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A kaleidoscopic view of the Arabidopsis core cell cycle interactome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks have been shown to offer a systems-wide view of cellular processes, only a few plant PPI maps are available. Recently, the core cell cycle of Arabidopsis thaliana has been analyzed by three independent PPI technologies, including yeast two-hybrid systems, bimolecular fluorescence complementation and tandem affinity purification. Here, we merge the three interactomes with literature-curated and computationally predicted interactions, paving the way for a comprehensive picture of the plant core cell cycle machinery. Platform-specific interactions unveil the strengths and weaknesses of each detection method and give insights into the nature of the interactions among cell cycle proteins. Moreover, comparison of the obtained data reveals that a complete interactome can only be obtained when multiple techniques are applied in parallel.  相似文献   

Xu F  Li G  Zhao C  Li Y  Li P  Cui J  Deng Y  Shi T 《BMC genomics》2010,11(Z2):S2


Many essential cellular processes, such as cellular metabolism, transport, cellular metabolism and most regulatory mechanisms, rely on physical interactions between proteins. Genome-wide protein interactome networks of yeast, human and several other animal organisms have already been established, but this kind of network reminds to be established in the field of plant.


We first predicted the protein protein interaction in Arabidopsis thaliana with methods, including ortholog, SSBP, gene fusion, gene neighbor, phylogenetic profile, coexpression, protein domain, and used Naïve Bayesian approach next to integrate the results of these methods and text mining data to build a genome-wide protein interactome network. Furthermore, we adopted the data of GO enrichment analysis, pathway, published literature to validate our network, the confirmation of our network shows the feasibility of using our network to predict protein function and other usage.


Our interactome is a comprehensive genome-wide network in the organism plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and provides a rich resource for researchers in related field to study the protein function, molecular interaction and potential mechanism under different conditions.

Cell differentiation is generally tightly coordinated with the cell cycle, typically resulting in a nondividing cell with a unique differentiated morphology. The unicellular trichomes of Arabidopsis are a well-established model for the study of plant cell differentiation. Here, we describe a new genetic locus, SIAMESE (SIM), required for coordinating cell division and cell differentiation during the development of Arabidopsis trichomes (epidermal hairs). A recessive mutation in the sim locus on chromosome 5 results in clusters of adjacent trichomes that appeared to be morphologically identical 'twins'. Upon closer inspection, the sim mutant was found to produce multicellular trichomes in contrast to the unicellular trichomes produced by wild-type (WT) plants. Mutant trichomes consisting of up to 15 cells have been observed. Scanning electron microscopy of developing sim trichomes suggests that the cell divisions occur very early in the development of mutant trichomes. WT trichome nuclei continue to replicate their DNA after mitosis and cytokinesis have ceased, and as a consequence have a DNA content much greater than 2C. This phenomenon is known as endoreduplication. Individual nuclei of sim trichomes have a reduced level of endoreduplication relative to WT trichome nuclei. Endoreduplication is also reduced in dark-grown sim hypocotyls relative to WT, but not in light-grown hypocotyls. Double mutants of sim with either of two other mutants affecting endoreduplication, triptychon (try) and glabra3 (gl3) are consistent with a function for SIM in endoreduplication. SIM may function as a repressor of mitosis in the endoreduplication cell cycle. Additionally, the relatively normal morphology of multicellular sim trichomes indicates that trichome morphogenesis can occur relatively normally even when the trichome precursor cell continues to divide. The sim mutant phenotype also has implications for the evolution of multicellular trichomes.  相似文献   

