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研究了两个参数失配较大情况下,处于不同放电模式的两个电突触耦合Hindmarsh-rose(HR)神经元的相位同步问题,发现在适当耦合强度下可以实现相同步并呈现出复杂的放电节律.利用峰峰间期(Interspikeinterval,ISI)和平均放电频率证实了相同步的发生,给出并分析了不同放电状态的神经元在电突触耦合下实现相同步后的神经放电节律.从相同步的角度显示,神经元同步后呈现簇放电特征或峰放电特征,除与两耦合神经元独自放电模式有关外,还与电突触耦合强度有一定的内在关系.  相似文献   

Hindmarsh-Rose 神经网络的混沌同步   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了通过特殊构造的非线性函数耦合连接的神经网络的混沌同步问题。在发展基于稳定性准则的混沌同步方法的基础上,给出了计算同步稳定性的误差发展方程,当耦合强度取参考值时,可实现稳定的混沌同步而不需要计算最大条件Lyapunov指数去判定是否稳定。通过对按照完全连接形式构成的Hindmarsh-Rose神经网络的数值模拟,显示可仅从两个耦合神经的耦合强度的稳定性范围预期到许多耦合神经实现同步的稳定性范围。该方法在噪声影响下,对实现神经元的混沌同步仍具有较强的鲁棒性。此外发现随着耦合神经数的增加,满足同步稳定性的耦合强度减小,与耦合神经的数量成反比。  相似文献   

在信息编码能提高联想记忆的存贮能力和脑内存在主动活动机制的启发下,提出一个主动联想记忆模型。模型包括两个神经网络,其一为输入和输出网络,另一个为在学习时期能自主产生兴奋模式的主动网络。两个网络的神经元之间有突触联系。由于自主产生的兴奋模式与输入无关,并可能接近于相互正交,因此,本模型有较高的存贮能力。初步分析和计算机仿真证明:本模型确有比通常联想记忆模型高的存贮能力,特别是在输入模式间有高度相关情况下、最后,对提出的模型与双向自联想记忆和光学全息存贮机制的关系作了讨论。  相似文献   

脑皮层的功能连接模式与突触可塑性密切相关,受突触空间分布和刺激模式等多种因素的影响。尽管越来越多的证据表明突触可塑性不仅受突触后动作电位而且还受突触后局部树突电位的影响,但是目前尚不清楚神经元的功能连接模式是否和怎样依赖于突触后局部电位的。为此,本文建立了一个无需硬边界设置的、突触后局部膜电位依赖的可塑性模型。该模型具有突触强度的自平衡能力并且能够再现多种突触可塑性实验结果。基于该模型对两个锥体神经元的功能连接模式进行仿真的结果表明,当突触后局部电位都处于亚阈值时两个神经元无功能连接,如果一个神经元的突触后膜电位高于阈值电位则产生向该神经元的单向连接,当两个神经元的突触后膜电位都超过阈值电位时则产生双向连接,说明突触后局部膜电位分布是神经元功能连接模式形成的关键。研究结果加深了神经网络连接模式形成机制的理解,对学习和记忆的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近存储饱和状态下联想学习记忆的神经网络模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文提出了神经网络在近饱和状态下的一种联想学习记忆模型.讨论了该模型的主要特性,对由100个神经元、记忆10个随机图样组成的网络系统给出并分析了计算机模拟结果,讨论了该模型的学习律与传统的Hebb学习律的区别,研究了网络在学习记忆和联想新态时初始噪声Pi和联想噪声Pa对新态恢复行为的影响,总结了在近饱和状态下该模型所具有的优势.  相似文献   

选择方向强化学习的神经网络模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了神经网络模型的一种选择方向强化学习规则,定义并导出了新模型与Hopfield模型两种不同的筛选曲线,由此表明新模型对相关图样的分辨力优于Hopfield模型。在微机上模拟了由100个神经元构成的网络,结果显示新模型具有重复记忆这一神经生理学特点。定义并分行了记忆强度因子,模拟结果表明记忆强度因子愈大的记忆态,联想性能愈好,学习周期愈短。  相似文献   

研究了神经递质以随机点序列释放和电压门控离子通道噪声共同作用下,线性整合放电模型的相干共振现象。基于分形布朗运动和改进的欧拉方法,得到了神经元膜电压分布和神经元放电峰峰间隔的信噪比。结果表明,神经元放电的峰峰间隔是神经递质的达到强度、离子通道噪声强度的非单调函数。适当的神经递质到达强度和离子通道噪声强度使峰峰间隔的信噪比出现最大值,即出现相干共振现象。  相似文献   

