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Accurate and robust brain extraction is a critical step in most neuroimaging analysis pipelines. In particular, for the large-scale multi-site neuroimaging studies involving a significant number of subjects with diverse age and diagnostic groups, accurate and robust extraction of the brain automatically and consistently is highly desirable. In this paper, we introduce population-specific probability maps to guide the brain extraction of diverse subject groups, including both healthy and diseased adult human populations, both developing and aging human populations, as well as non-human primates. Specifically, the proposed method combines an atlas-based approach, for coarse skull-stripping, with a deformable-surface-based approach that is guided by local intensity information and population-specific prior information learned from a set of real brain images for more localized refinement. Comprehensive quantitative evaluations were performed on the diverse large-scale populations of ADNI dataset with over 800 subjects (55∼90 years of age, multi-site, various diagnosis groups), OASIS dataset with over 400 subjects (18∼96 years of age, wide age range, various diagnosis groups), and NIH pediatrics dataset with 150 subjects (5∼18 years of age, multi-site, wide age range as a complementary age group to the adult dataset). The results demonstrate that our method consistently yields the best overall results across almost the entire human life span, with only a single set of parameters. To demonstrate its capability to work on non-human primates, the proposed method is further evaluated using a rhesus macaque dataset with 20 subjects. Quantitative comparisons with popularly used state-of-the-art methods, including BET, Two-pass BET, BET-B, BSE, HWA, ROBEX and AFNI, demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably with superior performance on all testing datasets, indicating its robustness and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Avian influenza (AI) is a listed disease of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) that has become a disease of great importance both for animal and human health. Until recent times, AI was considered a disease of birds with zoonotic implications of limited significance. The emergence and spread of the Asian lineage highly pathogenic AI (HPAI) H5N1 virus has dramatically changed this perspective; not only has it been responsible of the death or culling of millions of birds, but this virus has also been able to infect a variety of non-avian hosts including human beings. The implications of such a panzootic reflect themselves in animal health issues, notably in the reduction of a protein source for developing countries and in the management of the pandemic potential. Retrospective studies have shown that avian progenitors play an important role in the generation of pandemic viruses for humans, and therefore these infections in the avian reservoir should be subjected to control measures aiming at eradication of the Asian H5N1 virus from all sectors rather than just eliminating or reducing the impact of the disease in poultry. Dennis J. Alexander—Unaffiliated Consultant Virologist  相似文献   

