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This study presents three models to explain the mechanism oflast male sperm precedence in birds. Because passive loss ofsperm from the female reproductive tract occurs, all modelsincorporate this process. The three models are passive spermloss alone, stratification with passive sperm loss, and displacementwith passive sperm loss. With two inseminations containing thesame number of sperm, the models make the following predictions.For passive sperm loss alone, (1) differential paternity ispositively and linearly related to the time interval betweeninseminations, (2) with a slope that is equal to rate of lossof sperm from the female reproductive tract, (3) with an interceptthat is the same as the differential fertilizing capacity betweenthe semen of the two inseminations, and (4) the ratio of offspringfrom two inseminations remains constant over time. For stratification,(1) the relationship between differential paternity and theinterval between inseminations is nonlinear and exhibits a "brokenstick" pattern, with a substantial first-insemination precedencefor short intervals, and (2) the proportion of offspring fatheredby the first insemination increases over time. For displacement,the relationship between differential paternity and the intervalbetween inseminations is nonlinear and also exhibits a "brokenstick" pattern, but in contrast to the stratification model,sperm from the last insemination have precedence. Data fromthree experimental studies of the domestic fowl and one forthe turkey provide the opportunity to test these models, albeitto different extents. The data from all studies are consistentwith the passive sperm-loss model, except that one aspect ofone data set provided ambiguous support for stratification.None of the data provided any support for the displacement model. 相似文献
Anovulatory domestic hens (pregnant mare serum-treated) and normally cyclic domestic hens were artificially inseminated with 0.034 ml of pooled semen. A subsequent microscopic assessment of the uterovaginal sperm storage glands on days 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 post-insemination indicated that the sperm glands emptied over time in the normally cyclic hens, but not in the anovulatory hens. The data suggest that events associated with ovulation and/or oviposition are important to the sperm gland emptying process. 相似文献
Harold I. Calvin Kurt Grosshans Emily J. Blake 《Molecular reproduction and development》1986,14(3):265-275
Glutathione (GSH), the major low-molecular-weight thiol in mammalian cells, is believed to be a necessary factor for the transformation of the disulfide-stabilized sperm nucleus into the male pronucleus after fertilization. Its concentration in mouse ova, isolated from the ampulla of the oviduct after hormone-induced superovulation of 3–4-week-old mice, has been determined by an enzymic cycling microassay. The level found was 1.80 pmol per ovum. Mean ovum diameter was estimated as 71–72 μm, indicating a GSH concentration of 9–10 mM in the mouse egg. Administration of L-buthionine S, R-sulfoximine, an inhibitor of GSH biosynthesis, during the 2 days preceding ovulation, reduced ovum GSH content below 0.20 pmol (<1.0 mM). The mean GSH concentration of the hormone-stimulated ovaries was reduced from 3.2 mM to 0.2 mM under these conditions. It has also been demonstrated that measurement and manipulation of ovum and ovarian levels of GSH can aid in studying its function in ovaries, ova, and early embryos. Hormone-induced superovulation was achieved in BSO-treated prepuberal C57B1/6 X SJL mice whose ovaries contained less than 10% of control levels of GSH. Over 50% of the isolated ova were fertilized in vitro. However, abnormal one-cell embryos resulted in which the maternally derived pronucleus coexisted with an unchanged sperm nucleus, thus confirming that adequate levels of GSH are necessary for initiating transformation of the fertilizing sperm nucleus. 相似文献
Both gamete competition and gamete limitation can generate anisogamy from ancestral isogamy, and both sperm competition (SC) and sperm limitation (SL) can increase sperm numbers. Here, we compare the marginal benefits due to these two components at any given population level of sperm production using the risk and intensity models in sperm economics. We show quite generally for the intensity model (where N males compete for each set of eggs) that however severe the degree of SL, if there is at least one competitor for fertilization (N − 1 ≥ 1), the marginal gains through SC exceed those for SL, provided that the relationship between the probability of fertilization (F) and increasing sperm numbers (x) is a concave function. In the risk model, as fertility F increases from 0 to 1.0, the threshold SC risk (the probability q that two males compete for fertilization) for SC to be the dominant force drops from 1.0 to 0. The gamete competition and gamete limitation theories for the evolution of anisogamy rely on very similar considerations: our results imply that gamete limitation could dominate only if ancestral reproduction took place in highly isolated, small spawning groups. 相似文献