神经元集群的自持续放电活动是大脑内广泛存在的现象,其被证实在大脑的工作记忆与目标导向等行为中有重要体现。作者以非线性的整合发放(integrate-and-firing,IF)神经元模型为网络节点,构建了具有小世界特征的层次网络仿真模型,以研究自持续活动中神经元发放的一些特性。在合适的模型参数下,层次网络能产生自持续放电活动,其整体发放频率在撤掉外部刺激之后的20 s内比较稳定,而层次内部发放频率的高低与层次顺序无关。整体发放频率关于突触连接数量与短路径密度都呈现出先正关系增长再达到饱和的趋势,同时,规模越大的神经元网络的整体发放频率对短路径密度更为敏感。研究结果对揭示大脑神经元功能性核团之间的相互作用机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

正通过计算来实现识别、理解、推理、记忆、学习、联想等一系列认知任务,是计算机科学的一个核心问题,同时也是一个公认的难题.幸运的是,自然界已经提供了一个上述问题的参考答案,那就是由大量神经元组成的系统—大脑.自然而然地,科学家通过借鉴大脑中神经元的组织方式,提出了人工神经网络这样一种计算模型,来解决各种认知任务.人工神经网络是一类模仿生物神经网络而构建的计算机算法的总称,由若干人工神经元结点(以下简称"神经元")互联而成.神经元之间通过突触两两连  相似文献   

<正>Science:科学家揭秘大脑神经元网络形成的复杂机制机体的神经元如何产生以及其如何互相连接至今都是生物学上的一个谜团。近日,来自法兰德斯大学联办生物技术研究院的科学家揭开了这一谜题,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Science上。文章揭示了大脑网络中这种高度分叉的神经元之间是如何连接的,这为理解大脑中复杂神经网络的形成及开发治疗神经性疾病提供了新希望。大脑中的神经网络非常复杂,尽管解释神经元间线性连接的分子机制已经被描述了很多次,但是对于大脑中神经元分支的工作机制研究者  相似文献   

A number of memory models have been proposed. These all have the basic structure that excitatory neurons are reciprocally connected by recurrent connections together with the connections with inhibitory neurons, which yields associative memory (i.e., pattern completion) and successive retrieval of memory. In most of the models, a simple mathematical model for a neuron in the form of a discrete map is adopted. It has not, however, been clarified whether behaviors like associative memory and successive retrieval of memory appear when a biologically plausible neuron model is used. In this paper, we propose a network model for associative memory and successive retrieval of memory based on Pinsky-Rinzel neurons. The state of pattern completion in associative memory can be observed with an appropriate balance of excitatory and inhibitory connection strengths. Increasing of the connection strength of inhibitory interneurons changes the state of memory retrieval from associative memory to successive retrieval of memory. We investigate this transition.  相似文献   

A three-layer network model of oscillatory associative memory is proposed. The network is capable of storing binary images, which can be retrieved upon presenting an appropriate stimulus. Binary images are encoded in the form of the spatial distribution of oscillatory phase clusters in-phase and anti-phase relative to a reference periodic signal. The information is loaded into the network using a set of interlayer connection weights. A condition for error-free pattern retrieval is formulated, delimiting the maximal number of patterns to be stored in the memory (storage capacity). It is shown that the capacity can be significantly increased by generating an optimal alphabet (basis pattern set). The number of stored patterns can reach values of the network size (the number of oscillators in each layer), which is significantly higher than the capacity of conventional oscillatory memory models. The dynamical and information characteristics of the retrieval process based on the optimal alphabet, including the size of “attraction basins“ and the input pattern distortion admissible for error-free retrieval, are investigated.  相似文献   

Synchronization of the oscillatory discharge of cortical neurons could be a part of the mechanism that is involved in cortical information processing. On the assumption that the basic functional unit is the column composed of local excitatory and inhibitory cells and generating oscillatory neural activity, a network model that attains associative memory function is proposed. The synchronization of oscillation in the model is studied analytically using a sublattice analysis. In particular, the retrieval of a single memory pattern can be studied in the system, which can be derived from the original network model of interacting columns and is formally equivalent to a system of an isolated column. The network model simulated numerically shows a remarkable performance in which retrieval is achieved simultaneously for more than one memory pattern. The manifestations of this simultaneous retrieval in the network dynamics are successive transitions of the network state from a synchronized oscillation for a memory pattern to that for another memory pattern.  相似文献   

We study a neural network with asymmetric connections used as an associative memory. Asymmetry allows the nominal patterns to be stored in cycles. We apply an unlearning procedure, which modifies the synaptic connections. We analyze the global performance, including the network capacity, the attraction basin's size and also the relaxation time distribution. The latter shows a convenient bimodality that is used for discriminating between spurious and stored memory attractors. We show that unlearning in asymmetric networks allows enhancing the global performance of retrieval including retrieval of a sequence of correlated patterns.  相似文献   

