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1. Seasonal variation in leaf quality and climate conditions often imposes constraints on the temporal occurrence of tree‐feeding insect larvae, but the seasonal effects of predation have received limited attention. In temperate climate zones, both the abundance and activity of predators can be expected to vary over time. 2. The study reported herein examined the impact of temporal variation in predator activity levels on the life history of an herbivorous insect feeding on a constant food source: previous‐year needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). In field experiments, the survival and growth rates of colonies of Thaumetopoea pinivora Treitschke larvae that had been manipulated to hatch at three different dates were compared. Eggs of T. pinivora usually hatch by mid‐April in southern Sweden, which is earlier than most other herbivorous insects that overwinter as eggs in this region. 3. Predator exclusion experiments indicated that larvae which hatched later than April experienced a higher level of predator activity, mainly by ants. The final larval size and the timing of pupation were not affected by hatching date. First instar larvae were more extensively preyed on than second instars. 4. The life history of herbivore species can be affected by seasonal variation in predation pressures. This study suggests that early hatching in a lepidopteran species can allow a temporal escape from predation during the vulnerable early life stages.  相似文献   

1. Some lepidopteran species have larvae that live gregariously, especially in early instars. Colony‐living species may benefit from improved protection from predators, thermoregulation, and feeding facilitation, for example. 2. While many studies have compared solitary and gregarious life styles, few data exist as to the relationship between size of the larval colony and larval performance in gregarious species. The present study was aimed at understanding the importance of colony size for growth and survival of the northern pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pinivora) larvae. 3. Field studies, comparing three different sizes of colonies of T. pinivora larvae, showed that individuals in larger colonies had a higher survival rate compared with those living in smaller colonies and also a faster growth rate. 4. The higher survival rate of large colonies was attributed to improved protection from predacious arthropods. 5. In early spring, the young larvae bask in the sun to increase their body temperature. In field experiments the thermal gain was higher in large colonies, and individuals in such colonies also grew faster. As growth rate was not affected by colony size when the ability to bask was experimentally removed in a laboratory experiment, the higher growth rate of the larger colonies was probably due to improved thermoregulation rather than feeding facilitation. 6. The size of larval colonies of gregarious insects depends on natural mortality events as well as on female oviposition strategy. Our results show that decreasing colony size can lead to a reduction in growth rate and survival. It is therefore important to understand whether or not small colonies will benefit equally from the gregarious behaviour.  相似文献   

