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Solanum bulbocastanum, a wild, diploid (2n=2x=24) Mexican species, is highly resistant to Phytophthora infestans, the fungus that causes late blight of potato. However this 1 EBN species is virtually impossible to cross directly with potato. PEG-mediated fusion of leaf cells of S. bulbocastanum PI 245310 and the tetraploid potato line S. tuberosum PI 203900 (2n=4x=48) yielded hexaploid (2n= 6x=72) somatic hybrids that retained the high resistance of the S. bulbocastanum parent. RFLP and RAPD analyses confirmed the hybridity of the materials. Four of the somatic hybrids were crossed with potato cultivars Katahdin or Atlantic. The BC1 progeny segregated for resistance to the US8 genotype (A-2 mating type) of P. Infestans. Resistant BC1 lines crossed with susceptible cultivars again yielded populations that segregated for resistance to the fungus. In a 1996 field-plot in Wisconsin, to which no fungicide was applied, two of the BC1 lines, from two different somatic hybrids, yielded 1.36 and 1.32 kg/plant under a severe late-blight epidemic. In contrast, under these same conditions the cultivar Russet Burbank yielded only 0.86 kg/plant. These results indicate that effective resistance to the late-blight fungus in a sexually incompatible Solanum species can be transferred into potato breeding lines by somatic hybridization and that this resistance can then be further transmitted into potato breeding lines by sexual crossing. Received: 27 October 1997 / Accepted: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

Potato tubers (cvs Cara and Bintje) were grown in compost in a glasshouse and immature tubers harvested 57, 68 and 78 days after planting. Two moisture levels were imposed after the first harvest by disconnecting the water supply to one of the treatments and allowing the soil in that treatment to dry naturally. Tubers from wetter compost (59.4% moisture holding capacity) were more resistant to Phytophthora infestans than those from drier compost (14.7% moisture holding capacity) 78 days after planting. The potential causes of this difference were investigated. Aqueous extracts of wet compost did not inhibit the growth of P. infestans. The susceptibility of the internal tuber tissue, from which the periderm had been removed, was different to whole tuber susceptibility. The internal tissue of tubers from wet compost was more susceptible (cv. Cara), or as susceptible (cv. Bintje) as that of tubers from dry compost 78 days after planting. Fungi were isolated from the surface of whole tubers and there were no differences between the populations of potentially antagonistic fungal genera on tubers from wet and dry compost. As the experiment progressed, the number of bacteria per gram fresh weight on tubers grown in wet compost increased, whereas that on tubers from drier compost decreased (cv. Bintje) or remained similar (cv. Cara). There were significantly (P= 0.008) more bacteria on the surface of tubers from wet compost 78 days after planting. When P. infestans was co-cultured in Petri dishes with randomly selected tuber surface bacteria, some isolates (≤ 16.7%) inhibited the growth of the fungus. The percentage of the total bacterial population that was antagonistic to P. infestans was not significantly affected by soil moisture level (P= 0.368). The greater numbers of bacteria, of which a proportion are antagonistic to P. infestans, on the surface of tubers grown in wet compost may account for the greater resistance to tuber blight in that instance.  相似文献   

 The dominant Nb gene of potato confers strain-specific hypersensitive resistance against potato virus X (PVX). A population segregating for Nb was screened for resistance by inoculating with PVX strain CP2, which is sensitive to Nb. Through a combination of bulked segregant analysis and selective restriction fragment amplification, several amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers linked to Nb were identified. These were cloned and converted into dominant cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers. The segregation of these markers in a Lycopersicon esculentum×L. pennellii mapping population suggested that Nb is located on chromosome 5. This was confirmed by examining resistant and susceptible potato individuals with several tomato and potato chromosome-5-specific markers. Nb maps to a region of chromosome 5 where several other resistance genes– including R1, a resistance gene against Phytophthora infestans, Gpa, a locus that confers resistance against Globodera pallida, and Rx2, a gene that confers extreme resistance against PVX–have previously been identified. Received: 2 January 1997/Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