An associative memory is modeled in networks of cells that are assumed to have the short-term plasticity of the neuromuscular junction of the frog. The data relating synaptic transmission efficiency and stimulation frequency for post-tetanic potentiation of the neuromuscular junction are represented by polynomial expansions. Simulation of storage and retrieval demonstrates that functional associative memory is feasible based on this particular synaptic plasticity. Retrieval reaches a maximum efficiency at a delay of three minutes after storage and is lost after about 9 min. The signal to noise ratio of the retrieved pattern drops steadily as additional associations are stored in memory but retrieval appears to be possible with up to four stored associations. Although the data are derived from synapses not normally proposed as a basis for memory functions, the results here will generalize to other synaptic junctions located more centrally that have similar characteristics. This simulation technique allows the efficiency of associative memory based on various types of synaptic plasticity to be evaluated.  相似文献   

We study the properties of the dynamical phase transition occurring in neural network models in which a competition between associative memory and sequential pattern recognition exists. This competition occurs through a weighted mixture of the symmetric and asymmetric parts of the synaptic matrix. Through a generating functional formalism, we determine the structure of the parameter space at non-zero temperature and near saturation (i.e., when the number of stored patterns scales with the size of the network), identifying the regions of high and weak pattern correlations, the spin-glass solutions, and the order-disorder transition between these regions. This analysis reveals that, when associative memory is dominant, smooth transitions appear between high correlated regions and spurious states. In contrast when sequential pattern recognition is stronger than associative memory, the transitions are always discontinuous. Additionally, when the symmetric and asymmetric parts of the synaptic matrix are defined in terms of the same set of patterns, there is a discontinuous transition between associative memory and sequential pattern recognition. In contrast, when the symmetric and asymmetric parts of the synaptic matrix are defined in terms of independent sets of patterns, the network is able to perform both associative memory and sequential pattern recognition for a wide range of parameter values.  相似文献   

The state of art in computer modelling of neural networks with associative memory is reviewed. The available experimental data are considered on learning and memory of small neural systems, on isolated synapses and on molecular level. Computer simulations demonstrate that realistic models of neural ensembles exhibit properties which can be interpreted as image recognition, categorization, learning, prototype forming, etc. A bilayer model of associative neural network is proposed. One layer corresponds to the short-term memory, the other one to the long-term memory. Patterns are stored in terms of the synaptic strength matrix. We have studied the relaxational dynamics of neurons firing and suppression within the short-term memory layer under the influence of the long-term memory layer. The interaction among the layers has found to create a number of novel stable states which are not the learning patterns. These synthetic patterns may consist of elements belonging to different non-intersecting learning patterns. Within the framework of a hypothesis of selective and definite coding of images in brain one can interpret the observed effect as the "idea? generating" process.  相似文献   

A model of columnar networks of neocortical association areas is studied. The neuronal network is composed of many Hebbian autoassociators, or modules, each of which interacts with a relatively small number of the others, randomly chosen. Any module encodes and stores a number of elementary percepts, or features. Memory items, or patterns, are peculiar combinations of features sparsely distributed over the multi-modular network. Any feature stored in any module can be involved in several of the stored patterns; feature-sharing is in fact source of local ambiguities and, consequently, a potential cause of erroneous memory retrieval spreading through the model network in pattern completion tasks.The memory retrieval dynamics of the large modular autoassociator is investigated by combining mathematical analysis and numerical simulations. An oscillatory retrieval process is proposed that is very efficient in overcoming feature-sharing drawbacks; it requires a mechanism that modulates the robustness of local attractors to noise, and neuronal activity sparseness such that quiescent and active modules are about equally noisy to any post-synaptic module.Moreover, it is shown that statistical correlation between 'kinds' of features across the set of memory patterns can be exploited to obtain a more efficient achievement of memory retrieval capabilities.It is also shown that some spots of the network cannot be reached by retrieval activity spread if they are not directly cued by the stimulus. The locations of these activity isles depend on the pattern to retrieve, while their extension only depends (in large networks) on statistics of inter-modular connections and stored patterns. The existence of activity isles determines an upper-bound to retrieval quality that does not depend on the specific retrieval dynamics adopted, nor on whether feature-sharing is permitted. The oscillatory retrieval process nearly saturates this bound.  相似文献   

We report on both analytical and numerical results concerning stochastic Hopfield-like neural automata exhibiting the following (biologically inspired) features: (1) Neurons and synapses evolve in time as in contact with respective baths at different temperatures; (2) the connectivity between neurons may be tuned from full connection to high random dilution, or to the case of networks with the small-world property and/or scale-free architecture; and (3) there is synaptic kinetics simulating repeated scanning of the stored patterns. Although these features may apparently result in additional disorder, the model exhibits, for a wide range of parameter values, an extraordinary computational performance, and some of the qualitative behaviors observed in natural systems. In particular, we illustrate here very efficient and robust associative memory, and jumping between pattern attractors.  相似文献   

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