1. Aposematism is a widely used antipredator strategy in which an organism possesses both warning coloration and unprofitable characters. Theoretical evidence suggests that aposematic colour should develop when high opportunity costs imposed by crypsis force an organism to engage in conspicuous behaviours. Hence, it is expected that ontogenetic colour change (OCC) in larval insects should include aposematism when foraging needs compel behavioural modifications that preclude a continued state of crypsis. 2. To test this idea, I first investigated whether OCC in caterpillars of the panic moth Saucrobotys futilalis was indicative of a switch from cryptic to aposematic coloration. I then examined the context of panic moth OCC as it related to foraging patterns and behavioural conspicuousness. 3. Early Saucrobotys instars are a cryptic green, but later instars become progressively more orange and develop black spots. Early instar larvae forage cryptically on the inner parenchyma of silked-together host plant leaves to avoid predation, but are rapidly forced to engage in conspicuous foraging behaviours as they outgrow the resources afforded by their shelters. Both coloration and behaviour reach maximal conspicuousness in final instar larvae. 4. As predicted, OCC encompassed a change from crypsis to aposematism in Saucrobotys. Aposematic function was demonstrated by changes in both antipredator behaviour patterns and effectiveness of predator deterrence in early and late instars. Moreover, increased opportunity costs of crypsis and behavioural conspicuousness coincided with the onset of aposematic coloration. 5. This pattern of OCC suggests that aposematic coloration in Saucrobotys develops as a response to constraints imposed by crypsis. Moreover, my study illustrates the importance of the study of ontogenetic patterns in determining how behaviour, morphology, and predator responses interact to influence the initial evolution of phenomena such as aposematism.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based integumental coloration is often associated with individual performance in various animals. This is because the limited amount of the pigment has to be allocated to different vital functions. However, most of the evidence for the carotenoid‐based trade‐off comes from vertebrate studies, and it is unclear if this principle can be applied to insects. This possibility was investigated in Orgyia antiqua L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). The larvae of this species are polyphenic in their coloration, varying from a highly conspicuous combination of yellow hair tufts on black background to cryptic appearance with brown hair tufts. The conspicuous larvae are aposematic, advertising their aversive hairiness. The maintenance of different colour morphs in O. antiqua requires explanation, as an aposematic signal is expected to evolve towards monomorphism. Chromatographic analysis showed that the yellow coloration of the hair is based on the carotenoid pigment lutein (α‐carotene‐3,3’‐diol). The colour of hair tufts was dependent on their carotenoid content. This justifies an expectation of carotenoid‐based physiological trade‐offs between aposematic coloration and individual performance. To test this hypothesis, we monitored life histories of differently coloured larvae reared on various host plants, recording their body sizes, growth rates, and mortalities in each instar. There was a significant but relatively low heritability of tuft coloration, which allowed us to expect environmental effects. We found no phenotypic associations between hair tuft colour and performance indices in O. antiqua larvae, neither did the quality of host plant affect the frequency of colour morphs. However, the frequency of colour morphs differed between larval instars. Our results suggest that carotenoid‐mediated physiological trade‐offs are not involved in the maintenance of colour morphs in O. antiqua larvae, and factors other than individual condition should be responsible for the observed variability.  相似文献   

Electrocardiogram recordings were performed on intact Heliothis virescens moths using Ag-AgCl electrodes positioned on the body cuticular surface. Regular heart activity and its changes in response to mechanical and olfactory stimulations were analysed. Moths were also tested in their anemotactic orientation in response to olfactory stimulation. Results show that regular cardiac activity in Heliothis is cyclical and consists of the alternation of a high and a low spike-frequency period. This activity pattern is strongly influenced by sensory stimulation. Both mechanical stimulations at various intensities and olfactory stimulations with sex pheromone and 1-hexanol evoked tachycardiac effects when applied during low spike-frequency cardiac activity. In contrast, they did not affect high spike-frequency cardiac activity. It is concluded that the cardiac response in Heliothis is an effective indicator of sensory reception. It would therefore appear to represent a valid tool for testing insect reactivity. Accepted: 30 August 1997  相似文献   

Deficiency of food resources in ontogeny is known to prolong an organism's developmental time and affect body size in adulthood. Yet life‐history traits are plastic: an organism can increase its growth rate to compensate for a period of slow growth, a phenomenon known as ‘compensatory growth’. We tested whether larvae of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella can accelerate their growth after a fast of 12, 24 or 72 h. We found that a subgroup of female larvae showed compensatory growth when starved for 12 h. Food deficiency lasting more than 12 h resulted in longer development and lower mass gain. Strength of encapsulation reactions against a foreign body inserted in haemocoel was the weakest in females that showed compensatory growth, whereas the strongest encapsulation was recorded in the males and females that fasted for 24 and 72 h. More specifically, we found sex‐biased immune reactions so that females had stronger encapsulation rates than males in one group that fasted for 72 h. Overall, rapidly growing females had a short larval development period and the shortest adult lifespan. These results suggest that highly dynamic trade‐offs between the environment, life‐history traits and sex lead to plasticity in developmental strategies/growth rates in the greater wax moth.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This study tested the effect of diet and phase of the feeding cycle on oxygen consumption by fifth-instar larvae of the cinnabar moth Tyria jacobaeae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). There was no significant variation in respiratory rates among larvae fed different diets, which were floral parts, upper, middle and lower leaves of the host plant tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobaea. The respiratory rates ( x ± 95% Cl μlO2h-1) of feeding larvae (279.5 ± 30.9) were higher than those of larvae at rest (179.7 ± 12.2), but were not significantly different from those of larvae in the post-ingestive phase (272.8 ± 35.8).
The respiratory rates of feeding larvae increased linearly with the ingestion rate, such that an additional 21.1 μl O2 were consumed for every mg dry mass of plant material eaten per hour.  相似文献   

