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Although chromosome aberrations are known to derive from distance-dependent mis-rejoining of chromosome fragments, evaluating whether a certain model describes such “proximity effects” better than another one is complicated by the fact that different approaches have often been tested under different conditions. Herein, a biophysical model (“BIANCA”, i.e. BIophysical ANalysis of Cell death and chromosome Aberrations) was upgraded, implementing explicit chromosome-arm domains and two new models for the dependence of the rejoining probability on the fragment initial distance, r. Such probability was described either by an exponential function like exp(−r/r0), or by a Gaussian function like exp(−r2/2σ2), where r0 and σ were adjustable parameters. The second, and last, parameters was the yield of “Cluster Lesions” (CL), where “Cluster Lesion” defines a critical DNA damage producing two independent chromosome fragments. The model was applied to low-LET-irradiated lymphocytes (doses: 1–4 Gy) and fibroblasts (1–6.1 Gy). Good agreement with experimental yields of dicentrics and centric rings, and thus their ratio (“F-ratio”), was found by both the exponential model (with r0 = 0.8 μm for lymphocytes and 0.7 μm for fibroblasts) and the Gaussian model (with σ = 1.1 μm for lymphocytes and 1.3 μm for fibroblasts). While the former also allowed reproducing dose-responses for excess acentric fragments, the latter substantially underestimated the experimental curves. Both models provided G-ratios (ratio of acentric to centric rings) higher than those expected from randomness, although the values calculated by the Gaussian model were lower than those calculated by the exponential one. For lymphocytes the calculated G-ratios were in good agreement with the experimental ones, whereas for fibroblasts both models substantially underestimated the experimental results, which deserves further investigation. This work suggested that, although both models performed better than a step model (which previously allowed reproducing the F-ratio but underestimated the G-ratio), an exponential function describes proximity effects better than a Gaussian one.  相似文献   

The biological effects of low-dose radiation have attracted attention, but data are currently insufficient to fully understand the beneficial role of the phenomenon. In the present study, we have investigated the effects of low doses of gamma-irradiation alone and in combination with all-trans-retinoic acid (RA) on proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation of the human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. Changes in cell behavior and protein expression were determined with the use of light and fluorescent microscopy, immunocytochemical and Western blot analysis. Low-dose irradiation with 1–100 cGy caused a dose-dependent inhibition of HL-60 cell proliferation, and induced apoptosis and differentiation to granulocytes with an increase in the number of CD15-positive cells. Pre-irradiation with 1–100 cGy for 24 h before treatment with RA promoted apoptosis but did not impair RA-induced differentiation. Both processes were associated with a decrease in the expression of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), BCL-2, c-MYC, and changes in both cytosolic and nuclear levels of protein tyrosine-phosphorylation as well as protein kinase C alpha or beta isoforms. These results demonstrate the beneficial role of low-dose irradiation in modulating leukemia cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis.  相似文献   

The effects of ionizing radiation on osteoblast-like cells in vitro   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The well-described detrimental effects of ionizing radiation on the regeneration of bone within a fracture site include decreased osteocyte number, suppressed osteoblast activity, and diminished vascularity. However, the biologic mechanisms underlying osteoradionecrosis and the impaired fracture healing of irradiated bone remain undefined. Ionizing radiation may decrease successful osseous repair by altering cytokine expression profiles resulting from or leading to a change in the osteoblastic differentiation state. These changes may, in turn, cause alterations in osteoblast proliferation and extracellular matrix formation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ionizing radiation on the proliferation, maturation, and cytokine production of MC3T3-E1 osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Specifically, the authors examined the effects of varying doses of ionizing radiation (0, 40, 400, and 800 cGy) on the expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and alkaline phosphatase. In addition, the authors studied the effects of ionizing radiation on MC3T3-E1 cellular proliferation and the ability of conditioned media obtained from control and irradiated cells to regulate the proliferation of bovine aortic endothelial cells. Finally, the authors evaluated the effects of adenovirus-mediated TGF-beta1 gene therapy in an effort to "rescue" irradiated osteoblasts. The exposure of osteoblast-like cells to ionizing radiation resulted in dose-dependent decreases in cellular proliferation and promoted cellular differentiation (i.e., increased alkaline phosphatase production). Additionally, ionizing radiation caused dose-dependent decreases in total TGF-beta1 and VEGF protein production. Decreases in total TGF-beta1 production were due to a decrease in TGF-beta1 production per cell. In contrast, decreased total VEGF production was secondary to decreases in cellular proliferation, because the cellular production of VEGF by irradiated osteoblasts was moderately increased when VEGF production was corrected for cell number. Additionally, in contrast to control cells (i.e., nonirradiated), conditioned media obtained from irradiated osteoblasts failed to stimulate the proliferation of bovine aortic endothelial cells. Finally, transfection of control and irradiated cells with a replication-deficient TGF-beta1 adenovirus before irradiation resulted in an increase in cellular production of TGF-beta1 protein and VEGF. Interestingly, this intervention did not alter the effects of irradiation on cellular proliferation, which implies that alterations in TGF-beta1 expression do not underlie the deficiencies noted in cellular proliferation. The authors hypothesize that ionizing radiation-induced alterations in the cytokine profiles and differentiation states of osteoblasts may provide insights into the cellular mechanisms underlying osteoradionecrosis and impaired fracture healing.  相似文献   

