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Aims: The aim of study was to develop a colony immunoblot assay to differentiate typical from atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) by detection of bundle‐forming pilus (BFP) expression. Methods and Results: Anti‐BFP antiserum was raised in rabbits and its reactivity was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy and by immunoblotting recognizing bundlin, the major pilus repeating subunit. The bacterial isolates tested in the colony immunoblot assay were grown in different media. Proteins from bacterial isolates were transferred to nitrocellulose membrane after treatment with phosphate buffer containing Triton X‐100, EDTA and sodium chloride salts. When 24 typical EPEC and 96 isolates including, 72 atypical EPEC, 13 Gram‐negative type IV‐expressing strains and 11 enterobacteriaceae were cultivated in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium agar containing fetal bovine serum or in blood agar in the presence of CaCl2, they showed a positivity of 92 and 83%, and specificity of 96 and 97%, respectively. Conclusion: The assay enables reliable identification of BFP‐expressing isolates and contributes to the differentiation of typical and atypical EPEC. Significance and Impact of the Study: The colony immunoblot for BFP detection developed in this study combines the simplicity of an immunoserological assay with the high efficiency of testing a large number of EPEC colonies.  相似文献   

The Cpx envelope stress response mediates adaptation to potentially lethal envelope stresses in Escherichia coli. The two-component regulatory system consisting of the sensor kinase CpxA and the response regulator CpxR senses and mediates adaptation to envelope insults believed to result in protein misfolding in this compartment. Recently, a role was demonstrated for the Cpx response in the biogenesis of P pili, attachment organelles expressed by uropathogenic E. coli. CpxA senses misfolded P pilus assembly intermediates and initiates increased expression of both assembly and regulatory factors required for P pilus elaboration. In this report, we demonstrate that the Cpx response is also involved in the expression of the type IV bundle-forming pili of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). Bundle-forming pili were not elaborated from an exogenous promoter in E. coli laboratory strain MC4100 unless the Cpx pathway was constitutively activated. Further, an EPEC cpxR mutant synthesized diminished levels of bundle-forming pili and was significantly affected in adherence to epithelial cells. Since type IV bundle-forming pili are very different from chaperone-usher-type P pili in both form and biogenesis, our results suggest that the Cpx envelope stress response plays a general role in the expression of envelope-localized organelles with diverse structures and assembly pathways.  相似文献   

Disruption of normal protein trafficking in the Escherichia coli cell envelope (inner membrane, periplasm, outer membrane) can activate two parallel, but distinct, signal transduction pathways. This activation stimulates the expression of a number of genes whose products function to fold or degrade the mislocalized proteins. One of these signal transduction pathways is a two-component regulatory system comprised of the histidine kinase CpxA and the response regulator, CpxR. In this study we characterized gain-of-function Cpx* mutants in order to learn more about Cpx signal transduction. Sequencing demonstrated that the cpx* mutations cluster in either the periplasmic, the transmembrane, or the H-box domain of CpxA. Intriguingly, most of the periplasmic cpx* gain-of-function mutations cluster in the central region of this domain, and one encodes a deletion of 32 amino acids. Strains harboring these mutations are rendered insensitive to a normally activating signal. In vivo and in vitro characterization of maltose-binding-protein fusions between the wild-type CpxA and a representative cpx* mutant, CpxA101, showed that the mutant CpxA is altered in phosphotransfer reactions with CpxR. Specifically, while both CpxA and CpxA101 function as autokinases and CpxR kinases, CpxA101 is devoid of a CpxR-P phosphatase activity normally present in the wild-type protein. Taken together, the data support a model for Cpx-mediated signal transduction in which the kinase/phosphatase ratio is elevated by stress. Further, the sequence and phenotypes of periplasmic cpx* mutations suggest that interactions with a periplasmic signaling molecule may normally dictate a decreased kinase/phosphatase ratio under nonstress conditions.  相似文献   

