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Here we describe a two-stepped photobiotin-based procedure to enrich a target (canine retinal) cDNA library for tissue specific clones without removing those containing repetitive ( SINE ) elements, despite the presence of these elements in the driver population. In a first hybridization excess SINE elements were hybridized to a driver (canine cerebellar) cDNA. In a second hybridization target cDNA was added to this reaction. The resulting cDNA library was enriched for retinal specific clones, but contained the same ratio of clones with SINE elements found in the unsubtracted library.  相似文献   



PCR amplification of target molecules involves sequence specific primers that flank the region to be amplified. While this technique is generally routine, its applicability may not be sufficient to generate a desired target molecule from two separate regions involving intron /exon boundaries. For these situations, the generation of full-length complementary DNAs from two partial genomic clones becomes necessary for the family of low abundance genes.  相似文献   

The ability of certain theta-defensins, including retrocyclin-1, to protect human cells from infection by HIV-1 marks them as potentially useful molecules. Theta-defensins composed of L-amino acids are likely to be unstable in environments that contain host and microbial proteases. This study compared the properties of two enantiomeric theta-defensins, retrocyclin-1, and RC-112. Although these peptides have identical sequences, RC-112 is composed exclusively of D-amino acids, whereas retrocyclin-1 contains only L-amino acids. We compared the ability of these peptides to protect JC53-BL human cells from infection by 30 primary HIV-1 isolates. JC53-BL cells are modified HeLa cells that express surface CD4, CXCR4, and CCR5. They also contain reporter cassettes that are driven by the HIV-1 LTR, and express beta-galactosidase and luciferase. The HIV-1 isolates varied in co-receptor specificity and included subtypes A, B, C, D, CRF01-AE, and G. RC-112 was several fold more potent than retrocyclin-1 across the entire HIV-1 panel. Although RC-112 bound immobilized gp120 and CD4 with lower affinity than did retrocyclin-1, surface plasmon resonance experiments performed with 1 microg/mL of RC-112 and retrocyclin-1 revealed that both glycoproteins were bound to a similar extent. The superior antiviral performance of RC-112 most likely reflected its resistance to degradation by surface-associated or secreted proteases of the JC53-BL target cells. Theta-defensins composed exclusively of D-amino acids merit consideration as starting points for designing microbicides for topical application to the vagina or rectum.  相似文献   

To decipher the genetic architecture of human disease, various types of omics data are generated. Two common omics data are genotypes and gene expression. Often genotype data for a large number of individuals and gene expression data for a few individuals are generated due to biological and technical reasons, leading to unequal sample sizes for different omics data. Unavailability of standard statistical procedure for integrating such datasets motivates us to propose a two-step multi-locus association method using latent variables. Our method is powerful than single/separate omics data analysis and it unravels comprehensively deep-seated signals through a single statistical model. Extensive simulation confirms that it is robust to various genetic models as its power increases with sample size and number of associated loci. It provides p-values very fast. Application to real dataset on psoriasis identifies 17 novel SNPs, functionally related to psoriasis-associated genes, at much smaller sample size than standard GWAS.  相似文献   

Andrew J Haigh  Vett K Lloyd 《Génome》2006,49(8):1043-1046
Genomic imprinting is a process that genetically distinguishes maternal and paternal genomes, and can result in parent-of-origin-dependent monoallelic expression of a gene that is dependent on the parent of origin. As such, an otherwise functional maternally inherited allele may be silenced so that the gene is expressed exclusively from the paternal allele, or vice versa. Once thought to be restricted to mammals, genomic imprinting has been documented in angiosperm plants (J.L. Kermicle. 1970. Genetics, 66: 69-85), zebrafish (C.C. Martin and R. McGowan. 1995. Genet. Res. 65: 21-28), insects, and C. elegans (C.J. Bean, C.E. Schaner, and W.G. Kelly. 2004. Nat. Genet. 36: 100-105.). In each case, it appears to rely on differential chromatin structure. Aberrant imprinting has been implicated in various human cancers and has been detected in a number of cloned mammals, potentially limiting the usefulness of somatic nuclear transfer. Here we show that genomic imprinting associated with a mini-X chromosome is lost in Drosophila melanogaster clones.  相似文献   

A novel dynamical protocol for finding the low-energy conformations of a protein-ligand complex is described. The energy functions examined consist of an empirical force field with four different dielectric screening models; the generalized Born/surface area model also is examined. Application of the method to three complexes of known crystal structure provides insights into the energy functions used for selecting low-energy docked conformations and into the structure of the binding-energy surface. Evidence is presented that the local energy minima of a ligand in a binding site are arranged in a hierarchical fashion. This observation motivates the construction of a hierarchical docking algorithm that substantially enriches the population of ligand conformations close to the crystal conformation. The algorithm is also adapted to permit docking into a flexible binding site and preliminary tests of this method are presented. Proteins 33:475–495, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Vasa (Vas) is a conserved DEAD-box RNA helicase expressed in germline cells that localizes to a characteristic perinuclear structure called nuage. Previous studies have shown that Vas has diverse functions, with roles in regulating mRNA translation, germline differentiation, pole plasm assembly, and piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA)-mediated transposon silencing. Although vas has also been implicated in the regulation of germline proliferation in Drosophila and mice, little is known about whether Vas plays a role during the mitotic cell cycle. Here, we report a translation-independent function of vas in regulating mitotic chromosome condensation in the Drosophila germline. During mitosis, Vas facilitates robust chromosomal localization of the condensin I components Barren (Barr) and CAP-D2. Vas specifically associates with Barr and CAP-D2, but not with CAP-D3 (a condensin II component). The mitotic function of Vas is mediated by the formation of perichromosomal Vas bodies during mitosis, which requires the piRNA pathway components aubergine and spindle-E. Our results suggest that Vas functions during mitosis and may link the piRNA pathway to mitotic chromosome condensation in Drosophila.  相似文献   