The method of polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify a fragment of the LZ-NBS-LRR receptor kinase gene R1; the gene was transferred into potato (Solanum tuberosum) from its wild-growing relative S. demissum and confers the race-specific recognition of the pathogen Phytophthora infestans. To verify this method as a test for the presence of the late blight resistance gene R1, the amplified genome fragment was cloned from the potato hybrid comprising the germplasm of S. demissum. The primary structure of this fragment, which corresponded to the receptor domain of kinase, did not practically differ from the matching sequence in S. demissum. In addition, the method was verified by scoring the set of plant differentials, wherein the presence of R1 was established with race-specific Phytophthora isolates. By screening 70 potato cultivars, we established a significant relationship between the presence of the gene R1 fragment and the phenotypic characters of late blight resistance and late maturity. This evidence supports the idea that R1 was introgressed from short-day S. demissum into potato plants together with some gene(s) conferring late transition to flowering.  相似文献   

Potatoes of a number of varieties of contrasting levels of resistance were planted in pure or mixed stands in four experiments over 3 years. Three experiments compared the late blight severity and progress in mixtures with that in pure stands. Disease on susceptible or moderately resistant varieties typical of those in commercial use was similar in mixtures and pure stands. In 2 of 3 years, there were slight reductions on cv. Sante, which is moderately susceptible, in mixture with cv. Cara, which is moderately resistant. Cara was unaffected by this mixture. Mixtures of an immune or near‐immune partner with Cara or Sante substantially reduced disease on the latter. The effect of the size of plots of individual varieties or mixtures on blight severity was compared in two experiments. Larger plots had a greater area under the disease progress curve, but the average rate of disease progress was greater in smaller plots; this may be because most disease progress took place later, under more favourable conditions, in the smaller plots. In one experiment, two planting densities were used. Density had no effect on disease and did not interact with mixture effects. The overall conclusion is that, while mixtures of potato varieties may be desirable for other reasons, they do not offer any improvement on the average of the disease resistance of the components.  相似文献   

Field trials were done with four cultivars over 3 years to assess the extent to which the amount of late blight on the foliage of a potato plant could be influenced by that on a neighbouring plant of the same or a different cultivar. Drills containing the test plants were interspersed with those of spreader plants (cv. King Edward) which were artificially inoculated with Phytophthora infestans. The intensity of blight on the test plants was recorded on several occasions.
Resistant cultivars tended to be scored as less resistant in mixtures with other cultivars than in pure stands, and susceptible cultivars tended likewise to be scored as more resistant in mixed stands. However, standard analysis of variance indicated no systematic evidence of a significant effect due to neighbour cultivars, nor of interaction between cultivars and neighbour cultivars. In contrast, Kempton's (1982) neighbour model indicated a significant and positive interference coefficient (β) in each trial, which generally decreased over time. Predicted pure stand scores for each cultivar indicated that the adjustment was greatest for the most resistant and most susceptible cultivars. There was no advantage in using two-plant rather than one-plant plots in withstanding neighbour effects.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans is the most destructive disease in potato cultivation worldwide. New, more virulent P. infestans strains have evolved which overcome the genetic resistance that has been introgressed by conventional breeding from wild potato species into commercial varieties. R genes (for single-gene resistance) and genes for quantitative resistance to late blight are present in the germplasm of wild and cultivated potato. The molecular basis of single-gene and quantitative resistance to late blight is unknown. We have cloned R1, the first gene for resistance to late blight, by combining positional cloning with a candidate gene approach. The R1 gene is member of a gene family. It encodes a protein of 1293 amino acids with a molecular mass of 149.4 kDa. The R1 gene belongs to the class of plant genes for pathogen resistance that have a leucine zipper motif, a putative nucleotide binding domain and a leucine-rich repeat domain. The most closely related plant resistance gene (36% identity) is the Prf gene for resistance to Pseudomonas syringae of tomato. R1 is located within a hot spot for pathogen resistance on potato chromosome V. In comparison to the susceptibility allele, the resistance allele at the R1 locus represents a large insertion of a functional R gene.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression was analyzed after infection with Phytophthora infestans in six potato cultivars with different levels of resistance to late blight. To verify the infection of the potato leaflets, the amount of phytopathogen mRNA within the plant material was quantified by real-time quantitative PCR. The expression of 182 genes selected from two subtracted cDNA libraries was studied with cDNA array hybridization using RNA from non-infected and infected potato leaflets. Gene up- and down-regulation were clearly detectable in all cultivars 72 h post inoculation. Gene expression patterns in susceptible cultivars differed from those in potato varieties with a higher level of resistance. In general, a stronger gene induction was observed in the susceptible cultivars compared to the moderately to highly resistant potato varieties. Five genes with the highest homology to stress and/or defence-related genes were induced specifically in the susceptible cultivars. Four genes responded to pathogen attack independently of the level of resistance of the cultivar used, and three genes were repressed in infected tissue of most cultivars. Even in the absence of P. infestans infection, six genes showed higher expression levels in the somewhat resistant cultivars Bettina and Matilda. Possible reasons for the different levels of gene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

