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Based on this review of 35 cases of chronic bony wounds, it would appear that the free-muscle flap method of wound closure and nourishment after thorough dead bone debridement is an attractive and successful alternative to local skin flaps, staged skin flaps, or extend skin-muscle flaps in areas where reliable muscle flaps are not available. It would also seem that the latissimus dorsi muscle flap with skin graft is an ideal donor-muscle transfer with features allowing a favorable and contoured surface in the recipient site and minimal aesthetic and functional deformity in the donor site.  相似文献   

The distally based sural nerve flap is an excellent option for covering defects of the lower third of the leg. It allows rapid, reliable coverage of defects extending as far distally as the forefoot. The flap can be elevated under a tourniquet in relatively bloodless fashion without sacrificing a major vessel to the foot. Its use is described in a variety of defects in 11 patients, ranging in age from 3 to 64 years. The flap was used bilaterally in one case and in cross-leg fashion in another. All defects were covered with no major complications, and none of the patients required a blood transfusion. One flap experienced a small amount of distal marginal necrosis, which was excised and closed primarily. The technical aspects of flap elevation are emphasized.  相似文献   

A 33-year-old man suffered from locally recurrent malignant fibrous histiocytoma of his left thigh unresponsive to previous excision, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hyperthermic treatment. He underwent radical hemipelvectomy for cure. Because of extensive tumor involvement, a free flap consisting of his distal left leg based on the popliteal artery was utilized to close the defect. Both the tibia and fibula were removed from their periosteal sheaths, and the foot was excised from the flap. The popliteal artery and vein were anastomosed to the iliac vessels. The flap survived, and the patient was discharged home after physical rehabilitation. We suggest that uninvolved portions of the distal leg may be utilized as a free flap to successfully close hemipelvectomy defects in selected patients when conventional pedicle flaps are unavailable.  相似文献   

Free omental tissue transfer for extremity coverage and revascularization   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Microvascular transfer of the omentum has several unique advantages for the reconstruction and revascularization of extremity wounds. The omentum provides well-vascularized, malleable tissue for reconstruction of extensive soft-tissue defects and has a long vascular pedicle (35 to 40 cm) with sizable vessels, which reduces some of the potential technical challenges of microsurgery. It can also be used for flow-through revascularization of ischemic distal extremities. The unique properties of the omentum make it an ideal tissue for the reconstruction of difficult extremity defects, allowing simultaneous reconstruction and revascularization. Experience with six free omental tissue transfers for upper-extremity and lower-extremity reconstruction is described. Three of the cases involved distal anastomoses to take advantage of the flow-through characteristics of the flap, providing distal arterial augmentation. All flaps accomplished the reconstructive goals of wound coverage and extremity revascularization. The omentum is a valuable, often overlooked tissue for the treatment of difficult extremity wounds.  相似文献   

Advancement of a medial gastrocnemius flap is a new technique in treating skin defects of the lower third of the lower leg, including that at the anteromedial aspect of the distal portion of the lower leg. Satisfactory results have been obtained in two clinical cases using this technique. In this modified technique, the size of the flap is enlarged, the origin of the medial head of the gastrocnemius is severed so that the island myocutaneous flap may be advanced 8 to 9 cm distally, and good blood supply to the flap is also maintained. In the authors' opinion, this method is a new approach that is simple, easy, safe, and reliable in treating skin defects of the lower leg.  相似文献   

A report of the use of tissue expansion in the lower extremity of paraplegic patients is presented with over 1-year follow-up in two cases. Expansion was accomplished without difficulty and without compromise of skin integrity when performed carefully and slowly. It is important to observe the overlying skin for capillary refill. Pain, which may limit expansion in neurologically intact patients, is not a factor in paraplegics. By using tissue expansion, more risky, longer procedures using myocutaneous flaps or microvascular tissue transfers may be unnecessary, and reliable, durable, full-thickness coverage is obtained in two short procedures.  相似文献   

Penetration of benzylpenicillin into pathological foci was studied in 48 patients with chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw after intramuscular and intraosseous administration of the antibiotic. A group of 10 patients operated for congenital deformations of the lower jaw was used as the control. The results showed that after intramuscular administration benzylpenicillin penetration into the inflammation focus of the lower jaw was better than that into the intact bone only for the first 30 minutes. At later periods it was detected in both the cases as traces. After intraosseous administration of the drug in doses of 50,000 and 200,000 units its accumulation in the bone tissue of the patients with chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw in 30 minutes was respectively 75 and 160 times higher than that after the intramuscular injections. The period of its presence in the pathological focus as the therapeutic levels was also higher i. e. up to 2 hours. Intraosseous route of benzylpenicillin administration is likely to decrease the quantity of the drug needed for treating patients with chronic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw.  相似文献   

External pneumatic compression of the lower legs is effective as prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis. In a typical application, inflatable cuffs are wrapped around the patient's legs and periodically inflated to prevent stasis, accelerate venous blood flow, and enhance fibrinolysis. The purpose of this study was to examine the stress distribution within the tissues, and the corresponding venous blood flow and intravascular shear stress with different external compression modalities. A two-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) was used to determine venous collapse as a function of internal (venous) pressure and the magnitude and spatial distribution of external (surface) pressure. Using the one-dimensional equations governing flow in a collapsible tube and the relations for venous collapse from the FEA, blood flow resulting from external compression was simulated. Tests were conducted to compare circumferentially symmetric (C) and asymmetric (A) compression and to examine distributions of pressure along the limb. Results show that A compression produces greater vessel collapse and generates larger blood flow velocities and shear stresses than C compression. The differences between axially uniform and graded-sequential compression are less marked than previously found, with uniform compression providing slightly greater peak flow velocities and shear stresses. The major advantage of graded-sequential compression is found at midcalf. Strains at the lumenal border are approximately 20 percent at an external pressure of 50 mmHg (6650 Pa) with all compression modalities.  相似文献   

