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S. Van Dongen 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》1998,265(1404):1423-1427
The estimation of individual fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is subject to large sampling variabilities. Heritability estimates, as well as correlations between developmental stability and any other individual character and/or between-trait correlations, are consequently biased downward if FA is used as an estimate of an individual''s ability to buffer its development against developmental noise. The estimation of the hypothetical repeatability, defined as the ratio of the between-individual component of variation in the unsigned FA divided by the total variance, allows correction for these biases such that patterns observed for FA can be translated to make inferences about the presumed underlying developmental stability. In this paper I show that previous estimates of this repeatability are incorrect. I provide a new method and show by means of simulations that the hypothetical repeatability is in most cases even lower than previously thought. This has important consequences for the analysis of FA with respect to statistical power and the interpretation of patterns in FA. 相似文献
Are human preferences for facial symmetry focused on signals of developmental instability? 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Simmons Leigh W.; Rhodes Gillian; Peters Marianne; Koehler Nicole 《Behavioral ecology》2004,15(5):864-871
Humans find symmetrical faces more attractive than are asymmetricalfaces. Evolutionary psychologists claim that our preferencefor symmetry can be explained in the context of mate choicebecause symmetry is an honest indicator of the genetic qualityof potential mates. These arguments assume that asymmetry inhuman faces is fluctuating asymmetry (FA), because this formof asymmetry can be revealing of developmental instability.However, no study has yet examined the characteristics of facialasymmetry. Here we provide the first detailed study of the patternsof asymmetry in human faces. We measured asymmetry in 35 facialtraits. Although some traits had distributions characteristicof FA, many had distributions that characterize directionalasymmetry (DA); on average, both men and women had right hemi-facedominance. For DA traits we used deviations from the mean asymmetryas a measure of developmental instability. Our measures of asymmetryaccounted for a moderate proportion of the variance in perceivedsymmetry. Importantly, only FAs and random deviations from DAcontributed to people's perception of symmetry. DA was not importantin symmetry judgments. Faces rated as symmetrical were alsorated as attractive. Random deviations from DA were weakly relatedto women's attractiveness judgments of men's faces. DAs didnot influence attractiveness judgments. Our data suggest thatpeople focus on aspects of facial asymmetry that may be revealingof developmental instability. Further studies that isolate FAfrom other forms of asymmetry are required to accurately assessthe influence of developmental instability on the quality ofindividuals and its potential role in mate preferences. 相似文献
David R. Feinberg 《Evolutionary anthropology》2008,17(2):112-118
In our daily lives, we constantly interact with people. We maintain relationships with families and friends. We collaborate with colleagues. We seek passion with our lovers and avoid conflicts with our enemies. How we divide the world into these and many other categories of people is initially guided by our first impressions of how they look and sound. Many times we are surprised when we hear someone on the phone whom we have not yet met face‐to face; they sound different from what we imagined. There are, however, many things that we are not surprised about in such situations. People are accurate at identifying sex, health, emotions, and age by both voices and faces.3–12 There is good evidence that many seemingly disparate ornaments such as body and face,13 body and voice,14–16 and face and odor19 may convey either backup signals of the same underlying quality20,21 or convey signals of different underlying qualities that are used in conjunction to provide a more robust view of the organism's overall fitness.22,23 Is this also true of face and voices? Until recently, little attention has been given to the idea that people's faces and voices might both signal the same underlying qualities related to hormone levels, and that we might use these hormonal fitness markers to provide a better picture of the signaler's overall mate value.20,21,24 In this paper I first argue that aspects of voices and faces can be used as markers of hormonal status. Second, I argue that both vocal and facial features associated with hormonal status are used by people to assess mate quality. 相似文献
Space-filling molecular models have been used to examine structural analogies between amino acids and nucleic acids. The three-dimensional structures of amino acid R groups appear to be stereochemically related to cavities formed by removal of single bases in double helical nucleic acids. The common L amino acids may thus be complementary to their codons. 相似文献
John S. Gray Anders Bjørgesæter Kenneth Frank 《Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology》2006,330(1):19-26