Bundle-forming pili (BFP) are essential for the full virulence of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) because they are required for localized adherence to epithelial cells and auto-aggregation. We report the high resolution structure of bundlin, the monomer of BFP, solved by NMR. The structure reveals a new variation in the topology of type IVb pilins with significant differences in the composition and relative orientation of elements of secondary structure. In addition, the structural parameters of native BFP filaments were determined by electron microscopy after negative staining. The solution structure of bundlin was assembled according to these helical parameters to provide a plausible atomic resolution model for the BFP filament. We show that EPEC and Vibriocholerae type IVb pili display distinct differences in their monomer subunits consistent with data showing that bundlin and TcpA cannot complement each other, but assemble into filaments with similar helical organization.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (Tfps) are filamentous surface appendages expressed by Gram-negative microorganisms and play numerous roles in bacterial cell biology. Tfp biogenesis machineries are highly conserved and resemble protein secretion and DNA uptake systems. Although components of Tfp biogenesis systems have been identified, it is not known how they interact to form these machineries. Using the bundle-forming pilus (BFP) of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli as a model Tfp system, we provide evidence of a cytoplasmic membrane subassembly of the Tfp assembly machine composed of putative cytoplasmic nucleotide-binding and cytoplasmic membrane proteins. A combination of genetic, biochemical and biophysical approaches revealed interactions among putative cytoplasmic nucleotide-binding proteins BfpD and BfpF and cytoplasmic membrane proteins BfpC and BfpE of the BFP biogenesis machine. The polytopic membrane protein BfpE appears to be a central component of this subassembly as it interacts with BfpC, BfpD and BfpF. We report that BFP biogenesis probably requires interactions among BfpC, BfpD and BfpE, whereas BFP retraction requires interaction of the PilT-like putative ATPase BfpF with a conserved domain of BfpE. BfpE is the first protein that is not a member of the PilT family to be implicated in Tfp retraction. Furthermore, we found that the putative ATPases BfpD and BfpF play antagonistic roles in BFP biogenesis and retraction, respectively, by interacting with distinct domains of the BFP biogenesis machine.  相似文献   

The Escherichia colisigma(E)-dependent stress response pathway controls the expression of genes encoding periplasmic folding catalysts, proteases, biosynthesis enzymes for lipid A (a component of lipopolysaccharide or LPS) and other proteins known or predicted to function in or produce components of the envelope. When E. coli is subjected to heat or other stresses that generate unfolded envelope proteins, sigma(E) activity is induced. Four key players in this signal transduction pathway have been identified: RseA, an inner membrane sigma(E) antisigma factor; RseB, a periplasmic protein that binds to the periplasmic face of RseA; and the DegS and YaeL proteases. The major point of regulation, the interaction between sigma(E) and RseA, is primarily controlled by the stability of RseA. Envelope stress promotes RseA degradation, which occurs by a proteolytic cascade initiated by DegS. There is evidence that one sigma(E)-inducing stress (OmpC overexpression) directly activates DegS to cleave RseA. Secondarily, envelope stress may relieve RseB-mediated enhancement of RseA activity. Additional levels of control upon sigma(E) activity may become evident upon further study of this stress response pathway.  相似文献   

Gram‐negative bacteria possess several envelope stress responses that detect and respond to damage to this critical cellular compartment. The σE envelope stress response senses the misfolding of outer membrane proteins (OMPs), while the Cpx two‐component system is believed to detect the misfolding of periplasmic and inner membrane proteins. Recent studies in several Gram‐negative organisms found that deletion of hfq, encoding a small RNA chaperone protein, activates the σE envelope stress response. In this study, we assessed the effects of deleting hfq upon activity of the σE and Cpx responses in non‐pathogenic and enteropathogenic (EPEC) strains of Escherichia coli. We found that the σE response was activated in Δhfq mutants of all E. coli strains tested, resulting from the misregulation of OMPs. The Cpx response was activated by loss of hfq in EPEC, but not in E. coli K‐12. Cpx pathway activation resulted in part from overexpression of the bundle‐forming pilus (BFP) in EPEC Δhfq. We found that Hfq repressed expression of the BFP via PerA, a master regulator of virulence in EPEC. This study shows that Hfq has a more extensive role in regulating the expression of envelope proteins and horizontally acquired virulence genes in E. coli than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Production of type IV bundle-forming pili (BFP) by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) requires the protein products of 12 genes of the 14-gene bfp operon. Antisera against each of these proteins were used to demonstrate that in-frame deletion of individual genes within the operon reduces the abundance of other bfp operon-encoded proteins. This result was demonstrated not to be due to downstream polar effects of the mutations but rather was taken as evidence for protein-protein interactions and their role in the stabilization of the BFP assembly complex. These data, combined with the results of cell compartment localization studies, suggest that pilus formation requires the presence of a topographically discrete assembly complex that is composed of BFP proteins in stoichiometric amounts. The assembly complex appears to consist of an inner membrane component containing three processed, pilin-like proteins, BfpI, -J, and -K, that localize with BfpE, -L, and -A (the major pilin subunit); an outer membrane, secretin-like component, BfpB and -G; and a periplasmic component composed of BfpU. Of these, only BfpL consistently localizes with both the inner and outer membranes and thus, together with BfpU, may articulate between the Bfp proteins in the inner membrane and outer membrane compartments.  相似文献   

