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The ultrastructural localization of calcium in full-grown ovarian follicles of Xenopus laevis was demonstrated after fixation in the presence of fluoride ions and by means of energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. In hormonally untreated follicles (prophase I-arrested oocytes), two calcium sites were detected: follicle cells and oocyte pigment granules. In follicle cells, calcium containing deposits were preferentially associated with macrovilli, which ended by gap junctions. In human chorionic gonadotropin treated follicles (meiotically reinitiated oocytes), deposits were only seen in follicle cells. This is the first report of the cytochemical detection of intracellular Ca2+ in follicle cells of amphibians. The possible involvements of these Ca2+ stores in mediating the hormonal control of meiotic maturation are discussed.  相似文献   

D Dinsdale 《Tissue & cell》1983,15(3):417-428
The subcellular distribution of calcium has been investigated in samples, from the intestinal mucosa of 10-day rats, prepared for X-ray microanalysis by various techniques designed to minimize the loss of this element. Calcium retention and its threshold of detection was most satisfactory in freeze-dried frozen thin sections. In resin-embedded samples the best retention of calcium was found in specimens fixed in absolute ethanol, embedded without osmication, and sectioned onto glycerol. The results of this investigation indicate the presence of calcium in the supranuclear vacuole of enterocytes in the distal intestine of the neonatal rat. This calcium is probably taken up during the endocytosis of material from the intestinal lumen. The same mechanism may also be important in the uptake of other metals by suckling animals.  相似文献   

The distributions of K, Na, Mg and Ca within frog ovarian and oviductal oocytes were studied by electron probe wavelength dispersive X-ray microanalysis. An important heterogeneity could be found both in nuclear and jelly coated oocytes. The highest K, Mg and, to a lesser extent, Na concentrations were found in the pigmented area of the peripheral cytoplasm. There is a certain correlation between the distribution of K and Mg. The concentration of K (but not of Na) in the nucleus was higher than that in the non-pigmented cytoplasm. The distribution of Ca was rather uniform. The high amounts of K, Na and S determined in the oocyte jelly coat seem to have become accumulated by ion-exchange mechanism. Oocyte pigment granules are believed to be the site of ion compartmentalization and to play a role in regulation of intracellular ionic composition.  相似文献   

E Dux  I Tóth  L Dux  F Joó 《Histochemistry》1978,56(3-4):239-244
An electron histochemical study was undertaken to localize calcium with ammonium oxalate precipitation technique in soleus muscle of rat in normal cases and in myopathy induced experimentally by a prolonged treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4-D). The calcium content of precipitates was detected by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. In normal cases, the electron dense precipitates containing calcium were mainly found in the vesicles of sarcoplasmic reticulum, whereas in 2,4-D induced myopathy the deposits were shifted near the Z line into the myofibrils. Calcium, because the uptake into sarcoplasmic vesicles was inhibited by 2,4-D, could attach to other binding sites, such as to the troponin-C.A long-lasting binding of calcium might lead to a prolonged activation of the actin-myosin system.  相似文献   

Summary An electron histochemical study was undertaken to localize calcium with ammonium oxalate precipitation technique in soleus muscle of rat in normal cases and in myopathy induced experimentally by a prolonged treatment of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4-D). The calcium content of precipitates was detected by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. In normal cases, the electron dense precipitates containing calcium were mainly found in the vesicles of sarcoplasmic reticulum, whereas in 2,4-D induced myopathy the deposits were shifted near the Z line into the myofibrils. Calcium, because the uptake into sarcoplasmic vesicles was inhibited by 2,4-D, could attach to other binding sites, such as to the troponin-C.A long-lasting binding of calcium might lead to a prolonged activation of the actin-myosin system.Fellow of the Max-Planck Society at the Abteilung Neurobiologie, Neuroanatomie, Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen. Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

Ram spermatozoa were subjected to cold shock before fixation in pyroantimonate-osmium. Ultrathin sections revealed an electron-dense particulate precipitate in association with the cells. The precipitate was shown to be related to the presence of calcium by exposure of the material to EGTA which reduced or completely eliminated the deposits. In the acrosome region, very little precipitate was evident when the plasma membrane was intact. Cold shock resulted in the disruption of the plasma membrane. When the acrosome remained intact, precipitate was concentrated just anterior to the equatorial segment, but many cells also had acrosomal disruption and then a more even distribution of precipitate was seen on the outer acrosomal membrane. Precipitate was rarely visible within or beneath the acrosome. Post-acrosomally, calcium pyroantimonate deposits were frequently present in the dense lamina beneath the plasma membrane and these became more intense after cold shock. Midpiece sections revealed a few large granules beneath the plasma membrane and a fine particulate precipitate within mitochondria. Similarly, the fine precipitate was also associated with the outer dense fibres in midpieces and tails. Cold shock did not apparently increase the extent or intensity of precipitates in these sites.  相似文献   