We evaluated: (1) cleavage rate after IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of in vivo- and in vitro-matured oocytes after vitrification (experiment 1); and (2) fetal development after transfer of resultant ICSI-derived embryos into recipients (experiment 2). In vivo-matured cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were recovered from gonadotropin-treated donors at 24 h after LH treatment. In vitro-matured oocytes were obtained by mincing ovaries (from local veterinary clinics) and placing COCs into maturation medium for 24 h. Mature oocytes were denuded and cryopreserved in a vitrification solution of 15% DMSO, 15% ethylene glycol, and 18% sucrose. In experiment 1, for both in vivo- and in vitro-matured oocytes, cleavage frequencies after IVF of control and vitrified oocytes and after ICSI of vitrified oocytes were not different (P > 0.05). After vitrification, blastocyst development occurred only in IVF-derived, in vitro-matured oocytes. In experiment 2, 18 presumptive zygotes and four two-cell embryos derived by ICSI of vitrified in vitro-matured oocytes and 19 presumptive zygotes produced from seven in vivo- and 12 in vitro-matured oocytes were transferred by laparoscopy into the oviducts of two recipients, respectively. On Day 21, there were three fetuses in one recipient and one fetus in the other. On Days 63 and 66 of gestation, four live kittens were born. In vivo viability of zygotes and/or embryos produced via ICSI of vitrified oocytes was established by birth of live kittens after transfer to recipients. 相似文献
V. V. Galat 《Russian Journal of Developmental Biology》2000,31(1):1-8
Recent success in assisted fertilization mainly depended on the development of sperm microinjection methods: intracytoplasmic sperm injection and subzonal insemination. Some basic mechanisms that under-lie fertilization were revealed by using intracytoplasmic sperm injection. In respect to this, problems of fertility, oocyte activation, formation of pronuclei and practical aspects of intracytoplasmic sperm injection are discussed. 相似文献
Eduardo Ehrenwald John E. Parks Robert H. Foote 《Molecular reproduction and development》1988,20(4):413-420
Several reports have indicated that sperm capacitation includes loss of membrane cholesterol (Chol) with a concomitant decrease in the Chol-to-phospholipid (PL) ratio. Methods were developed for quantifiable removal of bovine sperm Chol, which predisposed sperm to induction of the acrosome reaction upon addition of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Chol removal from bovine sperm on penetration of zona-free hamster and intact bovine ova in vitro. Washed ejaculated bovine sperm were incubated (2 h, 39°C) in a modified Tyrode's solution (TALP) containing (1) Chol-free liposomes (—Chol, 50 × 106 sperm and 600 nmol phospholipid/ml); (2) liposomes containing 30 mol% Chol (+ Chol, 2 × 108 sperm and 300 nmol total lipid/ml); or (3) no liposomes (Control). We have previously shown that net Chol efflux from sperm is 31% of the total sperm Chol with —Chol liposomes and less than 1% with control media. Sperm were then washed twice and challenged with LPC bound to bovine serum albumin (BSA) using celite as a carrier. Treated sperm (25 × 106) were incubated immediately with either zona-free hamster ova (HO) or in vitro matured bovine ova (BO) in 50-μl droplets of TALP under medical fluid in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air (3 h, 39°C). Ova were fixed in ethanol:acetic acid, stained with 1% orcein, and examined. Percent penetration (%P) of HO (X ± SEM) for 30 and 40 μg of LPC/mg BSA was 59.4 ± 5.3 and 82.9 ± 5.4; 38.5 ± 5.6 and 52.3 ± 4.7; and 16.0 ± 4.6; and 23.2 ± 5.6 for —Chol, Control, and + Chol treatments, respectively (n = 3). %P of BO (X ± SEM) for 30, 35, and 40 μg of LPC/mg BSA was 43.3 ± 5.4, 70.7 ± 7.5, and 81.5 ± 5.1 for —Chol and 16.4 ± 6.9, 36.2 ± 6.9, and 44.2 ± 8.6 for Control treatments, respectively (n = 3). In a second set of experiments %P of BO (X ± SEM) was 63.6 ± 6.8, 31.8 ± 4.9, and 10.5 ± 3.4 for —Chol, Control, and +Chol treatments, respectively, when 40 μg LPC/mg BSA was added (n = 2). %P and the number of sperm per fertilized ovum were consistently higher for the —Chol treatment for both HO and BO (P < .01). These results demonstrate that Chol removal from bovine sperm facilitates penetration of ova in vitro suggesting a potential role in bovine sperm capacitation. 相似文献