We have constructed a partial linkage map in tetraploid potato which integrates simplex, duplex and double-simplex AFLP markers. The map consists of 231 maternal and 106 paternal markers with total map lengths of 990.9 cM and 484.6 cM. The longer of the two cumulative map lengths represents approximately 25% coverage of the genome. In tetraploids, much of the polymorphism between parental clones is masked by `dosage' which significantly reduces the number of individual markers that can be scored in a population. Consequently, the major advantage of using AFLPs – their high multiplex ratio – is reduced to the point where the use of alternative multi-allelic marker types would be significantly more efficient. The segregation data and map information have been used in a QTL analysis of late blight resistance, and a multi-allelic locus at the proximal end of chromosome VIII has been identified which contributes significantly to the expression of resistance. No late blight resistance genes or QTLs have previously been mapped to this location. Received: 1 October 1997 / Accepted: 18 March 1998  相似文献   

Comparative genomics provides a tool to utilize the exponentially increasing sequence information from model plants to clone agronomically important genes from less studied crop species. Plant disease resistance (R) loci frequently lack synteny between related species of cereals and crucifers but appear to be positionally well conserved in the Solanaceae. In this report, we adopted a local RGA approach using genomic information from the model Solanaceous plant tomato to isolate R3a, a potato gene that confers race-specific resistance to the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. R3a is a member of the R3 complex locus on chromosome 11. Comparative analyses of the R3 complex locus with the corresponding I2 complex locus in tomato suggest that this is an ancient locus involved in plant innate immunity against oomycete and fungal pathogens. However, the R3 complex locus has evolved after divergence from tomato and the locus has experienced a significant expansion in potato without disruption of the flanking colinearity. This expansion has resulted in an increase in the number of R genes and in functional diversification, which has probably been driven by the co-evolutionary history between P. infestans and its host potato. Constitutive expression was observed for the R3a gene, as well as some of its paralogues whose functions remain unknown.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of induced resistance and susceptibility of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers to late blight agent (Phytophthora infestans Mont de Bary) were studied using an elicitor chitosan and an immunosuppressor laminarin. It was elucidated that treatment of disks from potato tubers with chitosan resulted in salicyclic acid (SA) accumulation due to activation of benzoate-2-hydroxylase and hydrolysis of SA conjugates. Such SA accumulation in potato tissues inhibited one of the antioxidant enzymes, catalase, inducing an oxidative burst and resistance development. The mechanisms of induced susceptibility to the late blight causal agent were studied using an unspecific immunosuppressor, laminarin, an analogue of natural specific suppressor of potato immune responses, β-1,3,β-1,6-glucan. It was established that the development of immunosuppression in tissues treated with laminarin did not affect the SA level in tissues. However, catalase sensitivity to SA reduced in laminarin-treated tissues, and the enzyme activity increased. In its turn, this might result in the reduced level of hydrogen peroxide in the cells and, as a sequence, in the increased potato susceptibility to late blight.  相似文献   

