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How rapidly newly assimilated carbon (C) is invested into recalcitrant structures of forests, and how closely C pools and fluxes are tied to photosynthesis, is largely unknown. A crane and a purpose-built free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system permitted us to label the canopy of a mature deciduous forest with 13C-depleted CO2 for 4 yr and continuously trace the flow of recent C through the forest without disturbance. Potted C4 grasses in the canopy ('isometers') served as a reference for the C-isotope input signal. After four growing seasons, leaves were completely labelled, while newly formed wood (tree rings) still contained 9% old C. Distinct labels were found in fine roots (38%) and sporocarps of mycorrhizal fungi (62%). Soil particles attached to fine roots contained 9% new C, whereas no measurable signal was detected in bulk soil. Soil-air CO2 consisted of 35% new C, indicating that considerable amounts of assimilates were rapidly returned back to the atmosphere. These data illustrate a relatively slow dilution of old mobile C pools in trees, but a pronounced allocation of very recent assimilates to C pools of short residence times.  相似文献   

The response of soil respiration (Rs) to temperature depends largely on the temporal and spatial scales of interest and how other environmental factors interact with this response. They are often represented by empirical exponential equations in many ecosystem analyses because of the difficulties in separating covarying environmental responses and in observing below ground processes. The objective of this study was to quantify a soil temperature‐independent component in Rs by examining the diel variation of an Rs time series measured in a temperate deciduous forest located at Oak Ridge, TN, USA between March and December 2003. By fitting 2 hourly, continuous automatic chamber measurements of CO2 efflux at the soil surface to a Q10 function to obtain the temperature‐dependent respiration (Rt) and plotting the diel cycles of Rt, Rs, and their difference (Ri), we found that an obvious temperature‐independent component exists in Rs during the growing season. The diel cycle of this component has a distinct day/night pattern and agrees well with diel variations in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and air temperature. Elevated canopy CO2 concentration resulted in similar patterns in the diel cycle of the temperature‐independent component but with different daily average rates in different stages of growing season. We speculate that photosynthesis of the stand is one of the main contributors to this temperature‐independent respiration component although more experiments are needed to draw a firm conclusion. We also found that despite its relatively small magnitude compared with the temperature‐dependent component, the diel variation in the temperature‐independent component can lead to significantly different estimates of the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in the study forest. As a result, the common practice of using fitted temperature‐dependent function from night‐time measurements to extrapolate soil respiration during the daytime may underestimate daytime soil respiration.  相似文献   

Soil carbon is returned to the atmosphere through the process of soil respiration, which represents one of the largest fluxes in the terrestrial C cycle. The effects of climate change on the components of soil respiration can affect the sink or source capacity of ecosystems for atmospheric carbon, but no current techniques can unambiguously separate soil respiration into its components. Long‐term free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments provide a unique opportunity to study soil C dynamics because the CO2 used for fumigation has a distinct isotopic signature and serves as a continuous label at the ecosystem level. We used the 13C tracer at the Duke Forest FACE site to follow the disappearance of C fixed before fumigation began in 1996 (pretreatment C) from soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2, as an index of belowground C dynamics during the first 8 years of the experiment. The decay of pretreatment C as detected in the isotopic composition of soil‐respired CO2 and soil CO2 at 15, 30, 70, and 200 cm soil depth was best described by a model having one to three exponential pools within the soil system. The majority of soil‐respired CO2 (71%) originated in soil C pools with a turnover time of about 35 days. About 55%, 50%, and 68% of soil CO2 at 15, 30, and 70 cm, respectively, originated in soil pools with turnover times of less than 1 year. The rest of soil CO2 and soil‐respired CO2 originated in soil pools that turn over at decadal time scales. Our results suggest that a large fraction of the C returned to the atmosphere through soil respiration results from dynamic soil C pools that cannot be easily detected in traditionally defined soil organic matter standing stocks. Fast oxidation of labile C substrates may prevent increases in soil C accumulation in forests exposed to elevated [CO2] and may consequently result in shorter ecosystem C residence times.  相似文献   