目的比较H5N1禽流感病毒感染小鼠、恒河猴及食蟹猴急性期肺组织的病理学变化。方法在麻醉状态下对BALB/c小鼠、恒河猴及食蟹猴进行H5N1病毒滴鼻接种,在感染急性期实施安死术,取肺组织运用H&E结合免疫组化技术分析肺组织的病理变化。结果BALB/c小鼠感染急性期,肺组织以变质性炎为主,肺泡结构被广泛破坏,以单核细胞为主的炎细胞浸润,局部可见渗出性炎。而在恒河猴感染急性期肺组织病理改变以渗出性炎为主,同时可见变质性炎和增生性炎。在食蟹猴感染急性期肺组织病理改变以渗出性和变质性炎为主,同时亦可见上皮的新生。结论H5N1禽流感病毒感染小鼠与恒河猴、食蟹猴急性期肺组织的病理变化不同,这将为进一步认识禽流感的发病机制及研究针对性的治疗方法提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that great apes and macaques chronically shed adenoviruses in the stool. Shedding of adenovirus in the stool of humans is less prevalent, although virus genomes persist in gut-associated lymphoid tissue in the majority of individual samples. Chimpanzees have high levels of broadly reactive neutralizing antibodies to adenoviruses in serum, with very low frequencies of adenovirus-specific T cells in peripheral blood. A similar situation exists in macaques; sampling of guts from macaques demonstrated adenovirus-specific T cells in lamina propria. Humans show intermediate levels of serum neutralizing antibodies, with adenovirus-specific T cells in peripheral blood of all individuals sampled and about 20% of samples from the gut, suggesting a potential role of T cells in better controlling virus replication in the gut. The overall structure of the E3 locus, which is involved in modulating the host''s response to infection, is degenerate in humans compared to that in apes, which may contribute to diminished evasion of host immunity. The impact of adenovirus persistence and immune responses should be considered when using adenoviral vectors in gene therapy and genetic vaccines.Viruses of the Adenoviridae family infect a wide range of vertebrate hosts. Adenoviruses that infect mammals belong to the genus Mastadenovirus and encompass at least seven viral species (formerly called subtypes) that infect primates (5). The molecular biology of human-derived adenoviruses has been characterized extensively for the species C group, for which human adenovirus 2 (HAdV-2) and HAdV-5 serve as prototypes (6). Adenoviruses cause a variety of nonlethal infectious diseases in humans, and lethal disseminated adenovirus infection occurs in immunosuppressed patients (6). Attempts to evaluate the pathogenesis of human adenoviruses in animal models have been difficult since most models demonstrate a very narrow permissiveness for virus replication.The natural history of adenovirus infections in humans was initially evaluated in prospective surveillance studies of family cohorts (7, 8). Self-limited respiratory illnesses in children were the most common syndromes associated with adenovirus infection, although virus was most easily detected in the stool. Excretion of virus in stool usually wanes rapidly following resolution of the infectious syndrome but is prolonged for a subset of individuals. Species C adenoviruses, which are the most prevalent in humans, can establish latency in adenoid and tonsil-derived lymphocytes (9).Adenovirus vectors have been used successfully as vaccine carriers due to their ability to elicit potent cellular and humoral immune response to the encoded transgene product. Recombinant vectors based on HAdV-5 have emerged as a potent platform for activating cytotoxic T lymphocytes against tumor and viral antigens. A problematic response of the host to HAdV-5-based vectors that was not predicted based on animal testing was observed in a clinical trial, namely, there was a paradoxical increased susceptibility to infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) following vaccination with an HIV-based HAdV-5 vector in subjects with evidence of prior exposure to a natural infection with HAdV-5 (2).  相似文献   

Forming biofilms may be a survival strategy of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli to enable it to persist in the environment and the food industry. Here, we evaluate and characterize the biofilm-forming ability of 39 isolates of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli isolates recovered from human infection and belonging to seropathotypes A, B, or C. The presence and/or production of biofilm factors such as curli, cellulose, autotransporter, and fimbriae were investigated. The polymeric matrix of these biofilms was analyzed by confocal microscopy and by enzymatic digestion. Cell viability and matrix integrity were examined after sanitizer treatments. Isolates of the seropathotype A (O157:H7 and O157:NM), which have the highest relative incidence of human infection, had a greater ability to form biofilms than isolates of seropathotype B or C. Seropathotype A isolates were unique in their ability to produce cellulose and poly-N-acetylglucosamine. The integrity of the biofilms was dependent on proteins. Two autotransporter genes, ehaB and espP, and two fimbrial genes, z1538 and lpf2, were identified as potential genetic determinants for biofilm formation. Interestingly, the ability of several isolates from seropathotype A to form biofilms was associated with their ability to agglutinate yeast in a mannose-independent manner. We consider this an unidentified biofilm-associated factor produced by those isolates. Treatment with sanitizers reduced the viability of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli but did not completely remove the biofilm matrix. Overall, our data indicate that biofilm formation could contribute to the persistence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli and specifically seropathotype A isolates in the environment.  相似文献   