Recently, interest in species abundance (SAD) distributions has been revived by introduction of a new model, the zero-sum multinomial (ZSM). Yet detailed statistical analyses show that the model does not differ from the lognormal distribution proposed in the 1940s. These analyses were based on data from tropical trees where all individuals in a defined area were identified to species. For many ecological data sets it is not possible to identify and count all individuals in a given area. Here we compare data on marine benthos and fish assemblages with data on terrestrial microfauna and ants. We show that these assemblages show similar SAD patterns and that the SADs are best described by a two-group lognormal model. Whereas the 2-group model fitted all data sets the single group model fitted all except the tropical rainforest ants. However, tests comparing the fits to the 2-group versus the single lognormal model showed that the 2-group model was a significantly better fit to the fish and insect data. The two groups are of rare and common species and the rare group dominates in all four data sets. We suggest that the reason for this is that rare species are continuously immigrating from outside the sampled area. Data on tropical tree assemblages where complete accounts were made do not show such high dominance of rare species where the sampled area is large. We conclude that SAD patterns are similar in marine and terrestrial systems that are open to immigration and that the lognormal distribution is still a valid model for SADs. 相似文献
Lawrence B. Hendry Edwin D. Bransome Jr. Mathew Petersheim 《Origins of life and evolution of the biosphere》1981,11(3):203-221
Space-filling molecular models have been used to examine structural analogies between amino acids and nucleic acids. The three-dimensional structures of amino acidR groups appear to be stereochemically related to cavities formed by removal of single bases in double helical nucleic acids. The common L amino acids may thus be complementary to their codons.Their publications are indicated by an asterisk in the references at the end of this paper. 相似文献
Body size and morphology are key fitness-determining traits that can vary genotypically. They are likely to be important in social insect queens, which mate in swarms and found colonies independently, but genetic influences on queen morphology have been little investigated. Here, we show that the body size and morphology of queens are influenced by their genotype in the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior, a species in which certain lineages (patrilines) bias their development towards reproductive queens rather than sterile workers. We found no relationship between the queen-worker skew of patrilines and the size or morphology of queens, but there was a significant relationship with fluctuating asymmetry, which was greater in more queen-biased patrilines. Our results suggest that queen-biased patrilines do not incur a fitness cost in terms of body size, but may face more subtle costs in developmental stability. Such costs may constrain the evolution of royal cheating in social insects. 相似文献
Matson KD 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2006,273(1599):2267-2274
Generally, immune system architecture varies with different environments, which presumably reflect different pathogen pressures. Specifically, populations from relatively disease-free, oceanic islands are expected to exhibit reorganized immune systems, which might be characterized by attenuated responses, given the costs of immune function. Some insular animals exhibit an 'island syndrome,' including increased susceptibility to disease, and some insular populations have declined when they failed to resist infection by introduced pathogens. I measured eight indices of immune function (haemolysis, haemagglutination, concentration of haptoglobin and concentration of five leukocyte types) in 15 phylogenetically matched pairs of bird populations from North America and from the islands of Hawaii, Bermuda and the Galápagos. Immune responses were not attenuated in insular birds, and several indices, including the concentration of plasma haptoglobin, were elevated. Thus, I find no support for the specific hypothesis that depauperate parasite communities and the costs of immune defences select for reduced immune function. Instead, I suggest that life on islands leads to an apparent reorganization of immune function, which is defined by increases in defences that are innate and inducible. These increases might signal that systems of acquired humoral immunity and immunological memory are less important or dysfunctional in island populations. 相似文献
A A Driedger 《Canadian journal of microbiology》1970,16(9):881-882
G Lasker B A Kaplan J A Sedensky 《Human biology; an international record of research》1990,62(2):247-249
Measurements of 133 adult offspring of exogamous matings and of 347 adult offspring of endogamous matings in a Mexican community were standardized for sex and prior international migration. The offspring of the exogamous matings were larger than those of the endogamous matings in 3 of 26 anthropometric dimensions. The probability of 3 or more in 26 dimensions at the 0.05 level is p = 0.14, not statistically significant. Comparisons of offspring of exogamous and endogamous unions in populations of this kind do not consistently provide evidence of heterosis. 相似文献
Ramasubramaniam R Roy A Sharma B Nagalakshmi S 《Photochemical & photobiological sciences》2011,10(12):1887-1893
