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Physical appearance provides a wealth of information concerning an individual's biological fitness and reproductive quality, but we do not know whether parents make use of this information when evaluating potential partners for their offspring. This is critical to our understanding of human mate choice, because parents frequently influence their offspring's mating decisions, either directly, for instance through arranged marriages, or indirectly, through manipulating their offspring's partner choice. Here, we used facial images that varied in attractiveness, masculinity, health, and symmetry to assess both reproductively-aged daughters' and their parents' preferences in potential mates for the daughters. In line with our predictions, both daughters and their parents had clear preferences for markers of genetic quality, although the daughters showed significantly stronger preferences for these markers than their parents. Contrary to previous research, parents and daughters did not have stronger preferences for markers of genetic quality if they perceived the daughter to be more attractive. Parents' preferences for the facial markers of genetic quality in their offspring's partner may help maximize inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

In sexual reproduction the genetic similarity or dissimilarity between mates strongly affects offspring fitness. When mating partners are too closely related, increased homozygosity generally causes inbreeding depression, whereas crossing between too distantly related individuals may disrupt local adaptations or coadaptations within the genome and result in outbreeding depression. The optimal degree of inbreeding or outbreeding depends on population structure. A long history of inbreeding is expected to reduce inbreeding depression due to purging of deleterious alleles, and to promote outbreeding depression because of increased genetic variation between lineages. Ambrosia beetles (Xyleborini) are bark beetles with haplodiploid sex determination, strong local mate competition due to regular sibling mating within the natal chamber, and heavily biased sex ratios. We experimentally mated females of Xylosandrus germanus to brothers and unrelated males and measured offspring fitness. Inbred matings did not produce offspring with reduced fitness in any of the examined life-history traits. In contrast, outcrossed offspring suffered from reduced hatching rates. Reduction in inbreeding depression is usually attributed to purging of deleterious alleles, and the absence of inbreeding depression in X. germanus may represent the highest degree of purging of all examined species so far. Outbreeding depression within the same population has previously only been reported from plants. The causes and consequences of our findings are discussed with respect to mating strategies, sex ratios, and speciation in this unusual system.  相似文献   

It is clear that genes at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are involved in mate preferences in a range of species, including humans. However, many questions remain regarding the MHC's exact influence on mate preference in humans. Some research suggests that genetic dissimilarity and individual genetic diversity (heterozygosity) at the MHC influence mate preferences, but the evidence is often inconsistent across studies. In addition, it is not known whether apparent preferences for MHC dissimilarity are specific to the MHC or reflect a more general preference for genome-wide dissimilarity, and whether MHC-related preferences are dependent on the context of mate choice (e.g., when choosing a short-term and long-term partner). Here, we investigated whether preferences for genetic dissimilarity are specific to the MHC and also whether preferences for genetic dissimilarity and diversity are context dependent. Genetic dissimilarity (number of alleles shared) influenced male, but not female, partner preferences, with males showing a preference for the faces of MHC-dissimilar females in both mating contexts. Genetic diversity [heterozygosity (H) and standardized mean (d2)] influenced both male and female preferences, regardless of mating context. Females preferred males with greater diversity at MHC loci (H) and males preferred females with greater diversity at non-MHC loci (d2) in both contexts. Importantly, these findings provide further support for a special role of the MHC in human sexual selection and suggest that male and female mate preferences may work together to potentially enhance both male and female reproductive success by increasing genetic diversity in offspring.  相似文献   

People display facial expressions of fear to communicate danger to others and sometimes to exaggerate danger to manipulate an audience. Here we test whether fear expressions add credibility to a speaker's warnings of danger. Participants played an incentivized lie detection game in which they guess whether a confederate partner is lying or telling the truth. Participants viewed a video of their partner's message, after reading that there was a good chance (75%) their partner was instructed to lie. We manipulated across conditions whether the partner stated the message with a neutral or fearful expression. Experiment 1 finds that participants were more likely to believe the speaker's warning of danger when it was conveyed with a fear expression compared to a neutral expression. Experiment 2 finds that when a speaker instead claimed that a danger was absent, a fearful expression no longer added credibility to their message. These findings provide evidence that fear expressions add credibility to statements of danger, specifically, rather than any claim.  相似文献   

