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By using a non-enterobactin-producing enb-7 mutant of Salmonella typhimurium LT2 as a biological indicator, a novel screening method was developed for identifying mutants of Ustilago maydis defective in the biosynthesis of the siderophores ferrichrome and ferrichrome A. Two classes of siderophore mutations, both recessive, were isolated after mutagenesis of haploid cells of the corn smut fungus. Class I mutants no longer produced ferrichrome while retaining the ability to produce ferrichrome A; class II mutants were defective in the production of both ferrichrome and ferrichrome A. Genetic and biochemical data suggest that class II mutants are defective in the ability to hydroxylate L-ornithine to delta-N-hydroxyornithine, the first step in the biosynthesis of these siderophores. A genomic library of wild-type U. maydis DNA was constructed in the cosmid transformation vector pCU3, which contains a dominant selectable marker for hygromycin B resistance. Two cosmids, pSid1 and pSid2, were identified in this library by their ability to complement class II siderophore auxotrophs. The production of both siderophores was concomitantly restored in the majority of the resultant transformants. Transforming DNA could be recovered from the fungal, cosmid-containing transformants by in vitro packaging with lambda bacteriophage extracts. Alternatively, the clones could be identified by a sib selection procedure. Cotransformation was found to occur at a high frequency in the fungus and was used to determine that a 2.5-kilobase HindIII-NruI fragment in pSid1 was responsible for complementing the class II siderophore biosynthetic mutation.  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters of the 10 glycolytic enzymes and glycolytic fluxes were determined for the first time in Ustilago maydis. Enzyme activities in yeast grown in minimal medium and harvested in the stationary stage were twofold higher than those from yeast grown in rich medium. In contrast, in yeast harvested in the exponential stage, the enzyme activities were higher in cells grown in rich medium. Phosphofructokinase activity was the lowest in the four culture conditions analyzed, suggesting that this enzyme is a flux-controlling step in U. maydis glycolysis. The V(max) and K(m) values of hexokinase and pyruvate kinase were similar under all conditions. The results revealed that U. maydis aldolase belongs to the class II type of metalo-aldolases. 3-Phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM) activity was 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate cofactor independent, which contrasted with the cofactor dependency predicted by the amino acid sequence alignment analysis. Pyruvate was secreted by U. maydis yeast in the presence and absence of external glucose. The glycolytic enzyme activities in the U. maydis mycelial form were similar to those found in yeast, except for one order of magnitude higher phosphofructokinase and PGAM activities, thus suggesting differences in the glycolysis regulatory mechanisms between the two cellular forms.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic basidiomycetous fungus Ustilago maydis secretes large amounts of the glycolipid biosurfactant ustilagic acid (UA). UA consists of 15,16-dihydroxypalmitic or 2,15,16-trihydroxypalmitic acid, which is O-glycosidically linked to cellobiose at its terminal hydroxyl group. In addition, the cellobiose moiety is acetylated and acylated with a short-chain hydroxy fatty acid. We have identified a 58 kb spanning gene cluster that contains 12 open reading frames coding for most, if not all, enzymes needed for UA biosynthesis. Using a combination of genetic and mass spectrometric analysis we were able to assign functional roles to three of the proteins encoded by the gene cluster. This allowed us to propose a biosynthesis route for UA. The Ahd1 protein belongs to the family of non-haem diiron reductases and is required for alpha-hydroxylation of palmitic acid. Two P450 monooxygenases, Cyp1 and Cyp2, catalyse terminal and subterminal hydroxylation of palmitic acid. We could demonstrate that infection of tomato leaves by the plant pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea is prevented by co-inoculation with wild-type U. maydis sporidia. U. maydis mutants defective in UA biosynthesis were unable to inhibit B. cinerea infection indicating that UA secretion is critical for antagonistic activity.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic reaction pathway leading to the natural product, 2-aminoethylphosphonate in Tetrahymena pyriformis has been elucidated. Incubation of [32P]PEP and [14C]PEP with T.pyriformis cellular homogenate fortified with Mg2+ and alanine/pyridoxal phosphate, yielded 2-aminoethylphosphonate as the minor reaction product (2-5% yield) and phosphoglycerate and pyruvate plus orthophosphate as the major products. Inclusion of thiamine pyrophosphate in the reaction mixture increased the yield of 2-aminoethylphosphonate by a factor of 10. Incubation of phosphonoacetaldehyde or phosphonopyruvate in the cellular homogenate also provided 2-aminoethylphosphonate. The cellular homogenate catalyzed the transformation of phosphonoacetaldehyde to 2-aminoethylphosphonate in an ca. 80% yield. However, the maximum yield of 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid obtained by use of phosphonopyruvate was only 15%. The major reaction pathways induced by treatment of phosphonopyruvate with the cellular extract involved its competitive conversion to PEP and pyruvate plus orthophosphate.  相似文献   

