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The excretory organs of the freshwater polychaete Hypania invalida have been examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Three pairs of macroscopically and ultrastructurally different nephridia are present in the thorax. Intersegmental septa in the thorax are absent, with the exception of a single diaphragm between second and third chaetiger. The first pair of nephridia is anterior to this septum, the second pair crosses the septum, with the nephrostomes anterior and the ducts and the nephridiopori posterior to it, and the third pair of nephridia is entirely posterior to the diaphragm. The first two pairs of nephridia have ciliated nephrostomes of moderate size and long nephridial ducts that extend the length of the thorax. In contrast, the third pair is characterized by short ducts and very prominent nephrostomes. Macroscopically, seven different sections of nephridial duct cells can be distinguished along the length of the first two pairs of nephridia, whereas, on an ultrastructural basis, only six different regions can be identified. Only two regions of different duct cells can be recognized in the third pair of nephridia. Cells of the two anterior pairs of nephridia show typical characteristics of transport epithelia and most likely function as excretory organs. In contrast, the duct cells of the third pair are not that much differentiated and might primarily be responsible for the release of sexual products, as sperm was observed passing through these ducts. Podocyte‐like cells were observed to accompany nephridial ducts. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two species of jaw bearing Ampharetidae (Adercodon pleijeli (Mackie 1994) and Ampharete sp. B) were investigated in order to describe the microanatomy of the mouth parts and especially jaws of these enigmatic polychaetes. The animals of both studied species have 14–18 mouth tentacles that are about 30 µm in diameter each. In both species, the ventral pharyngeal organ is well developed and situated on the ventral side of the buccal cavity. It is composed of a ventral muscle bulb and investing muscles. The bulb consists of posterior and anterior parts separated by a deep median transversal groove. In both species, the triangular teeth or denticles are arranged in a single transversal row on the surface of the posterior part of the ventral bulb just in front of its posterior edge. There are 36 denticles in Adercodon pleijeli and 50 in Ampharete sp. B. The height of the denticles (6–12 µm) is similar in both species. Each tooth is composed of two main layers. The outer one (dental) is the electron‐dense sclerotized layer that covers the tooth. The inner one consists of long microvilli with a collagen matrix between them. The thickness of the dental layer ranges from 0.95 to 0.6 µm. The jaws of the studied worms may play a certain role in scraping off microfouling. The fine structure of the jaws in Ampharetidae is very similar to that of the mandibles of Dorvilleidae, the mandibles and the maxillae of Lumbrineridae, Eunicidae and Onuphidae, and the jaws of other Aciculata. This type of jaw is characterized by unlimited growth and the absence of replacement. The occurrence of jaws in a few smaller Ampharetidae is considered as an apomorphic state.  相似文献   

Under a “summer” light-temperature regime (LD 16:8, 20°C), the polychaete Typosyllis prolifera shows a spontaneous 30-day cycle of reproduction (stolonization). Previous experiments suggested cyclic reproduction to be controlled by corresponding changes in the inhibitory endocrine activity of the proventriculus. The evidence in this paper, however, indicates that the prostomium rather than the proventriculus is the primary source of control of reproductive periodicity. The prostomium of a “summer” male undergoes a spontaneous lunar cycle of hormonal activity. Hormone secretion occurs around day 13 after previous stolon release each time. The hormone probably operates a triggering mechanism that shifts worms from the postreproductive regeneration phase to the next stolonization phase. However, the action on peripheral targets may be indirectly via the proventricular system, the inhibitory activity of which probably becomes inactivated periodically under endocrine influence of the prostomium. Considering all the information available, a model of the cooperation of environmental factors and endocrine factors (prostomial and proventricular hormone) in the timing of the reproductive cycle in male T. prolifera is presented.  相似文献   

