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Kinesin-based cargo transport in cells frequently involves the coordinated activity of multiple motors, including kinesins from different families that move at different speeds. However, compared to the progress at the single-molecule level, mechanisms by which multiple kinesins coordinate their activity during cargo transport are poorly understood. To understand these multimotor coordination mechanisms, defined pairs of kinesin-1 and kinesin-2 motors were assembled on DNA scaffolds and their motility examined in vitro. Although less processive than kinesin-1 at the single-molecule level, addition of kinesin-2 motors more effectively amplified cargo run lengths. By applying the law of total expectation to cargo binding durations in ADP, the kinesin-2 microtubule reattachment rate was shown to be fourfold faster than that of kinesin-1. This difference in microtubule binding rates was also observed in solution by stopped-flow. High-resolution tracking of a gold-nanoparticle-labeled motor with 1 ms and 2 nm precision revealed that kinesin-2 motors detach and rebind to the microtubule much more frequently than does kinesin-1. Finally, compared to cargo transported by two kinesin-1, cargo transported by two kinesin-2 motors more effectively navigated roadblocks on the microtubule track. These results highlight the importance of motor reattachment kinetics during multimotor transport and suggest a coordinated transport model in which kinesin-1 motors step effectively against loads whereas kinesin-2 motors rapidly unbind and rebind to the microtubule. This dynamic tethering by kinesin-2 maintains the cargo near the microtubule and enables effective navigation along crowded microtubules.  相似文献   

Disruptions in microtubule motor transport are associated with a variety of neurodegenerative diseases. Post-translational modification of the cargo-binding domain of the light and heavy chains of kinesin has been shown to regulate transport, but less is known about how modifications of the motor domain affect transport. Here we report on the effects of phosphorylation of a mammalian kinesin motor domain by the kinase JNK3 at a conserved serine residue (Ser-175 in the B isoform and Ser-176 in the A and C isoforms). Phosphorylation of this residue has been implicated in Huntington disease, but the mechanism by which Ser-175 phosphorylation affects transport is unclear. The ATPase, microtubule-binding affinity, and processivity are unchanged between a phosphomimetic S175D and a nonphosphorylatable S175A construct. However, we find that application of force differentiates between the two. Placement of negative charge at Ser-175, through phosphorylation or mutation, leads to a lower stall force and decreased velocity under a load of 1 piconewton or greater. Sedimentation velocity experiments also show that addition of a negative charge at Ser-175 favors the autoinhibited conformation of kinesin. These observations imply that when cargo is transported by both dynein and phosphorylated kinesin, a common occurrence in the cell, there may be a bias that favors motion toward the minus-end of microtubules. Such bias could be used to tune transport in healthy cells when properly regulated but contribute to a disease state when misregulated.  相似文献   

The wall-less, helical bacterial genus Spiroplasma has a unique propulsion system; it is not driven by propeller-like flagella but by a membrane-bound, cytoplasmic, linear motor that consists of a contractile chain of identical proteins spanning the entire cell length. By a coordinated spread of conformational changes of the proteins, kinks propagate in pairs along the cell body. However, the mechanisms for the initiation or delay of kinks and their coordinated spread remain unclear. Here, we show how we manipulate the initiation of kinks, their propagation velocities, and the time between two kinks for a single cell trapped in an optical line potential. By interferometric three-dimensional shape tracking, we measured the cells’ deformations in response to various external stress situations. We observed a significant dependency of force generation on the cells’ local ligand concentrations (likely ATP) and ligand hydrolysis, which we altered in different ways. We developed a mechanistic, mathematical model based on Kramer’s rates, describing the subsequent cooperative and conformational switching of the chain’s proteins. The model reproduces our experimental observations and can explain deformation characteristics even when the motor is driven to its extreme. Nature has invented a set of minimalistic mechanical driving concepts. To understand or even rebuild them, it is essential to reveal the molecular mechanisms of such protein chain motors, which need only two components—coupled proteins and ligands—to function.  相似文献   

As a prototype cellular sensor, the TRPV1 cation channel undergoes a closed-to-open gating transition in response to various physical and chemical stimuli including noxious heat. Despite recent progress, the molecular mechanism of heat activation of TRPV1 gating remains enigmatic. Toward decrypting the structural basis of TRPV1 heat activation, we performed extensive molecular dynamics simulations (with cumulative simulation time of ~11 μs) for the wild-type channel and a constitutively active double mutant at different temperatures (30, 60, and 72°C), starting from a high-resolution closed-channel structure of TRPV1 solved by cryo-electron microscopy. In the wild-type simulations, we observed heat-activated conformational changes (e.g., expansion or contraction) in various key domains of TRPV1 (e.g., the S2-S3 and S4-S5 linkers) to prime the channel for gating. These conformational changes involve a number of dynamic hydrogen-bond interactions that were validated with previous mutational studies. Next, our mutant simulations observed channel opening after a series of conformational changes that propagate from the channel periphery to the channel pore via key intermediate domains (including the S2-S3 and S4-S5 linkers). The gating transition is accompanied by a large increase in the protein-water electrostatic interaction energy, which supports the contribution of desolvation of polar/charged residues to the temperature-sensitive TRPV1 gating. Taken together, our molecular dynamics simulations and analyses offered, to our knowledge, new structural, dynamic, and energetic information to guide future mutagenesis and functional studies of the TRPV1 channels and development of TRPV1-targeting drugs.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3D) architecture of the cell nucleus plays an important role in protein dynamics and in regulating gene expression. However, protein dynamics within the 3D nucleus are poorly understood. Here, we present, to our knowledge, a novel combination of 1) single-objective based light-sheet microscopy, 2) photoconvertible proteins, and 3) fluorescence correlation microscopy, to quantitatively measure 3D protein dynamics in the nucleus. We are able to acquire >3400 autocorrelation functions at multiple spatial positions within a nucleus, without significant photobleaching, allowing us to make reliable estimates of diffusion dynamics. Using this tool, we demonstrate spatial heterogeneity in Polymerase II dynamics in live U2OS cells. Further, we provide detailed measurements of human-Yes-associated protein diffusion dynamics in a human gastric cancer epithelial cell line.  相似文献   