Ampicillin resistance is a marker for hospital-associated Enterococcus faecium. Feces from 208 dogs were selectively screened for the occurrence of ampicillin-resistant E. faecium (AREF). AREF was detected in 42 (23%) of 183 dogs screened in a cross-sectional study in the United Kingdom and in 19 (76%) of 25 dogs studied longitudinally in Denmark. AREF carriage was intermittent in all dogs studied longitudinally. Multilocus sequence typing of 63 canine AREF isolates revealed the presence of 13 distinct sequence types. Approximately 76% of the isolates belonged to hospital-adapted clonal complex 17 (CC17), including those of sequence types ST-78 and ST-192, which are widespread in European and Asian hospitals. Longitudinal screening of 18 healthy humans living in contact with 13 of the dogs under study resulted in the identification of a single, intermittent CC17 carrier. This person carried one of the sequence types (ST-78) recovered from his dog. Based on PCR and Southern hybridization analyses, the putative virulence gene cluster from orf903 to orf907 was widespread in canine AREF isolates (present in 97%), whereas orf2351 (present in 26% of isolates) and orf2430 (present in 31%) were strongly associated with CC17-related sequence types (P < 0.05). Surprisingly, esp and hyl were not detected in any of the isolates. The antimicrobial resistance profiles of canine AREF isolates generally differed from those previously described for clinical human isolates. The results indicate that dogs are frequent carriers of CC17-related lineages and may play a role in the spread of this nosocomial pathogen. The distinctive virulence and antimicrobial resistance profiles observed among canine AREF isolates raise interesting questions about the origin and evolution of the strains causing human infections.Enterococci are opportunistic pathogens and form part of the normal gastrointestinal flora in humans and animals. Over the last two decades, nosocomial infections caused by enterococci have emerged and their incidence has increased rapidly, first in the United States and recently in Europe (25, 26, 29). Although Enterococcus faecalis is the causative agent in most enterococcal infections, a shift toward infections caused by multidrug-resistant E. faecium has been noted in the last years, and presently, up to one-third of enterococcal infections in some countries are attributed to this species (17). This shift may be explained by changes in the patterns of antimicrobial usage, which may have resulted in the emergence of a distinct genogroup of hospital-associated ampicillin-resistant E. faecium (AREF) strains, currently labeled clonal complex 17 (CC17) (33). CC17 isolates are characterized by resistance to ampicillin and fluoroquinolones, as well as by the presence in most isolates of putative virulence genes encoding the enterococcal surface protein (esp) and hyaluronidase (hyl) and five recently described open reading frames (ORFs; orf903, orf904.5, orf906.7, orf2351, and orf2430) encoding LPXTG surface proteins, which are found less frequently among other E. faecium lineages (15, 20, 27).Based on the results of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) (28) and amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis (34), E. faecium isolates of animal origin seem to be host specific and generally unrelated to human lineages of clinical importance. Prior to this study, AREF CC17 strains have been isolated only sporadically from animals, including pigs (2, 10) and more recently dogs (8). Following these unexpected findings, the present study was designed to investigate the prevalence and shedding patterns of AREF in dogs. A cross-sectional study and two longitudinal studies involving a total of 208 dogs and 479 canine fecal samples were conducted in the United Kingdom and in Denmark, respectively. Canine isolates were characterized by MLST, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, and putative virulence gene profiling to assess the genetic relationship between human and canine AREF strains.  相似文献   

Enteroviruses (EVs) infecting African Non-Human Primates (NHP) are still poorly documented. This study was designed to characterize the genetic diversity of EVs among captive and wild NHP in Cameroon and to compare this diversity with that found in humans. Stool specimens were collected in April 2008 in NHP housed in sanctuaries in Yaounde and neighborhoods. Moreover, stool specimens collected from wild NHP from June 2006 to October 2008 in the southern rain forest of Cameroon were considered. RNAs purified directly from stool samples were screened for EVs using a sensitive RT-nested PCR targeting the VP1 capsid coding gene whose nucleotide sequence was used for molecular typing. Captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) were primarily infected by EV types already reported in humans in Cameroon and elsewhere: Coxsackievirus A13 and A24, Echovirus 15 and 29, and EV-B82. Moreover EV-A119, a novel virus type recently described in humans in central and west Africa, was also found in a captive Chimpanzee. EV-A76, which is a widespread virus in humans, was identified in wild chimpanzees, thus suggesting its adaptation and parallel circulation in human and NHP populations in Cameroon. Interestingly, some EVs harbored by wild NHP were genetically distinct from all existing types and were thus assigned as new types. One chimpanzee-derived virus was tentatively assigned as EV-J121 in the EV-J species. In addition, two EVs from wild monkeys provisionally registered as EV-122 and EV-123 were found to belong to a candidate new species. Overall, this study indicates that the genetic diversity of EVs among NHP is more important than previously known and could be the source of future new emerging human viral diseases.  相似文献   