In diploids, F(1) offspring performance is expected to increase with increasing genetic dissimilarity between the parents until an optimum is reached because outbreeding mitigates inbreeding depression and maximizes heterosis. However, many flowering plant species are derived through allopolyploidization, i.e. interspecific hybridization with genome doubling. This mode of plant speciation can be expected to considerably alter the consequences of inbreeding and outbreeding. We investigated the F1 fitness consequences of mating over a range of (genetic) distances in the allohexaploid plant species Geum urbanum. Offspring was raised under controlled conditions (632 plants). The performance of outcrossed progeny was not significantly better than that of their selfed half-siblings and did not increase with parental genetic dissimilarity (0-0.83). Our findings support low, if any, inbreeding depression and heterosis. We attribute this to the peculiar state of quasi-permanent heterozygosity in allopolyploids and frequent selfing.  相似文献   

Opposing forces influence assortative mating so that one seeks a similar mate while at the same time avoiding inbreeding with close relatives. Thus, mate choice may be a balancing of phenotypic similarity and dissimilarity between partners. In the present study, we assessed the role of resemblance to Self’s facial traits in judgments of physical attractiveness. Participants chose the most attractive face image of their romantic partner among several variants, where the faces were morphed so as to include only 22% of another face. Participants distinctly preferred a “Self-based morph” (i.e., their partner’s face with a small amount of Self’s face blended into it) to other morphed images. The Self-based morph was also preferred to the morph of their partner’s face blended with the partner’s same-sex “prototype”, although the latter face was (“objectively”) judged more attractive by other individuals. When ranking morphs differing in level of amalgamation (i.e., 11% vs. 22% vs. 33%) of another face, the 22% was chosen consistently as the preferred morph and, in particular, when Self was blended in the partner’s face. A forced-choice signal-detection paradigm showed that the effect of self-resemblance operated at an unconscious level, since the same participants were unable to detect the presence of their own faces in the above morphs. We concluded that individuals, if given the opportunity, seek to promote “positive assortment” for Self’s phenotype, especially when the level of similarity approaches an optimal point that is similar to Self without causing a conscious acknowledgment of the similarity.  相似文献   

Error detection and correction properties are fundamental for informative codes. Hamming's distance allows us to study this noise resistance. We present codes characterized by the resistance optimization to nonsense mutational effects. The calculation of the cumulated Hamming's distance allowing to determine the number of optimal codes and their structure can be detailed. The principle of these laws of optimization of resistance consists of choosing constituent codons connected by mutational neighbouring in such a way that random application of mutations on such a code minimize the occurrence of nonsense n-uplets or terminators. New coding symmetries are then described and screened using Galois's polynomials properties and Baudot's code. Such a study can be applied to any length of the codons. Here we present the principles of this optimization for the most simple doublet codes. Another constraint is discussed: the distribution of optimal subcodes for synonymity and the frequencies of utilization of the different codons.We compare these results to those of the present genetic code, and we observe that all coded amino acids (except the particular case of SER) are using optimal sub-codes of synonymity.This work suggests that the appearance of the genetic code was provoked by mutations while optimizing on several levels its resistance to their effects. Thus genetic coding would have been the best automata that could be produced in prebiotic conditions.  相似文献   

Many species display a mixture of close inbreeding and outbreeding which is referred to as mixed mating. For selfing species, models predict that such mixed mating systems can be stable. Conversely, models considering separate sex species have not been able to explain mixed mating systems. This failure may be a result of the unrealistic assumption that recurrent inbreeding does not increase the inbreeding coefficient. Here we show that mixed mating is expected in separate sex systems when recurrent inbreeding is taken into account. A female that allows her brother to sibmate with her gives an extra mating opportunity to said brother. This kin selective advantage should be strongest in genetic systems where the male is more related to the female. In support of this idea, we find that inbreeding evolves most easily in selfers, followed by diploid sibmating, followed by haplodiploid sibmating. Consideration of published values for the regression of fitness on inbreeding coefficient suggests that many species fall in a range where some selfing/sibmating is optimal.  相似文献   

