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Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis represents a public health problem in many areas of Mexico, especially in the Yucatan Peninsula. An understanding of vector ecology and bionomics is of great importance in evaluations of the transmission dynamics of Leishmania parasites. A field study was conducted in the county of Calakmul, state of Campeche, during the period from November 2006 to March 2007. Phlebotomine sandfly vectors were sampled using Centers for Disease Control light traps, baited Disney traps and Shannon traps. A total of 3374 specimens were captured in the two villages of Once de Mayo (93.8%) and Arroyo Negro (6.1%). In Once de Mayo, the most abundant species were Psathyromyia shannoni, Lutzomyia cruciata, Bichromomyia olmeca olmeca and Psychodopygus panamensis (all: Diptera: Psychodidae). The Shannon trap was by far the most efficient method of collection. The infection rate, as determined by Leishmania mexicana‐specific polymerase chain reaction, was 0.3% in Once de Mayo and infected sandflies included Psy. panamensis, B. o. olmeca and Psa. shannoni. There were significant differences in human biting rates across sandfly species and month of sampling. Ecological niche modelling analyses showed an overall overlap of 39.1% for the four species in the whole state of Campeche. In addition, the finding of nine vector–reservoir pairs indicates a potential interaction. The roles of the various sandfly vectors in Calakmul are discussed.  相似文献   

he status of sandflies as vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the southern Jordan Valley was investigated during 1992. Sandflies were collected from domestic habitats and from burrows of Psammomys obesus . Of 686 Phlebotomus papatasi females collected from burrows, fourteen harboured promastigotes in their guts. On the other hand, none of 1446 P.papatasi females collected from domestic habitats were found infected. The highest infection rate (5.5%) was recorded in November at the end of the sandfly season. Six leishmanial stocks isolated from P.papatasi females were typed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis using the six enzymes G6PDH, 6PGDH, PGI, PGM, FK and ME. Five of the leishmanial stocks were identical to a Leishmania major reference strain (MHOMISU/73/5-ASKH). The sixth isolate was a 6PGDH variant of L.major . These findings present the first direct evidence of the role of P.papatasi as a vector of L.major in Jordan.  相似文献   

In southeast Amazon, Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) flaviscutellata is the incriminated vector of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, a causative agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). The optimal methods for surveying Lu. flaviscutellata were investigated in the Bragança region, northeast Pará State, Brazil, selected for the presence of Le. amazonensis. The performances of modified Disney traps and CDC light traps were compared in four ecotopes within and around four village transects during the wet and dry seasons. The physiological age of female sand flies was estimated and natural infection by flagellates was evaluated by dissection. Disney traps were better for detecting the presence of Lu. flaviscutellata, while CDC traps performed well for detecting Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) antunesi, suspected vector of Leishmania lindenbergi. The former was more abundant during the wet season, when female flies were naturally infected with Le. amazonensis. These findings identified the environments of local transmission. In order to improve surveys of Lu. flaviscutellata as part of integrated epidemiological surveillance of CL, our recommendations include focusing vector surveys with Disney traps on forest fragments where people work, during the seasonal peak of the vector. Further field studies are required to make model‐based predictions of seasonal variations in the vectorial capacity of vector populations.  相似文献   

Phlebotomine sandflies, vectors of Leishmania (Kinetoplastida: Trypanosomatidae) parasites that affect millions of people worldwide, breed in terrestrial biotopes. As immature stages are rarely accessible, the detection of their natural breeding sites is primarily based on findings of juvenile males with unrotated external genitalia. In males, permanent 180° rotation on the longitudinal body axis occurs soon after eclosion; however, no study has as yet addressed this aspect in detail. The present study describes the timing and duration of the rotation of male external genitalia in eight highly medically important sandfly species belonging to the genera Sergentomyia, Lutzomyia and Phlebotomus (all: Diptera: Psychodidae), kept under controlled laboratory conditions. The average duration of rotation was species‐specific and varied from 12 h in Sergentomyia schwetzi to 33 h in Phlebotomus sergenti. Significant differences in rotation times were found among species, even between two closely related species of the subgenus Larroussius, Phlebotomus orientalis and Phlebotomus tobbi. The rotation of genitalia in all three studied genera was randomly oriented and similar numbers of clockwise and counter‐clockwise events were observed. The study also addresses the effects of some external factors. In all species studied, rotation was not affected by the time of day of eclosion. Similarly, no differences in total rotation time were found between Phlebotomus papatasi males maintained at 25 and 20 °C, respectively. The present findings will assist in the search for natural breeding sites and in studies aimed at elucidating strategies for integrated sandfly and leishmaniasis control.  相似文献   

The acidic ribosomal proteins of the protozoan parasites have been described as prominent antigens during human disease. We present here data showing the molecular cloning and protective efficacy of P1 gene of Leishmaniadonovani as DNA vaccine. The PCR amplified complete ORF cloned in either pQE or pVAX vector was used either as peptide or DNA vaccine against experimentally induced visceral leishmaniasis in hamsters. The recombinant protein rLdP1 was given along with Freund’s adjuvant and the plasmid DNA vaccine, pVAX-P1 was used alone either as single dose or double dose (prime and boost) in different groups of hamsters which were subsequently challenged with a virulent dose of 1 × 107L.donovani (MHOM/IN/DD8/1968 strain) promastigotes by intra-cardiac route. While the recombinant protein rLdP1 or DNA vaccine pVAX-P1 in single dose format were not found to be protective, DNA vaccine in a prime-boost mode was able to induce protection with reduced mortality, a significant (75.68%) decrease in splenic parasite burden and increased expression of Th1 type cytokines in immunized hamsters. Histopathology of livers and spleens from these animals showed formation of mature granulomas with compact arrangement of lymphocytes and histiocytes, indicating its protective potential as vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

In Iran, three species of Leishmania have been incriminated as the causative agents of human leishmaniasis, Leishmania (L.) major, Leishmania tropica, and Leishmania infantum.Rhombomis opimus have been incriminated as a principal reservoirs of the parasitic protozoan Leishmania major, the causative agent of rural zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) in Iran. Rodents captured and examined to find Leishmania species using conventional methods including direct impression smear and microscopic observation inoculation samples to Balb/c and culture in NNN medium. Also molecular method was employed to detect Leishmania in rodents by amplifying a region of the ribosomal RNA amplicon of Leishmania (ITS1-5.8S rRNA–ITS2) using Nested PCR. Leshmania species were specified by DNA sequences. 36 (38.3%) of R. opimus were Leishmania positive using at least one conventional methods. Many more ITS-rDNA fragments were amplified from R. opimus but only 65 out of 74 PCR products contained enough DNA for direct sequencing or readable sequences. The PCR assays detected in Iranian R. opimus not only Leishmania major in 59 (79.7%) rodents but also Leishmania turanica in 6 (8.1%) rodents, another parasite of the great gerbil. These parasites were found in Turkemen Sahara, North East of Iran, in a focus of rural (ZCL). L. major and L. turanica in R. opimus firmly identified from Turkemen Sahara. Nine rodents with Leishmania infections unidentified which some were unreadable sequences, these could be mixed infections of L. major, L. turanica, Leishmania gerbillisensu lato and Leishmania close to L. gerbilli or a related species reported in sandflies previously from this location. The haplotypes of L. major and L. turanica were found to be identical to that of isolates of L. major and L. turanica from Iran and in GenBank elsewhere. R. opimus is probably the key reservoir in this ZCL focus because of its abundance and its infection rates with both L. major and L. turanica.  相似文献   

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