Taenia solium cysticercosis/taeniosis is emerging as a serious public health and economic problem in many developing countries. This study was conducted to determine prevalence and risk factors of human T. solium infections in Mbeya Region, Tanzania.

Methods and Findings

A cross-sectional survey was conducted in 13 villages of Mbozi district in 2009. Sera of 830 people (mean 37.9±11.3 years (SD); 43% females) were tested for circulating cysticerci antigen (Ag-ELISA) and antibody (Ab-ELISA). A subset of persons found seropositive by Ag-ELISA underwent computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain for evidence of neurocysticercosis. Stool samples from 820 of the same participants were tested for taeniosis by copro-antigens (copro-Ag-ELISA) and formol-ether concentration technique. Cases of T. solium taeniosis were confirmed serologically by EITB assay (rES38). A questionnaire was used for identification of risk factors. Active cysticercosis by positive Ag-ELISA was found in 139 (16.7%) persons while anti-cysticercal antibodies were detected in 376 (45.3%) persons by Ab-ELISA. Among 55 persons positive for Ag-ELISA undergoing CT scan, 30 (54.6%) were found to have structures in the brain suggestive of neurocysticercosis. Using faecal analysis, 43 (5.2%) stool samples tested positive for taeniosis by copro-Ag-ELISA while Taenia eggs were detected in 9 (1.1%) stool samples by routine coprology. Antibodies specifically against adult T. solium were detected in 34 copro-Ag-ELISA positive participants by EITB (rES38) indicating T. solium taeniosis prevalence of 4.1%. Increasing age and hand washing by dipping in contrast to using running water, were found associated with Ag-ELISA seropositivity by logistic regression. Gender (higher risk in females) and water source were risk factors associated with Ab-ELISA seropositivity. Reported symptoms of chronic severe headaches and history of epileptic seizures were found associated with positive Ag-ELISA (p≤0.05).


The present study indicates T. solium infection in humans is highly endemic in the southern highlands of Tanzania.  相似文献   

We studied the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) in isolated cerebral microvessels, and in mitochondria-enriched brain and liver preparations from six mammalian species, including human. We also studied MAO distribution in various tissues and in discrete brain regions of the rat. MAO was assessed by measuring the specific binding of [3H]pargyline, an irreversible MAO inhibitor, and the rates of oxidation of known MAO substrates: benzylamine, tyramine, tryptamine, and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Molecular forms of MAO were examined by using specific MAO inhibitors, and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after [3H]pargyline binding. In general, the liver from all species had higher MAO levels than the brain, with minor variation among species in their brain and liver MAO content. However, there were remarkable species differences in brain microvessel MAO, with rat microvessels having one of the highest MAO activity among all tissues, whereas MAO activities in brain microvessels from humans, mice, and guinea pigs were very low. In most rat tissues, including the brain, there was a preponderance of MAO-B over MAO-A. The only exceptions were the heart and skeletal muscle. Estimates of MAO half-life in rat brain microvessels, rat brain, and rat liver indicated that microvessel MAO had a higher turnover rate. The reasons underlying the remarkable enrichment of rat cerebral microvessels with MAO-B are unknown, but it is evident that there are marked species differences in brain capillary endothelium MAO activity. The biological significance of these findings vis a vis the role of MAO as a "biochemical blood-brain barrier" that protects the brain from circulating neurotoxins and biogenic amines should be investigated.  相似文献   

