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基于碳收支的中国土地覆被分类系统   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张磊  吴炳方  李晓松  邢强 《生态学报》2014,34(24):7158-7166
生态系统的碳收支是影响全球变化的重要环节,而土地覆被变化改变了生态系统碳收支的现状、速率。提出了面向碳收支的中国土地覆被分类系统,服务于生态系统碳收支估算和国家生态环境监测。分类系统由一、二级土地覆被类型、三级土地覆被辅助特征构成。通过物质组成、结构、排列、季节特征等19个指标,将土地覆被划分38个二级类型,反映生态系统的碳储量现状。三级土地覆被辅助特征利用9个指标补充了二级土地覆被类型的属性。其中5个环境指标主要反映生态系统碳储备的潜力和强度,土地利用方式指标反映植被演替过程植被碳收支中的人为扰动影响,植被覆盖度、植被生育期、物种特征指标用于进一步细化植被类型。二级类型与三级特征为分层组织的土地覆被产品,有利于产品管理和应用。分类系统已应用到面向全国生态系统碳收支的30m格网的中国土地覆被制图中。  相似文献   

Protected areas (PAs) cover about 22% of the conterminous United States. Understanding their role on historical land use and land cover change (LULCC) and on the carbon cycle is essential to provide guidance for environmental policies. In this study, we compiled historical LULCC and PAs data to explore these interactions within the terrestrial ecosystem model (TEM). We found that intensive LULCC occurred in the conterminous United States from 1700 to 2005. More than 3 million km2 of forest, grassland and shrublands were converted into agricultural lands, which caused 10,607 Tg C release from land ecosystems to atmosphere. PAs had experienced little LULCC as they were generally established in the 20th century after most of the agricultural expansion had occurred. PAs initially acted as a carbon source due to land use legacies, but their accumulated carbon budget switched to a carbon sink in the 1960s, sequestering an estimated 1,642 Tg C over 1700–2005, or 13.4% of carbon losses in non‐PAs. We also find that PAs maintain larger carbon stocks and continue sequestering carbon in recent years (2001–2005), but at a lower rate due to increased heterotrophic respiration as well as lower productivity associated to aging ecosystems. It is essential to continue efforts to maintain resilient, biodiverse ecosystems and avoid large‐scale disturbances that would release large amounts of carbon in PAs.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的影响研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
陈朝  吕昌河  范兰  武红 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5358-5371
土壤有机碳是陆地碳库的重要组成部分,也是当前全球碳循环和全球变化研究的热点。土地利用/覆被变化及土地管理变化通过影响土壤有机碳的储量和分布,进而影响温室气体排放和陆地生态系统的碳通量。研究土地利用变化影响下的土壤有机碳储量及其动态变化规律,有助于加深理解全球气候变化与土地利用变化之间的关系。在阅读国内外有关文献的基础上,分别从土地利用及其管理方式变化的角度,概括了土地利用变化对土壤有机碳的影响过程与机理;针对当前研究的两大类方法,即实验方法和模型方法,分类详细介绍了它们各自的特点以及存在的一些问题。在此基础上,提出今后土地利用变化对土壤有机碳影响研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

李璐  夏秋月  董捷  张斌 《生态学报》2023,43(7):2627-2639
认识和探讨区域土地利用碳收支并构建碳生态补偿模式,对于引导区域低碳协调发展、促进实现碳中和目标具有重要理论和现实意义。探究基于土地利用碳收支的碳生态补偿原理,并以武汉城市圈县域为实证研究对象,依据区域土地利用碳收支差异,在碳中和目标下估算城市圈各县(市、区)的碳生态补偿标准,明确碳生态补偿支付或受偿次序。结果表明:(1)研究期内城市圈各县(市、区)土地利用净碳排放空间差异显著。土地利用净碳排放呈现“西高东低,南北低中心高”的空间分布特点,且该空间分布特征逐渐强化;(2)武汉城市圈有14个碳生态补偿支付区,大多位于城市圈中部和西部地区,其中包括5个优先支付区、6个次级支付区、3个潜在支付区;(3)武汉城市圈有25个碳生态补偿受偿区,大多位于城市圈东部及外围地区,其中包括5个优先受偿区、9个次级受偿区、11个潜在受偿区,并针对不同类型支付和受偿区提出差别化的低碳发展对策建议。  相似文献   

