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Flooding is often considered a stimulus for production of fish in floodplain rivers. In the southern Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), Australia, however, few native fish species have been shown to use the floodplain for spawning, and recruitment has been positively and negatively associated with flooding. In 2010/11, extensive flooding in the lower River Murray provided an opportunity to investigate the recruitment response of Golden Perch (Macquaria ambigua ambigua) following 10 years of drought and floodplain isolation. Annual variation in Golden Perch abundance and recruitment were investigated in anabranch and main channel habitats at Chowilla in the floodplain geomorphic region of the lower River Murray over a 7‐year period incorporating the flood and 6 years of in‐channel flow. Spatial variation in recruitment in the lower River Murray was also investigated by comparing the age structure of Golden Perch in the swamplands/lakes, gorge and floodplain geomorphic regions. Golden Perch abundance in the Chowilla region increased significantly postflooding compared with drought years. Age structures indicated that increased abundance was due predominantly to fish spawned during the flood (2010/11) and the previous year (2009/10), which was characterised by in‐channel flows. Age structure was similar in the nearby Katarapko Anabranch system indicating a uniform postflood recruitment response in the floodplain geomorphic region. Juvenile Golden Perch from the 2010/11 and 2009/10 cohorts were less apparent in the gorge and swamplands/lakes regions. Golden Perch have flexible life histories and will spawn and recruit in association with in‐channel rises in flow and overbank flows, but significant increases in abundance in the lower River Murray may result from overbank flooding. Contemporary approaches to flow restoration in the MDB emphasise overbank flows and floodplain processes. We suggest, however, that environmental flow management that incorporates floodplain and in‐channel processes, at appropriate spatio‐temporal scales, will result in more robust populations of Golden Perch.  相似文献   

Rivers provide an excellent system to study interactions between patterns of biodiversity structure and ecological processes. In these environments, gene flow is restricted by the spatial hierarchy and temporal variation of connectivity within the drainage network. In the Australian arid zone, this variability is high and rivers often exist as isolated waterholes connected during unpredictable floods. These conditions cause boom/bust cycles in the population dynamics of taxa, but their influence on spatial genetic diversity is largely unknown. We used a landscape genetics approach to assess the effect of hydrological variability on gene flow, spatial population structure and genetic diversity in an Australian freshwater fish, Macquaria ambigua. Our analysis is based on microsatellite data of 590 samples from 26 locations across the species range. Despite temporal isolation of populations, the species showed surprisingly high rates of dispersal, with population genetic structure only evident among major drainage basins. Within drainages, hydrological variability was a strong predictor of genetic diversity, being positively correlated with spring-time flow volume. We propose that increases in flow volume during spring stimulate recruitment booms and dispersal, boosting population size and genetic diversity. Although it is uncertain how the hydrological regime in arid Australia may change under future climate scenarios, management strategies for arid-zone fishes should mitigate barriers to dispersal and alterations to the natural flow regime to maintain connectivity and the species' evolutionary potential. This study contributes to our understanding of the influence of spatial and temporal heterogeneity on population and landscape processes.  相似文献   