Recent research has reported that male body and facial hair influence women's mate preferences. However, it is not clear whether such preferences are typical for women or for individuals who prefer males as sexual partners. Here we explored body and facial hair in preferred and actual partners among men and women who prefer men as sexual partners. Including homosexual individuals provides a unique opportunity to investigate whether evolved mating psychologies are specific to the sex of the individual or sex of the partner. Based on an online survey of 1577 participants from Brazil and the Czech Republic, we found that, on average, homosexual men preferred hairier stimuli than heterosexual women, supporting past findings that homosexual men have strong preferences for masculine traits. Preferences for facial and body hair appear to be influenced less by sex of the preferred partner than sex of the individual, pointing to a possible sex-specific mating psychology. Further, Brazilians preferred bigger beards than Czechs, which was positively associated with the self-reported amount of beardedness in Brazil, suggesting that familiarity effects underpin cross-cultural differences in preferences for facial hair. Moreover, homosexual men preferred a self-similar degree of beardedness, and Czech women preferred a similar degree of beardedness as their fathers had during their childhood. However, these effects were not associated with the level of facial hair in their actual partners; in general, mate preferences and actual mate choices for facial and body hair differed. Thus, individual differences in some self-reported characteristics, cultural factors, and aspects of personal experience may modulate differences in preferences for masculine traits.  相似文献   

A defining feature of passionate love is idealization—evaluating romantic partners in an overly favorable light. Although passionate love can be expected to color how favorably individuals represent their partner in their mind, little is known about how passionate love is linked with visual representations of the partner. Using reverse correlation techniques for the first time to study partner representations, the present study investigated whether women who are passionately in love represent their partner’s facial appearance more favorably than individuals who are less passionately in love. In a within-participants design, heterosexual women completed two forced-choice classification tasks, one for their romantic partner and one for a male acquaintance, and a measure of passionate love. In each classification task, participants saw two faces superimposed with noise and selected the face that most resembled their partner (or an acquaintance). Classification images for each of high passion and low passion groups were calculated by averaging across noise patterns selected as resembling the partner or the acquaintance and superimposing the averaged noise on an average male face. A separate group of women evaluated the classification images on attractiveness, trustworthiness, and competence. Results showed that women who feel high (vs. low) passionate love toward their partner tend to represent his face as more attractive and trustworthy, even when controlling for familiarity effects using the acquaintance representation. Using an innovative method to study partner representations, these findings extend our understanding of cognitive processes in romantic relationships.  相似文献   

Women who are abused by their male intimate partners incur many costs, ranging in severity from fleeting physical pain to death. Previous research has linked the presence of children sired by a woman’s previous partner to increased risk of woman abuse and to increased risk of femicide. The current research extends this work by securing data from samples of 111 unabused women, 111 less severely abused women, 128 more severely abused women, and 26 victims of intimate partner femicide from the Chicago Women’s Health Risk Study to document an ordinal trend in the risk of experiencing more severe forms of violence for women who have children in the household sired by a previous partner. The discussion addresses two potential explanations for this trend and highlights directions for future research.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is sometimes tolerated in species occupying patchy, unpredictable habitats, when it becomes too costly to outbreed. Although traits leading to inbreeding depression may be selected against, the accumulation of deleterious alleles from constant inbreeding might promote outbreeding. Littledale’s whistling rat Parotomys littledalei occupies patchy habitats in arid western South Africa, and inbreeds in captivity without suffering inbreeding depression. We tested whether female whistling rats make different mate choice decisions based on their inbreeding status, by providing inbred and outbred females with male odours in four pairwise combinations: unrelated outbred (r = 0) versus either familiar littermate sibling (r = 0.5), half-sibling (r = 0.25), first cousin (r = 0.125), or unrelated inbred (r = 0). Inbred females generally preferred unrelated males, but did not show a preference between unrelated males and first cousins. In contrast, outbred females did not generally show a preference, but preferred first cousins to unrelated males. In breeding trials, reproductive success (output and viability of young) of outbred females paired with unrelated or related males was equally high, whereas inbred females suffered reduced reproductive success when paired with closely-related males. Our results indicate that the inbreeding status of female whistling rats influences their decision to outbreed or inbreed, which might influence their fitness. While outbred whistling rats do not suffer inbreeding depression, the costs of constant inbreeding could promote outbreeding by inbred females. We propose that the choice to inbreed or outbreed in female whistling rats depends on their inbreeding status and the genetic relatedness of available mates, with outbreeding more likely to occur unless unrelated mates are not available.  相似文献   