Most of the studies on sunlight-induced pigmentation of skin are mainly focused on ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced pigmentation and ways to prevent it. Recent studies have shown that the visible component of sunlight can also cause significant skin pigmentation. In the current study, the extent of pigmentation induced by UV and visible regions of sunlight in subjects with Fitzpatrick skin type IV-V was measured and compared with pigmentation induced by total sunlight. The immediate pigment darkening (IPD) induced by the visible fraction of sunlight is not significantly different from that induced by the UV fraction. However, the persistent pigment darkening (PPD) induced by visible fraction of sunlight in significantly lower than that induced by the UV fraction. The dose responses of IPD induced by UV, visible light and total sunlight suggest that both UV and visible light interact with the same precursor although UV is 25 times more efficient in inducing pigmentation per J cm(-2) of irradiation compared to visible radiation. The measured diffused reflection spectra and decay kinetics of UV and visible radiation-induced pigmentation are very similar, indicating that the nature of the transient and persistent species involved in both the processes are also likely to be same. 相似文献
1.?The growth period is an important determinant of fitness later in life through its effects on first-year survival and future reproduction. Choices by adult females about where to rear their offspring strongly affect growth rates and offspring fitness in geese. 2.?Individual female black brent (Branta bernicla nigricans) tend to raise their broods in the same areas each year, and these areas are consistently ranked with respect to growth rates of goslings. Therefore, some females consistently rear their broods on areas resulting in lower post-fledging fitness. 3.?We explore the potential that growth rates of offspring (and associated fitness consequences) are traded off against other vital rates influencing fitness of either adult females or goslings. Growth of goslings primarily influences fitness after fledging, so one hypothesis is that survival before fledging, which is influenced by predation, is traded off against growth rates and post-fledging survival. 4.?We estimated pre-fledging and post-fledging survival for goslings reared on areas used by broods from the Tutakoke River black brent colony. We examined recaptures, recoveries by hunters and resightings of brent marked as goslings with webtags and standard leg rings. These data were analyzed using capture-mark-recapture models in program mark to derive separate estimates of pre- and post-fledging survival for 18 cohorts (1987-2004) of black brent goslings across seven brood rearing areas (BRAs). 5.?Estimates of pre-fledging survival probability varied from 0·00?±?0·00 (mean?±?95% confidence interval) to 0·92?±?0·1; and estimates of post-fledging survival probability varied from 0·00?±?0·00 to 1·00?±?0·08. Substantial variation existed both among BRAs and years but post-fledging survival declined substantially during the study. 6.?Pre- and post-fledging survival were positively correlated, exhibiting a quadratic relationship (?(post-fledging survival) =?1·00 (±0·47)x-0·83 (±0·480)x(2) , where x?=?pre-fledging survival). Therefore, we did not find a trade-off between pre- and post-fledging survival in black brent goslings across BRAs, suggesting that factors other than foraging conditions and predation on goslings must influence selection of BRAs. 相似文献
Is there a relationship between phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate and F-actin polymerization in human neutrophils? 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
M Eberle A E Traynor-Kaplan L A Sklar J Norgauer 《The Journal of biological chemistry》1990,265(28):16725-16728
Stimulation of human neutrophils with the chemoattractant N-formyl peptide caused rapid polymerization of F-actin as detected by right angle light scatter and 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol (NBD)-phallacidin staining of F-actin. After labeling neutrophils with 32P, exposure to N-formyl peptide induced a fast decrease of phosphatidylinositol 4-bisphosphate (PIP)2, a slow increase of phosphatidic acid, and a rapid rise of phosphatidylinositol 4-trisphosphate (PIP3). Formation of PIP3 as well as actin polymerization was near maximal at 10 s after stimulation. Half-maximal response and PIP3 formation at early time points resulted from stimulation of neutrophils with 0.01 nM N-formyl peptide or occupation of about 200 receptors. Sustained elevation of PIP3, prolonged right angle light scatter response, and F-actin formation required higher concentrations of N-formyl peptide, occupation of thousands of receptors, and high binding rates. When ligand binding was interrupted with an antagonist, F-actin rapidly depolymerized, transient light scatter response recovered immediately, and elevated [32P]PIP3 levels decayed toward initial values. However, recovery of [32P]PIP2 was not influenced by the antagonist. Based on the parallel time courses and dose response of [32P] PIP3, the right angle light scatter response, and F-actin polymerization, PIP3 is more likely than PIP2 to be involved in modulation of actin polymerization and depolymerization in vivo. 相似文献
《Biotechnic & histochemistry》2013,88(8):494-498