The world's freshwater biotas are declining in diversity, range and abundance, more than in other realms, with human appropriation of water. Despite considerable data on the distribution of dams and their hydrological effects on river systems, there are few expansive and long analyses of impacts on freshwater biota. We investigated trends in waterbird communities over 32 years, (1983–2014), at three spatial scales in two similarly sized large river basins, with contrasting levels of water resource development, representing almost a third (29%) of Australia: the Murray–Darling Basin and the Lake Eyre Basin. The Murray–Darling Basin is Australia's most developed river basin (240 dams storing 29,893 GL) while the Lake Eyre Basin is one of the less developed basins (1 dam storing 14 GL). We compared the long‐term responses of waterbird communities in the two river basins at river basin, catchment and major wetland scales. Waterbird abundances were strongly related to river flows and rainfall. For the developed Murray–Darling Basin, we identified significant long‐term declines in total abundances, functional response groups (e.g., piscivores) and individual species of waterbird (n = 50), associated with reductions in cumulative annual flow. These trends indicated ecosystem level changes. Contrastingly, we found no evidence of waterbird declines in the undeveloped Lake Eyre Basin. We also modelled the effects of the Australian Government buying up water rights and returning these to the riverine environment, at a substantial cost (>3.1 AUD billion) which were projected to partly (18% improvement) restore waterbird abundances, but projected climate change effects could reduce these benefits considerably to only a 1% or 4% improvement, with respective annual recovery of environmental flows of 2,800 GL or 3,200 GL. Our unique large temporal and spatial scale analyses demonstrated severe long‐term ecological impact of water resource development on prominent freshwater animals, with implications for global management of water resources.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the phylogeographic structure of the widespread freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium australiense, within and between major Australian drainage basins using mitochondrial sequence data. This will enable the investigation of historical connections between major drainages and examination of hypotheses of biogeographic associations among Australian freshwater basins. Location Inland, eastern and northern Australia. Methods Sequencing 16S rRNA and ATPase 6 protein coding mitochondrial DNA genes from M. australiense from 19 locations from inland, eastern and northern Australia. Results Within drainage basins, haplotype trees are monophyletic, with the exception of the Finke River from the Lake Eyre Basin. Macrobrachium australiense from the two main inland drainages, the Murray–Darling and Lake Eyre Basin are divergent from each other and do not form a monophyletic group, instead the Murray–Darling Basin haplotypes clade with eastern coastal haplotypes. Haplotypes from neighbouring eastern coastal drainages were found to be quite divergent from each other. Main conclusions The phylogeographic relationships among M. australiense suggest that the two major inland drainages, the Murray–Darling Basin and the Lake Eyre Basin, are not biogeographically closely associated to each other. Instead the Murray–Darling Basin is more closely allied with the eastern coastal drainages across the Great Dividing Range. Despite their proximity the neighbouring southeast Queensland coastal Mary and Brisbane Rivers are also biogeographically divergent from each other. The results also indicate that the Finke River appears to have been isolated from the remainder of the Lake Eyre Basin catchment for a significant period of time.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of water diversion on fish populations is a global issue. Many countries have invested substantial funding into research and implementation strategies to ensure fish are protected at diversions that take water out of rivers for agriculture and other human uses. The most common management action is the installation of fish screens, and a wide range of designs are presently available that suit a large range of diversions. The Murray–Darling Basin is the largest catchment in Australia and has been substantially developed over the past 100 years to store and divert water for that protect fish from escaping into the irrigation systems. Recent studies have determined that water diversions have substantial impacts on native fish populations, but there are presently no coordinated efforts for mitigation strategies. The purpose of this review is to highlight aspects of successful screening programmes worldwide and identify those that could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. The development of similar programmes in the United States, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has identified that sufficient information and technology exists to inform the development of fish screening programmes. There is no need to commence implementation from first principles, and substantial progress can be achieved by applying successful aspects of other programmes. By identifying existing designs, defining ecological targets, developing generalised guidelines appropriate for local conditions and engaging the community, a co‐ordinated and successful fish screening programme could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. This would have substantial benefits for the long‐term sustainability of native fish without compromising water supply requirements.  相似文献   

Aim Hypotheses proposed for lineage diversification of tropical montane species have rarely been tested within oceanic islands. Our goal was to understand how basin barriers and Pleistocene climatic fluctuations shaped the distribution of diversity in Eleutherodactylus portoricensis (Eleutherodactylidae), a frog endemic to the montane rain forests of Puerto Rico. Location The north‐eastern (Luquillo) and south‐eastern (Cayey) mountains of Puerto Rico. Methods We generated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequences (c. 565 bp) from 144 individuals of E. portoricensis representing 16 localities, and sequenced 646 bp of cytochrome b and 596 bp of nuclear DNA (nDNA) rhodopsin exon and intron 1 from a subset of individuals. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis on the mtDNA sequence data and explored population substructure with maximum parsimony networks, a spatial analysis of molecular variance, and pairwise FST analysis. Coalescent simulations were performed to test alternative models of population divergence in response to late Pleistocene interglacial periods. Historical demography was assessed through coalescent analyses and Bayesian skyline plots. Results We found: (1) two highly divergent groups associated with the disjunct Luquillo and Cayey Mountains, respectively; (2) a shallow mtDNA genetic discontinuity across the La Plata Basin within the Cayey Mountains; (3) phylogeographic congruence between nDNA and mtDNA markers; (4) divergence dates for both mtDNA and nDNA pre‐dating the Holocene interglacial (c. 10 ka), and nDNA suggesting divergence in the penultimate interglacial (c. 245 ka); and (5) historical demographic stability in both lineages. Main conclusions The low‐elevation Caguas Basin is a long‐term barrier to gene flow between the two montane frog populations. Measures of genetic diversity for mtDNA were similar in both lineages, but lower nDNA diversity in the Luquillo Mountains lineage suggests infrequent dispersal between the two mountain ranges and colonization by a low‐diversity founder population. Population divergence began prior to the Holocene interglacial. Stable population sizes over time indicate a lack of demonstrable demographic response to climatic changes during the last glacial period. This study highlights the importance of topographic complexity in promoting within‐island vicariant speciation in the Greater Antilles, and indicates long‐term persistence and lineage diversification despite late Pleistocene climatic oscillations.  相似文献   

