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1. We investigated the effects of riparian plant diversity (species number and identity) and temperature on microbially mediated leaf decomposition by assessing fungal biodiversity, fungal reproduction and leaf mass loss. 2. Leaves of five riparian plant species were first immersed in a stream to allow microbial colonisation and were then exposed, alone or in all possible combinations, at 16 or 24 °C in laboratory microcosms. 3. Fungal biodiversity was reduced by temperature but was not affected by litter diversity. Temperature altered fungal community composition with species of warmer climate, such as Lunulospora curvula, becoming dominant. 4. Fungal reproduction was affected by litter diversity, but not by temperature. Fungal reproduction in leaf mixtures did not differ or was lower than that expected from the weighted sum of fungal sporulation on individual leaf species. At the higher temperature, the negative effect of litter diversity on fungal reproduction decreased with the number of leaf species. 5. Leaf mass loss was affected by the identity of leaf mixtures (i.e. litter quality), but not by leaf species number. This was mainly explained by the negative correlation between leaf decomposition and initial lignin concentration of leaves. 6. At 24 °C, the negative effects of lignin on microbially mediated leaf decomposition diminished, suggesting that higher temperatures may weaken the effects of litter quality on plant litter decomposition in streams. 7. The reduction in the negative effects of lignin at the higher temperature resulted in an increased microbially mediated litter decomposition, which may favour invertebrate‐mediated litter decomposition leading to a depletion of litter stocks in streams.  相似文献   

In woodland streams, the decomposition of allochthonous organic matter constitutes a fundamental ecosystem process, where aquatic hyphomycetes play a pivotal role. It is therefore greatly affected by water temperature and nutrient concentrations. The individual effects of these factors on the decomposition of litter have been studied previously. However, in the climate warming scenario predicted for this century, water temperature and nutrient concentrations are expected to increase simultaneously, and their combined effects on litter decomposition and associated biological activity remains unevaluated. In this study, we addressed the individual and combined effects of water temperature (three levels) and nutrient concentrations (two levels) on the decomposition of alder leaves and associated aquatic hyphomycetes in microcosms. Decomposition rates across treatments varied between 0.0041 day?1 at 5 °C and low nutrient level and 0.0100 day?1 at 15 °C and high nutrient level. The stimulation of biological variables at high nutrients and temperatures indicates that nutrient enrichment of streams might have a higher stimulatory effect on fungal performance and decomposition rates under a warming scenario than at present. The stimulation of fungal biomass and sporulation with increasing temperature at both nutrient levels shows that increases in water temperature might enhance fungal growth and reproduction in both oligotrophic and eutrophic streams. The stimulation of fungal respiration and litter decomposition with increasing temperature at high nutrients indicates that stimulation of carbon mineralization will probably occur at eutrophied streams, while oligotrophic conditions seem to be ‘protected’ from warming. All biological variables were stimulated when both factors increased, as a result of synergistic interactions between factors. Increased water temperature and nutrient level also affected the structure of aquatic hyphomycete assemblages. It is plausible that if water quality of presently eutrophied streams is improved, the potential stimulatory effects of future increases in water temperature on aquatic biota and processes might be mitigated.  相似文献   

Interactions between atmospheric CO2 enrichment and soil fauna   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have reviewed the responses of soil fauna to increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and the consequent climate change. These will affect several attributes of animal populations and communities including their density, biomass, diversity, activity, rates of consumption, life history parameters and migration ability. Changes in the quality and quantity of litter and global warming are the main factors which are expected to modify soil fauna. Although changes have been observed in several attributes of the soil fauna as a consequence of increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2, no general trend which might allow to the prediction of a general pattern of response has been identified. Because of the complexity of the biological mechanisms and the synergetic action of several factors, the few resulting responses reported in the literature are inconclusive. However, some aspects of the situation deserve more attention. These include the consequences of (1) changes in the food resources for soil fauna in the litter layer and in the rhizosphere, (2) the consumption of low quality litter by the macrofauna, (3) the change in life span in response to temperature elevation, (4) the enhancement of earthworm burrowing activity and (5) the changes in community composition arising because of specific differential resistance to adverse conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the role of litter and dung decomposition in nutrient cycling and response to climate change and grazing in alpine ecosystems is still rudimentary. We conducted two separate studies to assess the relative role of warming and grazing on litter mass loss and on the temperature sensitivity of litter and dung mass loss. Experiments were conducted for 1–2 years under a controlled warming–grazing system and along an elevation gradient from 3200 to 3800 m. A free‐air temperature enhancement system (FATE) using infrared heaters and grazing significantly increased soil temperatures (average 0.5–1.6 °C) from 0 to 40 cm depth, but neither warming nor grazing affected soil moisture except early in the growing seasons at 30 cm soil depth. Heaters caused greater soil warming at night‐time compared with daytime, but grazing resulted in greater soil warming during daytime compared with night‐time. Annual average values of the soil temperature at 5 cm were 3.2, 2.4 and 0.3 °C at 3200, 3600 and 3800 m, respectively. Neither warming nor grazing caused changes of litter quality for the first year of the controlled warming–grazing experiment. The effects of warming and grazing on litter mass losses were additive, increasing litter mass losses by about 19.3% and 8.3%, respectively, for the 2‐year decomposition periods. The temperature sensitivity of litter mass losses was approximately 11% °C?1 based on the controlled warming–grazing experiment. The annual cumulative litter mass loss was approximately 2.5 times that of dung along the elevation gradient. However, the temperature sensitivity (about 18% °C?1) of the dung mass loss was about three times that of the litter mass loss. These results suggest greater warming at night‐time compared with daytime may accelerate litter mass loss, and grazing will enhance carbon loss to atmosphere in the region through a decrease of litter biomass and an increase of dung production with an increase of stocking rate in future warmer conditions.  相似文献   

