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Thirty‐one field populations of Aedes aegypti (L.) were compared using isozyme starch gel electrophoresis to characterize genetic variation between populations. Ae. aegypti were collected from seven provinces in Thailand. Thirty‐one isozyme encoding loci, including 19 polymorphic loci, were characterized. Only small levels of genetic differentiation were observed among the 31 district populations in the seven provinces. Isolation by distance among populations from the seven provinces showed no correlation between genetic variation and geographical distance.  相似文献   

Differences in biological features of immature and adult Aedes aegypti, as well as variability in vector competence, seem consistent with the existence of genetic variation among subpopulations and adaptation to local conditions. This work aims to compare the bionomics of four Ae. aegypti subpopulations derived from different geographical regions reared under temperate conditions. Life statistics of three Ae. aegypti subpopulations from the provinces of Córdoba, Salta, and Misiones were studied based on horizontal life tables. The Rockefeller strain was used as a control. The development time required to complete the larva and pupa stages varied from 6.91 to 7.95 and 1.87 to 2.41 days, respectively. Significant differences were found in mean larval development time between the Córdoba and Orán subpopulations. The larva‐pupa development time was similar in all the subpopulations. However, survival values varied significantly between the Orán and San Javier subpopulations. The proportion of emergent males did not differ from females within each subpopulation nor among them. Adult longevity was similar among the subpopulations. The average number of eggs laid by each female was significantly different. The Rockefeller strain laid a significantly greater number of eggs (463.99 eggs/female) than the rest of the subpopulations. Moreover, differences in the demographic growth parameter Ro were detected among the four subpopulations. The differences obtained in larval development time, larva‐pupa survival values, and net reproductive rates among the subpopulations might reflect underlying genetic differences as a result of colonization from different regions that probably involve adaptations to local conditions.  相似文献   

In Port‐au‐Prince, Haiti, the status of insecticide resistance has not recently been evaluated for Aedes aegypti (L) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) populations. No prophylactics exist for dengue, so prevention is only through vector control methods. An earthquake occurred in Haiti on January 12, 2010, with a magnitude of 7.0 Mw that devastated the area. Dengue became a major concern for the humanitarian relief workers that entered the country. Bottle bioassays were conducted in the field on adult mosquitoes reared from larvae collected from the grounds of the U.S. Embassy and from an adjacent neighborhood in eastern Port‐au‐Prince, Haiti. At the CDC, Fort Collins, CO, bioassays, molecular, and biochemical assays were performed on mosquitoes reared from field‐collected eggs. A small percentage of the population was able to survive the diagnostic dose in bioassays run in Haiti. Mosquitoes tested at the CDC demonstrated no phenotypic resistance. A variety of factors could be responsible for the discrepancies between the field and lab data, but temperature and larval nutrition are probably most important. Knowledge of localized resistance and underlying mechanisms helps in making rational decisions in selection of appropriate and effective insecticides in the event of a dengue outbreak.  相似文献   

Sequencing of part of seven genes from Aedes aegypti collected in 16 Brazilian cities revealed the existence of 53 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), representing one SNP every 52 base pairs. From these 53 SNPs, we selected eight that are independent and highly polymorphic. We describe the use of these markers for differentiation of Brazilian populations of A. aegypti. These are the first SNPs developed for delineating population structure in A. aegypti, and will be a useful complement to epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the main urban vector responsible for the transmission of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. The city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, is located at the southern end of the world distribution of the species. The population abundance of Ae. aegypti is mainly regulated by environmental factors. We calculated the potential number of times that a female could lay eggs during its mean life expectancy, based on potential egg production and daily meteorological records. The model considers those variables implying physical hazard to the survival of Ae. aegypti, mosquito flying activity and oviposition. The results, obtained after calibration and validation of the model with field observations, show significant correlation (P<0.001) for different lags depending on the life stage. From these results, more favorable atmospheric conditions for Ae. aegypti reproduction (linked to the urban climatic change) can be observed. The climatic variability in the last decade resembles conditions at the end of 19th century. Received: 3 March 1999 / Revised: 24 November 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 2000  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are invasive mosquito species with geographic ranges that have oscillated within Florida since their presence was first documented. Local transmission of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses serves as evidence of the public health importance of these two species. It is important to have detailed knowledge of their distribution to aid in mosquito control efforts and understand the risk of arbovirus transmission to humans. Through a partnership involving the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension Service and the Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory; the Florida Department of Health; and mosquito control agencies throughout Florida, a container mosquito surveillance program involving all life stages was launched in the summer of 2016 to detect the presence of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Results from this survey were mapped to provide a picture of the current known distribution of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Florida. Aedes aegypti and/or Ae. albopictus were detected in the 56 counties that were part of the survey. Only Aedes albopictus was detected in 26 counties, primarily in the panhandle region of Florida. The results of this work underscore the importance of maintaining container mosquito surveillance in a state where chikungunya, dengue, and Zika viruses are present and where there is continued risk for exotic arbovirus introductions.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is the primary global vector for dengue virus (DENV), yet considerable genetic variation exists among populations in terms of its competence to vector DENV. Variability in adult body size has also been observed among various mosquito populations and several studies have reported a relationship between body size and arbovirus dissemination, although most of these relied on artificially derived variation in body size. Here we examine the relationship between body size and disseminated DENV infection among 10 Ae. aegypti populations reared under optimum laboratory conditions. Body size variability was inferred from wing length measurements and DENV competence was evaluated as the proportion of individuals with disseminated infections following exposure to the dengue-2 JAM1409 strain. There were significant differences in mean wing lengths among populations (anova, F(9,22)= 7.10, P < 0.0001), ranging from 2.16 mm (Bangkok population) to 2.79 mm (MOYO-S [susceptible] population). We also observed significant differences among some populations in mean DENV infection rates (Waller-Duncan K-ratio t-test), ranging from 19.54% (MOYO-R [refractory] population) to 56.60% (MOYO-S population). However, we did not observe evidence for significant interactions between body size and DENV dissemination. We suggest that either the two traits are genetically independent or that our ability to detect interactions between them was limited by their respective inheritances as quantitative traits.  相似文献   