Soil respiration was measured throughout the year (June 1992 to May 1993) in a mature, deciduous, broad-leaved forest and an adjacent, clear-felled stand which was made in November 1991, in Hiroshima Prefecture, west Japan. The same soil temperature and soil moisture content as those in the forest stand were maintained in two frame boxes covered with sheets of white netting in the clear-felled stand to observe soil respiration. A herbicide was applied to the cut end of all stumps in one of the two frame boxes in order to kill the root system. There was no significant difference in the aboveground biomass and soil environmental conditions between the forest and the frame boxes in the clear-felled stands. The difference in soil respiration rate between the forest and the frame box, in which the root system was killed by the herbicide, was considered to be due largely to the contribution of root respiration. Taking into consideration CO2 evolution due to the decomposition of roots killed and the change in A0 layer respiration rate after clear-felling, the proportion of root respiration to the total soil respiration before clear-felling was estimated to be 51% annually, which coincides closely with those values estimated previously in mature forests by other methods. The difference in the soil respiration rate between the two frame boxes (one with killed roots and the other with undisturbed roots) suggested that the annual root respiration rate just after clear-felling dropped to about two-thirds (70%) of that before clear-felling.  相似文献   

After a step increase in the atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), the availability of mineral N may be insufficient to meet the plant's increased demand for N. Over time, however, the ecosystem may adapt to the new conditions, and a new equilibrium may be established in the fluxes of C and N. This would result in a higher dry mass (DM) yield response of the plants to elevated pCO2. The effect of elevated atmospheric pCO2 (60 Pa pCO2) was studied in Lolium perenne L. swards with two N fertilization treatments (14 and 56 g m?2 y?1) in a six‐year FACE (Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment) experiment. In the high N treatment, the input of N with fertilizer considerably exceeded the export of N with the harvested plant material in both CO2 treatments leading to an apparent net input of N into the ecosystem. Accordingly, the proportion of harvested N derived from 15N labelled fertilizer N, applied throughout the experiment (< 6 years), increased over the years. Under these high N conditions, the annual DM yield response of the Lolium perenne sward to elevated pCO2 increased (from 7% in 1993 to 25% in 1998). In parallel, the response of N yield to elevated pCO2 increased, and the initially negative effect of elevated pCO2 on specific leaf area (SLA) disappeared. The high N input system seemed to overcome in part an initially limiting effect of N on the yield response to elevated pCO2 within a few years. In contrast, there was no apparent net input of N into the ecosystem in the low N treatment, because N fertilization just compensated the export of N with the harvested plant material. Accordingly, the proportion of harvested N yield, derived from fertilizer N, which was applied throughout the experiment, remained low. At low N, the availability of mineral N strongly limited plant growth and yield production in both CO2 treatments; the low yields of DM and N, the low concentration of N in the plant material, and the low SLA reflected this. Although the plants grew under the same environmental conditions and the same management treatment as plants in the high N treatment, the response of DM yields to elevated pCO2 in the low N treatment remained weak throughout the experiment (5% in 1993 and 9% in 1998). The results are discussed in the context of the sizes of the different N pools in the soil, the allocation of N within the plant and the possible effects on temporal immobilization, and the availability of mineral N for yield production as affected by elevated pCO2 and N fertilization.  相似文献   

A trenching method was used to determine the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration. Soil respiration rates in a trenched plot (R trench) and in a control plot (R control) were measured from May 2000 to September 2001 by using an open-flow gas exchange system with an infrared gas analyser. The decomposition rate of dead roots (R D) was estimated by using a root-bag method to correct the soil respiration measured from the trenched plots for the additional decaying root biomass. The soil respiration rates in the control plot increased from May (240–320 mg CO2 m–2 h–1) to August (840–1150 mg CO2 m–2 h–1) and then decreased during autumn (200–650 mg CO2 m–2 h–1). The soil respiration rates in the trenched plot showed a similar pattern of seasonal change, but the rates were lower than in the control plot except during the 2 months following the trenching. Root respiration rate (R r) and heterotrophic respiration rate (R h) were estimated from R control, R trench, and R D. We estimated that the contribution of R r to total soil respiration in the growing season ranged from 27 to 71%. There was a significant relationship between R h and soil temperature, whereas R r had no significant correlation with soil temperature. The results suggest that the factors controlling the seasonal change of respiration differ between the two components of soil respiration, R r and R h.  相似文献   