Summary Cortical granules from fertilized eggs, oocytes and nurse cells of Ophryotrocha labronica have been analyzed for the presence of calcium using cryo-ultramicrotomy and X-ray microprobe analysis. All cortical granules showed a significant peak for calcium, but yolk granules were without calcium. These results support the hypothesis that the discharge of cortical granules shortly after fertilization is a self-propagating phenomenon involving the diffusion of Ca2+ from bursting granules.  相似文献   

Summary In Paramecium cells Ca++-stimulated triggering of the exocytosis of secretory vesicles (trichocysts) was achieved by ionophores X-537 A or A 23187. Under triggering conditions electron dense deposits were present in some resting trichocysts and regularly in discharging trichocysts; upon subsequent fixation deposits occurred on the trichocyst membrane (on the inner side or within the membrane) and on the inner lamellar sheath from where deposits seemed to radiate into the secretory materials. Similar results were obtained with glutardialdehyde fixation alone which also triggers exocytosis but only at low concentrations. Element analysis by energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis ascertained the presence of Ca and P in deposits occurring in trichocysts. Those resting trichocysts which were devoid of deposits did not contain Ca or P enriched. Hence, an abrupt Ca++-influx into individual trichocysts just before exocytosis seems to be involved in the triggering mechanism, possibly in combination with the sudden activation of an ATPase systemlocalized at those sites of the trichocysts which primarily contain the deposits. When paramecia were treated only with Ca++ and then fixed with OsO4 plus oxalate or merely with glutardialdehyde, electron scattering deposits were formed also on the inner side of the cell membrane and within the ciliary shaft (but rarely in trichocysts). Deposits obtained on cilia (including ciliary granule plaques) also contained Ca, P and S. Cells contain osmiophilic calcium-storing vacuoles which were selectively rich in Ca and S but devoid of P.  相似文献   

Summary Sections of neurosecretory cells fixed in glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide were studied by means of an EMMA-4 analytical microscope. Secretory granules in neurosecretory cells of the corpus cardiacum and of the brain, both in the desert locust Schistocerca and in the blowfly Calliphora, as well as neurosecretory granules in posterior pituitaries of the frog Rana and of the albino rat all contain a high concentration of calcium. A distinct sulphur peak was also a constant feature.In neurosecretory cells of the corpus cardiacum of Schistocerca the chromatin contained a high concentration of calcium. The mitochondria also contained much calcium, but part of this disappeared during preparation except when fixative and wash contained calcium chloride. By block staining with uranyl acetate most calcium is displaced from the mitochondria, whereas most of the calcium remains in the neurosecretory granules. Since the calcium peaks in spectra from neurosecretory granules appear of similar size, regardless of variations in the preparative procedure, this calcium must be firmly bound. The possible role of the calcium bound to the neurosecretory substance is discussed.The presence of sulphur in insect neurosecretory granules indicates the presence of a protein besides the hormone, i.e., an insect neurophysin.We wish to thank Dennis Greer for the operation of the analytical microscope. This work was supported by a Wellcome-Carlsberg Travelling Research Fellowship awarded to T.N. The EMMA-4 facility is supported by a grant from the British Science Research Council  相似文献   

We have investigated the distribution of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the new cuticle of moulting shore crabs (Carcinus maenas), using the K-pyroantimonate method in combination with X-ray microanalysis in order to identify antimony precipitates. During the premoult period, Ca2+ and Mg2+ accumulate in well-defined sites of the new pigmented layer. After moulting, mineralisation appears to begin preferntially at these sites. These form a honeycomb-like structure that quickly increases the rigidity of the new cuticle, with a small recruitment of material from extraneous sources. Mineralisation of the principal layer, on the other hand, immediately follows deposition of the organic matrix. Our experiments also provide evidence that the epidermal cell extensions associated with the pore canals are the means by which Ca2+ and Mg2+ are transferred from the epidermis into the mineralising cuticular layers. The plasma membrane of these cell extensions appears densely lined by particles of antimony precipitate that probably mark the location of the transporting sites. Shortly after moulting, the distribution of mineral deposits is such that the cell extensions cross the mineralised lamellae of the principal layer and constitute preferential access routes to the pigmented layer, where mineralisation is still in progress.  相似文献   

