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无血清无饲养层条件下培养小鼠胚胎干细胞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究在无血清无饲养层条件下小鼠胚胎干细胞的培养方法,为最终建立无血清无饲养层培养系统打下基础。方法比较小鼠胚胎干细胞ES-S8株在无血清培养体系和有血清培养体系中的生长情况,分析ES-S8细胞克隆形成效率,测定其生长速度;然后在撤去血清和饲养层的条件下培养ES-S8细胞,进行AKP染色和表面标记物SSEA-1免疫荧光检测。结果ES-S8细胞在无血清培养条件下细胞生长速度减缓,克隆形成率降低,但AKP染色、SSEA-1免疫荧光均显阳性;在无血清无饲养层条件下ES-S8细胞培养仍能形成克隆,且AKP染色、SSEA-1免疫荧光均显阳性。结论研究表明ES-S8细胞能够在无血清无饲养层的培养条件下生长,保持其良好的未分化特性。  相似文献   

为了探讨小鼠胚胎在体外发育过程中的最佳方案,我们将从超排昆明小鼠取出的543枚受精卵经过不同的培养液(M16、M16+OEC、Glu-FreeM16和Glu-FreeM16+OEC)及不同的培养微环境处理后,观察胚胎体外发育的过程。结果表明,葡萄糖在胚胎发育早期(2细胞期)有比较明显的发育阻断作用,同种输卵管上皮(OEC)共同培养能够有效地抑制这种阻断作用;葡萄糖对胚胎8-16细胞期及以后阶段的发育具有十分重要的作用,而此时OEC的作用则不明显;除了葡萄糖外,在早期可能还有其它一些象磷酸盐、重金属离子的物质也能起胚胎发育阻断作用。同时还发现培养微环境的稳定也是胚胎发育的重要保证条件,石蜡油的封盖能够保持某种特定微环境而支持胚胎的体外发育。  相似文献   

中华仓鼠卵巢(CHO)工程细胞无血清培养的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以DMEM:F12(1:1)为基础培养基,通过观察细胞生长状态和检测乙肝表面抗原的表达量作为评价指标,筛选适合于CHO工程细胞生长的生长因子,如:胰岛素、转铁蛋白、氢化可的松、硒酸钠,丁二胺等。并且建立了J5SFM培养基。该培养基与商品化的无血清培养基比较,能够使细胞生长维持较长的时间,表达产物分泌量也相对较高。  相似文献   

利用昆明小鼠13.5dpc的胚胎制备小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,并以小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞作为饲养层;收集3.5dICR小鼠的囊胚和桑椹胚进行体外培养,筛选纯化ES细胞集落,使其稳定传代后,对其形态学和生物学性状进行初步鉴定,获得阳性细胞集落。  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎体外培养方法的优化及胚胎质量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验采用输卵管收集获得的 2 细胞、原核受精卵和体外受精得到的胚胎。 2 细胞胚胎在所有培养浓度下均达到较高的囊胚发育率 ,而ISF和IVF受精卵在减低培养浓度后发育率显著降低 (p <0 .0 1 ) ,ISF受精卵从高密度 (1 /μl)下约 82 .5 %的发育率到低密度 (1 /1 0 0 0 μl)下 2 2 .3 %的发育率。而IVF胚胎的这两个值分别为 46 .3 %和5 .2 %。2 细胞胚胎与其他两种受精卵相比 ,每个囊胚所含的细胞数目差异显著 (p <0 .0 1 )。添加 1ng/ml(1 /1 0 μl)和 1 0ng/ml(1 /1 0 0 μl)的PAF显著增加了IVF胚胎的囊胚发育率 (p <0 .0 1 )。在胚胎密度为 1 /1 0 μl的培养密度下 ,添加 1 0ng/ml以上的IGF Ⅰ同样改善IVF受精卵的发育能力 (p <0 .0 1 )。培养液中添加EGF对囊胚的发育率没有影响。PAF和IGF Ⅰ协同作用的效果与IGF Ⅰ单独处理的结果并无差异 (p >0 .0 5) ,但高于PAF单独处理组 (p <0 .0 5)。结果表明 ,胚胎生长所需的生长因子在低密度培养条件下被稀释并影响胚胎的正常发育。PAF和IGF Ⅰ作为自分泌性胚胎营养因子在一定程度上补偿了由于低密度培养所带来的负效应。  相似文献   