The response of forest soil CO2 efflux to the elevation of two climatic factors, the atmospheric concentration of CO2 (↑CO2 of 700 μmol mol−1) and air temperature (↑ T with average annual increase of 5°C), and their combination (↑CO2+↑ T ) was investigated in a 4-year, full-factorial field experiment consisting of closed chambers built around 20-year-old Scots pines ( Pinus sylvestris L.) in the boreal zone of Finland. Mean soil CO2 efflux in May–October increased with elevated CO2 by 23–37%, with elevated temperature by 27–43%, and with the combined treatment by 35–59%. Temperature elevation was a significant factor in the combined 4-year efflux data, whereas the effect of elevated CO2 was not as evident. Elevated temperature had the most pronounced impact early and late in the season, while the influence of elevated CO2 alone was especially notable late in the season. Needle area was found to be a significant predictor of soil CO2 efflux, particularly in August, a month of high root growth, thus supporting the assumption of a close link between whole-tree physiology and soil CO2 emissions. The decrease in the temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 efflux observed in the elevated temperature treatments in the second year nevertheless suggests the existence of soil response mechanisms that may be independent of the assimilating component of the forest ecosystem. In conclusion, elevated atmospheric CO2 and air temperature consistently increased forest soil CO2 efflux over the 4-year period, their combined effect being additive, with no apparent interaction.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2e) increases soil respiration rates in forest, grassland, agricultural and wetland systems as a result of increased growth, root biomass and enhanced biological activity of soil microorganisms. Less is known about how forest floor fluxes respond to the combined effects of elevated CO2 and nutrient amendments; until now no experiments have been in place with large forest trees to allow even preliminary investigations. We investigated changes in forest floor respiration (Sff) in a Pinus taeda L. plantation fumigated with CO2 by using free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology and given nutrient amendments. The prototype FACE apparatus (FACEp; 707 m2) was constructed in 1993, 10 years after planting, on a moderate fertility site in Duke Forest, North Carolina, USA, enriching the stand to 55 Pa (CO2e). A nearby ambient CO2 (CO2a) plot (117 m2) was designated at the inception of the study as a reference (Ref). Both FACEp and Ref plot were divided in half and urea fertilizer was applied to one half at an annual rate of 11.2 g N m?2 in the spring of 1998, 1999 and 2000. Forest floor respiration was monitored continuously for 220 days – March through November 2000 – by using two Automated Carbon Efflux Systems. Thirty locations (491 cm2 each) were sampled in both FACEp and Ref, about half in each fertility treatment. Forest floor respiration was strongly correlated with soil temperature at 5 cm. Rates of Sff were greater in CO2e relative to CO2a (an enhancement of ~178 g C m?2) during the measurement period. Application of fertilizer resulted in a statistically significant depression of respiration rates in both the CO2a and CO2e plots (a reduction of ~186 g C m?2). The results suggest that closed canopy forests on moderate fertility sites cycle back to the atmosphere more assimilated carbon (C) than similar forests on sites of high fertility. We recognize the limitations of this non‐replicated study, but its clear results offer strong testable hypotheses for future research in this important area.  相似文献   

土壤呼吸的温度敏感性(Q10)是陆地碳循环与气候系统间相互作用的关键参数。尽管已有大量关于不同类型森林Q10季节和年际变化规律的研究, 但是对Q10在区域尺度的空间变异特征及其影响因素仍认识不足, 已有结果缺乏一致结论。该研究通过整合已发表论文, 构建了中国森林生态系统年尺度Q10数据集, 共包含399条记录、5种森林类型(落叶阔叶林(DBF)、落叶针叶林(DNF)、常绿阔叶林(EBF)、常绿针叶林(ENF)、混交林(MF))。分析了不同森林类型Q10的空间变异特征及其与地理、气候和土壤因素的关系。结果显示, 1) Q10介于1.09到6.24之间, 平均值(±标准误差)为2.37 (± 0.04), 且在不同森林类型之间无显著差异; 2)当考虑所有森林类型时, Q10随纬度、海拔、土壤有机碳含量(SOC)和土壤全氮含量(TN)的增加而增大, 随经度、年平均气温(MAT)、平均年降水量(MAP)的增加而减小。气候(MATMAP)和土壤(SOCTN)因素间存在相互作用, 共同解释了33%的Q10空间变异, 其中MATSOCQ10空间变异的主要驱动因素; 3)不同类型森林Q10对气候和土壤因素的响应存在差异。在DNF中Q10MAP的增加而减小, 而其他类型森林中Q10MAP无显著相关性; 在EBF、DBF、ENF中Q10TN的增加而增大, 但Q10TN的敏感性在EBF中最高, 在ENF中最低。这些结果表明, 尽管Q10有一定的集中分布趋势, 但仍有较大范围的空间变异, 在进行碳收支估算时应注意尺度问题。Q10的主要驱动因素和Q10对环境因素的响应随森林类型而变化, 在气候变化情景下, 不同森林类型间Q10可能发生分异。因此, 未来的碳循环-气候模型还应考虑不同类型森林碳循环关键参数对气候变化的响应差异。  相似文献   