全球变化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的影响   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
了解枯落物分解对大大二氧化碳浓度增高,气候变暖和降水变化的反应,对深入理解陆地生态系统土壤有机物形成和碳的固化能力(Carbonh sequestration)十分重要。通过分析业已发表的文献,实验室根系分解实验和美国西北部针叶林叶片的分解实验,旨在评估大气二氧化碳浓度增高,气候变暖和降水化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的可能影响,大气二氧化碳浓度增高可通过降低枯落物质量和增加草原生态系统土壤水分间接地影响枯落物分离,根据17项研究结果,大气二氧化碳浓度加倍可导致木本和草本枯落物平均氮含量降低19.6%和9.4%;木质素/氮化值增高36.3%和5.5%,枯落物质地的降低通常导致枯落物分解减慢。气候变暖一般加速枯落物的分解,但是用于表示这种促进作用的Q10随着温度的增高而降低,全球降水变化对陆地生态系统枯落物分解的影响不但取决于现有水分条件而且还以决于降水变的程度。以美国西北部地的针叶林为例,降水改变对森林生态系统枯落物分解的影响将是 多元的,有的增加,有的降低,而有的相对不变,最后,指出了今后 在方该领域有待加强的几个研究方面。  相似文献   

水生植物腐烂分解对水质的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对6种水生植物进行64 d的腐烂分解试验,对比不同水生植物腐烂分解过程中水体营养盐浓度的变化.结果表明: 6种水生植物的腐烂分解速率差别较大,浮叶植物分解速度最快,沉水植物次之,挺水植物最慢.不同水生植物腐解过程对水质影响不同,并与植物生物量密度相关.挺水植物芦苇腐解过程中的水体化学需氧量、总氮和总磷浓度最低;在茭草分解后期,水体化学需氧量和总氮浓度上升,水质变差.浮叶植物荇菜和莲腐解过程中,水体化学需氧量和总氮浓度高于其他植物.沉水植物菹草和狐尾藻腐解过程中,水体铵态氮、硝态氮和总磷浓度最高.对于同一种植物,不同生物量密度处理下,主要水质指标变化趋势相似.适量的植物残体的存在可以有效促进水体氮、磷等营养元素的循环,一定程度上去除硝态氮,降低水体氮负荷.  相似文献   

郭嘉  户其亮  朱建国  张卫建 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1300-1308
稻田水体中细菌(尤其是其中的大肠菌群)数量的多少及活性深刻影响着水体质量和物质循环,然而大气CO2浓度升高对它们的影响至今鲜有报道.为此,借助国际上唯一的稻麦复种FACE(free air CO2 enrichment)试验(位于江苏省江都市,始于2004年),于2006年对稻田水体中细菌数量、大肠菌群数量、总有机碳量和总氮量等进行了动态监测.结果表明,大气 CO2浓度升高显著提高了以上各指标在稻田水体中的含量(P <0.01),在整个水稻生育期,与对照相比,水体中的细菌数量、大肠菌群数量、总有机碳量和总氮量平均分别提高了45.9%、68.8%、31.2%和25.9%,不同生育期之间上述各指标存在显著差异(P<0.01).可见,大气CO2浓度升高不仅可通过改变稻田水体质量的方式来影响水稻的安全生产,而且还可能通过田间排水尤其是水稻生长前期的暴雨导致的洪涝来加重稻田生态系统向周边居民井水和其它水域的细菌和大肠菌群的输出量,从而可能影响周边水体质量及人体健康.  相似文献   