Recent increases in global temperatures have contributed to advancing phenology of plants and animals. These increases in temperature have been shown to affect the phenological phases (phenophases) of plants and birds in Ireland, but less is known about the effect on the phenophases of Irish insects. Records of the flight periods of 59 species of Irish moths over the past 35 years (1974–2009) were obtained from a public monitoring group. Observations were analysed across the country using generalized additive models (GAMs) weighted by total yearly population numbers for each species. The results of the statistical analyses showed that 45 of the 59 species studied have a significantly earlier first sighting date now than when observations began. With this earlier emergence, 44 of the 59 species also have a significantly longer flight season over the same 35‐year period. The extent of these changes varies across the country and by species life history. In particular, species emerging in spring are advancing at a much faster rate than species emerging during the summer. Many of these changes in first sighting are negatively correlated with rising temperatures in Ireland, particularly in late spring and early summer (May and June). The variation in phenological advancement in the moth species of Ireland is extremely complex and may be influenced more by species life history than by the phenology of interacting species, such as host plants.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Freshwaters form a gradient from small temporary waters to large permanent waters. Identifying and examining traits that restrict the distribution of species along this gradient are crucial to the understanding of community structure in these habitats.
2. Using dragonfly larvae species, differences in traits important for growth and survival were studied.
3. The traits were studied in a series of laboratory experiments using two pairs of dragonfly species that coexist in the Namibian semi-desert. One species pair was from the most temporary part of the water permanence gradient and the other species pair from an intermediate part of the gradient.
4. As predicted, activity, capture rate, and growth rate were significantly greater in the two temporary water species. Contrary to the prediction made in the work reported here, species differences in microhabitat selection were not related to the species' habitat origin. Cannibalism did not differ between species.
5. The results lend support to the hypothesis that selection has favoured certain combinations of trait values and that these traits are important for a successful life in temporary and permanent waters.  相似文献   

The mortality of eggs, larvae and pupae and larval dispersal of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was investigated in a series of small-scale field experiments in white cabbage, Brassicae oleracea var. capitata (L.), and in the laboratory during 1990–1992 in south–eastern Norway. The highest mortality was found in young larvae and in hibernating pupae. In 1990, larval mortality in the first instar was 80% (range 9–97% for the individual cohorts). Most larvae died within the first 1–3 days after hatching. The dispersal activity during these days was high, and failure to establish feeding sites and predation were probably the main mortality causes. Pupal mortality during winter was 90% on average for 1990–1993 (range 81–100%). The main mortality factor was probably unfavourable weather conditions, and indications of cold stress were found. The impact from parasitoids and diseases was generally low. Trichogramma semblidis (Aurivillius) (Trichogrammatidae) was reared from M. brassicae eggs in very low numbers in 1991. Larval parasitism increased from < 1% in 1990 to almost 24% in 1992, and was almost totally caused by the braconids Microplitis mediator (Haliday) and Aleiodes (Aleiodes) sp. Predation of frozen larvae on the soil surface was 75% on average (range 63–96%) during 1990–1992 in first instar larvae and decreased gradually with larval age. The consumption rates of Philonthus atratus (Gravenhorst) (Staphylinidae) and the carabids Bembidion tetracolum (Say), Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger) and Harpalus rufipes (Degeer) on M. brassicae eggs and larvae were investigated in non-choice experiments in the laboratory. A preliminary survival model based on estimates of the mortality factors identified in this study is presented.  相似文献   