Research on human inbreeding avoidance has uncovered at least two central cues to the detection of siblings: witnessing an infant being taken care of by one's mother (i.e. maternal perinatal association) and growing up in close proximity to a child (the so-called Westermarck effect). Both cues have been supported by fieldwork in populations under specific cultural conditions, and by survey research mainly in student populations. Both types of research have relied often on self-reporting. Unfortunately, this method is frequently colored by ceiling effects and notions of social desirability. In order to circumvent this problem, we explored a complementary method for investigating incest aversion that involved measuring psychophysiological responses during an imagery task. As such, we analyzed data on 63 heterosexual female students who viewed pictures of sexual and non-sexual activities while imagining performing these activities with either their partner or their brother. In female subjects with only (one or more) older brothers—a proxy for lacking maternal perinatal association with an opposite-sex sibling—the duration of coresidence with brother(s) predicted activity in the mm. levator labii superioris and alaeque nasi, facial muscles that are highly active when a subject expresses facial disgust. The strength of these responses was also predicted by the frequency of having bathed and shared a bedroom with a brother in early childhood; two activities that may serve as additional cues for relatedness as it can be expected that they are typically performed with genetically related children. As a result, the psychophysiological approach not only complements the use of self-reports in recent research on incest aversion, but also has the potential to fine-tune well-established cues for sibling detection, or to uncover additional ones.  相似文献   

Theory and empirical study produce clear links between mating system evolution and inbreeding depression. The connections between mating systems and outbreeding depression, whereby fitness is reduced in crosses of less related individuals, however, are less well defined. Here we investigate inbreeding and outbreeding depression in self‐fertile androdioecious nematodes, focusing on Caenorhabditis sp. 11. We quantify nucleotide polymorphism for nine nuclear loci for strains throughout its tropical range, and find some evidence of genetic differentiation despite the lowest sequence diversity observed in this genus. Controlled crosses between strains from geographically separated regions show strong outbreeding depression, with reproductive output of F1s reduced by 36% on average. Outbreeding depression is therefore common in self‐fertilizing Caenorhabditis species, each of which evolved androdioecious selfing hermaphroditism independently, but appears strongest in C. sp. 11. Moreover, the poor mating efficiency of androdioecious males extends to C. sp. 11. We propose that self‐fertilization is a key driver of outbreeding depression, but that it need not evolve as a direct result of local adaptation per se. Our verbal model of this process highlights the need for formal theory, and C. sp. 11 provides a convenient system for testing the genetic mechanisms that cause outbreeding depression, negative epistasis, and incipient speciation.  相似文献   

Understanding the causes and architecture of genetic differentiation between natural populations is of central importance in evolutionary biology. Crosses between natural populations can result in heterosis if recessive or nearly recessive deleterious mutations have become fixed within populations because of genetic drift. Divergence between populations can also result in outbreeding depression because of genetic incompatibilities. The net fitness consequences of between-population crosses will be a balance between heterosis and outbreeding depression. We estimated the magnitude of heterosis and outbreeding depression in the highly selfing model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, by crossing replicate line pairs from two sets of natural populations (C↔R, B↔S) separated by similar geographic distances (Italy↔Sweden). We examined the contribution of different modes of gene action to overall differences in estimates of lifetime fitness and fitness components using joint scaling tests with parental, reciprocal F1 and F2, and backcross lines. One of these population pairs (C↔R) was previously demonstrated to be locally adapted, but locally maladaptive quantitative trait loci were also found, suggesting a role for genetic drift in shaping adaptive variation. We found markedly different genetic architectures for fitness and fitness components in the two sets of populations. In one (C↔R), there were consistently positive effects of dominance, indicating the masking of recessive or nearly recessive deleterious mutations that had become fixed by genetic drift. The other set (B↔S) exhibited outbreeding depression because of negative dominance effects. Additional studies are needed to explore the molecular genetic basis of heterosis and outbreeding depression, and how their magnitudes vary across environments.  相似文献   

