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Aim To analyse the geographical patterns in the composition and diversity of otter's (Lutra lutra L.) diet and their relationship with climatic characteristics. Location European freshwater habitats under Mediterranean and temperate climatic regimes. Methods Thirty‐seven otter diet studies were reviewed, twenty‐one from temperate and sixteen from Mediterranean areas. All studies were based on spraint analysis and their results expressed as relative frequency of occurrence of seven main prey categories. Principal Component Analysis was performed to extract the main gradients of diet composition. Pearson's correlation and t‐tests were used to assess the relationship between diet characteristics (composition, diversity and taxonomic richness) and geographical and climatic variables. Results A clear latitudinal gradient in diet composition was observed. Otter diet was more diverse and featured more prey classes in southern localities, while the species was more piscivorous towards the north, where it predated upon a higher number of fish families. This pattern was similar when temperate and Mediterranean localities of Europe were compared. Mediterranean otters behaved as more generalist predators than temperate ones, relying less on fish, and more on aquatic invertebrates and reptiles. Main conclusions Geographical differences in otter feeding ecology in Europe seem to be related with the two contrasted climatic conditions affecting prey populations. The otter can act as a highly specialized piscivorous predator in temperate freshwater ecosystems, which do not suffer a dry season and have a comparatively stable water regime compared to Mediterranean ones. However, the unpredictable prey availability in Mediterranean areas, affected by strong spatial and temporal water shortages, favours a diversification of the otter's diet. 相似文献
CHUAN‐CHIN HUANG YU‐CHENG HSU LING‐LING LEE SHOU‐HSIEN LI 《Molecular ecology resources》2005,5(2):314-316
Eight new tetramicrosatellite loci for Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) were designed. Polymorphism of these eight loci in 29 otter individuals was tested. The results indicated that the allele numbers of each of loci ranged from three to five and the observed heterozygosity from 0.483 to 0.828. These new loci can be useful for population genetic research on otters and help improve the resolution of individual identification using noninvasive method. 相似文献
《Animal cells and systems.》2012,16(3):231-233
Sequences of cytochrome b gene and control region of mitochondrial DNA from Korean common otters (Lutra lutra lutra L.) were examined to provide the genetic information for the conservation of this subspecies. Two haplotypes and one haplotype were revealed in cytochrome b gene and control region, respectively. The available sequences of European common otter (L. l. lutra) from GenBank were compared together with those of Korean common otter in order to determine the degree of sequence variation between them. In cytochrome b gene sequences, two haplotypes from Korea and two haplotypes of Europe showed differences in 12 of 1,045 sites. The Tamura‐Nei nucleotide distances between two European haplotypes was 0.10% and those between two Korean haplotypes was also 0.10%, but those between Korean haplotypes and European ones ranged from 0.96% to 1.16%. In the control region, one Korean haplotype and seven European ones showed differences in seven of 300 sites; the Tamura‐Nei distances among seven European haplotypes were 0.34% to 1.01%, but those between Korean haplotype and European ones ranged from 1.01% to 1.69%. Although further molecular and morphological studies with specimens from eastern Asia including Amur region and northeast China are needed, it is possible that the Korean common otter might be closer or identical to the far‐eastern Asian common otter, L. I. amurensis Dybowski. 相似文献
Sharne E. McMillan Anson Tsz Chun Wong Sally Shui Yan Tang Eugene Yu Hin Yau Thomas Gomersall Portia Y. H. Wong Andy Ka Hei Vu Simon Yung Wa Sin Billy C. H. Hau Timothy C. Bonebrake 《Conservation Science and Practice》2023,5(1):e12851
Lack of data on population sizes and resource requirements are major impediments to the effective conservation of rare species globally. The conservation of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Hong Kong reflects many of these key challenges for elusive and difficult-to-study mammals. It is a rare carnivore that has narrowly escaped extirpation, now surviving within a human-dominated environment. Using sign surveys and spraint analysis, we recorded only 40 fresh spraints from 246 otter signs locations, over 4 months of intensive sampling across 2 years. Records were restricted to the Mai Po wetlands, confirming this as the core area for Hong Kong's otter population. Molecular analysis and microsatellite genotyping identified a minimum of seven individuals, two pairs of which were likely related. The genetic and sign data together strongly indicate a small population. Fish dominated the otter diet, highlighting the importance of fishpond habitats as a premium foraging resource. Given the rapid changes surrounding the Mai Po area (especially the new Northern Metropolis Development Strategy), maintaining quality and connected habitats, in addition to sustaining commercial fishponds will be key to otter recovery and long-term population viability in Hong Kong. 相似文献
