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Aim To relate variation in the migration capacity and colonization ability of island communities to island geography and species island occupancy. Location Islands off mainland Britain and Ireland. Methods Mean migration (transfer) capacity and colonization (establishment) ability (ecological indices), indexed from 12 ecological variables for 56 butterfly species living on 103 islands, were related to species nestedness, island and mainland source geography and indices using linear regression models, RLQ analysis and fourth‐corner analysis. Random creation of faunas from source species, rank correlation and rank regression were used to examine differences between island and source ecological indices, and relationships to island geography. Results Island butterfly faunas are highly nested. The two ecological indices related closely to island occupancy, nestedness rank of species, island richness and geography. The key variables related to migration capacity were island area and isolation; for colonization ability they were area, isolation and longitude. Compared with colonization ability, migration capacity was found to correlate more strongly with island species occupancy and species richness. For island faunas, the means for both ecological indices decreased, and variation increased, with increasing island species richness. Mean colonization ability and migration capacity values were significantly higher for island faunas than for mainland source faunas, but these differences decreased with island latitude. Main conclusions The nested pattern of butterfly species on islands off mainland Britain and Ireland relates strongly to colonization ability but especially to migration capacity. Differences in colonization ability among species are most obvious for large, topographically varied islands. Generalists with abundant multiple resources and greater migration capacity are found on all islands, whereas specialists are restricted to large islands with varied and long‐lived biotopes, and islands close to shore. The inference is that source–sink dynamics dominate butterfly distributions on British and Irish islands; species are capable of dispersing to new areas, but, with the exception of large and northern islands, facilities (resources) for permanent colonization are limited. The pattern of colonization ability and migration capacity is likely to be repeated for mainland areas, where such indices should provide useful independent measures for assessing the conservation status of faunas within spatial units.  相似文献   

Changes in the abundance and distribution of individual species have been widely documented in Britain and other countries in recent decades, but little has been done to determine changes in community composition over broad geographic areas. Here, we studied species turnover in 51 butterfly assemblages in Britain since 1976, examining extinction and colonisation events together with variation in the abundances of the species. We showed that the species turnover that occurred over 20 years in Britain was associated with colonisation and extinction events and also with variability in the abundance of the species. These changes in community composition differed according to the habitat requirements of the species and their previous distributions, being more evident for habitat specialists and for southerly distributed species. Colonising species often became abundant components of the communities they joined, although this was more evident for generalist than for specialist species. The abundance of species following their arrival, increased with time since colonisation. Species turnover associated with southerly species expanding northwards is consistent with being a response to climate change. The results suggest that climate- and habitat-driven changes in the identity and abundance of species within communities are widespread, and probably ubiquitous. Similar changes are likely to be occurring in other groups of organisms that are similarly undertaking major range shifts associated with climate change.  相似文献   

Records of Hipparchia semele on British and Irish islands have been modelled against island area, isolation (sea and land distance) and the size of the nearest potential source populations. All three variables have been found to contribute significantly to the presence or absence of H. semele on the islands. Isolation is a more significant predictor than island area. This result differs from the multiple species case where area was found to be a more important influence than isolation. Records on islands are also shown to depend on the size of populations at the nearest sources; this underpins the relationships identified for the multiple species case, first, between the number of species on islands and at nearest sources and, second, between the incidence of species on islands and at nearest sources. There are clear indications that smaller islands may become increasingly marginalized for H.semele; with ongoing habitat loss, because isolation increases and source populations become sparser, the probability of H. semele recolonizing islands also decreases.  相似文献   

Many species are becoming active earlier in the season as the climate becomes warmer. In parallel to phenological responses to climate change, many species have also been affected by habitat changes due to anthropogenic land use. As habitat type can directly affect microclimatic conditions, concurrent changes in climate and habitat could have interacting effects on the phenology of species. Temperature‐related shifts in phenology, however, have mostly been studied independent of habitat types. Here, I used long‐term data from a highly standardized monitoring program with 519 transects to study how phenology of butterflies is affected by ambient temperature and habitat type. I compared forests, agricultural areas and settlements, reflecting three major land use forms, and considered butterfly species that were observed in all three of these habitats. Seasonal appearance of the butterflies was affected both by the ambient temperature and the habitat type. As expected, warmer temperatures led to an overall advancement of the appearance and flight period of most species. Surprisingly, however, phenology of species was delayed in settlement habitats, even though this habitat type is generally associated with higher temperatures. A possible explanation is dispersal among habitat types, such that source–sink effects affect local phenology. When there is little productivity in settlement areas, observed butterflies may have immigrated from forest or agricultural habitats and thus appear later in settlements. My findings suggest that a spillover of individuals among habitats may affect phenology trends and indicate that phenological studies need to be interpreted in the context of habitat types. This becomes especially important when defining strategies to prevent or mitigate effects of climate and land‐use changes on phenology and abundance of species.  相似文献   