1. Few studies have taken a comprehensive approach of measuring the impact of inter‐ and intra‐specific larval competition on adult mosquito traits. In this study, the impact of competition among Aedes aegypti (L.) and A. albopictus (Skuse) was quantified over the entire life of a cohort. 2. Competitive treatments affected hatch‐to‐adult survivorship and the development time to adulthood of females for both species but affected the median wing length of females only for A. albopictus. Competitive treatments had no significant effect on the median adult female longevity nor were there any effects on other individual traits related to blood feeding and reproductive success. 3. Analysis of life table traits revealed no effect of competitive treatment on the net reproductive rate (R0) but there were significant effects on the cohort generation time (Tc) and the cohort rate of increase (r) for both species. 4. Inter‐ and intra‐specific competition among Aedes larvae may produce individual and population‐level effects that are manifest in adults; however, benign conditions may enable resulting adults to compensate for some impacts of competition, particularly those affecting blood‐feeding success, fecundity, and the net reproductive rate, R0. The effect of competition, therefore, affects primarily larva‐to‐adult survivorship and the larval development time, which in turn impacts the cohort generation time, Tc, and ultimately the cohort rate of increase, r. 5. The lack of effects of the larval rearing environment on adult longevity suggests that effects on vectorial capacity owing to longevity may be limited if adults have easy access to sugar and bloodmeals.  相似文献   

A significant challenge to population genetic studies of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti, has been the lack of polymorphic microsatellite loci. In an effort to develop useful markers, we evaluated the genetic variation at 17 microsatellite loci identified in the A. aegypti genome. Nine loci with at least five alleles were identified in field‐collected specimens from Thailand. An additional two loci carried five alleles if samples from an A. aegypti laboratory colony were included. Our results greatly increase the number of highly variable markers available for the study of the genetics and the population structure of this medically important species.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined how climatic variables such as temperature and precipitation may affect life history traits in mosquitoes that are important to disease transmission. Despite its importance as a seasonal cue in nature, studies investigating the influence of photoperiod on such traits are relatively few. This study aims to investigate how photoperiod alters life history traits, survival, and blood‐feeding activity in Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus). We performed three experiments that tested the effects of day length on female survival, development time, adult size, fecundity, adult life span, and propensity to blood feed in Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti. Each experiment had three photoperiod treatments: 1) short‐day (10L:14D), 2) control (12L:12D), and 3) long‐day (14L:10D). Aedes albopictus adult females were consistently larger in size when reared in short‐day conditions. Aedes aegypti adult females from short‐day treatments lived longer and were more likely to take a blood meal compared to other treatments. We discuss how species‐specific responses may reflect alternative strategies evolved to increase survival during unfavorable conditions. We review the potential impacts of these responses on seasonal transmission patterns, such as potentially increasing vectorial capacity of Ae. aegypti during periods of shorter day lengths.  相似文献   

Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is considered to be the most important dengue vector worldwide. Studies were conducted to design and evaluate a chemically‐based baited ovitrap for monitoring Ae. aegypti under laboratory conditions. Several known chemical attractants and three types of ovitraps (ovitraps A, B, and C) were evaluated throughout the oviposition bioassays. Oviposition responses of gravid female Ae. aegypti were evaluated to n‐heneicosane, 3‐methylindole (skatole), 4‐methylphenol (p‐cresol), and phenol. Female Ae. aegypti were attracted to all the evaluated compounds. Among them, n‐heneicosane at a concentration of 10 ppm (mg/l), skatole from 50 to 1000 ppm, p‐cresol at 100 ppm, and phenol at 50 ppm showed a significant positive oviposition response. A blend of the four chemical attractants increased the oviposition response; 67% of the eggs were deposited in the treatment compared to the control. Female Ae. aegypti were signi?cantly more attracted to ovitrap A loaded with the four‐component synthetic blend compared to the standard ovitrap in the oviposition bioassays. The compound used in ovitrap A retained its attractant property for up to three days. The chemically‐based baited ovitrap may be considered as an option to be integrated during the monitoring of dengue virus vectors in México.  相似文献   

An investigation of the behavioral responses of Aedes aegypti (= Stegomyia aegypti) to various concentrations of essential oils (2.5, 5, and 10%) extracted from hairy basil (Ocimum americanum Linn), ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus Stapf), citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus Rendle), and plai (Zingiber cassumunar Roxb) were performed using an excito‐repellency test chamber. Results showed that Ae. aegypti exhibited varying levels of escape response in both the contact and noncontact chambers in response to different essential oils. The magnitude of the behaviors changed in a dose‐response fashion depending on the percent volume to volume concentration of oil used. A 2.5% concentration of hairy basil oil produced a significantly greater escape response compared to the other extracts at the same concentration (P< 0.05). Oils of ginger, lemongrass, and citronella produced stronger irritant and repellent responses at the median 5% concentration compared to the lowest and highest concentrations. There was marked suppression of escape for both contact and noncontact tests using 10% concentrations of hairy basil, lemongrass, and citronella, with high knockdown for all three oils after 30 min. Hairy basil and lemongrass had the highest insecticidal activity to Ae. aegypti, with LC50 values of 6.3 and 6.7 percent, respectively. We conclude that the essential oils from native plants tested, and likely many other extracts found in plants, have inherent repellent and irritant qualities that should to be screened and optimized for their behavior‐modifying properties against Ae. aegypti and other biting arthropods of public health and pest importance.  相似文献   

Genotype data from 14 microsatellite markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and differentiation of four guanaco populations from Argentine Patagonia. These animals were recently captured in the wild and maintained in semi-captivity for fibre production. Considerable genetic diversity in these populations was suggested by the finding of a total of 162 alleles, an average mean number of alleles per locus ranging from 6.50 to 8.19, and H(e) values ranging from 0.66 to 0.74. Assessment of population differentiation showed moderate but significant values of F(ST)=0.071 (P=0.000) and R(ST)=0.083 (P=0.000). An amova test showed that the genetic variation among populations was 5.6% while within populations it was 94.4%. A number of 6.6 migrants per generation may support these results. Unambiguous individual assignment to original populations was obtained for the Pilcaniyeu, Las Heras and La Esperanza populations. The erroneous assignment of 18.75% Rio Mayo individuals to the Las Heras population can be explained by the low genetic differentiation found between these two populations. Thirty-nine of 56 loci per population combinations were in Hardy--Weinberg disequilibrium because of guanaco heterozygote deficiency, which may be explained by population subdivision. The high level of genetic diversity of the guanacos analysed here indicates that the Patagonian guanaco constitutes an important genetic resource for conservation or economic utilization programmes.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to find the optimal dosage of deltamethrin, cyphenothrin, d‐tetramethrin, and tetramethrin that would elicit repellency and irritability responses of Aedes aegypti. The F1‐F3 generations of field mosquitoes collected from Pu Teuy Village, Sai‐Yok District, Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand, were tested with four pyrethroids to determine the LC25, LC50, and LC99. These concentrations were 0.010%, 0.020%, and 0.055%, respectively, for deltamethrin; 0.113%, 0.167%, and 0.353%, respectively, for cyphenothrin; 2.091%, 2.770%, and 5.114%, respectively, for d‐tetramethrin; and 2.377%, 4.251%, and 10.715%, respectively, for tetramethrin. All dosages were tested in the excito‐repellency system. Survival analysis was used to compare each chamber of the test. It was found that cyphenothrin had a stronger repellent effect than the other pyrethroids, while the contact irritant effect was similar among compounds tested. The LC50 of each pyrethroid was found to be the optimal dose for repelling Ae. aegypti. There was no significant difference in LC99 values for either non‐contact or contact trials for each pyrethroid.  相似文献   