The indications, principles of management, and outcomes of free flap transfer for limb salvage in four patients with bilateral frostbite of their feet are presented. A fasciocutaneous flap was used for coverage when the wound involved a single surface of the foot. When multiple surfaces of the foot required free flap coverage, a muscle flap was used because it could more easily improve the shape and contour of the defect. Successful coverage was achieved in all four patients.  相似文献   

Using the Valk knemometer, lower leg length (LLL) was assessed relative to changes in the positioning of the upper leg. Lowering the chair height of the knemometer resulted in a more acute angle between the upper and lower leg and a decrease in LLL. This decrease in measurement was attributed to changes in the anatomical surface of the knee underlying the measuring platform as a result of increasing the acuity of the leg angle. Based on four different leg positions, the average change in LLL per centimeter change in chair height was 0.607 mm in a child sample of 50, and 0.655 mm in an adult sample of 20. The difference in chair height with the leg angle at 90 degrees and the lowest chair height possible, ranged from 12.3 to 30.3 mm, relative to lower leg length. This meant the longest leg in the study had a LLL measurement differing by 19.8 mm between these two positions. Due to the effect of leg position, we advised the use of a standard method of measuring LLL with respect to leg angle. Given the difficulties in accurately measuring leg angle with current available tools, we advise the most acute angle.  相似文献   

Based on the mechanostat theory and the muscle-bone hypothesis, a methodological assessment of the musculoskeletal status in health and disease should relate maximum muscle force in relation to bone mass and geometry. While useful (i.e. three-dimensional) measures of tibial bone parameters can be obtained by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), intrinsic plantarflexor muscle force cannot be directly measured under in vivo condition in humans. Instead, tissue size, torque and ground reaction force have been used as proxy markers of intrinsic muscle force. However, most of these proxy markers are not or insufficiently representative of maximum force. Based on our recent research, we describe a novel approach for the assessment of the lower leg muscle-bone unit in health and disease. It incorporates multiple one-legged hopping (m1LH) to assess maximum voluntary ground reaction force acting on the forefoot (F(m1LH)) and bone mineral content at the 14%-site of tibia length (vBMC(14%)) as assessed by pQCT. Using the quantitative relationship between these two variables in conjunction with F(m1LH) per body weight, we present a two-step quantitative diagnostic algorithm to discriminate between primary and secondary bone disorders in children and adults.  相似文献   

Skin defects over the lower one-fourth of the leg and over the foot are difficult to cover. Two types of pedicled fasciocutaneous flaps used to cover such defects were studied: the lateral supramalleolar flap and the distally based sural neurocutaneous flap. The series consisted of 27 and 36 cases, respectively. The lateral supramalleolar flap was used 27 times: for skin defects over the ankle (4), foot (16), and leg (7). The distally based sural neurocutaneous flap was used 42 times: over the foot (24), ankle (13), and leg (5). Fourteen of these patients were 65 years of age or older, and local vascularity was diminished in 16 cases. The flaps were evaluated clinically twice: in the immediate postoperative period for survival or for partial or total flap necrosis, and again to determine the presence of pain at the donor or recipient sites and the cosmetic appearance. Thirty-nine patients (62 percent) were reviewed subsequently, with a mean follow-up of 5 years for the supramalleolar flap and 2 years for the sural neurocutaneous flap. The results were evaluated for the presence or absence of pain, the appearance of the flap, the disability due to the insensate nature of the flap, and the presence or absence of secondary ulceration. Painful neuromata were noted in three cases with the sural neurocutaneous flap, whereas complete necrosis of the supramalleolar artery flap occurred in three patients. The distally based sural neurocutaneous island flap is very reliable, even in debilitated patients. Though the lateral supramalleolar artery flap offers the possibility of covering the same areas as the sural neurocutaneous flap, it is much less reliable in the presence of diminished local vascularity (18.5 percent failure rate as compared with 4.8 percent for the sural neurocutaneous flap). Because the procedure can cover extensive defects and is easy to perform, the distally based sural neurocutaneous flap was the method of choice for covering skin defects over the foot, heel, ankle, and the lower one-fourth of the leg. The lateral supramalleolar artery flap is indicated only when the sural neurocutaneous flap is contraindicated.  相似文献   

The blood supply to the vastus lateralis muscle has been evaluated by dye injection techniques in fresh cadaver dissections. The main dominant blood supply is the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery. Vascular contributions from distal perforators of the superficial femoral artery, the superior geniculate artery, fill the main vascular pedicle in a retrograde fashion. Latex staining is observed consistently in the proximal third of the muscle. Five patients are presented in whom the distally based vastus lateralis muscle flap was successfully used to cover defects above the knee. Superficial muscle necrosis is a complication of this operation but has not precluded its usefulness. It is anticipated that this flap will be useful in the armamentarium of reconstructive surgeons treating such problematic patients.  相似文献   

The lymphatic bed of the skin and subcutaneous tissues of the lower leg from 20 operated patients was studied by light and electron microscopy and by phlebographic methods. Three stages of development of the disease were examined: without complicated form of varicose veins, complicated form, and postthrombophlebitic syndrome. Morphological features of the state of the lymphatic bed of the skin, subcutaneous connective tissue and fascia of the lower leg in the initial stage of disease show the fine structure changes of lymphatic vessels and capillary walls interpreted as a compensation phenomenon. It seems that the structure alterations of endotheliocytes of lymphatic capillaries and the connective tissue surrounding them found in this study in the complicated form of the disease and the postthrombophlebitic syndrome are the basis of the mechanism of transport-resorption insufficiency of the lymph vessels' terminal flow paths.  相似文献   

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