Large‐scale terrestrial carbon (C) estimating studies using methods such as atmospheric inversion, biogeochemical modeling, and field inventories have produced different results. The goal of this study was to integrate fine‐scale processes including land use and land cover change into a large‐scale ecosystem framework. We analyzed the terrestrial C budget of the conterminous United States from 1971 to 2015 at 1‐km resolution using an enhanced dynamic global vegetation model and comprehensive land cover change data. Effects of atmospheric CO2 fertilization, nitrogen deposition, climate, wildland fire, harvest, and land use/land cover change (LUCC) were considered. We estimate annual C losses from cropland harvest, forest clearcut and thinning, fire, and LUCC were 436.8, 117.9, 10.5, and 10.4 TgC/year, respectively. C stored in ecosystems increased from 119,494 to 127,157 TgC between 1971 and 2015, indicating a mean annual net C sink of 170.3 TgC/year. Although ecosystem net primary production increased by approximately 12.3 TgC/year, most of it was offset by increased C loss from harvest and natural disturbance and increased ecosystem respiration related to forest aging. As a result, the strength of the overall ecosystem C sink did not increase over time. Our modeled results indicate the conterminous US C sink was about 30% smaller than previous modeling studies, but converged more closely with inventory data.  相似文献   

胡莹洁  李月  孔祥斌  段增强  陆明环 《生态学报》2018,38(13):4625-4636
分析北京市农用地碳储量对土地利用变化的响应,对快速城市化和工业化区域及全国农用地低碳利用调控具有重要意义。利用1980年第二次土壤普查数据与2010年测土配方施肥项目成果土壤数据核算北京市农用地表层土壤碳储量,利用生物量遥感信息(NDVI)模型反演林地、草地植被碳储量,对北京市土地利用变化造成的农用地碳储量变化进行研究,结果表明:1)1980-2010年,北京市农用地碳储量由75.29 Tg-C增至81.13Tg-C,增加5.83 Tg-C,其中,土壤碳储量减少7.51 Tg-C,植被碳储量增加13.34 Tg-C;2)30年间,北京市农用地面积减少14.11×104 hm2,其中,耕地流失最为显著,主要去向为建设用地和林地,林地面积略有增加;3)北京市用地类型保持不变的农用地土壤碳储量减少297.63×104 t,植被碳储量增加1095.21×104 t,共计增加797.58×104 t,其中,用地类型保持不变的耕地、林地碳储量增加,草地碳储量减少;4)30年间,土地利用类型转化使北京市农用地土壤碳储量减少75.71×104 t,植被碳储量增加212.49×104 t,共计增加136.78×104 t,其他用地类型转为林地使碳储量增加,有利于碳汇的形成,林地转出为其他用地类型均会造成一定碳排放;5)平原造林、退耕还林等工程有利于增加北京市农用地固碳量。未来北京市可通过控制农用地面积减少量,优化农用地内部结构,降低用地类型间的转换频率以提高农用地碳储量。研究可为其他区域及全国在快速城市化工业化过程中提升农用地碳储量提供一定参考。  相似文献   

We model the carbon balance of European croplands between 1901 and 2000 in response to land use and management changes. The process‐based ORCHIDEE‐STICS model is applied here in a spatially explicit framework. We reconstructed land cover changes, together with an idealized history of agro‐technology. These management parameters include the treatment of straw and stubble residues, application of mineral fertilizers, improvement of cultivar species and tillage. The model is integrated for wheat and maize during the period 1901–2000 forced by climate each 1/2‐hour, and by atmospheric CO2, land cover change and agro‐technology each year. Several tests are performed to identify the most sensitive agro‐technological parameters that control the net biome productivity (NBP) in the 1990s, with NBP equaling for croplands the soil C balance. The current NBP is a small sink of 0.16 t C ha?1 yr?1. The value of NBP per unit area reflects past and current management, and to a minor extent the shrinking areas of arable land consecutive to abandonment during the 20th Century. The uncertainty associated with NBP is large, with a 1‐sigma error of 0.18 t C ha?1 yr?1 obtained from a qualitative, but comprehensive budget of various error terms. The NBP uncertainty is dominated by unknown historical agro‐technology changes (47%) and model structure (27%), with error in climate forcing playing a minor role. A major improvement to the framework would consist in using a larger number of representative crops. The uncertainty of historical land‐use change derived from three different reconstructions, has a surprisingly small effect on NBP (0.01 t C ha?1 yr?1) because cropland area remained stable during the past 20 years in all the tested land use forcing datasets. Regional cross‐validation of modeled NBP against soil C inventory measurements shows that our results are consistent with observations, within the uncertainties of both inventories and model. Our estimation of cropland NBP is however likely to be biased towards a sink, given that inventory data from different regions consistently indicate a small source whereas we model a small sink.  相似文献   