1. The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is well known for its invasive success and its ecological and economic impacts. Of particular concern has been the regional extinction of North American freshwater mussels (Order Unionoida) on whose exposed shells the zebra mussels settle. Surprisingly, relatively little attention has been given to the fouling of European unionoids. 2. We investigated interspecific patterns in fouling at six United Kingdom localities between 1998 and 2008. To quantify the effect on two pan‐European unionoids (Anodonta anatina and Unio pictorum), we used two measures of physiological status: tissue mass : shell mass and tissue glycogen content. 3. The proportion of fouled mussels increased between 1998 and 2008, reflecting the recent, rapid increase in zebra mussels in the U.K. Anodonta anatina was consistently more heavily fouled than U. pictorum and had a greater surface area of shell exposed in the water column. 4. Fouled mussels had a lower physiological condition than unfouled mussels. Unlike tissue mass : shell mass ratio, tissue glycogen content was independent of mussel size, making it a particularly useful measure of condition. Unio pictorum showed a stronger decline in glycogen with increasing zebra mussel load, but had a broadly higher condition than A. anatina at the time of study (July). 5. Given the high conservation status and important ecological roles of unionoids, the increased spatial distribution and fouling rates by D. polymorpha in Europe should receive more attention.  相似文献   

The present paper includes a morphological, ecological and biological updating of the three gorgonian associated species of Haplosyllis (Polychaeta, Syllidae) known to date: H. chamaeleon (symbiont with Paramuricea clavata in the Mediterranean), H. anthogorgicola (symbiont with Anthogorgia bocki in the Japanese seas) and H. villogorgicola , a new species living symbiotically with Villogorgia bebrycoides which is only known from Tenerife (Canary Islands, Eastern Central Atlantic). The new species is described on the basis of ecological, morphological, morphometric and statistical analysis of relevant characteristics. Each host colony harboured about 15 pale-yellowish worms, whose cryptic colouration mimicked that of the host. They occurred either on the host branches or partly hidden inside cavities formed by the fusion of two branches. The new species is characterized by the presence of simple chaetae with clearly bidentate tips all along the body, the presence of gland pore aggregates distributed in two lateral rows and two ventral patches on each palp and the absence of ciliary tufts on the pharyngeal papillae. H. villogorgicola sp. nov. is closely related to H. chamaeleon . Thus, it is compared with two populations of this species collected in the north-west and south-west Mediterranean. Stolons of H. chamaeleon are re-described as tetracerous and a peculiar posterior end regeneration process occurring in adult worms during the stolon formation is described. H. anthogorgicola is also re-described, with particular emphasis on its appendage and chaetal arrangements. The main features of the three associations are discussed in light of the current knowledge on symbiotic polychaetes, particularly cnidarian-associated syllids.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 455–477.  相似文献   

Summary The paired prominent ejaculatory ducts of the hermaphroditic polychaete Microphthalmus cf. listensis are surrounded by gland cells the processes of which penetrate the ducts themselves. These cells produce, in separate regions, two different types of spherical granules. Type I is composed of an electron dense and an electron lucent part. Type II granules contain a tubular filament that forms a single or double spiral in the periphery of a more or less unstructured electron dense material. Golgi vesicles give rise to this granule type. During the passage of sperm, these granules are obviously discharged into the lumen of the duct. Here they change form and probably dissolve. Their function is as yet unknown; capacitation of sperm is assumed.  相似文献   

Abstract: We present the first record of the cardiid genus Monodacna from the Pliocene of Anatolia, Turkey. Monodacna imrei sp. nov. was found in the Pliocene Killik Formation from the western margin of the Baklan Basin, in very marginal brackish to freshwater lacustrine deposits. The new record extends the stratigraphic range of the modern Ponto‐Caspian genus back into the Pliocene and adds to earlier evidence that modern Ponto‐Caspian taxa originated in the Pliocene of south‐western Turkey.  相似文献   

Northeastern Pacific Ocean and northwestern Atlantic Ocean populations of Chorda species, which have not been examined in previous phylogenetic studies, were investigated. All specimens that were collected in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, WA, USA, Pacific coast of North America, showed identical ITS‐5.8S rDNA sequences, and they were included in the clade of Japanese Chorda asiatica. With morphological data added to the molecular data, they were identified as C. asiatica and were concluded to be non‐indigenous populations, most likely introduced with oyster spat together with Sargassum muticum. Specimens collected in New York, NY, USA, Atlantic coast of North America, were genetically closest to C. filum from Newfoundland and were identified as C. filum. The genetic divergence of the North Atlantic populations of C. filum was relatively small compared to that of Japanese C. asiatica considering their broader distributional ranges on both sides of the Atlantic.  相似文献   