Nuclear translocation of stimulated Smad heterocomplexes is a critical step in the signal transduction of transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) from transmembrane receptors into the nucleus. Specifically, normal nuclear accumulation of Smad2/Smad4 heterocomplexes induced by TGF-β1 is involved in carcinogenesis. However, the relationship between nuclear accumulation and the nucleocytoplasmic transport kinetics of Smad proteins in the presence of TGF-β1 remains obscure. By combining a high-speed single-molecule tracking microscopy and Förster resonance energy transfer technique, we tracked the entire TGF-β1-induced process of Smad2/Smad4 heterocomplex formation, as well as their transport through nuclear pore complexes in live cells, with a high single-molecule localization precision of 2 ms and <20 nm. Our single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer data have revealed that in TGF-β1-treated cells, Smad2/Smad4 heterocomplexes formed in the cytoplasm, imported through the nuclear pore complexes as entireties, and finally dissociated in the nucleus. Moreover, we found that basal-state Smad2 or Smad4 cannot accumulate in the nucleus without the presence of TGF-β1, mainly because both of them have an approximately twofold higher nuclear export efficiency compared to their nuclear import. Remarkably and reversely, heterocomplexes of Smad2/Smad4 induced by TGF-β1 can rapidly concentrate in the nucleus because of their almost fourfold higher nuclear import rate in comparison with their nuclear export rate. Thus, we believe that the determined TGF-β1-dependent transport configurations and efficiencies for the basal-state Smad or stimulated Smad heterocomplexes elucidate the basic molecular mechanism to understand their nuclear transport and accumulation.  相似文献   