《Tissue & cell》1986,18(2):267-283
During the post-exuvial period, the posterior caeca of the terrestrial crustacean Orchestia quickly reabsorb the calcareous concretions stored during the pre-exuvial period through successive generations of spherules which appear, grow, then disappear from the apex to the base of a typical network of extracellular channels. The caecal epithelium is thus alternatively calcium-loaded and unloaded. Ultrastructural cytochemistry, using direct precipitating methods (potassium pyroantimonate, oxalic acid and sodium fluoride) or indirect substitution method (lead acetate) reveals that this extracellular pathway could be the main route for a massive transport down a concentration gradient of ionic or ionizable calcium which temporarily precipitates into instable spherules basally solubilized. Quantitative microanalysis of both frozen dry sections and anhydrous thin sections of cryosubstituted resin-embedded material indicates maximal paracellular calcium concentrations during the loading phases, which may be responsible not only for the calcification of the spherules but also for the abnormally high calcium content within the cytoplasm and the mitochondria.  相似文献   

Summary The conversion of exogenous 3H-farnesenic acid to 3H-methyl farnesoate and 3H-C16 juvenile hormone (JH) has been followed in the corpus allatum (CA) cells of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria by means of electron microscopic autoradiography. Aerobic and anaerobic chase incubations have been used to modify the quantities of these three compounds within the CA cells. Under all incubation conditions, radiolabel is found associated almost exclusively with the subcellular membrane systems — smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and Golgi elements —and with the mitochondria. CA cells are probably similar to vertebrate steroid-synthesizing cells in that the secretory product is synthesized in the SER and mitochondria.Radiolabel was found to be present in all cells of the CA suggesting that all cells are capable of at least the final two stages of JH biosynthesis (the esterification and epoxidation of 3H-farnesenic aid). This indicates that JH biosynthesis may be regulated through changes in the biosynthetic capabilities of individual cells rather than through changes in the total number of cells engaged in biosynthesis. Radiolabel was not observed to be associated with any distinctive cellular product, a result which provides additional evidence for the suggestion that the release of JH from the CA is governed by laws of simple physical diffusion.Supported by operating grants from the National Research Council of Canada to SST and ASMS. 3H-farnesenic acid was supplied by the late Dr. A.F. White of the Unit of Invertebrate Chemistry and Physiology, A.R.C., University of Sussex. We thank Dr. G.E. Pratt for helpful discussions  相似文献   

Summary Calcium localization was demonstrated in bovine longissimus muscle using the antimonate precipitation technique in combination with electron probe X-ray microanalysis. Samples were taken each hour during the first 24 h post-mortem, and then after a storage period of 8 and 15 days. For all sampling times analysed, heavy precipitates were seen in dense parts of nuclei and on N-lines of myofibrils. Up to 18–20 h post-mortem, deposits were observed in sarcoplasmic reticulum at the level of triads. In comparison with the earlier post-mortem samples, myoplasmic precipitates were strongly increased at 4 h post-mortem, and just before rigor onset, at 19 h where intermyofibrillar spaces were completely blackened and triads were no more visible. These localizations of precipitates were still observed up to 15 days post-mortem. At these storage times, myofibril disruptions were seen at the level of N-lines. Wavelength-dispersive and energy-dispersive spectrometric analyses indicated that significant amounts of calcium occurred in the dense precipitates observed.  相似文献   

Intracellular, loosely bound Ca++ has been localized electron microscopically in freshly ejaculated boar spermatozoa by in situ precipitation with potassium antimonate. Ca++ was identified as the cation precipitated by testing the EGTA-sensitivity of the precipitates and by X-ray microprobe analysis. The data obtained revealed that the outer acrosomal membrane is the preferential site for Ca++ precipitation in the sperm head.  相似文献   

S Suzuki  H Sugi 《Histochemistry》1989,92(2):95-101
The validity of the pyroantimonate method, which has been used for detecting intracellular Ca localization and translocation in smooth muscles, was examined by making cryosections of the relaxed anterior byssal retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis at various stages of procedures for preparing ordinary Epon-embedded sections and determining the elemental concentration ratios of the pyroantimonate precipitate, localized along the inner surface of the plasma membrane, with an energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer. The concentration of Ca (relative to that of Sb) in the precipitate stayed constant after the procedures of fixation, dehydration and Epon-embedding, while the concentrations of K, Mg, Na and Os showed their respective characteristic changes after the above procedures, being lower than that of Ca in the Epon-embedded sections. The presence of Ca in the precipitate was also demonstrated with an electron energy-loss spectrometer. The localization of Ca underneath the plasma membrane was also observed in the cryosections of the ABRM fibers prepared after mild fixation with acrolein vapor without using pyroantimonate. These results indicate that the pyroantimonate precipitate serves as a valid measure of intracellular Ca localization.  相似文献   