Parthenolide, the main bioactive compound of the medicinal plant feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), is a promising anti-cancer drug. However, the biosynthetic pathway of parthenolide has not been elucidated yet. Here we report on the isolation and characterization of all the genes from feverfew that are required for the biosynthesis of parthenolide, using a combination of 454 sequencing of a feverfew glandular trichome cDNA library, co-expression analysis and metabolomics. When parthenolide biosynthesis was reconstituted by transient co-expression of all pathway genes in Nicotiana benthamiana, up to 1.4 μg g−1 parthenolide was produced, mostly present as cysteine and glutathione conjugates. These relatively polar conjugates were highly active against colon cancer cells, with only slightly lower activity than free parthenolide. In addition to these biosynthetic genes, another gene encoding a costunolide and parthenolide 3β-hydroxylase was identified opening up further options to improve the water solubility of parthenolide and therefore its potential as a drug.  相似文献   

The corn pathogen Ustilago maydis requires its host plant maize for development and completion of its sexual cycle. We have identified the fungal mig2-1 gene as being specifically expressed during this biotrophic stage. Intriguingly, mig2-1 is part of a gene cluster comprising five highly homologous and similarly regulated genes designated mig2-1 to mig2-5. Deletion analysis of the mig2-1 promoter provides evidence for negative and positive regulation. The predicted polypeptides of all five genes lack significant homologies to known genes but have characteristic N-terminal secretion sequences. The secretion signals of mig2-1 and mig2-5 were shown to be functional, and secretion of a full length Mig2-1-eGFP fusion protein to the extracellular space was demonstrated. The central domains of the Mig2 proteins are highly variable whereas the C-termini are strongly conserved and share a characteristic pattern of eight cysteine residues. The mig2 gene cluster was conserved in a wide collection of U. maydis strains. Interestingly, some U. maydis isolates from South America had lost the mig2-4 gene as a result of a homologous recombination event. Furthermore, the related Ustilago scitaminea strain, which is pathogenic on sugar cane, appears to lack the mig2 cluster. We describe a model of how the mig2 cluster might have evolved and discuss its possible role in governing host interaction.  相似文献   

Fuchs U  Steinberg G 《Protoplasma》2005,226(1-2):75-80
Summary. Filamentous fungi are an important group of tip-growing organisms, which include numerous plant pathogens such as Magnaporthe grisea and Ustilago maydis. Despite their ecological and economical relevance, we are just beginning to unravel the importance of endocytosis in filamentous fungi. Most evidence for endocytosis in filamentous fungi is based on the use of endocytic tracer dyes that are taken up into the cell and delivered to the vacuole. Moreover, genomewide screening for candidate genes in Neurospora crassa and U. maydis confirmed the presence of most components of the endocytic machinery, indicating that endocytosis participates in filamentous growth. Indeed, it was shown that in U. maydis early endosomes cluster at sites of growth, where they support morphogenesis and polar growth, most likely via endosome-based membrane recycling. In humans, such recycling processes to the plasma membrane involve small GTPases such as Rab4. A homologue of this protein is encoded in the genome of U. maydis but is absent from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suggesting that Rab4-mediated recycling is important for filamentous growth. Furthermore, human Rab4 regulates traffic of early endosomes along microtubules, and a similar microtubule-based transport is described for U. maydis. These observations suggest that Rab4-like GTPases might regulate endosome- and microtubule-based recycling during tip growth of filamentous fungi. Correspondence and reprints: MPI für terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Karl-von-Frisch-Strasse, 35043 Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