Mediterranean‐type streams are characterized by great seasonal and annual variation in flow. We studied the biology of the freshwater mussel Unio tumidiformis in such a stream, the Vascão River in southern Portugal, during a period of great interannual variation in hydrology. We studied growth patterns of the mussels between 2002–2008, and the reproductive cycle between 2005–2006. Life‐history parameters were calculated and related to environmental variables and fish community patterns. Mark–recapture growth data confirmed that observed annuli were formed annually and are therefore reliable for use in growth studies of U. tumidiformis. The von Bertalanffy growth constant K and the asymptotic length L were negatively correlated. K varied between 0.20 and 0.58 and was positively correlated with factors related to eutrophication. The maximum observed age was 7 years, and the maximum observed length was 52 mm. There was no apparent sexual dimorphism, and sexual maturity was reached at the age of 2 years. Fecundity was low, between 1500–15000 glochidia per female, and positively correlated with body length. Only one annual gametogenic cycle was identified, leading to a short‐term reproductive period in spring (tachyticity). The reproductive cycle was similar in the two years sampled, between which hydrology and water quality differed greatly. The presence of glochidia was synchronized with the period when the proportion of fish hosts (genus Squalius) was higher in the fish community. Unio tumidiformis seems to be well adapted to the natural variability in flow in temporary Mediterranean‐type streams. Modifications of the natural flow regime caused by climate change or increased water exploitation may lead to rapid declines in mussel populations.  相似文献   

Morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies show that there is a close relationship between Coffea and Psilanthus. In this study we reassess species relationships based on improved species sampling for Psilanthus, including P. melanocarpus, a species that shares morpho‐taxonomic characters of both genera. Analyses are performed using parsimony and Bayesian inference, on sequence data from four plastid regions [trnL–F intron, trnL–F IGS, rpl16 intron and accD–psa1 intergenic spacer (IGS)] and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS 1/5.8S/ITS 2). Several major lineages with geographical coherence, as identified in previous studies based on smaller and larger data sets, are supported. Our results also confirm previous studies showing that the level of sequence divergence between Coffea and Psilanthus species is negligible, particularly given the much longer branch lengths separating other genera of tribe Coffeeae. There are strong indications that neither Psilanthus nor Coffea is monophyletic. Psilanthus melanocarpus is nested with the CoffeaPsilanthus clade, which means that there is only one critical difference between Coffea and Psilanthus; the former has a long‐emergent style and the latter a short, included style. Based on these new data, in addition to other systematically informative evidence from a broad range of studies, and especially morphology, Psilanthus is subsumed into Coffea. This decision increases the number of species in Coffea from 104 to 124, extends the distribution to tropical Asia and Australasia and broadens the morphological characterization of the genus. The implications for understanding the evolutionary history of Coffea are discussed. A group of closely related species is informally named the ‘Coffea liberica alliance’. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 167 , 357–377.  相似文献   

The small‐sized frugivorous bat Carollia perspicillata is an understory specialist and occurs in a wide range of lowland habitats, tending to be more common in tropical dry or moist forests of South and Central America. Its sister species, Carollia brevicauda, occurs almost exclusively in the Amazon rainforest. A recent phylogeographic study proposed a hypothesis of origin and subsequent diversification for C. perspicillata along the Atlantic coastal forest of Brazil. Additionally, it also found two allopatric clades for C. brevicauda separated by the Amazon Basin. We used cytochrome b gene sequences and a more extensive sampling to test hypotheses related to the origin and diversification of C. perspicillata plus C. brevicauda clade in South America. The results obtained indicate that there are two sympatric evolutionary lineages within each species. In C. perspicillata, one lineage is limited to the Southern Atlantic Forest, whereas the other is widely distributed. Coalescent analysis points to a simultaneous origin for C. perspicillata and C. brevicauda, although no place for the diversification of each species can be firmly suggested. The phylogeographic pattern shown by C. perspicillata is also congruent with the Pleistocene refugia hypothesis as a likely vicariant phenomenon shaping the present distribution of its intraspecific lineages. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 527–539.  相似文献   

The succession of glacials and interglacials during the Pleistocene strongly influenced the diversification and distribution patterns in birds. In contrast to species of temperate regions, open‐habitat specialists should have experienced range expansion during the longer glacial periods, while range contractions occurred during the shorter interglacials. However, only few studies have tested this prediction so far. We studied the Oenanthe hispanica–pleschanka–cypriaca (Aves, Muscicapidae: Saxicolinae) complex characteristic of open habitats in the Palearctic. Based on three mitochondrial and one Z‐linked nuclear marker, we inferred its phylogeny, historical diversification, and demography. Ecological niche modeling was used to reconstruct potential distributions during the last glacial maximum and the last interglacial. Using 19 morphological traits, we tested for morphometric differences among the different taxa. Mitochondrial markers revealed strong genetic differences between O. h. hispanica and the other taxa with a divergence event at around 1.7 million years ago. No consistent genetic differences were revealed between O. cypriaca, O. h. melanoleuca, and O. pleschanka. The latter two hybridize in contact zones, which might explain partly the lack of genetic differentiation; yet, further analyses using genomic data are needed to infer the true divergence history of the complex. Signs of population expansions in the clade comprising O. h. melanoleuca, O. pleschanka, and O. cypriaca at 90,000 years ago coincided with the last glacial as predicted. Population expansion then was also supported by ecological climate niche models. O. h. hispanica was not consistently separated from the other taxa in morphometrics. It might nonetheless warrant species status, pending further analyses.  相似文献   

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