哺乳动物体细胞克隆及转基因技术,近些年发展迅速。尤其1997年‘多利’羊的诞生,对推动哺乳动物克隆及转基因技术的发展具有里程碑式的意义。本文介绍了哺乳动物体细胞克隆的方法,存在的问题和体细胞克隆的机理研究。对这些方法和研究理论进行了讨论,并探讨如何利用克隆技术进行转基因动物的制备。  相似文献   

The diversity and genetic differentiation of populations of Fusarium oxysporum associated with tomato fields, both endophytes obtained from tomato plants and isolates obtained from soil surrounding the sampled plants, were investigated. A total of 609 isolates of F. oxysporum were obtained, 295 isolates from a total of 32 asymptomatic tomato plants in two fields and 314 isolates from eight soil cores sampled from the area surrounding the plants. Included in this total were 112 isolates from the stems of all 32 plants, a niche that has not been previously included in F. oxysporum population genetics studies. Isolates were characterized using the DNA sequence of the translation elongation factor 1α gene. A diverse population of 26 sequence types was found, although two sequence types represented nearly two-thirds of the isolates studied. The sequence types were placed in different phylogenetic clades within F. oxysporum, and endophytic isolates were not monophyletic. Multiple sequence types were found in all plants, with an average of 4.2 per plant. The population compositions differed between the two fields but not between soil samples within each field. A certain degree of differentiation was observed between populations associated with different tomato cultivars, suggesting that the host genotype may affect the composition of plant-associated F. oxysporum populations. No clear patterns of genetic differentiation were observed between endophyte populations and soil populations, suggesting a lack of specialization of endophytic isolates.  相似文献   

Fungal infections remain a serious clinical problem with a high disease and financial burden, especially among immunocompromised and critically ill patients. Numerous efforts have not fully identified clinical and laboratory risk factors for increased susceptibility to fungal infections. The recent acquisition of knowledge about innate immune responses to fungi and genetic alterations in immunologic mechanisms has revealed additional genetic risk factors and has shed more light on the predisposition of individuals to fungal infections. The aim of this review is to address the findings of recent studies associating genetic factors with susceptibility to fungal infections, focusing on the most common opportunistic fungi, Candida and Aspergillus species.  相似文献   

Chlamydophila psittaci is found worldwide, but is particularly common among psittacine birds in tropical and subtropical regions. While investigating a human psittacosis outbreak that was associated with avian chlamydiosis in Hong Kong, we identified a novel adenovirus in epidemiologically linked Mealy Parrots, which was not present in healthy birds unrelated to the outbreak or in other animals. The novel adenovirus (tentatively named Psittacine adenovirus HKU1) was most closely related to Duck adenovirus A in the Atadenovirus genus. Sequencing showed that the Psittacine adenovirus HKU1 genome consists of 31,735 nucleotides. Comparative genome analysis showed that the Psittacine adenovirus HKU1 genome contains 23 open reading frames (ORFs) with sequence similarity to known adenoviral genes, and six additional ORFs at the 3′ end of the genome. Similar to Duck adenovirus A, the novel adenovirus lacks LH1, LH2 and LH3, which distinguishes it from other viruses in the Atadenovirus genus. Notably, fiber-2 protein, which is present in Aviadenovirus but not Atadenovirus, is also present in Psittacine adenovirus HKU1. Psittacine adenovirus HKU1 had pairwise amino acid sequence identities of 50.3–54.0% for the DNA polymerase, 64.6–70.7% for the penton protein, and 66.1–74.0% for the hexon protein with other Atadenovirus. The C. psittaci bacterial load was positively correlated with adenovirus viral load in the lung. Immunostaining for fiber protein expression was positive in lung and liver tissue cells of affected parrots, confirming active viral replication. No other viruses were found. This is the first documentation of an adenovirus-C. psittaci co-infection in an avian species that was associated with a human outbreak of psittacosis. Viral-bacterial co-infection often increases disease severity in both humans and animals. The role of viral-bacterial co-infection in animal-to-human transmission of infectious agents has not received sufficient attention and should be emphasized in the investigation of disease outbreaks in human and animals.  相似文献   

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