To apply genetics to the problem of human polyglutamine-repeat disease, we recreated polyglutamine-repeat disease in Drosophila melanogaster. To do this, we expressed forms of the human gene encoding spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, also called Machado-Joseph disease (SCA-3/MJD). This gene is responsible for the most common form of human ataxia worldwide. Expression of a normal form of the MJD protein with 27 polyglutamines (MJDtr-Q27) had no phenotype. However, expression of a form of the protein with an expanded run of 78 glutamines (MJDtr-Q78) caused late onset progressive degeneration. In addition, the MJDtr-Q78 formed abnormal protein aggregates, or nuclear inclusions (NIs), whereas the control protein was cytoplasmic. These data indicate that the mechanisms of human polyglutamine-repeat disease are conserved to Drosophila. We are currently using this model to address potential mechanisms by which the mutant disease protein causes neural degeneration, as well as to define genes that can prevent polyglutamine-induced degeneration. By applying the power of Drosophila genetics to the problem of human polyglutamine-induced neural degeneration, we hope to identify ways to prevent and treat these diseases in humans.  相似文献   

In order to study mitotic homologous recombination in somatic Drosophila melanogaster cells in vitro and to learn more on the question how recombination is influenced by mutagens, a genetic system was developed where spontaneous and drug-induced recombination could be monitored. Two recombination reporter substrates were stably introduced in multiple copies into the genome of established D. melanogaster Schneider line 2 cells: one plasmid (pSB310) contained the 5′ and 3′ deleted neomycin phosphoribosyltransferase alleles neoL and neoR as direct repeats; the other (pSB485) contained similar deletions (lacZL and lacZR) of the β-galactosidase gene (lacZ). Restoration of a functional neo gene upon mitotic recombination between homologous sequences allowed direct selection for the event, whereas recombination in single cells harbouring the integrated lacZ-based reporter plasmid was detected by histochemical staining or flow cytometric analysis (FACS). The neo-based construct in the clonal transgenic cell line 44CD4 showed a spontaneous recombination frequency of 2.9×10−4, whereas the 485AD1 cell line harbouring the lacZ-based construct exhibited a frequency of 2.8×10−4. The alkylating agents EMS and MMS and the clastogen mitomycin C were able to induce recombination in the 485AD1 cell line in a dose-dependent manner. The results obtained from these studies suggest that the transgenic cell lines are potentially useful tools for identifying agents which stimulate direct repeat recombination in somatic Drosophila cells.  相似文献   

A novel primer extension-based, multiplex minisequencing assay targeting six highly informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four virulence genes correctly identified and differentiated all four epidemic clones (ECs) of Listeria monocytogenes and 9 other strains initially misclassified as non-ECs. This assay allows rapid, accurate, and high-throughput screening for all known ECs of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus is an important human pathogen, but it appears more commonly in asymptomatic colonization of the nasopharynx than in cases of invasive disease. Evidence concerning the global population structure of S. aureus is limited by the overrepresentation in the multilocus sequence testing database of disease isolates recovered from Western Europe, the Americas, Australia, and Japan. We address this by presenting data from the S. aureus carriage population in Mali, the first detailed characterization of asymptomatic carriage from an African population. These data confirm the pandemic spread of many of the common S. aureus clones in the carriage population. We also note the high frequency (approximately 24%) of a single divergent genotype, sequence type 152 (ST152), which has not previously been recovered from nasal carriage isolates but corresponds to a sporadic Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive, community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus clone noted mostly in Central Europe. We show that 100% of the ST152 isolates recovered from nasal carriage samples in Mali are PVL positive and discuss implications relating to the emergence and spread of this virulent genotype.  相似文献   

The cloning of large DNAs as yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) holds the promise of greatly expanding the scope of physical genomic mapping. Recent improvements in YAC clone libraries and their screening, as well as in the analysis of YAC-cloned DNA, are beginning to fulfill the potential of this system.  相似文献   

A method of chromosome spreading on microscopic slides was modified for electron microscopy of metaphase chromosomes in Drosophila tissues. The slides covered with an electron transparent film were plasmochemically modified to make them hydrophilic. A piece of fixed tissue was macerated in 60% propionic acid before spreading chromosomes over the slide. The parts of preparation selected under light microscope for electron microscopic examination were cut and peeled of the slide to the top of a water drop. It was shown that the resolution of chromosomal structures was significantly higher than seen under optical microscope, but lower than in serial sections.  相似文献   

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