农业生态系统具有碳源和碳汇的双重特征,其在减缓气候变化中的重要性已得到国际社会的广泛认可。相较于技术手段的创新,碳税、补贴等经济手段被认为是较为简单、可行、易出台的碳排放减缓政策。采用气候变化综合评估模型-GOPer-GC模型,构建国际碳税情景,模拟分析了2008年至2050年碳税政策的实施对全球各区域农业土地覆被及土地利用变化碳排放的影响。模拟结果表明,情景2和情景3中全球农业土地利用变化累计碳排放分别达到49.6 GtC和23.1 GtC,明显低于基准情景的累计排放量51.9 GtC。这说明,实施碳税政策后,相较于将碳税收入用作一般性财政收入,将碳税收入补贴至农业部门在一定程度上减缓农业碳排放。此外,林业部门获取更多的碳税补贴时,多数区域农业土地利用变化碳排放规模大幅减少,主因是耕地变为林地、草地变为林地面积的增加。情景3中,中国的碳汇量较其他情景显著增加,主要来自耕地变为林地、草地变为林地,累计碳汇量分别达到1.7和3.7 GtC。因此,对于中国、美国、印度等大部分区域来说,碳税收入更多地补贴至林业部门有利于在整体上减缓农业碳排放,而欧盟、日本、东亚、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、俄罗斯、东欧地区,碳税收入平均补贴至种植业、畜牧业和林业反而具有相对更好的减排效果。  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC), the largest terrestrial carbon pool, plays a significant role in soil‐related ecosystem services such as climate regulation, soil fertility and agricultural production. However, its fate under land use change is difficult to predict. A major issue is that SOC comprised of numerous organic compounds with potentially distinct and poorly understood turnover properties. Here we use spatiotemporal measurements of the particulate (POC), mineral‐associated (MOC) and charred SOC (COC) fractions from 176 trials involving changes in land use to assess their underlying controls. We find that the initial pool sizes of each of the three fractions consistently and dominantly control their temporal dynamics after changes in land use (i.e. the baseline effects). The effects of climate, soil physicochemical properties and plant residues, however, are fraction‐ and time‐dependent. Climate and soil properties show similar importance for controlling the dynamics of MOC and COC, while plant residue inputs (in term of their quantity and quality) are much less important. For POC, plant residues and management practices (e.g. the frequency of pasture in crop‐pasture rotation systems) are substantially more important, overriding the influence of climate. These results demonstrate the pivotal role of measuring SOC composition and considering fraction‐specific stabilization and destabilization processes for effective SOC management and reliable SOC predictions.  相似文献   

王南  张华 《生态科学》2011,30(4):406-410
基于2000年、2005年的土地利用数据,应用谢高地等人制定的中国陆地生态系统单位面积服务价值表,估算了阿鲁科尔沁旗土地利用格局变化引起的生态系统服务价值的改变。结果表明,从2000~2005年,阿鲁科尔沁旗土地利用结构变化幅度分别为,耕地增加13.39%,林地减少0.43%,草地减少2.29%,水域增加0.86%,湿地减少0.64%,城乡工矿居民用地增加12.02%,未利用土地减少0.25%。阿鲁科尔沁旗生态系统服务价值从2000年的12.87亿元减少到2005年的12.83亿元,净减少值为0.04亿元,减幅为0.31%。阿鲁科尔沁旗土地利用格局的变化,特别是耕地面积大幅度增加,草地面积减少是其生态服务系统价值下降主因。  相似文献   

区域尺度陆地生态系统碳收支及其循环过程研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
于贵瑞  方华军  伏玉玲  王秋凤 《生态学报》2011,31(19):5449-5459
地球系统的碳库和碳循环过程变化是影响气候系统的重要因素,而陆地生态系统的碳收支及其循环过程机制研究一直是全球气候变化成因分析、变化趋势预测、减缓和适应对策分析领域的科学研究热点。回顾了过去几十年区域尺度陆地生态系统碳循环和碳收支研究领域的国际前沿及其关键科学问题,并分析了我国在该研究领域的科技需求和发展方向。当前国际科学研究的热点和前沿领域主要包括:生态系统和区域碳储量和碳收支的清查、综合计量与碳汇认证,陆地生态系统碳通量的联网观测及其循环过程机制,陆地生态系统碳循环过程对气候变化响应野外控制试验,陆地生态系统水、碳、氮循环及其耦合关系机制和模拟模型研究等,同时指出在这些研究领域依然存在且急需解决的关键科学问题。我国近期的科技工作重点工作应该是努力构建天-地-空一体化的碳储量和碳收支动态监测体系、开展生态系统碳-氮-水耦合循环及其区域调控管理的前瞻性研究,定量评价中国生态系统的碳收支状况和增汇潜力,评估各种典型生态系统增汇技术的经济效益,为国家尺度的温室气体管理和碳交易机制与政策体系的建立提供可报告、可度量和可核查的科学数据和技术支持。  相似文献   