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation has been suggested as a possible cause of variation in male fertility because sperm activity is tightly coupled to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production, both of which are sensitive to mtDNA mutations. Since male‐specific phenotypes such as sperm have no fitness consequences for mitochondria due to maternal mitochondrial (and mtDNA) inheritance, mtDNA mutations that are deleterious in males but which have negligible or no fitness effect in females can persist in populations. How often such mutations arise and persist is virtually unknown. To test whether there were associations between mtDNA variation and sperm performance, we haplotyped 250 zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata from a large pedigreed‐population and measured sperm velocity using computer‐assisted sperm analysis. Using quantitative genetic ‘animal’ models, we found no effect of mtDNA haplotype on sperm velocity. Therefore, there is no evidence that in this system mitochondrial mutations have asymmetric fitness effects on males and females, leading to genetic variation in male fertility that is blind to natural selection. 相似文献
Melissah Rowe Terje Laskemoen Arild Johnsen Jan T. Lifjeld 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2013,280(1753)
Spermatozoa exhibit considerable interspecific variability in size and shape. Our understanding of the adaptive significance of this diversity, however, remains limited. Determining how variation in sperm structure translates into variation in sperm performance will contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary diversification of sperm form. Here, using data from passerine birds, we test the hypothesis that longer sperm swim faster because they have more available energy. We found that sperm with longer midpieces have higher levels of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP), but that greater energy reserves do not translate into faster-swimming sperm. Additionally, we found that interspecific variation in sperm ATP concentration is not associated with the level of sperm competition faced by males. Finally, using Bayesian methods, we compared the evolutionary trajectories of sperm morphology and ATP content, and show that both traits have undergone directional evolutionary change. However, in contrast to recent suggestions in other taxa, we show that changes in ATP are unlikely to have preceded changes in morphology in passerine sperm. These results suggest that variable selective pressures are likely to have driven the evolution of sperm traits in different taxa, and highlight fundamental biological differences between taxa with internal and external fertilization, as well as those with and without sperm storage. 相似文献
Stefan Lüpold Sara Calhim Simone Immler Tim R. Birkhead 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2009,276(1659):1175-1181
Sperm velocity is one of the main determinants of the outcome of sperm competition. Since sperm vary considerably in their morphology between and within species, it seems likely that sperm morphology is associated with sperm velocity. Theory predicts that sperm velocity may be increased by enlarged midpiece (energetic component) or flagellum length (kinetic component), or by particular ratios between sperm components, such as between flagellum length and head size. However, such associations have rarely been found in empirical studies. In a comparative framework in passerine birds, we tested these theoretical predictions both across a wide range of species and within a single family, the New World blackbirds (Icteridae). In both study groups, sperm velocity was influenced by sperm morphology in the predicted direction. Consistent with theoretical models, these results show that selection on sperm morphology and velocity are likely to be concomitant evolutionary forces. 相似文献
《Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences》2016,23(5):598-606
The way the dynamics of DNA fragmentation affects the growth of embryos in real time, and effectiveness of infertility treatment using the ICSI procedure were determined in 148 couples treated with the ICSI technique. The percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA (known as the DNA fragmentation index [DFI]) in semen samples was determined at 3, 6 and 12 h. Embryo culture was assessed continuously during 12 h of observation monitoring.Statistically significant difference was found in DFI at 12 h and outcome of treatment. For the remaining time intervals, no statistically significant differences were noted. An analysis of relationship between the DFI dynamics over time at individual measurements and achievement of pregnancy, confirmed a statistically significant relationship between the rate measured at 6–12 h of observations of DFI changes (DFI 12 h%/h), and achieving pregnancy. Correlation was observed between DFI (during 0, 3, 6 and 12 h), the growth rate in DFI, and time of embryo development. A statistically significant relationship was found between the rate from the start to the end of observations of the DFI, and outcome of treatment.Intensity level regarding fragmentation of sperm DNA and its growth rate affected the time of embryo development in the ICSI procedure. The most significant prognostic factor for achieving pregnancy was intensification of sperm DNA fragmentation after 12 h. 相似文献