The heptapeptide Tyr-Gly- Arg-Gly-Asp- Ser-Pro containing the sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD – the essential structure recognised by animal cells in substrate adhesion molecules) was tested on epidermal cells of onion and cultured cells of Arabidopsis upon plasmolysis. Dramatic changes were observed on both types of cells following treatment: on onion cells, Hechtian strands linking the cell wall to the membrane were lost, while Arabidopsis cells changed from concave to convex plasmolysis. A control heptapeptide Tyr-Gly-Asp-Gly-Arg-Ser-Pro had no effect on the shape of plasmolysed cells. Protoplasts isolated from Arabidopsis cells agglutinate in the presence of ProNectinF, a genetically engineered protein of 72 kDa containing 13 RGD sequences: several protoplasts may adhere to a single molecule of ProNectinF. The addition of the RGD-heptapeptide disrupted the adhesion between the protoplasts. Purified plasma membrane from Arabidopsis cells exhibits specific binding sites for the iodinated RGD-heptapeptide. The binding is saturable, reversible, and two types of high affinity sites (Kd1 1 nM, and Kd2 40 nM) can be discerned. Competitive inhibition by several structurally related peptides and proteins noted the specific requirement for the RGD sequence. Thus, the RGD-binding activity of Arabidopsis fulfils the adhesion features of integrins, i.e. peptide specificity, subcellular location, and involvement in plasma membrane-cell wall attachments.  相似文献   

A DNA-damage-induced cell cycle checkpoint in Arabidopsis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Preuss SB  Britt AB 《Genetics》2003,164(1):323-334
Although it is well established that plant seeds treated with high doses of gamma radiation arrest development as seedlings, the cause of this arrest is unknown. The uvh1 mutant of Arabidopsis is defective in a homolog of the human repair endonuclease XPF, and uvh1 mutants are sensitive to both the toxic effects of UV and the cytostatic effects of gamma radiation. Here we find that gamma irradiation of uvh1 plants specifically triggers a G(2)-phase cell cycle arrest. Mutants, termed suppressor of gamma (sog), that suppress this radiation-induced arrest and proceed through the cell cycle unimpeded were recovered in the uvh1 background; the resulting irradiated plants are genetically unstable. The sog mutations fall into two complementation groups. They are second-site suppressors of the uvh1 mutant's sensitivity to gamma radiation but do not affect the susceptibility of the plant to UV radiation. In addition to rendering the plants resistant to the growth inhibitory effects of gamma radiation, the sog1 mutation affects the proper development of the pollen tetrad, suggesting that SOG1 might also play a role in the regulation of cell cycle progression during meiosis.  相似文献   

The microtubule (MT) cytoskeleton is required for many aspects of cell function, including the transport of intracellular materials, the maintenance of cell polarity, and the regulation of mitosis. These functions are coordinated by MT-associated proteins (MAPs), which work in concert with each other, binding MTs and altering their properties. We have used a MT cosedimentation assay, combined with 1D and 2D PAGE and mass spectrometry, to identify over 250 MAPs from early Drosophila embryos. We have taken two complementary approaches to analyse the cellular function of novel MAPs isolated using this approach. First, we have carried out an RNA interference (RNAi) screen, identifying 21 previously uncharacterised genes involved in MT organisation. Second, we have undertaken a bioinformatics analysis based on binary protein interaction data to produce putative interaction networks of MAPs. By combining both approaches, we have identified and validated MAP complexes with potentially important roles in cell cycle regulation and mitosis. This study therefore demonstrates that biologically relevant data can be harvested using such a multidisciplinary approach, and identifies new MAPs, many of which appear to be important in cell division.  相似文献   

Recessive mutations in the SIAMESE (SIM) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana result in multicellular trichomes harboring individual nuclei with a low ploidy level, a phenotype strikingly different from that of wild-type trichomes, which are single cells with a nuclear DNA content of approximately 16C to 32C. These observations suggested that SIM is required to suppress mitosis as part of the switch to endoreplication in trichomes. Here, we demonstrate that SIM encodes a nuclear-localized 14-kD protein containing a cyclin binding motif and a motif found in ICK/KRP (for Interactors of Cdc2 kinase/Kip-related protein) cell cycle inhibitor proteins. Accordingly, SIM was found to associate with D-type cyclins and CDKA;1. Homologs of SIM were detected in other dicots and in monocots but not in mammals or fungi. SIM proteins are expressed throughout the shoot apical meristem, in leaf primordia, and in the elongation zone of the root and are localized to the nucleus. Plants overexpressing SIM are slow-growing and have narrow leaves and enlarged epidermal cells with an increased DNA content resulting from additional endocycles. We hypothesize that SIM encodes a plant-specific CDK inhibitor with a key function in the mitosis-to-endoreplication transition.  相似文献   