Nocamycins belong to the tetramic acid family natural products and show potent antimicrobial activity. Recently, the biosynthetic gene cluster of nocamycin was identified from the rare actinomycete Saccharothrix syringae and an S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) dependent methyltransferase gene NcmP was found to be located within the gene cluster. In this report, the methyltransferase gene NcmP was disrupted and a new nocamycin intermediate nocamycin E was isolated from the mutant strain. Meanwhile, NcmP was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and biochemically characterized as a carboxylate O-methyltransferase in nocamycin biosynthetic pathway. Compared to nocamycin I, nocamycin E showed inferior antibacterial activity, indicating the methyl group is essential to antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

The ribonucleic acids extracted from nongerminated teliospores of Ustilago maydis showed the spectrum similar to histone-DNA complex with a high 230/260 mμ ratio. The chemical analyses of the RNA preparations revealed that the spectral abnormality was due to the complexing of RNA with a protein. On the other hand RNA prepared from the isolated ribosomes of spores exhibited a normal spectrum and low protein content relative to RNA fraction. These observations show that an unusual protein is present in germinated spores which complexes with RNA and disappears as germination occurs.  相似文献   

Tryptophan is a precursor for many biologically active secondary metabolites. We have investigated the origin of indole pigments first described in the pityriasis versicolor-associated fungus Malassezia furfur . Some of the identified indole pigments have properties potentially explaining characteristics of the disease. As M. furfur is not amenable to genetic manipulation, we used Ustilago maydis to investigate the pathway leading to pigment production from tryptophan. We show by high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis that the compounds produced by U. maydis include those putatively involved in the etiology of pityriasis versicolor. Using a reverse genetics approach, we demonstrate that the tryptophan aminotransferase Tam1 catalyses pigment biosynthesis by conversion of tryptophan into indolepyruvate. A forward genetics approach led to the identification of mutants incapable of producing the pigments. These mutants were affected in the sir1 gene, presumably encoding a sulphite reductase. In vitro experiments with purified Tam1 showed that 2-oxo 4-methylthio butanoate serves as a substrate linking tryptophan deamination to sulphur metabolism. We provide the first direct evidence that these indole pigments form spontaneously from indolepyruvate and tryptophan without any enzymatic activity. This suggests that compounds with a proposed function in M. furfur -associated disease consist of indolepyruvate-derived spontaneously generated metabolic by-products.  相似文献   

A complete pathway for Azorhizobium caulinodans nicotinate catabolism has been determined from mutant phenotype analyses, isolation of metabolic intermediates, and structural studies. Nicotinate serves as a respiratory electron donor to O2 via a membrane-bound hydroxylase and a specific c-type cytochrome oxidase. The resulting oxidized product, 6-hydroxynicotinate, is next reduced to 1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-6-oxonicotinate. Hydrolytic ring breakage follows, with release of pyridine N as ammonium. Decarboxylation then releases the nicotinate C-7 carboxyl group as CO2, and the remaining C skeleton is then oxidized to yield glutarate. Transthioesterification with succinyl coenzyme A (succinyl-CoA) yields glutaryl-CoA, which is then oxidatively decarboxylated to yield crotonyl-CoA. As with general acyl beta oxidation, L-beta-hydroxybutyryl-CoA, acetoacetyl-CoA, and finally two molecules of acetyl-CoA are produced. In sum, nicotinate is catabolized to yield two CO2 molecules, two acetyl-CoA molecules, and ammonium. Nicotinate catabolism stimulates Azorhizobium N2 fixation rates in culture. Nicotinate catabolism mutants still able to liberate pyridine N as ammonium retain this capability, whereas mutants so blocked do not. From, mutant analyses and additional physiological tests, N2 fixation stimulation is indirect. In N-limited culture, nicotinate catabolism augments anabolic N pools and, as a consequence, yields N2-fixing cells with higher dinitrogenase content.  相似文献   