1. North‐eastern Spain is a hot spot for the introduction of alien fish species, and its native fish fauna is one of the most endangered worldwide. We used an extensive data set from 2002 to 2003 and historical information from the area to characterize fish diversity and establish conservation priorities in river catchments. 2. Diversity indices were used to characterize fish diversity at the basin scale. An index of conservation status was applied for each species, which considers the occurrence, abundance and endemicity of each taxon. We used indirect ordination methods to test the relationship among basin features and to identify those variables most correlated with each other. To identify physical, biotic and environmental characteristics that seem to make a basin particularly susceptible to invasion, we performed a step‐wise multiple regression to examine the relationship between the number of native, translocated and introduced fish species (including the original native species richness of each basin), and landscape variables. 3. Over a period of approximately 50 years, the mean range size of native fish species has decreased by 60%. The greatest decline occurred in Gasterosteus gymnurus, Anguilla anguilla and Salaria fluviatilis, for which species over 75% of the original distribution area has been lost. The species with the highest conservation index were Gasterosteus gymnurus and Salaria fluviatilis. 4. Basin area and the catchment type explained 70% of variation in native species richness, whereas the number of dams and basin area accounted for more than 80% of variation in the number of introduced species. 5. The original native species richness and the number of introduced species at basin scale were not related, and thus there was no evidence of “biotic resistance” to invasion. The restoration of natural hydrologic processes and the development of specific management tools to protect native species, such as the prioritization of areas for fish conservation and the eradication of local populations of exotic species, are required to restore native fish fauna in these catchments.  相似文献   

Aim Recreational boating is arguably the largest unregulated vector for the introduction and spread of marine invasive species. Hull fouling communities have been recognized to harbour non‐indigenous species (NIS), but presence should not be equated with transport. In this study, we characterize the presence of NIS in hull fouling communities, determine if host vessels transport these species and evaluate the importance of recreational boating as a vector for introduction and spread. Location Coastal British Columbia (BC), Canada. Methods Dive surveys in BC marinas were conducted to record the presence of NIS and to estimate their per cent cover. In addition, a boater questionnaire survey was used to determine common travel and maintenance practices. These results were combined to investigate the potential for recreational boats to transport NIS. Results Nine NIS, including the highly invasive ascidians Styela clava and Botrylloides violaceus, and the macroalga Sargassum muticum, were found in hull fouling communities on recreational boats. Overall, per cent cover was generally low; however, niche areas were commonly fouled, even on active and otherwise clean boats. Fouling of niche areas was not related to either antifouling paint age or travel frequency, and fouling levels were highly variable among individual boats both within marinas and across regions. Main conclusions Recreational boating is a major vector contributing to the spread of marine invasive species. Our results indicate that recreational boats represent a high‐risk vector both for primary introduction and secondary spread of marine NIS and should be subject to vector management regulations.  相似文献   

Aim Pine trees (genus Pinus) represent an ancient lineage, naturally occurring almost exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere, but introduced and widely naturalized in both hemispheres. As large trees of interest to forestry, they attract much attention and their distribution is well documented in both indigenous and naturalized ranges. This creates an opportunity to analyse the relationship between indigenous and naturalized range sizes in the context of different levels of human usage, biological traits and the characteristics of the environments of origin. Location Global. Methods We combined and expanded pre‐existing data sets for pine species distributions and pine species traits, and used a variety of regression techniques (including generalized additive models and zero‐inflated Poisson models) to assess which variables explained naturalized and indigenous range sizes. Results Indigenous and naturalized range sizes are positively correlated but there are many notable exceptions. Some species have large indigenous ranges but small or no naturalized ranges, whereas others have small indigenous ranges, but have naturalized in many regions. Indigenous range is correlated to factors such as seed size (?), age at first reproduction (?), and latitude (+, supporting Rapoport's rule), but also to the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+). Naturalized range size is strongly influenced by the extent of coverage of species in the forestry literature (+), a proxy for propagule pressure. Naturalization was also influenced by average elevation in the indigenous range (?) and age at first reproduction (?). Main conclusions The macroecological and evolutionary pressures facing plant groups are not directly transferable between indigenous and naturalized ranges. In particular, there are strong biases in species naturalization and expansion in invasive ranges that are unrelated to factors determining indigenous range size. At least for Pinus, a new set of macroecological patterns are emerging which are profoundly influenced by humans.  相似文献   