Carbon (C) emission and uptake due to land use and land cover change (LULCC) are the most uncertain term in the global carbon budget primarily due to limited LULCC data and inadequate model capability (e.g., underrepresented agricultural managements). We take the commonly used FAOSTAT‐based global Land Use Harmonization data (LUH2) and a new high‐resolution multisource harmonized national LULCC database (YLmap) to drive a land ecosystem model (DLEM) in the conterminous United States. We found that recent cropland abandonment and forest recovery may have been overestimated in the LUH2 data derived from national statistics, causing previously reported C emissions from land use have been underestimated due to the definition of cropland and aggregated LULCC signals at coarse resolution. This overestimation leads to a strong C sink (30.3 ± 2.5 Tg C/year) in model simulations driven by LUH2 in the United States during the 1980–2016 period, while we find a moderate C source (13.6 ± 3.5 Tg C/year) when using YLmap. This divergence implies that previous C budget analyses based on the global LUH2 dataset have underestimated C emission in the United States owing to the delineation of suitable cropland and aggregated land conversion signals at coarse resolution which YLmap overcomes. Thus, to obtain more accurate quantification of LULCC‐induced C emission and better serve global C budget accounting, it is urgently needed to develop fine‐scale country‐specific LULCC data to characterize the details of land conversion.  相似文献   

Soil carbon stocks and land use change: a meta analysis   总被引:71,自引:0,他引:71  
The effects of land use change on soil carbon stocks are of concern in the context of international policy agendas on greenhouse gas emissions mitigation. This paper reviews the literature for the influence of land use changes on soil C stocks and reports the results of a meta analysis of these data from 74 publications. The meta analysis indicates that soil C stocks decline after land use changes from pasture to plantation (?10%), native forest to plantation (?13%), native forest to crop (?42%), and pasture to crop (?59%). Soil C stocks increase after land use changes from native forest to pasture (+ 8%), crop to pasture (+ 19%), crop to plantation (+ 18%), and crop to secondary forest (+ 53%). Wherever one of the land use changes decreased soil C, the reverse process usually increased soil carbon and vice versa. As the quantity of available data is not large and the methodologies used are diverse, the conclusions drawn must be regarded as working hypotheses from which to design future targeted investigations that broaden the database. Within some land use changes there were, however, sufficient examples to explore the role of other factors contributing to the above conclusions. One outcome of the meta analysis, especially worthy of further investigation in the context of carbon sink strategies for greenhouse gas mitigation, is that broadleaf tree plantations placed onto prior native forest or pastures did not affect soil C stocks whereas pine plantations reduced soil C stocks by 12–15%.  相似文献   

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 1 methodologies commonly underpin project‐scale carbon accounting for changes in land use and management and are used in frameworks for Life Cycle Assessment and carbon footprinting of food and energy crops. These methodologies were intended for use at large spatial scales. This can introduce error in predictions at finer spatial scales. There is an urgent need for development and implementation of higher tier methodologies that can be applied at fine spatial scales (e.g. farm/project/plantation) for food and bioenergy crop greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting to facilitate decision making in the land‐based sectors. Higher tier methods have been defined by IPCC and must be well evaluated and operate across a range of domains (e.g. climate region, soil type, crop type, topography), and must account for land use transitions and management changes being implemented. Furthermore, the data required to calibrate and drive the models used at higher tiers need to be available and applicable at fine spatial resolution, covering the meteorological, soil, cropping system and management domains, with quantified uncertainties. Testing the reliability of the models will require data either from sites with repeated measurements or from chronosequences. We review current global capability for estimating changes in soil carbon at fine spatial scales and present a vision for a framework capable of quantifying land use change and management impacts on soil carbon, which could be used for addressing issues such as bioenergy and biofuel sustainability, food security, forest protection, and direct/indirect impacts of land use change. The aim of this framework is to provide a globally accepted standard of carbon measurement and modelling appropriate for GHG accounting that could be applied at project to national scales (allowing outputs to be scaled up to a country level), to address the impacts of land use and land management change on soil carbon.  相似文献   