Stem CO2 efflux (ES) plays an important role in the carbon balance of forest ecosystems. However, its primary controls at the global scale are poorly understood and observation‐based global estimates are lacking. We synthesized data from 121 published studies across global forest ecosystems and examined the relationships between annual ES and biotic and abiotic factors at individual, biome, and global scales, and developed a global gridded estimate of annual ES. We tested the following hypotheses: (1) Leaf area index (LAI) will be highly correlated with annual ES at biome and global scales; (2) there will be parallel patterns in stem and root CO2 effluxes (RA) in all forests; (3) annual ES will decline with forest age; and (4) LAI coupled with mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) will be sufficient to predict annual ES across forests in different regions. Positive linear relationships were found between ES and LAI, as well as gross primary production (GPP), net primary production (NPP), wood NPP, soil CO2 efflux (RS), and RA. Annual ES was correlated with RA in temperate forests after controlling for GPP and MAT, suggesting other additional factors contributed to the relationship. Annual ES tended to decrease with stand age. Leaf area index, MAT and MAP, predicted 74% of variation in ES at global scales. Our statistical model estimated a global annual ES of 6.7 ± 1.1 Pg C yr−1 over the period of 2000–2012 with little interannual variability. Modeled mean annual ES was 71 ± 43, 270 ± 103, and 420 ± 134 g C myr−1 for boreal, temperate, and tropical forests, respectively. We recommend that future studies report ES at a standardized constant temperature, incorporate more manipulative treatments, such as fertilization and drought, and whenever possible, simultaneously measure both aboveground and belowground CO2 fluxes.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 enrichment is increasingly being reported to inhibit leaf and whole-plant respiration. It is not known, however, whether this response is unique to foliage or whether woody-tissue respiration might be affected as well. This was examined for mid-canopy stem segments of white oak (Quercus alba L.) trees that had been grown in open-top field chambers and exposed to either ambient or ambient + 300 µmol mol?1 CO2 over a 4-year period. Stem respiration measurements were made throughout 1992 by using an infrared gas analyzer and a specially designed in situ cuvette. Rates of woody-tissue respiration were similar between CO2 treatments prior to leaf initiation and after leaf senescence, but were several fold greater for saplings grown at elevated concentrations of CO2 during much of the growing season. These effects were most evident on 7 July when stem respiration rates for trees exposed to elevated CO2 concentrations were 7.25 compared to 3.44 µmol CO2 m?2 s?1 for ambient-grown saplings. While other explanations must be explored, greater rates of stem respiration for saplings grown at elevated CO2 concentrations were consistent with greater rates of stem growth and more stem-wood volume present at the time of measurement. When rates of stem growth were at their maximum (7 July to 3 August), growth respiration accounted for about 80 to 85% of the total respiratory costs of stems at both CO2 treatments, while 15 to 20% supported the costs of stem-wood maintenance. Integrating growth and maintenance respiration throughout the season, taking into account treatment differences in stem growth and volume, indicated that there were no significant effects of elevated CO2 concentration on either respiratory process. Quantitative estimates that could be used in modeling the costs of woody-tissue growth and maintenance respiration are provided.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change may substantially alter soil carbon (C) dynamics, which in turn may impact future climate through feedback cycles. However, only very few field experiments worldwide have combined elevated CO2 (eCO2) with both warming and changes in precipitation in order to study the potential combined effects of changes in these fundamental drivers of C cycling in ecosystems. We exposed a temperate heath/grassland to eCO2, warming, and drought, in all combinations for 8 years. At the end of the study, soil C stocks were on average 0.927 kg C/m2 higher across all treatment combinations with eCO2 compared to ambient CO2 treatments (equal to an increase of 0.120 ± 0.043 kg C m?2 year?1), and showed no sign of slowed accumulation over time. However, if observed pretreatment differences in soil C are taken into account, the annual rate of increase caused by eCO2 may be as high as 0.177 ± 0.070 kg C m?2 year?1. Furthermore, the response to eCO2 was not affected by simultaneous exposure to warming and drought. The robust increase in soil C under eCO2 observed here, even when combined with other climate change factors, suggests that there is continued and strong potential for enhanced soil carbon sequestration in some ecosystems to mitigate increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations under future climate conditions. The feedback between land C and climate remains one of the largest sources of uncertainty in future climate projections, yet experimental data under simulated future climate, and especially including combined changes, are still scarce. Globally coordinated and distributed experiments with long‐term measurements of changes in soil C in response to the three major climate change‐related global changes, eCO2, warming, and changes in precipitation patterns, are, therefore, urgently needed.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plant and soil respiration, or ecosystem respiration (Reco), represents a major CO2 flux in the global carbon cycle. However, there is disagreement in how Reco will respond to future global changes, such as elevated atmosphere CO2 and warming. To address this, we synthesized six years (2007–2012) of Reco data from the Prairie Heating And CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) experiment. We applied a semi‐mechanistic temperature–response model to simultaneously evaluate the response of Reco to three treatment factors (elevated CO2, warming, and soil water manipulation) and their interactions with antecedent soil conditions [e.g., past soil water content (SWC) and temperature (SoilT)] and aboveground factors (e.g., vapor pressure deficit, photosynthetically active radiation, vegetation greenness). The model fits the observed Reco well (R= 0.77). We applied the model to estimate annual (March–October) Reco, which was stimulated under elevated CO2 in most years, likely due to the indirect effect of elevated CO2 on SWC. When aggregated from 2007 to 2012, total six‐year Reco was stimulated by elevated CO2 singly (24%) or in combination with warming (28%). Warming had little effect on annual Reco under ambient CO2, but stimulated it under elevated CO2 (32% across all years) when precipitation was high (e.g., 44% in 2009, a ‘wet’ year). Treatment‐level differences in Reco can be partly attributed to the effects of antecedent SoilT and vegetation greenness on the apparent temperature sensitivity of Reco and to the effects of antecedent and current SWC and vegetation activity (greenness modulated by VPD) on Reco base rates. Thus, this study indicates that the incorporation of both antecedent environmental conditions and aboveground vegetation activity are critical to predicting Reco at multiple timescales (subdaily to annual) and under a future climate of elevated CO2 and warming.  相似文献   