Late blight, caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans, is the most devastating disease for potato cultivation. Here, we describe the positional cloning of the Rpi-blb1 gene from the wild potato species Solanum bulbocastanum known for its high levels of resistance to late blight. The Rpi-blb1 locus, which confers full resistance to complex isolates of P. infestans and for which race specificity has not yet been demonstrated, was mapped in an intraspecific S. bulbocastanum population on chromosome 8, 0.3 cM from marker CT88. Molecular analysis of a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone spanning the Rpi-blb1 locus identified a cluster of four candidate resistance gene analogues of the coiled coil, nucleotide-binding site, leucine-rich repeat (CC-NBS-LRR) class of plant resistance (R) genes. One of these candidate genes, designated the Rpi-blb1 gene, was able to complement the susceptible phenotype in a S. tuberosum and tomato background, demonstrating the potential of interspecific transfer of broad-spectrum late blight resistance to cultivated Solanaceae from sexually incompatible host species. Paired comparisons of synonymous and non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions between different regions of Rpi-blb1 paralogues revealed high levels of synonymous divergence, also in the LRR region. Although amino acid diversity between Rpi-blb1 homologues is centred on the putative solvent exposed residues of the LRRs, the majority of nucleotide differences in this region have not resulted in an amino acid change, suggesting conservation of function. These data suggest that Rpi-blb1 is relatively old and may be subject to balancing selection.  相似文献   

Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is one of the most devastating diseases in cultivated potato. Breeding of new potato cultivars with high levels of resistance to P. infestans is considered the most durable strategy for future potato cultivation. In this study, we report the identification of a new late-blight resistance (R) locus from the wild potato species Solanum bulbocastanum. Using several different approaches, a high-resolution genetic map of the new locus was generated, delimiting Rpi-blb3 to a 0.93 cM interval on chromosome 4. One amplification fragment length polymorphism marker was identified that cosegregated in 1,396 progeny plants of an intraspecific mapping population with Rpi-blb3. For comparative genomics purposes, markers linked to Rpi-blb3 were tested in mapping populations used to map the three other late-blight R loci Rpi-abpt, R2, and R2-like also to chromosome 4. Marker order and allelic conservation suggest that Rpi-blb3, Rpi-abpt, R2, and R2-like reside in the same R gene cluster on chromosome 4 and likely belong to the same gene family. Our findings provide novel insights in the evolution of R gene clusters conferring late-blight resistance in Solanum spp.  相似文献   

Variation, genetic parameters, interrelationships and phenotypic and genetic path analyses for components of field resistance of potatoes to Phytophthora infestuns were studied using detached leaves from 16 potato cultivars. Inter-genotypic variability was significant for the components and the Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC). The resistant cultivars generally had a longer latent period and lower lesion size and spore production than the susceptible cultivars. The correlations between AUDPC and infection efficiency, and between AUDPC and spore density were not significant, but latent period, lesion size and sporulation did correlate significantly with AUDPC. Genetic and phenotypic path-coefficient analyses indicated lesion size to be the most important component of field resistance. The genetic correlation coefficients between the AUDPC and infection efficiency, latent period and spore density arose mainly because of their indirect effects on AUDPC via lesion size. Lesion size and AUDPC had a high genetic coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance (genetic gain).  相似文献   

An outbreak of the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in Denmark was characterized in order to resolve the population structure and determine to what extent sexual reproduction was occurring. A standard set of microsatellite simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers generated using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) were employed in parallel. A total of 83 individuals, isolated from seven different potato fields in 2014, were analysed together with five Danish whole-genome sequenced isolates, as well as two Mexican individuals used as an outgroup. From a filtered dataset of 55 288 SNPs, population genomics analyses revealed no sign of recombination, implying clonality. In spite of this, multilocus genotypes were unique to individual potato fields, with little evidence of gene flow between fields. Ploidy analysis performed on the SNPs dataset indicated that the majority of isolates were diploid. These contradictory results with clonality and high genotypic diversity may suggest that rare sexual events likely still contribute to the population. Comparison of the results generated by SSRs vs SNPs data indicated that large marker sets, generated by RAD-seq, may be advised going forward, as it provides a higher level of genetic discrimination than SSRs.  相似文献   

Field resistance to late blight – a fungal disease caused by Phytophthora infestans – has been genetically characterized by analyzing trait-marker association in a Solanum phureja (phu)×dihaploid Solanum tuberosum (dih-tbr) population. Trait data were developed at three locations over a 3-year period under natural infection pressure. RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism)markers were used to develop anonymous genetic linkage groups subsequently anchored to potato chromosomes using mapped RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism), SSR (single sequence repeats) and AFLP markers. RFLP and SSR markers achieved the most-accurate anchoring. Two genetic maps were obtained, with 987.4 cM for phu and 773.7 cM for dih-tbr. Trait-marker association was revealed by single-marker and interval mapping analyses. Two important QTLs (quantitative trait loci) were detected on chromosomes VII and XII as a contribution from both parents, totalling up to 16% and 43%, respectively, of the phenotypic variation (PH). One additional QTL was detected on chromosome XI (up to 11% of the PH) as a contribution from the phu parent, and three others were detected on chromosome III (up to 13% of the PH), chromosome V (up to 11% of the PH) and chromosome VIII (up to 11% of the PH) as a contribution from the dih-tbr parent. Our results reveal new genetic loci of the potato genome that contribute to resistance to late blight. We postulate that some of these loci could be related to plant growth under short-day conditions. Received: 5 July 2000 / Accepted: 17 November 2000  相似文献   