Aim Hidden diversity within an invasive ‘species’ can mask both invasion pathways and confound management goals. We assessed taxonomic status and population structure of the monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis across Eurasia, comparing genetic variation across its native and invasive ranges. Location Native populations were analysed within the Black and Caspian Sea basins, including major river drainages (Dnieper, Dniester, Danube, Don and Volga rivers), along with introduced locations within the upper Danube and Vistula river systems. Methods DNA sequences and 10 nuclear microsatellite loci were analysed to test genetic diversity and divergence patterns of native and introduced populations; phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA cytochrome b and nuclear RAG‐1 sequences assessed taxonomic status of Black and Caspian Sea lineages. Multivariate analysis of morphology was used to corroborate phylogenetic patterns. Population genetic structure within each basin was evaluated with mtDNA and microsatellite data using FST analogues and Bayesian assignment tests. Results Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences discerned a pronounced genetic break between monkey gobies in the Black and Caspian Seas, indicating a long‐term species‐level separation dating to c. 3 million years. This pronounced separation further was confirmed from morphological and population genetic divergence. Bayesian inference showed congruent patterns of population structure within the Black Sea basin. Introduced populations in the Danube and Vistula River basins traced to north‐west Black Sea origins, a genetic expansion pattern matching that of other introduced Ponto‐Caspian gobiids. Main conclusions Both genetic and morphological data strongly supported two species of monkey gobies that were formerly identified as subspecies: N. fluviatilis in the Black Sea basin, Don and Volga Rivers, and the Kumo‐Manych Depression, and Neogobius pallasi in the Caspian Sea and Volga River delta. Genetic origins of introduced N. fluviatilis populations indicated a common invasion pathway shared with other introduced Ponto‐Caspian fishes and invertebrates.  相似文献   


The reproductive effort in terms of fecundity and energy allocation was studied in two species of semelparous polychaetes belonging to the genus Perinereis, living in the same environment, with different reproductive modalities. There is a great individual variability both in terms of reproductive effort and fecundity. Fecundity varied from 4080 to 15000 oocytes in P. rullieri and from 7000 to 26000 in P. cultrifera; no linear relationship was found between oocyte number and total jaw length utilised as size index. The energy content of germinal and somatic tissues was determined by Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC). The reproductive effort was calculated as RE = EG/(EG + ES) where EG is the total energy in germinal tissues and ES is the total energy in somatic tissues. Reproductive effort is very high with mean values of 0.62 for P. rullieri and 0.79 for P. cultrifera. The different amounts of energy allocated in germinal tissues can be attributed to the different reproductive modalities—P. rullieri reproduces in the atokous phase whereas P. cultrifera has conserved epitoky in its life-cycle. The lack of correlation between reproductive effort and size index strongly suggests that reproductive allocation does not increase with age. In semelparous species the variability in fecundity and reproductive effort observed cannot be interpreted in terms of a trade-off between fecundity and survival as in iteroparous species. In fact, in semelparous an individual allocates all available resources to reproduction and then dies.  相似文献   

Earlier papers dealing with the anatomy of the central nervous system of ampharetids, pectinariids and terebellids were studied. On this basis a re‐investigation appeared necessary: statements in the literature about the structure of the brain and the innervation of the appendages of the anterior end were incomplete and contradictory. In the present paper, the brain, the circum‐oesophageal connectives and the innervation of, inter alia, the tentacular membrane (including the dorsal ridge), the buccal tentacles, the alimentary canal, the nuchal organs and the branchiae (when present) of Amphicteis gunneri, Anobothrus gracilis, Melinna cf. cristata, Pectinaria auricoma, P. belgica, P. koreni, Petta pusilla, Pista cristata, Eupolymnia nebulosa, Thelepus cincinnatus and Polycirrus medusa are described. The results are summarized in schematic diagrams and compared with each other and with the central nervous system of other polychaetes. It is concluded that the ampharetids, the pectinariids and the terebellids bear no antennae and no palps and that their buccal tentacles belong to the alimentary canal. It is emphasized that all attempts to range their cephalic nervous system into previously proposed common and general schemes of ‘the polychaete nervous system’ seem totally fruitless.  相似文献   

The paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) was first introduced to Europe in 1974, mainly due to its potential for rearing in natural polyculture ponds and large temperate reservoirs. The information on the history of paddlefish aquaculture efforts in Europe is scarce, as well as data on current paddlefish aquaculture status and trends. In addition, there is a lack of data on its presence and potential establishment in the wild, while its invasive potential and associated risks and impacts are largely unknown. In order to evaluate its current status in Europe, we conducted a survey among scientists, aquaculture producers and other stakeholders, and reviewed literature and data on the Internet. Based on the results obtained, we discuss the potential and the challenges in European paddlefish aquaculture development, and analyze paddlefish invasive potential and risks associated with its naturalization. Paddlefish aquaculture is well established only regionally in Europe, but offers relatively high potential for further development in pond farms. Nevertheless, future development will require careful planning, especially regarding market development and improved marketing strategies. While paddlefish likely represents a low‐risk invader, improved control and reporting on trade and intentional and unintentional releases will be required. Given the lack of knowledge on potential impacts following its introduction, due caution seems highly advisable.  相似文献   

Aim Shifts in species ranges are a predicted and realized effect of global climate change; however, few studies have addressed the rates and consequence of such shifts, particularly in marine systems. Given ecological similarities between shifting and introduced species, we examined how our understanding of range shifts may be informed by the more established study of non‐native species introductions. Location Marine systems world‐wide. Methods Database and citation searches were used to identify 129 marine species experiencing range shifts and to determine spread rates and impacts on recipient communities. Analyses of spread rates were based on studies for which post‐establishment spread was reported in linear distance. The sizes of the effects of community impacts of shifting species were compared with those of functionally similar introduced species having ecologically similar impacts. Results Our review and meta‐analyses revealed that: (1) 75% of the range shifts found through the database search were in the poleward direction, consistent with climate change scenarios, (2) spread rates of range shifts were lower than those of introductions, (3) shifting species spread over an order of magnitude faster in marine than in terrestrial systems, and (4) directions of community effects were largely negative and magnitudes were often similar for shifters and introduced species; however, this comparison was limited by few data for range‐shifting species. Main conclusions Although marine range shifts are likely to proceed more slowly than marine introductions, the community‐level effects could be as great, and in the same direction, as those of introduced species. Because it is well‐established that introduced species are a primary threat to global biodiversity, it follows that, just like introductions, range shifts have the potential to seriously affect biological systems. In addition, given that ranges shift faster in marine than terrestrial environments, marine communities might be affected faster than terrestrial ones as species shift with climate change. Regardless of habitat, consideration of range shifts in the context of invasion biology can improve our understanding of what to expect from climate change‐driven shifts as well as provide tools for formal assessment of risks to community structure and function.  相似文献   

Introduced species offer unique opportunities to study evolution in new environments, and some provide opportunities for understanding the mechanisms underlying macroecological patterns. We sought to determine how introduction history impacted genetic diversity and differentiation of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), one of the most broadly distributed bird species. We screened eight microsatellite loci in 316 individuals from 16 locations in the native and introduced ranges. Significant population structure occurred between native than introduced house sparrows. Introduced house sparrows were distinguished into one North American group and a highly differentiated Kenyan group. Genetic differentiation estimates identified a high magnitude of differentiation between Kenya and all other populations, but demonstrated that European and North American samples were differentiated too. Our results support previous claims that introduced North American populations likely had few source populations, and indicate house sparrows established populations after introduction. Genetic diversity also differed among native, introduced North American, and Kenyan populations with Kenyan birds being least diverse. In some cases, house sparrow populations appeared to maintain or recover genetic diversity relatively rapidly after range expansion (<50 years; Mexico and Panama), but in others (Kenya) the effect of introduction persisted over the same period. In both native and introduced populations, genetic diversity exhibited large-scale geographic patterns, increasing towards the equator. Such patterns of genetic diversity are concordant with two previously described models of genetic diversity, the latitudinal model and the species diversity model.  相似文献   

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