Summary The validity of the pyroantimonate method, which has been used for detecting intracellular Ca localization and translocation in smooth muscles, was examined by making cryosections of the relaxed anterior byssal retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis at various stages of procedures for preparing ordinary Epon-embedded sections and determining the elemental concentration ratios of the pyroantimonate precipitate, localized along the inner surface of the plasma membrane, with an energy dispersive X-ray microanalyzer. The concentration of Ca (relative to that of Sb) in the precipitate stayed constant after the procedures of fixation, dehydration and Epon-embedding, while the concentrations of K, Mg, Na and Os showed their respective characteristic changes after the above procedures, being lower than that of Ca in the Epon-embedded sections. The presence of Ca in the precipitate was also demonstrated with an electron energy-loss spectrometer. The localization of Ca underneath the plasma membrane was also observed in the cryosections of the ABRM fibers prepared after mild fixation with acrolein vapor without using pyroantimonate. These results indicate that the pyroantimonate precipitate serves as a valid measure of intracellular Ca localization.  相似文献   

Andrzej Tretyn  Jan Kopcewicz 《Planta》1988,175(2):237-240
Calcium distribution was studied in oat caryopses. Using the chlorotetracycline method it was found that membrane-associated Ca2+ was present in the aleurone layer. X-ray microanalysis confirmed the presence of calcium in aleurone cells; it also demonstrated the presence of considerable amounts of calcium in the cell wall surrounding these cells.Abbreviation CTC chlorotetracycline  相似文献   

《Micron (1969)》1982,13(1):7-21
X-ray microanalysis of mineral core of cellular localizations of ferritin in horse, sheep and rat spleen macrophages and in parenchymal cells of normal and pathological human liver was performed to obtain the net intensities of iron and phosphorus in the irradiated areas and to calculate the P:Fe ratios.For comparison the same analysis was performed on commercially produced horse spleen ferritin in two processings: unembedded and after treatment similar to tissue and embedded in Epon. Our analytical results of unembedded commercially produced horse spleen ferritin particles (1:15) confirmed the weight ratio suggested by Granick and Hahn (J. biol. Chem., 155: 661–669, 1944) for isolated crystallizable horse spleen ferritin in their chemical studies (1:16 or 1:14). After application of EM-tissue processing procedures to commercially produced horse spleen ferritin the ratio changed into 1:22, presumably by the loss of phosphorus. In spleen of three species the X-ray analytical results of ferritin particles in situ showed that in both localizations (clusters and lysosomes) the P:Fe ratios varied widely and the mean P:Fe ratios were generally higher than in embedded commercially produced horse spleen ferritin. Within these three species the mean P:Fe ratios of ferritin particles in two localizations of sheep and rat spleen were higher than in horse spleen. Moreover in sheep and rat spleen one third of the analysed clusters and lysosomes contained ferritin particles with zero phosphorus although sufficient iron was detected. Within all three species we found no statistically significant difference in mean P:Fe ratios between clusters and lysosomes.The X-ray analytical results in normal human liver parenchymal cells showed that as a result of very variable P:Fe ratios in ferritin-containing lysosomes, the mean P:Fe ratio was higher than in embedded commercially produced horse spleen ferritin and was nearly the same as in ferritin within clusters and lysosomes of horse spleen. In human liver with haemochromatosis, there were no significant variations in P:Fe ratios. The mean P:Fe ratio for ferritin particles in lysosomes was 1:13, much lower than in normal liver (1:39) and nearly the same as in unembedded commercially produced horse spleen ferritin (1:15). Our findings led us to conclude that in spleen macrophages and in parenchymal cells of normal liver among the populations of ferritin particles the iron-poor ferritin particles are more extensively present (especially in sheep and rat spleen) than in isolated crystallized horse spleen ferritin or ferritin-containing lysosomes of pathological human liver. In these iron-poor ferritin molecules the P:Fe ratio is variable from molecule to molecule and different from that suggested in the literature. The hypothesis of a constant ratio P:Fe for ferritin with different iron content is rejected. The formula for the composition of the mineral core of ferritin, as proposed by Granick and Hahn (1944) can only be considered correct for ferritin as iron-rich as isolated from horse spleen.  相似文献   

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