A key strategy in microbial pathogenesis is the subversion of the first line of cellular immune defences presented by professional phagocytes. Enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC respectively) remain extracellular while colonizing the gut mucosa by attaching and effacing mechanism. EPEC use the type three secretion system effector protein EspF to prevent their own uptake into macrophages. EPEC can also block in trans the internalization of IgG-opsonized particles. In this study, we show that EspJ is the type three secretion system effector protein responsible for trans -inhibition of macrophage opsono-phagocytosis by both EPEC and EHEC. While EspF plays no role in trans -inhibition of opsono-phagocytosis, espJ mutants of EPEC or EHEC are unable to block uptake of opsonized sheep red blood cells (RBC), a phenotype that is rescued upon complementation with the espJ gene. Importantly, ectopic expression of EspJEHEC in phagocytes is sufficient to inhibit internalization of both IgG- and C3bi-opsonized RBC. These results suggest that EspJ targets a basic mechanism common to these two unrelated phagocytic receptors. Moreover, EspF and EspJ target independent aspects of the phagocytic function of mammalian macrophages in vitro .  相似文献   

To detect and effectively respond to damage to the cell envelope, Gram-negative bacteria possess multiple envelope stress responses. Among these, the CpxAR two-component system has been shown to sense the presence of misfolded periplasmic proteins and increase the production of envelope-localized protein folding and degrading factors in response. However, recent studies have revealed that additional parameters, such as adhesion and central metabolism, can also be sensed by the Cpx signalling system. The discovery that the Cpx regulon contains dozens to hundreds of genes indicates that the cellular functions of the Cpx response are also likely much broader than previously realized. These newly recognized functions include other aspects of envelope maintenance, communication with other regulatory pathways, and pathogenesis. A new model is emerging in which the Cpx response integrates diverse signals and promotes cell survival by protecting the envelope in multiple ways.  相似文献   

The type IV bundle-forming pili (BFP) of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) are required for virulence in orally challenged human volunteers and for the localized adherence and autoaggregation in vitro phenotypes. BFP filament biogenesis and function are encoded by the 14-gene bfp operon. The BFP assembly complex, containing a BfpB-His6 fusion protein, was chemically cross-linked in situ, and the complex was then purified from BFP-expressing EPEC by a combination of nickel- and BfpB antibody-based affinity chromatography. Characterization of the isolated complex by immunoblotting using BFP protein-specific antibodies showed that at least 10 of the 14 proteins specified by the bfp operon physically interact to form an oligomeric complex. Proteins localized to the outer membrane, inner membrane, and periplasm are within this complex, thus demonstrating that the complex spans the periplasmic space. A combination of immunofluorescence and immuno-gold thin-section transmission electron microscopy studies localized this complex to one pole of the cell.  相似文献   

Hfq, a chaperone for small noncoding RNAs, regulates many processes in Escherichia coli, including the sigma(S)-mediated general stress response. Here we used microarray analysis to identify the changes in gene expression resulting from lack of Hfq. We identify several potential new targets for Hfq regulation, including genes encoding outer membrane proteins, enzymes, factors, and transporters. Many of these genes are involved in amino acid uptake and biosynthesis, sugar uptake and metabolism, and cell energetics. In addition, we find altered regulation of the sigma(E)- and sigma(32)-mediated stress responses, which we analyze further. We show that cells lacking Hfq induce the sigma(E)-mediated envelope stress response and are defective in sigma(E)-mediated repression of outer membrane proteins. We also show that the sigma(32)-mediated cytoplasmic stress response is repressed in cells lacking Hfq due to increased expression of DnaK. Furthermore, we show that cells lacking Hfq are defective in the "long-term adaptation" of sigma(32) to chronic chaperone overexpression. Together, our results indicate that Hfq may play a general role in stress response regulation in E. coli.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) adheres to epithelial cells and forms microcolonies in localized areas. Bundle-forming pili (BFP) are necessary for autoaggregation and the formation of microcolonies. In this study, we show that BFP, expressed by EPEC on epithelial cells, disappeared with the expansion of the microcolony. Bacterial dispersal and the release of BFP from the EPEC aggregates were induced by contact with host cellular membrane extract. In addition, BFP-expressing EPEC adhered directly to cell surfaces, in preference to attaching to pre-formed microcolonies on the cells. These results suggested that BFP mediate the initial attachment of EPEC through direct interaction with the host cell rather than through the recruitment of unattached bacteria to microcolonies on the cell.  相似文献   