基于土地利用/覆被变化的荒漠绿洲碳储量动态评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孔君洽  杨荣  苏永中  付志德 《生态学报》2018,38(21):7801-7812
以典型的荒漠绿洲区为研究对象,基于不同时期土地利用/覆被类型图,运用Bookkeeping模型,结合土壤、植被碳密度基础资料及调查数据,评估了近30年临泽绿洲土地利用/覆被变化特征及其对碳储量的影响。结果表明:(1)临泽荒漠绿洲区的土地利用/覆被变化特征主要表现为:居民及建设用地、耕地、林地呈增加趋势,增幅分别为90.2%、75%、46.5%;盐碱地、水体、沙地、荒漠草地则呈减少趋势,减幅分别为73.9%、67.8%、46.2%、5.5%。(2) 30 a耕地面积增加了269.38 km~2,其中耕地开垦面积为372.57 km~2,开垦主要来源于盐碱地、荒漠草地和沙地,分别占耕地开垦面积的24.7%、24.4%和21.05%。耕地转变为其他土地覆被类型的面积为103.19 km~2,转变后的主要去向分别是居民及建设用地、盐碱地和荒漠草地,分别占耕地转变为其他土地覆被类型面积的32.78%、17.8%和15.37%。(3)土地利用/覆被变化导致总碳储量增加5.89×10~5t,其中土壤碳储量增加量为4.02×10~5t,植被碳储量增加量为1.86×10~5t;耕地变化使碳储量增加4.91×10~5t,其中使碳储量增加的转变分别是荒漠草地-耕地、沙地-耕地、盐碱地-耕地、耕地-林地,相反的转变则使碳储量减少。总体来看,临泽荒漠绿洲土地利用/覆被面积和结构均发生了变化,耕地开垦为最主要的土地利用/覆被变化,土地利用/覆被变化导致碳储量总体呈增加趋势,耕地变化是影响碳储量变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration by sediments and vegetated marine systems contributes to atmospheric carbon drawdown, but little empirical evidence is available to help separate the effects of climate change and other anthropogenic activities on carbon burial over centennial timescales. We used marine sediment organic carbon to determine the role of historic climate variability and human habitation in carbon burial over the past 5,071 years. There was centennial‐scale sensitivity of carbon supply and burial to climatic variability, with Little Ice Age cooling causing an abrupt ecosystem shift and an increase in marine carbon contributions compared to terrestrial carbon. Although land use changes during the late 1800s did not cause marked alteration in average carbon burial, they did lead to marked increases in the spatial variability of carbon burial. Thus, while carbon burial by vegetated systems is expected to increase with projected climate warming over the coming century, ecosystem restructuring caused by abrupt climate change may produce unexpected change in carbon burial whose variability is also modulated by land use change.  相似文献   

土地利用变化对区域碳源汇的影响研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
马晓哲  王铮 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5898-5907
土地利用变化对陆地生态系统碳循环有着重要的影响,既可能成为碳源,也可能是碳汇。在国内外相关研究的基础上,综述了土地利用变化对全球及区域尺度上森林、草地和农业生态系统碳循环的影响。全球范围内,森林砍伐后向草地和农田的转化发挥碳源的作用,在毁林碳排放中占主导地位,其中热带地区森林转变为农田和草场的碳排放均高于温带和北方森林。另一方面,土地利用变化可促进森林的碳贮存,如退耕还林、改善森林管理等。各区域森林生态系统通过土地利用变化贮存碳的潜力存在显著差别,热带湿润和半湿润地区具有较大的碳汇潜力,而干旱地区减少碳排放的空间相对较少。开垦活动是影响草地生态系统碳储存最主要的人类活动,草地转变为农田伴随着土壤碳的流失。森林或草场转变为农田的过程伴随着植被和土壤碳储量的减少,生态系统碳储量降低,因此它是一个碳排放的过程。伴随着城市的扩张,农田向建设用地的转化也是一个碳排放的过程。当前评估土地利用变化影响的研究方法主要有遥感观测和遥感模型、统计估算、生态系统模型以及土地利用与生态系统模型的耦合。研究方法得到不断地完善和改进的同时,还存在着一些不确定性,因此需要建立统一的观测统计方法,降低数据中的不确定性;完善土地利用与生态系统模型的耦合研究;建立多尺度土地利用变化及生态系统综合技术方法体系;开展碳减排目标下土地利用最优化布局研究。  相似文献   