To distinguish between the influences of area and isolation on the butterfly faunas of British islands two approaches are adopted. First, species richness is related to island area, isolation and the size of the faunal source. Neither area nor isolation account for much variance in species richness, though area is more important than isolation. In contrast, species richness corresponds closely to the size of the faunal source on nearby islands and to that at proximate locations on adjacent mainlands. The second approach relates the incidence of species on islands to their ecological attributes. A very close relationship is found between species incidence on islands and those ecological variables that measure potential for migration and colonization and that resist extinction. The implications are that the majority of British islands in this survey are insufficiently isolated to prevent intermittent migrations of butterflies to them or so small as to generate frequent extinctions. Independent data indicate the capacity of many resident species to migrate distances in excess of the isolation of most of the islands. Some evidence also exists for the long-term survival of species on islands; important considerations in this respect are that most islands in the survey are large compared to habitat patches sustaining species on mainland Britain and that substantial portions of islands are retained in early seral stages or comprise long-lived stable habitats (e.g. peat mosses) that are particularly suitable for many British species.  相似文献   

The distribution of spatial genetic variation across a region can shape evolutionary dynamics and impact population persistence. Local population dynamics and among‐population dispersal rates are strong drivers of this spatial genetic variation, yet for many species we lack a clear understanding of how these population processes interact in space to shape within‐species genetic variation. Here, we used extensive genetic and demographic data from 10 subpopulations of greater sage‐grouse to parameterize a simulated approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) model and (i) test for regional differences in population density and dispersal rates for greater sage‐grouse subpopulations in Wyoming, and (ii) quantify how these differences impact subpopulation regional influence on genetic variation. We found a close match between observed and simulated data under our parameterized model and strong variation in density and dispersal rates across Wyoming. Sensitivity analyses suggested that changes in dispersal (via landscape resistance) had a greater influence on regional differentiation, whereas changes in density had a greater influence on mean diversity across all subpopulations. Local subpopulations, however, varied in their regional influence on genetic variation. Decreases in the size and dispersal rates of central populations with low overall and net immigration (i.e. population sources) had the greatest negative impact on genetic variation. Overall, our results provide insight into the interactions among demography, dispersal and genetic variation and highlight the potential of ABC to disentangle the complexity of regional population dynamics and project the genetic impact of changing conditions.  相似文献   

Temperate forests across the globe are migrating as a result of global warming, but little is known about how changes in climate and host geographic distributions will affect the obligate symbionts of these forests. Analysis of past events can provide insight into how these symbionts have responded to previous climatic changes and inform predictions for contemporary and future climate change events. The Madrean Sky Islands Archipelago (MSIA) comprises mountain “islands” whose Pine-Oak forests appear in stark contrast to the surrounding “sea” of Sonoran Desert vegetation. The archipelago formed due to a post-Pleistocene warming climate that resulted in the expansion of the Sonoran Desert and migration of forests to fragmented, higher elevation areas. Rhizopogon (Boletales) consists of obligate ectomycorrhizal (EcM) symbionts that form truffle sporocarps and associate exclusively with Pinaceae. As such, the MSIA-Rhizopogon system represents a natural experiment of how fungal symbionts responded to climatic change and host migration. Rhizopogon was sampled from nine islands at two sites (one Pinus site and one Pseudotsuga site) per island, and diversity was characterized using the ITS rRNA gene determined from both sporocarps and bioassay-based EcM root tips derived from soil samples collected at each site. We described the biodiversity of Rhizopogon within and among sky islands of the MSIA, and tested whether symbiont species richness and community structure were determined by host association, island identity, geographic distance, or some interaction among these factors. Twenty-five OTUs at 99% similarity in the genus Rhizopogon were identified across nine sky islands with a range of 5–15 OTUs per island. While differential host association with Pinus and Pseudotsuga was a significant driver of community composition, our results supported an even stronger island effect. Furthermore, Rhizopogon communities associated with Pinus forest sites were characterized by random phylogenetic structures across sky islands and are not structured by geographic distance. Our results supported a strong isolation effect that involved historical habitat fragmentation of sky islands in response to past climate changes, and that both host association and stochastic processes, e.g., ecological drift, played a role in shaping Rhizopogon communities of the MSIA.  相似文献   

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