Ignacio G. Hermosell Terje Laskemoen Melissah Rowe Anders P. M?ller Timothy A. Mousseau Tomá? Albrecht Jan T. Lifjeld 《Biology letters》2013,9(5)
Interspecific variation in sperm size is enigmatic, but generally assumed to reflect species-specific trade-offs in selection pressures. Among passerine birds, sperm length varies sevenfold, and sperm competition risk seems to drive the evolution of longer sperm. However, little is known about factors favouring short sperm or constraining the evolution of longer sperm. Here, we report a comparative analysis of sperm head abnormalities among 11 species of passerine bird in Chernobyl, presumably resulting from chronic irradiation following the 1986 accident. Frequencies of sperm abnormalities varied between 15.7 and 77.3% among species, more than fourfold higher than in uncontaminated areas. Nonetheless, species ranked similarly in sperm abnormalities in unpolluted areas as in Chernobyl, pointing to intrinsic factors underlying variation in sperm damage among species. Scanning electron microscopy of abnormal spermatozoa revealed patterns of acrosome damage consistent with premature acrosome reaction. Sperm length, but not sperm competition risk explained variation in sperm damage among species. This suggests that longer spermatozoa are more susceptible to premature acrosome reaction. Therefore, we hypothesize a trade-off between sperm length and sperm integrity affecting sperm evolution in passerine birds. 相似文献
Simmons Leigh W.; Wernham Julie; Garcia-Gonzalez Francisco; Kamien Dan 《Behavioral ecology》2003,14(4):539-545
Recent attention has focused on the role that sperm competitionmay play in the evolution of sperm morphology. Theoretical analysespredict increased sperm size, decreased sperm size, and no changein sperm size in response to sperm competition, depending onthe assumptions made concerning the life history and functionof sperm. However, although there is good evidence that spermmorphology varies widely within and between species, the adaptivesignificance of this variation has not been examined. Here wedocument significant intraspecific variation in sperm lengthin the field cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. Sperm length didnot influence the rate of migration of sperm from the spermatophoreto the female's spermatheca. We performed sperm competitiontrials in which we varied the numbers of sperm transferred byeach of two males that differed in the length of sperm theyproduced. Neither sperm length nor the number of sperm transferredinfluenced paternity. The same results were obtained using twodifferent methods for assigning paternity. The distributionof paternity across a female's mates was highly variable, withfrequently one, or more in the case of females mated to fourmales, principal sire. There were no mating order effects onpaternity. These data show that sperm do not mix randomly inthe female's spermatheca. We discuss several alternative explanationsfor the patterns of paternity observed. 相似文献
Frank J. Longo 《Molecular reproduction and development》1983,8(1):65-78
Studies examining cytoplasmic and sperm nuclear transformations in sea urchin (Arbacia punctulata) eggs inseminated at different periods after ammonia activation have been caried out at the light- and electron-microscopic levels of observation. Arbaca eggs treated with ammonia-seawater demonstrated chromosome condensation after DNA synthesis and underwent a chromosome cycle similar to that described for Lytechinus [Mazia, 1947]. Cortical granule reaction, fertilization cone formation, and sperm aster development in eggs fertilized at 20 (interphase), 50 (prometaphase), and 180 (interphase) min after ammonia activation were structurally simialr to processes in untreated zygotes. Cyclical changes in the formation of fertilization cones and sperm asters, as reported for eggs fertilized after activation by agents that induce a cortical granule reaction, were not observed. Although sperm nuclear transformations were prolonged (14 vs 18 min), male pronuclei that developed in eggs fertilized 20 min after ammonia activation were morphologically similar to those observed in fertilized, untreated ova and incorporated 3H-thymidine. Sperm incorporated into eggs at 50 min after ammonia activation underwent nuclear envelope breakdown and chromatin despersion; however, 3H-thymidine incorporation was not observed, and male pronuclei rarely developed (less than 5% of all specimens examined). Subsequent to dispersion, the paternal chromatin condensed into chromosomes which were associated with an aster. These results demonstrate that although ammonia-activated eggs inseminated at interphase or prometaphase undergo similar cytoplasmic alterations, sperm nuclear transformations vary with the chromosome cycle of the egg. 相似文献