The changes in genome conformational state (GCS) induced by low-dose ionizing radiation in E. coli cells were measured by the method of anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD) in cellular lysates. Effects of X-rays at doses 0.1 cGy--1 Gy depended on post-irradiation time. Significant relaxation of DNA loops followed by a decrease in AVTD. The time of maximum relaxation was between 5-80 min depending on the dose of irradiation. U-shaped dose response was observed with increase of AVTD in the range of 0.1-4 Gy and decrease in AVTD at higher doses. No such increase in AVTD was seen upon irradiation of cells at the beginning of cell lysis while the AVTD decrease was the same. Significant differences in the effects of X-rays and gamma-rays at the same doses were observed suggesting a strong dependence of low-dose effects on LET. Effects of 0.01 cGy gamma-rays were studied at different cell densities during irradiation. We show that the radiation-induced changes in GCS lasted longer at higher cell density as compared to lower cell density. Only small amount of cells were hit at this dose and the data suggest cell-to-cell communication in response to low-dose ionizing radiation. This prolonged effect was also observed when cells were irradiated at high cell density and diluted to low cell density immediately after irradiation. These data suggest that cell-to-cell communication occur during irradiation or within 3 min post-irradiation. The cell-density dependent response to low-dose ionizing radiation was compared with previously reported data on exposure of E. coli cells to electromagnetic fields of extremely low frequency and extremely high frequency (millimeter waves). The body of our data show that cells can communicate in response to electromagnetic fields and ionizing radiation, presumably by reemission of secondary photons in infrared-submillimeter frequency range.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study of eleven men who were exposed to non-background ionizing radiation as active participants in the United States' atmospheric nuclear tests. Each of the subjects has developed a virtually identical complex of debilitating psychiatric symptoms. The content of these symptoms is almost entirely focused upon the health effects of the radiation to which each of the subjects was exposed. This symptom complex appears to comprise a syndrome. The symptom structure and course of this syndrome suggests three hypotheses: The syndrome appears to be a pathological development of the self diagnostic belief (that one has been physically harmed by radiation) into a set of symptoms that elaborate upon and express this belief. The self diagnostic belief develops as a means of resolving any one of the various medical mysteries that an individual can experience subsequent to exposure to radiation. Development of the syndrome is a consequence of exposure to non-background ionizing radiation. The paper discusses the evidence for these hypotheses and suggests future research directions.  相似文献   

The induction of reciprocal translocations in rhesus monkey stem-cell spermatogonia was studied using multivalent analysis at metaphase of primary spermatocytes. Animals were exposed to 1 Gy gamma-rays at dose rates of 140 and 0.2 mGy/min or to 0.25 Gy acute 2 MeV neutrons. Reduction of the dose rate from 140 mGy/min to 0.2 mGy/min did not result in a lowering of the frequencies of recovered translocations of 0.43%. The neutron data indicated an RBE (neutrons vs. X-rays) of 2.1, which is clearly lower than the value of 4 obtained in the mouse. It is made plausible that in general mammalian species with high sensitivities for the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation, such as the rhesus monkey, will exhibit relatively high threshold dose rates below which no further reduction in aberration yield occurs, whereas in more resistant species, such as the mouse, the threshold dose rate will be at a very low level. Similarly, resistant species will show relatively high RBE values for neutron irradiation and sensitive species low ones.  相似文献   

Membrane effects of ionizing radiation and hyperthermia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Results of numerous studies demonstrate that membranes are important sites of cell damage by both ionizing radiation and hyperthermia. Modification of membrane properties (mainly lipid fluidity) affects the cellular responses to radiation and hyperthermia but former concepts that membrane rigidification sensitizes cells to radiation while membrane fluidization potentiates hyperthermic damage have now been seriously challenged. It seems that the effects of membrane fluidity on cell responses to hyperthermia and radiation are due to an indirect influence on functional membrane proteins. The major role of lipid peroxidation in radiation damage to membranes has also been questioned. The existing evidence makes it unlikely that the interaction between radiation and hyperthermia is determined by the action of both agents on the same membrane components.  相似文献   