Achieving high sexual size dimorphism in insects: females add instars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.  1. In arthropods, the evolution of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) may be constrained by a physiological limit on growth within each particular larval instar. A high SSD could, however, be attained if the larvae of the larger sex pass through a higher number of larval instars.
2. Based on a survey of published case studies, the present review shows that sex-related difference in the number of instars is a widespread phenomenon among insects. In the great majority of species with a sexually dimorphic instar number, females develop through a higher number of instars than males.
3. Female-biased sexual dimorphism in final sizes in species with sexually dimorphic instar number was found to considerably exceed a previously estimated median value of SSD for insects in general. This suggests a causal connection between high female-biased SSD, and additional instars in females. Adding an extra instar to larval development allows an insect to increase its adult size at the expense of prolonged larval development.
4. As in the case of additional instars, SSD is fully formed late in ontogeny, larval growth schedules and imaginal sizes can be optimised independently. No conflict between selective pressures operating in juvenile and adult stages is therefore expected.
5. In most species considered, the number of instars also varied within the sexes. Phenotypic plasticity in instar number may thus be a precondition for a sexual difference in instar number to evolve.  相似文献   

We studied topographical and year-to-year variation in the performance (pupal weights, survival) and larval parasitism of Epirrita autumnata larvae feeding on mountain birch in northernmost Finland in 1993–1996. We found differences in both food plant quality and parasitism between sites ranging from 80 m to 320 m above sea level. Variation in food plant quality had particularly marked effects on larval survival. The advanced phenology of the birches in relation to the start of the larval period reduced pupal weights. Parasitism rates were different between years and between sites. The clearest site differences were in the proportions of different parasitoid species: Eulophus larvarum was most abundant at the lowest-altitude sites, and Cotesia jucunda at the highest. Differences in the performance of E. autumnata were related to temperature conditions: at higher temperatures, survival and the egg production index were lower, and larval parasitism was higher than at lower temperatures. The higher parasitism at higher temperatures was probably due to greater parasitoid activity during warmer days. In the comparison of different sources of spatial and annual variation in the performance of E. autumnata, the most important factor appeared to be egg mortality related to minimum winter temperature, followed by parasitism and, finally, the variation in food plant quality. If, as predicted, the climate gradually warms up, the effects of warmer summers on the outbreaks of E. autumnata suggest a decrease in outbreak intensity. Received: 4 January 1999 / Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Eucalyptus globulus Labill. exhibited consistent intraspecific variation in oviposition choice by Mnesampela privata (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) in field surveys of host plants that had been designated, based on the prior season's defoliation levels, as resistant or susceptible to M. privata. At both field sites significantly fewer egg batches were found on resistant compared to susceptible trees. 2 In cage bioassays we demonstrated a significant oviposition preference by M. privata, with over two‐fold greater number of egg batches laid on foliage sprigs from susceptible compared to resistant trees. Despite differences in tree oviposition choice, we found no evidence in the field or the laboratory of adult females adjusting egg batch size in accordance to oviposition preference. 3 Caged larval survival, development times and pupal weight did not vary significantly between resistant and susceptible trees. Similarly, in a laboratory feeding experiment, neonates utilized resistant and susceptible foliage equally. 4 Larval mortality in the field attributed to natural enemies did not vary significantly between resistant and susceptible trees, nor did the percentage of Telenomus sp. parasitism of M. privata eggs within a batch and batches per tree. 5 Failure to associate either larval performance or natural enemy efficacy with the observed intraspecific variation in E. globulus susceptibility to M. privata oviposition indicates that some other unidentified factors drive the evolution of host selection for oviposition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ophiopeza spinosa , a small ophiodermatid ophiuroid, is locally abundant in shallow water rubble habitat at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. This species is a protantric hermaphrodite. The switch from reproduction as a male to a female is progressive, involving a simultaneous hermaphrodite as a transitional stage. Members of O. spinosa brood their young in the respiratory bursae. Cohorts of eggs (280 μm diameter) develop synchronously in the gonad and are spawned as a group into the bursa. Despite non-pelagic development, the larvae of O. spinosa are a vitellaria type typical of broadcast-spawning ophiodermatids, providing a link to an ancestral form with a dispersive larva. The vitellaria has prominent ciliary bands and swims in the same manner as pelagic vitellaria. In vitro , the larvae developed to the juvenile stage independent of the parent. There was no evidence of extraembryonic nutrition; a proportion of the maternal provisions were retained through metamorphosis. This is the first ophiuroid known to brood a pelagic-type vitellaria larva. Juveniles appear to leave the parent at the two- to three-arm segment stage, slightly larger than the newly settled juveniles of ophiodermatids with pelagic vitellariae. The presence of functional larvae in the bursa suggests a recent switch to the incubatory life history in O. spinosa and the possibility of a reversal back to a dispersive life history. O. spinosa have the potential to both brood and broadcast their young.  相似文献   