* Greater fine-root production under elevated [CO2] may increase the input of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to the soil profile because fine root populations turn over quickly in forested ecosystems. * Here, the effect of elevated [CO)] was assessed on root biomass and N inputs at several soil depths by combining a long-term minirhizotron dataset with continuous, root-specific measurements of root mass and [N]. The experiment was conducted in a CO(2)-enriched sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) plantation. * CO2) enrichment had no effect on root tissue density or [N] within a given diameter class. Root biomass production and standing crop were doubled under elevated [CO2]. Though fine-root turnover declined under elevated [CO2], fine-root mortality was also nearly doubled under CO2 enrichment. Over 9 yr, root mortality resulted in 681 g m(-2) of extra C and 9 g m(-2) of extra N input to the soil system under elevated [CO2]. At least half of these inputs were below 30 cm soil depth. * Increased C and N input to the soil under CO2 enrichment, especially below 30 cm depth, might alter soil C storage and N mineralization. Future research should focus on quantifying root decomposition dynamics and C and N mineralization deeper in the soil.  相似文献   

The degree to which climate warming will stimulate soil organic carbon (SOC) losses via heterotrophic respiration remains uncertain, in part because different or even opposite microbial physiology and temperature relationships have been proposed in SOC models. We incorporated competing microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE)–mean annual temperature (MAT) and enzyme kinetic–MAT relationships into SOC models, and compared the simulated mass‐specific soil heterotrophic respiration rates with multiple published datasets of measured respiration. The measured data included 110 dryland soils globally distributed and two continental to global‐scale cross‐biome datasets. Model–data comparisons suggested that a positive CUE–MAT relationship best predicts the measured mass‐specific soil heterotrophic respiration rates in soils distributed globally. These results are robust when considering models of increasing complexity and competing mechanisms driving soil heterotrophic respiration–MAT relationships (e.g., carbon substrate availability). Our findings suggest that a warmer climate selects for microbial communities with higher CUE, as opposed to the often hypothesized reductions in CUE by warming based on soil laboratory assays. Our results help to build the impetus for, and confidence in, including microbial mechanisms in soil biogeochemical models used to forecast changes in global soil carbon stocks in response to warming.  相似文献   