Differential gene expression in biofilm cells suggests that adding the derepressed conjugative plasmid R1drd19 increases biofilm formation by affecting genes related to envelope stress (rseA and cpxAR), biofilm formation (bssR and cstA), energy production (glpDFK), acid resistance (gadABCEX and hdeABD), and cell motility (csgBEFG, yehCD, yadC, and yfcV); genes encoding outer membrane proteins (ompACF), phage shock proteins (pspABCDE), and cold shock proteins (cspACDEG); and phage-related genes. To investigate the link between the identified genes and biofilm formation upon the addition of R1drd19, 40 isogenic mutants were classified according to their different biofilm formation phenotypes. Cells with class I mutations (those in rseA, bssR, cpxA, and ompA) exhibited no difference from the wild-type strain in biofilm formation and no increase in biofilm formation upon the addition of R1drd19. Cells with class II mutations (those in gatC, yagI, ompC, cspA, pspD, pspB, ymgB, gadC, pspC, ymgA, slp, cpxP, cpxR, cstA, rseC, ompF, and yqjD) displayed increased biofilm formation compared to the wild-type strain but decreased biofilm formation upon the addition of R1drd19. Class III mutants showed increased biofilm formation compared to the wild-type strain and increased biofilm formation upon the addition of R1drd19. Cells with class IV mutations displayed increased biofilm formation compared to the wild-type strain but little difference upon the addition of R1drd19, and class V mutants exhibited no difference from the wild-type strain but increased biofilm formation upon the addition of R1drd19. Therefore, proteins encoded by the genes corresponding to the class I mutant phenotype are involved in R1drd19-promoted biofilm formation, primarily through their impact on cell motility. We hypothesize that the pili formed upon the addition of the conjugative plasmid disrupt the membrane (induce ompA) and activate the two-component system CpxAR as well as the other envelope stress response system, RseA-sigma(E), both of which, along with BssR, play a key role in bacterial biofilm formation.  相似文献   

The cell envelope in Gram-negative bacteria comprises two distinct membranes with a cell wall between them. There has been a growing interest in understanding the mechanical adaptation of this cell envelope to the osmotic pressure (or turgor pressure), which is generated by the difference in the concentration of solutes between the cytoplasm and the external environment. However, it remains unexplored how the cell wall, the inner membrane (IM), and the outer membrane (OM) effectively protect the cell from this pressure by bearing the resulting surface tension, thus preventing the formation of inner membrane bulges, abnormal cell morphology, spheroplasts and cell lysis. In this study, we have used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations combined with experiments to resolve how and to what extent models of the IM, OM, and cell wall respond to changes in surface tension. We calculated the area compressibility modulus of all three components in simulations from tension-area isotherms. Experiments on monolayers mimicking individual leaflets of the IM and OM were also used to characterize their compressibility. While the membranes become softer as they expand, the cell wall exhibits significant strain stiffening at moderate to high tensions. We integrate these results into a model of the cell envelope in which the OM and cell wall share the tension at low turgor pressure (0.3 atm) but the tension in the cell wall dominates at high values (>1 atm).  相似文献   

The bacterial cell envelope is the interface between a bacterium and its environment and is constantly exposed to environmental changes. The BaeSR two-component system regulates one of six envelope stress responses in Escherichia coli and is induced by spheroplasting, overexpression of the pilin subunit PapG, and exposure to indole. The known BaeR regulon is small, consisting of eight genes, mdtABCD-baeSR, acrD, and spy, two of which encode the BaeSR two-component system itself. In this study, we investigated the molecular nature of the BaeS-inducing cue and the cellular role of the BaeSR envelope stress response. We demonstrated that at least two flavonoids and sodium tungstate are novel inducers of the BaeSR response. Interestingly, flavonoids and sodium tungstate led to much stronger induction of the BaeSR response in an mdtA efflux pump mutant, while indole did not. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that flavonoids and sodium tungstate are natural substrates of the MdtABC efflux pump. Indole has recently been implicated in cell-cell signaling and biofilm repression through a putative interaction with the LuxR homologue SdiA. Using genetic analyses, we found that induction of the BaeSR response by indole occurs via a pathway separate from the SdiA biofilm pathway. Further, we demonstrated that the BaeSR response does not influence biofilm formation, nor is it involved in indole-mediated inhibition of biofilm formation. We hypothesize that the main function of the Bae response is to upregulate efflux pump expression in response to specific envelope-damaging agents.  相似文献   

We present the first large scale proteomic analysis of a human cellular response to a pathogen. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is an enteric human pathogen responsible for much childhood morbidity and mortality worldwide. EPEC uses a type III secretion system (TTSS) to inject bacterial proteins into the cytosol of intestinal epithelial cells, resulting in diarrhea. We analyzed the host response to TTSS-delivered EPEC effector proteins by infecting polarized intestinal epithelial monolayers with either wild-type or TTSS-deficient EPEC. Host proteins were isolated and subjected to quantitative profiling using isotope-coded affinity tagging (ICAT) combined with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. We identified over 2000 unique proteins from infected Caco-2 monolayers, of which approximately 13% are expressed differentially in the presence of TTSS-delivered EPEC effector proteins. We validated these data in silico and through immunoblotting and immunofluorescence microscopy. The identified changes extend cytoskeletal observations made in less relevant cell types and generate testable hypotheses with regard to host proteins potentially involved in EPEC-induced diarrhea. These data provide a framework for future biochemical analyses of host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

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