Evaluating intraspecific genetic structure and diversity is fundamental to assessing a species’ conservation status, but direct incorporation of such information into legal frameworks such as the EU's Habitats Directive is surprisingly rare. How genetic structure aligns with EU member state boundaries or biogeographic regions may be very important in designing management plans or achieving legislative goals. The Eurasian fish otter experienced a sharp population decline during the 20th century but is currently re-expanding in several countries. The species is listed under Annex II and IV of the European Habitats Directive, and member states are obliged to assess the species separately across different biogeographic regions. We genotyped 2492 otter spraints across four provinces in Austria, collected between 2017 and 2021. A total of 384 different genotypes were identified, supporting densities along river habitats from 0.1 to 0.47 otters per river km (mean: 0.306), with a resampling-based simulation supporting limited density overestimation at survey lengths of 20 km or more. Three distinct genetic clusters were revealed, two of them presumably reflecting two relict populations whereas the source of the third cluster is unknown. The geographic extent of the three clusters does not coincide with provincial or biogeographic boundaries, both relevant for assessment and management within existing national or European legislative frameworks. We advocate more consideration of genetic structure in the assessment and conservation management planning of species listed in the European Habitats Directive. 相似文献
Animals make decisions relying on environmental cues associated to high survival or breeding success along their evolutionary history. However, because of rapid anthropogenic changes in the environment, they may lack useful cues, making bad decisions with potential consequences for individuals and populations. Contaminants are difficult or impossible to detect for animals, so polluted habitats could be used in spite of their dangerous effects. The Eurasian otter Lutra lutra reoccupied the Guadiamar River (SW Spain) <1 year after a toxic spill that killed the fauna living in it. The levels of heavy metals and arsenic (As) in the river trophic web at that moment were probably harmful for otters. To investigate this, we determined the amount of several heavy metals including copper, cadmium, zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) and metalloids such as As in otter faeces and estimated the exposure of otters to these elements as average ingestion. Concentrations of Zn, Pb and As were statistically higher in faeces collected along the Guadiamar River than in those collected along the Guadalete River (reference area). An 'average otter' in the Guadiamar River would consume 3–4 mg of Pb and more than 5 mg of As daily. Such doses must be hazardous for the species and challenge the usual assertion that otter presence is a good indicator of river quality. 相似文献
Sharne E. McMillan Tsz-Chun Wong Billy C. H. Hau Timothy C. Bonebrake 《Conservation Science and Practice》2019,1(8):e79
As urbanization globally drives mammals and carnivores into compact spaces, they will increasingly come into conflict with development and natural resource extraction pressures. The management of these populations is further complicated by difficulties in monitoring what are often rare and elusive species. We used local ecological knowledge (LEK) to collect data on the historical and current status of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Hong Kong as well as determine how local fish farmers and residents perceived management and conservation issues surrounding the species. We found evidence for small population size and decline in numbers and distribution over recent decades for L. lutra. Fish farmers had extensive and familiar experience with otters and expressed largely negative opinions about otter impacts on fish stocks but positive attitudes towards their conservation. However, if otters were to have real or perceived effects on livelihood, then opinions about their conservation were mixed and cautious. In the context of the Pearl River Delta megacity, biodiversity is under high threat from development and urbanization. We here show the value of LEK and human dimensions of conservation in balancing the complex challenges of managing land for both local livelihoods and environmental stewardship. 相似文献
Anja Reckendorf Thomas Oberlercher Britta Alps Hans-Heinrich Krueger Eva Ludes-Wehrmeister Erik Fladung Ursula Siebert 《Conservation Science and Practice》2023,5(1):e12873
Entrapment and subsequent drowning in fish fykes poses an anthropogenic mortality hazard to Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra). Different concepts on how to solve this problem have been debated in the past. To proactively prevent future fatal interactions and increase acceptance among fishers, this study tested two exit mechanisms for otters to safely escape from fyke nets, while still retaining full trap functionality for inland fisheries. Both exit options, a tearable latex lacing around flexible metal wires (100% success rate, n = 6) and a steel hoop-spring construction (90%, n = 10) were successfully tested in 16 otter escape trials and 30 additional tests for fish (pike, eel, and common bream) retention (100%). The results indicate that the modifications of the fish traps were effective for otter conservation and commercial fisheries. Thus, both options can be recommended as equally good otter protection measures for fyke-net fisheries of the tested type and similar sizes. However, these data were yielded under controlled conditions and it is possible that field results could differ. Hence, the presented results should be additionally verified under field conditions. 相似文献