陆君  刘亚风  齐珂  樊正球 《生态学报》2016,36(17):5411-5420
基于RS与GIS技术,以遥感影像数据、土地利用数据、森林资源二类调查数据为主要数据源,采用逐步回归法建立森林蓄积量定量估测模型。根据"蓄积量-生物量-碳储量"推算方法,对福州市森林植被碳储量和碳密度进行估算。建立福州市土地利用转移矩阵,分析2000—2010年土地利用变化影响下的福州市森林碳储量变化特征。结果表明:(1)根据不同的森林类型,即常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林、针阔混交林分别建立的多元线性回归模型修正决定系数分别为0.599、0.679、0.694,通过模型适用性检验和精度验证。(2)2000年、2010年福州市森林植被碳储量总量分别为12.499Tg、12.642Tg,植被碳密度分别为18.694、18.708 t/hm~2,森林植被碳储量增加了1.430×10~5t。(3)福州市闽清县、永泰县、闽侯县的森林植被碳密度常年保持较高水平,并呈现出增长趋势;罗源县、长乐市、连江县森林植被碳密度较低,并呈现下降趋势。(4)2000—2010年,灌木和耕地是主要土地利用类型转出者,森林和建设用地是主要土地利用类型转入者。森林主要由灌木和耕地转化,主要向建设用地、耕地进行转化。由于土地利用变化,10年间福州市总碳储量减少了1.711×10~4t,其中土壤碳储量减少2.230×10~3t,植被碳储量减少1.489×10~4t。  相似文献   

Land-use change and the carbon cycle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Changes in land use between 1850 and 1980 are estimated to have increased the global areas in croplands, pastures, and shifting cultivation by 891, 1308, and 30 × 106 ha, respectively, reducing the area of forests by about 600 × 106 ha, releasing about 100 PgC to the atmosphere, and transferring about 23 PgC from live vegetation to dead plant material and wood products. Another 1069 × 106 ha are estimated to have been logged during this period, and the net release of carbon from the combined processes of logging and regrowth contributed 23 PgC to the 100-PgC release. Annual rates of land-use change and associated emissions of carbon have decreased over the last several decades in temperate and boreal zones and have increased in the tropics. The average release of carbon from global changes in land use over the decade of the 1980s Is estimated to have been 1.6 ± 0.7 PgC y?1 almost entirely from the tropics. This estimate of carbon flux is higher than estimates reported in recent summaries because it is limited here to studies concerned only with changes in land use. Other recent analyses, based on data from forest inventories, have reported net accumulations of carbon as high as 1.1 PgC y?1 in temperate and boreal zones. Because the accumulation of carbon in forests may result from natural processes unrelated to land-use change, estimates based on these inventories should be distinguished from estimates based on changes in land use. Both approaches identify terrestrial sinks of carbon. The argument is made here, however, that differences between the two approaches may help identify the location and magnitude of heretofore ‘missing’ sinks. Before different estimates can be used in this way, analyses must consider similar geographical regions and dates, and they must account for the accumulation and loss of carbon in forest products in a consistent fashion.  相似文献   

米亚罗林区土地利用变化对土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的影响   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
张于光  张小全  肖烨 《应用生态学报》2006,17(11):2029-2033
为了解土地利用变化对土壤有机碳和微生物量碳的影响,分析了川西米亚罗林区原始冷杉林、20世纪60年代云杉人工林、20世纪80年代云杉人工林和农地的土壤有机碳和微生物量碳状况.结果表明,土地利用变化明显地影响了土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量.土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量原始林最高,其次为60年代人工林和80年代人工林,农地最低.农地土壤有机碳含量分别比原始林、60年代人工林和80年代人工林低83%、53%和52%,微生物量碳含量分别低23%、25%和21%.土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量均随土壤深度的增加而降低,并且两者在不同土地利用类型的变化趋势基本一致.相关分析表明,土壤有机碳和土壤微生物量碳与全氮、水解氮、速效磷呈极显著相关(P<0.01),说明土壤微生物量碳可作为衡量土壤有机碳变化的敏感指标,而土壤有机碳和微生物量碳含量可作为衡量土壤肥力和土壤质量变化的重要指标.  相似文献   

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