SD大鼠体外受精与早期胚胎体外培养体系的初步建立   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的改造IVF-30和HTFplus培养液,观察在改造后培养液里卵的受精和早期胚胎的发育状况,寻找适合SD大鼠体外受精和早期胚胎培养的实验体系。方法采用两种方法(超数排卵及体内成熟)采集成熟卵母细胞用于体外受精。选择两种商品化的培养液IVF-30(Vitrolife),HTFplus(Lifeglobal)。分别在以上的培养基中增加10、20、30mmol/L的NaCl,将培养液的渗透压提升至325~355mOsM之间,观察在改造前与改造后的培养液内SD大鼠卵母细胞受精率和囊胚发育率等指标。结果经改造的培养液HTFplus和IVF-30,体外受精率分别从13%、15%提升至70%、67%。改造后的IVF-30和HTFplus的2细胞,大于4细胞及囊胚的发育率分别为85%,74%,22%;96%,75%,32%。HTFplus,IVF-30经过改造后更适合于SD大鼠的体外受精及早期胚胎培养。与超排相比较更多的在自然周期的体内成熟卵母细胞(16%,28%)发育到了囊胚。结论成功建立了SD大鼠的体外受精和体外培养系统。  相似文献   

StudiesontheEarlyDevelopmentofMouseTetraploidEmbryosProducedbyElectrofusion1LIGuangpeng,CAIShixun,XULibin,SUNXingshen,LIU...  相似文献   

本文利用胚泡注射技术研究了小鼠胚胎原始外胚层细胞(primitive ectoderm cells)的发育能力。从交配后第五天的129/SV-ter(灰色,GPI-1~a/~a)小鼠的胚胎中分离出原始外胚层细胞并将之注射到交配后第四天的C_(57)BL/6 J(黑色,GPI-1~b/~b)小鼠的胚泡腔内。经过显微操作后的胚泡被移回昆明白假孕鼠内发育,其出生率为83.3%,毛色嵌合体(chimeras)比例为100%。这些嵌合小鼠的磷酸葡萄糖异构酶(GPI-1)分析结果表明,注射的原始外胚层细胞参与了内、中、外三个胚层所衍生的组织和器官(如脑、血液、心脏、肾脏、生殖腺、肌肉、脾、旰等)的胚胎发生。嵌合体与C_(57)BL/6 J小鼠交配后所得的结果表明,原始外胚层细胞在嵌合体内能形成有功能的配子。上述结果说明,原始外胚层细胞与内细胞团(ICM)细胞、体外培养的胚胎干细胞(embryoderivedstem cells)一样,具有发育全能性。导入胚泡后,不仅能参与嵌合体中各种体细胞的分化,并且能经历配子发生产生有功能的雌雄配子。此外,本文还对胚泡注射技术进行了改进,改进后的方法不仅比已报道的各种方法简便,并且使注射嵌合体的比例提高到35.7%。  相似文献   

目的建立一种研究肠上皮细胞的体外模型—小肠类器官培养体系,探索其相关病理检测技术方法,为肠道相关疾病的体外研究提供便利平台。方法将小鼠肠上皮隐窝分离并培养成小肠类器官,体外模拟肠上皮的生长发育过程。通过制作石蜡切片,探索应用免疫组化技术以及基于基质胶中类器官三维水平免疫荧光技术对相应的增殖与分化信号进行检测。结果探索并建立了小肠类器官体外培养体系,应用石蜡切片免疫组化技术与三维水平免疫荧光技术能够准确检测小肠上皮结构的生长发育状态。结论小肠类器官体外培养体系的建立与免疫检测技术的应用,将逐渐使其成为人们研究肠道相关疾病最为有利的技术手段。  相似文献   

为探讨适合水牛胎儿成纤维细胞(BFF)的体外培养体系,采用常规组织块法和胰蛋白酶消化法原代培养BFF均获得了较多的成纤维细胞,但后者所得细胞的活力不如前者高,且死细胞也较多;传代或冻存成纤维细胞时用4℃预冷的胰蛋白酶室温下消化所得的细胞比37℃热消化的细胞更圆、更有光泽;跟踪32代的细胞冷冻复苏率均达70%~80%;染色体分析结果显示,二倍体细胞所占比例始终保持在80%~90%之间,各代细胞(5th、10th、15th)之间差异不显著(P>0.05).结果 表明,组织块法原代培养、4℃预冷胰蛋白酶室温消化传代细胞的培养体系比较适合水牛胎儿成纤维细胞的培养.  相似文献   