The interdependence of cell cycle control, chromatin remodeling and cell fate determination remains unclear in flowering plants. Pollen development provides an interesting model, as it comprises only two cell types produced by two sequential cell divisions. The first division separates the vegetative cell from the generative cell. The generative cell divides and produces the two sperm cells, transported to the female gametes by the pollen tube produced by the vegetative cell. We show in Arabidopsis thaliana that loss of activity of the Chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF1) pathway causes delay and arrest of the cell cycle during pollen development. Prevention of the second pollen mitosis generates a fraction of CAF1-deficient pollen grains comprising a vegetative cell and a single sperm cell, which both express correctly cell fate markers. The single sperm is functional and fertilizes indiscriminately either female gamete. Our results thus suggest that pollen cell fate is independent from cell cycle regulation.  相似文献   

Many phytohormones regulate plant growth and development through modulating protein degradation. In this study, a proteome study based on multidimensional non-gel shotgun approach was performed to analyze the auxin-induced protein degradation via ubiquitin-proteasome pathway of Arabidopsis thaliana, with the emphasis to study the overall protein changes after auxin treatment (1 nM or 1 μM indole-3-acetic acid for 6, 12, or 24 h). More than a thousand proteins were detected by using label-free shotgun method, and 386 increased proteins and 370 decreased ones were identified after indole-3-acetic acid treatment. By using the auxin receptor-deficient mutant, tir1-1, as control, comparative analysis revealed that 69 and 79 proteins were significantly decreased and increased, respectively. Detailed analysis showed that among the altered proteins, some were previously reported to be associated with auxin regulation and others are potentially involved in mediating the auxin effects on specific cellular and physiological processes by regulating photosynthesis, chloroplast development, cytoskeleton, and intracellular signaling. Our results demonstrated that label-free shotgun proteomics is a powerful tool for large-scale protein identification and the analysis of the proteomic profiling of auxin-regulated biological processes will provide informative clues of underlying mechanisms of auxin effects. These results will help to expand the understanding of how auxin regulates plant growth and development via protein degradation.  相似文献   

Light is a key environmental cue controlling plant development, which involves meristemic activation by cell proliferation and differentiation. Here, we identify one gene, AtSKIP, associated with cell cycle-regulated root and leaf growth processes in Arabidopsis. The spatial pattern of β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity indicated that AtSKIP is expressed in the leaf primodia, root meristem region and root vascular system, and can be activated by light. Ectopic expression of AtSKIP resulted in enhanced leaf development but suppressed root elongation in Arabidopsis, whereas AtSKIPDD seedlings displayed retarded leaf growth and normal root growth. Moreover, AtSKIP cells displayed enhanced sensitivity to a cytokinin in a callus induction assay, further demonstrated that AtSKIP expression altered endogenous cell cycle-regulated signaling in plants. Together, these data indicate that AtSKIP participates in cell cycle-mediated growth of leaf and root.  相似文献   

Tandem affinity purification (TAP) strategies constitute an efficient approach for protein complex purification from many different organisms. However, the application of such strategies for purifying endogenous Arabidopsis multi-protein complexes has not yet been reported. Here, we describe an alternative TAP (TAPa) system that successfully allows protein complex purification from Arabidopsis. In our newly generated TAPa tag we have replaced the tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease cleavage site with the more specific and low-temperature active rhinovirus 3C protease site. In addition, the second purification step can now be performed through two different affinity tags: a six His repeat or nine copies of a myc repeat. To examine our purification procedure we generated a C-terminal fusion between the TAPa tag and CSN3, a component of the multi-protein COP9 signalosome (CSN) complex. Subsequent analysis showed that CSN3-TAPa could rescue a csn3 mutant, and that the components of the CSN complex could be co-purified with CSN3-TAPa. As part of our long running interest in light signaling in Arabidopsis we have generated Arabidopsis transgenic lines harboring, both N-terminal and C-terminal TAPa fusions of many different light signaling pathway regulators. Molecular characterization of these transgenic lines showed fusion expression in 88% of the genes analyzed and that this expression is largely independent of the fusion orientation. Mutant complementation analysis showed that most of the TAPa fusions analyzed retained function of the wild-type proteins. Taken together, the data demonstrate the suitability of the TAPa system to allow efficient multi-protein complex isolation from stably transformed Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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