Instars II and III of Polypedilum aviceps Townes, Polypedilum convictum (Walker), and Polypedilum illinoense (Malloch) can be identified to species by associating them with instar IV because key taxonomic characters remain relatively unchanged from instar to instar. Instars I cannot be identified to species or genus unless they are associated with older, identifiable larvae reared from the same egg masses. No single character evaluated on slide material can be used to clearly separate instars in all three species. Larvae of P. aviceps can be separated into instars based on any four of seven characters; P. convictum by either of two characters; and, P. illinoense by a combination of two characters. Changes in structures of instars II, III, and IV are described for all three species. Growth ratios for some structures are compared and discussed with regard to Dyar's Rule.  相似文献   

Body size often varies among conspecific neonates. As larger adults generally have higher fitness than smaller conspecifics, it is adaptive for smaller neonates to subsequently gain relatively more size increments during larval development (catch‐up growth). Although catch‐up growth has been suggested in insects, inappropriate methods have been used to examine the size dependence of growth increments. Therefore, it remains unclear to what extent catch‐up growth is common among insects. The present study examined the size dependence of growth increments among larvae of Trypoxylus dichotomus using reduced major axis regression of final to initial body masses. Catch‐up growth was found consistently for larval instars. Furthermore, simulations of the size increments revealed that not only sexual divergence of the mean size, but also catch‐up growth within sexes plays a role in the development of sexual divergence in the body size distribution of T. dichotomus. The significance of catch‐up growth in body size evolution was discussed.  相似文献   

It has been widely assumed that the stepwise increase in the exoskeleton size of larval insects approximately follows a geometric progression from instar to instar, known as Dyar's Rule. However, it is not clear whether the per-instar increase in body size follows this rule. In insects, Dyar's Rule has been identified either by regressing the log-scaled size on the instar number (log-linear regression analysis) or by comparing the postmolt/premolt size ratio between instars (growth rate analysis). A previous study on the body mass of caterpillars showed the methodological pitfall that Dyar's Rule was statistically supported by log-linear regression analysis, but not at all by growth rates analysis. I considered this concern here by examining the per-stage growth rates of head and body sizes for larvae of the beetle Trypoxylus dichotomus using both methods and compared the resulting growth rates for body size within and between taxonomic orders. Dyar's Rule was statistically supported by the log-linear regression analysis but not by growth rate analysis for both the head and body sizes in T. dichotomus. The body size growth rate in T. dichotomus decreased as the instar progressed. This developmental pattern was also found in reported data for the other six scarabs, but not in data for Lepidoptera or Hymenoptera. These findings confirm that the per-stage growth rate of body size does not follow Dyar's Rule in a wide range of insects, and suggest that developmental change in the body size growth rate varies among insect groups.  相似文献   