Only male zebra finches (Poephila guttata) sing, and nuclei implicated in song behavior exhibit marked sex differences in neuron number. In the robust nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (RA), these sex differences develop because more neurons die in young females than in males. However, it is not known whether the sexually dimorphic survival of RA neurons is a primary event in sexual differentiation or a secondary response to sex differences in the number of cells interacting trophically with RA neurons. In particular, since sexual differentiation of the RA parallels the development of dimorphisms in the numbers of neurons providing afferent input from the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (lMAN) and the high vocal center (HVC), it has been hypothesized that sex differences in the size of these afferent populations trigger differential RA neuron survival and growth. To test this hypothesis, we lesioned either the lMAN or both the lMAN and HVC unilaterally in 12-day-old male and female zebra finches. Subsequently, RA cell death and RA neuron number and size were measured. Unilateral lMAN lesions increased cell death and decreased neuron number and size within the ipsilateral RA of both sexes. However, even in the lMAN-lesioned hemisphere, these effects were less pronounced in males than in females, so that by day 25 the volume, number, and size of neurons were sexually dimorphic in both the contralateral and ipsilateral RA. Similarly, the absence of both lMAN and HVC afferents did not prevent the emergence of sex differences in the number and size of RA neurons by 25 day posthatching. We conclude that these sex differences within the RA are not a secondary response to dimorphisms in the numbers of lMAN or HVC neurons providing afferent input. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 相似文献
Testes size, ejaculate quality and sperm competition in birds 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
ANDERS PAPE MØLLER 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1988,33(3):273-283
The relationship between testes size, ejaculate quality (volume, sperm concentration, number of sperm per ejaculate) and sperm competition in birds was analysed using data collected in artificial insemination studies. I hypothesized that ejaculate quality, because of natural selection, should be superior in species with intense sperm competition compared with other species. In regression analyses, testes weight increased with body weight, with an exponent less than one, and ejaculate volume increased with testes weight with an exponent not significantly different from one, whereas sperm number per ejaculate increased with testes weight with an exponent larger than one. Species with relatively large testes also produced ejaculates with a high sperm concentration. Monogamous species with a relatively low intensity of sperm competition copulate rarely, but deliver ejaculates with a relatively large number of sperm. Monogamous species with a high intensity of sperm competition copulate frequently, but produce ejaculates with a relatively small number of sperm. Males of polygynous species, which also experience intense sperm competition, copulate rarely with specific females, but produce many ejaculates per male each with a relatively small number of sperm. 相似文献
Species-typical vocal patterns subserve species identification and communication for individual organisms. Only a few groups of organisms learn the sounds used for vocal communication, including songbirds, humans, and cetaceans. Vocal learning in songbirds has come to serve as a model system for the study of brain-behavior relationships and neural mechanisms of learning and memory. Songbirds learn specific vocal patterns during a sensitive period of development via a complex assortment of neurobehavioral mechanisms. In many species of songbirds, the production of vocal behavior by adult males is used to defend territories and attract females, and both males and females must perceive vocal patterns and respond to them. In both juveniles and adults, specific types of auditory experience are necessary for initial song learning as well as the maintenance of stable song patterns. External sources of experience such as acoustic cues must be integrated with internal regulatory factors such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and cytokines for vocal patterns