Pristine peatlands are carbon (C)‐accumulating wetland ecosystems sustained by a high water table (WT) and consequent anoxia that slows down decomposition. Persistent WT drawdown as a response to climate and/or land‐use change affects decomposition either directly through environmental factors such as increased oxygenation, or indirectly through changes in plant community composition. This study attempts to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of WT drawdown by measuring the relative importance of environmental parameters (WT depth, temperature, soil chemistry) and litter type and/or litter chemical quality on the 2‐year decomposition rates of above‐ and belowground litter (altogether 39 litter types). Consequences for organic matter accumulation were estimated based on the annual litter production. The study sites were chosen to form a three‐stage chronosequence from pristine (undrained) to short‐term (years) and long‐term (decades) WT drawdown conditions at three nutrient regimes. The direct effects of WT drawdown were overruled by the indirect effects through changes in litter type composition and production. Short‐term responses to WT drawdown were small. In long‐term, dramatically increased litter inputs resulted in large accumulation of organic matter in spite of increased decomposition rates. Furthermore, the quality of the accumulated matter greatly changed from that accumulated in pristine conditions. Our results show that the shift in vegetation composition as a response to climate and/or land‐use change is the main factor affecting peatland ecosystem C cycle, and thus dynamic vegetation is a necessity in any model applied for estimating responses of C fluxes to changing environment. We provide possible grouping of litter types into plant functional types that the models could utilize. Furthermore, our results clearly show a drop in soil summer temperature as a response to WT drawdown when an initially open peatland converts into a forest ecosystem, which has not yet been considered in the existing models.  相似文献   

三江平原草甸湿地土壤呼吸和枯落物分解的CO2释放   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用静态箱-碱液吸收法研究了三江平原草甸湿地土壤呼吸和枯落物分解的CO2释放速率,讨论了影响CO2释放的环境因素,估算了枯落物分解的CO2释放对于总释放的贡献.结果表明,生长季,小叶章沼泽化草甸和小叶章湿草甸各部分CO2释放均具有明显的时间变化特征,温度和水分是重要制约因素.两类草甸湿地的平均土壤呼吸速率分别为4.33g·m-2·d-1和6.15g·m-2·d-1,枯落物分解的CO2平均释放速率分别为1.76g·m-2·d-1和3.10g·m-2·d-1,枯落物分解的CO2释放占总释放量的31%和35%,说明在碳素由地上植物碳库转移到地下土壤碳库的过程中,湿地枯落物是一个不可忽略的碳损失源.  相似文献   

研究不同氮(N)、磷(P)和水分梯度上植物枯叶的N和P浓度及C : N和C : P的响应格局, 对于预测N沉降增加和降水格局改变对枯叶分解乃至养分循环的潜在影响具有一定的实践意义。该研究通过3个盆栽控制试验(N、P添加试验: 0、0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0、8.0、16.0、32.0、64.0和128.0 g N(P)∙m-210个水平; 控水试验: 3 600、3 900、4 500、5 100、6 000、7 200、9 000、12 000、 18 000和36 000 mL∙pot-110个水平), 探讨了这些环境因子改变对羊草(Leymus chinensis)枯叶分解质量的影响。结果表明, 在一定范围内, N添加提高了羊草枯叶的N浓度, 降低了C : N, 对P浓度和C : P没有明显的影响; P添加提高了枯叶的N和P浓度, 降低了C : N和C : P; 供水量增加显著降低了枯叶的N和P浓度, 提高了C : N和C : P。这表明, N、P和水分因子的改变影响了植物枯叶的性状, 且不同梯度的影响程度不同。因此, 全球气候变化可能影响植物枯叶的分解质量, 进而可能改变植被-土壤系统的养分循环。  相似文献   