Mid-gestation stage mouse embryos were cultured utilizing a serum-free culture medium prepared from commercially available stem cell media supplements in an oxygenated rolling bottle culture system. Mouse embryos at E10.5 were carefully isolated from the uterus with intact yolk sac and in a process involving precise surgical maneuver the embryos were gently exteriorized from the yolk sac while maintaining the vascular continuity of the embryo with the yolk sac. Compared to embryos prepared with intact yolk sac or with the yolk sac removed, these embryos exhibited superior survival rate and developmental progression when cultured under similar conditions. We show that these mouse embryos, when cultured in a defined medium in an atmosphere of 95% O2 / 5% CO2 in a rolling bottle culture apparatus at 37 °​C for 16-40 hr, exhibit morphological growth and development comparable to the embryos developing in utero. We believe this method will be useful for investigators needing to utilize whole embryo culture to study signaling interactions important in embryonic organogenesis.  相似文献   

Mouse oocyte development in vitro has been studied in the past several years, but no evidence showed that the fertilizable oocytes could be obtained from the fetal mouse germ cells before the formation of the primordial follicles. In this study, an efficient and simple method has been established to obtain the mature oocytes from the fetal mouse germ cells at 16.5 days post-coitum (dpc). For the initial of follicular formation, fetal mouse 16.5 dpc ovaries were transplanted to the recipient under the kidney capsule, and the ovaries were recovered after 14 days. Subsequently, the growing preantral follicles in the ovarian grafts were isolated and cultured in vitro for 12 days. Practically, the mature oocytes ovulated from the antral follicles were able to be fertilized in vitro and support the embryonic development. The results demonstrate that the fetal mouse 16.5 dpc germ cells are able to form primordial follicles with the ovarian pregranulosa cells during the period of transplantation in the ectopic site, and the oocytes within the growing follicles are able to mature in vitro, then are able to support the embryonic development.  相似文献   

The mammalian ovary is composed of ovarian follicles, each follicle consisting of a single oocyte surrounded by somatic granulosa cells, enclosed together within a basement membrane. A finite pool of follicles is laid down during embryonic development, when oocytes in meiotic arrest form a close association with flattened granulosa cells, forming primordial follicles. By or shortly after birth, mammalian ovaries contain their lifetime’s supply of primordial follicles, from which point onwards there is a steady release of follicles into the growing follicular pool.The ovary is particularly amenable to development in vitro, with follicles growing in a highly physiological manner in culture. This work describes the culture of whole neonatal ovaries containing primordial follicles, and the culture of individual ovarian follicles, a method which can support the development of follicles from an immature through to the preovulatory stage, after which their oocytes are able to undergo fertilization in vitro. The work outlined here uses culture systems to determine how the ovary is affected by exposure to external compounds. We also describe a co-culture system, which allows investigation of the interactions that occur between growing follicles and the non-growing pool of primordial follicles.  相似文献   

血清是细胞培养基常用的添加剂。目前应用最广泛的动物血清是胎牛血清。随着现代细胞生物学在细胞和组织培养方面的进步以及细胞培养方法的标准化,人们更多的注意到了胎牛血清收集中的伦理道德问题。按照3Rs的原则,科学家希望通过减少血清用量和开发使用血清替代物的方法来减少每年对血清的需求;另外由于血清成分并不明确,考虑到改进细胞和组织培养方法的要求,很多无血清细胞培养基陆续开发成功,成为替代胎牛血清的一个比较科学的方法。  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立一套适合水牛腔前卵泡体外生长发育的培养体系.取用来自本地屠宰场的中国沼泽型水牛卵巢,采用梳刮法回收腔前卵泡,以McCoys 5a作为基础培养液,分别用微孔板培养法、二维培养法、三维培养法进行体外培养.结果表明:不同培养方法对水牛腔前卵泡的体外发育能力有显著差异.培养至10 d,三维培养法的卵泡存活率显著高于微孔板培养法和二维培养法的卵泡存活率(65.05% vs 33.08%,49.52%,P<0.05);二维培养法的卵泡成腔率为1.91%(2/105),三维培养法的卵泡成腔率为1.94%(2/103),而微孔培养法的卵泡未发现成腔;三维培养法的卵泡直径平均增长显著高于微孔板培养法和二维培养法的卵泡直径增长(13.03±5.37 μm vs 7.53±2.26 μm,10.27±4.24 μm,P<0.05).由此可见,三维培养法是水牛腔前卵泡的有效体外培养方法.  相似文献   