UDP-glycosyltransferase (UGT)-mediated glycosylation is a widespread modification of plant natural products (PNPs), which exhibit a wide range of bioactivities, and are of great pharmaceutical, ecological and agricultural significance. However, functional annotation is available for less than 2% of the family 1 UGTs, which currently has 20,000 members that are known to glycosylate several classes of PNPs. This low percentage illustrates the difficulty of experimental study and accurate prediction of their function. Here, a synthetic biology platform for elucidating the UGT-mediated glycosylation process of PNPs was established, including glycosyltransferases dependent on UDP-glucose and UDP-xylose. This platform is based on reconstructing the specific PNPs biosynthetic pathways in dedicated microbial yeast chassis by the simple method of plug-and-play. Five UGT enzymes were identified as responsible for the biosynthesis of the main glycosylation products of triterpenes in Panax notoginseng, including a novel UDP-xylose dependent glycosyltransferase enzyme for notoginsenoside R1 biosynthesis. Additionally, we constructed a yeast cell factory that yields >1 g/L of ginsenoside compound K. This platform for functional gene identification and strain engineering can serve as the basis for creating alternative sources of important natural products and thereby protecting natural plant resources.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis is obligately dependent on infection of maize to complete the sexual phase of its life cycle. Mating interactions between haploid, budding cells establish an infectious filamentous cell type that invades the host, induces large tumours and eventually forms large masses of black spores. The ability to switch from budding to filamentous growth is therefore critical for infection and completion of the life cycle, although the signals that influence the transition have not been identified from the host or the environment. We have found that growth in the presence of lipids promotes a filamentous phenotype that resembles the infectious cell type found in planta. In addition, the ability of the fungus to respond to lipids is dependent on both the cAMP signalling pathway and a Ras/MAPK pathway; these pathways are known to regulate mating, filamentous growth and pathogenesis in U. maydis. Overall, these results lead us to hypothesize that lipids may represent one of the signals that promote and maintain the filamentous growth of the fungus in the host environment.  相似文献   

A central feature of meiosis is the pairing and recombination of homologous chromosomes. Ustilago maydis, a biotrophic fungus that parasitizes maize, has long been utilized as an experimental system for studying recombination, but it has not been clear when in the life cycle meiotic recombination initiates. U. maydis forms dormant diploid teliospores as the end product of the infection process. Upon germination, teliospores complete meiosis to produce four haploid basidiospores. Here we asked whether the meiotic process begins when teliospores germinate or at an earlier stage in development. When teliospores homozygous for a cdc45 mutation temperature sensitive for DNA synthesis were germinated at the restrictive temperature, four nuclei became visible. This implies that teliospores have already undergone premeiotic DNA synthesis and suggests that meiotic recombination initiates at a stage of infection before teliospores mature. Determination of homologous recombination in plant tissue infected with U. maydis strains heteroallelic for the nar1 gene revealed that Nar+ recombinants were produced at a stage before teliospore maturation. Teliospores obtained from a spo11Δ cross were still able to germinate but the process was highly disturbed and the meiotic products were imbalanced in chromosomal complement. These results show that in U. maydis, homologous recombination initiates during the infection process and that meiosis can proceed even in the absence of Spo11, but with loss of genomic integrity.  相似文献   

The Ustilaginaceae family of smut fungi, especially Ustilago maydis, gained biotechnological interest over the last years, amongst others due to its ability to naturally produce the versatile bio-based building block itaconate. Along with itaconate, U. maydis also produces 2-hydroxyparaconate. The latter was proposed to be derived from itaconate, but the underlying biochemistry and associated genes were thus far unknown. Here, we confirm that 2-hydroxyparaconate is a secondary metabolite of U. maydis and propose an extension of U. maydis’ itaconate pathway from itaconate to 2-hydroxyparaconate. This conversion is catalyzed by the P450 monooxygenase Cyp3, encoded by cyp3, a gene, which is adjacent to the itaconate gene cluster of U. maydis. By deletion of cyp3 and simultaneous overexpression of the gene cluster regulator ria1, it was possible to generate an itaconate hyper producer strain, which produced up to 4.5–fold more itaconate in comparison to the wildtype without the by-product 2-hydroxyparaconate. By adjusting culture conditions in controlled pulsed fed-batch fermentations, a product to substrate yield of 67% of the theoretical maximum was achieved. In all, the titer, rate and yield of itaconate produced by U. maydis was considerably increased, thus contributing to the industrial application of this unicellular fungus for the biotechnological production of this valuable biomass derived chemical.  相似文献   

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