Transmembrane protein domains often contain interfacial aromatic residues, which may play a role in the insertion and stability of membrane helices. Residues such as Trp or Tyr, therefore, are often found situated at the lipid-water interface. We have examined the extent to which the precise radial locations of interfacial Trp residues may influence peptide helix orientation and dynamics. To address these questions, we have modified the GW5,19ALP23 (acetyl-GGALW5(LA)6LW19LAGA-[ethanol]amide) model peptide framework to relocate the Trp residues. Peptide orientation and dynamics were analyzed by means of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to monitor specific 2H- and 15N-labeled residues. GW5,19ALP23 adopts a defined, tilted orientation within lipid bilayer membranes with minimal evidence of motional averaging of NMR observables, such as 2H quadrupolar or 15N-1H dipolar splittings. Here, we examine how peptide dynamics are impacted by relocating the interfacial Trp (W) residues on both ends and opposing faces of the helix, for example by a 100° rotation on the helical wheel for positions 4 and 20. In contrast to GW5,19ALP23, the modified GW4,20ALP23 helix experiences more extensive motional averaging of the NMR observables in several lipid bilayers of different thickness. Individual and combined Gaussian analyses of the 2H and 15N NMR signals confirm that the extent of dynamic averaging, particularly rotational “slippage” about the helix axis, is strongly coupled to the radial distribution of the interfacial Trp residues as well as the bilayer thickness. Additional 2H labels on alanines A3 and A21 reveal partial fraying of the helix ends. Even within the context of partial unwinding, the locations of particular Trp residues around the helix axis are prominent factors for determining transmembrane helix orientation and dynamics within the lipid membrane environment.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous distribution of components in the biological membrane is critical in the process of cell polarization. However, little is known about the mechanisms that can generate and maintain the heterogeneous distribution of the membrane components. Here, we report that the propagating wave patterns of the bacterial Min proteins can impose steric pressure on the membrane, resulting in transport and directional accumulation of the component in the membrane. Therefore, the membrane component waves represent transport of the component in the membrane that is caused by the steric pressure gradient induced by the differential levels of binding and dissociation of the Min proteins in the propagating waves on the membrane surface. The diffusivity, majorly influenced by the membrane anchor of the component, and the repulsed ability, majorly influenced by the steric property of the membrane component, determine the differential spatial distribution of the membrane component. Thus, transportation of the membrane component by the Min proteins follows a simple physical principle, which resembles a linear peristaltic pumping process, to selectively segregate and maintain heterogeneous distribution of materials in the membrane.
Coiled-coil stalks of various kinesins differ significantly in predicted length and structure; this is an adaption that helps these motors carry out their specialized functions. However, little is known about the dynamic stalk configuration in moving motors. To gain insight into the conformational properties of the transporting motors, we developed a theoretical model to predict Brownian motion of a microbead tethered to the tail of a single, freely walking molecule. This approach, which we call the tethered cargo motion (TCM) assay, provides an accurate measure of the mechanical properties of motor-cargo tethering, verified using kinesin-1 conjugated to a microbead via DNA links in vitro. Applying the TCM assay to the mitotic kinesin CENP-E unexpectedly revealed that when walking along a microtubule track, this highly elongated molecule with a contour length of 230 nm formed a 20-nm-long tether. The stalk of a walking CENP-E could not be extended fully by application of sideways force with optical tweezers (up to 4 pN), implying that CENP-E carries its cargo in a compact configuration. Assisting force applied along the microtubule track accelerates CENP-E walking, but this increase does not depend on the presence of the CENP-E stalk. Our results suggest that the unusually large stalk of CENP-E has little role in regulating its function as a transporter. The adjustable stalk configuration may represent a regulatory mechanism for controlling the physical reach between kinetochore-bound CENP-E and spindle microtubules, or it may assist localizing various kinetochore regulators in the immediate vicinity of the kinetochore-embedded microtubule ends. The TCM assay and underlying theoretical framework will provide a general guide for determining the dynamic configurations of various molecular motors moving along their tracks, freely or under force.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) acts as a signaling lipid, mediating membrane trafficking and recruitment of proteins to membranes. A key example is the PIP2-dependent regulation of the adhesion of L-selectin to the cytoskeleton adaptors of the N-terminal subdomain of ezrin-radixin-moesin (FERM). The molecular details of the mediating behavior of multivalent anionic PIP2 lipids in this process, however, remain unclear. Here, we use coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation to explore the mechanistic details of PIP2 in the transformation, translocation, and association of the FERM/L-selectin complex. We compare membranes of different compositions and find that anionic phospholipids are necessary for both FERM and the cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin to absorb on the membrane surface. The subsequent formation of the FERM/L-selectin complex is strongly favored by the presence of PIP2, which clusters around both proteins and triggers a conformational transition in the cytoplasmic domain of L-selectin. We are able to quantify the effect of PIP2 on the association free energy of the complex by means of a potential of mean force. We conclude that PIP2 behaves as an adhesive agent to enhance the stability of the FERM/L-selectin complex and identify key residues involved. The molecular information revealed in this study highlights the specific role of membrane lipids such as PIP2 in protein translocation and potential signaling.  相似文献   

Cells generate mechanical forces primarily from interactions between F-actin, cross-linking proteins, myosin motors, and other actin-binding proteins in the cytoskeleton. To understand how molecular interactions between the cytoskeletal elements generate forces, a number of in vitro experiments have been performed but are limited in their ability to accurately reproduce the diversity of motor mobility. In myosin motility assays, myosin heads are fixed on a surface and glide F-actin. By contrast, in reconstituted gels, the motion of both myosin and F-actin is unrestricted. Because only these two extreme conditions have been used, the importance of mobility of motors for network behaviors has remained unclear. In this study, to illuminate the impacts of motor mobility on the contractile behaviors of the actin cytoskeleton, we employed an agent-based computational model based on Brownian dynamics. We find that if motors can bind to only one F-actin like myosin I, networks are most contractile at intermediate mobility. In this case, less motor mobility helps motors stably pull F-actins to generate tensile forces, whereas higher motor mobility allows F-actins to aggregate into larger clustering structures. The optimal intermediate motor mobility depends on the stall force and affinity of motors that are regulated by mechanochemical rates. In addition, we find that the role of motor mobility can vary drastically if motors can bind to a pair of F-actins. A network can exhibit large contraction with high motor mobility because motors bound to antiparallel pairs of F-actins can exert similar forces regardless of their mobility. Results from this study imply that the mobility of molecular motors may critically regulate contractile behaviors of actin networks in cells.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar motor is one of the most complex and sophisticated nanomachineries in nature. A duty ratio D is a fraction of time that the stator and the rotor interact and is a fundamental property to characterize the motor but remains to be determined. It is known that the stator units of the motor bind to and dissociate from the motor dynamically to control the motor torque depending on the load on the motor. At low load, at which the kinetics such as proton translocation speed limits the rotation rate, the dependency of the rotation rate on the number of stator units N implies D: the dependency becomes larger for smaller D. Contradicting observations supporting both the small and large D have been reported. A dilemma is that it is difficult to explore a broad range of N at low load because the stator units easily dissociate, and N is limited to one or two at vanishing load. Here, we develop an electrorotation method to dynamically control the load on the flagellar motor of Salmonella with a calibrated magnitude of the torque. By instantly reducing the load for keeping N high, we observed that the speed at low load depends on N, implying a small duty ratio. We recovered the torque-speed curves of individual motors and evaluated the duty ratio to be 0.14 ± 0.04 from the correlation between the torque at high load and the rotation rate at low load.  相似文献   

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