CO2浓度和温度升高对红桦根际微生物的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
肖玲  王开运  张远彬 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1701-1708
应用自控、封闭、独立的生长室系统,研究升高的大气CO2浓度(环境CO2浓度 350(±25)μmol.mol-1,EC)和温度(环境温度 2.0(±0.5)℃,ET)及其交互作用(ECT)对不同栽植密度条件下红桦根际土壤可培养微生物数量的影响。结果表明:(1)EC显著增加了高密度条件下根际细菌数量;在整个生长季中,最大的根际细菌数量增加出现在7月份;而EC对低密度处理的根际细菌数量影响不显著。除了5月和6月份,ET在其余月份均显著增加了根际细菌数量,但是与密度处理没有有意义的相关;ECT对高低密度处理的根际细菌数量均未产生有统计意义的影响。(2)EC对低密度条件下的根际放线菌数量有显著增加,而对高密度条件下的根际放线菌数量无显著影响;ET和ECT对高低密度条件下的根际放线菌数量均未产生有统计意义的影响。(3)EC和ET对高低密度条件下的根际真菌数量无显著增加,而ECT显著增加了根际真菌数量。  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 may affect litter quality of plants, and subsequently C and N cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, but changes in litter quality associated with elevated CO2 are poorly known. Abscised leaf litter of two oak species (Quercus cerris L. and Q. pubescens Willd.) exposed to long-term elevated CO2 around a natural CO2 spring in Tuscany (Italy) was used to study the impact of increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 on litter quality and C and N turnover rates in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem. Litter samples were collected in an area with elevated CO2 (>500 ppm) and in an area with ambient CO2 concentration (360 ppm). Leaf samples were analysed for concentrations of total C, N, lignin, cellulose, acid detergent residue (ADR) and polyphenol. The decomposition rate of litter was studied using a litter bag experiment (12 months) and laboratory incubations (3 months). In the laboratory incubations, N mineralization in litter samples was measured as well (125 days). Litter quality was expressed in terms of chemical composition and element ratios. None of the litter quality parameters was affected by elevated CO2 for the two Quercus species. Remaining mass in Q. cerris and Q. pubescens litter from elevated CO2 was similar to that from ambient conditions. C mineralization in Q. pubescens litter from elevated CO2 was lower than that from ambient CO2, but the difference was insignificant. This effect was not observed for Q. cerris. N mineralization was higher from litter grown at elevated CO2, but this difference disappeared at the end of the incubation. Litter of Q. pubescens had a higher quality than Q. cerris, and indeed mineralized more rapidly in the laboratory, but not under field conditions.  相似文献   

1. Variation in detritus quality and quantity can have significant effects on aquatic invertebrate food webs. Allochthonous inputs of detritus are the principal energy source for organisms in aquatic tree hole microsystems. We compared the effects of two major detritus types found in tree holes, senescent leaves (Sugar Maple and White Oak) and invertebrate carcasses (dead adult fruit flies and crickets), on several water quality characteristics of laboratory microcosms as well as on mass, survival and population performance of the dominant tree hole consumer, Ochlerotatus triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae). To date, no study has documented the effects of animal detritus in tree hole microsystems or on resident consumers.2. Aquatic environments receiving invertebrate carcasses had significantly greater total nitrogen, total reactive phosphorus and higher pH, than leaf-based environments. Decay rate of invertebrate carcasses was greater compared to leaf material. Consumption of O(2) by micro-organisms increased with increasing detritus amounts, but we detected no difference between detritus types.3. Ochlerotatus triseriatus larvae grew faster in animal-based treatments, and mean mass of larvae was significantly greater when more animal detritus was used. The effect of animal-based treatments on larvae translated into higher performance for adults, which were three times heavier than counterparts from plant-based containers. Survivorship and estimated population growth rates were significantly greater for O. triseriatus reared on animal-based versus plant-based detritus.4. We hypothesise two mechanisms for the pronounced effect of invertebrate carcasses on mosquito performance relative to that associated with leaf detritus: (i) invertebrate carcasses decompose more quickly and release nutrients more effectively into the aquatic environment; or (ii) O. triseriatus larvae may directly ingest nutrient-rich components of invertebrate carcasses. Because even relatively small animal detritus additions can have strong effects on O. triseriatus populations, studies need to be conducted to explore the overall role of animal detritus in tree holes in nature.  相似文献   