Remote, non-intrusive monitoring of elusive mammals remains problematic, particularly in running waters. The utility of using submerged infrared counters for monitoring non-intrusively the activity of Eurasian otters Lutra lutra was assessed in three tributaries of the River Dee (Beltie, Cattie, Feardar; Scotland) during 2003–2004. Otters passing through the infrared counters were strongly nocturnal and displayed a bimodal diel activity pattern. Seasonal activity indices varied fourfold between tributaries and peaked during the salmonid breeding season. The median time elapsing between consecutive night visits was 2.02±0.79 days and did not differ between tributaries. The median head–body length of adult otters was estimated at 75.0±1.1 cm, whereas median upstream swimming speed was calculated at 0.97±0.01 m s−1 . Minimum census estimates revealed the activity of at least two adults in the Beltie, two adults and three juveniles in the Cattie, and two adults with one juvenile in the Feardar. Our study indicates that, under suitable conditions, infrared technology can be used effectively to examine non-intrusively the activity of free-ranging otters in running waters, offering some advantages over previous, more intrusive techniques that relied on the collection of spraints, the use of radioisotopes or the tracking of marked individuals. 相似文献
欧亚水獭(Lutra lutra)是淡水生态系统保护的旗舰物种, 目前三江源或为其在中国仅存的连片栖息地之一。然而, 该区域欧亚水獭基础生态学信息尚属空白, 已开展的工作也多依赖于红外相机而可靠性有待评估。本文基于2018-2020年间在青海玉树通过视频监控系统和红外相机收集到的数据, 在分析区内水獭活动节律的同时, 对红外相机监测的有效性和准确性进行了评估。结果表明, 在玉树, 欧亚水獭在每日17时至次日9时活动频率较高, 每年12月至次年6月间拍摄频率较高; 繁殖期或随每年10月个体交配而开始, 至次年6月幼崽独立而终止。红外相机约可捕获69.18%的水獭出现事件, 且拍摄率随事件持续时间的延长而提高; 通过红外相机可以准确地描述出水獭活动节律, 仅有约半数红外相机影像可以准确还原事件主题(56.28%)和多只个体参与的事件中的个体数量(49.35%)。因此, 在使用红外相机对欧亚水獭进行行为学研究时应对这一情况进行充分考虑。 相似文献
A new method for estimating visitation rates of cryptic animals via repeated surveys of indirect signs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bernd Gruber Björn Reineking Justin M. Calabrese reas Kranz Katerina Poledníková Luká Poledník Reinhard Klenke Anett Valentin Klaus Henle 《Journal of Applied Ecology》2008,45(2):728-735
Species range shifts and expansion are subjects of primary research interest in the context of climate warming and biological invasions. Few studies have focused on reexpansion of species that suffered severe declines. Here, we focused on population recovery of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in Italy, first detected in 2003 after a southward range contraction. We modeled the rate of range expansion and occupancy at the northern expanding front (central Italy), to gain insights into the progress of recovery and mechanisms of reexpansion. We performed a field survey in 2021, which redefined the northern limit of distribution further north, in close proximity to the Gran Sasso National Park. Then we analyzed a time series (1985–2021) of distances of northernmost occurrences from the center of the 1985 range. Using segmented regression, we were able to identify a prolonged stasis of the northern range edge and a simultaneous increase in occupancy from 0.151 to 0.4. A breakpoint was estimated in 2006, after which the range expanded northwards at an average rate of 5.48 km/year. From 2006 to 2021, the overall northward shift was about 80 km. Occupancy continued to increase until 2019 and abruptly declined in 2021. These patterns suggest that the reexpansion of the range can be limited by low occupancy at the expanding front. As occupancy increases, long-distance dispersal increases and then range expands. The low occupancy at the current distribution limit of otters may reflect a higher anthropogenic pressure on northern habitats, which could slow down the reexpansion process. 相似文献
LUGHAIDH Ó NÉILL ADDY DE JONGH TJIBBE DE JONG JANIS OZOLINŠ JOHN ROCHFORD 《The Journal of wildlife management》2007,71(8):2776-2780
ABSTRACT We present and evaluate a protocol for the capture of otters (Lutra lutra) using padded leg-hold traps coupled with Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) trap alarms. The trapping method was highly efficient, capturing 46 otters at 6.9 trap-nights each. Functioning alarms allowed us to remove 36 otters from their traps within 22 (SD = 14) minutes of capture. We caught 10 otters in trap sets with malfunctioning trap alarms and retrieved them the following morning, after ≤24 hours. Functioning alarms reduced the injuries suffered from an average cumulative score of 77.7 to just 5.5 on the International Organization for Standardization 10990-5 trauma scale (Z=-5.074, P ≤ 0.001). As a result, we strongly encourage the use of GSM trap alarms under the principle of refinement in animal experiments. 相似文献
Syed Hussain Iqbal 《Mycoscience》1994,35(4):331-343
Freshwater hyphomycete communities in four streams were sampled by filtration of water samples, trapping conidia in artificial foam, and examination of alder leaf pack baits and random sampling of naturally occurring submerged leaves. No two communities of freshwater hyphomycetes detected by different sampling techniques used singly in a stream showed 100% similarity. Based on relative frequency values, the same 10 top-ranking species in a stream were detected by artificial foam trap and on the baited leaves. These species differed in ranking, and the community in artificial foam was riche than on baited leaves. Of the various communities detected by different sampling techniques used singly or in combination, those detected by artificial foam trap or a combination of this technique with leaf baiting or with leaf baiting and randomly sampled leaves or filtration showed the highest similarity to the total community based on data generated using four sampling techniques simultaneously.This work was conducted under Grant No. PSF Project Environment 3 from the Pakistan Science Foundation. 相似文献