Genetic mouse models are an important tool in the study of mammalian neural tube closure (Gray & Ross, 2009; Ross, 2010). However, the study of mouse embryos in utero is limited by our inability to directly pharmacologically manipulate the embryos in isolation from the effects of maternal metabolism on the reagent of interest. Whether using a small molecule, recombinant protein, or siRNA, delivery of these substances to the mother, through the diet or by injection will subject these unstable compounds to a variety of bodily defenses that could prevent them from reaching the embryo. Investigations in cultures of whole embryos can be used to separate maternal from intrinsic fetal effects on development.Here, we present a method for culturing mouse embryos using highly enriched media in a roller incubator apparatus that allows for normal neural tube closure after dissection (Crockett, 1990). Once in culture, embryos can be manipulated using conventional in vitro techniques that would not otherwise be possible if the embryos were still in utero. Embryo siblings can be collected at various time points to study different aspects of neurulation, occurring from E7-7.5 (neural plate formation, just prior to the initiation of neurulation) to E9.5-10 (at the conclusion of cranial fold and caudal neuropore closure, Kaufman, 1992). In this protocol, we demonstrate our method for dissecting embryos at timepoints that are optimal for the study of cranial neurulation. Embryos will be dissected at E8.5 (approx. 10-12 somities), after the initiation of neural tube closure but prior to embryo turning and cranial neural fold closure, and maintained in culture till E10 (26-28 somities), when cranial neurulation should be complete.  相似文献   

Recently, several studies for lung regeneration have been reported. However, regenerating the lung tissue by the transfer of any cells directly to the lung has been hardly successful. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of fetal lung cells (FLCs) in a mouse model of lung emphysema. C57BL/6 mice were stimulated with neutrophil elastase (NE) intra-tracheally (i.t.) to generate lung emphysema. To collect fetal lung cells, C57BL/6-Tg (CAG-EGFP) mice were bred for 14 days. Before delivery, the bred mice were euthanized, and fetal lungs were harvested from the fetal mice and the cells were collected. The FLCs were transferred i.t. 24 h after the NE instillation. Four weeks after the NE instillation, mice were euthanized, and the samples were collected. The mean linear intercept (MLI) was significantly prolonged in the NE instillation group compared to the control group. However, in the FLCs transfer group stimulated with NE, the MLI became shorter than the NE-stimulated group without an FLCs transfer. This result shows that an FLCs transfer inhibited the progression of lung emphysema. Additionally, motility of the mice was also improved by the FLCs transfer. These results indicate that transfer of the FLCs, which were presumed to be progenitor cells for lung tissue, may improve the emphysematous change.  相似文献   

Erythropoiesis involves a dynamic process that begins with committed erythroid burst forming units (BFU-Es) followed by rapidly dividing erythroid colony forming units (CFU-Es). After CFU-Es, cells are morphologically recognizable and generally termed terminal erythroblasts. One of the challenges for the study of terminal erythropoiesis is the lack of experimental approaches to dissect gene functions in a chronological manner. In this protocol, we describe a unique strategy to determine gene functions in the early and late stages of terminal erythropoiesis. In this system, mouse fetal liver TER119 (mature erythroid cell marker) negative erythroblasts were purified and transduced with exogenous expression of cDNAs or small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) for the genes of interest. The cells were subsequently cultured in medium containing growth factors other than erythropoietin (Epo) to maintain their progenitor stage for 12 hr while allowing the exogenous cDNAs or shRNAs to express. The cells were changed to Epo medium after 12 hr to induce cell differentiation and proliferation while the exogenous genetic materials were already expressed. This protocol facilitates analysis of gene functions in the early stage of terminal erythropoiesis. To study late stage terminal erythropoiesis, cells were immediately cultured in Epo medium after transduction. In this way, the cells were already differentiated to the late stage of terminal erythropoiesis when the transduced genetic materials were expressed. We recommend a general application of this strategy that would help understand detailed gene functions in different stages of terminal erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

Technological advances have made genetically modified mice, including transgenic and gene knockout mice, an essential tool in many research fields. Adult cardiomyocytes are widely accepted as a good model for cardiac cellular physiology and pathophysiology, as well as for pharmaceutical intervention. Genetically modified mice preclude the need for complicated cardiomyocyte infection processes to generate the desired genotype, which are inefficient due to cardiomyocytes’ terminal differentiation. Isolation and culture of high quantity and quality functional cardiomyocytes will dramatically benefit cardiovascular research and provide an important tool for cell signaling transduction research and drug development. Here, we describe a well-established method for isolation of adult mouse cardiomyocytes that can be implemented with little training. The mouse heart is excised and cannulated to an isolated heart system, then perfused with a calcium-free and high potassium buffer followed by type II collagenase digestion in Langendorff retrograde perfusion mode. This protocol yields a consistent result for the collection of functional adult mouse cardiomyocytes from a variety of genetically modified mice.  相似文献   

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