Despite the long history of breeding potatoes resistant to Phytophthora infestans, this oomycete is still economically the most important pathogen of potato worldwide. The correlation of high levels of resistance to late blight with a long vegetation period is one of the bottlenecks for progress in breeding resistant cultivars of various maturity types. Solanum phureja was identified as a source of effective late blight resistance, which was transferred to the cultivated gene pool by interspecific crosses with dihaploids of Solanum tuberosum. A novel major resistance locus, Rpi-phu1, derived most likely from S. phureja and conferring broad-spectrum resistance to late blight, was mapped to potato chromosome IX, 6.4 cM proximal to the marker GP94. Rpi-phu1 was highly effective in detached leaflet, tuber slice and whole tuber tests during 5 years of quantitative phenotypic assessment. The resistance did not show significant correlation with vegetation period length. Our findings provide a well-characterized new source of resistance for breeding early and resistant-to-P. infestans potatoes.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

The endoparasitic root cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis causes considerable damage in potato cultivation. In the past, major genes for nematode resistance have been introgressed from related potato species into cultivars. Elucidating the molecular basis of resistance will contribute to the understanding of nematode-plant interactions and assist in breeding nematode-resistant cultivars. The Gro1 resistance locus to G. rostochiensis on potato chromosome VII co-localized with a resistance-gene-like (RGL) DNA marker. This marker was used to isolate from genomic libraries 15 members of a closely related candidate gene family. Analysis of inheritance, linkage mapping, and sequencing reduced the number of candidate genes to three. Complementation analysis by stable potato transformation showed that the gene Gro1-4 conferred resistance to G. rostochiensis pathotype Ro1. Gro1-4 encodes a protein of 1136 amino acids that contains Toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR), nucleotide-binding (NB), leucine-rich repeat (LRR) homology domains and a C-terminal domain with unknown function. The deduced Gro1-4 protein differed by 29 amino acid changes from susceptible members of the Gro1 gene family. Sequence characterization of 13 members of the Gro1 gene family revealed putative regulatory elements and a variable microsatellite in the promoter region, insertion of a retrotransposon-like element in the first intron, and a stop codon in the NB coding region of some genes. Sequence analysis of RT-PCR products showed that Gro1-4 is expressed, among other members of the family including putative pseudogenes, in non-infected roots of nematode-resistant plants. RT-PCR also demonstrated that members of the Gro1 gene family are expressed in most potato tissues.  相似文献   

 Due to the complexity of tetrasomic inheritance, mapping studies in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) are generally conducted at the diploid level. In the present study we tested the feasibility of Bulked Segregant Analysis (BSA) using a tetraploid offspring for the identification of AFLP markers linked to the R2 allele, which confers race-specific resistance to Phytophthora infestans. Eleven bulk-specific AFLP markers, detected in fingerprints of 205 AFLP primer combinations, could be mapped in a linkage group encompassing the R2 locus. The efficiency of BSA at the tetraploid level, determined by the frequency of single-dose restriction fragments (SDRF), was much higher than expected on the basis of overall genetic dissimilarity between the parental clones. The fortuitous detection of AFLPs with linkage to the R2 allele is explained on the basis of specific genetic dissimilarity between cultivated potato and the chromosomal segment introgressed from S. demissum carrying the resistant R2 allele. AFLP markers common to those with linkage to R2 were visually recognized by their electrophoretic mobility in the AFLP fingerprint in a parental clone of a reference mapping population. Using these common AFLP markers we anchored the linkage group comprising the R2 allele to potato chromosome 4. Received: 30 October 1997 / Accepted: 6 November 1997  相似文献   

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