The optimal growth schedule of a plant with two vegetative parts is studied to investigate the balance between shoot and root. An intuitive justification of optimization procedures used in Pontryagin's maximum principle is obtained by defining the marginal values of shoot size, root size, and reproductive activity at various times of the season and deriving their differential equations and terminal conditions. The optimal growth pattern which maximizes the total reproductive activity during the season is composed of the convergence of a plant's shape to a balanced growth path, followed by simultaneous growth of shoot and root (balanced growth), ending with the reproductive growth. Along the balanced growth path, a plant has a root/shoot ratio which maximizes the daily net photosynthesis for a given total biomass. The model also shows a simultaneous stop of shoot and root growth when the reproduction begins, the dependence of root/shoot ratio on age, water and light availability, etc., the convergence of a plant's shape to the balanced growth after pruning or an environmental change.  相似文献   

D. A. Hickey 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):269-274
This paper summarizes some recent theories about the evolution of transposable genetic elements in outbreeding, sexual eukaryotic organisms. The evolutionary possibilities available to self-replicating transposable elements are shown to vary depending on the reproductive biology of the host genome. This effect can be used to explain, in part, the differences in abundance of transposable elements between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. It is argued that the pattern of sexual outbreeding seen in mammals and plants is especially favorable to the spread of transposons. Moreover, because transposon spread is facilitated by zygote formation, the evolutionary origin of sexual conjugation may have been due to selection on transposon-encoded genes. Finally, evidence is also presented that introns could have originated as transposable genetic elements.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize kin and thus behaviourally discriminate between conspecifics based on genetic relatedness is of importance both in acquiring inclusive fitness benefits and to enable optimal inbreeding. In primates, mechanisms allowing recognition of paternal relatives are of particular interest, given that in these mating systems patrilineal information is unlikely to be available via social familiarity. Humans use visual phenotype matching based on facial features to identify their own and other''s close relatives, and recent studies suggest similar abilities may be present in other species. However it is unclear to what extent familial resemblances remain detectable against the background levels of relatedness typically found within demes in the wild – a necessary condition if facial cues are to function in kin recognition under natural conditions. Here, we experimentally investigate whether parent-offspring relationships are discernible in rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) faces drawn from a large free-ranging population more representative of the latter scenario, and in which genetic relatedness has been well quantified from pedigrees determined via molecular markers. We used the human visual system as a means of integrating multiple types of facial cue simultaneously, and demonstrate that paternal, as well as maternal, resemblance to both sons and daughters can be detected even by human observers. Experts performed better than participants who lacked previous experience working with nonhuman primates. However the finding that even naïve individuals succeeded at the task underlines the strength of the phenotypic cues present in faces.  相似文献   

Previous reports that women with attractive faces are healthier have been widely cited as evidence that sexual selection has shaped human mate preferences. However, evidence for correlations between women's physical health and facial attractiveness is equivocal. Moreover, positive results on this issue have generally come from studies of self-reported health in small samples. The current study took standardized face photographs of women who completed four different health questionnaires assessing susceptibility to infectious illnesses (N?=?590). Of these women, 221 also provided a saliva sample that was assayed for immunoglobulin A (a marker of immune function). Analyses showed no significant correlations between rated facial attractiveness and either scores on any of the health questionnaires or salivary immunoglobulin A. Furthermore there was no compelling evidence that objective measures of sexual dimorphism of face shape, averageness of face shape, or facial coloration were correlated with any of our health measures. While other measures of health may yet reveal robust associations with facial appearance, these null results do not support the prominent and influential assumption that women's facial attractiveness is a cue of young adult women's susceptibility to infectious illnesses, at least in our study population.  相似文献   

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