if they behaved with maximum flexibility, gorillas may not be able to survive in most of their present habitats if the climate was to undergo extreme changes. The survival of chimpanzees was found to be strongly dependent on the minimum viable group size required. Main conclusions Our model allows us to explore how climatic conditions, individual behaviour and morphological traits may interact to limit the biogeographical distributions of these species, thereby allowing us to predict the effects of climate change on African ape distributions under different climate change regimes. The model suggests that climate variability (i.e. seasonality) plays a more important role than the absolute magnitude of the change, but these data are not normally provided by climate models.  相似文献   

Walker Lake is a monomictic, nitrogen-limited, terminal lake located in western Nevada. It is one of only eight large (Area>100 km2, Z { mean}>15 m) saline lakes of moderate salinity (3–20 g l–1) worldwide, and one of the few to support an endemic trout fishery (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi). As a result of anthropogenic desiccation, between 1882 and 1996 the lake's volume has dropped from 11.1 to 2.7 km3 and salinity has increased from 2.6 to 12–13 g l–1. This study, conducted between 1992 and 1998, examined the effects of desiccation on the limnology of the lake. Increases in salinity over the past two decades caused the extinction of two zooplankton species, Ceriodaphnia quadrangula and Acanthocyclops vernalis. Recent increases in salinity have not negatively affected the lake's dominant phytoplankton species, the filamentous blue-green algae Nodularia spumigena. In 1994 high salinity levels (14–15 g l–1) caused a decrease in tui chub minnow populations, the main source of food for Lahontan cutthroat trout, and a subsequent decrease in the health of stocked trout. Lake shrinkage has resulted in hypolimnetic anoxia and hypolimnetic accumulation of ammonia (800–2000 g-N l–1) and sulfide (15 mg l–1) to levels toxic to trout. Internal loading of ammonia via hypolimnetic entrainment during summer wind mixing (170 Mg-N during a single event), vertical diffusion (225–500 Mg-N year–1), and fall destratification (540–740 Mg-N year–1) exceeds external nitrogen loading (<25 Mg-N year–1). Increasing salinity in combination with factors related to hypolimnetic anoxia have stressed trout populations and caused a decline in trout size and longevity. If desiccation continues unabated, the lake will be too saline (>15–16 g l–1) to support trout and chub fisheries in 20 years, and in 50–60 years the lake will reach hydrologic equilibrium at a volume of 1.0 km3 and a salinity of 34 g l–1.  相似文献   

Trends and ecological consequences of phosphorus (P) decline and increasing nitrogen (N) to phosphorus (N:P) ratios in rivers and estuaries are reviewed and discussed. Results suggest that re-oligotrophication is a dominant trend in rivers and estuaries of high-income countries in the last two–three decades, while in low-income countries widespread eutrophication occurs. The decline in P is well documented in hundreds of rivers of United States and the European Union, but the biotic response of rivers and estuaries besides phytoplankton decline such as trends in phytoplankton composition, changes in primary production, ecosystem shifts, cascading effects, changes in ecosystem metabolism, etc., have not been sufficiently monitored and investigated, neither the effects of N:P imbalance. N:P imbalance has significant ecological effects that need to be further investigated. There is a growing number of cases in which phytoplankton biomass have been shown to decrease due to re-oligotrophication, but the potential regime shift from phytoplankton to macrophyte dominance described in shallow lakes has been documented only in a few rivers and estuaries yet. The main reasons why regime shifts are rarely described in rivers and estuaries are, from one hand the scarcity of data on macrophyte cover trends, and from the other hand physical factors such as peak flows or high turbidity that could prevent a general spread of submerged macrophytes as observed in shallow lakes. Moreover, re-oligotrophication effects on rivers may be different compared to lakes (e.g., lower dominance of macrophytes) or estuaries (e.g., limitation of primary production by N instead of P) or may be dependent on river/estuary type. We conclude that river and estuary re-oligotrophication effects are complex, diverse and still little known, and in some cases are equivalent to those described in shallow lakes, but the regime shift is more likely to occur in mid to high-order rivers and shallow estuaries.  相似文献   

Despite increasing awareness of large‐scale climate‐driven distribution shifts in the marine environment, no study has linked rapid ocean warming to a shift in distribution and consequent hybridization of a marine fish species. This study describes rapid warming (0.8 °C per decade) in the coastal waters of the Angola‐Benguela Frontal Zone over the last three decades and a concomitant shift by a temperature sensitive coastal fish species (Argyrosomus coronus) southward from Angola into Namibia. In this context, rapid shifts in distribution across Economic Exclusive Zones will complicate the management of fishes, particularly when there is a lack of congruence in the fisheries policy between nations. Evidence for recent hybridization between A. coronus and a congener, A. inodorus, indicate that the rapid shift in distribution of A. coronus has placed adults of the two species in contact during their spawning events. Ocean warming may therefore revert established species isolation mechanisms and alter the evolutionary history of fishes. While the consequences of the hybridization on the production of the resource remain unclear, this will most likely introduce additional layers of complexity to their management.  相似文献   

Phenological changes in response to climate change have been recorded in many taxa, but the population‐level consequences of these changes are largely unknown. If phenological change influences demography, it may underpin the changes in range size and distribution that have been associated with climate change in many species. Over the last century, Icelandic black‐tailed godwits (Limosa limosa islandica) have increased 10‐fold in numbers, and their breeding range has expanded throughout lowland Iceland, but the environmental and demographic drivers of this expansion remain unknown. Here, we explore the potential for climate‐driven shifts in phenology to influence demography and range expansion. In warmer springs, Icelandic black‐tailed godwits lay their clutches earlier, resulting in advances in hatching dates in those years. Early hatching is beneficial as population‐wide tracking of marked individuals shows that chick recruitment to the adult population is greater for early hatched individuals. Throughout the last century, this population has expanded into progressively colder breeding areas in which hatch dates are later, but temperatures have increased throughout Iceland since the 1960s. Using these established relationships between temperature, hatching dates and recruitment, we show that these warming trends have the potential to have fueled substantial increases in recruitment throughout Iceland, and thus to have contributed to local population growth and expansion across the breeding range. The demographic consequences of temperature‐mediated phenological changes, such as the advances in lay dates and increased recruitment associated with early hatching reported here, may therefore be key processes in driving population size and range changes in response to climate change.  相似文献   

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