Despite decades of research, there is still no agreement on which indices of Aedes aegypti (Stegomyia aegypti) (Diptera: Culicidae) presence and abundance better quantify entomological risk for dengue. This study reports the results of a multi‐scale, cross‐sectional entomological survey carried out in 1160 households in the city of Merida, Mexico to establish: (a) the correlation between levels of Ae. aegypti presence and abundance detected with aspirators and ovitraps; (b) which immature and egg indices correlate with the presence and abundance of Ae. aegypti females, and (c) the correlations amongst traditional Aedes indices and their modifications for pupae at the household level and within medium‐sized geographic areas used for vector surveillance. Our analyses show that ovitrap positivity was significantly associated with indoor adult Ae. aegypti presence [odds ratio (OR) = 1.50; P = 0.03], that the presence of pupae is associated with adult presence at the household level (OR = 2.27; P = 0.001), that classic Aedes indices are informative only when they account for pupae, and that window screens provide a significant level of protection against peridomestic Ae. aegypti (OR = 0.59; P = 0.02). Results reinforce the potential of using both positive collections in outdoor ovitraps and the presence of pupae as sensitive indicators of indoor adult female presence.  相似文献   

The colonization of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles dirus was performed using out‐of‐date human blood from a blood bank as a nutritional supply dispensed from a common artificial feeder. Preserved human blood was collected and used for feeding on days 5, 15, and 25 after date of expiration and dispensed from a common artificial feeder to rear the mosquitoes. Ae. aegypti had a feeding rate of 78.7, 62, and 18% at the respective intervals while An. dirus had a rate of 80, 56.8, and 7.3% on the same respective days. Direct feeding on live hamsters resulted in a rate of 96 and 90% for Ae. aegypti and An. dirus, respectively. Although egg production rates decreased from the day 5 feeding to the day 25 feeding, all of the developmental stages resulting from An. dirus fed at day 5 and 15 showed insignificant differences when compared with direct feeding on the blood of a hamster.  相似文献   

In Australia, the dengue vector Aedes aegypti is presently restricted to Queensland but was historically more widespread. Future spread may be facilitated by changes in the availability of suitable ovipositing sites (artificial containers) in response to climate change. We undertook a replicated comparison of thermal and hydric conditions in a selection of water containers commonly used by Ae. aegypti under sun and shade conditions in a tropical (Cairns) and temperate (Melbourne) location. We assessed the implications of thermal and hydric regimes for development rates and thermal stress. Container type had no effect on potential development rate in Cairns but mosquitoes in tyres were predicted to have consistently slower development than those in other containers in Melbourne. Our dataset included the hottest day on record for Melbourne (46.4°C) yet few containers exhibited lethal water temperatures in this location. Similarly high water temperatures were reached in Cairns at more benign air temperatures due to high solar radiation loads. The tyres had unique thermal profiles that exhibited a plateau at shaded air temperature even when in full sun. Overall, our results suggest that chronic cold stress would prevent development in Melbourne during spring, drying of containers would be limiting in Melbourne in summer, and heat stress in unshaded small containers would be limiting in Cairns. Tyres could be an important and unappreciated buffered habitat in open areas in the tropics. These results are of value for directing water storage and waste policy to prevent the further spread of Ae. aegypti and dengue fever as well as other mosquitoes. The methodology can be applied to identify priority containers for surveillance in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) comprises of four serotypes (DENV‐1 to ‐4) and is medically one of the most important arboviruses (arthropod‐borne virus). DENV infection is a major human health burden and is transmitted between humans by the insect vector, Aedes aegypti. Ae. aegypti ingests DENV while feeding on infected humans, which traverses through its gut, haemolymph and salivary glands of the mosquito before being injected into a healthy human. During this process of transmission, DENV must interact with many proteins of the insect vector, which are important for its successful transmission. Our study focused on the identification and characterisation of interacting protein partners in Ae. aegypti to DENV. Since domain III (DIII) of envelope protein (E) is exposed on the virion surface and is involved in virus entry into various cells, we performed phage display library screening against domain III of the envelope protein (EDIII) of DENV‐2. A peptide sequence showing similarity to lachesin protein was found interacting with EDIII. The lachesin protein was cloned, heterologously expressed, purified and used for in vitro interaction studies. Lachesin protein interacted with EDIII and also with DENV. Further, lachesin protein was localised in neuronal cells of different organs of Ae. aegypti by confocal microscopy. Blocking of lachesin protein in Ae. aegypti with anti‐lachesin antibody resulted in a significant reduction in DENV replication.  相似文献   

Ascogregarina infections from South America were recently documented in Brazil and Argentina. The aim of this study was to report our recent findings on the prevalence and seasonality of Ascogregarina culicis in Aedes aegypti adults from temperate Argentina. Between December 2003 and May 2005, 391 females of Ae. aegypti were captured in two areas of Greater Buenos Aires. Overall prevalence of A. culicis was 21.2% (83/391), and a significant difference was observed between both areas (28.4% vs. 8%). Infected Ae. aegypti were found from November to May, with highest values in March (24-37%). Parasite prevalence and host abundance showed similar seasonal patterns. Our observations suggest a widespread infestation of A. culicis among Ae. aegypti populations from temperate Argentina.  相似文献   

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