Argyrophilic nucleolar organizing region associated proteins (AgNORs) play roles in cell proliferation and a variety of diseases. We attempted to determine whether decreased NOR protein synthesis causes human hair loss. We studied 21 healthy males who suffered hair loss on the frontal/vertex portion of the head. Hair root cells from normal and hair loss sites were stained for AgNOR. One hundred nuclei per site were evaluated and the AgNOR number and NORa/TNa proportions of individual cells were determined using a computer program. The cells from normal sites had significantly higher AgNOR counts than those from hair loss sites. Also, the cells from the normal sites had significantly higher NORa/TNa than cells from the hair loss sites. In the normal sites, the cells demonstrated more NOR protein synthesis than cells in hair loss sites. Therefore, decreased NOR protein synthesis appears to be related to hair loss in humans. 相似文献
Is phenotypic canalization involved in the decline of the endemic Aquilegia thalictrifolia? Rethinking relationships between fluctuating asymmetry and species conservation status

Thomas Abeli Lino Zubani Costantino Bonomi Gilberto Parolo Domenico Gargano 《Plant Species Biology》2016,31(4):247-255
Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), the deviation from the normal symmetrical condition of a morphological trait having specific morphological symmetry, increases in response to environmental and genetic stress, is related to phenotypic plasticity and is considered a tool for monitoring a species conservation status. However, FA–stress relations are dependent on measured traits or species‐specific characteristics such as mating system and habitat. This study investigates the relationships between FA, genetic diversity, population size, density and individual fitness traits (plant height, fruit and seed set), in the endemic Aquilegia thalictrifolia, a mixed breeder that is declining, but maintaining high levels of heterozygosity. Leaf and flower FA and other traits were investigated in 10 populations of A. thalictrifolia, the whole species range. As a result, we found similar patterns of FA in leaves and flowers between populations, indicating a homogenous level of stress between populations that differed for other traits. FA and the other traits were not related, including heterozygosity. Heterozygosity was not related to individual fitness traits with the exception of plant height. In accordance with other studies, we found that the role of FA as a tool for assessing the conservation status of a species or population should be reconsidered. However, we conclude that a low level of FA should not automatically be considered an indicator of good conservation status or low level of stress, because in species that evolved in highly stable environments it may indicate a scarce ability to plastically respond to environmental changes, as a consequence of environmental and genetic canalization. Further investigation of this point is needed. 相似文献
Maria Reuter 《Hydrobiologia》1991,227(1):221-227
The ultrastructure of the CNS (central nervous system) in three species of the Proseriata — Archiloa unipunctata (O. Fabricius), Bothriomolus balticus (Meixner), and Promonotus schultzei (Meixner) — was studied and compared to that of the lower flatworms Stenostomum leucops (Catenulida) and Microstomum lineare (Macrostomida) in material available from our previous studies. Conventional electron microscopical fixation was used for A. unipunctata and B. balticus; the tannic-acid-incubation method (TARI), a method that reveals especially nonsynaptic exocytotic release of neuronal substances, was applied in study of P. schultzei.In general, the ultrastructural features of neurons and nerve fibers were similar in proseriates and lower flatworms. A striking feature common to both groups was the secretory appearance of all neurons. A significant difference between them is the occurrence, in the proseriates, of wrapping of neurons by glial cells. Heterogeneity in the population of neuronal vesicles and in structure of synapses in the proseriates are probably advanced characters; by contrast, S. leucops has relatively homogeneous vesicles and simple synapses. A gradual advancement from the state in the catenulids through that in the macrostomids to the proseriates seems to be reflected in the differentiation of synapses and the variability of neuronal vesicles. This probably reflects differences in functional demands but also evolutionary advancement. 相似文献
Marcinko D Martinac M Karlović D Filipcić I Loncar C Pivac N Jakovljević M 《Collegium antropologicum》2005,29(1):153-157
Previous studies have shown an association between low concentration of serum cholesterol, as well as high concentration of serum cortisol, in suicide behavior. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether men after a violent suicide attempts have different serum cholesterol and cortisol concentrations than those who attempted suicide by non-violent methods. Venous blood samples were collected within 24 hours of admission, to study concentrations of serum cholesterol and cortisol. The sample consisted of 31 male subjects suffering from schizophrenia, admitted in a general hospital after suicide attempt, and was compared with 15 schizophrenic nonsuicidal male controls. Patients with a violent suicidal attempt were found to have significantly lower cholesterol levels and significantly higher cortisol level than patients with non-violent attempts and the control subjects. Our findings suggest that suicide attempts should not be considered a homogenous group. The hypothesis of an association of violent suicidal attempts and peripheral biological markers (cholesterol and cortisol) was supported by our findings. 相似文献