Wright EG  Coates PJ 《Mutation research》2006,597(1-2):119-132
The dogma that genetic alterations are restricted to directly irradiated cells has been challenged by observations in which effects of ionizing radiation, characteristically associated with the consequences of energy deposition in the cell nucleus, arise in non-irradiated cells. These, so called, untargeted effects are demonstrated in cells that have received damaging signals produced by irradiated cells (radiation-induced bystander effects) or that are the descendants of irradiated cells (radiation-induced genomic instability). Radiation-induced genomic instability is characterized by a number of delayed adverse responses including chromosomal abnormalities, gene mutations and cell death. Similar effects, as well as responses that may be regarded as protective, have been attributed to bystander mechanisms. Whilst the majority of studies to date have used in vitro systems, some adverse non-targeted effects have been demonstrated in vivo. However, at least for haemopoietic tissues, radiation-induced genomic instability in vivo may not necessarily be a reflection of genomically unstable cells. Rather the damage may reflect responses to ongoing production of damaging signals; i.e. bystander responses, but not in the sense used to describe the rapidly induced effects resulting from direct interaction of irradiated and non-irradiated cells. The findings are consistent with a delayed and long-lived tissue reaction to radiation injury characteristic of an inflammatory response with the potential for persisting bystander-mediated damage. An important implication of the findings is that contrary to conventional radiobiological dogma and interpretation of epidemiologically-based risk estimates, ionizing radiation may contribute to malignancy and particularly childhood leukaemia by promoting initiated cells rather than being the initiating agent. Untargeted mechanisms may also contribute to other pathological consequences.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation inhibited the development of specific haemolysin-producing cells (PFC) and depressed the incorporation of (3H) thymidine by rabbit spleen explants responding to SRC in the culture medium. In contrast to these effects, the rates of incorporation of precursors for protein and RNA synthesis were much less affected. The depression of (3H) thymidine incorporation was found to result from a quantitative reduction of new DNA synthesis, without any change in the proportion of labelled cells, at any time after irradiation. The DNA synthesis occurring in these cells preparing to develop antibody-producing capacity was thus radio-sensitive, but the exact nature of the defect resulting from exposure to radiation requires further study.  相似文献   

Non-targeted bystander effects induced by ionizing radiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morgan WF  Sowa MB 《Mutation research》2007,616(1-2):159-164
Radiation-induced bystander effects refer to those responses occurring in cells that were not subject to energy deposition events following ionizing radiation. These bystander cells may have been neighbors of irradiated cells, or physically separated but subject to soluble secreted signals from irradiated cells. Bystander effects have been observed in vitro and in vivo and for various radiation qualities. In tribute to an old friend and colleague, Anthony V. Carrano, who would have said "well what are the critical questions that should be addressed, and so what?", we review the evidence for non-targeted radiation-induced bystander effects with emphasis on prevailing questions in this rapidly developing research field, and the potential significance of bystander effects in evaluating the detrimental health effects of radiation exposure.  相似文献   

The dependence of the incidence of radiation-induced cancer on the dose rate of the radiation exposure is a question of considerable importance to the estimation of risk of cancer induction by low-dose-rate radiation. Currently a dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor (DDREF) is used to convert high-dose-rate risk estimates to low dose rates. In this study, the end point of neoplastic transformation in vitro has been used to explore this question. It has been shown previously that for low doses of low-LET radiation delivered at high dose rates, there is a suppression of neoplastic transformation frequency at doses less than around 100 mGy. In the present study, dose-response curves up to a total dose of 1000 mGy have been generated for photons from (125)I decay (approximately 30 keV) delivered at doses rates of 0.19, 0.47, 0.91 and 1.9 mGy/min. The results indicate that at dose rates of 1.9 and 0.91 mGy/min the slope of the induction curve is about 1.5 times less than that measured at high dose rate in previous studies with a similar quality of radiation (28 kVp mammographic energy X rays). In the dose region of 0 to 100 mGy, the data were equally well fitted by a threshold or linear no-threshold model. At dose rates of 0.19 and 0.47 mGy/min there was no induction of transformation even at doses up to 1000 mGy, and there was evidence for a possible suppressive effect. These results show that for this in vitro end point the DDREF is very dependent on dose rate and at very low doses and dose rates approaches infinity. The relative risks for the in vitro data compare well with those from epidemiological studies of breast cancer induction by low- and high-dose-rate radiation.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that ionizing radiation-induced disruptions in mitochondrial O? metabolism lead to persistent heritable increases in steady-state levels of intracellular superoxide (O?(?U+2212)) and hydrogen peroxide (H?O?) that contribute to the biological effects of radiation. Hamster fibroblasts (B9 cells) expressing a mutation in the gene coding for the mitochondrial electron transport chain protein succinate dehydrogenase subunit C (SDHC) demonstrate increases in steady-state levels of O??- and H?O?. When B9 cells were exposed to low-dose/low-LET radiation (5-50 cGy), they displayed significantly increased clonogenic cell killing compared with parental cells. Clones derived from B9 cells overexpressing a wild-type human SDHC (T4, T8) demonstrated significantly increased surviving fractions after exposure to 5-50 cGy relative to B9 vector controls. In addition, pretreatment with polyethylene glycol-conjugated CuZn superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as adenoviral-mediated overexpression of MnSOD and/or mitochondria-targeted catalase resulted in significantly increased survival of B9 cells exposed to 10 cGy ionizing radiation relative to vector controls. Adenoviral-mediated overexpression of either MnSOD or mitochondria-targeted catalase alone was equally as effective as when both were combined. These results show that mammalian cells over expressing mutations in SDHC demonstrate low-dose/low-LET radiation sensitization that is mediated by increased levels of O??- and H?O?. These results also support the hypothesis that mitochondrial O??- and H?O? originating from SDH are capable of playing a role in low-dose ionizing radiation-induced biological responses.  相似文献   

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