为了预测气候变化对麦田节肢动物群落多样性的影响, 本研究在麦田开放环境中设置4种处理, 分别是高温(高于当时气温2℃和当前CO2浓度)、高CO2浓度(500 μL/L和当时气温)、高温+高CO2浓度和对照(当前CO2浓度和气温)等, 采用定期随机抽样方法调查节肢动物群落的多样性, 用经典的多样性指数对整体节肢动物群落以及不同食性节肢动物群落多样性进行分析。共采到节肢动物3纲10目42科52种。仅“高温”和“高温+高CO2”处理显著增大节肢动物群落的均匀度, 其余处理均无显著影响。“高温+高CO2”处理的影响随小麦生长发育期不同而略有差异, 在苗期可增大Shannon-Wiener多样性指数, 而在后期使该指数减小; “高温+高CO2”与“高温”处理的群落多样性较为相似。对不同食性节肢动物群落的分析表明, 与对照相比, 植食性昆虫群落在“高CO2”下丰富度显著增大; 寄生性昆虫群落的多度在“高温”下显著增大; 腐食性等节肢动物群落的多度在“高CO2+高温”和“高温”处理下有所增大、均匀度在“高温”下略降低, 但均未达统计上的显著水平; 捕食性节肢动物群落不受影响。本研究说明, CO2浓度和气温升高不同程度地影响麦田节肢动物群落的物种多样性, 两类因素同时升高与各自单独升高的影响不完全一致。  相似文献   

Streams and rivers are important conduits of terrestrially derived carbon (C) to atmospheric and marine reservoirs. Leaf litter breakdown rates are expected to increase as water temperatures rise in response to climate change. The magnitude of increase in breakdown rates is uncertain, given differences in litter quality and microbial and detritivore community responses to temperature, factors that can influence the apparent temperature sensitivity of breakdown and the relative proportion of C lost to the atmosphere vs. stored or transported downstream. Here, we synthesized 1025 records of litter breakdown in streams and rivers to quantify its temperature sensitivity, as measured by the activation energy (Ea, in eV). Temperature sensitivity of litter breakdown varied among twelve plant genera for which Ea could be calculated. Higher values of Ea were correlated with lower‐quality litter, but these correlations were influenced by a single, N‐fixing genus (Alnus). Ea values converged when genera were classified into three breakdown rate categories, potentially due to continual water availability in streams and rivers modulating the influence of leaf chemistry on breakdown. Across all data representing 85 plant genera, the Ea was 0.34 ± 0.04 eV, or approximately half the value (0.65 eV) predicted by metabolic theory. Our results indicate that average breakdown rates may increase by 5–21% with a 1–4 °C rise in water temperature, rather than a 10–45% increase expected, according to metabolic theory. Differential warming of tropical and temperate biomes could result in a similar proportional increase in breakdown rates, despite variation in Ea values for these regions (0.75 ± 0.13 eV and 0.27 ± 0.05 eV, respectively). The relative proportions of gaseous C loss and organic matter transport downstream should not change with rising temperature given that Ea values for breakdown mediated by microbes alone and microbes plus detritivores were similar at the global scale.  相似文献   

We studied the responses of an aquatic microcosm in two different eutrophic conditions to elevated atmospheric CO2concentration. We used microcosms, consisting of Escherichia coli(bacteria), Tetrahymena thermophila(protozoa) and Euglena gracilis(algae), in salt solution with 50 and 500 mg l–1of proteose peptone (eutrophic and hypereutrophic conditions, respectively) under ambient and elevated CO2(1550±100 l l–1) conditions. The density of E. gracilisincreased significantly under elevated CO2in both eutrophic and hypereutrophic microcosms. In the eutrophic microcosm, the other elements were not affected by elevated CO2. In the hypereutrophic microcosm, however, the concentrations of ammonium and phosphate decreased significantly under elevated CO2. Furthermore, the density of T. thermophilawas maintained in higher level than that in the microcosm with ambient CO2and the density of E. coliwas decreased by CO2enrichment. Calculating the carbon biomasses of T. thermophilaand E. colifrom their densities, the changes in their biomasses by CO2enrichment were little as compared with large increase of E. graciliscarbon biomass converted from chlorophyll a. From the responses to elevated CO2in the subsystems of the hypereutrophic microcosm consisting of either one or two species, the increase of E. graciliswas a direct effect of elevated CO2, whereas the changes in the density of E. coliand T. thermophilaand the decreases in the concentration of ammonium and phosphate are considered to be indirect effects rather than direct effects of elevated CO2. The indirect effects of elevated CO2were prominent in the hypereutrophic microcosm.  相似文献   

Species and size composition of fish communities in shallow stagnant waters appear to be associated with the type, abundance and pattern of the vegetation. Man-induced impacts as eutrophication, and suppression of vegetation for reasons of water quantity management or angling pleasure may induce irreversible changes in the aquatic ecosystem. Water quality management should aim at restoring former pike habitat. Submerged weeds are important to that effect. These habitats are characterized by relatively low densities of fish stocks. Stocking of bream and carp interferes strongly with these objectives. With respect to fish stocks, interests of water quality and fishery management may be opposed.  相似文献   

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