to be learned and produced. Thus, vocal behavior in songbirds is a culturally acquired trait that is regulated by multiple intrinsic as well as extrinsic factors. Here, we focus on functional relationships between circuitry and behavior in male songbirds. In that context, we consider in particular the influence of sex hormones on vocal behavior and its underlying circuitry, as well as the regulatory and functional mechanisms suggested by morphologic changes in the neural substrate for song control. We describe new data on the architecture of the song system that suggests strong similarities between the songbird vocal control system and neural circuits for memory, cognition, and use-dependent plasticity in the mammalian brain. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 602–618, 1997 相似文献
Basal metabolic rate: heritability and genetic correlations with morphological traits in the zebra finch 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Studies of genetic variation in metabolic traits have so far not focused on birds. In our study population of captive zebra finches we found evidence for a significant heritable genetic component in basal metabolic rate (BMR). Heritability of all morphological traits investigated (body mass, head length, tars length and wing length) was significantly larger than zero. All traits were positively phenotypically correlated. Eight of 10 genetic correlations presented in this study differed significantly from zero, all being positive, suggesting the possibility of correlated responses to any selection acting on the traits. When conditioned on the genetic variance in body mass, the heritability of BMR was reduced from 25% to 4%. Hence, our results indicate that genetic changes in BMR through directional selection are possible, but the potential for adaptation independent of body mass may be limited. 相似文献
Between species, variation in sperm size has been related to male–female coevolution and male–male competition. In contrast, variation within species is poorly understood. A particular case of intraspecific sperm-size variation occurs in sperm-heteromorphic species, where males produce distinct sperm morphotypes, usually only one of which is fertile. This allows to investigate sperm size variation under different selection regimes. Nonfertile morphotypes, whose role is aside from fertilization, may have other functions, and this may be reflected by changes in developmental processes and a different phenotype compared to fertile sperm. We show that the intraspecific coefficient of variation in sperm length is up to four times lower for fertile than nonfertile morphotypes across 150 sperm-heteromorphic species (70 butterfly, 71 moth, 9 diopsid fly species). This is in agreement with a previous study on 11 species in the Drosophila obscura group. Significantly lower variation in fertile than nonfertile sperm morphometry may result from fertilization-related selection for optimal sperm size, novel functions of nonfertile sperm, or from tighter control of fertile sperm development. More data are needed to clarify the consequences and adaptive significance of within-morph variation, and its consistent pattern across sperm-heteromorphic insects.Co-ordinating editor: Hurst 相似文献
This study was designed to investigate the effect of the kinetics of nuclear maturation in bovine oocytes on early embryo development and to examine whether the time of insemination of mature oocytes affects the oocytes' ability to support events of early embryo development. The time required for completion of nuclear maturation was influenced by gonadotropins used to supplement the maturation medium. Luteinizing hormone (LH) enhanced the speed of nuclear maturation when compared to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Oocytes completing their nuclear maturation early (by 16 hours after the initiation of culture) were more likely to complete the first embryonic cell cycle (78% in LH vs. 43% in FSH) and develop to the blastocyst stage (47% in LH vs. 34% in FSH). As the age of the oocytes at the time of MII arrest increased (extrusion of the polar body by 20 or 24 hours), a decrease in their ability to cleave and develop to the blastocyst stage was observed. Differences in the oocyte's ability to decondense chromatin and form pronuclei were also observed. Early maturing oocytes started forming pronuclei earlier than their later maturing counterparts. The time of insemination of mature oocytes played an equally important role. Generally, when insemination of mature oocytes was delayed for 8 hours, higher proportions of fertilized oocytes developed to advanced preimplantation stages than did the oocytes inseminated immediately after metaphase II arrest. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:456–467, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献