To fully understand how soil respiration is partitioned among its component fluxes and responds to climate, it is essential to relate it to belowground carbon allocation, the ultimate carbon source for soil respiration. This remains one of the largest gaps in knowledge of terrestrial carbon cycling. Here, we synthesize data on gross and net primary production and their components, and soil respiration and its components, from a global forest database, to determine mechanisms governing belowground carbon allocation and their relationship with soil respiration partitioning and soil respiration responses to climatic factors across global forest ecosystems. Our results revealed that there are three independent mechanisms controlling belowground carbon allocation and which influence soil respiration and its partitioning: an allometric constraint; a fine‐root production vs. root respiration trade‐off; and an above‐ vs. belowground trade‐off in plant carbon. Global patterns in soil respiration and its partitioning are constrained primarily by the allometric allocation, which explains some of the previously ambiguous results reported in the literature. Responses of soil respiration and its components to mean annual temperature, precipitation, and nitrogen deposition can be mediated by changes in belowground carbon allocation. Soil respiration responds to mean annual temperature overwhelmingly through an increasing belowground carbon input as a result of extending total day length of growing season, but not by temperature‐driven acceleration of soil carbon decomposition, which argues against the possibility of a strong positive feedback between global warming and soil carbon loss. Different nitrogen loads can trigger distinct belowground carbon allocation mechanisms, which are responsible for different responses of soil respiration to nitrogen addition that have been observed. These results provide new insights into belowground carbon allocation, partitioning of soil respiration, and its responses to climate in forest ecosystems and are, therefore, valuable for terrestrial carbon simulations and projections.  相似文献   

When atmospheric CO2 concentration increases, various consequences for plant metabolism have been suggested, such as changes in photosynthesis, photorespiration or respiration which can affect growth and carbon sequestration. In addition to long‐term (indirect) effects on respiration, short‐term (direct) effects of CO2 concentration on the respiration of leaves, shoots and roots are described in the literature. In most cases, respiration is reported to be inhibited by increased CO2 concentration, but the mechanism(s) are not yet understood. It has been shown previously that, when the respective technical problems and properties of a gas exchange system are fully considered, a short‐term increase in CO2 (up to 4200 µmol mol?1) had no effect on respiration of Phaseolus or Populus leaves (Jahnke, Plant, Cell and Environment 24, 1139–1151, 2001). However, in the present study, large (apparent) CO2 effects were found with mature Nicotiana leaves whereas, in young leaves, the effect was absent. The experimental results clearly show that the observed direct CO2 effect on dark CO2 efflux in the mature tobacco leaves was caused by leakage of CO2 inside the leaves (and the magnitude of the effect was dependent on the size of the leakage). Nicotiana leaves are, in contrast to Phaseolus and Populus leaves (which are heterobaric), characterized by a homobaric anatomy in which intercellular air spaces are not compartmented and provide a continuous system of open pores in the lateral (paradermal) direction of the leaves. Mesophyll porosity increases with leaf development, which explains the differences between young and mature tobacco leaves. When internal leakage was experimentally restricted, the CO2 inhibition on CO2 efflux was no longer observed. It is concluded that the measured direct CO2 effect(s) on leaf CO2 efflux in the dark are artefactual, and that a true direct CO2 effect on leaf respiration does not exist.  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of atmospheric [CO2] and drought on leaf respiration (R) and its response to changes in temperature is critical to improve predictions of plant carbon‐exchange with the atmosphere, especially at higher temperatures. We quantified the effects of [CO2]‐enrichment (+240 ppm) on seasonal shifts in the diel temperature response of R during a moderate summer drought in Eucalyptus saligna growing in whole‐tree chambers in SE Australia. Seasonal temperature acclimation of R was marked, as illustrated by: (1) a downward shift in daily temperature response curves of R in summer (relative to spring); (2)≈60% lower R measured at 20oC (R20) in summer compared with spring; and (3) homeostasis over 12 months of R measured at prevailing nighttime temperatures. R20, measured during the day, was on average 30–40% higher under elevated [CO2] compared with ambient [CO2] across both watered and droughted trees. Drought reduced R20 by≈30% in both [CO2] treatments resulting in additive treatment effects. Although [CO2] had no effect on seasonal acclimation, summer drought exacerbated the seasonal downward shift in temperature response curves of R. Overall, these results highlight the importance of seasonal acclimation of leaf R in trees grown under ambient‐ and elevated [CO2] as well as under moderate drought. Hence, respiration rates may be overestimated if seasonal changes in temperature and drought are not considered when predicting future rates of forest net CO2 exchange.  相似文献   

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