嘴壶夜蛾的形态、生活史及昼夜节律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯波  胡武新  潘华  杜永均 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1440-1451
嘴壶夜蛾Oraesia emarginata (Fabricius)是危害水果果实的重要害虫之一, 其成虫和幼虫取食不同的寄主植物, 可以作为理想的嗅觉研究模式昆虫。为了全面地了解嘴壶夜蛾的形态特性和生物学特性, 本实验通过室内饲喂和红外摄像机观察, 对嘴壶夜蛾各虫态的外部形态、 发育以及昼夜活动节律进行了系统研究。结果表明: 嘴壶夜蛾的各龄幼虫可以通过体色, 体表色斑的类型、 位置和数量, 以及腹足的数量进行区别。通过蛹的生殖孔和成虫触角能够很好地区别雌雄。在室内饲养条件下, 嘴壶夜蛾的寿命为53.18±1.70 d, 存活率为63.62%±2.15%, 其中幼虫的发育历期最长, 存活率最低, 卵的发育历期最短, 存活率最高, 雄成虫的存活时间显著长于雌成虫(P=0.008)。6龄幼虫的发育历期(5.29±0.15 d)显著长于其余各龄幼虫(P<0.001)。同一龄发育中期幼虫的体长和体重显著大于将蜕皮幼虫和刚蜕皮幼虫(P≤0.037); 第2-6龄刚蜕皮幼虫的体重和体长与前一龄发育中期幼虫之间没有显著差异(P≥0.106)。幼虫在光期的孵化、 蜕皮和化蛹比例高于暗期, 而成虫在暗期的飞行、 产卵比例高于光期, 成虫的飞行随着暗期时间的增加而逐渐变少, 光期成虫的飞行主要在开灯之后1 h。成虫交配集中在暗期的第3-5 小时。本研究结果有助于制定有效的嘴壶夜蛾防治措施, 而且为嘴壶夜蛾作为嗅觉研究模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

General observations of the behavioural effects of sublethal doses of the fomamidine pesticide chlordimeform (CDM) on saturniid larvae led to a detailed investigation of the disruption of proleg clasping caused by CDM in Philosamia cynthia ricini Hutt. (Castor Silk Moth) larvae. Subjects received doses ranging from 5.09×10–3 to 19.3 g/g body weight. Doses above 0.15 g/g caused uncoordinated movements of the legs which led to reductions in the effective grip on the substrate. Greatest interference was recorded in the prolegs. The effects were reversible. Significance of these results is discussed in relation to their possible role in crop protection mechanisms. In investigating the degree of specificity of the observed effects as a mode of insecticidal action, larvae were treated with a pyrethroid compound, cypermethrin. Doses ranging from 0.002 to 0.842 g/g resulted in reduction in the times the larvae spent firmly attached to the substrate. It is concluded that this is a consequence of an overall excitation caused by the insecticide, displayed as a number of described irritant behaviours, rather than any specific disruption of proleg action.
Résumé Des doses sublétales de chlordiméforme (CDM), insecticide formamidine, injectées dans des chenilles de Saturniidae, provoquent divers effets comportementaux. Ceux-ci comprennent l'arrêt de l'alimentation, l'augmentation du taux de locomotion, une hyperactivité générale de la tête et de ses appendices, et des mouvements désordonnés des pattes; Une conséquence de ce dernier effet est une réduction de l'étreinte réelle du substrat par les chenilles. Il a été étudié en détail sur les chenilles de cinquième stade de Philosamia cynthia ricini. Pour toute une gamme de doses, les effets les plus nets ont été observés sur les fausses pattes. Ils on été évalués par une série d'observations continues de chenilles placées sur une baquette de bois, permettant d'observer clairement le comportement d'étreinte. Les effet étaient réversibles.Des comparaisons ont été réalisées en utilisant la cyperméthrine, insecticide pyréthroïde. Les chenilles traitées ont présenté un certain nombre de comportements d'irritation, mais aucune réponse spécifique d'étreinte n'a été notée.La discussion de ces résultats examine les possibilités d'action de CDM dans la nature. Compte tenu de l'importance jouée par les fausses pattes dans le maintien sur la plante, on peut envisager que la suppression de l'étreinte peut entraîner une protection efficace des cultures.

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